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List of illustrations

  • Remedios Varo in her studio
  • Photograph of the Orion Nebula
  • The Days of Gabino Barreda Street (Los días de la calle Gabina Barreda)
  • Chiki, Your Country (Chiki, ton pays)
  • Dyn, cover of sixth and final issue
  • Paricutín volcano erupting in 1943
  • Anxiety (Angustia)
  • Drogas mágicas, cover
  • Icon (Icono), closed
  • Revelation, or, The Watchmaker (Revelación, o El relojero)
  • Celestial Pablum (Papilla estelar)
  • Useless Science, or The Alchemist (Ciencia inútil, o El alquimista), detail of blotting
  • Creation of the Birds (Creación de las aves), detail of cartoon
  • Caravan (Roulotte), detail of decalcomania
  • Cartoon for The Escape (La huida), detail of erasure
  • The Escape (La huida), detail of grattage
  • The Escape (La huida), detail of hatching
  • Exploration of the Sources of the Orinoco River (Exploración de las fuentes del río Orinoco), detail of incising
  • The Juggler (The Magician) (El juglar [El malabarista]), detail of inlay
  • Mimesis (Mimetismo), detail of sanding
  • Woman Leaving the Psychoanalyst (Could be Juliana) (Mujer saliendo del psicoanalista [Podría ser Juliana]), detail of scumbling
  • Vagabond (Vagabundo), detail of sgraffito
  • The Call (La llamada), detail of smudging
  • The Juggler (The Magician) (El juglar [El malabarista]), detail of soufflage
  • Taurus (Tauro), detail of spattering
  • Starship (Nave astral), detail of sponging
  • Sketch of The Juggler (The Magician) (El juglar [El malabarista]), detail of squaring
  • Vagabond (Vagabundo), detail of stippling
  • The Flutist (El flautista), detail of textured gesso
  • Exploration of the Sources of the Orinoco River (Exploración de las fuentes del río Orinoco), detail of thinning
  • Useless Science, or The Alchemist (Ciencia inútil, o El alquimista), detail of tideline
  • Transfer, detail
  • Taurus (Tauro), detail of underdrawing
  • The Juggler (The Magician) (El juglar [El malabarista]), detail of varnishing
  • Useless Science, or The Alchemist (Ciencia inútil, o El alquimista)
  • Useless Science, or The Alchemist (Ciencia inútil, o El alquimista), pencil drawing on translucent paper of seated figure
  • Useless Science, or The Alchemist (Ciencia inútil, o El alquimista), sketch of seated figure
  • Women's Tailor (Tailleur pour dames)
  • Hermit (Ermitaño)
  • Caravan (Roulotte)
  • Solar Music (Música Solar)
  • Sketch of George I. Gurdjieff's Ray of Creation in Notebook A
  • Les carburants noveaux (The New Fuels)
  • Solar spectrum, detail
  • Cosmic Energy (Inspiration) (Energía cósmica [Inspiración])
  • Harmony (Armonía)
  • Magic Flight (Vuelo mágico), detail
  • Music of the Forest (Música del bosque)
  • Makers of Musical Instruments (Constructores de instrumentos musicales)
  • The Draughtsman of the Lute
  • Disturbing Presence (Presencia inquietante)
  • Mimesis (Mimetismo)
  • Creation of the Birds (Creación de las aves)
  • Creation of the Birds (Creación de las aves), detail
  • Parrhasius Deceives Onlookers with a Painting of a Veil over a Painting, and Birds with a Painting of Grapes
  • Curtain, or Vision (Cortina, o Visión)
  • Creation of the Birds (Creación de las aves), preparatory drawing
  • The Juggler (The Magician) (El juglar [El malabarista])
  • Juggler, from tarot card deck
  • The Juggler (The Magician) (El juglar [El malabarista]), cartoons digitally overlaid onto the painting
  • The Juggler (The Magician) (El juglar [El malabarista]), detail
  • Tarot Card (Carta de tarot)
  • Discovery (Hallazgo)
  • Discovery (Hallazgo)
  • Coral reef, underwater photograph
  • Found objects, including driftwood (see top right), exhibited as art
  • Phenomenon of Weightlessness (Fenómeno de ingravidez)
  • Magic Flight (Vuelo mágico)
  • The Flutist (El flautista)
  • The Flutist (El flautista), detail
  • The Flutist (El flautista), detail
  • Portion of the graphite drawing on translucent paper used in the transfer of The Flutist (El flautista), detail
  • The Flautist (El flautista), detail
  • The Flautist (El flautista), detail
  • Starship (Nave astral)
  • An Hour
  • Crab Nebula
  • Andromeda Galaxy
  • Starship (Nave astral), preparatory drawing
  • Sympathy (Simpatía)
  • Star Catcher (Cazadora de astros)
  • Untitled background study
  • Enchanted Knight (Caballero encantado)
  • Les textes Français, illustration
  • Star Catcher (Cazadora de astros), sketch
  • Masonic imagery (tracing board)
  • To Be Reborn (Nacer de nuevo)
  • My Little General (The Marquis of the Rump-Tail) (Mi generalito [Le Marquis de la Contre-Croup])
  • To Be Reborn (Nacer de nuevo), detail
  • Celestial Pablum (Papilla estelar), detail
  • Emerging Light (Luz emergente)
  • Exploration of the Sources of the Orinoco River (Exploración de las fuentes del río Orinoco)
  • The Troubadour (El trovador)
  • Exploration of the Sources of the Orinoco River (Exploración de las fuentes del río Orinoco)
  • Jules Verne, Le Superbe Orénoque, illustration
  • Jules Verne, Le Superbe Orénoque, illustration
  • Jules Verne, Le Superbe Orénoque, illustration
  • Taurus (Tauro)
  • Homo Rodans
  • Homo Rodans, detail
  • Bicycle Transmission with Crystals (Transmisión ciclista con cristales)
  • Expert Driver (As del volante)
  • Homo Rodans (Manuscript)
  • Homo Rodans (Manuscript)
  • Homo Rodans (Manuscript)
  • Homo Rodans (Manuscript)
  • Homo Rodans (Manuscript)
  • Homo Rodans (Manuscript)
  • Homo Rodans (Manuscript)
  • Homo Rodans (Manuscript)
  • Vagabond (Vagabundo)
  • Vagabond (Vagabundo), detail
  • Remedios Varo with her cats, Pituso and Zorrillo
  • Visit to the Past (Visita al pasado)
  • The Vagabond (El vagabundo)
  • The Vagabond (El vagabundo), detail
  • The Call (La llamada)
  • Woman Leaving the Psychoanalyst (Could Be Juliana) (Mujer saliendo del psicoanalista [Podría ser Juliana])
  • Woman Leaving the Psychoanalyst (Could Be Juliana) (Mujer saliendo del psicoanalista [Podría ser Juliana]), detail
  • Hairy Locomotion (Detectives) (Locomoción capilar [Detectives])
  • Woman Leaving the Psychoanalyst (Mujer saliendo del psicoanalista)
  • Still Life Reviving (Naturaleza muerta resucitando)
  • Triptych: Toward the Tower (Hacia la torre); Embroidering the Earth's Mantle (Bordando el manto terrestre); The Escape (La huida)
  • Toward the Tower (Hacia la torre)
  • Nun on a Bicycle (Mother Superior) (Monja en bicicleta [Madre superiora])
  • Notebook sketch
  • Astrological chart for February 4, 1962
  • Toward Aquarius (Hacia Acuario)
  • Amulet of Aphrodite as a Melissa, the queen bee
  • Embroidering the Earth's Mantle (Bordando el manto terrestre)
  • Battle of Alexander (Battle of Issus)
  • Embroidering the Earth's Mantle (Bordando el manto terrestre), detail
  • Still Life Reviving (Naturaleza muerta resucitando)
  • Weaving of Space and Time (Tejido espacio-tiempo)
  • Embroidering the Earth's Mantle (Bordando el manto terrestre), detail
  • The Escape (La huida)
  • Forest and Sun
  • Ascension to Mount Analogue (Ascensión al monte análogo)
  • Mount Analogue
  • Icon (Icono)
  • The Escape (La huida), cartoon
  • Remedios Varo and her family in Madrid
  • Poster for Le village maudit (The Cursed Village)
  • Untitled (Cadavre exquis)
  • Victor Serge, Benjamin Péret, Remedios Varo, and André Breton, France
  • Minotaure, no. 10
  • Remedios Varo's registration card in the Mexican National Registry of Foreigners
  • Remedios Varo and friends at Leonora Carrington and Emérico (Chiki) Weisz's wedding in Mexico
  • Remedios Varo in Mexico City
  • Jacqueline Johnson, Gordon Onslow Ford, Remedios Varo, and César Moro, at El Molino in Erongarícuaro, Mexico
  • Remedios Varo and Jean Nicolle in Venezuela
  • Rheumatic Pain II (Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica) (Dolor reumático II [Reuma, lumbago, ciática])
  • Remedios Varo Wearing a Mask by Leonora Carrington
  • Remedios Varo Wearing a Mask by Leonora Carrington
  • Remedios Varo with Gerardo Lizarraga
  • Remedios Varo with friend and collector Eva Sulzer and Gerardo Lizarraga's children, Xabier and Amaya
  • Remedios Varo at her studio in Mexico City
  • Winged Personage (Personaje alado)
  • Remedios Varo, en la Juan Martín
  • Zanoni: Novela ocultista, cover
  • Las puertas de la percepción (The Doors of Perception), cover
  • Démons et merveilles (Demons and Wonders), cover
  • Introducción al budismo Zen (Introduction to Zen Buddhism), cover
  • Fiction, cover
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
The Secretariat of Culture in Mexico City collaborates with foreign nations in order to generate ongoing dialogues that foster the preservation and dissemination of the immense variety of Mexican art. In the context of this wealth and diversity, there is work yet to be done to bring greater awareness to the impact of women creators. The exhibition...
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
Exhibition Note
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
Chicago’s embrace of Surrealism has been deep and profound since the movement’s emergence nearly a century ago, and its swift, subsequent reach far beyond the confines of Europe. Surrealist art and artists have been core to the Art Institute of Chicago’s exhibitions, acquisitions, and research, and these initiatives have been pursued...
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
In the fall of 2019, an afternoon spent with Surrealism scholars at the Lucid Art Foundation, Inverness, California, shed light on the many overlapping connections between Mexican modern art of the 1940s and 1950s and the holdings of Surrealism at the Art Institute of Chicago. Leonora Carrington, Gunther Gerzso, Wolfgang Paalen, and Alice Rahon—each...
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
Note to the Reader
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
This is a book about modern paintings that may, at first, appear centuries old.Relevant to the overtly historical look of Varo’s pictures, particularly their similarity to medieval and early Renaissance devotional images, is scholarship such as Alexander...
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.17-29

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Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
Blotting is a subtractive technique that involves removing or displacing paint using an absorbent material such as a cloth or rag. Acquaintances recall Varo using a cotton ball. Although usually used to lighten an area of paint, blotting wet paint can also alter the texture of a painted surface. Adding a...
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.30-39

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Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.40-149

Access to this content is only available to subscribers. If you are at an institution that currently subscribes to the A&AePortal, please login to your VPN before accessing the site. If you have already purchased an individual subscription, please sign in to your account to access the content. Learn more about subscriptions.

Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
Remedios Varo was a prolific reader with a wide range of interests, as reflected in what remains of her library, which is preserved today by the Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City. Her cross-Atlantic emigration resulted in the loss of a significant number of publications, and the communal sharing of books among Varo’s tight-knit friend group also obscures the...
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
Catalogue of Selected Works
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
Description: Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
Unless otherwise noted, photography of artworks at the Art Institute of Chicago is by Juan Molina Hernández, with postproduction by Hayley Hinsberger and Owen Conway, Imaging, the Art Institute of Chicago, and are copyrighted by the Art Institute of Chicago. All works in the collection of the Museo de Arte Moderno were photographed by C129 Studio.
Caitlin Haskell (Editor), Tere Arcq (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Remedios Varo: Science Fictions
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