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Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
Description: Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place
Ittai Weinryb (Editor)
PublisherBard Graduate Center
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‘Abbas ibn ‘Ali, Abu’l-Fail, 234–235
‘Abbas I, 227, 232, 234
Acropolis, 146, 147, 148, 152, 154, 157n29
Afghanistan, 15, 193, 200, 210, 214, 217,
African votives, 241–253
divination and, 242, 249–250, 252
masks and headdresses, 245–246, 248–249. See also vows; wood
Agilulf (king), 19
Aguilar, María, 265
Akbar (emperor), 226, 227, 238n9
Akbarnama (Abu’l-Fazl), 226, 227
Alacoque, Margaret Mary, 112–113, 118
Alberro, Solange, 265
Alberti, Leon Battista, 69
Alcazar, María Trinidad, 264
Alfonso III, 53
‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, 227, 233, 234
‘Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Tahir, 230
Altdorfer, Albrecht, 68, 69, 70, 83
Amphiaraos, 11, 13
ampullae, 19–22
Anderson, Benedict, 114, 115
animal votives, xii, 9–10, 42–45, 60, 62, 65n5, 89, 121, 144, 145, 156n13, 187, 271
Aniruddha, 208
Argentina, 270
Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem), 229, 232, 238n17
Archer, St., 51
Archinos, 11, 13
Aristotle, 95
Armenian Gospel, 16–17
asen (altar) staffs, 246–247
Asklepios (andasklepieia), 7, 11, 34, 95, 99–100, 101, 106n25, 107nn34–35, 156n5
Aśoka (emperor), 200, 204
Aṣṭamahāprātihārya, 199–200
Aṣṭamaṇḍalaka Sūtra, 207
Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra, 212–214
Atl, Dr. (Gerardo Murillo), 266
Augustine, St., 96
Austria, xii, xv, 42, 67, 82, 168, 173–174, 177
Aventinus, Johannes, 169
Bacchae (Euripides), 100
Bacci, Michele, 75
Bamana (Mali), 248–249
Bamum (Mali), 244
Bargellini, Clara, 281n48
Barthes, Roland, 288
Basawan, 226, 227
Basilica of the Consolata (Turin, Italy), 12–14, 22
Becerra Tanco, Luis, 257–258
Becket, Thomas, St., 47, 80, 82
Benin, Republic of, 241, 247
Berger, Adam, 171–172
Berlant, Lauren, 80–81
Beuys, Joseph, 285
Beville, Stephen E., 98
Bhutan, 28, 98
blood pacts, 241–242
Bobbio Abbey (Italy), 21–22
body votives, 4–5, 6, 8, 32–42, 51, 56, 67, 69, 93–94, 98–102, 111–112, 121, 147–155, 185–186, 189, 269, 274, 275, 290
arms and hands, xiii, 34–37, 88, 172, 236, 237
breasts, 37
effigies, 51–53, 55–56, 77, 192
eyes, 8, 89, 271
hair, 50
heads, 37, 160, 273, 277
legs and feet, 4–5, 34–36, 51, 88, 98, 100, 121, 152, 154, 169, 171–172, 269
lungs, 37, 39
metalhearts, 113
pregnancy-related, 32–33, 39–42, 107n45
spines, 51
twins, 247–248
Brading, David A., 255
Brazil, 101–102, 273–275, 277–279
Brenner, Anita, 267
Buddha Sãkyamuni, 192, 196
relics of, 200–204, 209
Buddhist votives, 5, 15, 22, 28, 30, 98, 103, 191–194, 197–219
books and manuscripts, 211–213
clay sealings, 193, 197–198, 206–211, 220n2
portable shrines, 192, 193, 198, 200, 215–219
relics and reliquaries, 200–206, 215–216. Seealso stupas
Busiello, Carlo, 92
Callimachus, 102
Camillus of Lellis, St., 265–266, 267
Candi Jago Amoghapāśa plaque, 218–219, 223nn95–97
candles, 7, 42, 50, 182, 236, 256–257, 259, 260, 280n11
Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer), 75–76
Castilla, Luis de, 269
cave sites, 26–28, 204, 217
Ceitis, Konrad, 170
Charles V, 46
Charles VI, 51
Chariot, Jean, 266, 268
Chimalpahin, 256
China, 208, 210, 217–218
Christian, William A., 169
ciwara, 248–249
clothing votives, 69, 95
Clottes, Jean, 26–27
Cobo, Bernabé, 257
Columbanus, St., 21
communal shrines, 121–126
Congo, Democratic Republic of, 242, 250
Convent of the Third Carmelite Order (São Cristóvão, Brazil), 275, 276, 283n67
Cortés, Hernán, 255
Côte d’Ivoire, 245–246
Council of Trent, 99
Cranach, Lucas, the Elder, 162
Crete, 27
Crowley, Mateo, 127n13
Cūḷavaṃsa, 201
Cunningham, Alexander, 204
Cyprus, 51, 148
Dahomey, 246–247
Dangbe Ayido Hwedo (snake deity), 247
Daret, Jacques, 168
Delos sanctuary, 67
Delphi, Oracle of, 7, 9–10, 141–142
Demetrius, 17
Devī Bhāgavata Purāṇa, 213–214
d’Harnoncourt, René, 267–268
Didi-Huberman, Georges, 69
Dienstl, Oswald, 160, 161, 168
Dogon (Mali), 244
Domenici, Arcangelo, 87–96
Doss, Erika, 118–119
drinking rituals, 244
Duchamp, Marcel, 288
Durand, Jorge, and Douglas S. Massey, 265
Durkheim, Émile, 116
Duve, Thierry de, 287, 295n7
Eco, Umberto, 286, 295n3, 295n16
Egypt, 4–5
El Ghriba synagogue (Djerba, Tunisia), 49
Elizabeth, St., 21
ema, 98, 103, 104, 107nn46–47
Emami, Karim, 236
emperor crowns, xiv-xv
England, 39, 69, 82
Enthroned Virgin and Child, 18–19
Eshu (messenger), 250, 252
Etruscan votives, 9, 144, 145, 148, 151–153
ex voto, as term, xi–xii
ex-votos: categories of, 69, 116–117
contemporary examples of, 114, 118–126, 285–294
duplication of, 49–50, 152, 193
etymology and usage of term, 71, 73, 160, 244
exotica as, 16
functions and motives of, 5–7, 34, 39, 69, 70–76, 80, 93, 102, 125, 142, 161, 165–166
identification of, 8–10
inventories of, 99, 154–155
materiality of, 8, 34, 42–56, 161, 192–193
memory and, 91–92, 95–96, 98–99, 116, 122, 124–126, 165, 166
Paleolithic possibilities of, 26–27
post-Council of Trent reforms and, 99
psychology of, 73–75
sense perceptions and, 95–96
social character of, 109–126, 165, 171, 173
variety of, 3–4, 8, 67, 69, 83, 88, 105n3, 122, 152, 168–169
Farid al-Din ‘Attar, 227
Fatima (Muhammad’s daughter), 227, 232–233
Fátima (shrine). See Our Lady of Fátima
Faxian, 197–198, 201–202
Ferrer, Vincent, St., 39
figural substitution, 141–142, 145, 150
Finland, 51
Fon (Benin Republic), 243, 246, 250, 252
food votives, 42, 60–64, 65n4, 65n7, 234, 257
Fortunantus (apostle), 50
France, 26, 27, 42, 51, 111–113, 177
Francisco de Paola, St., 264–265
Froissart, Jean, 51
Gandhārā (Afghanistan and Pakistan), 15, 193, 201, 215, 217
“gateway” sites, 26–30
Gautier, Paulus, 106n17
Germany, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44–46, 50, 53, 69, 72, 80, 83, 159–162, 164–178, 182, 184–185, 187–188
Gewald, Ursula, 164
Ghazali, Abu Hamid al-, 225
Giffords, Gloria Fraser, 259–260, 262, 264
gift-giving, 6, 23n15, 125, 161, 172, 228
Giuseppe of Pedara, 86, 92
Glücker, Johan Georg, 46
Godric, St., 80
gold votives, 46–47, 69, 206
Gonzaga, Fedrico, 73
Gonzalez-Torres, Félix, 295n14
Gößweinstein pilgrimage church (Bavaria, Germany), 53
Gotthard of Hildesheim, St., 50
grace, 5, 14, 142, 166, 179n28
Graf, Fritz, 156n13
Granado, Bartolomé, 269
Grandone, Gian Giacopo, 87, 89–96, 102
Greece, 9–11, 34, 47, 99–101, 141–142, 145, 147, 148, 152–155
Greek votives, 141–150, 152, 154. See also Asklepios; Delphi; korai
Gregory of Tours, St., 3–4
Grof, Guillielmus de, 165, 166
Gruber, Christiane, 64
Guere (Côte d’Ivoire), 246
Hafiz Osman, 231
Hank, Thomas, 175–177, 181n68
Haribhadra, 213
Hass, Kristin Ann, 122
Hazoumé, Paul, 241, 246
Heilmiller, Caspar Weigl, 163
Heiric of Auxerre, 50
Hesiod, 142
Hilary of Poitiers, St., 3–4, 50
hilyas, 229, 231–232
Hindu votives, 14–15, 27–30, 63, 65n8, 192, 194–195, 215
Hinüber, Oskarvon, 207
Hippocrates, 100, 107n34
Hipp Wax Workshop (Pfaffenhofen, Germany), 182–189
Holmes, Megan, 168
Holy House of Loreto (Italy), Shrine of the, 96
Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem), Church of the, 20
honey, 182, 187
Horace, 69
Hughes, Jessica, 100
Husayn, 227, 231–232, 233–234, 239n28
Hygieia, 34
iamata (healingnarratives), 100–101, 107n39
Ibarra, Manuela, 261–262
Iglesia de la Piedad (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 270
Iliad (Homer), 75, 85n28
Imamzada Yahya tomb (Varamin, Iran), 228–229, 230
Inchenhofen Shrine (Upper Bavaria, Germany), 177–178, 181n71
India, 14–15, 63, 193–209, 211–215
Indravarman (prince), 202–204
Inghirami, Tommaso, 73, 74
Iran, 227–229, 232, 234, 236, 237
Iraq, 227
iron votives, 42–46, 161, 166
Eisenopfer, 178
Isidorus, 4–5, 6
Islam (and Islamic votives), 16, 17, 56, 98, 103–104, 107n49, 109 225–237
Issickemer, Jakob, 72, 161, 175
Italy, 13–14, 19, 21, 22, 39, 53, 69, 73, 77, 79, 83, 87–96, 102–103, 150
itoom (oracular) devices, 250, 253
Iturbide, Graciela, 262, 270
Jäger, Elias, 46
Japan, 63, 64, 103, 208, 210, 217
Java, 28, 30, 218–219
Jerusalem, xiv, 20, 21, 49, 229
Jesus, 73
as apothecary, 38–39
Sacred Heart devotion to, 112–113
João III, 274
John of Capistrano, St., 77
John Paul II, in, 282n56
Johns, Jasper, 288–289
John the Baptist, St., 21
Jewish votives, xiii, 47–49
Juan Diego, St., 257–258, 269
Jungwirth, Hans, 161–162, 166, 168
Kaaba (mosque; Mecca, Saudi Arabia), 16
Kashmir, 208, 215, 217
Kethevan (queen), 17
kitsch, 168, 295n16
Klein, Yves, 285–287, 295n7
Klingkhamer, Ludwig, 162, 165
korai (statues), 147–148, 150–151, 157n29
Kuba (Democratic Republic of Kongo), 250
Kumbh Mela (festival; India), 194–195, 220n7
Kiipfferle, Gabriel, 177
Kyzil (China), 196
Lacey, Edmund, 51
Lardi, Pietro de’, 75
Lasso, Orlando di, 96
Lechuga, Ruth, 271
Le Coq, Albert von, 223nn91–92
Ledu Monastery (Qinghai province, China), 234, 239n30
Leonard of Noblac, St., 42, 44, 46, 106n17, 173, 177–178, 181n70
Lin, Maya, 128
Lindian Chronicle, 154–155
lob unddanck formula, 161
Lourdes (France), 26, 111–112
Love in the Time of Cholera (García Márquez), 79
“love locks” (Pont des Arts, Paris), xv
Luna, Juan, 10
Lysimachides, 146
Macedonius, 60, 65n1
MacGuffey, Wyatt, 242–243
Madonna and Child between Two Angels, Adored by Donors (attributed to Palmerucci), 66, 84
Madonna and Child with Donor (Master G. Z.), 75–76
Madonna dell’Arco (Naples, Italy), Sanctuary (and portrait) of the, 87–95, 99
Madonna delia Vittoria (Mantegna), 73
Madonna del Parto (Sansovino), 102–103
Madonna of Canon van der Paele (van Eyck), 75
Madonna of Högling, 162, 163
Mahābhārata, 206, 212
Mahabodhi temple (Bodhgaya, India), 197–200
Māhaparinibbāna Sutta, 196, 202, 221n35
Māhavaṃsa, 201
Mahinda, 201
Majjhima Koḍiniputa, 204, 205
Malay Peninsula, 210–212
Maldonado, Josefa Peres, 260–261, 281n27
Mali, 244–245, 248–249
Mangalahamsika, 213
Mantegna, Andrea, 73
Maqdisi, al-, 239n28
Margaret of Cortona, St., 71, 73, 82
Mariahild (Vienna, Austria), Church of, 67
Mariahilf (Vienna, Austria), Church of, 162
Mariazell Basilica (Austria), 173–175, 177, 180n61
Martínez, Paula, 266
Mary Magdalene, 22
Mashhad shrine (Iran), 224, 227–228, 229, 231, 234
Massey, C. C, 204, 205
Master of the Curved Horn, 247
Matsuo-taisha (shrine), 63–64
Mauss, Marcel, 5, 125
Maximilian Joseph (prince-elector), 165, 166
measurement offerings, 50, 77
Mecca, pilgrimage to, 227
memorials, 119–121, 123, 125–126. See also communal shrines; Vietnam Veterans
Mexico, 62, 110, 111, 256, 257–262, 264–268, 269, 270–271, 289–290
milagres (promessas), 275–279
milagros (milagritos), 256, 258, 269–273, 278, 281n48, 282n52
mimesis, 145, 150
Minoan ax-heads, 27–28
miracle books, 42, 44, 72, 74, 79–80, 87, 105n8, 106n9, 161, 170–171, 173, 175, 177–178, 184–185
modernity, 114–115
Monaghan, John D., 257
Montenegro, Roberto, 268
Monza Cathedral, 19–22
More, Thomas, St. 80
Morocco, 103–104
Morrow, D wight D., 267–268
mother (and fertility) goddess figures, 27, 29, 20 6
Motolonía, Toribio, 256
Moulay Brahim (Morocco), Shrine of, 103
Mount Bromo (East Java, Indonesia), 27, 28
Muhammad, 16, 225, 227, 229, 231, 232–233
Muhammad ibn Zayd shrine, 234, 235
Mu’in al-Din Chisti shrine, 227
music votives, 96, 106n25
Nalanda monastery (Bihar, India), 199
Nand Gwaliari, 226, 227
Narthang monastery (Tibet), 198
nationhood, 114–115. See also patriotic votives
Nauman, Bruce, 289
Niederscheyern pilgrimage church (Bavaria, Germany), 184–185
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 73, 75
Niño de Atocha (Plateros, Mexico), 262–264
nkisifigures, 242–244, 253
Nossa Senhora do Desterro (Ipojuca, Brazil), chapel of, 274
Nossa Senhora do Monte Serrat (Santos, Brazil), church of, 273–274
Nur al-Din, 229, 232
Nutini, Hugo G., 257
oath-swearing rituals, 241
O’Connor, Stanley, 28
odu verses, 250, 252
Oliveira, José Claudio de, 283n73
Ono, Yoko, 287–288, 292–294, 295nn10–11
opon Ifá, 250
Orsini, Antonio, xii
oscilla, 104–105
Ostendorfer, Michael, 4, 50, 73
Otatitlán (Veracruz, Mexico), Black Christ of, 254, 258–260
Our Lady of Altötting (Bavaria, Germany), Shrine of, 72, 158, 160, 161, 162, 168–171, 175, 177, 179n11
Our Lady of Aparecida (Brazil), Basilica of, 99
Our Lady of Fátima (Portugal), Sanctuary of, 32–33, 56, 108, 111–112
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexico City, Mexico), Basilica of, 269, 281n51
Our Lady of Monserrat, 271, 273, 282n56
Our Lady of Rimedio (Orisanto, Sardinia), Church of, 34
Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos (Jalisco, Mexico), Basilica of, in Our Lord Christ of Chalma (Mexico), Sanctuary of, 270
Ovid, 104–105
pacte de sang, 242
Pakistan, 15, 98, 193, 202, 213, 217
Palestine, 19–20, 21, 22
Pañcaraksā, 214
panels and painted votives, xii, 38–41, 44, 46, 69–70, 73–84, 88–93, 95–98, 102, 165, 179n23
artistic status of, 83
Brazilian, 275
Buddhist, 212–213
retablos, 10, 99, 110, 112, 258–268
Roman Catholic picture tablets, 9, 10
Stifterbilder, 168
vita icons, 95
Votivbilder, 159–177
Parthenon, 144, 145, 147, 152, 155
patriotic votives, 114–116
Paul, St., 20
Pausanias, 9–10, 107n34, 141–142, 145, 156
penny-bending practice, 82
Peru, 268–269
Pesaro Madonna (Titian), 75
Peter, St., 20
Petsalis-Diomidis, Alexis, 152
Philip II, 258
Phoenician-Cypriot figurines, 140, 154
photograph votives, 102, 256, 269, 274, 279–280, 283n74
pilgrimage badges, 8
pilgrimages, 8, 67, 69, 71–72, 75–77, 96, 105, 152, 166
in Brazil, 278
contemporary, 109–112
in India, 194–200, 220n19, 220n24
Muslim, 227–229, 234
inpremodern Germany, 159–161, 168–178
Pilgrims at the Church of the “Beautiful Virgin” at Regensburg (Ostendorfer), 2, 4, 50, 73, 170
Plato, 87
popular (“folk”) religion, 171–173, 266
Portugal, 33, 274, 275
Posada, José Guadalupe, 266
POW/MIA bracelets, xvii
Presley, Elvis, 118–119
Puerto Rico, 271, 273
quadro del voto. See panels and painted votives
Qur’an, 225, 228, 229, 231, 233
Ramaka, 203–204
Rāmāyaṇa, 212
Rast, Wolfgang, 175, 176
reciprocity, 5–6, 125, 142, 192
Restany, Pierre, 285, 287, 295n2
Rest of the Holy Family on the Flight to Egypt (Altdorfer), 68, 69, 70, 83
retablos. See panels and painted votives
Reyder, Jakob, 72
Reza, 227, 229, 231
Rita of Caseia, St. 285–287
Rivera, Diego, 266–267
Rivera, Josefina, 110–111
Roman votives, 9–10, 62, 72, 104–105, 145, 154–155
Rõscher, Thateüs Schmair, 44
Rothkrug, Lionel, 177, 181n77
Rousseau, Henri, 266
“Rumpelstiltskin,” 74
Sacred Heart, devotion to the, 112–113, 118, 127n13
sacrifice, 9–10, 28, 30, 49, 63, 74, 114–115, 128, 141–142, 244
patriotic, 117, 121–122, 124
Sáenz, Olga, 266
Sahib-o Amr mosque (Tabriz, Iran), 236
Sahri Bahlol monastery (Pakistan), 192
Saint Anthony Abbot and Votaries, 180n61
Sala dos Milagres (Santos, Brazil), 100, 102
Salverin, María, 162
Sankrityayana, Rahula, 198
Sant’Agostino (Rome, Italy), Basilica of, 102, 103
Santa María, Agostinho de, 274, 275
Santa María delia Quércia (Rome, Italy), Sanctuary of, 79
Santa Rita da Caseia (convent; Italy), 285, 286
Santuario de Chimayó (New Mexico), El, 96, 98
Sardinia, 34
Saqqakhana, 236–237
Scarry, Elaine, 100
Schlosser, Julius von, 51
Schneider, Luis Mario, 258–259, 265
Scribner, Robert, 171, 173
Senft, Hans, 42
shadai’ot, 47, 49
Shaykh Safi al-Din Khānegāh, 227–228
Shiʿites, 227, 231–234, 236
Shinto votives, 63, 103
ship votives, 90, 91
Shōtoku (empress), 208
Signori, Gabriela, 170–171
silver votives, 46–49, 50, 77
in Mexico, 269–270, 282n56
Simeon Stylites the Younger, St., 21
Simon of Trent, St., 165
Skandapurāṇa, 195
Small, Irene V, 287
Smith, Kiki, 290–292, 295n18
Soergel, Philip, 170
Songgwangsa temple (South Korea), 217–218
Soubirous, Bernadette, St., 26, 111
Soria, José Cruz, 266
Sousa, Tomé de, 274
South Korea, 217
Spain, 26, 53, 257
spontaneous shrines. See communal shrines
St. Andrea (Mantua, Italy), Church of, 53
St. Blasien (Black Forest, Germany), Church of, 46
St. Blasius (Bopfingen, Germany), Church of, 73
St. Catherine (Mount Sinai, Egypt), Monastery of, 7
St. Cuthbert (Durham, England), shrine chapel of, 69
St. Foy (Conques, France), Church of, 42, 43
St. Stephen (Vienna, Austria), Cathedral of, 169
St. Vaastof Arras (France), Abbey of, 51, 168
Strabo, 100–101
stupas, 15–16, 22, 30, 109, 192, 196, 197, 200–202, 207–208, 212
stupa caves, 204
Sunnis, 98, 231
supplication (and supplicants), 11, 54, 99, 101, 104, 111, 193
Sutra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha, 208, 209
Tanavoli, Parviz, 237, 239nn35–36
Taylor, Rabun, 105
temple boys (Cyprus), 148, 157n20
Temple of the Tooth (Kandy, Sri Lanka), 201
temporality, 286
terracotta, 27–28, 40, 49, 54, 56, 62, 64
Thailand, 206, 210
Theodolinda (queen), 19, 21
Thomas (apostle), 20, 91
Thorpe, William, 76–77
Tibet, 28, 192, 193, 198, 200, 208, 215, 234
tin, 46, 49, 110–111
Tirmidhi, al-Hakim al-, 225
Titian, 75, 106n11
Treasure of Guarrazar, xiv
Trilokavata sak, 208
tsa tsas, 28, 30, 208, 209
Turkey, 51, 98
Turkmenistan, 234
Turrell, James, 285
Tyche, 34
United States, xvii, 49, 96–97, 98, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115–116, 117–126, 128–136, 267–268, 289
Vachon, John, 116, 117
Vajraditayanandi (king), 213
Valladares, Clarival do Prado, 283n74
van der Velden, Hugo, 161, 238n6
Varro, 105
Venturi, Adolfo, 83
Vidal, Teodoro, 271, 273, 281n48
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, xvii, 98, 115, 117, 121–122, 125, 128–137
Virgil, 60
Virgin of Guadalupe, cult of, 257–258, 269
“votary” and “votive,” as terms, 70–71, 113, 127n6, 142. See also exvoto; ex-votos: etymology and usage of term
Votivbilder. See panels and painted votives
votive images. See panels and painted votives
votive materials. See gold, iron, silver, terracotta, tin, wax, wood
votive offerings. See ex-votos
votive wheels, 27–28
votive types. See animal, body, candles, clothing, food, music, patriotic, photograph, ship
vows: in African cultures, 242, 244, 249, 253
ethics of, 73–75, 82, 161
Walbertus, St., 51
wax, 49–51, 53–54, 67, 69–70, 77, 83, 112, 160, 161, 166, 182–188
beeswax, 256–257
votive wax, 3, 8, 79, 93–94, 95, 99, 111
“Weiner Pesttafel,” 172
Wojnarowicz, David, 284, 289–290, 295nn16–17
wood, 21, 34, 40, 229, 231
African uses of, 242–243, 245–246, 250–252
Brazilian uses of, 256, 274, 275–279
Wood, Christophers., 173, 290, 295n13, 295n16
Xuanzang, 196, 202, 208
Yadnya Kasada festival (East Java, Indonesia), 27, 30
Yanagita Kunio, 103
Yijing, 208–209, 221n55
Yoruba (Nigeria), 247, 250, 252
Yoshimine-dera (temple; Kyoto, Japan), 103, 104
Zenderoudi, Charles Hossein, 237