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Bibliothèque de la Ville, La Chaux-de-Fonds (BV) includes correspondence with his family and with August Klipstein; and documents relating to projects for Ernest-Albert and Hermann Ditisheim
Fondation Le Corbusier in Paris (FLC) includes correspondence with Charles L’Eplattenier
Schweizerische Landesbibliothek, Bern includes correspondence with William Ritter
Institut Français d’Architecture, Fonds Perret includes correspondence with Auguste Perret
Many of the original letters in the BV and FLC have been transcribed and are available on computer at the FLC.
Selected titles, in chronological order
Jeanneret, Charles-Edouard. Etude sur le mouvement d’art décoratif en Allemagne. La Chaux-de-Fonds: Editions Haefeli, 1912. Reprint, New York: Da Capo Press, 1968.
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———. “Le Renouveau dans l’architecture.” L’Oeuvre, revue mensuelle (Bern) 2 (June 1914): 33–37.
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———. “Intégrer.” Création, no. 2 (November 1921): 9–10.
Le Corbusier-Saugnier. Vers une architecture. Paris: Crès, 1923. Translated by Frederick Etchells under the title Towards a New Architecture (New York: Pay son and Clarke; London: Rodker, 1927).
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———. L’Art décoratif d’aujourd’hui. Paris: Crès, 1925. Translated under the title The Decorative Art of Today (London: The Architectural Press, 1987).
———. Almanach d’architecture moderne. Paris: Crès, 1926.
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———. Une maison, un palais. Paris: Crès, 1928.
———. Oeuvre complète. 7 vols. Zurich: Girsberger, 1930–71. Author and editors vary slightly from volume to volume; of greatest interest here is vol. 1, 1910–1929, edited by Willy Boesiger and Oscar Stonorov (1937).
———. Précisions sur un état présent de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme. Paris: Crès, 1930.
———. Clavier de couleur Salubra. Basel: Salubra, 1931. 2d ed., 1959.
———. “Descartes est-il américain?” 1931. In Les plans de Paris, 1922–1956. Paris: Les Editions de Minuit, 1956, pp. 65–73.
———. “Perret par Le Corbusier.” L’Architecture d’aujourd’hui 3, no. 7 (1932): 8.
———. Quand les cathédrales étaient blanches. Paris: Pion, 1937. Translated by Francis E. Hyslop under the title When the Cathedrals Were White: A Journey to the Country of the Timid People (New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1947).
———. La ville radieuse. Boulogne-sur-Seine: Editions de L’Architecture d’aujourd’hui, 1935. Translated under the title The Radiant City (London: Faber, 1967).
———. Sur les quatre routes. Paris: Gallimard, 1941. Translated under the title The Four Routes (London: D. Dobson, 1947).
———. Entretien avec les étudiants des écoles d’architecture. Paris: Denoël, 1943.
———. Manière de penser l’urbanisme. Boulogne-sur-Seine: Editions de L’Architecture d’aujourd’hui, 1946. 2d ed., Geneva, Gonthier, 1963.
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———. Textes et planches. Paris: Vincent & Fréal, 1960. German edition under the title Mein Werk (Stuttgart: Hatje, 1960).
———. Le Voyage d’orient. Paris: Forces Vives, 1966. Translated by Ivan Zaknic under the title Journey to the East (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1987).
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Ch.-E.Jeanneret – Le Corbusier: Album La Roche. Edited by Stanislaus von Moos. Milan: Electa, 1996. In English and French under the same title (Paris: Gallimard, 1996).
The Le Corbusier Archive. Edited by H. Allen Brooks. 32 vols. New York, London, and Paris, 1982–84).
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