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Description: The Architecture of the Roman Empire, Volume II: An Urban Appraisal
~With some exceptions, entries in PECS, as well as in EAA and RE (which include topics as well as sites), are omitted from this selection. For full titles, see the List of Abbreviations. The material is arranged as follows:
PublisherYale University Press
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With some exceptions, entries in PECS, as well as in EAA and RE (which include topics as well as sites), are omitted from this selection. For full titles, see the List of Abbreviations. The material is arranged as follows:
General Works
Pictorial Sources
Building Types and Elements
Materials and Technology
Style and Meaning
A. Boëthius, Etruscan and Early Roman Architecture (Harmondsworth, 1978).
——— The Golden House of Nero (Ann Arbor, 1960).
F. E. Brown, Roman Architecture (New York, 1961).
R. Chevallier, Roman Roads (London, 1976).
T. Cornell and J. Matthews, Atlas of the Roman World (London, 1982).
L. Crema, Varchitettura romana (Turin, 1959).
——— Significato della architettura romana. . . (Rome, 1959; = Boll Centro, 15).
Fototeca Unione, Ancient Roman Architecture, 2 vols. (Chicago, 1979, 1982); ca. 24,000 microfiches of Roman sites and buildings.
N. Lewis and M. Reinhold, Roman Civilization. . . , vol. 2 (New York, 1955), chap. 5.
W. L. MacDonald, “Roman Architects,” in S. Kostof, ed., The Architect. Chapters in the History of the Profession (New York, 1977), pp. 28–58.
Mostra augustea della Romanità, 2 vols. 4th ed. (Rome, 1938).
H. Plommer, Vitruvius and Later Roman Building Manuals (Cambridge, 1973).
J. J. Pollitt, The Art of Rome, c. 753 B.C.–337 A. D., (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1966).
Price and Trell.
F. Rakob, “Römische Architektur,” in T. Kraus, ed., Das römische Weltreich (Berlin, 1967; = Propyläen Kunstgeschichte, 2).
D. S. Robertson, A Handbook of Greek and Roman Architecture, 2nd ed., revised (Cambridge, 1943; reprinted London, 1969).
J. Summerson, The Classical Language of Architecture, 2nd ed. (London, 1980).
Tabula imperii romani, 1934ff.; see JRS 74 (1984), 200–201.
Vitruvius, De architectura, trans. M. H. Morgan (Cambridge, Mass., 1914; reprinted New York, 1960). A translation and detailed commentary is being published, book by book, in the Budé collection (Paris, 1969ff.). See also F. E. Brown, “Vitruvius and the Liberal Art of Architecture,” Bucknell Review 11.4 (1963), 99–107.
A. Von Gerkan, Von Antiker Architektur und Topographie (Stuttgart, 1959).
J. B. Ward-Perkins, Roman Architecture (New York, 1977).
S. Anderson, ed., On Streets (Cambridge, Mass., 1978).
E. Bacon, Design of Cities, rev. ed. (New York, 1974).
A. Boëthius, Roman and Greek Town Architecture (Göteborg, 1948; = Göteborgs Högskolas Årsskrift, 54.3).
A. Boëthius, “Urbanistica,” EAA 7 (1966), 1062–1071.
L. Casson, Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World (Princeton, 1971); ports, pp. 366–370.
F. Castagnoli, Orthogonal Town Planning in Antiquity (Cambridge, Mass., 1971).
———, ed., Studi di urbanistica antica (Rome, 1966).
R. Chevallier, bibliography in Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt, ed. H. Temporini, II. 1 (1975), pp. 649–788.
C. J. Classen, Oie Stadt im Spiegel der Descriptiones und Laudes Urbium (Munich, 1980).
D. Claude, Die byzantinische Stadt im 6. Jahrhundert (Munich, 1969).
M. Clavel and P. Lévêque, Villes et structures urbains dans l’occident romain (Paris, 1971).
M. Coppa, Storia dell’urbanistica. Le età ellenistiche, 2 vols. (Rome, 1981).
G. Cullen, The Concise Townscape, rev. ed. (London, 1971).
P.-M. Duval and E. Frézouls, Thèmes de recherches sur les villes antiques d’occident (Paris, 1977).
P.-A. Février and P. Leveau, Villes et campagnes dans l’empire romain. Actes du colloque. . . (Aix-en-Provence, 1982).
T. Frank, ed., An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome, 6 vols. (Baltimore, 1933–1940; reprinted, Paterson, N.J., 1959).
E. Frézouls, “Metodo per lo studio dell’urbanistica. Strutture e infranstrutture delle città antiche d’occidente,” Centro studi e documentazione sull’Italia romana, Atti 3 (1970–1971; not seen).
P. Gould and R. White, Mental Maps (Harmondsworth, 1974).
P. Groth, “Streetgrids as Frameworks for Urban Variety,” Harvard Architecture Review 2 (1981), 68–75.
G. Gullini, “Tre note di urbanistica antica,” Centro studi e documentazione sull’Italia romana, Atti 5 (1973–1974), 183–198.
M. Hammond, The City in the Ancient World (Cambridge, Mass., 1972).
F. Haverfield, Ancient Town-Planning (Oxford, 1913).
K. Hopkins, “Economic Growth and Towns in Classical Antiquity,” in M. Abrams, ed., Towns in Societies (Cambridge, 1978), pp. 35–77.
P. Lavedan and J. Hugueny, Histoire de l’urbanisme. Antiquité (Paris, 1966).
K. Lehmann-Hartleben, “Städtebau Italiens und des römischen Reiches,” RE IIIA (1929), 2016–2124.
K. Lynch, The Image of the City (Cambridge, Mass., 1960).
W. L. MacDonald, “Connection and Passage in North African Architecture,” in C. McClendon, ed., Rome and the Provinces: Studies in the Transformation of Art and Architecture in the Mediterranean World (in press).
R. MacMullen, Roman Social Relations, 50 B.C. to A.D. 284 (New Haven, 1974), Chaps. 2 and 3 and appendices.
G. A. Mansuelli, Architettura e città. Problemi del mondo classico (Bologna, 1970).
——— Studi sulla città antica (Rome, 1982).
R. T. Marchese, ed., Aspects of Greco-Roman Urbanism. Essays on the Classical City (Oxford, 1983).
R. Martin, L’urbanisme dans la Grèce antique, 2nd ed. (Paris, 1974).
M. I. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, 2 vols. 2nd ed. (Oxford, 1957).
B. Rudofsky, Streets for People (New York, 1969).
J. Rykwert, The Idea of a Town. The Anthropology of Urban Form in Rome, Italy and the Ancient World (Princeton, 1976).
C. Sitte, City Planning According to Artistic Principles, trans. G. R. Collins and C. C. Collins (New York, 1965).
L. Storoni Mazzolani, The Idea of the City in Roman Thought, trans. S. O’Donnell (London, 1970).
J. B. Ward-Perkins, Cities of Ancient Greece and Italy: Planning in Classical Antiquity (New York, 1974).
W. H. Whyte, City Spaces, Human Places (Boston, 1981).
——— The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces (Washington, 1980).
J. J. G. Alexander, “The Illustrated Manuscripts of the Notitia Dignitatum, in R. Goodburn and P. Bartholomew, eds., Aspects of the Notitia Dignitatum (Oxford, 1976), pp. 11–50.
M. Avi-Yonah, The Madaba Mosaic Map (Jerusalem, 1954).
F. M. Biebel, “The Walled Cities of the Gerasa Mosaics,” in C. Kraeling, ed., Gerasa, City of the Decapolis (New Haven, 1938), pp. 341–351.
E. Billig, Spätantike Architekturdarstellungen 1 (Stockholm, 1977; = Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, Stockholm Studies in Classical Archaeology 10.1).
K. Bulas, “Tabulae Iliacae,” EAA 7 (1966), 579–580.
J. N. Carder, “Art Historical Problems of a Roman Land Surveying Manuscript. . . ,” diss., Univ. of Pittsburgh (1978).
F. Castagnoli, “Gli edifìci rappresentati in un relievo del sepolcro degli Haterii,” BC 69 (1941), 59–69.
R. Chevallier, above, under General Works.
La colonna traiana. Rilievi fotografici. . . (Rome, 1942).
J. W. Crowfoot, Early Churches in Palestine (London, 1941), pp. 128–131 and Plates XV and XVIII.
O. A. W. Dilke, The Roman Land Surveyors. An Introduction to the Agrimensores (Newton Abbot, 1971).
G. Downey, A History of Antioch in Syria from Seleucus to the Arab Conquest (Princeton, 1961), pp. 659–664.
K. M. D. Dunbabin, The Mosaics of Roman North Africa. Studies in Iconography and Patronage (Oxford, 1978), pp. 128–130.
I. Ehrensperger-Katz, “Les représentations de villes fortifiées dans l’art paléochrétien et leurs dérivées byzantines,” Cahiers archéologiques 19 (1969), 1–27.
V. Fasolo, “Rappresentazioni architettoniche nella pittura romana,” Atti del terzo congresso nazionale di storia dell’architettura 3 (1938), 207–213.
F. B. Florescu, Die Trajanssäule—Grundfragen und Tafeln, (Bucharest, 1969).
M. Frederiksen, Campania (Rome and London, 1984), pp. 351, 355.
G. Fuchs, Architekturdarstellungen auf römischen Münzen der Republik und frühen Kaiserzeit (Berlin, 1969).
R. Graefe, Velaerunt. Die Zeltdächer der römischen Theater und ähnlicher Anlangen. Tafelband (Mainz, 1979), Taf. 99–131.
H. Küthmann et al., Bauten Roms auf Münzen und Medaillen (Munich, 1973).
J. Lassus, “Antioch en 459, d’après la mosaïque de Yakto,” in J. Balty, ed., Apamée de Syrie. Bilan des recherches archéologiques 1965–1968 (Brussels, 1969), pp. 137–146.
A. & M. Levi.
G. Mansuelli, “La rappresentazione della città nell’arte tardo-romana e bizantina,” Corsi di cultura sull’arte ravennate e bizantina 19 (1972), 239–244.
S. E. Ostrow in Puteoli 3 (Naples, 1979), 77–111.
Price and Trell.
I. A. Richmond, Trajan’s Army on Trajan’s Column (London, 1982); an augmented reprint of PBSR 13 (1935), 1–40.
M. I. Rostovtzeff, “Die hellenistische-römische Architekturlandschaft,” RM 26 (1911), 1–185.
T. Sarnowski, Les représentations de villas sur les mosaïques africaines tardives (Warsaw, 1978).
E. B. Smith, Architectural Symbolism of Imperial Rome and the Middle Ages (Princeton, 1956).
H.-G. Thümmel, “Zur Deutung der Mosaikkarte von Madaba,” Zeitschrift des deutschen Palästina-Vereins 89 (1973), 66–79.
B. L. Trell, “Architectura numismatica orientalis. A Short Guide to . . . Numismatic Formulae,” Numismatic Chronicle 10 (1970), 29–50.
——— “Architecture on Ancient Coins,” Archaeology 29.1 (1976), 6–13.
M. Turcan-Déléani, “Les monuments représentés sur la colonne Trajane. Schématisme et réalisme,” MEFRA 70 (1958), 149–176.
P. Arias, “Teatro e Odeon,” EAA 7 (1966), 640–650.
M. Bieber, The History of the Greek and Roman Theater, 2nd ed. (Princeton, 1961).
D. F. Brown, “The Arcuated Lintel. . . ,” AJA 46 (1942), 389–399.
F. C. Brown et al., Study of the Orders, rev. ed. (Chicago, 1948).
M. Cagiano de Azavedo, “I ‘Capitolia’ dell’impero romano,” Atti della pontificia accademia romana di archeologia, Memorie 5 (1940), 1–76.
C. Callmer, “Antike Bibliotheken,” Acta instituti romani regni Sueciae 10 (1944), 145–193.
G. Carettoni, “Palestra,” EAA 5 (1963), 882–887.
F. Castagnoli, “Capitolium,” EAA 2 (1959), 326–330.
P. Chiolini, I caratteri distributivi degli antichi edifici (Milan, 1959).
E. Coche de la Ferté, “Basilica,” EAA 2 (1959), 2–15.
J. J. Coulton, The Architectural Development of the Greek Stoa (Oxford, 1976), Chap. 9 (porticos, peristyles, streets, basilicas).
L. Crema (Turin, 1959), above, under General Works, is arranged typologically within broad chronological divisions.
A. De Franciscis and R. Pane, Mausolei romani in Campania, (Naples, 1957).
S. De Maria, “Metodologia per una rilettura dei fornici di Roma antica,” Parametro 20 (Oct. 1973), 36–40.
E. Etienne, ed., Les cryptoportiques dans l’architecture romaine (Rome, 1973).
G. Forni, “Anfiteatro,” EAA 1 (1958), 374–390.
——— “Circo e Ippodoromo,” EAA 2 (1959), 647–655.
——— “Teatro,” EAA, Supplemento (1973), 772–789.
E. Forssman, Säule und Ornament (Munich, 1961).
A. Frazer, “Modes of European Courtyard Design before the Medieval Cloister,” Gesta 12 (1973), 1–12.
H. Gabelmann, Römische Grabbauten der frühen Kaiserzeit (Stuttgart, 1979).
P. Gazzola, Ponti romani, 2 vols. (Florence, 1963).
G. Girri, La taberna nel quadro urbanistica . . . di Ostia (Rome, 1956).
B. Götze, “Antike Bibliotheken,” JDAI 52 (1937), 225–247.
R. Graefe, above, under Pictorial Sources.
P. Grimal, Les jardins romains, 3rd ed. (Paris, 1984).
R. Günter, Wand, Fenster und Licht in der spätantik-frühchristlichen Architektur (Herford, 1965).
J. A. Hanson, Roman Theater-Temples (Princeton, 1959).
W.-D. Heilmeyer, Korinthische Normalkapitelle: Studien zur Geschichte der römischen Architekturdekoration, RM, Ergänzungsheft 16 (1970).
W. Heinz, Römische Thermen. Badewesen und Badeluxus (Munich, 1983).
G. Hornbostel-Hüttner, Studien zur römischen Nischenarchitektur (Leiden, 1979).
J. Humphrey, Roman Circuses (in press).
H. Kähler, “Biblioteca,” EAA 2 (1959), 93–99.
——— Die römische Tempel (Berlin, 1970).
——— “Terme,” EAA 7 (1966), 715–719.
——— “Triumphbogen (Ehrenbogen),” RE VIIA (1939). 373–493.
D. Krencker and F. Krüger, Die Trierer Kaiserthermen (Augsburg, 1929).
K. Lehmann-Hartleben, above, under Urbanism.
G. Lugli, “Torre,” EAA, Supplemento (1973), 854–861.
MacDonald, chap. 1 (vaults).
E. Makowiecka, The Origin and Evolution of Architectural Form of Roman Library (Warsaw, 1978).
G. A. Mansuelli, “El arco honorifico en el desarrollo de la arquitectura romana,” Archivo español de arqueología 27 (1954), 93–178.
——— “Il monumento commemorativo romano,” BollCentro 12 (1958), 3–23.
——— “Monumento funerario,” EAA 5 (1963), 170–202.
——— “Villa,” EAA 7 (1966), 1166–1172.
———, ed., Studi sull’arco onorario romano (Rome, 1979).
A. G. McKay, Houses, Villas and Palaces in the Roman World (London, 1975).
N. Neuerburg, “Greek and Roman Pyramids,” Archaeology 22 (1969), 106–115.
——— L’architettura delle fontane e dei ninfei nell’Italia antica (Naples, 1965; = Memorie dell’accademia di archeologia lettere e belle arti di Napoli 5).
F. Noack, “Triumph und Triumphbogen,” Vorträge der Bibliotek Warburg 1925/1926 (Berlin, 1928).
M. Pallottino, “Arco onorario e trionfale,” EAA 1 (1958), 588–598.
Z. Pavlovskis, Man in an Artificial Landscape (Leiden, 1973; = Mnemosyne, Supplement 25) (villas and palaces).
F. Rakob, “Der Bauplan einer kaiserlichen Villa,” Festschrift Klaus Langheit (Cologne, 1973), 113–125.
G. Rickman, Roman Granaries and Store Buildings (Cambridge, 1971).
G. Rohde, Die Bedeutung der Tempelgründungen im Staatsleben der Römer (Marburg, 1932).
D. W. Rupp, “Greek Altars of the Northeastern Peloponnese . . . ’” diss., Bryn Mawr (1974) (use of tetrastyla over altars, pp. 381–396; cf. AJA 78.2 [1974] 176).
C. de Ruyt, Macellum. Marché alimentaire des romains (Louvain, 1983).
D. Scagliarini and E. Salza Prina Ricotti, “Villa,” EAA, Supplemento (1973), 911–916.
S. Settis, “‘Esedra’ e ‘ninfeo’ nella terminologia architettonica del mondo romano . . . ,” in Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt, ed. H. Temporini, I.4 (Berlin, 1973), pp. 661–745.
R. A. Staccioli, “Magazzino (horreum),” EAA 4 (1961), 767–772.
D. E. Strong, “Some Early Examples of the Composite Capital,” JRS 50 (1960), 119–128.
——— “Sòme Observations on Early Roman Corinthian,” JRS 53 (1963), 73–84.
K. M. Swoboda, Römische und romanische Paläste, 3rd ed. (Vienna, 1969) (villas).
B. Tamm, Auditorium and Palatium (Stockholm, 1963; = Stockholm Studies in Classical Archaeology 2).
J. Tønsberg, Offentlige Biblioteker i Romerriget i det 2. århundrede e. Chr. (Copenhagen, 1976).
G. Traversari, Gli spettacoli in acqua nel teatro tardoantico, (Rome, 1960).
N. Venuti, “Urbiche, porte,” EAA 7 (1966), 1072–1074.
J. B. Ward-Perkins, “Constantine and the Origins of the Christian Basilica,” PBSR 22 (1954), 69–90.
J. B. Ward-Perkins and M. H. Ballance, “The Caesareum at Cyrene and the Basilica at Cremna,” PBSR 26 (1958), 137–194.
J. B. Ward-Perkins and S. Gibson, “The Market-Theatre at Cyrene,” Libya antiqua 13/14 (1976/1977), 331–375.
S. Weinstock, “Templum,” RM 47 (1932), 95–121.
R. J. A. Wilson, Piazza Armerina (London, 1983) (late villas).
F. K. Yegül, “The Small City Bath in Classical Antiquity and a Reconstruction Study of Lucian’s ‘Baths of Hippias’,” Archeologia classica 31 (1979), 108–131.
——— “A Study in Architectural Iconography: Kaisersaal and the Imperial Cult,” AB 64 (1982), 7–31.
P. Zucker, Town and Square (New York, 1959).
J.-P. Adam, La construction romaine (Paris, 1984).
T. Ashby, The Aqueducts of Ancient Rome (Oxford, 1935; reprinted 1971).
M. E. Blake, Ancient Roman Construction in Italy from the Prehistoric Period to Augustus (Washington, 1947).
——— Roman Construction in Italy from Tiberius through the Flavians (Washington, 1959).
——— Roman Construction in Italy from Nerva through the Antonines, ed. D. T. Bishop (Philadelphia, 1973).
H. Bloch, I bolli laterizi e la storia edilizia romana (Rome, 1947; reprinted from BC 64, 65, and 66 [1936–1938]); see also AJA 63 (1959), 225–240.
——— “The Roman Brick Industry and Its Relationship to Roman Architecture,” JSAH 1 (1941), 3–8.
L. Crema, “La volta nell’architettura romana,” L’Ingegnere 16 (1942), 941–952.
G. De Angelis d’Ossat, “La forma e la costruzione della cupola nell’architettura romana,” Atti del terzo congresso nazionale di storia dell’architettura 3 (1938), 223–250.
O. A. W. Dilke, above, under Pictorial Sources.
G. Giovannoni, La tecnica della costruzione presso i romani, (Rome, 1925).
——— “Building and Engineering,” in C. Bailey, ed., The Legacy of Ancient Rome (Oxford, 1951), pp. 429–474.
R. Gnoli, Marmora romana (Rome, 1971).
M. Hainzmann, “Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Verwaltung der stadtrömischen Wasserleitung,” diss., Vienna, 1975.
W. Heinz, above, under Building Types and Elements.
T. Helen, Organization of Roman Brick Production in the First and Second Centuries A.D. (Helsinki, 1975).
A. T. Hodge, “A Plain Man’s Guide to Roman Plumbing,” Classical views/Echos du monde classique 17 (1983), 311–328.
——— “Siphons in Roman Aqueducts,” PBSR 51 (1983), 174–221.
Journées d’etudes sur les acqueducs romains, Lyon (26–28 mai 1977) (Paris, 1983).
H. Kammerer-Grothaus, “Der Deus Rediculus . . . Ziegelarchitektur des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. in Latium” RM 81 (1974), 130–252.
D. Krencker and F. Krüger, above, under Building Types and Elements.
F. Kretzschmer, Bilddokumente römischer Technik, 3rd ed. (Düsseldorf, 1967).
J. G. Landels, Engineering in the Ancient World (Berkeley, 1978).
G. Lugli, La tecnica edilizia romana con particulare riguardo a Roma e Lazio, 2 vols. (Rome, 1957; reprinted 1968).
MacDonald, chap. 7.
W. L. MacDonald, “Some Implications of Later Roman Construction,” JSAH 17 (1952), 2–8.
W. L. MacDonald and B. M. Boyle, “The Small Baths at Hadrian’s Villa,” JSAH 39 (1980), 5–27.
R. Mainstone, Developments in Structural Form (London, 1975).
I marmi italiani (Rome, 1939).
R. Meiggs, Trees and Timber in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Oxford, 1982).
D. Monna and P. Pensabene, Marmi dell’Asia Minore (Rome, 1977).
C. Rocatelli, “Brick in Antiquity,” in C. G. Mars, ed., Brickwork in Italy (Chicago, 1925), pp. 1–46.
M. Steinby, “Ziegelstempel von Rom und Umgebung,” RE, Supp. 15 (1978), 1489–1531.
E. D. Thatcher, “The Open Rooms of the Terme del Foro at Ostia,” Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 24 (1956), 167–264.
E. B. Van Deman, The Building of the Roman Aqueducts (Washington, 1934).
H. Walda and S. Walker, “The Art and Architecture of Lepcis Magna: Marble Origins by Isotopie Analysis,” Libyan Studies 15 (1984), 81–92.
J. B. Ward-Perkins, “Dalmatia and the Marble Trade,” Disputationes Salonitanae, 1970 (1975), 38–44.
——— “The Marble Trade and its Organization: Evidence from Nicomedia,” Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 36 (1980), 325–338.
——— “Nicomedia and the Marble Trade,” PBSR 48 (1980), 23–69.
——— “Notes on the Structure and Building Methods of Early Byzantine Architecture,” in D. T. Rice, ed., The Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperors, Second Report (Edinburgh, 1958), pp. 52–104.
——— “Quarrying in Antiquity: Technology, Tradition, and Social Change,” Proceedings of the British Academy 57 (1972), 1–24.
J. B. Ward Perkins, “Tripolitania and the Marble Trade,” JRS 41 (1951), 89–104.
K. D. White, Greek and Roman Technology (Ithaca, N.Y., 1984).
A. Bammer, Architektur und Gesellschaft, 2nd ed. (Vienna, 1985).
M. Berucci, “Esperienze costruttive ed estetiche dall’architettura romana,” BollCentro 6 (1952), 3–5.
——— “Ragioni statiche ed estetiche delle proporzione degli ambiente coperte a volta,” BollCentro 12 (1958), 25–34.
S. Bettini, Lo spazio architettonico da Roma a Bizanzio (Bari, 1978).
A. Blunt, review of Lyttelton (see below), Burlington Magazine 118 (1976), 320–324.
O. Brendel in JSAH 29 (1970), 264.
F. E. Brown, above, under General Works.
C. Ceschi, Barocco romano d’oriente e barocco italiano del seicento (Genoa, 1941).
D. S. Corlàita, “La situazione urbanistica degli archi onorari nella prima età imperiale,” in G. A. Mansuelli, ed., Studi sull’arco onorario romano (Rome, 1979), pp. 29–72.
A. De Franciscis and R. Pane, above, under Building Types and Elements.
A. Frazer, above, under Building Types and Elements.
——— “From Column to Wall: The Peribolos of the Mausoleum of Maxentius,” In Memoriam Otto J. Brendel. Essays in Archaeology and the Humanities (Mainz, 1975), pp. 185–190.
——— “The Iconography of the Emperor Maxentius’ Buildings in Via Appia,” AB 48 (1966), 385–392.
H. Gabelmann, above, under Building Types and Elements.
E. Hubala, “Roma sotterranea, Andachtsstätten in Rom und ihre Bedeutung für die barocke Baukunst,” Das Münster 18 (1965), 157–173.
J. Le Gall, “Les romaines et l’orientation solaire,” MEFRA 87 (1975), 287–320.
K. Lehmann, “The Dome of Heaven,” AB 27 (1945), 1–27.
——— “Piranesi as Interpreter of Roman Architecture,” Piranesi (Northampton, Mass., 1961), pp. 88–98.
H. P. L’Orange, Art Forms and Civic Life, 2nd ed. (Princeton, 1985).
M. Lyttelton, Baroque Architecture in Classical Antiquity (London, 1974).
MacDonald, chaps. 8 and 9.
W. L. MacDonald, “Empire Imagery in Augustan Architecture,” Archaeologica transatlantica 4 (1985), 137–48.
W. L. MacDonald and B. M. Boyle, above, under Materials and Technology.
A. Maśliński, Architektura antyku w interpretacji baroku, (Lublin, 1962) (French résumé).
R. Pane, “Barocco antico,” Rassegna d’architettura 7 (1935), 37–41.
G. C. Picard, La civilisation de l’afrique romain (Paris, 1959), chap. 6.
F. Rakob, “Litus beatae veneris aurem. Untersuchungen am ‘Venustempel’ in Baiae,” RM 68 (1961), 114–149.
K. Schefold, Römische Kunst als religiöses Phänomen (Hamburg, 1964).
E. B. Smith, Architectural Symbolism of Imperial Rome and the Middle Ages (Princeton, 1956).
——— The Dome (Princeton, 1950).
G. Von Kaschnitz-Weinberg, Die Mittelmeerischen Grundlagen der antiken Kunst (Frankfurt, 1944).
——— “Vergleichende Studien zur italischrömischen Struktur, I, Baukunst,” RM 59 (1944, pub. 1948), 89–128.
J. B. Ward-Perkins, review of Lyttelton (see above), AJA 80 (1976), 322–324.
F. K. Yegül, above, under Building Types and Elements (1982).
Western Europe
(for Italy, see also above, under both General Works and Urbanism)
J. de Alarcão, Portugal romano (Lisbon, 1973).
G. Alföldy, Noricum (London, 1974).
A. Balil, Casa y urbanismo en la España antigua, 4 vols. (Valladolid, 1972–1974).
O. Brogan, Roman Gaul (Cambridge, Mass., 1953).
C. Carducci, “L’architettura in piemonte nell’antichità,” Atti del X congresso di storia dell’architettura (1959), 152–186.
J.-P. Clébert, Provence antique, 2: L’époque gallo-romaine, (Paris, 1970).
R. G. Collingwood and I. A. Richmond, The Archaeology of Roman Britain, rev. ed. (London, 1969), chaps. 6, 8, 9.
A. Degrassi, Porti romani dell’Istria (1955; not seen).
F. Ertl, Topografia norici (Kremsmünster, 1965).
P.-A. Février, “The Origin and Growth of the Cities of Southern Gaul to the Third Century A.D.,” JRS 63 (1973), 1–28.
P.-A. Février et al., Histoire de la France urbaine, 1: La ville antique (1980).
E. Frézouls, ed., Les villes antiques de la France, Belgique 1 (Strasbourg, 1982).
A. Garcia y Bellido, Arte romano, 2nd ed. (Madrid, 1972).
Germania romana: Römerstadt in Deutschland, 1 and 2 (Heidelberg, 1960, 1965; = Gymnasium, Beihefte 1, 5).
A. Grenier, Manuel d’archéologie gallo-romaine, III, L’architecture, 2 vols. (Paris, 1958); IV, Les monuments des eaux, 2 vols. (Paris, 1960).
M. J. T. Lewis, Temples in Roman Britain (Cambridge, 1966).
P. MacKendrick, The Iberian Stones Speak (New York, 1969).
——— Roman France (London, 1971).
——— Romans on the Rhine (New York, 1970).
F. Staehelin, Der Schweiz in römischer Zeit, 3rd ed. (Basel, 1948).
J. Von Elbe, Roman Germany. A Guide to Sites and Museums, (Mainz, 1975).
H. Von Petrikovits, Das römische Rheinland (Cologne, 1960).
J. Wacher, The Towns of Roman Britain (London, 1975).
R. J. A. Wilson, Roman Sicily (forthcoming).
F. J. Wiseman, Roman Spain (London, 1956).
Eastern Europe
A. Giuliano, La cultura artistica delle province della Grecia nell’età romana (Rome, 1965).
R. Hoddinott, Bulgaria in Antiquity (London, 1975).
I. Ivanov, “Der Städtebau in Oberund Untermoesien und Thrakien in der Römerzeit und der Spätantike,” Actes du 1er congrès international des études balkaniques et sud-est européennes (Sofia, 1969), pp. 491–502.
P. MacKendrick, The Dacian Stones Speak (Chapel Hill, 1975).
A. Mócsy, Pannonia and Upper Moesia (London, 1974).
K. Sz. Póczy, Städte in Pannonien (Budapest, 1976).
A. G. Poulter, ed., Ancient Bulgaria, 2 vols. (Nottingham, 1983).
E. B. Thomas, Römische Villen in Pannonien (Budapest, 1964).
V. Velkov, Cities in Thrace and Dacia in Late Antiquity (Amsterdam, 1977).
——— Roman Cities in Bulgaria (Amsterdam, 1980).
J. J. Wilkes, Dalmatia (London, 1969).
A. Adriani, Repertorio d’arte dell’Egitto greco-romano, Serie C (Architettura e topografia), 2 vols. (Palermo, 1963–1966).
U. M. De Villard, La Nubia romana (Rome, 1941).
A. Di Vita, Tripolitania ellenistica e romana (forthcoming).
N. Ferchiou, Architecture romaine de Tunisie. L’ordre: Rythmes et proportions dans le Tell (Tunis, 1975).
P.-A. Février, “Notes sur le développement urbain en Afrique du Nord. Les exemples comparés de Djemila et de Sétif,” Cahiers archéologiques 14 (1964), 1–47.
E. Frézouls, “Teatri romani dell’Africa francese,” Dionisio 15 (1952), 90–103.
R. G. Goodchild, Libyan Studies, ed. J. Reynolds (London, 1976).
S. Gsell, Les monuments antiques de l’Algérie, 2 vols. (Paris, 1901).
D. E. L. Haynes, The Antiquities of Tripolitania (Tripoli, 1965).
J.-C. Lachaux, Théâtres et amphithéâtres d’Afrique proconsulaire (Aix-en-Provence, ca. 1980).
C. Lepelley, Les cités de l’Afrique romaine au bas-empire (Paris, 1979).
A. Lézine, Architecture romaine d’Afrique (Tunis, 1963).
——— Carthage. Utique. Etudes d’architecture et d’urbanisme (Paris, 1968).
W. L. MacDonald, above, under Urbanism.
P. MacKendrick, The North African Stones Speak (Chapel Hill, 1980).
G. C. Picard, above, under Style and Meaning.
P. Romanelli, Topografiae archeologia dell’Africa romana (Turin, 1970).
S. Stucchi, Architettura cirenaica (Rome, 1975).
B. H. Warmington, The North African Provinces from Diocletian to the Vandal Conquest (Cambridge, 1954; reprinted 1971).
The East
E. Akurgal, Ancient Civilizations and Ruins of Turkey, trans. J. Whybrow and M. Emre, 5th ed. (Istanbul, 1983).
G. E. Bean, Aegean Turkey (London, 1966).
——— Lycian Turkey (London, 1978).
——— Turkey beyond the Maeander (London, 1971).
——— Turkey’s Southern Shore (London, 1968).
G. Bowersock, Roman Arabia (Cambridge, Mass., 1983).
H. C. Butler, Architecture and Other Arts (New York, 1903) (Syria).
——— Syria, Division II, Architecture, Section A, Southern Syria (Leiden, 1906–1919), and Section B, Northern Syria (Leiden, 1907–1920; = Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904–05 and 1909).
D. De Bernardi Ferrerò, Teatri classici in Asia Minore, 4 vols. (Turin, 1966–1974).
E. Frézouls, “Recherches sur les théâtres de l’orient Syrien,” Syria 36 (1959), 202–227; 38 (1961), 54–86.
G. L. Harding, The Antiquities of Jordan, rev. ed. (New York, 1967).
A. H. M. Jones, The Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces, 2nd ed. (Oxford, 1971).
——— The Greek City from Alexander to Justinian (Oxford, 1940).
D. M. Krencker and W. Zschietzschmann, Römische Tempel in Syrien, 2 vols. (Berlin, 1938).
K. Lanckoronski, Städte Pamphyliens und Pisidiens, 2 vols. (Vienna, 1890–1892).
D. Magie, Roman Rule in Asia Minor, 2 vols. (Princeton, 1950).
E. Rosenbaum et al., A Survey of Coastal Cities in Western Cilicia (Ankara, 1967).
G. Tchalenko, Villages antiques de la Syrie du nord, 3 vols. (Paris, 1953–1958).
J. B. Ward-Perkins (1958), above, under Materials and Technology.
This selection is limited to places and buildings emphasized in the text. For additional citations and other sites, see the regional works listed above and EAA, PECS, and RE.
Antioch on the Orontes
Antioch-on-the-Orontes. The Excavations, 5 vols. (Princeton, 1934–1972).
G. Downey and J. Lassus, above, under Pictorial Sources.
J. C. Balty, ed., Apamée de Syrie. Bilan des recherches archéologiques 1965–1968 (Brussels, 1969).
J. Balty and J. C. Balty, eds., Apamée de Syrie. Bilan des recherches archéologiques 1969–1971 (Brussels, 1972).
J. C. Balty, Guide dApamée (Brussels, 1981).
K. T. Erim, Aphrodisias (New York, 1985).
J. Day, A History of Athens under Roman Domination (New York, 1942), pp. 183–251.
I. T. Hill, The Ancient City of Athens (London, 1953), chap. 19.
J. Travlos, Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens (London, 1971).
T. L. Shear, Jr., “Athens: From City-State to Provincial Town,” Hesperia 50 (1981), 356–377.
T. Wiegand, ed., Baalbek, 3 vols. (Berlin, 1921–1925).
F. Ragette, Baalbek (Park Ridge, N.J., 1980).
S. Cerulli, “Bosra: Il sistemo viario della città romana,” Felix Ravenna 115 (1978), 140–158.
M. Sartre, Bostra, des origines à l’Islam (forthcoming).
Bulla Regia
A. Beschaouch et al., Les ruines de Bulla Regia (Rome, 1977).
Recherches archéologiques franco-tunisiennes à Bulla Regia 1. Miscellanea, 1 (Rome, 1983).
D. E. L. Haynes, above, under Regions (Africa), pp. 140–142.
R. Rebuffat et al., “Bu Njem 1967,” Libya antiqua 3–4 (1966–1967), 49–137; “Bu Njem 1971,” Libya antiqua 11–12 (1974–1975), 189–241.
Caesarea Maritima
A. Frova, Caesarea Maritima: Rapporto preliminare (Milan, 1959).
——— Scavi di Caesarea Maritima (Rome, 1966).
A. Raban and R. L. Hohlfelder, “The Ancient Harbors of Caesarea Maritima,” Archaeology 34 (1981), 56–60.
J. M. Blazquez, Caparra (Madrid, 1965).
R. Janin, Constantinople byzantine, 2nd ed. (Paris, 1964).
G. Dagron, Naissance d’une capitale. Constantinople et ses institutions de 330 à 451 (Paris, 1974).
Corinth. Results of the Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (begun in 1932).
Ancient Corinth. A Guide to the Excavations, 6th ed. (Athens, 1954).
H. S. Robinson, The Urban Development of Ancient Corinth (Athens, 1965).
R. G. Goodchild, Cyrene and Apollonia, 2nd ed. (London, 1963).
——— Kyrene und Apollonia (Zürich, 1971).
S. Stucchi, above, under Regions (Africa).
J. B. Ward-Perkins and M. H. Ballance, above, under Building Types and Elements.
P.-A. Février, above, under Regions (Africa).
P.-A. Février, Djemila (Algiers, 1968).
Y. Allais, “Le quartier occidental de Djemila (Cuicul),” Antiquités africaines 5 (1971), 95–120.
C. Poinssot, Les ruines de Dougga (Tunis, 1958).
A. Golfetto, Dougga (Basel, 1961).
Forschungen in Ephesos, veröffentlicht vom Österreichischen Archäologischen Institut in Wien (begun in 1906).
F. Miltner, Ephesos, Stadt der Artemis und des Johannes, (Vienna, 1958).
F. Fasolo, L’architettura romana di Efeso (Rome, 1962 = BollCentro 18).
J. Keil, Führer durch Ephesos, 5th ed. (Vienna, 1964).
W. Alzinger, Die Ruinen von Ephesos (Berlin and Vienna, 1972).
——— “Augusteische Architektur in Ephesos,” Sonderschriften des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts 16 (1974).
C. Foss, Ephesus after Antiquity: A Late Antique, Byzantine and Turkish City (Cambridge, 1979).
C. Kraeling, ed., Gerasa, City of the Decapolis (New Haven, 1938).
I. Browning, Jerash and the Decapolis (London, 1982).
Ghirza: See Wadi settlements, below
A. Maiuri, I nuovi scavi di Ercolano, 2 vols. (Rome, 1958).
Hippo Regius
E. Marec, Hippone la royale, 2nd ed. (Algiers, 1954).
S. Dahmani, Hippo Regius (Algiers, 1973).
K. M. Kenyon, Digging Up Jerusalem (London, 1974).
Y. Tsafrir, “Jerusalem,” Reallexikon zur byzantinischen Kunst 3 (1978), 525–615.
S. Gsell and C. A. Joly, Khamissa (Paris, 1914).
M. Janon, “Recherches a Lambèse,” Antiquités africaines 7 (1973), 193–254.
F. Rakob, “Die Principia des römischen Legionslagers in Lambaesis,” RM 81 (1974), 41–89.
——— “Das Groma-Nymphaeum im Legionslager von Lambaesis,” RM 86 (1979), 375–397.
Lepcis Magna
R. Bartoccini, Le terme di Lepcis (Bergamo, 1929).
——— “L’arco quadrifronte dei Severi a Lepcis,” Africa italiana 4 (1931), 32–152.
J. B. Ward-Perkins, “Severan Art and Architecture at Lepcis Magna,” JRS 38 (1948), 59–80.
J. B. Ward-Perkins and J. M. C. Toynbee, “The Hunting Baths at Lepcis Magna,” Archaeologia 93 (1949), 165–195.
R. Bartoccini, Il porto romano di Leptis Magna, Supp. 13 to BollCentro (1960).
R. Bianchi Bandinelli et al., Leptis Magna (Verona, 1964).
H. Walda andS. Walker, above, under Materials and Technology.
R. Merrifìeld, London, City of the Romans (London, 1983).
G. C. Picard, Civitas Mactaritana (Paris, 1957; = Karthago 8).
M. Almagro, Mérida. Guide de la Ville (Merida, 1959).
A. Blanco Freijeiro, ed., Augusta Emerita (Madrid, 1976).
W. S. Smith, The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt (Harmondsworth, 1958).
L. P. Kirwan, Rome beyond the Southern Egyptian Frontier, (London, 1977; a separate publication from the Proceedings of the British Academy 63).
A. Calderini, Storia di Milano, 1 (Milan, 1953).
R. Krautheimer, Three Christian Capitals (Berkeley, 1983).
M. Mirabella Roberti, Milano romana (Milan, 1984).
Milet. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem Jahre 1899 (begun in 1906).
G. Kleiner, Die Ruinen von Milet (Berlin, 1968).
——— Das römische Milet (Wiesbaden, 1970; = Sitzungsberichte der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft an der J. W. Goethe-Universität 8).
A. Beschaouch, “Municipium Iulium Aurelium Mustitanum,” Cahiers de Tunisie 15 (1967), 85–102.
Naga: See Meroë, above
Nicopolis Ad Istrum
Price and Trell, p. 246.
Ward-Perkins, pp. 249–251.
Nicopolis In Epirus
Price and Trell, p. 250.
R. Naumann, Die Quellbezirk von Nîmes (Berlin, 1937).
R. Amy and P. Gros, La Maison Carrée (Paris, 1979; = Supp. 38 to Gallia).
H. Schleif and H. Weber, “Das Nymphaion des Herodes Atticus,” Olympische Forschungen 1 (Berlin, 1944), 53–82.
C. Tiberi, “L’Esedra di Erode Attico a Olimpia e il Canopo della Villa di Adriano presso Tivoli,” Quaderni 31–48 (1961), 35–48.
A. Mallwitz, Olympia und seine Bauten (Munich, 1972).
R. Amy et al., L’arc d’Orange (Paris, 1962, = Supp. 15 to Gallia).
Scavi di Ostia (begun in 1953).
G. Girri, above, under Building Types and Elements.
C. Pavolini, Ostia (Rome and Bari, 1983).
K. Michalowski et al., Palmyre. Fouilles polonaises, 1–7 (Warsaw-Paris, 1960–1977).
Palmyre. Bilan et perspectives (Strasbourg, 1976).
I. Browning, Palmyra (London, 1979).
Altertümer von Pergamon (begun in 1912; vol. XI covers the Asklepieion).
E. Boehringer, “Pergamon,” in Neue deutsche Ausgrabungen im Mittelmeergebiet und im vorderen Orient (Berlin, 1959), pp. 121–171.
B. Schlüter and K. Nohlen, Topographische Karte von Pergamon, 1:2500 . . . (Bonn, 1973).
M. Le Glay, “Hadrien et l’Asklépieion de Pergame,” Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 100 (1976), 347–372.
K. Lanckoronski, above, under Regions (The East), vol. 1, pp. 33–63.
G. E. Bean, above, under Regions (The East), 1968 vol., pp. 45–58.
R. E. Brünnow and A. von Domaszewski, Die Provincia Arabia 1 (Strassburg, 1904).
G. R. H. Wright, “The Khazne at Petra: A Review,” Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 6–7 (1962), 24–54.
I. Browning, Petra (London, 1973).
G. W. Bowersock, above, under Regions (The East).
Piazza Armerina
N. Neuerburg, “Some Considerations on the Architecture of the Imperial Villa at Piazza Armerina,” Marsyas 8 (1959), 22–29.
C. Ampolo et al., “La villa del Casale a Piazza Armerina. Problemi, saggi stratigrafici ed altre ricerche,” MEFRA 83 (1971), 141–281.
J. Polzer, “The Villa at Piazza Armerina and the Numismatic Evidence,” AJA 77 (1973), 139–150.
A. Carandini et al., Filosofiana. The Villa of Piazza Armerina, 2 vols. (Palermo, 1982).
R. J. A. Wilson, Piazza Armerina (London, 1983).
G. Traversari, L’arco dei Sergi (Padua, 1971).
A. Maiuri, L’ultima fase edilizia di Pompeii (Rome, 1942).
H. Eschebach, Stadtplan von Pompeji, RM, Ergänzungsheft 17 (1970).
E. La Rocca et al., Guida archeologica di Pompeii (Verona, 1976).
V. Kockel, Die Grabbauten vor dem Herkulaner Tor in Pompeji, (Mainz, 1983).
L. Richardson Jr., Pompeii: An Architectural History (forthcoming).
M. Schede, Die Ruinen von Priene (Berlin, 1964).
Ptolemais in Cyrenaica
G. Pesce, Il “Palazzo delle Colonne” in Tolemaide di Cirenaica (Rome, 1950; = Monografie di archeologia libica 2).
C. H. Kraeling, Ptolemais, City of the Libyan Pentapolis (Chicago, 1962).
S. De Maria, “La porta augustea di Rimini. . . ,” pp. 73–91 in G. A. Mansuelli, ed., above, under Building Types and Elements.
G. A. Mansuelli, “Il monumento augusteo del 27 a. C. Nuove ricerche sull’arco di Rimini,” Arte antica e moderna 8 (1959), 363–391; 9 (1960), 16–39.
S. B. Platner and T. Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome (Oxford, 1919).
G. Lugli, Roma antica. Il centro monumentale (Rome, 1946).
D. R. Dudley, Urbs Roma. A Source Book of Classical Texts . . . (London, 1967).
F. Castagnoli, Topografica e urbanistica di Roma antica, (Bologna, 1969).
S. Quilici Gigli, Roma fuori le mura. Guida al monumenti . . . (Rome, 1980).
F. Coarelli, Dintorni di Roma (Rome-Bari, 1981).
D. E. L. Haynes, above, under Regions (Africa).
G. Caputo, Il teatro di Sabratha e l’architettura teatrale africana (Rome, 1959; = Monografie di archeologia libica 6).
F. Berard, “Note sur le Pont Flavien,” Rhodania (1969, No. 2), 3–6.
H. Rolland, Fouilles de Glanum, 2 vols. (Paris, 1946, 1958; = Supp. 1 and 11 to Gallia).
Samaria Sebaste
J. W. Crowfoot et al., The Buildings at Samaria (London, 1942).
S. Maria Capua Vetere
A. De Franciscis and R. Pane, pp. 76–87; see above, under Building Types and Elements.
Toynbee, pp. 128–130.
G. M. A. Hanfmann and J. C. Waldbaum, A Survey of Sardis, (Cambridge, Mass., 1975).
C. Foss, Byzantine and Turkish Sardis (Cambridge, Mass., 1976).
F. Yegül, “The Marble Court at Sardis and Historical Reconstruction,” Journal of Field Archaeology 3 (1976), 169–194.
G. M. A. Hanfmann, Sardis from Prehistoric to Roman Times (Cambridge, Mass., 1983).
N. Duval, “Histoire et bibliographie du site de Sbeitla, 1724–1970,” Recherches archéologiques à Sbeitla 1 (Paris, 1971), 393–443.
N. Duval and F. Baratte, Les ruines de Sufetula: Sbeïtla, (Tunis, 1973).
A. Müfid Mansel, Die Ruinen von Side (Berlin, 1963).
P. Knoblauch, Die Hafenanlagen und die anschliessenden Seemauern von Side (Ankara, 1977).
A. A. Boyce, “The Harbor of Pompeiopolis. A Study in Roman Ports and Dated Coins,” AJA 62 (1958), 66–78.
B. Schulz, “Die Porta Aurea in Spalato,” JDAI 24 (1909), 46–52.
G. Niemann, Der Palast Diokletians in Spalato (Vienna, 1910).
E. Hebrard and J. Zeiller, Spalato. Le palais de Dioclétien (Paris, 1911).
N. Duval, “La place de Split dans l’architecture du Bas-Empire,” Urbs (1961–1962), 67–95.
J. and T. Marasović, Dioklecijanova Palača (Zagreb, 1968).
Diocletian’s Palace. Reports on Joint Excavations . . . (University of Minnesota, Urbanistički zavod Dalmacije; begun 1972).
J. Wiseman, et al., eds., Studies in the Antiquities of Stobi, 3 vols. (Belgrade, 1973–1981).
D. Krencker and F. Krüger, pp. 224–225; see above, under Building Types and Elements.
Thuburbo Maius
A. Merlin, Le forum de Thuburbo Maius (Tunis-Paris, 1922).
A. Lézine (1963), pp. 91–142; see above, under Regions (Africa).
——— Thuburbo Majus (Tunis, 1968).
A. Berthier, Tiddis, antique Castellum Tidditanorum (Algiers, 1972).
Reports in MEFRA 65–69 (1953–1957).
A. Ballu, Les ruines de Timgad, 3 vols. (Paris, 1897–1911).
E. Boeswillwald et al., Timgad, une cité africaine sous l’empire romain (Paris, 1904).
S. Gsell, above, under Regions (Africa).
J. Lassus, Visite à Timgad (Algiers, 1969).
S. Lancel, Tipasa de Maurétanie (Algiers, 1966).
——— “Tipasitana IV: La necropole romaine orientale de la porte de Césarée—Rapport préliminaire,” Bulletin d’archéologie algérienne 4 (1970), 149–266.
P. Aubert, Le nymphée de Tipasa et les nymphées et “Septizonia” nord-africains (Paris-Rome, 1974).
Tivoli (Hadrian's Villa)
H. Kähler, Hadrian und seine Villa bei Tivoli (Berlin, 1950).
W. L. MacDonald and B. M. Boyle, above, under Materials and Technology.
D. Krencker and F. Krüger, above, under Building Types and Elements.
E. M. Wightmann, Trier and the Treveri (London, 1970).
La Turbie
J. Formige, Le trophée des Alpes (Paris, 1949; = Supp. 2 to Gallia).
I. A. Richmond, “Augustan Gates at Torino and Spello,” PBSR 12 (1932), 52–62.
J. Sautel, Vaison dans l’antiquité, 3 vols. (Avignon, 1941–1942; Lyon, 1942).
——— Sites, histoire et monuments de Vaison-la-romaine, (Lyon, 1955).
Reports in Gallia from 1960 onward.
L. Beschi, “Verona romana e i monumenti,” in Verona e il suo territorio 1 (Verona, 1960; not seen).
G. Tosi, L’arco dei Gavi a Verona (Rome, 1983).
S. Frere, Verulamium Excavations, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1972, 1983).
J. Wacher, above, under Regions (Western Europe).
A. Pelletier, Vienne antique (Roanne, 1982).
R. Thouvenot, Volubilis (Paris, 1949).
R. Etienne, Le quartier nord-est de Volubilis, 2 vols. (Paris, 1960).
R. Rebuffat, “Le développement urbain de Volubilis au second siècle de notre ère,” Bulletin archéologique du Comité des travaux historiques et archéologiques (1965–1966), 231–240.
Wadi Settlements and Monuments in Tripolitania
D. E. L. Haynes, pp. 135–169; see above, under Regions (Africa).
O. Brogan, “Henscir el-Ausāf by Tigi (Tripolitania) and Some Related Tombs in the Tunisian Gefara,” Libya antiqua 2 (1965), 47–56.
O. Brogan and D. Smith, “The Roman Frontier Settlement at Ghirza: An Interim Report,” JRS 47 (1957), 173–184.