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Description: Le Corbusier Before Le Corbusier: Applied Arts, Architecture, Painting, and...
PublisherBard Graduate Center
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Académie royale d’architecture, Procès-verbaux of, 99
Alfortville brick factory, 226
Alberti, Leon Battista, 144
Album La Roche, 152
Almanach de l’architecture moderne, 124, 179, 182
“Sur l’Acropole” (figs. 258, 261), 182, 184
Amiet, Cuno, 35
Verschneite Obstbäume (fig. 22), 35
Apollinaire, Guillaume, 36, 42, 136
Appia, Adolphe, 183
Espaces rythmiques (fig. 20), 34
Après le Cubisme, 70, 135, 137, 273, 274, 278
Après l’orage, 30–1
L’Architecture, journal, 100
“Architecture II: l’illusion des plans,” article, 97
Arnolfo di Cambio, 142
L’Artisan furniture, 234
L’Art décoratif d’aujourd’hui, 24, 172, 259
Art Nouveau, 16, 17, 48, 83, 110, 115, 133, 170, 203, 208, 230, 264
Arts and Crafts Movement, 29, 48, 115, 203, 264
Athens, 24, 35, 62, 86, 172, 182–5, 194
Erechtheion (figs. 82, 263), 72, 72, 93, 184
Parthenon/Acropolis (figs. 19, 25766), 34, 34, 41, 42, 62, 72, 72, 134, 136, 172, 174, 182–4, 182–5, 189, 194, 223
Aubert, Georges, 131, 156
Augsburg, 82
Balkans, 161, 172–5, 260
Balla, Giacomo, 37
Bamberg, Prell house, 60
Bandinelli, Baccio, Hercules and Cacus, 152
Barney, Nathalie Clifford, 267
Barr, Alfred H., 132
Bauchant, André, 250
Baudin, Henri, 52
Baudot, Anatole, 47, 48
Behrens, Peter, 33, 52, 70, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85–6, 91, 114, 133, 196, 197, 208
Bootshaus Elektra (fig. 89), 78, 79
Cuno house, 70, 71
Wiegand House (fig. 102), 92, 192, 225
Bellini, Jacopo, 152
Benoît, François, 99
Berger, paint manufacturer, 130
Bergson, Henri, 228
Berlage, Hendrik Petrus, 77, 79
Berlin, 52, 82–3, 92, 133, 172, 208
Berne, Halenbrücke (fig. 302), 198
Bernhardt, Sarah, 228
Berque, Jean, 119
Berty, Adolphe, Topographie historique du Vieux-Paris, 200
Bienne/Biel (Switzerland), 198
Blanc, Charles, 77
Grammaire des arts du dessin, 84
Bloch, Ernst, Das Prinzip Hoffnung, 23
Blondel, Jacques-François, Architecture Françoise, 104
Böcklin, Arnold, 260, 267
Boeswillwald, Paul-Louis, 47
Boffrand, Germain, 200, 218
Boillot, Léon, 117, 119, 119, 230
Bois, Yve-Alain, 96
Boissonas, Fred, 42
Le bol blanc, 277
Le bol rouge (fig. 167), 136, 137, 273, 277
study for (fig. 455), 277, 277
Bongard, Germaine, 136
Bonifas, 238
bookcases (figs. 135, 145, 372, 400401), 117, 118, 121, 122, 233, 233, 246, 246–7, 248
Borromino, Francesco, 193
Bramante, Donato, 82, 87, 188
Braque, Georges, 13, 127
Brassaï, 264
Breuer, Marcel, 109
Brinckmann, Albert Erich, 104
Platz und Monument 83, 84
Brittany, traditional houses (fig. 48), 51
Brooks, H. Allen, 91, 92, 155
Le Corbusier’s Formative Years, 9
Brooks, Romaine, 267
Brucculeri, Antonio, 11, 99–107
Bruckner, Anton, 260
Brunelleschi, 32
Budapest, 262
farmhouse near (fig. 431), 262
Bulgaria, 86, 174
Gabrovo, 174, 174–5
Kazanlak, 172
village architecture, 60
Bulletin Thomas, 274
Burckhardt, Jacob, 37
Burgh, William, 41
Bursa, Green Mosque (fig. 106), 41, 86, 97, 97
cabinets (figs. 3746, 4036), 234, 234–5, 248–9
Cahiers vaudois, 53
Calame, Albert, 25
Carabin, Rupert, 135, 267, 268
Carlevarijs, 152
Carpenter Center, 225
casiers standard, 121, 122, 123, 124, 248, 248–9
Cellini, Benvenuto, Perseus, 147
Cendrars, Blaise, 36–7
“Prose du Transibèrien...” (fig. 23
with Sonia Delaunay), 36, 37, 42
ceramics/pottery (figs. 40611), 250, 250–1
Cézanne, Paul, 13, 36, 85, 135, 260, 264
chairs/armchairs (figs. 124, 1323). 109, 109, 116–17, 122, 122–3, 128, 230, 246, 252, 252–5, 254–5
bentwood (figs. 41619), 254–5, 254–5
bergères à paille, (figs. 41214), 252–3, 252–3
“Bernard” (fig. 147), 122, 122
chaise longue, 109, 116
fauteuil à dossier basculant, 109, 272
“Franklin” (fig. 146), 122, 122
“Grand Confort,” 109, 123
for Hermann Ditisheim (figs. 366, 368), 231
for Maurice Levaillant (fig. 146–8), 122, 122–3
for Moïse Schwob (fig. 133), 116
Thonet, 122, 128, 254
Challuy Slaughterhouse (figs. 3536), 90, 95, 224–5, 224–5
Chandigarh Assembly Chamber, 207
Chapallaz, René (fig. 88), 17, 65, 77, 77, 204, 209
Charpentier, architect, 228
Chartres Cathedral (figs. 42, 438), 48, 48, 156, 266, 266
La Cheminée (figs. 168, 454), 133, 135, 136–7, 137, 274, 275, 277
Choisy, Auguste, 77, 78
Acropolis (fig. 32), 41, 41
Histoire de l’architecture (fig. 170), 41, 48–9, 138, 139–40, 274
Chossonnerie, timber merchants, 122
Church, Henry, 228
“Classement et choix” (article in ’Esprit Nouveau fig. 8), 26–7, 28
Cingria-Vaneyre, Alexandre, 164, 172, 190
Les Entretiens de la Villa du Rouet, 52–3, 191, 196
Claude Lorrain, 43
Cogniat, Raymond, 100
Collection de l’Esprit Nouveau, 125
Cologne, Deutsche Werkbund congress (1914), 89, 90
Coloristes, 115, 128
Commentaire, 266
commode (fig. 369), 232
Compiègne, 99, 114
“La Construction des Villes,” 40, 56, 57–8, 61, 64, 69, 82, 84, 104, 152, 165, 166, 170, 198
Corot, Camille, 27
Courbet, Gustave, 35, 36
Cubism, 39, 42, 96, 134, 135, 136, 138, 264, 268, 274
Cubism and Abstract Art exhibition (fig. 162), 132, 272
Danube, River, 172–3
fortress near Negotin (fig. 242), 173, 173
with Railway Bridge (fig. 241), 172, 173
d’Argenville, Antoine Dézallier, 102
La Théorie et la pratique du jardinage (Jeanneret’s sketches after (figs. 11315), 103
Darmstadt, 56, 85
Daumier, Honoré, 36
De Stijl, 42, 43, 129
Delacroix, Eugène, 36
Delaunay, Robert, 36, 37
Delaunay, Sonia, 36, 37
“Prose du Transibérien et de la Petite Jehanne de France” (fig. 23: with Blaise Cendrars), 36, 37
Delaunay-Terck, Mme, 42
Denis, Maurice, 85, 133
Denis, Robert, 100
Descoeudres, Dr., lamp of, 239
desk-bookcase-music cabinets (figs. 12830), 112, 113, 113, 114, 115, 115, 116, 236
see also bookcase; writing-desk
Deutsche Werkbund, 82, 89, 90, 226–7
Deux nus féminins (fig. 442), 267, 268, 264
Didier des Gachons & Ravel, Paris, 256
Dieulafoy, Marcel, 49
Directoire style (figs. 132, 367), 113, 116, 117, 230, 231, 233, 242
Ditisheim family, 110, 111, 242
Ditisheim, Ernest Albert, house, apartment of (figs. 364, 3746), 230, 230, 234, 234–5
Ditisheim, Hermann, apartment (figs. 3656, 368, 3702), 230, 230–3, 233, 234, 254, 255
desk-chair for (fig. 418), 255
fumoir (figs. 365, 368), 111, 230, 230–1, 233
Ditisheim, Robert, 234, 234, 247
Doesburg, Theo van, 42
“Maison d’artiste” (fig. 36), 42, 43
Dom-ino project see Maison Dom-ino
Donatello, 146, 147, 147
Judith and Holofernes, 147
Dongen, Kees van, 133
Doré, Gustave, 25
Du Bois, Max, 198, 226
Dubois, Léopold, 226
Ducros, Françoise, 11, 133–40
Edirne, Turkey, 178
Caravansaray (fig. 249), 178, 178
Eski Selimiye Mosque, 179
Eesteren, van, 42
Egger, Jean, 119, 124, 234, 241, 252
Epstein, Jean, 138, 140
L’Esprit Nouveau, journal, 6, 26, 37, 38, 39, 43, 46, 52, 70, 96, 118, 122, 124, 137–8, 139, 184, 193, 217, 220, 242, 243, 252, 260
“Classement et choix” (figs. 8, 292), 26–7, 28, 194
“Compagnie Générale Transatlantique” (advertisement), 23
“L’Illusion des plans,” 65, 193, 244
“La Leçon de Rome,” 152, 193
“Maison Bouteille” project (fig. 89), 90
“La Sixtine de Michel-Ange,” 193
“Sur la plastique,” montage (fig. 28), 38
“Sur la plastique: Tout est sphères et cylindres” (fig. 96), 88
“L’Esprit nouveau en architecture” (Sorbonne lecture), 49
Eternit, 226, 227, 234
Etude sur le mouvement d’art décoratif en Allemagne, 36, 69, 115, 121, 166
Eve s’enfuyant du Paradis terrestre, 269
Everite (figs. 3579), 226–7, 226–7
Fallet, Louis, 17
Farrère, Claude, 172, 177
fauvism, 133, 135, 264
Femme et coquillage (fig. 445), 135, 269, 269
Feuille d’Avis de La Chaux-de-Fonds, 6, 23, 172, 177
Feuille d’Avis de Neuchâtel, 260
Fiedler, Konrad, 78, 84
Firminy church project, 207
Fischer, Theodor, 77, 82, 164, 168
Fischetti, Luigi, Pompei com’era, 186
Five Points of a New Architecture, 89, 214, 225
Floesheim-Levaillant, Hélène (Marcel’s sister), 113, 118
Florence, 142–7, 172
Baptistery (figs. 1745), 144, 144
Cantoria from Duomo (figs. 1803), 146, 147
Loggia dei Lanzi (fig. 232), 142, 147, 167, 167, Old Sacristy of S. Lorenzo, Cantoria (figs. 179, 184), 146–7, 147
Palazzo della Signoria, 143
Palazzo Vecchio (fig. 172), 30, 142, 142–3, 143
S. Maria del Fiore (fig. 173), 143, 143
S. Maria Novella: wall tombs (figs. 1768), 144, 145, 148
see also Santa Croce
Follot, Paul, 228
Fontainebleau, 99, 114
“The Four Compositions” (diagram), 43
“France,” SS, Directoire furniture on (fig. 367), 231
Fribourg, 154
lower town with fountain (fig. 225), 164, 164
Fuller, Buckminster, 45
Gabriel, 91
Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 174, 191
Monastery Church (fig. 245), 174, 175
Square with Tower and Fountain (fig. 244), 174
Garage Ponthieu, Perret’s, 221
Gaudin, Félix, 258
Gauguin, Paul, 85
Gaut, hôtel particulier, 100
Geneva, 112, 252
Banque Cantonale (fig. 289), 196, 197
Exposition Nationale (1896): “Village Suisse,” 196
Lake and Alps (fig. 297), 196
League of Nations palace, 104
Levaillant’s apartment, 112, 130, 130
Nouvelle Comédie, 52
Pont Butin (fig. 301), 198, 198
Town Hall (fig. 298), 196
Germany see Berlin; Cologne, Klipstein; Munich, Potsdam
Gide, André, 228
Giotto, 30, 32
Jeanneret’s study of Ascension of St John, after (fig. 14), 30, 31
Godet-Darel, Valentine, 39
Goethe, Johann von, 81, 85
garden house (fig. 63), 61, 61
Goncourt brothers, 228
Grand Tour, 25, 26, 27, 29–35, 36, 40, 41, 43, 62, 142–201
Grandville, 25
Grasset, Eugène, 159, 258, 260
Méthode de composition ornementale (fig. 427), 258, 260, 260
Notes de cours (fig. 424), 258
La Plante et ses applications ornementale, 258
Greece see Athens; Mount Athos
Grigorescu, Nicolae, 261
Gris, Juan, 39
Nature morte avec cafetière (fig. 451), 273, 273 274
Gropius, Walter, 89, 90, 95
industrial buildings essay (fig. 97), 89, 89
Guadet, Julien, 48
Gudea, Prince, head of (figs. 154, 156), 126, 127
Guichard, Jean-Pierre-Moïse, 115
Guillaume, Paul, Galerie of, 127, 127
Gysis, Nikolas, 261
Harvard University, Carpenter Center, 9, 225
Hauser-Jeanneret-Gris, Marguerite (cousin), 112
Hautecoeur, Louis, 99, 100
Hegel, Friedrich, 84
Hegemann, Werner, 104
Henri IV, King of France, 200
Hervé, Lucien, 131, 174
Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, 45, 46
Hodler, Ferdinand, Vues du éman, 39
Hoeber, Fritz, 78–9
Hoffmann, Josef, 52, 56
Humbert, Charles, 111, 113, 113, 114, 115, 116, 239
Humbert, Madeleine see Woog
Ilrin of Paris, lampmakers, 256, 257
Ingres, Jean-Auguste, 27
Interior with naked woman doling in a chair (fig. 440), 267–2, 268
Istanbul (Constantinople), 26, 27, 33–4, 34, 35, 56, 62, 172, 174, 176–81, 182, 194
Beyazit and Ak-Serail (fig. 64), 62, 62
Eyüp (fig. 256), 172, 181, 181
fountain and garden with pergola (fig. 254), 180, 180
Golden Horn, 172, 177, 177, 181
great fire (fig. 247), 176, 176–7
Hagia Sofia, 34, 62, 86
Ok-Meydany cemeteries, 172
panorama (fig. 246), 176, 177
Pera (fig. 248), 176, 177, 177, 179
Rüstem Pasa Mosque (fig. 250), 178, 178–9
Seraglio (fig. 18), 34, 34
street scene (fig. 253), 180, 180
Süleymaniye Mosque (figs. 2512), 34, 177, 177, 179, 179
Sultan Selim Mosque, 176, 177
wooden houses (figs. 253, 255), 180, 181, 181
Italy, 23, 27, 29–34, 48, 48, 62–5, 70, 81, 86, 87, 87, 142–53, 174, 186–95; see also Florence; Pisa; Pompeii, Rome
Jacob Frères, 116, 117
Jacob, George, 117
Jeanneret family (figs. 7, 71, 324), 27, 66, 66, 209
Jeanneret, Albert (brother) (figs. 71, 324), 12, 27, 66, 209, 250, 253
Jeanneret, Charles-Edouard (brother), 25
Jeanneret, Pierre, 9, 109, 123, 124, 228, 250
Jeanneret-Perret, Marie Charlotte Amélie (mother: figs. 1301), 114
library (fig. 131), 115
writing desk (figs. 37880), 236–7, 236–7, 241
Jeanneret-Rääf, Lotti, 248, 249
Jeker, Fritz Ernst, 127, 129, 252
Joaillier, photographer, 179
Johnson, Philip, 45, 46
Jones, Owen, 32, 202
The Grammar of Ornament (figs. 31213), 203
Jura, 262
farmhouses (fig. 319), 206, 207
Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry, 127, 138
Kant, Immanuel, 84
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig, 133
Klipstein, August, 84, 86, 166, 170, 172, 173, 177, 182, 183, 184, 207, 250
Klipstein, Felix, country house for (figs. 3303), 212–13, 212–13
Kotera, Jan, 170
La Chaux-de-Fonds, 15, 16, 17–18, 23, 37, 48, 52, 53, 61, 79, 88, 95, 110, 111, 119, 120, 122, 142, 155, 164, 226, 230, 244, 248, 253, 257, 258
aerial view (fig. 126), 110
Ateliers d’Art, 250
Bibliothèque de la Ville de, 55
church project, 45
Le Couvent (figs. 3201), 207, 207
Ecole d’Art, 16–17, 29, 56, 111, 115, 133, 159, 161, 172, 238
Musée des Beaux-Arts, 17–18, 111, 161, 230
Paul Ditisheim Building (fig. 142), 120, 120; see also Villa Fallet; Villa Jacquemet; Villa Jeanneret-Perret; Villa les Eglantines; Villa Stotzer
La Roche, Raoul, 42, 109, 123, 127, 150, 152, 226, 256, 257
Lake Garda (fig. 93), 81, 81
lamps: Chalier (figs. 4223), 257, 257
floor (figs. 3834, 421), 116, 126, 239, 239, 244, 244–5, 256
Gras (fig. 421), 256, 257
table (figs. 3812, 420), 238, 238, 256, 257
trépied (fig. 385), 239
watchmaker’s, 257
landscapes (figs. 4348), 264–66, 264–66
Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret), chronology of, 19–21
photographs of (figs. 7, 71, 204, 285), 12, 27, 66, 154, 292
self-portrait (fig. 31), 40
Le Corbusier, Yvonne (wife), 39
le Locle see Villa Favre-Jacot
Le Langage de pierres (watercolors), 133, 174, 186
Lauweriks, J.L.M., 79
Léger, Fernand, 36, 138, 250
Lemonnier, Henry, 99
Lenôtre, André, 102
L’Eplattenier, Charles, 16–17, 27, 30, 32, 33–4, 35, 46, 48, 56, 56, 57, 81, 82, 86, 115, 133, 143, 148, 156, 159, 161, 164, 202, 204, 258–60, 262
Monument de la République, 164
Ornamental motifs (fig. 425), 258, 259
studies of fountain sculptures (fig. 224), 164, 164
studies of monumental sculptures (figs. 9, 217), 29, 29, 160
Levaillant family (fig. 127), 110, 111
Levaillant, Adolphe, 111, 112
Levaillant, Julien, 112
Levaillant, Marcel, 15, 110–31, 228, 239, 241, 254, 262, 257
African sculpture (fig. 158), 127, 127
armchairs (figs. 1468), 122, 122–3
bedroom and library-music room (Villa les Eglantines: figs. 13741, 1434), 118, 118–25, 119–21, 126, 156
bookcase (fig. 145), 121, 122
desk-bookcase-music cabinet (fig. 128), 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 236, 240
divan bed (figs. 38790), 240–1
floor lamp, 116, 239, 239
Geneva apartment (fig. 159), 42, 130, 130
Globe (fig. 149), 124, 124
mosaic table (fig. 160), 131, 131
study (fig. 130), 113, 114, 116, 126, 128
Levaillant, Sarah, 112
Levaillant & Block, watchmakers, 112
letterhead (fig. 125), 110
Libera, Adalberto, 173
Lichtenfels, Market Square (figs. 545), 58, 59
lighting, 238–9, 256–7
see also lamps
Lipchitz, Jacques, Sailor with Guitar, 250
Lohri, Niklaus, 219
Loos, Adolf, 89, 90, 119
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, Allegory of Good Government (figs. 1856), 148, 148
Loti, Pierre, 172, 177, 181
Louis XIV, king of France, 102, 104, 106, 200
Louis XV, King, 106, 107, 200
Lutyens, Edwin, 77
Magne, Lucien, 46, 47
Mahler, Gustav, 260, 261
Maillol, Aristide, 85
une maison, un palais, 176
“Maison Bouteille” project (fig. 99), 90, 91–2, 94, 221
Maison Citrohan, 94, 95, 186, 227
Maison Dom-ino (housing project: figs. 3349), 89, 90, 94, 180, 198, 214–17, 214–77, 218, 226, 227
Maison Monol (housing: fig. 360), 226, 227, 227
“La Maison Suisse,” article, 69, 196
Malabert, L. & Co., 257
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 88, 95, 96
Manet, Edouard, 35, 36
Maple & Co., 122, 122
Marc, Franz, 133
Marieschi, 152
Marinetti, Filippo, 37
Martin, Camile, 56, 57, 63
Marx, Karl, 16
Masaccio, 269
Matisse, Henri, 13, 133, 135, 267–8
Nu couché (fig. 441), 268, 268
Matroil color samples (fig. 158), 130, 130–1
Mebes, Paul, Urn 1800, 57, 241
Mehoffer, Josef, 261
Mehmet the Conqueror, Sultan, 181
Merson, Luc-Olivier, 258
Mey, Robert, 254, 255
Mey chairs (fig. 416), 254, 255, 255
Meyer, Hannes, 128
Michelangelo, 191, 193, 223
Campidoglio, 81
David, 142
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 17, 69
Miestschaninoff, Oscar, 127
Millowners’ Association building, 225
Mittelholzer, Walter, 110
Le Modulor, 49, 73, 77
Monet, Claude, 156
Mont Cornu, farmhouse (fig. 318), 206, 207
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, 23
Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de, 172
Moos, Stanilaus von, 11, 13–14, 15–18, 23–43
Morat, 198
Croix Blanche Inn, 198
Hôtel de la Doûane, near (fig. 303), 198, 199
Moreau, Pierre-Louis, 200
Morris, William, 29, 36
mosaic table (fig. 160), 131, 131
Moser, Karl, 15, 82
Mount Athos, 87, 172
Munch, Edvard, 13, 33, 261
Young women on a bridge (fig. 16), 33
Mundaneum project, 101
Munich (figs. 2301, 233–5), 166–9, 166–7, 172, 260, 260, 262
Frauenkirche, 8, 168, 168, 169
Theatinerkirche St Kajetan, 168, 168
Murten/Morat, City Hall (fig. 25), 37
Music hall watercolors (figs. 1513), 125, 125–6
Muthesius, Hermann, 90, 94, 95, 227
La Naissance de Vénus (fig. 444), 269, 269
Nature morte à la pile d’assiettes (fig. 458), 272, 279, 278
Nature morte à la pile d’assiettes et au livre (figs. 161, 457), 132, 139–40, 272, 279
Nature morte à l’oeuf (fig. 456), 277, 277, 278
Nature morte au coquillage (fig. 443), 269, 269, 274
Nature morte au siphon (fig. 462), 140, 280, 281
Nature morte au violon rouge, 278
Nature morte aux toucans, 270, 271, 270
Nature morte avec cafetière, livre, pipe et verre, (fig. 452), 273, 273, 280
Nature morte avec coupe de fruit (fig. 439), 272, 273
Nature morte avec livre ouvert, pipe, verre et boite d’allumettes (fig. 453), 137, 139, 280, 280, 278
Nature morte avec livre, verre et pipe, 272
Nature morte avec vases aux anémones (fig. 446), 270, 270
Nature morte avec vase, fleurs et pommes (fig. 448), 270, 271
Nature morte avec verre, théière, pipe, et bilboquet (fig. 460), 280, 280
Nerval, Gerard de, 172
Neuchâtel, 196–7, 255, 256, 266
exhibition (1912), 174
New York, 26
Manhattan skyscrapers (fig. 37), 44, 51
UN General Assembly, 207
Nolhac, Pierre de, 99
Notre-Dame, Paris, (figs. 379, 202–3, 205–6), 44–5, 46, 48, 49, 51, 81, 153–4, 154, 155, 155
gallery below south rose window (fig. 40), 47
pinnacle (fig. 202), 154
tower (fig. 203), 154
Novotny, Otakar, 170
Nürnberg, Markt (figs. 457), 50, 51
objets-types, 117, 122–3, 128, 137, 252, 254–7, 277, 280
Obus Plan (for Algiers), 214
L’Oeuvre, 115, 116, 121, 238
“Les arts du feu,” travelling exhibition (1916), 238, 239
Oeuvre complète, 129, 177, 180, 194, 198, 215, 224
Ohmann, Bedrich, 170
Olbrich, Joseph Maria, 56, 85
Ozenfant, Amédée, 6, 26, 38, 39, 70, 87, 88, 88, 90, 96, 127, 134, 135–6, 137, 138, 140, 171, 260, 262, 262, 266, 267, 274, 277, 278, 293
Bouteille, pipe et livres (fig. 169), 137, 137
Composition avec polyèdre flottant, 136
Maroc (fig. 71), 139, 140
“Notes on Cubism,” 136
photograph of (1919), 12
St Peter’s (figs. 2859), 292–3, 293
Sant’Ivo della Sapienza (fig. 290), 193
Verre, bouteille, miroir et leurs ombres, 277
Palladio, Andrea, 152
Pankok, Bernhard, 85
Paris, 42, 55, 81, 91, 100, 105–7, 115, 126, 133, 154–5, 264, 265
Bibliothèque Nationale, 101, 104, 150, 152, 156, 188, 189, 200
La Boutique Verte, 244, 244, 245
Ecole des Beaux-Arts, 48, 77, 155, 186, 258
Ecole Guérin, 258
Ecole Militaire, 200
Eiffel Tower, 89
Galerie des Machines (fig. 26), 37, 89
Galerie Thomas: Purist paintings exhibition (1919), 272–3
Ile de la Cité (fig. 122), 107, 200
Les Invalides, 100, 104, 200
Jardins des Plantes (fig. 117), 104, 105
Louvre (figs. 44, 21617), 49, 127, 160
Musée des arts décoratifs, 114, 232, 233
Musée du Trocadéro (figs. 21215, 21819), 47, 158–9, 158–9, 161, 161
museum studies, 158–61
Observatoire (fig. 117), 104, 105
Pavillon de l’Esprit Nouveau, 12, 107, 123, 124, 127, 128, 129, 248, 249, 260, 257, 257
Place Louis XV (Concorde; figs. 11921), 105, 105–6, 106, 200
Plan Voisin for (fig. 306), 51, 103, 107, 200, 200
Pont Neuf, urban design for (fig. 308), 201, 264, 265
Quai St Michel, 155
rue des Ecoles (fig. 204), 174, 155
rue Franklin (23bis: Perret apartments: fig. 343), 218, 219
rue Jacob (no. 20: fig. 394), 122, 242, 252, 267
rue Nungesser-et-Coli, 128, 131, 252, 255
rue Royale (fig. 119), 105 106
Salon d’Automne, 69, 100, 109, 200
Scala movie theater, 123
squares of Paris (fig. 307), 201
Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, 52, 95, 100
Tuileries (figs. 117, 11921), 105, 106, 106
urbanism, 200–1
Villa Berque (figs. 3613), 220, 228, 228–9, 244
Villa Montmorency, 119, 228
Pascaud, Dr, “Surrepos” chair of, 122–3
Passanti, Francesco, 11, 69–97
Patte, Pierre, 200, 201
Jeanneret’s studies after engravings of (figs. 11823), 105–7, 105–7
Monuments à la gloire de Louis XV, 99, 104–7
Paul, Bruno, 82, 115
Paul Ditisheim Building see La Chaux-de-Fonds
Paysage du Jura (figs. 21, 434), 35, 264, 264
La Peinture moderne, 125, 274
Perault, Louvre façade (fig. 44), 49
Pérelle, Gabriel, 99, 101
Saint-Adjuteur du Vernon (figs. 10910), 101, 101
Topographie de France, 99
Versailles engravings (figs. 1078, 111–12, 117)
Jeanneret’s sketches after, 99, 101–4, 102, 105
Périgueux Cathedral, 48
Perret, Auguste, 37, 48, 52, 70, 77, 78, 81, 89, 91, 94, 95, 100, 133, 136, 159, 197, 198, 208, 209, 214, 215, 217, 218, 218, 219, 259, 266
Perret, Gustave, 218, 219, 253, 266
Perriand, Charlotte, 9, 109, 123, 124–5
Perrin, Léon, 27, 29–30, 142, 144, 147, 148, 155, 156, 238, 239, 250, 259
Cantoria in Old Sacristy of S. Lorenzo, Florence (fig. 179), 146, 147
Doges’ Palace, Venice (fig. 192), 150
Interior view of S. Croce, Florence (fig. 10), 30
table lamp (fig. 381), 238, 238
Perruchot, 156
Pestalozzi, Heinrich, 25
Petermann, François, 131, 131
Petit, Jean, 172
Une petite maison (fig. 74), 66–7, 67
Picasso, Pablo, 127, 136, 257
Pietà, after van der Weyden (fig. 163), 134, 135
pine trees, studies of (figs. 31516, 426), 202, 204, 205, 259, 259
Piranesi, Giovanni, Vedute di Roma, 188
Pisa, 32, 34–5, 136, 191, 194–5
Baptistery (figs. 294, 296), 194, 194, 195
Camposanto (fig. 296), 62, 134, 148, 194, 195
Duomo (figs. 2946), 32, 194, 194, 195
Leaning Tower (fig. 295), 195
Panorama (fig. 293), 194
Pitchers with Anemones (fig. 410), 251
Plan Voisin, see Paris
Plato, Philebus, 136
Poëte, Marcel, 99–100
Poiret, Paul, 136
Polivka, Osvald, 170
Pompeii, 24, 62–5, 66, 72, 86, 116, 172, 174, 186–7, 189, 194
Casa della Nozze d’argento, 41
Forum (figs. 65, 95, 26770), 63, 63, 66, 86, 186, 186–7
Gladiators’ Barracks (fig. 66), 63, 64
House of M. Lucretius, 186
House of Sallustius (fig. 67–9), 63–4, 64–5, 66, 186
House of the Silver Wedding, 186
House of the Tragic Poet (fig. 83), 41–2, 72, 72, 186
streets and houses, 186
Via dell’Abbondanza (fig. 269), 186, 187
Via dei Sepolcri (figs. 49, 2701), 54, 63, 186, 187
Villa of Diomedes (fig. 103), 92, 93, 186, 221
The Pont Neuf with the lie Saint-Louis (fig. 435), 264, 265
Potsdam, 113, 174
Gärtnerhaus (fig. 84), 72–3, 73, 91
Sanssouci Palace (fig. 15), 33, 33, 82
Poussin, Nicolas, 39
Prague, 62, 170–1, 172, 191, 260, 262
Castle (fig. 237), 170, 170, 174
Knights of the Cross Square (fig. 236), 170, 170
pedestrian passage, Clementinum (fig. 59), 59, 60
stairs between Nerudova and Loretanska St (figs. 2389), 170, 171
Précisions sur un état Présent de l’Architecture et de l’Urbanisme 23, 24–5
cover: plan for Buenos Aires (fig. 243), 173, 173
“La lois du méandre” (fig. 30), 40
proposal for urbanization of Rio (fig. 5), 25
Projet F (figs. 3402), 218, 218–19
Purism, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 87–8, 96, 118, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136–7, 138, 140, 223, 244, 272, 273, 268–81
Quand les cathédrales étaient blanches, 24, 48, 53
book jacket (fig. 3), 24
Rääf, Kerstin, 248
Raphael, 116
Villa Madama, Rome (fig. 77), 70, 70
Ravenna, wall mosaic in Sant’Apollinaire Nuovo (fig. 211), 158, 159
Reclining Woman (fig. 220), 162
Reichlin, Bruno, 96
Reims Cathedral (fig. 44), 49
Rembrandt van Rhyn, 116
Renan, Ernest, Prière sur l’Acropole, 182
Renan, Jules, 172
“Le Renouveau dans l’architecture,” article, 69, 89–90
Reverdy, Paul, 96
Rimskij-Korsakov, Nicolae, 261
Rio de Janeiro, 25, 25
Ritter, William, 33, 61, 87, 114, 116, 134, 136, 162–3, 166, 170, 172, 174, 190, 260–7
Aegyptiacque, 261
L’Entêtement slovaque (figs. 432), 24, 262, 262
Etudes d’art étranger, 261
farmhouse at Myjava (fig. 433), 263
Fillette slovaque, 259
Frauenkirche, Munich (fig. 234), 168
Hofgarten, Bazar-Gebäude, Theatinerkirche (fig. 230), 166
with Janko Aadra (fig. 428), 260
View of Lake Neuchâtel, (fig. 430), 261
Robbia, Luca della, 146, 147
Robert, Paul-Théophile, 242, 272–3
Nature morte à la cafetière et au journal (fig. 450), 272, 273
Nature morte aux livres et au pot de tabac (fig. 392), 243
Rochefort, Jouvin de, 200
Rodin, Auguste, 35
Romania, 172, 260, 261
Romano, Giulio, Villa Lante (fig. 282), 190, 191
Romantic River Landscape with Bridge (fig. 436), 264, 265
Romantic View of Paris (fig. 437), 264, 265
Rome, 24, 26, 27, 62, 82, 86, 172, 188–93, 194
Basilica of Maxentius (fig. 276), 62, 189
Baths of Caracalla (fig. 278), 189
Capitolino: Senators’ Palace, 49
Colosseum (fig. 274), 62, 188, 193
Hadrian’s Villa, 94, 172, 186, 189
modern, 190–1
Pantheon (figs. 275, 283), 95, 172, 188, 191
“Un paysage urbain à composer” (fig. 95), 87, 87
Piazza Colonna, Column of Marcus Aurelius (fig. 277), 189
Piazza del Campidoglio (fig. 280), 190, 190–1
Pyramid of Caius Cestius (fig. 275), 188, 260
Raphael’s Villa Madama (fig. 77), 70, 70
St Peter’s (figs. 72, 2859), 62, 66, 66, 192, 193, 223
St Peter’s Square (fig. 275), 188
Sant’Ivo della Sapienza (fig. 290), 193
S. Maria in Cosmedin, 193
S. Maria Maggiore (fig. 281), 190, 191
Villa Lante (fig. 282), 190, 191
Roquebrune, Jeanneret’s vacation cabin at, 131
Rosenberg, Léonce, 42, 136
Rouault, Georges, 135
Rouen (fig. 118), 105, 105, 156–7
Cathedral (figs. 43, 20710), 49, 156, 156–7
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 23, 25
Rowe, Colin, 223
Rüegg, Arthur, 11, 13–14, 15–18, 109–13, 219
Ruhlmann, Jacques-Emile , 228
Ruskin, John, 29, 32, 36, 37, 48, 49, 82, 152, 155, 194, 202
Mornings in Florence, 24, 48, 144
Seven Lamps of Architecture, 48
Stones of Venice, 152
Saint Gallen, 164
working-class houses (fig. 228), 165
Salubra Le Corbusier Collection, 129, 131, 242
Sandreuter, Hans, 254
Santa Croce, Florence, 148
Jeanneret’s Ascension of St John, after Giotto (fig. 14), 31
and Interior Study (fig. 11), 30
Perret’s Interior View (fig. 10), 30
Sarliac, farmhouse near (fig. 331), 212
Sauvage, Henri, 94
Scène de genre avec femmes, 134
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 53, 70, 73, 91, 113, 156
Gärtnerhaus, Potsdam (fig. 84), 72–3, 73
Schmidt, Hans, 101
Schòneberg town hall, 52
Schubert, Leo, 11, 55–67
Schultze-Naumberg, Paul, 37, 40, 63, 65, 67, 87, 190
Kulturarbeiten (figs. 523, 56–7, 59, 60), 57, 57, 58, 39, 59–61, 60–1, 62, 65, 166, 170, 171
Schwob family, 110, 111, 111, 118
Schwob, Anatole, 111, 111–12, 113, 115, 218
Schwob, Georges, floor lamp for (fig. 383), 239, 239
Schwob, Madeleine and René, 111, 113, 118, 120, 126, 128, 244, 257
bedroom, 246
bookcase (figs. 135, 4001), 117, 118, 246, 246–7, 248
floor lamp (figs. 3969), 126, 244, 244–5
library (figs. 134, 402, 403), 117, 118, 121, 246–7, 247, 249
Schwob, Moïse, 111, 116
Schwob, Raphaël, 111, 116, 117
Schwob, Salomon, 110, 111, 113, 115, 117, 126
Schwob, Yvonne, 111, 117
Schwob-Floersheim, Hélène, 244
Schwob-Levaillant, Camille, 111, 113
Segantini, Giovanni, 260
Segantini, Gottardo and Mario, 260
Sekler, Patricia May, 17
Self-portrait (fig. 31), 40
Selmersheim, Tony and Monteil, 248
Serbia, 86
farmhouse with loggia (fig. 62), 61
sideboard (figs. 3701), 232, 233, 234
Siena, 26, 27, 30–1, 33, 35, 148–9, 174, 188
Baptistery (figs. 13, 18990), 31, 32, 149
Palazzo Grottanelli (fig. 46), 48
Palazzo Pubblico (figs. 12, 856), 30, 31, 32, 148, 148
S. Domenico (figs. 1878), 148
Signac, Paul, 13, 33, 34
Istanbul, Izeni Djani (fig. 17), 34
Sinan, architect, 178, 179
Sitte, Camillo, 37, 40, 56, 57, 62, 63, 152, 167, 167, 190
L’Art de bâtir les villes, 164
Slovakia, 260, 257
Société Lumière, 116, 238–9, 239
Solothurn (Switzerland), 164, 197
Cathedral (fig. 3), 197, 197
Jesuit Church apse (fig. 226), 165
St Mauritius Fountain (fig. 228), 165
Soutter, Louis, 250
Soviet Palace project (Moscow: fig. 291), 194, 194, 225
Spandau town hall, 52
Stam, Mart, 109
Still Life (fig. 165), 135, 135
still lifes and genre scenes, 267–81
Studies of a mountain (Fig. 27), 37, 37
Study for a still life with carafe and pitcher (figs. 166, 459), 135, 280, 280
Study of Pinks (fig. 447), 270, 271
Stuttgart, 82, 85
Sullivan, Louis, 94
Sur les quatre routes, 24, 53
Switzerland, 164–5, 196–9; see also Geneva; La Chaux-de-Fonds; Neuchâtel; Solothurn; Vévey; Zurich
symbolism, 36, 39, 84, 85, 88, 135, 137
Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe, 33, 48
Voyage en Italie, 24
Tarnovo (Bulgaria), 174
Taut, Bruno, 53, 156
Teige, Karel, 170
Tessenow, Heinrich, 197
Thiersch, August, 49
Proportionen in der Architektur, 78, 79
Thonet, Michael, 254
Three sketches with small pitcher, glass, pipe and cards (fig. 461), 280, 280
Tintoretto, 152
Titian, 152
Les Toits de Paris (fig. 164), 134, 135, 264
Töpffer, Rodolphe, 25–6, 37–8, 39, 40
L’Histoire de Dr. Festus, 26
L’Histoire de Mr. Pencil (figs. 6, 150), 26, 27, 27, 124
Voyages en zigzag, title page (fig. 1), 22, 26, 42, 150
“Les Tracés régulateurs,” essay, 78
Trans-Siberian railway (figs. 24, 25), 36, 37
Tremblay church project, 207
Turkey see Bursa; Edirne; Istanbul
Turner, J.M.W., 143
Turner, Paul Venable, 17
Uhde, Wilhelm, 51
Unité d’Habitation, 186
Urbanisme (Propos d’Urbanisme), 24, 26, 40, 49, 49, 53, 152, 153, 162, 200, 201
“Le Sentiment débordé” (fig. 284), 191
switchbacks from (fig. 29), 39
Vaillat, Léandre, 100
Vaisse, Pierre, 11, 45–53
Van Gogh, Vincent, 36, 85, 133
Vauxelles, Louis, 272
Veillach, Josef, 119
Venice, 42, 81, 150–3
Ca d’Oro (fig. 50), 55
Campanile (fig. 197), 152
Doges’ Palace (figs. 1912, 194), 150, 150, 151
hospital project, 153
Palazzo Marcello (fig. 195), 151
Piazza San Marco (figs. 1978), 152, 152, 153
San Marco (figs. 193, 196), 150, 150, 151
Vers une architecture, 6, 23, 24, 35, 41, 46, 48–9, 69, 70, 85, 86, 90, 104, 118, 162, 180, 184, 185
Versailles, Palais de, 81–2, 99, 100, 101–4, 106, 115, 162, 163, 242, 268
Escalier des Cent-Marches, 162, 174
Marie-Antoinette’s library (fig. 131), 115
Orangerie, 102, 162
Pérelle’s engravings of (figs. 1078, 111–12, 116, 117), 98, 101–4, 105
Le petit Trianon, 162
Les rues à redents (fig. 116: cours d’honneur), 104, 104
Un Versailles du grand turc (fig. 221), 162, 162, 267, 268
Vévey, Petite Maison, 236
Villa Le Lac, Corseaux (figs. 74, 412, 415), 65–7, 67, 125, 152, 252, 253
Vienna, 55, 56, 155, 170, 204, 260
Villa Primavesi, 52
Villa Albert Jeanneret, 255
Villa Baizeau, Carthage, 43
Villa Berque, Paris (figs. 3613), 120, 228, 228–9, 244
Villa Besnus, 123
Villa Cook, Boulogne-sur-Seine (fig. 104), 88, 93, 94, 221
Villa d’Avray, music pavilion for Villa church, 162
Villa Fallet, la Chaux-de-Fonds (figs. 88, 31011, 314, 317), 65, 77, 77, 86, 142, 202, 202–4, 204
clay models for (fig. 317), 202, 205
sgraffito decoration for (fig. 314), 203, 204
Villa Favre-Jacot, Le Locle (figs. 76, 7981, 867), 52, 69, 69, 70–6, 74–5, 77, 79, 81, 83, 87, 93, 186, 196
entry court (fig. 79), 71
ground floor plan (fig. 80), 71
view from garden (fig. 81), 71
Villa Jacuemet, la Chaux-de-Fonds, 65, 83, 204, 208
Villa Jeanneret-Perret (La Maison Blanche), La Chaux-de-Fonds (figs. 701, 73, 3229), 86, 112, 127, 180, 196, 208–11, 208–11, 212, 186, 236, 242, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253
Villa La Roche-Jeanneret, Auteuil (figs. 33, 34, 75, 105, 416, 41819), 96, 41, 42, 42–3, 68, 70, 76, 88, 95, 96, 96, 106, 123, 221, 228, 254, 254–5, 257, 257
Villa le Lac, Corseaux (figs. 74, 412, 415), 65–7, 67, 125, 252, 252, 253
Villa les Eglantines (Levaillant’s apartment: figs. 13741), 143–4, 156, 118, 118–25, 119–21, 126, 127, 131
see also Levaillant, Marcel
Villa Mathey-Doret, music room (fig. 51), 56, 56, 66
Villa Meyer, 94
Villa Montmorency, Paris, 119, 228
Villa Obenauer, Saarbrücken (figs. 78, 90), 70, 72, 73, 78, 79
Villa Savoye, Poissy, 9, 43, 83, 88, 90, 225, 272
living room and terrace (fig. 35), 43
Villa Schwob (Villa Turque: figs. 98, 100, 101, 34452, 377, 3935), 76, 90–5, 90–1, 96, 112, 113, 162, 197, 220–3, 220–3 228, 234, 235, 242, 243
Villa Stein, Garches, 43, 76, 262
Villa Stotzer, la Chaux-de-Fonds, 66, 83, 204, 208
Villa Wiegand, 52
Ville Contemporaine (figs. 37, 912), 44, 69, 79, 80, 81, 90, 95, 100, 200
La ville radieuse (fig. 37), 44, 200–1, 171
Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène, 45, 48, 49, 50, 53, 77–8, 79, 156, 159
Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française, 46, 155
Le Voyage d’Orient, 6, 23, 34, 36, 40, 51, 56, 60–5, 69–70, 84, 86, 87, 88, 97, 115, 128, 134, 172, 174, 176, 177, 180, 181, 188, 194, 208, 212, 250, 262
cover (fig. 4), 23
“Les Mosquées,” 179
“Le Parthénon,” 182
“Le voyage utile” (fig. 240), 172
Voyages d’Allemagne, 6
Vue fantastique de la cathédrale de Chartres, 133
Wagner, Otto, 170
Wagner, Richard, 260
wallpapers (figs. 391, 3935), 242, 242, 243, 244
Wanner, Edouard, 115
watchcase (fig. 309), 202
Welti, Albert, 261
Weyden, Rogier van der, Pietà (fig. 163), 134, 135
Wittkower, Rudolf, Architectural Principles, 77
Wöfflin, Heinrich, 49, 51, 78, 84
Woog, Madeleine, 239, 239
Worringer, Wilhelm, 182
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 69, 95
writing-desk (figs. 37880), 236–7, 236–7
Würzburg, St Burkhard Church (fig. 58), 59, 60
Theater Street (fig. 61), 60, 60
Zurich, 112, 164
Guild Hall (fig. 227), 165, 165
Zlin, Czechoslovakia, 171