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Description: After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century
PublisherYale University Press
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Academy, Roman, 13, 37
Accademia del Disegno, Florence, 237–8, 241, 280
Adrian VI, Pope, 45, 53, 69, 75, 92, 93, 136, 184
Agresti, Livio, 208
Gonzaga Chapel, Sto. Spirito in Sassia, Rome, 183–4, fig. 123
Agucchi, Leon Battista, 253
Alberti, Leon Battista, 4, 15, 83, 207
Sant’Andrea, Mantua, 104
Aldobrandini, Pietro, 270
Alexander VI, Pope, 13, 15, 130, 288
Alesssandro del Barbiere
Goldsmith’s Workshop, Studiolo of Prince Francesco, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 241
all’antica, xiii, 100, 113, 146, 200, 219–21, 226, 231–2
decoration, 41
Allori, Alessandro, 176, 194, 237–8
Judgment of Paris, drawing, Metropolitan Museum, New York, 253–4, fig. 168
Last Judgment, copy after Michelangelo, 248, 250
Oration of Titus Flaminius, Villa Medici, Poggio a Caiano, 255
Pearl Fishers, Studiolo of Prince Francesco, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 241
Scipio entertained by Syphax, Villa. Medici, Poggio a Caiano, 254–5, fig. 169
Altoviti, Antonio, 236
Altoviti, Bindo, 220
Andrea del Sarto, xii, 8, 23, 55–6, 62–3, 85, 120, 131, 136, 252, 253
John the Baptist, Pitti, Florence, 57–8, Pl. X
Joseph interpreting Pharaoh’s Dream, Pitti, Florence, 59, 66
Madonna of the Harpies, Uffizi, Florence, 60
Tribute to Caesar, Villa Medici, Poggio a Caiano, 66, 255, fig. 45
Angelico, Fra, 191
anticlericalism, xiv
anti-Maniera, xiv
antiquarian decoration, 18, 19
see Ripanda
see Giulio Romano
antiquarian manner, 75
antiquarianism, xiii, 7, 10, 14, 24, 53, 88, 103, 136, 140
defined, 4
Roman art, xv, 14
antique art, 70
antique culture, 1
antique models, xiii
antique painting, 1
antique sculpture, 1, 8, 15, 22, 50, 283
Apollo Belvedere, Belvedere Statue Court, Vatican, 1, 4, 32, 126, 286, fig. 2
battle sarcophagi, Capitoline Museum, Rome, 47, 75, fig. 29
Column of Trajan, Rome, 44, 74–5, 100, 258, 260
Crouching Venus, 50–1, 131, 160, 227, 277
Cupid stringing his Bow, Capitoline Museum, Rome, 118
Dead Niohid, 244
influence on painting, 2
Laocoon, Belvedere Statue Court, Vatican, 1, 4, 22, 32, 50, 90, 126, 191, 211, 287, fig. 1
“Letto di Policleto” Palazzo Mattei, Rome, 160, 195, fig. 105
Marcus Aurelius, Rome, 74, 103
relief, 2, 46, 75–6, 144
She-Wolf Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome, 15
Sleeping Ariadne (Cleopatra), Museo Pio-Clementino, Vatican, 4, 85, 126
Spinario, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome, 15
Torso Belvedere, Belvedere Statue Court, Vatican, 4, 221, 286
antiquity, 2, 4, 9, 13, 55, 140
Greek, 6
shifts in approaches to, 9
Antoniano, Silvio, 261
Apuleius, 5
Arch of Constantine, Liberalitas, Rome, 219, 232
Arch of Titus, Rome, 17, 154
Aretino, Pietro, 110, 118, 120–1, 160, 183, 189, 244
poems for I Modi, 72
Arezzo, 119, 120, 219
Barocci, Madonna del Popólo, original commission, 255, 273
Aristotle, 167
Armenini, Giovanni Battista, 113, 135, 159, 161–2, 199, 229, 279
Arpino, Cavaliere d’ (Cesari, Giuseppe), 200, 271
Battle ofTullus, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome, 290–1, fig. 188
Romulus and Remus, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome, 290
vault, Olgiati Chapel, Sta. Prassede, Rome, 289–90
artists’ sketchbooks, 140
art writing, 113–4, 159, 280
Aspertini, Amico, 15
astrology, 24
Bacchiacca, 228
Legend of the True Son, Gemäldegalerie, Dresden, 57–9, fig. 38
Baptism of Christ, Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Gemäldegalerie, 57
Bagnaia, Villa Lante, 55, 206
Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, Heemskerck, 137–9, fig. 89
Bandinelli, Baccio, 7, 68–9, 130, 137, 217, 219, 220, 238
his academy, 7, 136
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, engraving, 68
Barocci, Federico, xv, 8, 11, 199–200, 212, 252, 258, 261, 270–1, 277–8, 282–3, 287
Aeneas’s Flight from Troy, Borghese Gallery, Rome, 274, Pl. XXX
Deposition, Cathedral, Perugia, 273–4, fig. 179
Madonna del Popólo, Uffizi, Florence, 255, 273
St. Jerome in Prayer, Borghese Gallery, Rome, 272, Pl. XXIX
Visitation, Chiesa Nuova, Rome, 273–4
Baronio, Cesare, 289
Baroque style, xv
Bartolomeo, Fra, 23, 55, 252
Baths of Titus, Rome, 1
Battisti, Eugenio, 289
Beccafumi, 95, 149
Sacrifice of Codra, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, 112–13
Bellori, Giovanni Pietro, 5–6, 278, 280, 288
Bembo, Pietro, Cardinal, 35
on imitation, 27
Benintendi, Giovanni, 57–9, 67
Berlin, Staatliche Museen
Bacchiacca, 57
Heemskerck, drawing, 139, 141, fig. 91
Bernini, Gianlorenzo, 267
Ecstasy of St. Theresa, S. M. delia Vittoria, Rome, 84
Bertoia, Jacopo, 119, 201, 241
Entry into Jerusalem, Oratory of the Gonfalone, Rome, 208
Prophets and Sybils, Oratory of the Gonfalone, Rome, 208, 210, fig. 138
Stanza dei Giudizi, Villa Farnese, Caprarola, 204
Stanza della Penitenza, Villa Farnese, Caprarola, 204–5, fig. 135
Besançon, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bronzino, 222–3
Biondo, Flavio, 13
Bologna, 53, 100, 106, 114–16, 118–19, 127, 280–1
Annibale Carracci, 283
Parmigianino 116–17, fig. 79
Raphael, 282
S. Giocomo Maggiore
Sammacchini, 281, 287
S. Gregorio
Carracci, 282, fig. 183
S. Petronio
Giulio Romano, 106
Borgherini, Salvi, 56, 67
Borghini, Raffaello, xiv, 161, 244, 246–7, 258, 280
Borghini, Don Vincenzo, 234, 237–8, 242, 245, 249, 251
Borromeo, Carlo, Archbishop, xiv, 190, 198, 200, 202, 206, 246, 260, 273, 275
Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Rosso, 83–5, 119, 158, 190, fig. 56
Botticelli, Sandro, Venus and Mars, National Gallery, London, 127–8
Boyvin, René, 126
Bracciolini, Poggio, 13
Bramante, Donato, 2, 37
design for new St. Peter’s, 32
Cortile del Belvedere, Vatican, 32–3, fig. 20
theater, Cortile del Belvedere, Vatican, 257, 263–4, fig. 174
Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, Rosso, 83–5, Pl. XIII
Bronzino, Agnolo, xiii, 62, 176, 245
Allegory of Love, National Gallery, London, 229
altarpieces, 158
Andrea Doria as Neptune, Brera, Milan, 217, 220
Brazen Serpent, Chapel of Eleonora, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 222–3
Cosimo de’ Medici as Orpheus, Museum of Art, Philadelphia, 217, 221, fig. 148
Crossing the Red Sea and Moses appointing Joshua, Chapel of Eleonora, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 222–4, fig. 149
Gathering of Manna, Chapel of Eleonora, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 223
Holy Family Panciatichi, Uffizi, Florence, 217–18, fig. 146
Joseph recounting his Dream, drawing, Ashmolean, Oxford, 228, fig. 151
Lamentation, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Besançon, 222–3
Lamentation over the Dead Christ, Uffizi, Florence, 216–18, fig. 145
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, S. Lorenzo, Florence, 224, 238, 239, 248, fig. 259
Moses bringing Forth Water from a Rock, Chapel of Eleonora, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 222–3
Portrait of a Young Man, Metropolitan Museum, New York, 216
Resurrection, Santíssima Annunziata, Florence, 243, 246–8, fig. 162
Story of Moses, Chapel of Eleonora, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 222, Pl. XXIV
Venus and Cupid, Galleria Colonna, Rome, 229, Pl. XXVI
Brunelleschi, Filippo, 13, 248
Burckhardt, Jacob, 6
Budapest, National Gallery
Perino, drawing, 146, fig. 96
Sebastiano, 176, Pl. XX
Cali, Maria xiv
see modes of coloring
Caprarola, Villa Farnese, 167, 201–3, 205
Bertoia, 204–5, fig. 135
T. Zuccaro, 202–3, figs. 1334
caput mundi, 13, 207
Caraglio, Gian Jacopo
Bacchus, 90
Fury, 89–90, fig. 61
Hercules, 89–90
Marriage of the Virgin, 89, fig. 60
Mercury visiting Herse, 91, fig. 62
Pluto, 90
prints after Parmigianino, 89
prints after Rosso, 89–90
Caravaggio (Merisi, Michelangelo), xv, 5, 11, 256, 258, 270–1, 274
Boy bitten by a Lizard, Roberto Longhi Foundation, Florence, 275
Calling of Matthew, Contarelli Chapel, S. Luigi dei Francesi, Rome, 276, 279
Cardsharps, Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, 275–6
Cerasi Chapel, Sta. M. del Popólo, Rome, 180, 279
Entombment, Pinacoteca, Vatican, 278, Pl. XXXII
Four Musicians, Metropolitan Museum, New York, 276
Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Camerino of the Casino Ludovisi, Rome, 277–8
Madonna of the Pilgrims (Madonna di Loreto), Sant’Agostino, Rome, 277
Penitent Magdalen, Galleria Doria-Pamphili, Rome, 277, fig. 182
Rest on the Flight into Egypt, Galleria Doria-Pamphili, Rome, 276–7, fig. 181
Caro, Annibale, 154–5, 203
Carpi, Ugo da
Diogenes, 89
Carracci, Agostino, 280
Gold conquers All, 288, fig. 187
Lascivie, 288
Presentation in the Temple, after Sanimacchini, 287, fig. 186
Carracci, Annibale, 6, 11, 280
Baptism of Christ, S. Gregorio, Bologna, 282, fig. 183
Bean Eater, Galleria Colonna, Rome, 283
Camerino, Palazzo Farnese, Rome, 283
Galleria, Palazzo Farnese, Rome, 283–6
Madonna of San Ludovico, Pinacoteca, Bologna, 283
Pietà, Galleria Nazionale, Parma, 282
Venus and Anchises, Galleria, Palazzo Farnese, Rome, 286, fig. 185
Carracci, Ludovico, 280
Carracci, the, xv, 256, 258
Accademia dei Incamminati, 281
Castagno, Andrea del, 4
Castiglione, Baldassare, 5, 27, 40, 77, 96, 99, 129, 179, 193
bellezza, 167–9
grace, 82–3
sprezzatura, 3–4, 83
Catholic reform, xiv, 69, 144, 173, 175, 179
see spirituali
Catholic Restoration, 257
Cellini, Benvenuto, 89, 105, 130, 242
Saltcellar, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, 126, 158
Cennini, Cennino, 9, 278
Cesi, Federico, Cardinal, 200
Chantilly, Musée Condé
Polidoro da Caravaggio, fig. 53
Raphael, 87
Charles V, Emperor, 96, 100, 107, 110, 124, 154, 165–6, 206, 215, 225, 226
triumphal entry into Rome (1536), 94, 140–1
Chatsworth, Devonshire Collection
Giulio Romano, drawing, 160
Raphael, drawing, 45, fig. 47
see modes of coloring
Chigi, Agostino, 23–4, 112, 166
see Rome, Villa Farnesina
Cicero, 4–5, 39, 83, 99, 268
on rhetoric, 9
Cigoli, Lodovico, 252, 273
Deposition, Pitti, Florence, 256
Ecce Homo, Pitti, Florence, 256
Pietà, Kunsthistorisches Museum. Vienna, 255–6, Pl. XVIII
Cimabue, 3
Cinquecento, 2–3
art historians of, xiv
Circignani, Nicolò (Pomarancio), 200, 213
Classic style, xiii, xiv, 5, 7, 9, 60–1, 113, 148, 167, 194
alternatives to, 70
composition, 46
concept of ideal art, 5
emulation of antique, 14
in Florence, 20, 55–6
classical antiquity, 95, 219
in sacred art, xv
classicism, 5
ClementVII, Pope, 45, 53, 68, 72 86, 88, 96, 100, 107, 118–19, 129, 130, 132, 215
Golden Age of Clement, 80
“Clementine Style,” 80
stuffetta, Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome, 149
Clement VIII, Pope, 258, 270, 274, 288–9
Colonna. Vittoria, xiv, 147, 174–5
see modes of coloring
colore-disegno debate, 255
Column of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, 258, 260
Column ofTrajan, Rome, 100, 258, 260
Trajan addressing his Troops, 44
connoisseurship, 50
Constantine, Emperor, 14, 43, 92, 262
see also Raphael, Donation of Constantine
contrapposto, 40–1, 87
Correggio, xv, 84, 114, 172, 255, 271, 272, 282
Madonna of St. Jerome, Galleria Nazionale, Parma, 80, 116, Pl. I
illusionistic dome paintings, Parma, 106
sfumato, 8, 82
Cort, Cornelius
King Cyrus and Daniel before Bel, engraving after Heemskerck, 263, fig. 173
Counter-Maniera, xiii–xiv, 171, 173–6, 180, 185, 187–8, 194–8, 208, 246, 251, 261
in sacred art, xv
Counter-Reformation, xiii–xv, 8, 84, 94, 129, 135, 158, 173, 188, 196, 198, 202, 206, 207, 211, 212, 214, 244, 247, 248, 250, 258, 260, 264, 268, 271–2
Cousin, Jean
Pandora-Eve, Louvre, Paris, 127–8, fig. 85
Cox-Rearick, Janet, 37, 226
Coxie, Michael, 88
Cranach, Lucas, the Elder
Christ cleansing the Temple and The Pope as Antichrist selling Indulgences, from Passional Christi und Antichristi, 92, fig.63
Daniele da Volterra, 104, 141, 146, 147, 238
assistant to Perino, Massimi Chapel, Sta. Trinità dei Monti, Rome, 147
Baptism of Christ, Ricci Chapel, S. Pietro in Montorio, Rome, 188, fig. 126
changes in Last Judgment by Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, 190, 192, 238, Pl. XXII
Deposition, Orsini Chapel, Sta. Trinità dei Monti, Rome, 147–8, 189
Jacopino’s Deposition (Oratory of San Giovanni Decollate), drawing for, 192
Massacre of the Innocents, Della Rovere Chapel, Sta. Trinità dei Monti, Rome, 148, fig. 97
stuccoes, Sala Regia, Vatican, 169, 183, fig. 112
Danti, Vincenzo, 194
Davent, Léon, (Thiry), 126
Davidson, Bernice, 195
decorum, 4, 167, 190, 259–60, 277
of antique model, 11
of devotional images, 158
of grotesques, 147
of sacred art, 144
of villa decoration, 99, 205
Del Monte, Cardinal, 275, 278
palace of, 276
Dente, Marco, 2
Dolce, Lodovico, 183, 189, 192, 244, 251, 283
Galleria, Sala Grande, Palazzo Farnese, Rome, 284
Domenico del Barbiere, 126
Domus Aurea (Nero’s Palace), Rome, ι, 15, 24, 137–9, 147
ancient painting, 77
grotteschi, 1, 16, 41, 49, 64, 76
stucco decoration, 15
Volta Dorata, 33, 54, Pl. VIII
Donatello, 13
Doria, Andrea, Prince, 107–10, 112–14, 127, 143, 147
Dresden, Gemäldegalerie
Bacchiacca, 57–9, fig. 38
Franciabigio, 57, fig. 37
Parmigianino, 118–19, 190, fig. 80
Raphael, 283
Dürer, Albrecht, 51, 59, 60, 68, 137
woodcuts, 89
Egidio da Viterbo, 34–5, 38
ekphrasis, 242
epideictic rhetoric, 34, 172
Erasmus, 268
Escorial, 207
Palace library, Francisco de Hollanda, 139, Pl. VIII
Este, Ippolito d’, II, 106, 201
Este, Isabella d’, 96
Fabrini, Giovanni F., 183
facades, painted, 73–4
Florentine, 68
Genoa, Palazzo Doria, 108, 110, fig. 74
see Polidoro da Caravaggio
fantastica Idea (Bellori), 280
Fantuzzi, Antonio
Jupiter sending the three Goddesses to submit to the Judgment of Paris, 126
Farnese, Alessandro, Cardinal, 104, 130, 153, 156, 158, 160, 164, 166, 185, 190–1, 198, 200–2, 206
Farnese, Odoardo, Cardinal, 283
Farnese, Ottavio, 166, 218
Feltrini, Andrea di Cosimo, 66
Ferrara, 95, 227
Florence, xii–xiii, xv, 2, 8, 12, 95, 103, 106, 120, 130, 164, 175, 221
Michelangelo, 21, 142
Michelangelo, 15
Michelangelo, 55
Vasari, 250–1, fig. 167
F. Zuccaro, 249–50, fig. 166
Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, 37, 226
Palazzo Vecchio, 103, 226, 285
Apartment of Eleonora, Vasari, 233
Chapel of Eleonora, Bronzino, 222–4, Pl. XXIV, fig. 149
Quartiere degli Elementi, Vasari, 205–6, 231
Sala dei Gigli, Ghirlandaio, 226
Sala dell’ Udienza, Salviati, 160–1, 168, 219, 221, 224–7, 230, 235–6, Pl. XXV, figs. 106, 150
Sala di Consiglio, see Salone dei Cinquecento
Sala di Cosimo I, Vasari, 232
Salone dei Cinquecento (Sala di Consiglio), 21, 170–1, 233
Vasari and workshop, 134–5, 2, 33–4, 236–8, 240, figs. 1568
Studiolo, 233, 238, 240, 246, fig. 160
Alessandro del Barbiere, 241
Allori, 241
Macchietti, 240–1, fig. 161
Rossi, 240
Andrea del Sarto, 57–9, 66, Pl. X
Cigoli, 256
Pontormo, 57, 59
Raphael, 37, 63, 86
Rosso, 63
Roberto Longhi Foundation, Caravaggio, 275
Sta. Croce 238, 245
Salviati, 160
Santi di Tito, 198, 200, 246, 252, fig. 164
Sta. Felicita
Pontormo, xiii, 61, 120, 217
Santíssima Annunziata
Bronzino 243, 246–8, fig. 162
Santíssima Apostoli
Vasari, 220
S. Lorenzo, 237
Bronzino, 224, 238, 239, 248, fig. 159
Michelangelo, 37, 66, 69, 120, 143, 244–5
Pontormo, 231, 244, fig. 163
Rosso, xiii, 63–4, 83, fig. 42
S. M. del Carmine, Brancacci Chapel
Perino, 67
S. M. Novella, 245
Ghirlandaio, 6, fig. 3
Pontormo, 66
Santi di Tito, 252, Pl. XXVII
Vasari, 238, 246–8, fig. 165
S. Michèle Visdomini
Pontormo, xiii, 60–1, fig. 40
Andrea del Sarto, 60
Barocci, 255, 273
Bronzino, 216–18, figs. 1456
Michelangelo, 10, 22, fig. 5
Parmigianino, 114–15, fig. 77
Perino, 68, 75, 90, 143, 152, 217, Pl. XI
Pontormo, 215–18, fig. 144
Rosso, 62–4, 68, 83, fig. 41, 43
Salviati, 158, 176, 213, 215, 228–31, figs. 1524
Titian, 230
Florentine Academy (Accademia Florentina), 167–8, 238
Floris, Frans, 275
Fontainebleau, 11, 95, 100, 107, 120, 124, 126, 127, 149, 227
court of François I, 8, 95, 106–7, 119
Chambre du Roi, Primaticcio, 122
Galerie François I, Rosso, 122–6, 164, 284, fig. 84; tapestries, 126
Fontana, Domenico, 260
Fontana, Prospero
Villa Giulia, 281
Fort Worth, Kimbell Art Museum, Caravaggio, 275–6
Franciabigio, xii, 59, 60, 66, 253
Story of Bathsheba, Gemäldegalerie, Dresden, 57, fig. 37
Triumph of Cicero, Villa Medici, Poggio a Caiano, 66
Franco, Battista, 130, 136, 141
Arrest of the Baptist, Oratory of S. Giovanni Decollate, Rome, 142
François I, King, 41, 95, 102, 120–1, 123, 125–6, 154, 165, 227, 229, 249, 250
at Fountainebleau, 8, 11
patronage of Rosso, 64
Freedberg, Sydney J., xiv, 158, 167–8, 202
on classicism, 6, 7
French Academy, 139
Friedlaender, Walter, xiii
anti-classicism, 59–61
Galluzzo (Certosa), xiii, 59, 60
Pontormo, 60, fig. 39
Gast, Michiel, 138–9, 184
Geneva, Museum of Art and History, Giulio Romano, 101
Genoa, 8, 95, 107–9, 112–4, 143
court of Doria, 164
Palazzo Doria, 228, 285–6
atrium, 108–10, fig. 72
facade frescoes, 108, 110, fig. 74
Loggia degli Eroi, 108
Salone dei Giganti, 108, 110–1, Pl. XV
tapestries of Loves of Gods, 110, 127, fig. 73
Salone del Naufragio, 108; fig. 73
Ghirlandaio, Domenico, 4, 131
Birth of the Baptist, Sta. M. Novella, Florence, 6, fig. 3
Sala dei Gigli, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 226
Gilio, Giovanni, xiv–xv, 190–1, 193–5, 197–8, 202, 210, 238, 247, 273, 277
Dialogues, 183, 200
“mixed schemes,” 154, 165
Giocondo, Fra Giovanni, 53
Giorgione, 9
Giotto, xii, 175
Arena Chapel, Padua, 33
Last Judgment, Arena Chapel, Padua, 133
Giovanni di Pistoia, 134
Giovio, Paolo, 153
Giulio Romano, 9, 69–73, 95–101, 105–6, 115–16, 118–19, 214
Adoration of the Child, Louvre, Paris, 104, 113, fig. 70
apse, Cathedral, Verona, 105
Assumption of the Virgin, Steccata, Parma, 105–6
Bacchus and Ariadne, Sala di Psiche, Palazzo Te, Mantua, 99
Battle of the Milvian Bridge, Sala di Costantino, Vatican, 10, 22, 46–8, Pl. VII, fig. 30
Battle of Zama, drawing for Scipio tapestries, Louvre, Paris, 103, fig. 69
Constantine addressing his Troops, Sala di Costantino, Vatican, 48, fig. 27
Donation of Constantine, Sala di Costantino, Vatican, 44, 144, fig. 28
Nativity of the Virgin, drawing, Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth, 160
facade, S. Petronio, Bologna, 106
Fall of the Giants, Sala dei Giganti, Palazzo Te, Mantua, 98, fig. 65
Finding of the Sacred Blood, Chapel of St. Longinus, Sant’ Andrea, Mantua, 104
I Modi, 72, 89, 96, 183, 288
Palazzo Te, Mantua, 97, 108
Polyphemus and Galatea, Sala di Psiche, Palazzo Te, Mantua, 100
Portrait of Alexander the Great, Museum of Art and History, Geneva, 101
Portrait of Isabella d’Este, Hampton Court (London), 97
relieflike style at Mantua, 11
Sala degli Stucchi, Palazzo Te, Mantua, 100–2, 121–2, fig. 67
Sala di Costantino, Vatican, 10, 17, 22, 42–9, 69, 70–5, 78, 98, figs. 278, 30, 47, Pl. VII
Sala di Troia (Palazzo Ducale, Mantua), drawing for Diomedes’s Battle, British Museum, London, 102, fig. 68
Scipio tapestry designs, 17, 102, 103, 106, fig. 69
Stoning of St. Stephen, Sto. Stefano, Genoa, 71, 104, Pl. XII
Two Lovers, Hermitage, St. Petersburg, 70, 73, fig. 50
Villa Lante, Rome, 53
Villa Madama, Rome, 53–4, 73, 100
Wedding of Cupid and Psyche, Sala di Psiche, Palazzo Te, Mantua, 99, fig. 66
Woman with a Mirror, Pushkin Museum, Moscow, 71, fig. 49
Gonzaga, Ercole, Cardinal, 105, 189
Gonzaga, Federico, Duke, 11, 73, 89, 96–7, 100–7, 122, 127
Gonzaga, Giulia, 175
Gonzaga, Giulio Cesare, 183, 188
grazia (grace), xiv, 5, 40, 82–3, 131, 135, 158, 178, 187, 193–4, 248, 280
Greco, El
Boy lighting a Candle, Capodimonte, Naples, 210
Christ healing the Man Born Blind, Galleria Nazionale, Parma, 210–11, fig. 139
Gregory XI, Pope, 172
Gregory XIII, Pope, 169, 257, 260, 289
Grendler, Paul, xiv
grotteschi (grotesques), 16, 41, 49, 64, 76, 95, 108, 173, 203, 206, 266
defined, 1
see Pinturicchio
Guerra, Giovanni, 260
(with Nebbia), Daniel showing King Cyrus the Footsteps in Ashes, Sala Daniele, Lateran Palace, Rome, 262–3, fig. 172
(with Nebbia), Ecce Homo, Scala Santa, Rome, 261, fig. 171
Haarlem, 136
Hadrian, Emperor
villa at Tivoli, 32
Hall, Marcia, xiv
Hartt, Frederick, xii
Heemskerck, Martin van, 136, 141, 227
Daniel series, engravings, 263, 288, fig. 173
Panoramic Landscape with the Abduction of Helen, Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, 137–9, fig. 89
sketch after Raphael’s Psyche Loggia, Staatliche Museen, Berlin, 139, 141, fig. 91
High Renaissance, xiv
Holkham Hall, Aristotile da Sangallo, after Michelangelo, 22, fig. 10
Hollanda, Francisco de, 147
Volta Dorata, Domus Aurea, watercolor, Desenhos das Antigualhas, Escorial, Palace library, 139, Pl. VIII
Homer, 102
Horace, 99
on decorum, 4, 183, 190
humanism, iv, 129
early Renaissance, 14
humanist scholars, 13
ichnographic map of Rome, 37
illusionism, 28–9, 38, 48, 54, 100, 164, 208, 250, 284
irony and, 78
imago dei, xiv, 134, 178
imitation, 27, 282
of antiquity, 14, 53, 76
of sculptural relief, 53
see Shearman, John
Innocent VIII, Pope, 13
invenzione, 242
Inquisition, 130, 181–2, 188
Jacopino del Conte, 55, 141, 143, 146, 168, 243
Annunciation to Zachariah, Oratory of San Giovanni Decollato, Rome, 142, 143, 146, fig. 93
Deposition, Oratory of San Giovanni Decollato, Rome, 142, 182–3, 189, fig. 121
Madonna and Child, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C, 143
Preaching of the Baptist, Oratory of San Giovanni Decollato, Rome, 11, 142–4, 152–3, 158, 168–9. 219, fig. 111, Pl. XVIII
Joannides, Paul, 175
Julius II, Pope, 1, 2, 10, 13, 31–4, 96, 112, 130, 149, 207, 210, 257, 259, 288
Julius III, Pope, 162, 169, 173, 182, 187–8, 231, 238
with ruins, 77, 138–9
Lanfranco, Giovanni
Galleria, Palazzo Farnese, Rome, 284
Lateran Council, Fifth, 132
Lateran Council, First, 264
Laureti, Tommaso
Triumph of the Cross, vault, Sala di Costantino, Vatican, 259, fig. 170
Leo X, Pope, 10, 13, 14, 44, 45, 53, 64, 69, 77, 102, 112, 130, 132, 149, 220
antiquarianism, 31, 36
death of, 69, 129, 253
Leonardo da Vinci, 8, 25–6, 55, 137, 272
Battle of Anghiari, 17, 46, 49, 233
Benois Madonna, Hermitage, St. Petersburg, 23
Last Supper, Sta. M. delle Grazie, Milan, 194
Leda, drawing, Windsor, The Royal Collection, 25, fig. 16
Madonna and Child with St. Anne, Louvre, Paris, 21, 200
Madonna of the Rocks, Louvre, Paris, 120
Mona Lisa, Louvre, Paris, 21, 120
sfumato, 5, 80, 82–4
St. John the Baptist, Louvre, Paris, 82
Leyden, Lucas van, 52, 56, 59, 68
Ecce Homo, 261, fig. 36
Ligorio, Pirro, 15
Casino of Pius IV, Vatican, 200
Dance of Salome, Oratory of San Giovanni Decollato, Rome, 142
Lippi, Filippino, 4
Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo, 161, 194, 280
British Museum, Dept. of Drawings
Giulio Romano, 102, fig. 68
Pontormo, 245, fig. 163
Hampton Court
Giulio Romano, 97
Mantegna, 103
National Gallery
Botticelli, 127–8
Bronzino, 229
Parmigianino, 81, fig. 55
Raphael, 23, 86, fig. 11
Sebastiano, 50, 86–7 Pl. III
Victoria and Albert, Raphael, 30, 38, 40, 48, 102–3, 145, 177–9, 186, fig. 23
Louis XIV, King, 127
Loyola, Ignatius, 208, 213, 268
Luther, Martin, 44, 92, 174
Lutheran movement, 128, 213
Macchietti, Girolamo, 237
Baths of Pozzuoli, Studiolo, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 240–1
Medea rejuvenating Aeson, Studiolo, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 240–1, fig. 161
Madrid, 106, 121
Prado, Sebastiano, 175–6, fig. 116
Malibu, J. Paul Getty Museum, Pontormo, 216
Mander, Carel van, 137
maniera, xiii–xv, 5, 7, 48, 124, 143–6, 148, 161–2, 167, 171, 173, 176, 182, 185–6, 219, 221, 238, 268
conventions of the figure, 218, 228, 237
see Smyth, Craig Hugh
in sacred art, see sacred art
Mannerism, xiii, 5, 11, 59, 194, 208
Mantegna, Andrea, 4, 14, 99–100
Mantua, 8, 72, 95–6, 102, 105–7, 164, 227
Palazzo Ducale
Camera degli Sposi, Mantegna, 99–100
Sala di Troia, Giulio Romano, 101–2, fig. 68
Palazzo Te, Giulio Romano, 96, 97, 101–2
Sala degli Stucchi, 100–2, 121–2, fig. 67
Sala dei Cavalli, 97, 100, fig. 64
Sala dei Giganti, 98–9, 110, fig. 65
Sala di Psiche, 99, fig. 66
Sant’Andrea, Giulio Romano, 104
Marmirolo, Gonzaga villa, 97
Massimi, Angelo, 146
Maturino, 4, 95
Mazzoni, Giulio, 183
Medici, Alessandro de’, Duke, 215, 217, 218
Medici, Cósimo de’, Duke, 11, 37, 95, 103, 215–19, 224, 226–7, 229, 231, 234, 237, 241, 248, 270
Medici, Eleonora de’, Duchess, 218–20, 224, 226
Medici, Francesco de’, Prince and Grand Duke, 210, 234, 236
Medici, Lorenzo de’, 130, 218, 242, 255
Medici iconography, 220–1
Michael du Bay (Baius), 178
Michelangelo, xii, 1, 2, 8, 9, 51, 86, 96, 98, 104, 130, 134, 136, 161, 173, 175, 177, 219, 283
Ancestors of Christ, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, 57
Apostles, Cathedral, Florence, 55
Bacchus, Bargello, Florence, 15
Battle of Caseína, xiii, 10, 21, 46, 49, 76, 248, fig. 10
Battle of Caseína, cartoon, 22, 51–2, 68, 136, fig. 127
Brazen Serpent, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, 10
Conversion of Paul, Pauline Chapel, Vatican, 177–9, 191, fig. 118
Creation scenes, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, 28, 179
Crucifixion of Peter, Pauline Chapel, Vatican, 178–9, fig. 119
David, Accademia, Florence, 21
Deluge, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, 34, 178
death of, 190
Doni Holy Family, Uffizi, Florence, 10, 22, fig. 5
Expulsion of Adam and Eve, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, 178, Pl. V
Jonah, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, 10, 160, 243, Pl. IV
Last Judgment, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, xiv, 84, 129, 130, 132–6, 148–9, 161, 168, 176, 178, 181, 183, 189–93, 224, 238, 243–5, 271, fig. 87, Pls. XVII, XXII
Libyan Sibyl, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, 10
Madonna, Medici Chapel, S. Lorenzo, Florence, 143
Medici Chapel, S. Lorenzo, Florence, 37, 66, 69, 130, 215, 244–5
Moses, S. Pietro inVincoli, Rome, 34
Nativity of the Virgin, drawing possibly supplied to Sebastiano, 132
Pauline Chapel, Vatican, xiv, 130, 148–9, 174, 176–7, 179, 180–2, 186–7, 194, 267
Pietà, St. Peter’s, Vatican, 40, 84, 180
Seers (Prophets and Sybils), Sistine Chapel, Vatican, 34
Sistine Chapel, ceiling, 10, 28, 33–4, 44, 46, 69, 76, 86, 100, 125, 130, 136, 144, 148–9, 176, 178, 180, 223, 264, 284, Pl. IV
Sleeping Cupid, 19
sonnet, 168
Times of Day statues, Medici chapel, S. Lorenzo, Florence, 120
Tomb of Julius II, S. Pietro inVincoli, Rome, 32, 34, 76, 177
wax figurines, 135
Bronzino, 217, 220
Salviati, 146
Sta. Maria delle Grazie
Leonardo, 194
modes, concept of, 8, 125, 153
modes of coloring
cangiantismo, 9, 57, 85, 146, 148–9, 208, 210, 224, 227, 253, 279
chiaroscuro, xv, 8–9, 39, 86–7, 102, 113, 131, 271, 274, 278–9
sfumato, 5, 8, 56, 63, 80, 82–5
unione, 8, 36, 39, 41, 117, 145
modes of composition, xii, 8, 42, 46–7, 78
alternatives to central point perspective, xiii, 8, 125, 153
central point perspective, 46–7, 108, 143–5, 164, 258
modes of wall decoration, 8–10
Domus Aurea-type ornament, 8
modal thinking, 9
Montemurlo, battle of, 218, 226
Moscow, Pushkin Museum, Giulio Romano, 71, fig. 49
Muziano, Girolamo, xiv, 184, 194, 212, 237, 252
Ascension, Chiesa Nuova, Rome, 270–1, fig. 178
Circumcision, Gesu, Rome, 269
Raising of Lazarus, Museo del Duomo, Orvieto, 197–8
Rest on the Flight into Egypt, S. Caterina delia Rota, Rome, 197–8, fig. 131
mysticism, 211–12, 267–8
Nadal, Jerome, Evangelicae historiae imagines, Antwerp, 213, fig. 141
Naldini, Battista, 194, 237, 252
Naples, 95, 164
El Greco, 210
Sebastiano, 86, fig. 57
Nebbia, Cesare, 260
(with Guerra) Daniel showing King Cyrus the Footprints in Ashes, Sala Daniele, Lateran Palace, Rome, 262–3, fig. 172
Ecce Homo, Oratory of the Gonfalone, Rome, 266
(with Guerra) Ecce Homo, Scala Santa, Rome, 261, fig. 171
Mocking of Christ, Oratory of the Gonfalone, Rome, 208, 210, 266, Pl. XXIII
Neri, Filippo, Saint, 269–70, 274, 275, 289
Nero, Emperor, 1, 179
palace of, 1, 17
see Domus Aurea
New York, Metropolitan Museum
Allori, drawing, 253–4, fig. 168
Bronzino, 216
Caravaggio, 276
T. Zuccaro, drawing, 186–7, fig. 125
Nicholas V, Pope, 34, 258
Aqua Vergine, 13
oil mural, 46, 88, 132
Olomouc, Muzeum Umeni, Sebastiano, 87, fig. 58
Oratorians, 270, 275
ornament, 1, 10, 15, 24, 33, 42, 53, 70, 74, 79, 87, 89, 90, 101, 108, 113, 124, 143–4, 147, 153, 158, 162, 167–8, 171, 173, 174, 180, 185, 187, 189, 195–6, 210, 220, 230, 241, 242, 246, 252, 256, 260, 261, 262, 264, 266–7, 268, 270, 273, 278, 290
Cathedral (Signorelli), 133
Museo dell’Duomo
Muziano, 197–8
F. Zuccaro, 198–9, fig. 132
Ostia, Bishop’s Palace, Ripanda, Riario Apartment, 19–20, figs. 89
Ostrow, Steven, 267
Ovid, 4, 5, 25, 27, 53, 66, 90, 110, 118, 138, 157
Oxford, Ashmolean Museum
Bronzino, drawing, 228, fig. 151
Annibale Carracci, 283
Padua, Arena Chapel Giotto, 33
Last Judgment, 133
Palilia, 12, 37
Paleotti, Gabriele, Bishop, xiv, 191, 198, 206, 247, 268, 281, 288
Palladio, Andrea, 237
paragone, 168–9, 227, 285
defined, 2
Paris, Louvre
Cousin, 127–8, fig. 85
Giulio Romano, 104, 113, fig. 70
drawing, 103, fig. 69
Leonardo, 21, 82, 120
Raphael, 40–1, 48, 120, 152, fig. 25
Rosso, drawing, 121, 123, 126–7, fig. 181
Sebastiano, 88, 120
Parma 95, 106, 114–5
Cathedral and S. Giovanni Evangelista, illusionistic domes, Correggio, 106
Galleria Nazionale
Carracci, 282
Correggio, 80, Pl. 1
El Greco, 210–11, fig. 139
Giulio Romano, 105–6
Parmigianino, 115
Parmigianino, 80–4, 95, 104, 127, 158, 214, 243, 277
Bufalini Chapel, S. Salvatore in Lauro, Rome, 81
Conception of the Virgin (for Bufalini Chapel), 81
Cupid cutting his Bow, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, 117–118, Pl. XVI
Entombment, etching, 116, fig. 77
Madonna and Chdd with St. Margaret, Pinacoteca, Bologna, 116–17, fig. 79
Madonna dal Collo Lungo, Uffizi, Florence, 114–16, fig. 77
Madonna of the Rose, Gemàldegalerie, Dresden, 118–19, 190, fig. 80
Marriage of the Virgin, drawing engraved by Caraglio, 89, fig. 60
Meeting of Joachim and Anna (for Bufalini Chapel), 81
prints, 106, 114, 116, 118
Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, 81
sources and quotations, 82
Steccata, Parma, 115
Vision of St. Jerome, National Gallery, London, 81, fig. 55
Patinir, Joachim
world landscapes, 138
Paul, St.
Letter to the Corinthians, 132
“spiritual body,” 133
Paul III, Pope, 94, 129–30, 132, 140, 146, 149, 150, 154, 162, 165–6, 169, 176, 177, 179, 181, 183, 202, 236, 268
Paul IV, Pope, 129, 139, 169, 182–5, 187–9, 197, 200–1, 236, 238, 271
Pavia, 96
Penni, Gianfrancesco, 45, 102
pentimenti, 144
Perino del Vaga, xiv, 11, 55, 69, 95, 104, 106–7, 119, 126, 130, 141, 145–7, 156, 169, 185, 231, 287
Adoration of the Child, National Galery of Art, Washington, DC, 113, fig. 76
Allegories, Sala Paolina, Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome, 152–3
atrium, vault, Palazzo Doria, Genoa, 109, fig. 72
Brancacci Chapel, Sta. M. del Carmine, Florence, 67
Creation of Eve, S. Marcello al Corso, Rome, 79
Crossing the Red Sea, Uffizi, Florence, 68, 75, 90, 143, 152, 217, Pl. XI
facade frescoes, Palazzo Doria, Genoa, 108, 110, fig. 74
imitation, 113–14
Jupiter destroying the Giants, Salone dei Giganti, Palazzo Doria, Genoa, 110–111, Pl. XV
Loggia degli Eroi, Palazzo Doria, Genoa, 108
Loves of Jupiter, tapestries for Salone dei Giganti, Palazzo Doria, Genoa, 110, 127
Loves of the Gods, engravings by Caraglio, 90
Marriage ofJupiter and Juno, tapestry design for Salone dei Giganti, Palazzo Doria, Genoa, 110–12, 285, fig. 75
Massimi Chapel, Trinità dei Monti, Rome, 146–7, 186
drawing, National Gallery, Budapest, fig. 96
Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand, cartoon, Albertina, Vienna, 67, 75–6
Mercury visiting Herse, engraving, 91, fig. 62
ornament, 108, 113, 152
Roman Charity, vault, Palazzo Doria, Genoa, 108, 110, fig. 73
Preaching of the Baptist, drawing, Albertina, Vienna, 143, 146, fig. 94
Pucci Chapel, Trinità dei Monti, Rome, 79
Sacrifice at Lystra, Sala Paolina, Castel Sant’ Angelo, Rome, 150, 152, fig. 100
Sala dei Pontifici (with Giovanni da Udine), Vatican, 53–4, 108, 146–7, 166, Pl. IX
Sala Paolina, Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome, 98, 149, 150–1, 156, 166, 177, 194, 203, fig. 98–100
Sala Regia, Vatican, 126, 148–9, 153, 169, 170–1, fig. 112
Salone del Naufragio, Palazzo Doria, Genoa, 108
Sistine chapel, tapestry design, 181
cartoon, Palazzo Spada, Rome, 181
drawing, Uffizi, Florence, fig. 120
Stanza della Segnatura, basamento, Vatican, 148
Triumph of Bacchus, atrium, Palazzo Doria, Genoa, 108
Vertumnus and Pomona, engraving, 90
Villa Madama, Rome, 54
Visitation, Pucci Chapel, Trinità dei Monti, Rome, 154, fig. 54
personal resurrection, 132
perspective, central-point
see modes of composition
Perugia, Cathedral, Barocci, 273–4, fig. 179
Perugino, 132, 162
Stanza dell’ Incendio, vault, Vatican, 18
Peruzzi, Baldassare, 19, 24–5, 54, 74, 130
fictive materials, use of, 29
illusionism, 28–9, 38
Loggia di Galatea, vault, 24, fig. 13
Salone delle Prospettive, Villa Farnesina, Rome, 28, 44, 78, 98, fig. 17
Deucalion and Pyrrha, 28
Villa Farnesina, drawing, Metropolitan Museum, New York, 24, fig. 12
Pesellino, 4
Philadelphia, Museum of Art, Bronzino, 217, 221, fig. 148
Philip II, King, 207
Philostratus, 27
Piranesi, 138
Pico, Gian Francesco
on imitation, 27
Pino, Marco, 149, 184
Resurrection, Oratory of the Gonfalone, 208
Pinturicchio, 13, 15, 36, 41, 138
Borgia Apratment, Vatican, 13, 15, 166
grotteschi, 16
Piccolomini Library, Cathedral, Siena, 16
style all’antica, 15
Pius IV, Pope, 169–70, 199–200, 205, 234, 257
PiusV, Pope, 199–200, 204–6, 234, 238, 246
Platonism, 5, 168
Pliny the Elder, 1, 4, 33
Pliny the Younger, 53, 155, 107
Poggio a Caiano. Villa Medici, xiii, 6–7, 59, 63
Allori, 254–5, fig. 169
Andrea del Sarto, 66, 255, fig. 45
Franciabigio, 66
Pontormo, 66–7
Pole, Reginald, Cardinal, 174–5, 187
Polidoro da Caravaggio, xiii, 4, 68, 70, 73–7, 100, 103
painted facades, 55, 73–4, 95, 104, 108, 110, 136, 225, 283
drawings after, 74, fig. 51
relieflike style, 10
simulated antique relief, 49
Story of Mary Magdalen, S. Silvestro al Quirinale, Rome, 138, fig. 52
drawing for altar, Musée Conde, Chantilly, fig. 53
Pompeii, 6
Pontormo, Jacopo, 55–9, 61–2, 105
Adoration of the Magi, Pitti, Florence, 57, 59
Certosa at Galluzzo, xiii, 59, 60
Christ before Pilate, Certosa, Galluzzo, 60, 145, fig. 39
Christ praying in the Garden, Certosa, Galluzzo, 60
Choir frescoes, S. Lorenzo, Florence, 244
Benediction of the Seed of Noah, drawing, British Museum, London, 245, fig. 163
Entombment, Sta. Felicita, Florence, xii, 61, 120, 215, 217
Holy Family with Saints, S. Michele Visdomini, Florence, 66
Joseph in Egypt, National Gallery, London, xiii, 56, 76, fig. 35
Lamentation, Certosa, Galluzzo, 60
Poggio a Caiano, Villa Medici, xiii, 63
Portrait of a Halberdier,]. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, 216
Resurrection, Certosa, Galluzzo, 60
Vertumnus and Pomona, Poggio a Caiano, Villa Medici, 66–7, 217, 253
Visitation, Carmignano, church, xiii, 61, 62
Way to Calvary, Certosa, Galluzzo, 60
Poznan, Museum, Siciolante, 194–5, fig. 128
Pordenone, 74
Porta, Guglielmo della
grotteschi, assisting Perino, Sta. Trinità dei Monti, 146, fig. 96
portraiture, 86
Posthumus, Herman, 137, 139, 141, 227
Landscape with Ruins, Prince of Lichtenstein Collection, Vaduz, 138–9, fig. 90
Prague, 164
Primaticcio, Francesco, 95 120–1, 126, 149, 227
Chambre du Roi, Fontainebleau, 122
at Fontainebleau, 126
invention of, 2
prints, 53, 68, 89, 116, 193, 213, 287–9
after Raphael, 2, 50
northern, 51
see also Dürer, Lucas van Leyden
reproductive, 52, 106, 287
Protestantism, xiv, 94, 178
psychology of perception, 144
Puligo, Domenico, 60
Pulzone, Scipione, 279
Annunciation, Gesù, Rome, 180–1
Crucifixion, Chiesa Nuova, Rome, 170, 181, fig. 177
Lamentation, Gesù, Rome, 269
Marriage of the Virgin, Gesù, Rome, 181
quadri riportati, 122, 208, 284
quadriga, 17, 226
Quattrocento, 2, 3
humanism, xiv
Quintilian, 4, 5, 39, 144, 146, 168
on rhetoric, 9
quotation, 82, 113, 144, 146, 168
Raffaellino da Reggio, 201
Christ before Pilate, Oratory of the Gonfalone, Rome, 208–9, fig. 137
Raimondi, Marcantonio, 53–5, 89, 116, 214
Battle of Caseína, after Michelangelo, 22, 52
Crouching Venus, 50–1, 131, fig. 32
Massacre of the Innocents, after Raphael, 52, fig. 33
I Modi, after Giulio Romano, 72, 288
Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, after Bandinelli, 68, fig. 46
Triumph, after Ripanda, 51
Venus and Mars, 50–1, fig. 31
Raphael, 2–10, 24, 25, 36, 39, 40, 45, 46, 48, 49, 53, 55, 56, 80, 96, 105, 142, 161, 281–3
abbreviated manner, 41
Alba Madonna, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C, 23, 84
Assumption, Chigi Chapel, Sta. M. del Popólo, Rome, 24
Battle of the Milvian Bridge, Sala di Costantino, Vatican, 10, 22, 46–8, 103, 125
Battle of Ostia, Stanza dell’ Incendio, Vatican, 47
Chigi Chapel, Sta. M. del Popólo, Rome, 23, 261
Constantine addressing his Troops, Sala di Costantino, Vatican, 48, 127, fig. 27
death of, 71, 105, 108, 129
Disputa, Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican, 35, 47, 106, 111, 202, 251, fig. 22
Donation of Constantine, Sala di Costantino, Vatican, 144, fig. 28
drawings for prints, 52, 72
Expulsion of Heliodorus, Stanza d’ Eliodoro, Vatican, 40, 145, 179, fig. 24
Fire in the Borgo, Stanza dell’ Incendio, Vatican, 6, 47, 50, 145, 274–5, figs. 4, 180
Galatea, Villa Farnesina, 25, fig. 15
Jurisprudence, Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican, 165
La Fornarina, Galleria Nazionale, Rome, 71, fig. 48
Loggetta of Cardinal Bibbiena, Vatican, 41
Loggia di Psiche, Villa Farnesina, Rome, 31, 44, 99, 102, 149, 154, 166, 284, 287, fig. 19
Loggie (Raphael’s Bible) Vatican, 42, 48, 50, 108, 124, 154, fig. 26
Madonna del Baldacchino, Pitti, Florence, 63
Madonna di Foligno, Pinacoteca, Vatican, 82, 283
Madonna di Loreto, Chantilly, Musée, 87
Madonna of the Carnations, National Gallery, London, 23, fig. 11
Mass at Bohena, Stanza d’Eliodoro, Vatican, 166
Oath of Leo III, Stanza dell’Incendio, Vatican, 50
ornate manner, 41
Portrait of Pope Julius II, National Gallery, London, 86
Portrait of Pope Leo X, Pitti, Florence, 37, 86
Sala di Costantino, Vatican, design of, xiii, 42, 45, 69–71, 103, 149–50, 153, 156, 164–5, 225, 228, 257, 261, 284, 290–1, fig. 47
St. Michael, Louvre, Paris, 10, 40–1, 48, 120, 152, fig. 25
St. Cecilia, Pinacoteca, Bologna, 116–17, 282
St. Peter’s, Vatican, 37
School of Athens, Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican, 8, 35, 36, 49, 50, 81–2, 96, Pl. II
Sistine Madonna, Gemäldegalerie, Dresden, 52, 283
Stanza d’Eliodoro, Vatican, 23–4, 39, 40, 46, 72
Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican, 33, 35, 36, 39, 47, 124–5, 145
Tapestry cartoons, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 30, 38, 40, 48, 102–3, 145, 177–9, 186
Death of Ananias, fig. 23
Transfiguration, Pinacoteca, Vatican, 41, 72, 86
unione, 36
Villa Farnesina, Rome, 23–4, 27–30, 39, 48, 53, 56, 99, 107, 112, 118, figs. 13, 1719
workshop, 48–9, 68–70, 76, 102
see Giulio Romano
see Penni, Gian Francesco
realism, 276–7, 280
relief; see antique relief
relieflike style, xv, 2, 10, 20, 22, 47, 67–8, 70, 73–9, 85, 87, 103–6, 108, 110–13, 118, 127, 143–4, 152–3, 161, 168, 180, 190, 196, 217, 219, 228, 261, 268, 274, 291
defined, xiii
prints, 91
religious-erotic, aesthetic, 84
Reni, Guido
Massacre of the Innocents, Pinacoteca, Bologna, 53
repoussoir figures, 60, 145, 172, 186–7, 195, 241, 252, 268, 272, 278
rhetoric, 2, 4, 8–9, 268–9
rhetorical theory, 39–40
Ricci, Cardinal, 149, 161–4, 205
Ripanda, Jacopo, 14, 36, 38
Bishop’s Palace, Riario Apartment, Ostia, 19, fig. 8
Column of Trajan drawings, 17, 18, 20, 74
Conquest of a Mountain Fortress, Riario Apartment, Ostia, 20
Hand to Hand Combat, Riario Apartment, 20, Ostia, fig. 9
Hannibal in Italy, Room of the Punic “Wars, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome, 16, fig. 7
Palazzo Santoro, Rome, 18
Room of the Punic Wars, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome, 15–18, 20, 290, fig. 6
Victory of Rome over Sicily, Room of the Punic Wars, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome, 16, 291, fig. 7
Roman style, 95, 96, 113, 120, 129
Romano, Giulio
see Giulio Romano
Arch of Constantine, Liberalitas, 219, 232
Arch of Titus, 17, 154
before the Sack, 10, 76, 80, 94, 96, 124
Borghese Gallery
Barocci, 272, Pl. XXIX; 274, Pl. XXX
Tibaldi, 136, 191, fig. 88
Capitoline (Campidoglio), 130, 138, 257, 290
Castel Sant’Angelo 93, 149
Perino del Vaga, 98, 149–53, 156, 166, 177, 194, 203, figs. 98100
Chiesa Nuova (Sta. M. in Vallicella), 201
Barocci, 273–4
Muziano, 270–1, fig. 178
Pulzone, 170, 181, 269, fig. 177
Column of Marcus Aurelius, 258, 260
Column of Trajan, Trajan addressing his Troops, 44, 100, 258, 260 (Ripanda, 18)
Galleria Doria-Pamphili
Caravaggio, 276–7, figs. 1812
Sebastiano, 89
Galleria Colonna
Bronzino, 229, Pl. XXIV
Annibale Carracci, 283
Galleria Nazionale, Raphael, 71, fig. 48
Gesu, church of, 201, 206–7, 210, 212, 251, 266
Muziano, 269
Pulzone, 181, 269
Lateran Palace 260–2, 264–5
Guerra and Nebbia, 262–3, fig. 140
Oratory of the Gonfalone, 260
Bertoia, 208, 210, fig. 138
Nebbia, 208, 210, 266, Pl. XXIII
Pino, 208
Raffaellino, 208–9, fig. 137
F. Zuccaro, 208, 210, fig. 137
Oratory of San Giovanni Decollato, 130, 132, 141–7, 156, 219
Franco, 142
Jacopino del Conte, 11, 142–4, 146, 152–3, 158, 168–9, 182–3, 189, figs. 93, 111, 121, Pl. XVIII
Ligorio, 142
Salviati, 144–6, 159, 168, 182, 195, figs. 95, 104
Salviati follower, 142
Palazzo dei Conservatori, 15–18, 20
D’Arpino, 290–1, fig. 188
Ripanda, 16, 17, 18, 291, figs. 67
Palazzo della Cancelleria, 19
Salviati, 157, 158, 160, fig. 102, Pl. XIX
Vasari, 46, 104–5, 151, 153–4, 158, 165, 166, 170, 202, 231, 266, fig. 101
Palazzo Farnese, 202
Carracci, 283–5, 286, fig. 185
Salviati, 164–7, figs. 10910
Palazzo Firenze, Zucchi, 206–7, fig. 136
Palazzo Ludovisi, Casino, Caravaggio, 277–8
Palazzo Mattei (“Letto di Policleto”) 160, 195, fig. 105
Palazzo Quirinale, 106
Palazzo Ricci-Sacchetti, Salviati, 160–4, 168, 284–5, figs. 1078
Palazzo Santoro (now Doria-Pamphili), Ripanda, 18
Palazzo Spada, Perino, 181
Sant’ Agostino, Caravaggio, 277
S. Caterina della Rota, Muziano, 197–8, fig. 131
S. Luigi dei Francesi
Caravaggio, 276, 279
Siciolante, 195
S. Marcello al Corso
Perino, 79
Salviati, 196–8, fig. 130
T. Zuccaro, 186, figs. 1245, Pl. XXI
Sta. M. dell’Anima, 195
Salviati, 158
Siciolante, 104–5, fig. 129
S. M. della Consolazione, T. Zuccaro, 184
Sta. M. Maggiore 260, 266–7
Sta. M. del Popólo
Caravaggio, 38, 180, fig. 52–3
Raphael, 23–4
Sebastiano, 51, 131, 159, fig. 86
S. M. sopra Minerva, De’Vecchi, 211–12, fig. 140
S. Pietro in Montorio
Daniele, 188, fig. 126
Sebastiano, 50, 76, 86
Vasari, 173–4, 179, 180, 182, 186, 231, 267, figs. 11415
S. Pietro inVincoli, Michelangelo, 32, 34, 76, 177
S. Prassede, D’Arpino, 289–90
S. Salvatore in Lauro, Parmigianino, 81
S. Silvestro al Quirinale, Polidoro, 76–8, 138, figs. 523
Sto. Spirito in Sassia, 183–4, 188, fig. 122
Agresti, 183–4, fig. 123
Zucchi, 266–7, fig. 176
St. Peter’s, 13, 32, 37, 104, 107, 138, 153, 172, 177, 207
Scala Santa 260, 262–3, 266
Guerra and Nebbia, 261, fig. 171
Trinità dei Monti, 78–9
Daniele, 146–8, 186, 189, figs. 967
Perino, 88, 145, fig. 54
Villa Farnesina 23–4, 27–30, 39, 48, 53, 56, 99, 107, 112, 118
Peruzzi, 24, 28, 44, 78, 98, fig. 13, 17
Raphael, 25, 31, 44, 99, 102, 149, 154, 166, 284, 287, figs. 15, 19
Sebastiano, 25, fig. 14
Sodonia, 29, 56, fig. 18
Villa Giulia, 138, 200–1, 232, 281, 285
Villa Madama, 53–4, 73, 93, 100, 107, 137, 218 (Da Udine et al.), 54, fig. 34, Pl. X
Rovere, Riario delia, 19, 20
Rossi, Vincenzo de’
Vulcan, Studiolo, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 240
Rosso Fiorentino, 55, 79, 83–6, 89, 90, 95, 105, 116, 118–19, 219–20, 227
Assunta, Santíssima Annunziata, Florence, xiii
at Fontainebleau, 64, 107, 119, 121, 127
Battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs, Galerie François I, Fontainebleau, 124
Dead Christ with Angels, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 83–5, 119, 158, 190, fig. 56
Death of Adonis, Galerie François I, Fontainebleau, 124
Death of Cleopatra, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, Braunschweig, 83–5, Pl. XIII
Dei altarpiece (for Sto. Spirito), Pitti, Florence, 63
Deposition, S. Lorenzo, Sansepulero, 119–20
Deposition, Pinacoteca, Volterra, xiii, 63–4, 83
Education of Achilles, Galerie François I, Fontainebleau, 123
Enlightenment of François I, Galerie François I, Fontainebleau, 124–5, fig. 84
Galerie François I, Fontainebleau, 122, 284, fig. 82
Loss of PerpetualYouth, Galerie François I, Fontainebleau, 124
Madonna and Child with Saints, Uffizi, Florence, 62–3, fig. 41
Marriage of the Virgin, S. Lorenzo, Florence, xiii, 63–4, 83, fig. 42
Moses and the Daughters of Jethro, Uffizi, Florence, xiii, 63–4, 83, fig. 42
Royal Elephant, Galerie François I, Fontainebleau, 123
Unity of the State, Galerie François I, Fontainebleau, 123–4, tapestry of Rosso fresco, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, fig. 83
Venus and Mars, drawing, Louvre, Paris, 121, 123, 126–7, fig. 81
Rubens, Peter Paul, 270, 273, 274
Sabbatini, Lorenzo
cupola, Cathedral, Florence, 281
Sack of Rome, 10, 14, 80–1, 86, 91–6, 100, 107, 115–16, 120, 129, 140–1, 143, 149, 175, 178, 188
sacra conversazione, 61
sacred art, xiii, 8, 49, 53, 59, 118, 183, 238, 243, 244
St. Petersburg, Hermitage
Giulio Romano, 70, 73, fig. 50
Leonardo, 23
Salviati, xiii–xv, 17, 55, 99, 130, 184–5, 168–9, 188, 242, 273–4
Adoration of the Shepherds, Cappella del Pallio, Palazzo della Cancelleria, Rome, 158
Beheading of John the Baptist, Cappella del Pallio, Palazzo della Cancelleria, Rome, 157, 160, fig. 102
Camillus cycle, Sala dell’Udienza, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 219, 221, 224–5, 230
Charity, Uffizi, Florence, 213, 230, fig. 153
Christ carrying the Cross, Uffizi, Florence, 158, 176, 215, 230–1, fig. 154
Conversion of Paul, Cappella del Pallio, Palazzo della Cancelleria, Rome, 157, 160
David dancing before the Ark, Salone, Palazzo Ricci-Sacchetti, Rome, 164
Death of Absalom, Salone, Palazzo Ricci-Sacchetti, Rome, 162–3
Deeds of Pope Paul III, Sala dei Fasti Farnesiani, Palazzo Farnese, Rome, 167, fig. 110
Deposition, Sta. Croce, Florence, 160
Destruction of the Pagan Temples, Cappella del Pallio, Palazzo della Cancellería, Rome, 157, 160, fig. 103
Entombment, Brera, Milan, 146
Janus welcoming Saturn, Cappella del Pallio, Palazzo della Cancellería, Rome, 157, Pl. XIX
Lamentation, tapestry on Salviati’s design, Uffizi, Florence, 228–9, fig. 152
Nativity of the Baptist, Oratory of S. Giovanni Decollato, Rome, 159, 168, 182, 195, fig. 104
Nativity of the Virgin, S. Marcello al Corso, Rome, 196–8, fig. 130
Peace burning Arms, Sala dell’Udienza, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 225, 227
Pietà, Margrave Chapel, Sta. M. dell’Anima, Rome, 158
Ranuccio Farnese receiving Arms from the Gods, Sala dei Fasti Farnesiani, Palazzo Farnese, Rome, 165, fig. 109
Sacrifice of Isaac, Sala dell’Udienza, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 226–7
Sala dei Fasti Farnesiani, Palazzo Farnese, Rome, 164–5, 202
Sala dell’Udienza, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 168, 235–6, fig. 150
Salone, Palazzo Ricci-Sacchetti, Rome, 162–4, 284–5, fig. 108
Saul attempting to kill David with his Spear, Salone, Palazzo Ricci-Sacchetti, Rome, 160–1, 164, 168, fig. 107
Slaying of Goliath, Salone, Palazzo Ricci-Sacchetti, Rome, 162–3
Triumph of Camillus, Sala dell’Udienza, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 226, 235
drawing for man with the key, Uffizi, Florence, 160–1, fig. 106
Visitation, Oratory of S. Giovanni Decollato, Rome, 144–6, 168, fig. 95
Salviati, follower of,
Beheading of John the Baptist, Oratory of S. Giovanni Decollato, Rome, 142
Sammacchini, Orazio
Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, S. Giocomo Maggiore, Bologna, 281, 287
Sangallo, Antonio da, 55, 73, 106, 130, 141, 176–7
Sangallo, Aristotile da
Battle of Caseína, grisaille painting after Michelangelo, 22, fig. 10
Sangallo, Giuliano da, 1
Sansepulcro, San Lorenzo, Rosso, 119–20
Sansovino, Jacopo, xii, 55
Savonarola, Fra Girolamo, 14, 21, 166–7
Santi diTito, 194, 237, 271
Raising of Lazarus, Sta. M. Novella, Florence, 252, Pl. XXVII
Resurrection, Sta. Croce, Florence, 198, 200, 246, fig. 164
Supper at Emmaus, Sta. Croce, Florence, 252
scorcia (foreshortening), 10
Scorel, Jan van, 136–7, 139
Sebastiano del Piombo, xiv, 9, 95–6, 104, 130, 132, 175, 180–1, 191, 194, 252, 266, 279
Christ carrying the Cross, National Gallery, Budapest, 176, Pl. XX
Christ in Limbo, Prado, Madrid, 175–6, fig. 116
Flagellation, Museo Cívico, Viterbo, 59, 76, 88, 190, fig. 59
Flagellation, S. Pietro in Montorio, Rome, 76, 86, 100
Holy Family with Infant John, Muzeum Umeni, Olomouc, 87, fig. 58
Nativity of the Virgin, Chigi Chapel, Sta. M. del Popolo, Rome, 51, 88, 131, 159, fig. 86
Polyphemus, Villa Farnesina, Rome, 25, fig. 14
Portrait of Andrea Doria, Galleria Doria-Pamphili, Rome, 89
Portrait of Pope Clement VII, Capodimonte, Naples, 86, fig. 57
Raising of Lazarus, National Gallery, London, 50, 86–7, Pl. III
Visitation, Louvre, Paris, 88, 120
secular art, xiii, 53
serpentinata, 40, 163
Seznec, Jean, 24
sfumato, see modes of coloring
Shearman, John, 27, 62, 80, 114, 124, 130, 167, 268
Sherman, Cindy, 45
Siciolante, Girolamo, xiv, 171, 197–8, 211–12, 251
Baptism of Clovis, S. Luigi dei Francesi, Rome, 195
Donation of King Pepin, Sala Regia, Vatican, 196
Nativity of the Virgin, Fugger Chapel, Sta. M. dell’Anima, 195–6, fig. 129
Pietà, Musuem, Poznan, 194–5, fig. 128
Siena, 95, 112–3
Palazzo Pubblico, Beccafumi, 112–13
Piccolomini Library, Pinturicchio, 16
Signorelli, Luca, 4
Last Judgment, Cathedral, Orvieto, 133
Sixtus IV, Pope, 13–14, 255, 264
SixtusV, Pope, xiv, 32, 196, 206, 213, 257–9, 262, 266, 274, 280, 288, 290
Smyth, Craig Hugh, xiii, 10, 76, 217, 220
Sodoma, 30
Marriage of Alexander to Roxane, Villa Farnesina, Rome, 29, 56, 57, fig. 18
spirituali, xiv, 174–5, 179, 187, 192
Steinberg, Leo, 178–9
strap work, 126
stucco decoration (stucchi), 1, 41–2, 49, 100, 146, 149, 183, 285
see Udine, Giovanni da
style all’antica, 8
defined, 73
style labels, xii–xiii, 3, 4, 62
Tedesco, Mario, 141
terza eta, 3, 4, 160
Tibaldi, Pellegrino
Adoration of the Shepherds, Borghese Gallery, Rome, 136, 191, fig. 88
Tintoretto, Jacopo, 161, 210, 237, 273
Titian, 96, 119, 148, 154, 237
Venus of Urbino, Uffizi, Florence, 230
Tivoli, Villa d’Este, 201, 205, 210–12
Tornabuoni, Leonardo, Bishop, 119
Trajan, Emperor, 1
Baths of, Rome, 1
“transitional” style, 11
Trecento, 2, 3
Trent, Council of, 147, 180, 190, 195, 200, 202, 211, 258, 269
Decrees of, xiv–xv, 171, 189, 192, 198, 245, 247, 260–1, 268, 270, 273, 289
Tridentine Reform, xiv, 158, 245–7, 251, 271
Turini, Baldassare
Villa Lante, Rome, 53, 55
Udine, Giovanni da, 53, 54, 130
Loggetta of Cardinal Bibbiena, Vatican, 41–2
Loggie (Raphael’s Bible) Vatican, 42, 77, 108, fig. 26
Sala dei Pontifici, Vatican, 53–4, 108, 146–7, 166, Pl. IX
Villa Madama, Rome, 54
see modes of coloring
Utrecht, 137
Vaduz, Prince of Lichtenstein Collection, Posthumus, 138–9, fig. 90
Valeriano, Giuseppe, 269, 272
Varchi, Benedetto, 167, 193
Vasari, Giorgio, xiii–xiv, 3–6, 15–16, 28, 55, 59, 60–3, 69, 75, 80–2, 85, 96–7, 106, 135–6, 141, 144, 146, 160–2, 168, 175, 201, 238, 248, 268, 270, 280, 282
Apartment of Eleonora, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 233
Blind Paul brought before Ananias, Del Monte Chapel, S. Pietro in Montorio, Rome, 174, 179, 180, 182, 186
Brunelleschi and Ghiberti presenting to Cosimo the Model of the Church of San Lorenzo, Sala di Cosimo Vecchio, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 232
Cosimo crowned by Flora, Salone dei Cinquecento, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 134–5, fig. 157
Cosimo I with Architects, Engineers, and Artists, Sala di Cosimo I, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 232, fig. 155
Cupola, Cathedral, Florence, drawing, Louvre, Paris, 250–1, fig. 167
Del Monte Chapel, S. Pietro in Montorio, Rome, 173, 231, 267, figs. 11415
Deposition, monastery church, Camaldoli, 219–20, fig. 147
Distribution of Benefices, Sala dei Cento Giorni, Palazzo della Cancellería, Rome, 154
Immaculate Conception, Altoviti Chapel, Santíssima Apostoli, Florence, 220
Lives of the Artists, 11–13, 104, 107–8, 115, 118–21, 154, 177, 231, 241–3, 245, 281
Pope Gregory XI returning from Avignon, Sala Regia, Vatican, 171–2, fig. 113
Quartiere degli Elementi (Apartment of the Elements), 232, 233
Resurrection, Sta. M. Novella, 246–8, fig. 165
Sala dei Cento Giorni, Palazzo della Cancellería, Rome, 46, 104–5, 151» 153–5, 158, 165, 166, 170, 202, 231, 266, fig. 101
Salone dei Cinquecento (Sala di Consiglio), Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 21, 170–1, 233–4, 238, 240, fig. 156
Studiolo, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 233, 238, 240, 246, fig. 160
Triumphal Return after the Victory over Pisa, Salone dei Cinquecento, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 236–7, fig. 158
Universal Homage to Paul III, Sala dei Cento Giorni, Palazzo della Cancellería, Rome, 153
Vatican 1, 13, 66, 107, 129, 149, 164
Belvedere Statue Court, 32
Biblioteca Sistina, Guerra and Nebbia, 260–4, 266, fig. 174
Borgia apartment, Pinturicchio, 13, 15–16, Pl. VI
Casino of Pius IV, 271
Barocci, 273
Ligorio, 270
Cortile del Belvedere, 32–3, 207, figs. 20, 174
Galleria delle Carte Geografiche, 266
Loggetta of Cardinal Bibbiena, Raphael, Giovanni da Udine, 41
Loggie (Raphael’s Bible), Raphael’s workshop, 42, 48, 50, 108, 124, 154, fig. 26
Pauline Chapel, Michelangelo, xiv, 130, 148–9, 174, 176–9, 180–2, 186–7, 194. 267, figs. 11819
Caravaggio, 278, Pl. XXXII
Raphael, 41, 72, 83, 86, 283
St. Peter’s, 32
Michelangelo, 40, 84, 180
Sala di Costantino
Laureti, 259, fig. 170
Raphael, Giulio Romano et al., 10, 22, 42–8, 103, 125, 127, 144, figs. 278, Pl. VII
Sala dei Pontifici, Giovanni da Udine, Perino, 53–4, 108, 146–7, 166, Pl. IX
Sala Ducale, 206
Sala Regia 126, 148–9, 153, 169, 170–1, 176, fig. 112
Daniele, 183
Perino, 126, 148–9, 153, 169
Siciolante, 196
Vasari, 171–2, fig. 113
Sistine Chapel
Ceiling, Michelangelo, 10, 28, 33–4, 44, 46, 57, 69, 76, 86, 100, 125, 130, 136, 139, 144, 148–9, 160, 176, 178, 179, 180, 223, 243, 264, 284, Pls. IVV)
Last Judgment
Daniele, 190, 192, Pl. XXII
Michelangelo xiv, 84, 129, 130, 132–6, 148–9, 161, 168, 176, 178, 181, 183, 189–93, 224, 238, 243–5, 271, fig. 87, Pl. XVIII
Perino, 181, fig. 120
Stanza d’Eliodoro, Raphael, 6, 23–4, 39, 40, 46–7, 50, 72, 145, 166, fig. 24
Stanza dell’Incendio 6, 50
Perugino, 18
Raphael, 47, fig. 4
Stanza della Segnatura
Perino, 148
Raphael, 8, 33, 35, 36, 39, 47, 49, 50, 81–2, 96, 106, 111, 124–5, 145, 165, 202, 251, Pl. II, fig. 22
Vecchi, Giovanni de’, 200–1, 268
Miraculous Communion, Capranica Chapel, Sta. M. sopra Minerva, Rome, 211–12, fig. 140
Venetian painters, 2, 283
Venice, 8, 54, 71, 74, 95, 110, 119–20, 140, 154, 237
Verona, Cathedral apse, Giulio Romano, 105
Veronese, Paolo, 191, 237
Vico, Enea, 160
Venus and Mars, engraving after Giulio Romano, 106, fig. 71
Venus and Mars, engraving after Parmigianino, 214, figs. 1423
Vienna, 96, 164
Albertina, Perino, 67, 74, 75–6, 143, 146, fig. 94
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Cellini, 126, 158
Cigoli, 255–6, Pl. XVIII
Parmigianino, 81, 117–8, Pl. XVI
Rosso (tapestry after), 123–4, fig. 83
Vignola, architect of Caprarola and il Gesù, Rome, 201, 206–7, 212, 251, 266, 269
Virgil, 35, 66, 102, 157
Viterbo, Museo Cívico, Sebastiano, 59, 76, 88, 190, fig. 59
Vitruvius, 36, 37
Volterra, Pinacoteca, Rosso, xiii, 63–4, 83
Voss, Hermann, 36
Warburg, Aby, 8
Washington, D. C., National Gallery of Art
Bronzino, 217–18
Jacopino del Conte, 143
Perino del Vaga, 113, fig. 76
Raphael, 23, 84
Wierix, Hieronymous
Engraved illustrations of Jerome Nadal, Evangelicae historiae imagines: Entombment, 213, fig. 141
Winckelmann, Johann, 6
Wölfflin, Heinrich, 4, 6, 17, 35, 134
working practices, 49, 50, 104–5, 159, 265–6
workshops, organization and management, 49, 50, 105, 154, 162, 260
Wunderkammer (Wonder-room), 240
Windsor Castle, The Royal Collection, Leonardo, drawing, fig. 16
Zeri, Federico, xiv, 272
Zeuxis, 5, 83
Zuccaro, Federico, 165, 184, 192, 200–1, 208, 237, 252, 271, 280
Christ raising the Son of the Widow of Nain, Museo del Duomo, Orvieto, 198–9, fig. 132
Flagellation, Oratory of the Gonfalone, Rome, 208, 210, fig. 137
Last Judgment, Cupola, Cathedral, Florence, 249–50, fig. 166
Zuccaro, Taddeo, xiv, 165, 184, 194, 200, 201, 202, 260, 271
Blinding of Elymas, Frangipane Chapel, S. Marcello in Corso, Rome, 186, Pl. XXI
Conversion of Paul, altarpiece, Frangipane Chapel, S. Marcello in Corso, Rome, 186
Mattei Chapel, Sta. M. della Consolazione, Rome, 184
Raising of Eutychus, drawing (Frangipane Chapel), Metropolitan Museum, New York, 186–7, fig. 125
Sala dei Fasti Farnesiani, Villa Farnese, Caprarola, 202–3, fig. 133
Stanza dei Lanefici, Villa Farnese, Caprarola, 202–3, fig. 134
Villa Farnese, Caprarola, 171, 201–3
Zucchi, Jacopo, 205, 234, 241
Sala degli Elementi, Palazzo Firenze, Rome, 207, fig. 136
Sala degli Stagioni, Palazzo Firenze, Rome, 206
Sto. Spirito in Sassia, chancel and apse, Rome, 266–7, fig. 176