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Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
Unless otherwise noted, photography of artworks at the Art Institute of Chicago is by Juan Molina Hernández, with postproduction by Hayley Hinsberger and Owen Conway, Imaging, the Art Institute of Chicago, and are copyrighted by the Art Institute of Chicago. All works in the collection of the Museo de Arte Moderno were photographed by C129 Studio.
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
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Photography Credits
Unless otherwise noted, photography of artworks at the Art Institute of Chicago is by Juan Molina Hernández, with postproduction by Hayley Hinsberger and Owen Conway, Imaging, the Art Institute of Chicago, and are copyrighted by the Art Institute of Chicago. All works in the collection of the Museo de Arte Moderno were photographed by C129 Studio.
Every effort has been made to identify, contact, and acknowledge copyright holders for all reproductions; additional rights holders are encouraged to contact the Art Institute of Chicago Department of Publishing. The following credits apply to all images that appear in this catalogue for which separate acknowledgment is due.
All works by Remedios Varo are © 2022 Remedios Varo, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VEGAP, Madrid.
P. 16 (DETAIL); p. 23, fig. 7; p. 34, Inlay; p. 36, Soufflage; p. 39, Varnishing; p. 67, cat. 8; p. 70, fig. 3; p. 153, fig. 3; p. 159, fig. 11: Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA/Art Resource, NY.
P. 17, fig. 1; p. 155, fig. 7; p. 161, fig. 15: © 2005 Ana María Norah Horna y Fernández (All Rights Reserved). Photo by C129 Studio.
P. 19, fig. 3: © 2023 Gunther Gerzso, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. Photo: Private Collection, Mexico City.
P. 20, fig. 4: © 2023 Leonora Carrington, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.
P. 21, fig. 5: © Wolfgang Paalen. Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY.
P. 22, fig. 6: Three Lions, Hulton Archive, via Getty Images.
P. 24 (DETAIL); p. 25, fig. 9; p. 146, fig. 4: Colección Malba, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires.
P. 25, fig. 10: Private collection, New York. Courtesy of Drexel Galería.
P. 26, fig. 11; p. 99, fig. 3: FEMSA collection Mexico.
P. 34, Incising; p. 38, Thinning; p. 73, cat. 10; p. 134, cat. 25; p. 141, fig. 2; p. 143, fig. 5: Photo by Jamie Stukenberg.
P. 53, cat. 4; p. 89, cat. 14: Collection Eduardo F. Costantini, Buenos Aires.
P. 55, fig. 1; p. 77, cat. 11: Courtesy of Rowland Weinstein.
P. 43, fig. 3: Boston Museum of Fine Art.
P. 43, fig. 4; p. 99, fig. 2: Walter Gruen.
P. 50, fig. 3: Harvard College Conservatory.
P. 56, fig. 3: Private collection, Mexico City.
P. 56, fig. 4: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
P. 63, fig. 2: Wellcome Collection.
P. 68, fig. 1; p. 86, fig. 2: The University of Chicago.
P. 74, fig. 2: © Wide World Photo. Photo: Association Atelier André Breton.
P. 75, fig. 3: Bibliothèque nationale de France.
P. 75, fig. 4; p. 142, fig. 4: National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, DC. Photo by Lee Stalsworth.
P. 86, fig. 1: World History Archive/Alamy Stock Photo.
P. 91, cat. 15: Photo by Rafael Doniz, courtesy of Gallery Wendi Norris, San Francisco.
P. 94, fig. 5; p. 105, figs. 34 p. 106, fig. 5: Wisconsin Tech Search.
P. 97, cat. 16: Photo by Glen Cheriton, Impart Photography.
P. 98, fig. 1: Courtesy of Gallery Wendi Norris, San Francisco.
P. 100, fig. 4: Private collection.
P. 108, cat. 19a; p. 111, fig. 1; pp. 114–15, cat. 19b: © 2023 Christie’s Images Limited.
P. 125, fig. 2: Schalkwijk/Art Resource, NY.
P. 139, fig. 5: © The Trustees of the British Museum.
P. 133, cat. 24: Photo courtesy of Sotheby’s Inc. © 2023.
P. 145, fig. 2: Courtesy of Artes de México.
P. 146, fig. 3: Photo by Michelle Mandoki.
P. 152, fig. 4: Association Atelier André Breton.
P. 157, fig. 9: Photo by Elisabeth Rouslin Onslow Ford, from the archive of Gordon Onslow Ford.
P. 158, fig. 12: © 2005 Ana María Norah Horna y Fernández (All Rights Reserved). Photo by Kati Horna.
Photography Credits
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