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Sarah Kelly Oehler (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor)
Description: Charles White: A Retrospective
Photography Credits
Sarah Kelly Oehler (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
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Photography Credits
All artworks by Charles White are © by The Charles White Archives.
Unless otherwise noted, photographs of artworks in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago are by the Department of Imaging of the Art Institute of Chicago, Director of Photography Christopher Gallagher, Robert Hashimoto, Jonathan Mathias, Aidan Fitzpatrick, and Craig Stilwell, with postproduction by Shelby Silvernell and Jonathan Mathias, and are copyrighted by the Art Institute of Chicago.
Every effort has been made to identify, contact, and acknowledge copyright holders for all reproductions; additional rights holders are encouraged to contact the Art Institute of Chicago Department of Publishing. The following credits apply to all images that appear in this catalogue for which acknowledgment is due.
Pl. 3: Photography by Michael David Rose.
Pl. 5: Image courtesy Saint Louis Art Museum.
Pls 6, 23: © Courtesy of the Huntington Art Collections, San Marino, California.
Pls. 7, 12, 20: Photography by Gregory R. Staley.
Pls. 8, 11: Photography by Jamie Stukenberg, Professional Graphics, Inc.
Pls. 9, 74, 100: Photography by Natalja Kent.
Pls. 10, 18, 19, 82: Photo courtesy of Michael Rosenfeld Gallery LLC, New York, NY.
Pls. 16, 34: Art Resource, NY.
Pl. 17: Image courtesy of the Gibbes Museum of Art/Carolina Art Association.
Pls. 21, 5269: Digital image © 2018, MoMA, NY.
Pls. 22, 38, 42, 81, 98: Photography by Brad Flowers.
Pls. 28, 96: Photography by Paul Bardagjy.
Pls. 24, 99: Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA/ Art Resource, NY.
Pl. 30: Photo © Sheldon Museum of Art.
Pls. 31, 84: Digital Image © 2018. Museum Associates/LACMA. Licensed by Art Resource, NY.
Pl. 32: Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY.
Pls. 35, 87: Photo © Museum Associates/LACMA.
Pl. 36: Imaging Department © President and Fellows of Harvard College.
Pl. 37: Courtesy Jonathan Boos, photography by Gavin Ashworth.
Pls. 38, 42, 81, 98: Photography by Brad Flowers.
Pl. 45: Photograph © 2018 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Pl. 46: Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA/ Art Resource, NY.
Pls. 47, 49, 72: Photography by Christopher Burke Studio.
Pl. 48: Courtesy Princeton University Art Museum.
Pls. 50, 78, 89: Photography by Milli Aplegren.
Pl. 51: Photography by Edward C. Robison III.
Pl. 71: Photography by Mitro Hood.
Pl. 73: Photography by Gregory R. Staley, courtesy of David C. Driskell Center.
Pls. 77, 94: Pop Mod Photo.
Pl. 79: Courtesy of Swann Auction Galleries.
Pl. 85: Photography by Hakim Raquib.
Pl. 95: Image courtesy of Hammer Museum, Los Angeles. Photography by Ed Glendinning.
P. 18, fig. 4: Photo: M. Lee Fatherree.
P. 19, fig. 5: De Agostini Picture Library/Bridgeman Images.
P. 26, fig. 4; p. 28, fig. 6: Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA/Art Resource, NY. Photography by John Wronn.
P. 27, fig. 5: Hulton Archive.
P. 29, fig. 7: Bridgeman Images.
P. 30, fig. 8: Artwork courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation. Image
P. 40, fig. 1: Image courtesy of Hammer Museum, Los Angeles. Photography by Ed Glendinning.
p. 153, fig. 9; p. 156, fig. 12: Digital Image © 2018 Museum Associates/ LACMA. Licensed by Art Resource, NY.
P. 74, fig. 4; p. 75, fig. 5: Courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.
P. 81, fig. 9; 135, fig. 10: Photography by Milli Aplegren.
P. 82, fig. 10: Art © Catlett Mora Family Trust/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY.
P. 87, fig. 1: Courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation.
P. 87, fig. 1; 88, fig. 3; 89, fig. 4; 90, figs. 56; 91, fig. 7; 92, figs. 810: Digital image © 2018, MoMA, NY.
P. 125, fig. 3: Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA/ Art Resource, NY.
P. 126, fig. 4: © Rico Lebrun Estate. Digital Image © 2018 Museum Associates/LACMA. Licensed by Art Resource, NY.
P. 127, fig. 5: Biberman Estate, courtesy of Gallery Z, Los Angeles. Photography by Natalja Kent.
P. 142, fig. 1: Courtesy of Swann Auction Galleries.
P. 154, fig. 10: Courtesy of the artist. Photography by Tom Bonner, MTA Metro Art Program.
Photography Credits
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