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List of illustrations

  • Joseph E. Yoakum in front of his exhibition of drawings at The Whole, a cafĂ© and recreational space in St. Bartholomew's Church, Chicago
  • Poster for Joseph E. Yoakum's first solo show at Edward Sherbeyn Gallery, Chicago
  • Drawings by Joseph E. Yoakum and others on display in Karl Wirsum and Lorri Gunn's residence in Chicago
  • D-Yard Attica
  • Whitney Halstead, Joseph E. Yoakum, and Ray Yoshida
  • Joseph E. Yoakum and visitors in front of his East 82nd Street Apartment on the South Side of Chicago
  • Poster for Two Artists: Pauline Simon and Joseph E. Yoakum at the Wabash Transit Gallery, Chicago
  • Poster for Three Famous Artists: Gladys Nilsson, Joseph E. Yaokum, Jim Nutt, an exhibition at the Candy Store Gallery, Folsom, California
  • Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
  • World War I draft registration for Joseph Elmer Yoakum
  • 805th Pioneer Infantry troops in front of the ChĂ©hĂ©ry Castle, ChĂ©hĂ©ry, France
  • Joseph E. Yoakum
  • Visitors lounging in front of Joseph E. Yoakum's work at The Whole, a cafĂ© and recreational space in St. Bartholomew's Church, Chicago
  • Roger Brown's Yoakum Room, preserved in the Roger Brown Study Center, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  • Guests at the opening of Don Baum Says Chicago Needs Famous Artists at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
  • Poster for the exhibition Joseph Yoakum: Drawings at Douglas Kenyon Gallery, Chicago
  • Mt Whitney Highest in Nevada Mtn Range of North East California
  • Yoakum's Basic Formal Devices
  • The Open Gate to the West in Rockey Mtn Range near Pueblo Colorado, detail
  • Grizzly Gulch Valley Ohansburg Vermont, detail
  • Mt. Liotian in Greater Khiangian Mtn Range near Tritsihar Deep Southern China East Asia
  • Mt Negi in Transylvania Alps near Ufagris Romania SE E
  • Mt Cloubelle Jamaca of West India, detail
  • Serpentine Curves on Skyline Drive, Virginia
  • Tampa Bay near Port Tampa Florida, detail
  • Norman Mark's article on Joseph E. Yoakum
  • Eighth Church of Christ, Scientist, in Chicago
  • Lebanon Mts. near Sidon Phoenicia Asia
  • Shallow Vain Coal Strip in Missuori near Columbia MO
  • Tampa Bay near Port Tampa Florida
  • Map of the South Side of Chicago, marked with points of interest and Joseph E. Yoakum's known residences
  • OBAC Visual Arts Workshop, Wall of Respect
  • Bessie Smith Cousin to Marnie 1924 Dallas Blues Singer
  • Baywood Park Sub Division Los Osos Valley Baywood Park San Luis Obispo County Cal
  • Perspective View of Baywood Park–The Paradise of the Pacific, San Luis Obispo, California
  • The Weeping Pebble at Reno Nevada near Reno City of Nevada
  • Barbara Jones-Hogu at work on the Wall of Respect
  • Jessie Willard 2nd Challenge to Champion Fight with Jack Johnson for Worlds Heavy Weight Prize Fighting Champion Ship in Year 1917 and in 1921, detail
  • Stomp
  • Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance on Rain-Flower sheet music cover
  • Mt Everest of Himalayan Mtn Range in Height 28027 in Nepal Distric of East India Asia
  • Section #2 of Florida Mtns Range near Deming New Mexico
  • On Navajo Reservation Arizona
  • Navajo Mtn in North East Corner of State of Arizona near Village of Keyenta on Navajo Indian Reservation
  • Bonita Wa Wa Calachaw Nuñez with her paintings, New York
  • Portrait of Carlos Montezuma
  • Synthi Walwo the Only Indian Million in U.S. Derived from Oil Well and Refinery in Boley Oklahoma
  • This is of White River near Phoenix Missouri
  • Joseph E. Yoakum in his room at the Ogden Park Convalescent Home, Chicago
  • Mt Loving a Mtn in New Mexico near Town Open Blossom
  • The Mounds of Cenery for All Day Pleasure and Return at the End of the Day Wandering Why You Were Mooving All Day and the Cause of Tireness Were Not Expected by No Visiting This Place
  • This Is My Little School Only 3-Months of All My Life at a Hdw. and Gas Store Were All This Business There That Was My Education Period
  • On My Own Father's Farm While Yet Living Owning 60 Acroes of Farm at Willard Missouri 1840 Sold by Emma Francis Yoakum Yoakum Mother of the Family Children
  • Mt Blissing Game of Dade County of That Country at the Village Named Dadeville Town Missouri
  • Drinking Comfort Stool of Ex King of England
  • Woolworth's Advertisement for Fifth Avenue stationery; a beta radiograph of the imitation watermark in Joseph E. Yoakum's St Clar Oil Refinery on Guantannama Bay Cuba 1910 A.D.; the imitation watermark, traced in red for legibility
  • Beta radiograph of the imitation watermark of the Great Seal of the United States seen in several of Joseph E. Yoakum's drawing sheets
  • Dividing Ridge Bolling Green MO, overall and detail views
  • Clark and Lewis Mtn near Dover Alaska in Head Point, of Continental Divide across West Canada into Montana USA, overall and detail views
  • Joseph E. Yoakum's hand and a box of twelve Weber Costello Alphacolor pastels rest on an unfinished drawing in his sketchbook
  • Weber Costello Alphacolor pastels
  • Spring River Valley Carthage Missouri
  • The Little Brown Church in the Wild Woods Ohio
  • Cliff 400 Hayward Wis.
  • Craterhead Mountain of Hiawaii
  • Arabian Desert near Sudi Arabia, detail
  • Twin Lakes near Medford Wisconsin
  • Twin Lakes Near Medford Wisconsin, photomicrograph
  • Logan Pass Mt Cleveland Montana Lewis Range
  • Logan Pass Mt Cleveland Montana Lewis Range, raking light detail of the center of the composition in the top half
  • Big Hole Pass Jackson Montana, detail
  • Back Where I Were Born 2/20-1888 AD
  • What I Saw in Alberta B.C. Pacific Coastle Range
  • U.S. Route 66 Via Albuquerque New Mexico
  • Cacasus Mtn Range USSR–Russia
  • The Great Mtn Range near Canberra Australia
  • Crater Range San Salvador Peru
  • Mt Brock of Air Cave Pass Near Carson City Nevada
  • Big Hole Pass Jackson Montana
  • Mt Brahmoi Nassau Bahama Island
  • Saw Toot Mtn Montana
  • Prairie Mounds in Westerrn Iowa on Chicago Milwauke and St Paul R.Y.
  • The First Steam Engine to Be Assigned to the Service of the Kansas City Ft Scott and Memphis Run between Kansas City and Springfielld Missouri on the St Louis and Sanfrancisco Rail Road Pulling the Kansas City and Florida Special frrom Kansas City to Jacksonville Florida in Year of 1901
  • Mt Elk in Rainy Mtn Range near Lawton Oklahoma
  • An Official Train on Santife Rail Road Entering Belle Plains Arizona
  • Monogahelia River Falls near Riverside West Virginia
  • Monogahelia River Falls near River Side West Virginia
  • Chorro Valley Sanluis Obispo County Paso Robles California
  • Grizzly Gulch Valley Ohansburg Vermont
  • Gascanade River Passing by the Town of Newburg Missouri on St Louis and Sanfrancisco Rail Way
  • Wilks Land in East Sector of Antartica Continents on Rose Sea and Ice Shellf Cliffe of the Two Sectors Discovery Since Australia and New Zealand
  • Cavalry Mountain
  • Mount Calvary
  • Mt Calvalery near Jerusalem in SO East Asia
  • Syrian Desert Namrath Syria
  • Sand Dunes, Arabian Desert
  • Hanford Desert Pasco Washington
  • Sylvainia Range Yugoslavia
  • Rain Bow Brdge Utah
  • Rain Bow Bridge in in Bryce Canyon National Park near Henriville Utah
  • Bitter Root Range near Boise Idaho
  • Ozark Range at Kirkwood Missouri West Suburb of St Louis Mt Dillon
  • Mt Thousand Lakes in Bryce Canyon National Park near Hawksville Utah
  • Mt Makkah near Village Mecca of Sudi Arabia SE Asia
  • Coulee Dam on Columbia River near Olympia Wash
  • Grand Coulee Dam on Columbia River Washington Stat
  • Grand Coulee Dam in Columbia River near Olympia Washington
  • Crater Head Mtn in Andes Mtn Range near Santiag Chile South America
  • Twin Crater Mts near Lima Peru
  • Crater Head Mts of Honolula Hawaiia
  • Crater Head Mtns of Honolula Hawaiia
  • The Home of Wm F Cody Buffalo Bill near Town of North Platt Nebraska
  • Ranch #101 Red Cloud Nebraska
  • Rockey Mts British Columbia Canada
  • Mid Portion of Florida Mtn Range near Santafe New Mexico
  • Deming Suburb of New Mexico
  • Ground Floor of Grand Canyon Colorado River near Arizona State Line
  • Poverty Hollar in Ozark Mts near Luck Green County Missouri
  • Mt Cloubelle Jamaca of West India
  • A Cyclone in Action at Iola Kansas in Year of 1920
  • The Cyclone That Struck Susanville California in Year of 1903
  • Flying Saucer in 1958
  • The Flying Saucer in 1958
  • American Zeppolin Flight from New York City to Paris France in Year 1939
  • High Way #281 in Eastern Portion of Canada through Mojave Desert
  • Mt Colbart of Nome Alaska
  • Arabian Desert near Sudi Arabia
  • Mt Grazian in Maritime Alps near Emonaco Tunnel France and Italy by Tunnel
  • Jehol Mtn in Kuntsing Mtn Range near Tsingkin Proviance China Asia
  • EP Leverest in Himilaya Mtn Range near Gyangtse East India Asia
  • Mt Pikes Peak the Mtn of Pleasure near Colorado Springs Colorado Highest Foot Bridge in U.S.A.
  • Moro Rock and Morro Bay near San-Luis Obispo Californid
  • This of Moro Bay in Sanluis Obispo County Sanluis Obispo California
  • This of Moro Bay in San Luis Obispo County Sanluis Obispo California
  • Bay Wood Park Sub Division on Moro Bay at San Luis Obispo County California
  • A Rock in the Baltic Sea near Stockholm Sweden E. Europe
  • Mt Popocatepel of Sra Madre Occidental Range near Mexico City C.M.
  • Turtle Dove Slew in Suwanee River Wilcox Florida
  • Waianae Mtn Range Entrance to Pearl Harbor and Honolulu Oahu of Hawaiian Islands
  • This Gunboat Were Stationed at Santiago De Cuba on Guantanamo Bay until Beginning of Worlds War One
  • Straits of Messina between Italy and Sicily between Tynhenian and Mediterranean Seas
  • English Channel Between Southampton England and Le Havre France
  • An Alaskan Passenger Sail Boat While in Vancouver British Columbia Canada
  • Rock of Gibraltar
  • Mt Tara Piva near Bilfel Montenegro Proviance in Yugoslavia E and Asia
  • Tampa Bay at Tampa Florida
  • Puget Soun Cascad Range
  • Great Falls Montana Falls Are in Mission River
  • Spring Little Falls in Spring River near Thayer Missouri in Red Clay Range
  • Lake of the Ozarks near Marshall Missouri
  • Wahoo Valley near Holdenville Oklahoma
  • The Weeping Pebble of Virginia Peek Mtn near Reno Nevada
  • Weeping Pebble Nevada on Lak Shasta
  • Weeping Pebble of Sirrea Range in Virginia Park Nevada
  • Weeping Pebble East Side Sirrea Range Nevada
  • Mt Puyed Dome near Clermont France WE (Some Where in France Theres a Lily?)
  • Nat King Cole
  • Beulah Dudley 1st Negro Woman to Win Golff Record in Year 1927
  • Breck Girl
  • Ella Fitzgerald Moovie Star
  • Luella Ocondo Secretery of American Indian Center
  • Harold Beaman Known as Chick First Lineman and Major Commedian with Wm. McCabe and Faimous Georgia Minstril Shows from 1902 to 1923
  • Jessie Willard 2nd Challenge to Champion Fight with Jack Johnson for Worlds Heavy Weight Prize Fighting Champion Ship in Year 1917 and in 1921
  • Chieff Gray Eagle Squaw Wife Ogalla of Jicarilla Tribe Reservation North of Concord New Hampshire
  • Untitled
  • The Wonder of Assirea 310 BC
  • The Woman of Assirea 310 BC
  • Granit Center Mound in Rockey Range near Nome Alaska
  • Mt Sinaii at Sea Port on Gulf of Aquaba near Dhant al Haii of Saudi Arabia in Asia
  • Moon Valley Mtn in Pugget Sounds near Columbia Sounds Washington
  • The Open Gate to the West in Rockey Mtn Range near Pueblo Colorado
  • Mt Baykal of Yablonvy Mtn Range near Ulan-Ude near Lake Baykal of Lower Siberia Russia E Asia
  • Mt Atzmon on Border of Lebanon and Palestine SE. A.
  • Mt Suliwulai in Kunlun Mtn Era near Chiuchuan of East Central China East Asia
  • Mt Godwinanstem in Karakoram Range near Asrinagar E India in Asia
  • Mt Blessing Game
  • Mt Way Way Home of North Decotta
  • Untitled
  • Untitled
  • Mt Blissing All, in Ozark Mtn Range Starting from Hannibal Missouri 80 Miles Westward of St Louis Missouri North and West
  • Untitled
  • Massichute Pleasure Land near City of Boston Mass.
  • Mooving Water Mountain Fine near Chillicothia Missouri on Asher Creek River at at Marchfield MO
  • Mt Ever Gain Valley at Rushstead Oregon nor West of State
  • Near Phittip Minn
  • The Attraction of All Wanders Which is Located in Central Australia I Have Seen Them Twice My Self
  • This Is Our Rememberance of Old Ex President William Jennings Bryan Our 1st Democrat President
  • These Two Highways Are from California and Seattle Washington Both to Here in Chicago
  • Extremely Seenes near This Mountain Mt Olive #2
  • Mt Annaconda in Annaconda Mtn Range near by Annaconda Montana
  • Installation view of Joseph E. Yoakum at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
  • Grizzly Gulch Valley Ohansburg Vermont, as shown in Ray Yoshida's home
  • Exhibition poster (verso) for Don Baum Says Chicago Needs Famous Artists, featuring the artists in the show
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Joseph E. Yoakum (1891–1972) was an “artist’s artist.” This rare and coveted designation, informally bestowed by art historians, critics, and members of a creative community, might have surprised him. Nevertheless, it reflects his foundational importance to the young artists and their teachers at the School of the Art Institute...
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Organizing the exhibition and publication Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw has been a rich collaboration among the many supporters, admirers, scholars, and collectors of Yoakum’s work as well as the artist himself. Although not all these key figures are with us today to witness the fruits of their labor, we are forever linked to them through mutual...
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Note to the Reader
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
In 1967 John Hobgood, an anthropology professor at Chicago State University, saw drawings...
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.15-25

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Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Joseph Elmer Yocum (a spelling he later changes to Yoakum) is born in Ash Grove, Missouri, to John and Emma Francis (Fannie) Yocum, who married in 1874.Lack of birth records in the late 1800s makes it difficult to determine the exact date of...
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.27-33

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Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Yoakum’s line work is a graphic language entirely his own. Generally executed in blue or black ballpoint pen and sometimes in fiber-tipped pen, it is concerted and intricate. It exudes energy and movement but also generates a strong sense of structure through a set repertoire of marks that he combined and recombined ad...
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.35-43

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Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Halstead’s essay on Yoakum describes the artist’s studio, including an abbreviated inventory of...
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.45-57

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Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
I have always had mixed feelings about Joseph E. Yoakum. I am impressed by what he accomplished in such a short time and with so few resources; I feel conflicted, however, about how he was situated within the art world...
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.59-63

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Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Joseph E. Yoakum has been described as a teller of tall tales...
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.65-73

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Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
In 1971 Yoakum’s health severely declined as he battled terminal cancer. He was temporarily admitted in the summer to Hines Veterans Hospital, located just west of Chicago, where he returned several times over the course of the...
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.75-83

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Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Yoakum made many early drawings on roughly letter-sized, ivory or cream-colored...
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.85-95

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Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.97-207

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Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Whitney Halstead was an artist, a historian of twentieth-century Western art, and a beloved teacher at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, having joined the faculty in 1954. The following text is a transcription of the unfinished and unpublished manuscript that he intended to be the first monograph on Joseph E. Yoakum...
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.208-221

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Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Exhibition History
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Selected Bibliography
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Checklist of the Exhibition
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
Description: Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
Photography Credits
Mark Pascale (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor), Édouard Kopp (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Joseph E. Yoakum: What I Saw
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