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List of illustrations

  • Stick animal, probably a cow
  • Ex-voto to Saint Francis of Assisi
  • Synagogue alms or charity box (tzedakah)
  • Votive crown of Visigoth King Recesswinth
  • Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Opening of the Fifth Seal
  • Mosaic, detail, from the Dome of the Rock
  • Love padlocks at Le Pont des Arts
  • Woman tying ritual ribbon to sacred tree
  • Dennis Edward Wilkinson POW / MIA bracelet
  • Pilgrims at the Church of the Beautiful Virgin at Regensburg
  • Foot on a stand with a votive inscription by Isidorus
  • Votive offerings and candles
  • Eye votives
  • Badge showing a vulva as a pilgrim with pilgrim's hat, rosary, and staff topped with a phallus
  • Figurine Votive
  • Retablo of Juan Luna for rescue from an assault when he was mistaken as a bandit
  • Statue of a bound goat
  • Votive relief of Archinos
  • High altar
  • Corridor with painted votive panels
  • World War II votive painting
  • Ex-votos on the walls of an open air Ayyanar shrine
  • Ex-voto representing its newlywed donors
  • Round seal
  • Reliquary in the shape of a stupa
  • Gospel book
  • Enthroned Virgin and Child
  • Enthroned Virgin and Child, radiograph
  • Monza ampulla
  • Glass ampullae from the treasury at Monza
  • Pittacia strips
  • Notula
  • Bobbio ampulla, reverse
  • Yadnya Kasada festival
  • Four-spoked wheel
  • Double ax-head
  • Standing female deity
  • Offerings (Tsa Tsa) in a cave
  • Votive offerings for the god of Mount Merapi
  • A pregnant woman holds a wax figure depicting a pregnant abdomen before she throws it into the flames
  • Relief/anatomical votive
  • Leg of a donkey votive
  • Wounded hand votive
  • Lungs votive
  • Lungs votive
  • Votive painting offered to Christ as apothecary
  • Votive painting of a woman's successful operation
  • Votive painting of a man's successful operation
  • Uterus votive
  • Swaddled child votive
  • Votive painting of a woman with a woman's illness, possibly referring to menstruation
  • Toad votive
  • Two oxen in double yoke votive
  • Façade, detail
  • Votive painting of Thateüs Schmair Röscher for the wellbeing of his cattle and horses
  • Prisoner votive
  • Man and woman votives
  • Man votive
  • Sow with piglets votive and cow votives
  • Votive panel of Duke Charles V of Lorraine encampment at Todtmoos, St. Blasien, Germany
  • Votives
  • Circular medallion, decorated with a menorah, shofar, lulav, and a Greek instription
  • Amulet
  • Shaddai with Stars of David
  • Shadai'ot
  • Spine votive
  • Human figure votive
  • Sacellum D. Virginis, et Praecipui Ornatus
  • Votive boy in presentation case
  • Encased wax figures at Catholic parish church and pilgrimage church to the Most Holy Trinity, Gößweinstein
  • House votive and mold
  • Dental arches, tongue, and ear votives
  • Man and woman votives
  • Man and woman votives
  • Man and woman votives
  • Food offerings in a temple for the festival of Annakut during Diwali
  • Votive set
  • Traditional food ofrenda
  • Sake barrels
  • Rest of the Holy Family on the Flight to Egypt
  • Votive painting of a woman's possession
  • Roman tablet with a votive inscription
  • Ex voto of Tommaso Inghirami, Fallen under an Ox-Cart in Rome
  • Madonna and Child with the Donor Pietro de'Lardi, presented by Saint Nicholas
  • Votive painting: intercession in a fall from a ladder, appealing to St. John of Capistrano
  • Votive painting of miraculous appearance of the type Christ seeking his Clothes
  • Ex Voto: Recovery from an Illness
  • Votive painting of a farm robbery
  • Votive painting of an intercession in an imprisonment with appeal to Saint Leonard
  • Votive painting for sick cattle
  • Madonna and Child between Two Angels, with a Kneeling Donor, His Wife and Child
  • Madonna dell'Arco
  • Wounded arm and leg votive
  • Votive plaque with eyes
  • Eyes votive
  • Votive panel with two pairs of eyes
  • Cow and pig votives
  • Sailing ship votive
  • Sailing ship votives
  • Votive painting of a breech birth
  • Votive painting of Cav. Giuseppe of Pedara for protection during an aerial bombing offered to Saints Alfio, Filadelfo, and Cirino
  • Votive painting of Carlo Busiello for protection during warfare appealing to the Madonna dell'Arco and Madonna del Carmine
  • Apothecary shop
  • Votive painting offered by Orlando di Lasso
  • Prosthetic legs
  • Retablo of Maria de la Luz Casillas and children for a successful operation
  • Room of Miracles (Sala dos Milagres)
  • Relief from the Asklepieion, Athens
  • Ex-voto, Sala dos Milagres, juxtaposed photographs: boy (left) and man (right), mouths wide open
  • Madonna del Parto, in situ with votives
  • Ema (koema)
  • Market stalls at the entrance to the Shrine of Moulay Brahim
  • Fátima Sanctuary
  • Retablo of Josefina Rivera for safety in a bus accident
  • Our Lady of Lourdes in the Cave
  • Wax figures and body parts
  • Great Promise of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, certificate for devotion on first Fridays
  • Vietnam Veteran's Memorial
  • Reciting I pledge allegiance, public school
  • Tourists mourning at grave of Elvis Presley
  • White ghost bicycle parked to commemorate a cyclist who died in a traffic accident
  • Shrine, Union Square, New York City
  • Leg votive dedicated to St. Hiermann
  • World Trade Center Building 6
  • Snoopy doll with letter
  • Inscribed money
  • 9/11 Memorial, Ground Zero, World Trade Center
  • Storage for catalogued items left at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
  • Bottle of Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey, with note
  • Two bottles of 33 beer
  • Bottle of Olde Bourbon with note
  • US military C ration cans containing peach jam, cinnamon nut roll, and B-2 unit (crackers, cocoa, and beverage powder)
  • Unopened packs of Lucky Strike and Peace cigarettes
  • Index card with four-star rank badge of General Peter Pace
  • Basketball with the insignia of the 196th Light Infantry Brigade, and note
  • Model of a prisoner of War (POW) camp watchtower
  • Navy Patrol Boat, River (PBR)
  • Sock doll named Worry, with letter from Kim to Ed
  • Display case
  • Toy Corvette with artificial bouquet, North Carolina shot glass, and photograph of LCpl H. Coleman Wright Jr.
  • Figurine of a Rough Collie made by Ian J. Franks (KIA 03/23/1968)
  • Assemblage in honor of Jerry Elliot (MIA 01/21/1968)
  • Customized Harley-Davidson Police Special motorcycle
  • Drawing by Michael Ray Peddle (KIA 07/05/1970), and letter
  • Assemblage dedicated to the 677 US Navy corpsmen who died in Vietnam
  • Two poems dedicated to Stephen F. Chute (KIA 05/18/1968) from his mother
  • Flag of the Republic of Vietnam
  • American flag in case
  • Banner signed by twelve children from the Chesapeake, VA, YMCA
  • Relief fragment of goddesses, mother, nurse, and infant
  • Bullock Figurine
  • Sacrificial victim led by attendants, frieze from the Parthenon
  • Model of a sheep's liver indicating the seats of the deities
  • Relief dedicated to the healing hero Amynos by Lysimachides
  • Hera and Zeus, detail from Parthenon frieze
  • Kore statue
  • Fragment of a head
  • Statuette of a temple boy
  • Statuette of a nude youth
  • Head of a youth with wavy hair
  • Votive bust of a young man
  • Right foot on sole
  • Votive deposition featuring Phoenician-Cypriot terracottas from Ayia Irini
  • The Lenormant Athena
  • Lindos temple chronicle stele
  • Votive painting of Oswald Dienstl from Schwäbisch-Gmünd
  • Votive painting of Hans Jungwirth from Passau
  • Votive painting of Maria Salverin
  • Votive painting of Caspar Weigl Heilmiller
  • Votive painting of Ursula Gewald
  • Votive painting of Ludwig Klingkhamer
  • Votive portrait of prince-elector Maximilian Joseph of Bavaria
  • Votaries and offerings at the shrine of St. Stephen, Weihenstephan
  • Visitation with Jean du Clercq, abbot of Saint-Vaast in Arras
  • Altar with the Virgin of Altötting and votive gifts, Gnadenkapelle interior
  • Ambulatory of the Gnadenkapelle
  • Leg votive
  • Left hand votive
  • Miraculous rescue of a man broken on the wheel
  • The Virgin of Altötting receiving offerings
  • Votive panel of Thomas Hank
  • The wax workshop at Hauptplatz 6 in Pfaffenhofen, Germany, on the River Ilm
  • Votive image of the Niederscheyern pilgrimage church
  • Miracle Books
  • Wax figures in Baroque clothing
  • Wax votive of an infant with its wooden mold
  • Wax votive of a toad with its wooden mold
  • Wax votive of a horse with its wooden mold
  • Pouring warm wax into a wooden mold
  • Pouring warm surplus wax out of a wooden mold
  • Opening a wooden mold
  • Loosening a wax figure with a blade
  • Wax figures before trimming and finishing
  • The Hipp Wax Workshop and Votive Museum in Pfaffenhofen, Germany
  • Portrait sculpture of a female royal donor holding a portable shrine
  • Roundel with the Goddess Hārītī
  • Goddess and Attendants
  • Goddess with Weapons in Her Hair
  • Hindu worshippers celebrating their annual immersion festival held in the month of Masi (February–March)
  • Devotee displaying a banner painting illustrating the Four Great Locations of the Buddha's Life
  • Relief depicting a stupa with enclosure railing and a tree shrine (bodhighara)
  • Stupa no. 2, Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh
  • Molded seal depicting the shrine house for the Buddha image at Bodhgaya, with enclosure railing, and monastery beyond
  • Sealing depicting the Buddha at the Mahabodhi temple, Bodhgaya
  • Model of the Mahabodhi temple
  • Model of the Mahabodhi temple complex at Narthang monastery, central Tibet
  • Eight Great Events Stele
  • Stupa railing pillar relief depicting relic procession
  • Reliquary adorned with the four Buddhas of the Present Age and attendant disciples
  • Platform panel depicting stupa veneration, with reliquary displayed, flanked by tree shrine and Wheel of Law
  • Reliquaries in the shape of a stupa
  • The Procession of Buddha's Tooth, Kandy, Ceylon
  • Inscribed Reliquary, Donated by King Indravarman
  • The Ramaka Casket; Inscribed Reliquary, Donated by Ramaka
  • Reliquary
  • Line drawing of a Bhojpur Stupa no. 2 relic containers
  • Reliquary
  • Votive plaque depicting the Bodhisattva Maitreya flanked by a stupa and Wheel of Law
  • Seal molding dedicated to the black goddess
  • Seal
  • Round seal depicting two bodhisattvas attending a Buddha-stupa
  • Molded plaque depicting a mandala of the eight bodhisattvas
  • Model stupa
  • Votive plaque (tsa tsa) depicting a stupa
  • Seal molding with enthroned Buddha
  • Clay relief tile with Buddhist Triad (Sanzon senbutsu)
  • The Miracle of Shravasti
  • Seal molding with twelve-armed Avalokiteśvara Amoghapāśa
  • Stele with stupa relief
  • Palm-leaf manuscript painting
  • Relief panel depicting the bodhisattva Manjuśri meditating on the Perfection of Wisdom text
  • Book cover of an edition of the Buddhist text Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra, detail
  • Portable Hindu diptych in linga form
  • Interior of portable Hindu diptych in linda form, depicting Shiva and Parvati
  • Panel of a portable diptych shrine
  • Panel of a portable diptych shrine, interior
  • Portable Buddhist diptych, closed
  • Portable Buddhist diptych, open
  • Portable Buddhist diptych, showing Buddha with radiate halo and mandorla
  • Portable Buddhist triptych dedicated to Buddha, with attendant bodhisattvas and disciples
  • Candi Jago plaque of the Bodhisattva Amoghapāśa
  • Akbar's pilgrimage to Ajmer
  • Funeral Procession
  • Lamp Stand with Cartouches and Medallions
  • Star-shaped tile
  • Cross-Shaped Tile Fragment
  • Mihrab made for the Imamzada Yahya at Varamin, Sha'ban
  • Pilgrims circumambulating the cenotaph of Imam Reza in the shrine at Mashhad in northeastern Iran
  • Pulpit (Minbar)
  • Votive Tablet (Hilya)
  • Fragment of a Processional Standard ('Alam)
  • Standard
  • Votive strips of cloth decorating the saxaul tree outside the shrine of Muhammad ibn Zayd
  • Votive offerings on a set of doors, probably from a public water fountain (saqqā-khā na)
  • Lock
  • Hand
  • Male Figure with Strips of Hide (Nkisi)
  • French Congo. Old Fiote Chief at Tuba (Kouilou River)
  • Power Figure (Nkisi Nkondi)
  • Ceremonial Drinking Horn
  • Ritual Vessel: Horse with figures (Aduno Koro)
  • Figure (Boli)
  • Altar Staff (Asen)
  • Twin Figure: Female (Ibeji)
  • Headdress: Male Antelope (Ci Wara)
  • Headdress (Ci Wara): Female Antelope
  • Afrique Occidentale–Danseurs Miniankas–Fétiches des Cultures
  • Friction Oracle: Crocodile (Itoom)
  • Ifá Divination Tray (Opon Ifá)
  • Staff with a Figure Representing the Deity Eshu
  • Vessel
  • The Virgin of Guadalupe
  • Votive painting of the Virgin of Guadalupe saving shipwrecked sailors
  • Woman holding four candles
  • Woman facing altar with Black Christ
  • Ex-voto of Josefa Peres Maldonado
  • Retablo of Manuela Ibarra for recovery from a gangrenous leg
  • Retablo of a man appealing to Santo Niño de Atocha
  • Man writing note in the salon de retablos
  • Retablo of María Trinidad Alcazar
  • Retablo of María Aguilar for the restoration of failing eyesight
  • Retablo of José Cruz Soria for safe passage to Mexico from the U.S. San Juan de los Lagos
  • Retablo of Paula Martinez
  • Children dressed up for procession
  • Retablo of San Camilo de Leliz
  • Indulgence for donation of alms toward the building of a church to the Virgin of Guadalupe
  • Christ Carrying the Cross
  • Santuario del Señor de Chalma
  • Milagros seller at the market of Otatitlán
  • Ex-voto eyes
  • Milagros
  • Milagros
  • Ex-voto head
  • Nuestra Señora de Monserrate de Hormigueros
  • Votive offerings to Nosso Senhor dos Passos
  • Group of votive heads
  • Woman with a mastectomy
  • Boy with smallpox votive
  • Girl with prosthetic boots votive
  • Heart votive appealing to St. Francis
  • Cross with votive offerings, along a path to the statue of Padre Cícero
  • Table of contents with Yves Klein, Ex-voto dédié à sainte Rita de Cascia
  • Tommy's Illness/Mexico City
  • Womb
  • Tongue and Hand
  • Untitled
  • Pistol with shredded barrel
  • Votive painting of a hunting accident
  • Votive painting of a man for the well-being of his livestock
  • Miraculous Appearance of the Christ Child in Filmoos
  • Beehive votive
  • Sow with piglets votive
  • Votive painting of Michael and Maria Sammereir of Anham and of Joseph Kreiber
  • Votive painting of Andreas Läichinger for regaining his health
  • Votive painting of a man with a blazing heart
  • Hand in oath votive
  • Ear votive, with text and photograph
  • Votive painting of a naval accident, appealing to Our Lady of Mercies
  • Votive painting for the rescue of a ship at sea appealing to the Madonna and Child
  • Eyes and forehead votive
  • Eyes votive
  • Retablo of Jesus Ramos for healing wounds from an assault
  • Retablo of a man sentenced to death
  • Retablo of Ramona Ortega for the health of Gregorio Rocha Mexico
  • Retablo of Perfecto Martines for the restoration of his wife's health after suffering a blood hemorrhage
  • Retablo of Rosalio Surquero for recovering from injury from a charging bull
  • Retablo of Juana Camarillo for her child's recovery from illness
  • Retablo of a sick man appealing to San Camilo de Leliz
  • Head votive
  • Head votive
  • Head votive with a long neck
  • Head votive
  • Head votive
  • Votive key
  • Votive painting of a woman in prayer
  • Pig votive
  • Woman's torso votive
  • Scrotum votive
  • Wooden molds for casting a left leg votive
  • Molds for casting a woman votive and votive
  • Molds for casting a jumping horse votive and votive
  • Dedicatory plaque
  • Dedicatory plaque
  • Dedicatory plaque
  • Shaddai with Stars of David
  • Forearm votive
  • Abdomen votive
  • Male figure votive with a side wound
  • Arm and hand with truncated thumb votive
  • Bent arm and hand votive
  • Breast with tumor votive
  • Standing [male?] figure with wounds votive
  • Ribcage votive
  • Feet votive
  • Torso with incised ribs votive
  • Urn votive in the shape of a head
  • Head of a youth
  • Female head
  • Veiled head (capite velato) of a youth
  • Toad votive in frame
  • Votive painting of a woman with lung disease, appealing to the Madonna and Child
  • Lungs, heart, and liver votives
  • Lungs votive
  • Sword, with note
  • Glove
  • Bottle of Jim Beam Whiskey
  • Budweiser cans, with notes
  • San Miguel Pale Pilsen beer bottle containing a letter
  • Baseball
  • Assemblage dedicated to the fallen from Paramus, New Jersey, highlighting Eleanor Grace Alexander (KIA 11/20/1967)
  • Assemblage comprised of a plaque, mannequin head with M1 helmet; shell casings, US flag and POW-MIA flag
  • Candle
  • Handwritten note on rubbing sheet
  • Clodeon Atkins (MAJ, USA, RET) POW bracelet, with note
  • Trent Richard Powers POW/MIA bracelet, with letter
  • James Edward Butler POW/MIA bracelet, with letter
  • Sgt. Curtis Cline POW/MIA bracelet, with letter
  • John Jack Heaphy Fellowes POW/MIA bracelet
  • Buddha figure
  • Ceramic smudge pot
  • Buddha figure
  • Prayer book for Jewish personnel in the Armed Forces of the United States
  • Temple menorah, with US military tape
  • Yarhzeit candle
  • Commemorative dog tags and P-38 can opener
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
~I am pleased to inaugurate the quarter-century celebration of the founding of Bard Graduate Center with the exhibition, Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place, on a subject worthy of marking the occasion. Votive practices infuse inanimate objects—whether familiar or mysterious, personal or communal—with spiritual significance,...
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Faith is a common aspect of all human societies. Faith makes us believe, wonder, and follow certain rituals—praying, wearing certain clothing, fasting, growing beards, or shaving hair. In some cultures, faith leads believers...
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.xi-xviii

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Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
~Throughout Agents of Faith, dates maybe assumed to be Common Era (CE) unless otherwise indicated. In the figure captions as well as the checklist entries, locations refer to the place made and/or place of deposition of votive objects, when known. Catalogue numbers in the figure captions refer to objects on the exhibition checklist.
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Part I: Agents of Faith
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
A vibrant passage from the French writer Gregory of Tours, written in the second half of the sixth century, tells us—from a very Christianocentric point of view—much about the wide range of votive deposition across the social and economic spectrum at a particular and transformative moment in late antiquity.
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.3-25

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Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Caches of votive offerings are commonly found at geological sites situated between mundane human spaces and cosmologically separate or divine realms. Devotees searching for divine intervention send offerings to deities through these terrestrial “gateways,” located within caves, at the bottom of rivers and lakes, and in volcanic craters (fig. 1a.1)....
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.26-31

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Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
A young pregnant woman, visiting the Sanctuary of Our Lady at Fátima, Portugal, is about to deposit a wax offering made in the image of her own pregnant self into the fire pit at the shrine—while she touches her belly with one hand, her other hand separates the votive offering from her body...
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.33-59

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Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
The verses of Macedonius (ca. 500–560), a Roman consul, were intended to evoke an idealized agricultural lifestyle...
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.60-65

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Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
So many offerings made to the pagan and Christian shrines were homely and unsightly....
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.67-85

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Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Several years had passed since Gian Giacopo Grandone so dramatically entered the Sanctuary of the Madonna dell’Arco just beyond the gates of Naples;...
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.87-107

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Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Religious votive offerings have not ceased in the modern era. Many millions make pilgrimage every year to important churches in Mexico, Spain, Portugal, and France, to Santiago de Compostela, Fátima, Lourdes, Medjugorje, and thousands of less familiar shrines (fig....
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.109-127

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Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
In 1982, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, a polished stone wall that bore only the names of war dead, opened to both controversy—and a flood of objects (see fig. 5.6). Maverick from inception, its development had followed no traditional narrative: Yale architecture student Maya Lin, a novice, won a competition for its design; private dollars built it; and its face lined an earthen ridge dug well away from the line of historical memorials elsewhere on the Capitol...
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.128-137

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Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Part II: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
In his Description of Greece, the second-century travel writer Pausanias recounts a revealing anecdote about a votive dedication in the sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi:
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.141-157

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Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Under the conditions of mass culture, past and present, new social media offer the individual novel ways to appear in public and express agency in the world...
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.159-181

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Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
A wax and honey workshop, likely the last in all of Germany, remains in the small Lower Bavarian town of Pfaffenhofen on the River Ilm, thirty-one miles (50 km) north of Munich. Centuries ago all towns had such workshops to provide their populace with baked goods, honeywine, and candles. There is evidence that this particular shop has stood prominently for the...
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.182-188

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Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Objects that are infused with sanctity, holiness, boon-granting powers abound in the Brahmanical and Buddhist worlds of South Asia. Through the agency of Buddhism, exceptional among the early religions of the region for its proselytizing ambitions, many of these objects became an...
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.191-223

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Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
For Muslims, God is omnipotent, the ultimate wielder of power, who is described in the opening sura (chapter) of the Qur’an as Lord of the Worlds, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy, and Master of the Day of Judgment.Encyclopaedia of the Qur’an, ed. Jane Damen McAuliffe (Leiden: Brill, 2001–2006), s.v. “Power and Impotence,” by Alexander Knysh. This translation of the sura is taken from the recent one by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem, available on Oxford Islamic Studies Online but slightly adapted for American spelling and word order. Many Muslims also accord the power of intercession (shafā‘a) to God’s angels and the Prophet Muhammad, and some Muslims extend it to other prophets and saints, chosen people who came to be known as God’s “friends” (awlīya, sing,...
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.225-239

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Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Fon native and historian Paul Hazoumé, from what is today the Republic of Benin, authored not only the first Fon...
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.241-253

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Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
This chapter addresses the participation of Latin America’s indigenous peoples in Christian practices and ceremonies by examining their votive offerings to the newly introduced Christ,...
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.255-283

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Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
In the December 1980 issue of the Italian design magazine Domus, French critic Pierre Restany made public what is perhaps the best-known contemporary votive artwork: Ex voto a Santa Rita by Yves Klein, dedicated in 1961 in the convent of Santa Rita da Caseia in Umbria (fig. 12.1)...
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.285-295

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Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Checklist of the Exhibition
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.296-325

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Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
~This project has been developed at the Bard Graduate Center, and it would have not been possible without the vision of its director, Susan Weber, who together with the director of the gallery, Nina Stritzler-Levine, and Dean Peter N. Miller have created a fertile ground for broad and comparative thinking on the material world. I would like to thank the lenders to...
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
About the Authors
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Lenders to the Exhibition
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
~Photographs were taken or supplied by the lending institutions, organizations, or individuals credited in the picture captions and are protected by copyright; many names are not repeated here. Individual photographers are credited below. Permission has been sought for use of all copyrighted illustrations in this volume. In several instances, despite extensive...
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
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