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List of illustrations

  • Volta donata, Domus Aurea
  • Laocoön Group
  • Apollo Belvedere
  • Birth of the Baptist, detail
  • Fire in the Borgo, detail
  • Madonna of Saint Jerome
  • The School of Athens
  • Raising of Lazarus
  • Jonah, Sistine Ceiling, detail
  • Temptation and Expulsion of Adam and Eve
  • Holy Family, known as the Doni Tondo
  • Battle of the Milvian Bridge
  • Disputation of Saint Catherine of Alexandria
  • Sala delle Guerre Puniche
  • Victory of Rome over Sicily
  • Hand to Hand Combat and Conquest of a Mountain Fortress
  • Hand to Hand Combat
  • The Battle of Cascina
  • Madonna of the Carnations
  • Villa of Agostino Chigi (La Farnesina), Rome, north façade
  • Vault of Sala Galatea
  • Triumph of Galatea
  • Polyphemus
  • Study for Leda and the Swan
  • Salone delle Prospettive
  • Marriage of Alexander and Roxana
  • Loggia of Psyche, Villa Farnesina
  • Belvedere Court, Vatican City, in A. Lafreri, "Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae," III
  • Studies for the Sistine Ceiling
  • Disputa
  • Death of Ananias
  • The Expulsion of Heliodorus
  • Saint Michael
  • Loggie, Vatican Palace
  • Constantine addressing his Troops and his Vision of the Cross
  • The Donation of Constantine
  • Sarcophagus with battle between Greeks and Gauls, from Via Amendola
  • Battle of the Milvian Bridge, detail
  • Venus and Mars
  • Crouching Venus
  • Massacre of the Innocents
  • Stucco and grotesque decoration
  • Vault
  • John the Baptist
  • Joseph in Egypt
  • Ecce Homo
  • Story of Bathsheba
  • Legend of the True Son
  • Christ before Pilate
  • Holy Family with Saints (San Michele Visdomini altarpiece)
  • Madonna and Child with Saints
  • Marriage of the Virgin
  • Moses and the Daughters of Jethro
  • Salone, Villa Medici
  • Tribute to Caesar
  • Crossing the Red Sea
  • Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence
  • Constantine addressing his Troops and his Vision of the Cross, modello
  • La Fornarina
  • Woman with a Mirror
  • The Stoning of Saint Stephen
  • Two Lovers
  • Façade in the Piazza Caprettari
  • Story of Mary Magdalen
  • Sketch for the Fra Mariano Fetti Chapel, San Silvestro al Quirinale, Rome
  • Visitation
  • Visitation of Saint Jerome
  • Dead Christ with Angels
  • Death of Cleopatra
  • Portrait of Clement VII
  • Holy Family with Infant Saint John
  • Flagellation of Christ
  • Marriage of the Virgin
  • Fury
  • Mercury visiting Herse, from The Loves of the Gods
  • Christ cleansing the Temple and The Pope as Antichrist selling Indulgences
  • Sala dei Cavalli
  • Destruction of the Giants/Fall of the Giants from Mount Olympus
  • Sala di Psiche
  • Wedding of Cupid and Psyche
  • Sala degli Stucchi, detail
  • Diomedes's Battle, modello
  • Battle of Zama
  • Adoration of the Child
  • Venus and Mars
  • Atrium vault, detail
  • Roman Charity
  • Frescoes for the north façade, Palazzo Doria, Genoa
  • Jupiter destroying the Giants
  • Marriage of Jupiter and Juno
  • The Nativity
  • Madonna of the Long Neck
  • Entombment Facing Left
  • Madonna and Child with Margaret and other Saints
  • Cupid cutting his Bow
  • Madonna of the Rose
  • Venus and Mars
  • Galerie François I
  • Unity of the State, Galerie François I
  • Enlightenment of François I
  • Eva Prima Pandora
  • Nativity of the Virgin
  • Last Judgment
  • Last Judgment, detail of St. Bartholomew
  • Adoration of the Shepherds
  • Panoramic Landscape with the Abduction of Helen, detail
  • Landscape with Roman Ruins
  • Drawing after Raphael's Psyche and marble fragments
  • Oratory of San Giovanni Decollato, view
  • Annunciation to Zachariah
  • Preaching of the Baptist
  • Preaching of the Baptist, sketch
  • Visitation
  • Preliminary drawing for the side wall, Massimi Chapel, Trinità dei Monti, Rome
  • Massacre of the Innocents
  • Sala Paolina
  • Sala Paolina, vault
  • Overdoor with Sacrifice at Lystra, Sala Paolina
  • Sala dei Cento Giorni
  • Beheading of John the Baptist and Janus welcoming Saturn to Rome (lunette)
  • Destruction of the Pagan Idols
  • Saturn and Janus
  • Birth of John the Baptist
  • Letto di Policleto (Bed of Polyclitus)
  • Young man holding a key
  • Saul attempting to kill David with his Spear
  • Salone
  • Ranuccio Farnese receiving Arms from the Gods
  • Deeds of Pope Paul III
  • Baptism of Christ
  • Sala Regia
  • Pope Gregory XI returning to Rome from Avignon in 1376
  • Capella del Monte, San Pietro
  • Modello for Chapel of Julius III, San Pietro in Montorio, Rome
  • Christ in Limbo
  • Christ Carrying the Cross
  • Pauline Chapel
  • Conversion of Saul
  • Crucifixion of Peter
  • Drawing for the tapestry to hang below Michelangelo's Last Judgment
  • Deposition
  • Guidiccioni Chapel
  • Gonzaga Chapel
  • Frangipane Chapel, vault
  • Blinding of Elymas
  • Sketch for the Raising of Eutychus, Frangipane Chapel
  • Baptism of Christ
  • Last Judgment, detail of Saint Catherine and Saint Biagio
  • Taddeo Zuccaro Drawing the "Last Judgment"
  • Pietà
  • Nativity of the Virgin
  • Nativity of the Virgin
  • Rest on the Flight into Egypt
  • Christ Raising the Son of the Widow of Nain
  • Sala dei Fasti Farnesiani (Room of Farnese Deeds)
  • Stanza dei Lanefici, vault
  • Stanza della Penitenza, vault
  • Sala degli Elementi, vault
  • Christ before Pilate and Flagellation
  • Mocking of Christ
  • Prophets and Sibyls
  • Christ healing the Man born Blind
  • Miraculous Communion of Saint Catherine of Siena
  • Entombment
  • Venus and Mars
  • Venus and Mars
  • Madonna and Child with Infant Saint John
  • Lamentation over the Dead Christ
  • Panciatichi Holy Family
  • Deposition
  • Cosimo I de'Medici as Orpheus
  • Chapel of Eleanora
  • Crossing the Red Sea and Moses appointing Joshua
  • Sala dell' Udienza
  • Triumph of Camillus
  • Joseph recounting his Dream
  • Lamentation
  • Venus and Cupid with Pan
  • Charity
  • Christ carrying the Cross
  • Cosimo with his Architects, Engineers, and Artists
  • Salone dei Cinquecento
  • The Coronation of Cosimo I
  • Triumphal Return to Florence after the Victory over Pisa
  • Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence
  • Studiolo of Prince Francesco
  • Medea Rejuvenating Aeson
  • Resurrection
  • Study for "Benediction of the Seed of Noah"
  • Resurrection
  • Resurrection with Saints
  • Christ as Judge
  • Study for the Last Judgment
  • Raising of Lazarus
  • Pietà
  • Saint Jerome
  • Aeneas's Flight from Troy
  • Judgment of Paris
  • Scipio Entertained by Syphax
  • Triumph of the Cross
  • Ecce Homo
  • Daniel, Bel and the Dragon
  • Daniel Showing King Cyrus the Footsteps in the Ashes
  • King Cyrus and Daniel before Bel
  • Salone Sistino
  • Cortile del Belvedere with Tournament
  • Chancel
  • Crucifixion
  • Ascension
  • Deposition
  • The Fire in the Borgo
  • Rest on the Flight into Egypt
  • Penitent Magdalen
  • Entombment
  • Baptism of Christ
  • Gallery, Palazzo Farnese, Rome
  • Venus and Anchises
  • Presentation in the Temple
  • Gold Conquers All
  • Battle of Tullus
Description: After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
PublisherYale University Press
Description: After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
List of Illustrations
PublisherYale University Press
Description: After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
The issue of style labels is a thorny one, and anyone who grasps hold of it these days is certain to come away bloodied. Many in our field have abandoned them altogether, claiming they do more harm than good. The easy confidence with which our predecessors applied them is lost and gone, victim of the worthy effort to talk about art in the terms...
PublisherYale University Press
Description: After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
This book was researched, written, and edited in Rome, all at the library of the American Academy in Rome. Little did they know, nor did I, when I timidly requested a desk in September 1994, that I would occupy it for three years. I am grateful to the National Endowment for the Humanities for granting me a Fellowship for University Professors in...
PublisherYale University Press
Description: After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
The “Rebirth” to which the term Renaissance refers is, in one sense, the rebirth of culture after its long sleep in the Middle Ages; in another sense, it is the rebirth of antique culture. To understand the excitement that...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.1-11

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Description: After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
Rome had always been a city of transients, living off the pilgrims who swarmed to visit the holy sites, to view the relics, or to obtain indulgences for their sins, especially in Jubilee years. In the year 1300 a contemporary estimated that in the city of about 35,000 inhabitants, two...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.12-54

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Description: After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
After the sack, when painters fled rome in search of personal safety and work, several found positions at courts that provided them with job security. The long-term result of the Sack was not the collapse of Rome as the leading artistic center of central Italy, for Rome revitalized itself in the 1530s. Rather, it was the transfer of Roman style to...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.95-128

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Description: After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
The sack in 1527 is usually taken as the watershed event that marks the end of an era: sometimes the end of humanism, certainly an end to the optimism about man that was its tenet. The Sack offered the...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.129-172

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Description: After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
The midcentury is marked by the conflict between traditional humanist values and those of the Reform, and by competing styles, Maniera and Counter-Maniera, existing side by side to serve both sets of patrons. To appreciate this situation we need to move back in time to see what was going on in religious art while the secular works we discussed in the...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.173-214

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Description: After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
The counter-reformation entered a new phase with the pontificate of Sixtus V (1585–90). It moved beyond a defensive position to seize definitively the offensive and declare the Church triumphant. One scholar has found that the rhetoric regarding the city changed at just this point. In the funeral oration for...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.257-291

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Description: After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
PublisherYale University Press
Description: After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
Photographic Credits
PublisherYale University Press
Description: After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
PublisherYale University Press
After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
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