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Compiled by Klaus Spechtenhauser
October 6: Charles-Edouard Jeanneret is born at 38 rue de la Serre, La Chaux-de-Fonds. His parents are Georges Edouard Jeanneret-Gris (1855–1926) and Marie Jeanneret-Perret (née Marie-Charlotte-Amelie Perret; 1860–1960). He has an older brother, Jacques-Henri Albert Jeanneret (called Albert; 1886–1973).
Charles L’Eplattenier is appointed to teach at the École d’Art, La Chaux-de-Fonds. He will found and direct its Cours Supérieur in 1905–12 and head its Nouvelle Section in 1912–14.
April: Jeanneret enrolls at the École d’Art in La Chaux-de-Fonds, first as a student in the regular program, then after 1905 in the Cours Supérieur.
Winter–spring: L’Eplattenier arranges for Jeanneret to meet Louis Fallet, a local designer and producer of jewelry, who becomes Jeanneret’s first client. Spring–summer: L’Eplattenier’s students at the Cours Supérieur design a music room in the Villa Matthey-Doret in La Chaux-de-Fonds (demolished in 1963).
September–October: Makes his first trip to Italy, with his friend and classmate, the sculptor Léon Perrin: Pisa, Florence (including visits to the Certosa at Galluzzo in Val d’Ema, which Jeanneret henceforward calls “Certosa d’Ema”), Siena, Ravenna, Padova, Ferrara, Verona, Venice. November: Arrives in Vienna. Designs the Villa Fallet, La Chaux-de-Fonds, 1906–7, with the architect René Chapallaz.
In Vienna. Designs the Stotzer and Jaquemet Houses, La Chaux-de-Fonds, 1907–8, with architect René Chapallaz. March: travels to Paris from Vienna via Nuremburg, Munich, Strasbourg, and Nancy. Works part-time in the architectural firm of Auguste and Gustave Perret, 25 bis rue Franklin, Paris; spends the rest of his time in the city’s museums and libraries. Visits Rouen and Le Havre.
Fall: Returns to La Chaux-de-Fonds and settles in a farmhouse at Mont-Cornu.
January: Project for a building for Les Ateliers d’Art réunis at La Chaux-de-Fonds. March 15 : Founding of Les Ateliers d’Art réunis at La Chaux-de-Fonds. April–May: Sojourn in Munich; tries, without success, to find employment in the office of Theodor Fischer. Begins work on the manuscript of “La Construction des villes.” May: Makes the acquaintance of William Ritter (1867–1955), a Swiss writer and literary, art, and music critic living in Munich. Ritter becomes one of Jeanneret’s mentors. In June travels to Berlin and visits the exhibitions Ton-Kalk-Zement and Allgemeine Städtebau. June 28: Meets August Klipstein (1885–1951), a student in art history, at the Staatsbibliothek in Munich. A close friendship will develop between the two. July–September: Returns to La Chaux-de-Fonds. September–October: Back in Munich. October 1910–March 1911: Five-month stay in Berlin where he works in the office of Peter Behrens. Spends Christmas 1910 at Dresden-Hellerau with his brother Albert who is a student at the Institute Jacques-Dalcroze.
April–May: Travels in Germany, a period known as the Voyage d’Allemagne, to study the German Arts and Crafts Movement. May: Embarks on his Voyage d’Orient, a six-month journey, with August Klipstein to Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Serbia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Turkey (Istanbul), Greece (Athos, Athens) and Italy (Naples, Pompeii, Rome, Florence, Pisa). Between July and November, Jeanneret’s impressions during the Voyage d’Orient are published in installments in La Feuille d’Avis de La Chaux-de-Fonds. November 1: Returns to La Chaux-de-Fonds; settles at Ferme du Couvent.
Opens his first office as architect, in La Chaux-de-Fonds. Designs the Villa Jeanneret-Perret, La Chaux-de-Fonds, and the Villa Favre-Jacot, Le Locle. Competition design for the Town Hall, Le Locle. Exhibits a selection of Voyage d’Orient drawings under the title Le Langage des pierres in Neuchâtel (April–May) and Paris (Salon d’automne, October 1–November 8). December: Makes a trip to Paris. Publishes Etude sur le mouvement d’art décoratif en Allemagne (La Chaux-de-Fonds: Editions Haefeli).
April–May: Shows Le Langage des pierres at Kunsthaus Zürich. June–July: Journeys to Germany, visiting the Internationale Baufach-Ausstellung in Leipzig. Architectural project for Paul Ditisheim Department Store, La Chaux-de-Fonds. Designs interiors for Jules Ditisheim apartment, La Chaux-de-Fonds, and for Anatole and Salomon Schwob apartments, La Chaux-de-Fonds.
June–July: Journey to Colmar, Strasbourg, Nancy, Cologne (visiting the Werkbund-Kongress and -Ausstellung), and Lyon for the Exposition internationale urbaine: “La Cité moderne.” December: Begins to work on Dom-ino concepts with Max Du Bois. Architectural work includes competition design for the Banque Cantonale de Neuchâtel, project for a garden city estate, aux Crêtets, La Chaux-de-Fonds, and project for Villa Klipstein, Laubach, Germany. Designs interior of Marcel Levaillant studio, La Chaux-de-Fonds (completed in 1917).
July–September: Sojourn in Paris where he studies prints and books at the Bibliothèque Nationale in preparation for “La Construction des villes.” Competition design for the Pont Butin in Geneva (together with Max Du Bois). Sketches for Dom-ino and for Villa Zbinden, Erlach, Switzerland. Designs interior of the Hermann and Ernest-Albert Ditisheim apartments, La Chaux-de-Fonds.
Project for apartment building “Projet F,” La Chaux-de-Fonds; designs the Villa Schwob, La Chaux-de-Fonds (1916–17), and Cinema Scala, La Chaux-de-Fonds. Designs interior (library) for Mme Raphy Schwob, La Chaux-de-Fonds, 1915–16.
Leaves La Chaux-de-Fonds for Paris and rents an apartment at 20 rue Jacob, where he remains until 1934. December: forms association, as businessman and factory owner, with the Société d’entreprises industrielles et d’études (SEIE) and the Briqueterie d’Alfortville (ends in 1921). Designs projects for slaughterhouses at Challuy and Garchizy, France; for Workers Settlement, Saint-Nicolas-d’Aliermont, France; for power station and dam, L’Isle Jourdain, France. Designs Water Tank, Podensac, France.
January: Meets Amédée Ozenfant, who will become his close associate in matters of art and cultural criticism. November: completes La Cheminée (The Mantelpiece), Jeanneret’s “first painting.” December: Exhibition of paintings, with Ozenfant, at Galerie Thomas in Paris. Publishes Après le cubisme, written with Amédée Ozenfant.
Designs projects for Monol housing and for Workers Settlement (for the J. Jourdain and Company, Troyes, France).
October 15: Publishes first issue of L’Esprit nouveau and begins to use his pseudonym “Le Corbusier.” Projects for Workers Settlement at Thourotte (Oise) and another at Grand-Couronne (Seine-Maritime), France.
January–February: Shows his paintings, with Ozenfant’s, in the second Purist exhibition, at Galerie Druet, Paris. August: Travels to Rome with Amédée Ozenfant and Mme Bongard, owner of the Galerie Thomas. Project Maison “Citrohan.” Villa Berque, Paris (1921–22).
Opens his office at 35 rue de Sèvres, Paris (with his cousin Pierre Jeanneret). September: Trip to Venice and Vicenza with Raoul La Roche. Project “Immeuble villas” and Ville contemporaine pour 3 millions d’habitants.
Designs the Villa Besnus, Vaucresson; the Villa La Roche–Jeanneret, Paris (1923–24); and the Atelier Ozenfant, Paris, 1922–23. Designs interior (library) for Madeleine Schwob, La Chaux-de-Fonds, 1922–23. Designs interior of Marcel Levaillant apartment, La Chaux-de-Fonds. Publishes Vers une architecture.
August 27: Dies at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France.