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Sarah Kelly Oehler (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor)
Description: Charles White: A Retrospective
Sarah Kelly Oehler (Editor), Esther Adler (Editor)
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
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Abraham Lincoln (White; cat. 42), 108, pl. 42; 199
Abraham Lincoln Center, 193, 194
Aden, Alonzo, 194
African American soldiers, 34
African art, 47n5
Afro-American Business, Trade and Service Show of Greater Los Angeles, 201
Ahmed, Sara, 69, 74
Akademie der Künste, 206
Alabama, 124, 126, 149, 202
album cover art, 128; 148; 149, 202
Alford Award, 197
Almaraz, Carlos, 150
American Contemporary Art (ACA) Gallery, 197
1947 exhibition, 197
1949 exhibition, 147
1950 exhibition, 47n20
1953 exhibition, 44
1958 exhibition, 69–70, 83n6
Charles White (1965), 202,
Committee for the Negro in the Arts reception, 78
Negro Woman (1951), 72–77, 198, 198
American Gothic (Parks), 73, 74
American Gothic (Wood), 73, 74
American Negro Art: 19th and 20th Centuries (Downtown Gallery), 195
American Negro Exposition (1940), 28, 42, 42, 194
American Negro Theater, 83n7
American Regionalism, 73
Anderson, Erica, 213
Anderson, Marian, 26, 26–27, 33
Anna Lucasta film intertitles (White; cats. 5556, 58), 70; 83n7, 148; 162, pl. 73; 163, pls. 74–75
Aptheker, Herbert, 34, 198
“Art and Democracy,” 195
“Art and Reality in the USSR” (White), 199
Art Crafts Guild, Chicago, 89, 142, 193, 194
“Art in the New Europe,” 198–99
Art Institute of Chicago, 9, 23, 86, 193, 204
Art of the American Negro, 1851–1940, The, 194
Art Students League (New York), 33, 142–43, 156n6, 195
“Art Today” (speech), 200
Artist as Teacher, The (LA Municipal Art Gallery), 155
Artists and Models Ball, 26, 194
Artists for Economic Action, 205
Artists Union, Chicago chapter, 42, 193
Ashton, Dore, 70
Asian American artists, 127
Associated Negro Press, 194
Assumption of the Virgin, The (El Greco), 44, 44, 193
Atlanta University Annual Exhibition of Paintings by Negro Artists of America, 195, 196, 197, 198, 201
Atlanta University Purchase Award in the Graphic Arts, 198, 201
Attucks, Crispus, 23, 33, 33, 34
Awaken from the Unknowing (White; cat. 60), 166, pl. 78
Bailey, Herman “Kofi,” 125
Baker, Ella, 81
Baldwin, James, 201
Banner for Willy J. (White; cat. 87), 187, pl. 100
Barnett, Claude, 24
Barnwell, Charles White, 36n26
Bass, Charlotta, 77–78
Beard, Charles A., 22–23
Bearden, Romare, 134, 195
Belafonte, Harry
10 / Charles White foreword, 201
1958 ACA show and, 70
American Negro Theater and, 83n7
Committee for the Negro in the Arts and, 83n33, 147
White’s friendship with, 92, 128
Songs Belafonte Sings, 201, 201
Struggle for Freedom in the South and, 123
Tonight with Belafonte (TV series), 148
Bellows Memorial Award, 193
Bennett, Gwendolyn, 145, 195, 196
Bennett, Lerone, Jr., 147, 205
Berman, Wallace, 126
Bernstein, Sidney, 200
Bessie Smith (White; cat. 35), 72; 102, pl. 35
Bessie Smith (White; cat. 50), 103, pl. 36
Best Untold: A Book of Paintings, The (Biberman), 200
Bethune, Mary McLeod, 136, 137, 155
Biberman, Edward, 127, 138n24, 203, 204
The Best Untold: A Book of Paintings, 200
Paul Robeson, 127
Biberman, Herbert, 127
Biggers, John, 143–44, 195
House of the Turtle, 144, 144
Tree House, 144, 144
Birmingham Totem (White; cat. 61), 124; 126; 149; 159; 203, pl. 70; 202; 202
Black Academy of Arts and Letters, 203
Black Art Association, 134
“Black Art in America” (radio show), 204
“Black Artist in America, The” (lecture), 204
Black Arts Council, 130, 134, 153
Black Arts Movement, 92, 129–30
Black History: A Reappraisal (Drimmer), 203
Black Metropolis (Drake and Cayton), 23–24
Black Omnibus (talk show), 204
Black Panther Party, 129, 132, 153, 202
Black Pope (Sandwich Board Man) (White; cat. 86), 149; 186, pl. 99
Black Renaissance, Chicago, 24, 36n13, 193
Black Sorrow (Dolor Negro) (White; cat. 26), 96, pl. 26
Black Spider’s Club, Chicago, 194
“A Black Woman Speaks of White Womanhood, of White Supremacy, of Peace” (Richards), 78–79
Blackburn Printmaking Workshop, 47n19
blacklisting, threat of, 127
blind woman, photographs of (White), 91–92, 92
Blues Singer (White), 47n20
book covers, 147, 148, 157n40, 203, 205
Booker, Claude, 130
boys playing on the street (White), 87; 119, pl. 63 (cat. 94); 120, pl. 64 (cat. 95)
Bradley, Tom, 137, 137, 205
Britton, Edgar, 194
Brockman Gallery, 130
“Bronx Slave Market,” 81–82
Brooks, Van Wyck, 36n9
Brother, The (White), 136
Brother II (White), 138n43
Brown, Edmund G., Jr., 137
Brown, John
John Brown (White; cat. 3), 31; 52, pl. 4; 198
in Struggle for Liberation (White), 31
Bruce, Blanche K., 148
Burroughs, Margaret, 23; 26; 45; 89; 93n13; 116, pl. 54 (cat. 100); 193; 195; 198
Cabeza (or Youth) (White), 43, 47n16
calendars, 17, 147–48, 148 (cat. 113). See also Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company
California Afro-American Museum of History and Culture, 206
California Association of Teachers, 204
California Museum of Afro-American History and Culture, Los Angeles, 137
California State Association of Colored Women’s Clubs, 200
“Call to Negro Women, A” (Sojourners for Truth and Justice), 79
Campt, Tina, 79
Can a Negro Study Law in Texas (White; cat. 27), 97, pl. 28
Carbone, Teresa, 133
Card Players (White; cat. 5), 24; 52, pl. 5
Carnegie Institute national scholastic award program, 193
Carver, George Washington, 26, 26–27, 33, 33
Catlett, Elizabeth, 194–95
at Carver School, 145, 196
White as arts coordinator and, 93n13
at Dillard University, 142
as feminist influence, 80
at Hampton Institute, 143, 156n16
linoleum-block print technique, 45
marriage to White, 195, 197
in Mexico, 42–43, 80, 146
Negro Artist Comes of Age, The (exhibition), 196
Negro Woman series, 80, 82, 196
Rosenwald Fellowship, 196, 197
Wo-Chi-Ca and, 156n27, 195
Cat’s Cradle (White; cat. 82), 46; 185, pl. 98
Cauvin, André, 215
Cayton, Horace, 23–24, 24, 26
ceramic sculptures, 150, 150 (cats. 6869)
C’est l’amour (White), 70, 70
Chain Gang (White), 148
“Chaotic Stage of the Negro, Past and Present.” See Struggle for Liberation (White)
Chapin, Francis, 40, 47n8
“Charles White, artist” (Negro Digest), 201–2
Charles White: A Retrospective (LACMA), 157n74
Charles White: An American Experience (LA Municipal Art Gallery), 206
“Charles White: Beauty and Strength” (Evergood), 199
Charles White: Ein Künstler Amerikas (Finkelstein), 36n4, 200, 208n91
Charles White Elementary School, 154, 157n74
Charles White Park, 206
“Charles White: Portrayer of Black Dignity” (Ebony), 203, 203
Charles White: Six Drawings (Masses and Mainstream), 199
“Charles White’s Humanist Art” (Finkelstein), 199
Charlot, Jean, 196
American Negro Exposition, 28
Art Crafts Guild, 89, 142, 193, 194
Black Renaissance in, 24, 36n13, 193
Christopher School, Gage Park, 194
Hall Branch Library, 24, 25–26, 25, 30, 36n22; 193
history as discipline in, 25
Negro Art Exhibition, 193
Negro People’s Theatre, 194
Open Air Art Fair, 193
School of the Art Institute, 39–41, 47n5, 142, 193
sociological research in, 23–24
South Side Community Art Center, 26, 36n24, 73, 86, 142, 194, 194, 204
Chicago, Judy, 126
Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, 193
Chicago Artists’ Group, 193
Chicago Century of Progress International Exposition, 40
Chicago: Epoch of a Great City (Sternberg), 142
Chicago Public Library, main branch, 142. See also Hall Branch, Chicago Public Library
Children, The (White; cat. 37), 101, pl. 34
Children Playing (White), 148
children, photographs of. See boys playing on the street
Childress, Alice, 77, 83n7, 83n33, 128
Christmas, Walter, 78
Christopher School, 194
Cirrus, 132, 136, 137
City of Dreams/River of History (Wyatt), 153–54, 154
Civil Rights Act (1960), 201
civil rights movement, 123–24, 128, 134, 201
Clark, Kenneth, 70–71
Cleaver, Eldridge, 132
Clement, Rufus E., 196
Clothier, Peter, 40
collage, 133
Collins, Janet, 78
Columbia College, Chicago, 203
Committee for the Negro in the Arts, 77–78, 78, 83n33, 87, 89, 128, 147, 197
Committee of the Arts to Free Angela Davis, 134
Committee on Research and Status of Black Women, 205
Committee to Defend Martin Luther King, Jr., 123–24
Carver School accused of, 145
White’s affinity for, 23, 32, 36n12, 79, 123, 127
Hollywood Ten, 127–28, 197
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 47n22, 197, 199
murals, anticommunist controversies over, 30
Second Red Scare, 198
sociology and, 23
Communist Party of the United States, 36n12, 80, 82, 83n19, 198. See also Daily Worker
composition, 85, 88
Compton Community College, 204
Concerned Citizens for Black Art, 134
Congress of Racial Equality, 201
Congress Vue (later Congress View), 193, 196
Contribution of the Negro to Democracy in America (White), 24; 32–35; 33; 143; 195; 196
studies for, 34; 62, pl. 15 (cat. 19); 63, pls. 1617; 64, pl. 18; 136
Conversations with Artists (UC Irvine), 204
Conwill, Houston, 17
Cooke, Marvel, 80–81
Cooper Jackson, Esther, 82
Cortor, Eldzier, 47n19, 193
Creative Art of the American Negro (Library of Congress), 36n24
Crichlow, Ernest
Carver School and, 145
Committee for the Negro in the Arts and, 78, 83n33
White as arts coordinator and, 93n13
in White’s photography, 88–89; 90, 90
at Wo-Chi-Ca, 197, 197
Crisis: Black Art in White America (Van Nuys Branch Library panel), 203
Crosswaith, Frank, 145
Curtis, Tony, 128
Da Vinci, Leonardo, 16
Daily Worker, 73, 145, 196–97
Danner, Margaret, 202
Davis, Alonzo, 130
Davis, Angela, 134, 204
Davis, Brockman, 130
Davis, Charles, 193
Davis, Dale, 130
Davis, Ossie, 83n7, 83n33, 128, 200
Davis, Benjamin, Jr., 145
De la Rocha, Roberto “Beto,” 150
DeCarava, Roy, 86–87; 89; 117, pl. 56 (cat. 56); 212
Dee, Ruby, 83n7, 83n33, 128
Defiant Ones, The (film), 128, 200
DeGroat, George, 16
Denmark Vesey (study for Contribution of the Negro to Democracy in America) (White; cat. 17), 63, pl. 17
“Desegregation and the Richmond Story” (White), 204
Detroit Industry, South Wall (Rivera), 29, 29
Dialogues in Art (television series), 127, 203
Dixie Comes to New York (Daily Worker), 196–97
Dixon, Berlie, 200
Dixon, Ivan, 128, 200
Don’t You Want to Be Free? (Hughes), 194
Douglas, Emory, 124, 125, 138n7
Douglass, Frederick
in Contribution of the Negro (White), 33, 33
White copying drawing of, 16
feminism and, 82
in Five Great American Negroes (White; cat. 6), 26, 26–27
on Four Took Freedom book cover, 148
Frederick Douglass ([1950] White; cat. 36), 100, pl. 31
Frederick Douglass Lives Again (The Ghost of Frederick Douglass) (White; cat. 32), 44; 99, pl. 30
in The History of the Negro Press (White), 29
Downtown Gallery, New York, 195
Drake, St. Clair, 23–24, 26
drawing class (White; cat. 96), 118, pl. 60
Dream Deferred II (White; cat. 71), 149; 174; pl. 86; 211
Dreyfus Affair, 131
Drimmer, Melvin, 203
Driskell, David, 85, 86, 136
Du Bois, W. E. B., 82
Duncan, Michael, 126
Duration Piece #15 (Global) (Huebler), 135
Dyer, Briggs, 40, 47n8, 194
Dyer, Geoff, 86
Eartha Kitt (from Anna Lucasta) (White; cat. 55), 70; 163, pl. 75
Eberhard Faber Company sketching contest, 193
Ebony magazine, 138n34, 147, 148, 200, 202, 203
Edwards, Melvin, 125
Eight Student Nurses (Richter), 19
El Greco, 44, 44, 193
Elijah (White), 138n39
Ellison, Ralph, 27, 195
Elmina Castle (White; cat. 72), 175, pl. 87
Embrace, The (White), 139n52
Englewood High School, 22–23, 193
English, Collis, 77
Escuela Nacional de Pintura y Escultura “La Esmeralda,” 33, 156n6, 197
etching, 45–46, 47n28, 138n39
Exhibition in Defense of Peace and Democracy (Chicago Artists’ Group), 193
Exhibitions of White’s work
ACA (1947), 197
ACA (1949), 147
ACA (1950), 47n20
ACA (1953), 44
ACA (1958), 69–70, 83n6
American Negro Arists (1966), 202
American Negro Art: 19th and 20th Centuries (1941), 195
The Artist as Teacher (1977), 155
Atlanta University Annual Exhibitions of Paintings by Negro Artists of America, 195, 196, 197, 198, 201
Charles White (1965), 202
Charles White: A Retrospective (2019), 157n74
Charles White: An American
Experience (1978), 206
Creative Art of the American Negro (1940), 36n24
Exhibition in Defense of Peace and Democracy (1937), 193
Exhibition of the Art of the American Negro (1851 to 1940), 42, 42
Fort Huachuca, Arizona (1943), 36n24, 195
Harris Hall Gallery, USC (1958), 200
Heritage Gallery (1973), 150, 150
Howard University (1939), 194
LACMA (1971), 17
Lincoln Avenue Methodist Church, Pasadena (1961), 201
MoMA (1968), 124
National Academy of Design (1971), 204
The Negro Artist Comes of Age (1945), 196
Negro Woman (1951), 72–77, 198, 198
New Vistas in American Art (1961), 201
Our Past, Our Present, Our Future . . .? (1968, 203
Philadelphia Pyramid Club (1954), 79–80
Portfolio 6 / Charles White (1964), 202
Three Graphic Artists (1971), 134, 153
Two Centuries of Black American Art (1976), 136, 205
Visual and Non-Visual Art Expression (1940), 156n13
The Work of Charles White: An American Experience (1977), 155
The Work of Charles White: An American Experience (1976), 136, 157n76, 205, 206
Exodus I: Black Moses (Harriet Tubman) (White; cat. 38), 75; 79; 106, pl. 40
Exodus II (White), 131, 139n52, 203
familialism, 79
Fast, Howard, 43, 78
May Day, 198
Spartacus, 43, 43, 199
Faulkner, William, 90, 93n14
Fauset, Arthur Huff
Sojourner Truth: God’s Faithful Pilgrim, 27, 27
FBI files on White, 127, 198
Fellow Workers, Won’t You March with Us (White), 28, 32, 194
feminism at midcentury
ACA exhibition (1958) and, 69–70
black left feminism, 80–82
Committee for the Negro in the Arts, 77–78
Negro Woman show (ACA, 1951) and, 72–77
nudes and images of women, 70–72
radical black women’s activism, 77–80
“To My Negro Sisters” (Merriam), 75–77
Fergerson, Cecil, 124, 130, 138n8
Ferguson, Alphonso, 146
Ferguson, Charles, 146
figuration, 17, 23, 71–72, 125–26
Finkelstein, Sidney, 198, 199, 200
Five Great American Negroes (White; cat. 6), 24; 26–27; 26; 32; 36n24; 54–55, pl. 7; 194
Folksinger (Voice of Jericho: Portrait of Harry Belafonte) (White; cat. 54), 78, 148, 161, 208–9n110, pl. 72
Fort Huachuca, Arizona, 36n24, 195
Fortune, T. Thomas, 29
Four Took Freedom (Sterling and Logan; cover illustration by White), 147, 148, 157n40, 202
“Frances and Charles White” (Los Angeles Times), 204, 205
Frederick Douglass (White), 100, pl. 31
Frederick Douglass (The Ghost of Frederick Douglass II) (White; cat. 30), 231
Frederick Douglass Lives Again (The Ghost of Frederick Douglass) (White; cat. 32), 44; 99, pl. 30
Freedom Road (Fast), 43, 47n20
Freeway Lady, The (Twitchell), 154, 157n71
Funk, Joe, 132
Galassi, Peter, 87
Gallery 32, 130
Garden Project (Marshall), 151
Gardi, René, 213
Gardner, Helen, 47n5
Geller, Todros, 40, 47n14, 193
Gellert, Hugo, 200
General Moses (Harriet Tubman) (White; cat. 63), 35; 75; 129; 147–48; 148; 149; 167, pl. 79; 202; 213
General Moses and Sojourner (Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth) (White), 80, 81, 200, 200
George Cleveland Hall Branch Library. See Hall Branch Library.
George Washington Carver School, 145, 146, 196, 196, 197
“Giant of American Art Portrays: The Original Man,” 203
Gideon (White; cat. 39), 43–44; 106, pl. 39
Ginsburg, David, 139n52
Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company, 75, 129, 147–48, 154, 202. See also calendars
Goodnight Irene (White; cat. 43), 107, pl. 41
Gordon, Edmund, 132, 199
Gordon, Susan, 199
Gospel Singers (White; cat. 40), 72; 92; 105, pl. 38
Goss, Bernard, 193, 194
Great Negroes, Past and Present (Adams), 16, 16, 19
Greenberg, Clement, 71
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (film), 78
Gwathmey, Robert, 125, 198
Hall Branch, Chicago Public Library, 24, 25–26, 25, 30, 36n22, 193
Hammons, David, 17, 134, 152–53, 153, 155
Hampton Institute, 32–34, 143–44, 156n16
Hansberry, Lorraine, 83n33
Harlem Renaissance, 192, 196
Harriet (White; cat. 83), 135, 183, pl. 96
Harris Hall Gallery (USC), 200
Harsh, Vivian G., 25, 30, 193
Harvest (White), 131, 132
Harvest Talk (White; cat. 45), 43–44; 108, pl. 42; 128; 199
Headlines (White; cat. 20), 65, pl. 20
Hear This (White; cat. 13), 61, pl. 14
Henry, John, 43; 65, pl. 19
Heritage Gallery, 45, 127, 131, 150, 150, 202
Hernández, Judithe, 150–51, 151, 154
High Museum of Art, 136, 157n76, 205
Hills, Patricia, 83n19 history and black history
in Chicago, 25
Contribution of the Negro to Democracy in America and, 33
White’s interest and understanding of, 21–23, 142–44
White’s murals and, 24–25
History of the Negro Press, The (White), 24, 28–29, 28, 32, 36n35, 194
Hoeckner, Carl, 41, 47n11
Hollywood Jazz: 1945 to 1972 (Wyatt), 153, 157n67
Hollywood Ten, 127–28, 197
Holy Trinity with Virgin (Twitchell), 154
Homage to Attica (White), 204
Homage to Sterling Brown (White), 135–36, 135
Hope (White), 199
Hope for the Future (White; cat. 23), 95, pl. 24; 197
Hope Imprisoned (White), 197
Horowitz, Benjamin, 127, 138n20, 138n24
House of the Turtle (Biggers), 144, 144
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 47n22, 197, 199
Howard University, 194, 206
Huebler, Douglas, 135
Hughes, Langston
1938 lecture by, 25–26
Art Students League and, 195
Committee for the Negro in the Arts and, 83n33, 147
Committee for the Negro in the Arts and, 128
Don’t You Want to Be Free?, 194
Pictorial History of the Negro in America, A (Hughes and Meltzer), 214
Portrait of Langston Hughes (White), 25–26, 25
Sweet Flypaper of Life, The (DeCarava and Hughes), 87, 212
Hugo Gellert Anniversary Committee, 200
Hull-House Settlement House, 47n11, 47n14, 194
I am the Negro Woman (Catlett), 82
I Had a Dream (White), 202
I Have a Dream (White), 124, 124, 132, 136, 138n6, 138n43, 202, 205
I Have Seen Black Hands (White), 132–33, 133
Illinois Art Project (IAP), WPA, 24–30, 41, 42, 193–94. See also murals
Images of Dignity: The Drawings of Charles White (White), 16, 203
Ingram, Rosa Lee, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81
Ingram Case, The (White), 78, 79
Injustice Case (Hammons), 153, 153
International Workers Order (IWO), 195, 196
Internationale Buchkunst-Ausstellung (International Exhibition of Book Arts), 201
“Is There a Black Esthetic?” (lecture, White), 204
It Takes All Kinds (television series), 136
I’ve Been ‘Buked and I’ve Been Scorned (White; cat. 52), 69–70; 114, pl. 50
J’Accuse series (White), 130–34, 133, 149
J’Accuse #1 (White; cat. 64), 131; 153; 168, pl. 80
J’Accuse #2 (White), 131
J’Accuse #4 (White), 133
J’Accuse #5 (White), 130–31
J’Accuse #6 (White; cat. 65), 131; 133; 149; 169, pl. 81
J’Accuse #7 (White; cat. 66), 130; 170, pl. 82
J’Accuse #8 (White), 131
J’Accuse #9 (White), 131
J’Accuse #10 (Negro Woman) (White; cat. 67), 131; 133; 149; 171, pl. 83; 202
J’Accuse #11 (White), 130–31, 133
J’Accuse #17 (White), 133
Jackson, Mahalia, 70; 113, pl. 49
Jackson, Suzanne, 130
James, Erica Moiah, 131
James Nelson Raymond Lecture Fund, 193
Jefferson School of Social Science, 198
Jett, Ruth, 78
Jewish organizations and Jewish experience, 131–32, 200, 202
John Brown ([1938] White; cat. 3), 52, pl. 4; 100, pl. 32; 198
John Brown ([1949] White; cat. 32), 100, pl. 32
John Henry or Worker (White), 43; 65, pl. 19
Johns, Jasper, 136
Jones, Claudia, 77
Jones, Kellie, 124–25, 138n10
Journal of Negro History, 25
Joy of Life (Matisse), 19
Juba (White), 132
Kanemitsu, Mike, 127, 138n24
Keller, Charles, 47n23
Kennedy, John F., 201, 202
Kennedy, Robert F., 203
Kent, Rockwell, 93n13, 197, 197
Khrushchev, Nikita, 123
Kidnapped and the Ransomed, The (Pickard), 34
Kimmel, Marjorie Cameron Parsons, 126
Kindred Spirits: African Artists in Diaspora (Harvard University seminar), 204–5
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 123–24, 128, 201, 202, 203
Kitchenette Debutantes (White; cat. 7), 24; 51, pl. 3; 71
Kollwitz, Käthe, 39, 47n1
Kooning, Willem de, 71, 71
Korean War, 198
Krauss, Rosalind, 17–19, 71
Ku Klux Klan, 77, 90, 126, 202
Laborer (White), 41
laborers. See workers
Last Will and Testament (Bethune), 137
Lawrence, Jacob, 23; 89; 125; 134; 195; 196; 198; 117, pl. 55 (cat. 93)
Lead Belly (Huddie William Ledbetter), 31, 33, 33
Leadbelly (film; Parks), 205
Learning Tree, The (Parks), 83n24
Lebrun, Rico, 126, 126
LeGuin, Ursula K., 15
Let’s Walk Together (White), 199
Lewis, Norman, 83n14, 145, 196
Lewis, Samella, 125, 125, 134, 139n54, 156n16
Liberation Bookstore, 141, 156n1
Library of Congress, 34, 36n24, 143, 198
Lidov, Arthur, 194
life drawing classes, 17, 194, 200
Lincoln, Abraham, 108, pl. 42 (cat. 42); 199
Lincoln Avenue Methodist Church, 201
linoleum-block print technique, 44–45
“Lithography Notes” (White), 41
lithography techniques, 40–42, 45, 47n28
Locke, Alain, 22, 28, 36n13, 42, 192, 194
Los Angeles
black and white communities in, 124–26
Black Arts Movement and, 129–30
California Museum of Afro-American History and Culture, 137
Charles White Elementary School, 154, 157n74
Charles White Park, 206
civil rights movement and, 123–24, 128
White’s circle in, 127–28
White’s last years in, 136–37
White’s move to, 123
Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Regional Library, Exposition Park, 137
Great Day in December, A (1974), 205
groups of African American artists in, 125
Heritage Gallery, 45, 127, 131, 150, 150, 202
NAACP rally (1960), 201
Otis Art Institute, 16, 128–29, 137, 138n24, 148–54, 157n56, 206
Watts Rebellion, 128, 202
Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
“Black Artist in America, The” (lecture, White), 204
black artists and, 125
Black Arts Council lectures, 203
Charles White: A Retrospective (2019), 157n74
collection of White works, 139n52
Concerned Citizens for Black Art and, 134
White’s influence on, 130
exhibition (1971), 17
Fergerson and, 124, 138n8
Three Graphic Artists, 134, 153
Two Centuries of Black American Art, 136, 205
Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Barnsdall Park, 155, 206
Los Angeles Museum of History, Science and Art, 138n8
Los Four, 150
Love Letter I (White; cat. 80), 188, pl. 101; 204
Love Letter II (White; cat. 88), 189, pl. 102
Love Letter III (White; cat. 89), 190, pl. 103
Lowenfeld, Viktor, 143–44, 156n13, 195
Lucifer (Pollock), 18, 19
Mahalia (White; cat. 51), 70; 113, pl. 49
Makeba, Miriam, 117, pl. 57 (cat. 101); 200
Malcolm X, 128
Mallard, Amy, 76, 77, 79
Man and Armor (Lebrun), 126
Man and Woman (White), 198
Man lying on stoop (White), 87, 88
Man and Armor (Lebrun), 126
Man with Outstretched Arms (White), 201
Manet, Édouard, 71
Many Mansions (Marshall), 151, 152
March in New York (cat. 97) (White), 121, pl. 67
March in New York (cat. 99) (White), 121, pl. 69
March to outlaw anti-Semitism (White), 121, pl. 68
marriages, interracial, 125, 198
Marsh, Ethelene Gary, 82; 89; 116; pl. 53 (cat. 91); 192; 192
Marshall, Kerry James, 149, 151–52
Garden Project series, 151
Many Mansions, 151, 152
Marshall, William, 134
Martin, Mr. and Mrs. David Stone, 118, pl. 58
Mary McLeod Bethune (White), 136, 137, 155
Masses and Mainstream, 37n66, 44, 47n23, 73, 145, 198, 199, 200
Matisse, Henri
Joy of Life, 19
May Day (Fast), 198
Maynard, Robert C., 130
Maynard Prize (National Academy of Design), 204
Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Culture, 137
“McCarthyism and the Artist” (panel), 199
McDuffie, Erik S., 77, 79
McEvilley, Thomas, 17
McGee, Rosalie, 76, 77, 79
McGee, Willie, 90, 93n14
McNeil, Robert H., 81–82
“Mein Weg zur Kunst” (White), 36n4
Meltzer, Milton, 214
Méndez, Leopoldo, 45, 146
Meo, Yvonne Cole, 125
Merriam, Eve, 75–77, 79, 80, 83n27
Mesches, Arnold, 134
Mexican modernist muralists, 29
Escuela Nacional de Pintura y Escultura, 33, 156n6, 197
Taller de Gráfica Popular (TGP), 42–43, 80, 146, 197
White’s wartime plans to travel to, 33, 195
Micah (White; cat. 62), 45; 165, pl. 77
Migrants (Lewis), 125
Migration of the Negro (Lawrence), 80
military service, 156n24, 196
Miller, Dorothy, 36n24
Millman, Edward, 29, 47n14, 194
Minor, Robert, 199
Mississippi (White; cat. 84), 46; 135; 182, pl. 95
Missouri C (White; cat. 85), 46; 184; 180, pl. 97; 216
Mitchell, Bessie, 76, 77, 78, 79
Mizen Academy of Art, 193
Montgomery bus boycott, 200
Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts Black Arts Festival, 205, 206
Mooney, Tom, 131
Mora, Francisco, 146
Morgan, Stacy, 93n12
Moss, Carlton, 127
Mother (Awaiting His Return) (White; cat. 24), 66, pl. 22
Mother, The (White), 199
Mother Courage (White), 201
Mother Courage II (White), 136, 205, 217
Motley, Willard F., 21, 194
Mugnaini, Joseph, 46, 138n39
Mulzac, Una, 141
anticommunist controversies, 30
black history and, 21–23, 24–25
Christopher School, Gage Park, Chicago, 194
Contribution of the Negro to
Democracy in America and, 24, 32–35, 33
Five Great American Negroes and, 24, 26–27, 26, 32, 36n24
Hall Branch Library, Chicago, and, 25–26
History of the Negro Press, The, 24, 28–29, 28, 32, 36n35
Mary McLeod Bethune and, 136, 137
Mexican modernist muralists, 29
social-realist paradigm, sociology, and, 23–24
Struggle for Liberation and, 24, 30–32, 30, 31
White moving away from, 157n68
Wo-Chi-Ca Paul Robeson Recreation Hall, 197, 197
Murphy, Franklin, 134
Museum of Modern Art, New York, 124, 156n13, 203
Musician in Washington Square Park (White), 91; 92; 119, pl. 62 (cat. 102)
NAACP rally (1960, LA), 201
NAACP recruitment poster, 201
Nat Turner, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (White; cat. 70), 21; 35; 138n43; 149; 173, pl. 85
Natanson, Nicholas, 74
National Academy of Design, 204, 205
National Advisory Board for the National Council for Black Studies, 205
National Center of Afro-American Artists, Boston, 137
National Committee to Free the Ingram Family, 80
National Conference to Assess the State of Black Art and Letters, 204
National Council of Arts, Sciences, and Professions, 199
National Institute of Arts and Letters grant, 199
National Negro Congress, 193, 196
National Negro Labor Council, 199
Native Son No. 2 (White; cat. 14), 60, pl. 12
naturalism, 23, 42, 44, 72, 83n19, 128
Neal, George, 40, 193
Neel, Alice, 71, 197
negative/positive images, 45, 133–34
“Negro and the Arts, The” (television segment), 202
Negro Art Exhibition, Chicago, 193
Negro Artist Comes of Age, The (Albany Institute of History and Art), 196
Negro Digest, 200, 201–2, 203
“Negro Digs Up His Past, The” (Schomburg), 21, 22, 35
Negro History Week, 192; 198, 200
“Negro in Art, The” (lecture, White and Goss), 194
Negro People’s Theatre (Chicago), 194
Negro U.S.A. (White), 47n23
Negro Woman (J’Accuse #10) (White), 131; 133; 171, pl. 83
“Negro Woman, The” (Ebony), 202
Negro Woman exhibition (ACA, 1951), 72–77, 198, 198
Negro Woman series (Catlett), 82, 196
Nemeroff, Robert, 93n13
Nengudi, Senga, 125
New Masses, 27, 37n66, 44, 145, 199
New Negro, The (Locke), 22, 42, 192
New Negro Movement, 47n5
New Orleans, 142, 195, 198
New Vistas in American Art (Howard University), 201
New York
Art Students League, 33, 142–43, 156n6, 195
Carver School, 145, 146, 196, 196
city-life and street protest scenes in photography, 87–92; 121, pl. 67–69
Downtown Gallery, 195
Liberation Bookstore, Harlem, 141, 156n1
Museum of Modern Art, 124, 156n13, 203
Studio Museum, Harlem, 137
Washington Square Park, 92; 119, pl. 62
White assaulted in, 197
White’s departure from, 123
Workshop for Graphic Art, 197–98
Workshop School of Advertising and Editorial Art, 147–48
See also American Contemporary Art (ACA) Gallery
New York School of Advertising, 198
Newman, Barnett, 19
Newsstand and pedestrians (White; cat. 103), 120, pl. 65
nudes, 70–71
Oakland Museum of California, 138n6
Obrig Prize (National Academy of Design), 204
Oh, Mary, Don’t You Weep (White; cat. 53), 69–70; 115; pl. 51; 213
O’Higgins, Pablo, 146
oil-wash technique, 45, 46, 149
Olympia (Manet), 71
Open Air Art Fair (Chicago), 193
Orozco, José Clemente, 29, 146
Otis Art Institute, 16, 128–29, 137, 138n24, 148–54, 157n56, 206
Our Land (White; cat. 41), 72–74; 104, pl. 37
Our Past, Our Present, Our Future . . . ? (Countee Cullen Branch Library, Harlem), 203
Outterbridge, John, 125, 126, 130, 136
Pajaud, William, 125, 129, 153
Parker, Dorothy, 147
Parks, Gordon
American Gothic, 73, 74
friendship with White, 73–74, 86
Leadbelly (film), 205
Learning Tree, The (film), 83n24
photograph of White with Struggle for Liberation, 30, 30
portraits of White, 30, 86, 87
Segregation Story, A, 74–75, 75
Parks, Rosa, 200
Pasadena Arts Council Reception for Artists, 205
Passengers. Boblo boat (Scott), 216
“Path of a Negro Artist” (White), 22–23, 36n4, 200
Paul Robeson (Biberman), 127
Paul Robeson (Study for Contribution of the Negro to Democracy in America) (White; cat. 16), 34; 63, pl. 16
Paul Robeson Recreation Hall, Wo-Chi-Ca, 197, 197
pen-and-ink technique, 44
Philadelphia Pyramid Club, 79–80
Photo League, 86
Photographer’s Gallery, A, 87
photography and White, 85–92; 116–19, pls. 52–69
Pictorial History of the Negro in America, A (Hughes and Meltzer), 214
Pittman, John, 73
Plagens, Peter, 138n2
Poitier, Sidney, 78, 83n7, 83n33, 128, 128, 200, 206
Pollack, Peter, 26
Pollock, Jackson, 18, 19
Portfolio 6 / Charles White (Heritage Gallery), 202
Portrait of a Lady (Van der Weyden), 18, 19
Portrait of Charles White (Twitchell), 154, 155
Portrait of Langston Hughes (White; cat. 2), 25–26, 25. See also Hughes, Langston
Portrait of Tom Bradley (White), 137, 137
Powell, A. Clayton, Jr., 145
Preacher ([1940] White; cat. 8), 53, pl. 6
Preacher ([1952] White; cat. 44), 109, pl. 44; 199
printmaking techniques, 44–46 prison arts program, 204
Progressive Party Forum speech (1954), 200
Prophet No. 1, The (White), 136
Purifoy, Noah, 125
Raise Every Voice (White), 201
Raymond, Harry, 146
Refregier, Anton, 197
Reiss, Winold, 42, 192
relief print techniques, 45
Return of the Soldier (Dixie Comes to New York), The (White; cat. 28), 97, pl. 27; 146; 197
Rex Ingram, Fred O’Neal, and Georgia Burke (from Anna Lucasta) (White; cat. 56), 163, pl. 74
Richards, Beah, 77–78, 78–79, 80, 134
Richter, Gerhard, 19
Rights Marchers (White), 128, 129, 130
Ringgold, Faith, 136
Rivera, Diego, 146
Detroit Industry, 29, 29, 33
Pan-American Unity, 33
Robeson, Paul
Carver School and, 145
Committee for the Negro in the Arts and, 147
Committee for the Negro in the Arts and, 128
in Contribution of the Negro (White), 33; 33; 34; 63, pl. 16
passport revoked, 200
Paul Robeson (Biberman), 127
Solid Rock (album), 47n27
Robinson, Increase, 42
Roden, Carl, 30
Rollins, Charlemae Hill, 36n22
Romero, Frank, 150
Rosenberg, Ethel, 199
Rosenberg, Harold, 71
Rosenberg, Julius, 199
Rosenthal, Adrienne, 155
Rosenwald Fellowship, 32, 132, 142–43, 146, 156n6, 195, 196, 197
Russwurm, John Brown, 28–29
Saar, Betye, 125
Safety Savings and Loan Association High School Art Show, 201
Saint Elizabeth Catholic High School, Bronzeville, 142, 193
Saint Francis of Assisi according to Pope Nicholas V’s Vision (Zurbarán), 19
Saint Serapion (Zurbarán), 19, 19
Salem, Peter, 33, 33
Salute to Writers and Artists (Manhattan Plaza), 199
Sammy Davis Jr. (from Anna Lucasta) (White; cat. 58), 162, pl. 73
Sánchez Luján, Gilbert “Magu,” 150
Sata, Frank, 127
Scholastic Black Culture Program, 204
Schomburg, Arthur A., 21, 22, 35
Schomburg Collection of Negro Literature, History and Prints, 25, 143, 195
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 39–41, 47n5, 142, 193
Scott, Alwyn, 216
Scott-Thomas, Viola, 78
sculptures, ceramic (cats. 6869), 150, 150
Seale, Bobby, 153
Sebree, Charles, 193
Seed of Heritage (White), 138n43
Seed of Love (White; cat. 73), 134; 136; 153; 172, pl. 84; 203
segregation, 125, 198
Segregation Story, A (Parks), 74–75, 75
Self-Portrait (White; cat. 1), 39; 49, pl. 1
sex work, 71
Shahn, Ben, 127, 131
Shaping of Black America, The (Bennett), 147, 205
She Does Not Know Her Beauty (White; cat. 75), 181, pl. 94
Sherman, Cindy, 17–19
Silent Song (White), 138n6
Silvera, Frank, 78, 90
Siqueiros, David Alfaro, 29, 146
Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing, 126, 149, 202
Sketchbook (1937–42) (White; cat. 2), 39–40
African art and, 47n5
hunched-over man, 50, pl. 2
Ivory Coast sculpture, 50, pl. 2
portrait of Langston Hughes, 25–26, 25
sketch for a block print, 50, pl. 2
sketch of a laborer, 41, 41
sketch of gestures, 42, 42
woman with face in hands, 50, pl. 2
Skidmore, L. P., 196
Smalls, Robert, 148
Smith, Bessie, 72; 102, pl. 35
Smith, Ferdinand, 33, 33
Smith, Moranda, 76, 77
“sober realism,” 36n13
social realism
artists as laborers, 93n12
declining popularity of, 125
feminism and, 72–73
murals and, 23–24
photography and, 87
vs. Soviet Socialist Realism, 127
workers and, 28
sociology, 23–24, 33
Sojourner Truth and Booker T. Washington (study for Contribution of the Negro to Democracy in American) (White; cat. 18), 34; 62, pl. 15; 136
Sojourner Truth: God’s Faithful Pilgrim (Fauset), 27, 27
Sojourners for Truth and Justice, 79, 80
Soldier (White; cat. 21), 67, pl. 23
soldiers, African American, 34
Solid as a Rock (My God is Rock) (White; cat. 58), 45; 47n27; 83n6; 164, pl. 76; 201
Songs Belafonte Sings (book), 201, 201
“Soul and Art” (Black Arts Council lectures), 130, 203
Sound of Silence (White; cat. 90), 191, pl. 104
South, White’s travels through, 195
South Afrida (Weiner), 211
South Side Community Art Center, Chicago, 26, 36n24, 73, 86, 142, 194, 194, 204
Southern Christian Leadership Foundation, 124, 203, 204
Southern Oregon College, 203
Soviet Union, 44, 123, 127, 198–99
Soviet Youth Antifascist Committee, Moscow, 199
Spartacus (Fast), 43, 43, 199
Spelman College, 205
Spillers, Hortense J., 71
Spiritual (White; cat. 12), 60, pl. 11
Spirituals (White), 148, 149, 215
Stalin, Joseph, 123
Stations of the Cross (Newman), 19
Stead, Rexford, 136
Steeltown Twilight (Hoeckner), 41, 41
Sternberg, Harry, 33, 142, 156n7, 195
Still, Peter, 33, 33, 34
Street artist (White; cat. 106), 119, pl. 61
street protests, 89–90; 120, pl. 66; 121, pls. 67–69
Struggle for Freedom in the South, 123
Struggle for Liberation (White), 24; 30–32, 30, 31, 87
Study for Struggle for Liberation (White; cat. 9), 58–59, pl. 10
Studio Museum, Harlem, 137, 205
Sweatt v. Painter, 197
Sweet Flypaper of Life, The (DeCarava and Hughes), 87, 212
Talladega College arts festival, 204
Taller de Gráfica Popular, 42–43, 80, 146, 197
Talmadge, Eugene, 79
Tamarind Lithography Workshop, 45, 132, 203–4
Tanner, Henry Ossawa, 36n33
Tara, Bill, 153
television series
Black Omnibus, 204
Dialogues in Art, 127, 203
It Takes All Kinds, 136
“Negro and the Arts, The” (Speculation), 202
Tonight with Belafonte, 148
tempera techniques, 142–43
10 / Charles White (portfolio), 201
Terrell, Mary Church, 77
There Were No Crops This Year (White; cat. 10), 28; 32; 42; 42; 57, pl. 9; 194
Thirteenth Amendment commemorations, 128, 194
This, My Brother (White; cat. 15), 61, pl. 13
Thompson Patterson, Louise, 77–78, 79, 82
Three boys posing (White), 91
Three Graphic Artists (LACMA, 1971), 134
Through the Years of Poverty a Passionate Tune of Woe Was Born (White), 28
“To My Negro Sisters” (Merriam), 75–77, 80
To the Future (White), 199
tondo format, 149
Tonight with Belafonte (TV special), 148
Topchevsky, Morris, 23, 40, 47n14
Tree House (Biggers), 144, 144
Trenton Six, 77
Trenton Six (White; cat. 34), 44; 78, pl. 29; 147, 156n34, 208n53
Trumbo, Cleo, 128, 202
Trumbo, Dalton, 127–28, 197
Truth, Sojourner
“Ain’t I a Woman” speech, 75
in Contribution of the Negro (White), 33, 33
in Five Great American Negroes (White; cat. 6), 26, 26–27
General Moses and Sojourner (Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth) (White), 80, 81, 200, 200
Sojourner Truth and Booker T. Washington (study for Contribution of the Negro) (White), 34; 62, pl. 15; 136
Sojourners for Truth and Justice and, 79
Tubman, Harriet
in Contribution of the Negro (White), 33, 33
Exodus I: Black Moses (Harriet Tubman) (White), 75; 79; 106, pl. 40
on Four Took Freedom book cover, 148
General Moses (Harriet Tubman) (White; cat. 63), 35; 75; 129; 147–48; 148; 149; 167, pl. 79; 202; 213
General Moses and Sojourner (Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth) (White), 80, 81, 200, 200
Sojourners for Truth and Justice and, 79
Turner, Nat
in Contribution of the Negro (White), 33, 33, 34
Nat Turner, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (White; cat. 70), 21; 35; 138n43; 149; 173, pl. 85
Tutor/Art Program, 153
Twitchell, Kent, 154, 155, 155, 157n71
Two Alone (White; cat. 29), 96, pl. 25; 197
Two Centuries of Black American Art (LACMA), 136, 205
Uhuru (White), 130, 203
United Negro and Allied Veterans of America (UNAVA), 197
“Until the Day I Die, My Life Is Dedicated to My People” (White), 199
Untitled (Bearded Man) (White; cat. 31), 100, pl. 33 Untitled (Four Workers) (White; cat. 11), 32; 56, pl. 8
Untitled (Marshall), 16–17, 17
Untitled (Seated Woman) (White; cat. 4), 142
US Army draft, 156n24, 196
Vanguard Records Jazz Showcase, 148, 199
Vesey, Denmark, 33, 33, 34
Vision (White), 138n43
Visual and Non-Visual Art Expression (MoMA), 156n13
Viva la Revolución! (Hernández), 151
Voice of Jericho (Folksinger) (White; cat. 59), 160, pl. 71
Voting Rights Act (1965), 128, 202
Voulkos, Peter, 150
Wall, The (White), 138n43
Wanted Poster Series (White), 35, 40, 45, 46, 71, 132–34, 149
Wanted Poster Series #4 (White), 132, 132, 204
Wanted Poster Series #6 (White; cat. 74), 126; 133; 176, pl. 88; 204
Wanted Poster Series #10 (White; cat. 76), 177, pl. 89
Wanted Poster Series #11 (White; cat. 77), 45; 134; 179, pl. 91
Wanted Poster Series #11a (White; cat. 78), 45; 179, pl. 92
Wanted Poster Series #12 (White; cat. 79), 133; 134; 180, pl. 93
Wanted Poster Series #12a (White), 45, 46
Wanted Poster Series #14 (White), 133–34
Wanted Poster Series #17 (White; cat. 81), 133; 153; 178, pl. 90
War Worker (White; cat. 25), 66, pl. 21; 145–46
Ward, Theodore, 194
Warning to America (Douglas), 125, 138n7
Warshaw, Howard, 126
Washington, Booker T.
in Contribution of the Negro (White), 33, 33
in Five Great American Negroes (White; cat. 6), 26, 26–27
Sojourner Truth and Booker T. Washington (study for Contribution of the Negro) (White), 34; 62, pl. 15; 136
Washington, Fredi, 83n33
Washington, Mary Helen, 36n12, 78, 83n19, 138n3
Washington, Timothy, 17, 134
Washington Square Park, photographs of (White; cat. 102), 91–92; 91; 119, pl. 62
Watson, Dudley Crafts, 193
Watson, Ella, 74
Watts Rebellion, 128, 202
Watts Summer Festival Black Art Awards, 204
We March for Peace (White), 198
“We Will Not Be a Silent Generation” (press release), 198
Weiner, Dan, 211
Welty, Eudora, 217
Westside Jewish Community Center, 200, 202
Weyden, Rogier van der, 18, 19
White, Charles, Sr., 192
White, Charles Wilbert, 78, 199, 195
as arts coordinator, 93n13
childhood, 142–43; 192–193; 192, figs. 1–2
death and memorial jubilee, 206
on Defiant Ones set, 128
drafted into army, 156n24
on drawing as medium, 39
education commitment and legacy, 141
education of, 40, 142–44
family (c. 1966), 202
in Los Angeles, 127
marriages (see Catlett, Elizabeth; White, Frances Barrett)
Portrait of Charles White (Twitchell), 154, 155
portraits of, 86–87, 87
tuberculosis, 123, 146, 196, 197, 199, 200
work apparent in drawings of, 19
See also specific places, topics, and organizations
White, Charles, works of. See specific works by name
White, Charles Wilbert, writings of
“Art and Reality in the USSR,” 199
“Desegregation and the Richmond Story,” 204
Images of Dignity: The Drawings of Charles White, 16, 203
“Mein Weg zur Kunst,” 36n4
“Path of a Negro Artist,” 22–23, 36n4, 200
“Until the Day I Die, My Life Is Dedicated to My People,” 199
White, Frances Barrett, 202
White as arts coordinator and, 93n13
on Montgomery bus boycott, 200
moving to Los Angeles, 123
portraits of, 89; 116, pl. 52 (cat. 92)
relationship with White, 197, 198
travels, 44
Wo-Chi-Ca and, 156n27
at Woodlawn YWCA, 200
White, Ian, 202, 202
White, Jessica Frances, 202, 202
“White is Beautiful” (lecture poster), 39, 40
“White’s Magnificent People” interview (radio program), 201
Whitney Foundation Opportunity Fellowship, 200
Whitney Museum of American Art, 199, 204
William Weiner Award (Masses and Mainstream), 200
Windstown, Bessie, 81–82
Wo-Chi-Ca. See Workers Children’s Camp
Wolff crayons, 41, 44, 70
Woman I (de Kooning), 71
Woman near newsstand (White), 88, 89
Woman reading Jet magazine (White; cat. 59), 118, pl. 59
Women’s Committee for Equal Justice, 79
Wood, Grant, 73, 74, 195
Woodruff, Hale, 195, 196, 196
Woodson, Carter G., 25, 192
Work (Young Worker) (White; cat. 46), 111, pl. 47; 203
Work of Charles White: An American
Experience, The (High Museum), 136, 155, 157n76, 205, 206
Worker (White; cat. 22), 43; 65, pl. 19
American Negro Exposition and, 28
“Bronx Slave Market” and women day labors, 81–82
Fellow Workers, Won’t You March with Us (White), 28, 32, 194
Laborer (White), 41
sex work, 71
sketch of a laborer (Sketchbook, White), 41, 41
Struggle for Liberation (White) and rights of, 32
Untitled (Four Workers) (White), 32; 56, pl. 8
Workers Children’s Camp, 145; 156n27; 195, 196, 197
Workers Children’s Camp, 89
Workshop for Graphic Art, 197–98
Workshop School of Advertising and Editorial Art, 147–48, 156nn32–33
World Festival of Negro Arts, Dakar, Senegal, 202, 202
World Festival of Youth and Students for Peace (Berlin), 198
World War II, 34, 156n24, 196
WPA Federal Art Project of Illinois, 24–30, 41, 42, 193–94. See also murals
Wright, Richard, 24, 24, 90, 138n43, 193, 194
Wyatt, Richard, Jr., 17, 153–54, 154, 155, 157n65
Ye Shall Inherit the Earth (White; cat. 47), 79; 81; 112, pl. 48; 126; 199
Yes, the People (Workshop for Graphic Art), 197–98
Young Farmer (White; cat. 48), 110, pl. 45
Young Farmer (White; cat. 49), 110, pl. 46
Youth (or Cabeza) (White), 43; 47n16; 198
Zola, Émile, 131
Zorthian, Jirayr, 126
Zurbarán, Francisco de, 19, 19