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Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
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Note: unless otherwise noted, all works are by Remedios Varo; works by artists other than Varo are found under the artist’s name.
Adler, Alfred, 124, 127n3
about, 42–44
circles in, 112
Creación de las aves and, 62
La huida and, 146
Jung and, 124–25
Nacer de nuevo and, 98, 99
symbolism and, 138
witchcraft and magic and, 159
La aldea maldita (The Cursed Village), 151. See Le village maudit
Aleko costume design (with Chagall and Francés), 120n6, 156
Altdorfer, Albrecht
Battle of Issus, 141
androgyny, 42, 104–5, 110, 138
Andromeda Galaxy, 87
Angustia (Anxiety), 23, 23
animism, 20, 28n12
Anthony, Susan B., 138–39
Aphrodite, 138–39, 139
archaeology, 21–22
Arcq, Tere, 30, 48, 62, 82, 101n16, 113n5
Armonía (Harmony) (CAT. 4), 52–56, 53, 75, 160, 161
androgyny and, 110,
Gurdjieff and, 49, 55
Arquitectura vegetal (Vegetal Architecture), 57n13
Artaud, Antonin, 157
As del volante (Expert Driver), 112, 112
Ascensión al monte análogo (Ascension to Mount Analogue), 145, 146
astral projection, 87–88
astrology, 68, 70, 99, 137–38, 138
astronomy, 50, 50
Astronauta (Astronaut). See Nave astral
Autorretrato sugerente (Suggestive Self-Portrait). See Armonía
Bartolozzi, Francis, 151
Bayard, Émile-Antoine, 86
An Hour (with de Neuville), 86
Blond, Georges, 86
Bogzaran, Fariba, 125
Bordando el manto terrestre (Embroidering the Earth’s Mantle) (CAT. 25), 44, 57n13, 129–31, 134, 140–43, 141, 143
Bosch, Hieronymus, 94, 150
Bradbury, Ray, 86
Brauner, Victor, 153, 154
Breton, André, 20, 21, 28n8, 74, 152, 152–55
Bruegel, Pieter, 150
Buñuel, Luis, 151
Caballero encantado (Enchanted Knight), 92, 92–93. See also Untitled back-ground study
Caja (Caja pintada) (Box [Painted Box]), 101n10
Caja de Jean Nicolle (Box Given to Jean Nicolle), 101n10
La calle de las presencias ocultas (Street with Hidden Beings), 160
Caraminola, Enrique, 25, 156
Carrel, Alexis, 86
Carrillo, Lilia, 163
Carrington, Leonora, 155
Chiki, ton pays (Chiki, Your Country), 20, 21
collaboration with, 119
The Garden of Paracelsus, 44n3
Graves’s White Goddess and, 93
Gurdjieff and, 25, 48
The Hearing Trumpet (novel), 129, 139, 148n14
The House Opposite, 44n2
magical spells and, 101n14
in Mexico City circle, 19–21, 155–56, 157
in Paris, 153
El santo cuerpo grasoso (The Holy Oily Body) (play, with Varo), 159
in 6 pintoras exhibition, 29n19, 159
Seligmann and, 70n4
Carta de tarot (Tarot Card) (CAT. 9), 21, 68, 71, 95n11, 99
Casa Bayer, 22–23, 23, 105, 158, 159, 160
Cazadora de astros (Star Catcher) (CAT. 15), 22, 32, 83n7, 90–94, 91, 95n8, 101n10
sketch for, 93, 94
Chagall, Marc, 156
Chirico, Giorgio de, 154
Ciencia inútil, o El alquimista (Useless Science, or The Alchemist) (CAT. 1), 22, 40–44, 41, 110, 143, 159
preparatory drawing for, 42, 43
sketch for, 42, 43
techniques, 32, 32, 38, 38
Clarke, Arthur C., 86
Collin-Smith, Rodney, 23, 48, 101n4, 158
Colvile, Georgiana M. M., 62
Comme un rêve (Like in a Dream), 95n2
Constructores de instrumentos musicales (Makers of Musical Instruments), 56, 56
Correspondances (Correspondences), 101n10
Cortina, o Visión (Curtain, or Vision), 63
Crab Nebula, 86
Creación con rayos astrales (Creation with Astral Beams), 148n2 (CAT. 25)
Creación de las aves (Creation of the Birds) (CAT. 7), 32, 32, 60–64, 61, 62
preparatory drawing for, 32, 64
Crespo de la Serna, Jorge J., 160
Cruchaga, Ikerne, 160, 161
Dalí, Salvador, 151
Daumal, René, 145–46, 149n8 (CAT. 26)
Delvaux, Paul, 105
Descubrimiento de un geólogo mutante (Discovery of a Mutant Geologist), 142
Le désir (Desire), 153, 153
La despedida (The Farewell), 30–31, 161
Diagrammes (journal), 49, 49–50, 86
Diana (Roman goddess), 93, 95n4, 100
Dolor reumático II (Reuma, lumbago, ciática)
(Rheumatic Pain II [Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica]), 159
Domínguez, Óscar, 152–54
Untitled (Cadavre exquis) (with Varo, Francés, and Jean), 153
Drogas mágicas (Silverman), 23, 23
Duchamp, Marcel, 155
Dürer, Albrecht
The Draughtsman of the Lute, 56, 56
Dyn (journal), 21, 21, 29n16
Éluard, Paul, 154
Energía cósmica (Inspiración), 50, 50
Engel, Peter, 125, 143
Ermitaño (Hermit), 43, 44, 68, 83n16
Ernst, Max, 44n9, 76n3, 105, 145, 153
alchemy and, 44n1
Forest and Sun, 145
esotericism, 23–26. See also Gurdjieff, George I.; magic
Exploración de las fuentes del río Orinoco
(Exploration of the Sources of the Orinoco River) (CAT. 17), 102–6, 103, 146
androgyny and, 110
preparatory drawing for, 105
techniques, 34, 34, 38, 38, 75
Felguérez, Manuel, 163
feminism, 21, 93, 110, 131
Fenómeno de ingravidez (Phenomenon of Weightlessness), 75, 75–76
Firestone, Lillian, 29n28
El flautista (The Flutist) (CAT. 12), 22, 78–82, 79, 81, 82
Bordando el manto terrestre and, 143
color in, 25
in Galería Diana exhibition, 160
Música solar and, 48–49
preparatory drawing for, 80, 81, 83n19
techniques, 21, 34, 35, 37, 37, 68, 80, 81–82
Florit, José Luis, 152
Flusser, Vilém, 118
Forge, Solange de, 29n19, 159
Francés, Esteban, 19, 25, 80, 152–53, 155–56
Untitled (Cadavre exquis) (with Varo, Domínguez, and Jean), 153, 153
Franco, Francisco, 155
Fremantle, Christopher, 23, 25, 48, 137, 159
Freud, Sigmund, 69, 124–26, 127n3
Friedman, Alan J., 86, 95n8
Fry, Varian, 155
Galería Diana, 22, 42, 48, 95n4, 159–60
Galería Juan Martín, 14, 129–30, 162, 162
Gallo, Rubén, 125
García Ascot, Rosita, 159
García Lorca, Federico, 151, 153
Gascón, Elvira, 29n19, 159
Gato-hombre (Cat-man), 92
geology, 22, 80
Gerzso, Gunther, 19, 31, 44n9, 80, 155, 155
Los días de la calle Gabino Barreda (The Days of Gabino Barreda Street), 19, 19, 154
Gimbutas, Marija, 145
Godel, Roger, 86
Goetz, Henri, 154
Gómez Rodríguez, Víctor Manuel
(Samael Aun Weor), 148n7
González, Juliana, 160
Mujer saliendo del psicoanalista (Podría ser Juliana) and, 126, 163
on Varo, 26–27, 28n11, 147, 49, 124
Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de, 150
Graves, Robert, 93
Gruen, Walter
memorial exhibition for Varo, 27n4
relationship with Varo, 26, 159, 163
Sala Margolín shop, 54, 110, 119
on Varo, 49, 147
Anna Varsoviano and, 112
Gurdjieff, George I.
Armonía and, 55
Carrington’s satire of, 139
Creación de las aves and, 63–64
as cryptic, 29n24, 148n2 (CAT. 24)
El flautista and, 81–82
Hacia la torre and, 137
La huida and, 146, 147
Icono and, 156
influence of ideas of, 23–26, 158–59
El juglar and, 69
on the Kesdjan body, 88
Mujer saliendo del psicoanalista and, 126
music and, 29n29
Música solar and, 48–50
objective music and, 49, 55
Nacer de nuevo and, 98–99
Ray of Creation, 48, 48–49
Hacia Acuario (Toward Aquarius), 138, 138
Hacia la torre (Toward the Tower) (CAT. 24), 35, 129–31, 133, 136–39
sketch for, 137
Hallazgo (Discovery) (CAT. 10), 37, 72–76, 73, 146
Hallazgo (Discovery) (FIG. 1), 74, 74
Hartmann, Thomas de, 29n29, 49
Heinlein, Robert A., 86
Henderson, Linda Dalrymple, 49n18
Hermes Trismegistus, 98
Hernández, Ana María, 62, 65n1
Hernández, Manlio, 62, 65n1
Homo Rodans (CAT. 19A), 21, 25, 108–12, 109, 111
Homo Rodans (Manuscript) (CAT. 19B), 21, 111, 114, 115
Horna, José, 19, 155, 155–56
Horna, Kati
collaboration with, 119
La despedida and, 30
Gurdjieff and, 48
letters to, 119
magical spells and, 101n14
in Mexico City circle, 19–21, 155, 157
Remedios Varo Wearing a Mask by Leonora Carrington, 158
Remedios Varo in her studio, 17
Varo and friends, 155
Varo at her studio in Mexico City, 161
Hoyle, Sir Fred, 86
The Black Cloud, 145, 149n1
The Nature of the Universe, 49, 86,
theories of the universe and, 64, 88, 95n8, 106n3
La huida (The Escape) (CAT. 26), 27n4, 129–31, 135, 142, 144–47
preparatory drawing for, 147
techniques, 22, 33, 33
Huxley, Aldous, 23, 86, 88
Huysmans, J. K.
The Cathedral, 148n9
I Ching (Book of Changes), 119
Icono (Icon), 24, 25, 83n16, 101n10, 146, 146
Gurdjieff’s influence on, 25, 95n11, 156
Interamerican Biennial Exhibition, Second (1960), 163
International Exhibition of Surrealism
(Galería de Arte Mexicano, 1940), 19, 92, 154
(Galerie des Beaux-Arts, 1938), 92, 154
(Galerie Robert, 1938), 92, 154
(Tokyo, 1937), 153
Islas García, Luis, 162
Jaffé, Aniela, 125
Jean, Marcel, 153
Untitled (Cadavre exquis) (with Varo, Domínguez, and Francés), 153
Johnson, Jacqueline, 22, 29n16, 157, 157
El juglar (El malabarista) (The Juggler [The Magician]) (CAT. 8), 66–70, 67, 70
androgyny and, 138
preparatory drawings for, 69, 69
in Galería Diana exhibition, 160
magic and, 20–21
Nacer de nuevo and, 99
pentagrams and, 95n11
techniques, 30, 31, 34, 34, 36, 36, 37, 37, 68, 83n16
Jung, Carl, 119, 124–26, 127n3, 127n21
Kahlo, Frida, 155, 161, 164n17
Kaplan, Janet A., 28n15, 48, 57n1, 62, 64, 101n16, 113nn6–7, 148nn2–3 (CAT. 25)
Kavky, Samantha, 76n3
Laberinto mecánico (Mechanical Maze).
See Ciencia inútil, o El alquimista
Lacan, Jacques, 63
Lam, Wifredo, 154
Lamba, Jacqueline, 154
Lazo, Agustín, 157
Les textes Français, 93, 93
Leonardo da Vinci, 81
“livingness,” 25
Lizarraga, Gerardo, 19, 31, 44n9, 152, 155, 155, 160, 161
Lizarraga Cruchaga, Amaya, 161, 161
Lizarraga Cruchaga, Xabier, 65n2, 161, 161
Homo Rodans and, 110, 113n1
Varo’s studio practice and, 28n11, 31, 44n9, 69
La llamada (The Call) (CAT. 21), 27n4, 35, 35, 121
Locomoción capilar (Detectives) (Hairy Locomotion [Detectives]), 125
Logicofobistas (Logicophobiste) exhibition, 152
Lovecraft, H. P., 145, 149n3
Luz emergente (Emerging Light), 100, 100
Maar, Dora, 153
Madero, Francisco I., 29n23
magic and witchcraft, 20–21, 28n11, 70, 93, 159
Magritte, René, 153, 154
Mallo, Maruja, 152
Martín, Juan, 113n4, 162
Masonic imagery, 68, 94, 94
Matta, Roberto, 25, 80, 153
Mi generalito (Le Marquis de la Contre-Croupe) (My Little General [The Marquis of the Rump-Tail]), 98, 98
The Milk of Dreams exhibition (Venice Biennale, 2022), 18, 62
Mimetismo (Mimesis) (CAT. 6), 22, 34, 34, 59
Minardi, Giovanna, 113n6
Minotaure (magazine), 153, 153
Mirkin, Dina Comisarenco, 100
Miró, Joan, 153
Monja en bicicleta (Madre superiora) (Nun on a Bicycle [Mother Superior]), 137, 137
Moreno Sánchez, Carmen Toscano de, 110
Moreno Sánchez, Manuel, 110
Morice, Charles, 17
Moro, César, 19, 154, 157
Mount Analogue, 145–46, 146. See also
La huida
La mujer alquimista (The Woman Alchemist).
See Ciencia inútil, o El alquimista
Mujer en rojo (Woman in Red), 101n10
Mujer saliendo del psicoanalista (Podría ser Juliana) (Woman Leaving the Psychoanalyst [Could Be Juliana]) (CAT. 22), 35, 35, 122–26, 123, 124, 138
Mujer saliendo del psicoanalista (Woman Leaving the Psychoanalyst) (FIG. 3), 126
music, 20, 26, 48–50, 54–56
Música de la luz (Music of Light). See Música solar
Música del bosque (Music of the Forest), 48, 55, 56
preparatory drawing for, 48, 55, 56
Música solar (Solar Music) (CAT. 3), 20, 46–50, 47, 87, 94, 148n2 (CAT. 25), 159
Nacer de nuevo (To Be Reborn) (CAT. 16), 96–100, 97, 99, 138
Nash, Paul, 153
Naturaleza muerta resucitando (Still Life Reviving) (CAT. 23), 128, 142, 147
Naturaleza muerta resucitando (Still Life Reviving) (FIG. 3), 142, 142
Nave astral (Starship) ( CAT. 13), 36, 36, 84–88, 85, 94
preparatory drawing for, 87, 87
Neuville, Alphonse de, 86
An Hour (with Bayard), 86
Nicoll, Maurice, 99, 101n4, 157, 157, 159
Nicolle, Jean, 19, 155, 157
La obra de Remedios Varo (The Work of Remedios Varo) exhibition, 163
Onslow Ford, Gordon, 22, 25, 83n1, 153, 157, 157
Orion Nebula, 18
Ouspensky, P. D.
Gurdjieff teachings and, 29n24, 48, 55–56, 148n2 (CAT. 24)
influence of ideas of, 23–26, 81–82, 157
Nacer de nuevo and, 98–99
Paalen, Wolfgang
archaeology and, 28n15
collaboration with, 119
Dyn (journal) and, 21, 29n16
Le génie de l’espèce (The Genius of the Species), 21
International Exhibition of Surrealism and, 28n8, 154
in Mexico City circle, 19, 25, 155–56
Paricutín eruption and, 80
in Paris, 153
Papilla estelar (Celestial Pablum), 26, 95n8, 99, 143
Gurdjieff’s influence on, 26
moon imagery and, 26, 94, 99, 101n10
Paracelsus, 44n3
Paricutín eruption, 22, 22, 80, 157
Parrhasius, 63
Pauwels, Louis, 137, 148n3 (CAT. 24)
Paz, Octavio, 19, 126
Peers, Glenn, 28n12
Péret, Benjamin, 19, 152, 152–57, 155, 160
Mujer saliendo del psicoanalista
(Podría ser Juliana) and, 125,
on Varo, 29n20, 164n24
Personaje alado (Winged Personage), 162
personajes (personages), 92
Picasso, Pablo, 44n9
Plato, 142–43
Pliny the Elder, 63
Presencia inquietante (Disturbing Presence) (CAT. 5), 25, 58
psychoanalysis, 124–26
Pynchon, Thomas, 130–31
Pythagoras, 48, 49–50, 49n8
Rahon, Alice, 19, 29n19, 80, 153, 159
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de
San Fernando, Madrid, 69, 94, 151
Recuerdo de la walkiria (Souvenir of the Valkyrie), 95n2, 154
Reflejo lunar (Lunar Reflection), 101n10
Residencia de Estudiantes, 151
Revelación, o El relojero (Revelation, or The Watchmaker), 25, 75
Rivera, Diego, 28n15, 29n23, 164n17
Rivera, Magnolia, 62
Roulotte (Caravan) (CAT. 2), 26, 32, 32, 45
Roux, George, 105–6, 105, 106
Rubinstein, Helena, 155
Ruis, Robert, 154
Saint Exupéry, Antoine de, 154
Saint Exupéry, Consuelo de, 154
Salón de Pintura Femenina prize, 161
Samael Aun Weor (Víctor Manuel Gómez Rodríguez), 148n14
Sánchez Coello, Alonso, 94
Sandrart, Johann Jakob von
Parrhasius Deceives Onlookers, 63
Sans, Jaume, 152
El santo cuerpo grasoso (The Holy Oily Body) (play, with Carrington), 159
Sarto, Andrea del, 94
Sea usted breve (Be Brief), 161
6 pintoras (6 Painters) exhibition (Galería Diana), 22, 42, 48, 159
Séjourné, Laurette, 20
Seligmann, Kurt, 68, 70n4
Serge, Victor, 152, 154
Silverman, Milton, 23, 23
Simak, Clifford D., 86
Simpatía (Sympathy) (CAT. 14), 89, 118, 160
Stern, Mario, 119–20. See also El vagabundo
Sulzer, Eva, 19, 48, 81, 155, 161, 163
alchemy and, 42
found objects and, 74, 75
French circle of, 153
inkblot pictures in, 92
International Exhibition of Surrealism, 19, 92, 153–54
magic and, 20, 21
Mexico and, 19
nature and, 74
Paricutín eruption and, 22, 80
psychoanalysis and, 124
trees in 74-75
Surrealism Beyond Borders exhibition, 18
Le Surréalisme en 1947 (Surrealism in 1947)
exhibition (Galerie Maeght in Paris), 21, 157
Tailleur pour dames (Women’s Tailor), 43, 43, 118
Tanguy, Yves, 44n9
tarot, 68, 68, 70n2, 99
Tauro (Taurus) (CAT. 18), 36, 36, 38, 38, 99, 107
Taylor, F. Sherwood, 99
atmospheric effects, 31
blotting, 32, 42, 92
cartoon, 30, 32, 69, 81
decalcomania, 32, 76, 76n3, 82, 83n18, 86–87, 92
erasure, 33
grattage (scraping), 33, 145
hatching, 33, 81, 93, 118
incising, 34, 76
inlay, 20, 25, 34, 68, 82, 146
sanding, 34
scratches, 30
scumbling, 35, 80
sgraffito, 31, 35, 43, 80, 118
smudging, 35
soufflage, 36, 48, 68, 83n18
spattering, 36, 83n18
sponging, 36, 86–87
squaring (gridding), 37
stippling, 37, 118
textured gesso, 37, 76, 80
thinning, 38, 83n18
tideline, 38
transfer, 30–31, 38, 42, 69, 80–81, 83n7, 94, 143
underdrawing, 39
varnishing, 31, 39, 82, 83n18
La tejedora de Verona (Weaver of Verona), 142
La tejedora roja (The Red Weaver), 142
Tejido espacio-tiempo (Weaving of Space and Time), 142
Theodore of Stoudios, 143
Tibol, Raquel, 160
Transmisión ciclista con cristales (Bicycle Transmission with Crystals), 111, 111–12
about, 129–31
Bordando el manto terrestre (Embroidering the Earth’s Mantle) (CAT. 25), 134, 140–43
Hacia la torre (Toward the Tower) (CAT. 24), 133, 136–39
La huida (The Escape) (CAT. 26), 135, 144–47
and Icono (Icon), 25
El trovador (The Troubadour), 56, 104, 104
Typhoid, Paratyphoid, 23
Untitled background study (prob. Estudio de fondo), 92. See also Caballero encantado
Uranga Bergareche, Ignacia (mother of Remedios), 150, 150–51, 157
Urueta, Cordelia, 29n19, 159
Vagabundo (Vagabond) (CAT. 20), 83n7, 87, 116–20, 117, 118, 120
technique, 35, 35
El Vagabundo (The Vagabond) (FIG. 4), 57n13, 119, 119, 120, 120. See also Stern, Mario
Varo, Luis (brother of Remedios), 150, 150, 154
Varo, Remedios
about, 17–19
archaeology, geology, and, 21–22
arrival in Mexico, 19
biographical chronology, 150–63
Casa Bayer and, 22–23
death of, 163
end-of-life concerns of, 147
esotericism and Gurdjieff, 23–26
exhibitions, 18, 22, 27n4, 129, 151–55, 159–61
imprisoned in France, 154, 164n19
itinerancy of, 118–19
library, personal, 18, 86, 88n4, 101n4, 145, 149n3
magic, feminism, and, 20–21
marriages, 152, 156
memorial exhibition, 27n4, 163
music and, 26
on mystical work, 20
in photographs, 17, 118, 150, 152, 155, 156, 157, 160, 161
political refugee status, 164n21
registration card (in Mexico), 154
studio of, 17, 20, 26, 30, 44n9, 152, 153, 160, 161
Varo, Rodrigo (brother of Remedios), 81, 118, 124, 150, 157, 159
Varo y Zejalvo, Rodrigo (Father of Remedios), 150–51, 150, 153
Varsoviano, Anna Alexandra, 27n4, 112
Velázquez, Diego, 150
Venezuela, 22, 105, 157
Verne, Jules, 86, 88n4, 104–6
Le village maudit (The Cursed Village)
film poster, 151, 151. See La aldea
Viola, Joseph, 152
Visita al pasado (Visit to the Past), 119, 119
Vuelo mágico (Magic Flight) (CAT. 11), 21, 34, 48, 55, 68, 77, 83n16
Weisz, Emérico (Chiki), 19, 155, 155
witchcraft and magic, 20–21, 28n11, 70, 93, 159
Wolf, Miriam, 155
Yogananda, Paramahansa, 88
Zeuxis, 63