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List of illustrations

  • Diletti altarpiece
  • View of Diletti chapel with Giovanni Bellini's altarpiece
  • Original destinations of Venetian altarpieces, 1450–1530
  • Saint Michael triptych
  • View of sacristy with Giovanni Bellini's triptych
  • A chronological survey of major Venetian altarpieces, 1450–1530
  • A chronological survey of major Venetian altarpieces, 1450–1530
  • Altar of Saint Peter Martyr
  • Polyptych
  • San Rocco altarpiece
  • Annunciation with Saints Augustine and Filippo Benizzi
  • Coronation of the Virgin, detail
  • Saint Peter Martyr altarpiece
  • Death of Saint Peter Martyr
  • Saint Vincent Ferrer polyptych
  • The Incredulity of Thomas, detail
  • Map of Venice with indication of principal churches on Venetian islands
  • Map of Venice with indication of principal city churches
  • View of high altar with baldachin and Pala d'Oro
  • Plan of San Marco
  • Pala d'Oro
  • Saint Leonard relief
  • Discovery of the Relics of Saint Mark
  • Montini altarpiece, detail
  • View of Cappella dei Mascoli, with altarpiece of c. 1430
  • San Giacomo di Rialto, interior
  • Apsidal mosaic from San Cipriano, Murano
  • Saint Donatus relief
  • Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, interior
  • Santi Giovanni e Paolo, interior
  • Plan of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
  • Plan of Santi Giovanni e Paolo
  • Apparition of the Crucifixes of Mount Ararat in the Church of Sant’Antonio di Castello
  • Saint Mark altarpiece
  • Saint John the Baptist
  • Saint Lucy polyptych
  • Coronation of the Virgin polyptych
  • Assumption of the Virgin ('L'Assunta'), detail
  • Chapel of Saint Tarasio
  • Tomb of Doge Pasquale Malipiero
  • Plan of San Giobbe
  • View of chancel
  • View of nave, from chancel to main entrance
  • San Giobbe altarpiece
  • View of Bernabò chapel
  • Plan of San Giovanni Crisostomo
  • Trevisan altarpiece
  • Martyrdom of Saint Christina
  • Virgin and Child with Saints and Doge Leonardo Loredan
  • Saint Stephen with Saint Augustine and Saint Nicholas of Tolentino
  • Apotheosis of Ursula and Her Companions
  • Saint John the Evangelist Appearing to Galla Placidia
  • Altarpiece of the Sacrament
  • The Calling of the Sons of Zebedee, detail
  • Saint John the Baptist altarpiece
  • Saint Ambrose altarpiece
  • Resurrection of Christ
  • Dedications of altars in Venetian churches, 1581
  • Subjects of altarpieces commissioned for Venetian churches, 1450–1530
  • Saints most commonly represented in altarpieces for Venetian churches, 1450–1530
  • Altarpieces for Venetian churches with a narrative as the main subject, 1450–1530
  • Saint Anthony of Padua altarpiece
  • Assumption of the Virgin
  • Mestre triptych
  • Adoration of the Shepherds
  • Nativity with Saints Eustace, James, Mark, and Nicholas
  • Transfigured Christ with Saints Peter and Andrew
  • Blood of the Redeemer
  • Transfiguration
  • Dragan altarpiece
  • Resurrection polyptych
  • Incredulity of Saint Thomas and Saint Magnus of Oderzo, detail
  • Saint Antoninus Altarpiece
  • Arrival of the English Ambassadors
  • The Calling of the Sons of Zebedee
  • Christ carrying the Cross
  • The Virgin and Child with Saints Christopher and John the Baptist, and Doge Giovanni Mocenigo
  • Votive Picture of Doge Agostino Barbarigo
  • Madonna of the Orange Tree
  • Resurrection polyptych, detail
  • Surviving panels from the Saint Augustine polyptych
  • Altarpieces for metropolitan Venice, 1450–1530, according to type of church
  • Altarpieces for Venetian monasteries and friaries, 1450–1530
  • Saint Veneranda altarpiece
  • San Zaccaria altarpiece
  • Baptism of Christ
  • Saint Andrew triptych
  • Saint Gotthard altarpiece
  • Adoration of the Magi in the Presence of Saint Helen
  • Valier altarpiece
  • Ca' Pesaro altarpiece
  • Triptych of the Madonna with Child and Saints (Carità triptychs)
  • Nativity Triptych (Carità triptychs)
  • Saint Sebastian Triptych (Carità triptychs)
  • Saint Lawrence Triptych (Carità triptychs)
  • Saint Catherine of Siena altarpiece
  • Santa Maria Formosa triptych
  • View of interior from the chancel to the main entrance
  • View of the Corner chapel
  • Altarpiece commissions by/for patrician families, 1450–1530
  • Priuli triptych
  • Altarpiece commissions by/for citizen families, 1450–1530
  • Plan of Santa Maria della Carità
  • Main statues of the Martini altarpiece
  • Altarpiece commissions by the Venetian Scuole Grandi, 1416–1517
  • Offering of the Relic of the Cross to the Brothers of the Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista
  • Altarpiece commissions by the Venetian Scuole Piccole, 1450–1530
  • Commissions by Venetian trade guilds, c. 1450–1530
  • Altarpiece commissions by foreign communities, 1438–1506
  • Saint Ambrose altarpiece
  • Saint Sebastian altarpiece
  • Annunciation
  • Saint Barbara polyptych
  • Former chapel of the Milanesi
  • Feast of the Rose Garlands
  • Tomb monument of Doges Marco and Agostino Barbarigo (1492–c. 1501) in Santa Maria della Carità
  • Chapel of Saint Clement
  • Saint James altarpiece
  • Saint Paul altarpiece
  • Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints and Doge Andrea Gritti as Donor
  • Zen altarpiece
  • Architectural frame of Verde della Scala altarpiece
  • Destinations of Venetian altarpieces commissioned for export, 1450–1530
  • Map of Italy
  • Virgin and the Dead Christ with the Ascension and Saints
  • Bari altarpiece
  • Central panel of Pesaro altarpiece
  • Pesaro polyptych
  • Saint Martin polyptych
  • Olera polyptych
  • Capodistria polyptych
  • Death of Saint Peter Martyr
  • Baptism
  • Pesaro altarpiece
  • Back of Cima's Incredulity of Thomas before transfer to new support
  • Diagram of carpentry of Titian's Ancona altarpiece
  • Ancona altarpiece
  • Axonometric projection of Giovanni Bellini's Coronation of the Virgin
  • Back of Certosa polyptych
  • Side view of Certosa polyptych
  • Saint John the Baptist and Saint Nicholas panels from the Certosa polyptych
  • Altar of Saint Catherine of Siena
  • Saint Nicholas altarpiece
  • Saint John the Baptist altarpiece
  • Santa Giustina altarpiece
  • Study for a polytypch (recto)
  • Design for an altarpiece
  • Design for an altarpiece
  • Design for an altarpiece
  • Prices paid for Venetian altarpieces, 1450–1530
  • Prices paid for Venetian altarpieces, 1450–1530: sculpture
  • Cesena altarpiece
  • Saint Erasmus altarpiece
  • Colleoni Martinengo Altarpiece
  • Polyptych
  • Reconstruction of pentaptych by Dirk Bouts
  • The Annunciation
  • Resurrection
  • Certosa polyptych
  • Polyptych of the Adoration and Saints
  • Coronation polyptych
  • Polyptych of the Annunciation (Lion Polyptych)
  • Coronation polyptych
  • Saint Lucy altarpiece
  • Annalena altarpiece
  • The Investiture of Saint Peter Martyr
  • Saint John the Baptist in a Niche
  • Lamentation
  • Annunciation
  • Four Fathers of the Church triptych
  • Reconstruction of triptych by Filippo Lippi
  • Saint Jerome triptych
  • Morosini polyptych
  • Morosini polyptych
  • Saint Mark altarpiece, detail
  • A Bishop Saint, perhaps Saint Augustine (fragment of Santa Giustina altarpiece)
  • Polyptych
  • Reconstruction of Donatello's Santo altarpiece
  • View of high altar with sculptures by Donatello (1446–c. 1450)
  • View of Ovetari chapel
  • San Zeno triptych
  • Reconstruction of Gattamelata triptych by Jacopo, Gentile and Giovanni Bellini
  • Saint Anthony Abbot and Saint Bernardino of Siena
  • Lamentation
  • Three Saints in Niches
  • Panels from the Carità triptychs in a modern Renaissance-style frame
  • Transfiguration
  • Altar of Saint Vincent Ferrer, with polyptych by Giovanni Bellini
  • Saint Catherine of Siena altarpiece
  • Photographic reconstruction of Bellini's Saint Catherine of Siena altarpiece in its frame
  • Naples altarpiece
  • Coronation of the Virgin
  • Reconstruction of Marco Zoppo's Pesaro altarpiece
  • Coronation polyptych
  • Tomb of Doge Pietro Mocenigo
  • Tomb of Doge Niccolò Marcello
  • Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints
  • Madonna and Child with Nicholas of Bari, Anastasia (?), Ursula, Dominikus, and Helena
  • Reconstruction of Antonello's San Cassiano altarpiece
  • Modification of Wilde's reconstruction of the San Cassiano altarpiece
  • Saint Sebastian (left wing of San Giuliano triptych)
  • Melzi d'Eril polyptych
  • Veli LoÅ¡inj altarpiece
  • Photographic reconstruction of Giovanni Bellini's San Giobbe altarpiece in its original frame
  • San Giobbe altarpiece, detail
  • Tabernacle of the Sacrament
  • Treviso altarpiece
  • Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints
  • Belluno altarpiece
  • San Cristoforo altarpiece
  • Conegliano altarpiece
  • Ex-Scuola di San Marco, façade
  • Altar of Saint John the Baptist with Cima's altarpiece
  • Madonna of the Orange Tree, detail
  • Parma altarpiece
  • Boldú altarpiece
  • Tomb of Doge Andrea Vendramin
  • Montefiorentino polyptych
  • Frari triptych
  • Ca' Bernardo triptych
  • Polyptych
  • Resurrection of Christ
  • Former Zorzi chapel
  • Former Fioccardo chapel
  • Assumption of the Virgin
  • Pentecost polyptych
  • Assumption of the Virgin
  • Assumption polyptych
  • Lamentation over the Dead Christ with Saints Francis and Bernardine of Siena
  • San Giovanni in Bragora, interior
  • Resurrection of Christ
  • Constantine and Helena
  • Tomb of Giovanni Mocenigo
  • San Zaccaria altarpiece, detail
  • San Zaccaria altarpiece in its frame
  • Montini altarpiece
  • Saint Thomas Aquinas Enthroned with Saint Mark and Saint Louis of Toulouse
  • Castelfranco altarpiece
  • Castelfranco altarpiece, detail
  • San Giovanni Crisostomo altarpiece
  • Diletti altarpiece, detail
  • Saint Mark altarpiece
  • Reconstruction of the first version of Titian's Saint Nicholas altarpiece
  • Saint Christina altarpiece
  • Zerman altarpiece
  • View of presbytery with altarpiece
  • San Niccolò altarpiece
  • Graziani altar with Giovanni Bellini's Baptism
  • Baptism of Christ
  • Lamentation
  • Nativity
  • The Incredulity of Thomas
  • Incredulity of Saint Thomas and Saint Magnus of Oderzo
  • Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
  • Agony in the Garden
  • Former Sanudo altar, with frame for Vittore Carpaccio's Presentation
  • Former Foscari altar, with frame for Marco Basaiti's Agony in the Garden
  • Calling of the Sons of Zebedee
  • Crucifixion and Apotheosis of the Ten Thousand Martyrs
  • Assumption of the Virgin
  • The Assumption of the Virgin
  • Barcaiuoli altarpiece
  • San Giuliano altarpiece
  • Feast of the Rose Garlands, detail
  • The Distribution of Rosaries
  • Drawing for the Adoration of the Trinity
  • Coronation of Saint Catherine of Siena
  • Saint Catherine of Siena altarpiece, detail
  • Saint Anne altarpiece
  • Santi Giovanni e Paolo altarpiece
  • Pietà with Saints Lawrence and Bellinus
  • Polyptych
  • View of Martini chapel, with altarpiece by Antonio Rossellino
  • Martini altarpiece
  • Design for an altar with three niches containing sculpture
  • Former Corbelli altar
  • Saint Jerome
  • Statues from Colleoni altarpiece
  • Saint Jerome altarpiece
  • Nativity
  • View of Gussoni chapel and altarpiece
  • Gussoni altarpiece
  • Surian altarpiece
  • Coronation of the Virgin
  • Resurrected Christ
  • Saint Augustine in His Study
  • Statues of the Zen altarpiece
  • Reconstruction of Antonio Lombardo's original project (1504) for the Zen altarpiece
  • San Sepolcro altarpiece
  • Interior view, with high altarpiece in main apse
  • San Geminiano altarpiece
  • Chapel of the Sacrament
  • Trevisan altarpiece, detail
  • Saint Marina
  • San Salvatore, interior
  • High altar
  • Annunciation
  • Adoration of the Shepherds
  • Adoration of the Magi
  • Emiliani chapel, interior
  • Assumption of the Virgin ('L'Assunta')
  • View of chancel with Titian's Assunta
  • Choir-screen, with view of high altar beyond
  • Sketch for an Assumption of the Virgin
  • View of altar of the Immaculate Conception with Titian's altarpiece and (to the right) of the Emiliani chapel
  • Reconstruction of Titian's first plan for the Ca' Pesaro altarpiece
  • Reconstruction of Titian's second plan for the Ca' Pesaro altarpiece
  • Ca' Pesaro altarpiece, detail
  • Madonna di Foligno
  • Saint Nicholas altarpiece
  • Titian's Saint Nicholas altarpiece
  • Annunciation
  • Malchiostro chapel, with Titian's Annunciation
  • Annunciation
  • Death of Saint Peter Martyr
Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
~~IT IS NOW MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS since I first became involved with Venetian altarpieces, and during that time I have benefited from the help and advice of many friends and colleagues. I recall with particular gratitude conversations held in the earlier stages of my research with Howard Burns, the late Felton Gibbons, Paul Hills, Julia...
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
Index of Tables
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
~~In his will dated 13 July 1494 the Venetian merchant Giorgio Diletti declared his wish to found a burial chapel in the parish church of S. Giovanni Crisostomo. The chapel was to be dedicated to Sts Jerome, Christopher and Louis;...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.1-18

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Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
Part One
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
~~According to the diarist Marin Sanudo, writing in 1493, the churches scattered throughout the city of Venice and the...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.21-55

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Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
~~Probably to a greater extent than any of the other main genres of Italian Renaissance painting, the altarpiece lends itself to being discussed in terms of function. By definition, every altarpiece served as the visual complement to an altar, itself an eminently functional object. It is reasonable, therefore, to assume that far from...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.57-85

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Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
~~The commission of an altarpiece from the workshop of a Venetian artist cannot properly be described as an act of art patronage, if this term is considered to be synonymous with mecenatismo, the kind of long-term and discerning promotion of the arts by personalities such as Lorenzo the Magnificent in Florence, or Isabella...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.87-135

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Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
In April 1513 the painter Cima committed himself to painting a polyptych for the church of S. Anna in Capodistria...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.137-160

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Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
Part Two
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
~~In 1450 Antonio and Bartolomeo Vivarini signed their polyptych painted for the high altar of the Carthusian monastic church of S. Gerolamo alla Certosa, outside Bologna (App. 1; Pl. 144). According...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.163-193

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Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
~~The visit to Venice undertaken by Antonello da Messina in 1475–6 has always been seen as marking a turning-point in the history of Venetian painting. Traditionally the importance was equated simply with the introduction of the oil medium: thus...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.195-229

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Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
~~According to Albrecht Dürer, who arrived in Venice in 1505 to paint the Feast of the Rosegarlands for the altar of the local Scuola dei Tedeschi, Giovanni Bellini was at that time ‘very old, but still the best in painting’.Letter to...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.231-271

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Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
~~Always outnumbered by painted altarpieces in a ratio of perhaps ten to one, altarpieces consisting of sculpture were...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.273-299

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Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
~~The succession of altarpieces painted by Titian in the decade after Bellini’s death, from...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.301-317

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Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
~The following entries are intended to provide additional factual and bibliographical information on the 100 works listed in Table 2 (pp. 8–9). The round figure of 100 has been chosen to stress the highly selective nature of the list which includes, in addition to major masterpieces of the period, a number of characteristic...
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
Photograph Credits
PublisherYale University Press
The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice
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