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Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
Selected Bibliography
PublisherDallas Museum of Art
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Selected Bibliography
Archives of American Art, reel 4,390. GOK to COK, June 10, 1959.
Archives of American Art, reel 4,390. GOK to COK, June 15, 1957.
Archives of American Art, reel 4,390. Undated letters, GOK to COK, c. late 1940s.
Archives of American Art. Laurie Lisle interview with Catherine O’Keeffe Klenert. Tape 1, side A.
Archives of American Art. Robert Schroeder to Richard York, December 12, 2001. Ida O’Keeffe files. Richard York Gallery Records.
“An Art Sisterhood.” Art Digest 7, no. 13 (April 1, 1933): 27.
“Variety Marks Triple Shows at the Argent.” Art Digest 14, no. 15 (May 1, 1940): 11.
“Women in Forty-sixth Annual Reveal a Natural Flair for the Decorative.” Art Digest 11, no. 9 (February 1, 1937): 7.
Arthur H. Aufses Jr. MD Archives. New York: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
Athens College. Catalog: Athens College. Athens, GA, March 1936.
Barber, Sherry. “The Times They Had at ‘Old Murphy.’” This Week in Whittier 1, no. 10 (December 29, 1983): 8–9.
Becker, Hortense Koller. “Carl Koller and Cocaine.” Psychoanalytic Quarterly 32 (1963): 309–373.
Belk Library, Special Collections, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC. “Guide to the Valle Crucis Mission School Collection, 1905–1983.”
Bell, Gracia. “Versatility Shown in Varied Career.” [Whittier] Star Reporter, August 26, 1954.
Black, William. Chatham Hall: A History of Excellence. Charleston: History Press, 2014.
Brady, Frank. “The Bexar Facts.” San Antonio Light, January 28, 1939.
Brennan, Marcia. “Alfred Stieglitz and Paul Rosenfeld: An Aesthetics of Intimacy.” History of Photography 23, no. 1 (Spring 1999): 73–81.
Brock, Charles. “A Sympathetic Order.” In Modern Art and America: Alfred Stieglitz and His New York Galleries, edited by Sarah Greenough. New York and Washington, DC: Little, Brown and National Gallery of Art, 2000, 370 and n. 29.
Bulletin of the Williamsburg Female Institute. Catalogue for Session 1909–1910. “Student Aid Fund.”
Burrows, Carlyle. “Notes and Comment on Events in Art.” New York Herald Tribune, January 24, 1937. IOK Papers.
Cape Cod Highland Lighthouse 1857.
Charlotte News. “America Tired of French Art, Avows Teacher: Miss Ida Ten Eyck O’Keefe [sic], Art Teacher, Here from Her Valle Crucis Studio.” June 4, 1935.
Chatham Episcopal Institute. The Iris. Chatham Episcopal Institute, 1907–1908. Chatham Hall Archives.
Clifford, Geraldine J. “‘Daughters into Teachers’: Educational and Demographic Influences on the Transformation of Teaching into ‘Women’s Work’ in America.” In Women Who Taught: Perspectives on the History of Women and Teaching, edited by Alison Prentice and Marjorie R. Theobald, 115–135. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991.
Collins, Georgia and Renee Sandell. Women, Art, and Education. Reston: National Art Education Association, 1984.
“New Instructor Talented Artist: Miss Ida Ten Eyck O’Keefe [sic] Comes of Distinguished Family.” Co-No [Cortland Normal School] Press, February 24, 1937.
Corn, Wanda M. “Apostles of the New American Art: Waldo Frank and Paul Rosenfeld.” Arts Magazine 54 (February 1980): 159–163.
Didascaleion (yearbook). Cortland State Normal School. New York, 1937.
Cowart, Jack, Juan Hamilton, and Sarah Greenough. Georgia O’Keeffe: Art and Letters. Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1987.
Davidson, Martha. “The Art of Three Hundred Women.” Art News (January 30, 1937): 12.
Densmore, Frances. “Chippewa Music—II.” Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 53. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1913.
Devree. Howard. “A Family of Artists.” New York Times, February 28, 1933.
–––. “A Reviewers Notebook: Brief Comment on Some of the Recently Opened Shows—Old Masters and Moderns.” New York Times, April 28, 1940.
Drohojowska-Philp, Hunter. Full Bloom: The Art and Life of Georgia O’Keeffe. New York: W. W. Norton, 2004.
Efland, Arthur D. A History of Art Education: Intellectual and Social Currents in Teaching the Visual Arts. New York and London: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1990.
Eisler, Benita. O’Keeffe and Stieglitz: An American Romance. New York: Doubleday, 1991.
Eldredge, Charles C. Georgia O’Keeffe: American and Modern. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1996.
Fahlman, Betsy. “Arnold Rönnebeck and Alfred Stieglitz: Remembering the Hill.” History of Photography 20, no. 4 (1996): 304–311.
Frick Collection. Frick Art Reference Library Archives. College Art Association of America records. Artist file: Ida O’Keeffe. Newspaper clipping, unknown source (handwritten pencil notation date: March 30, 1933).
Garabedian, Mike, and Rebecca Rund. Images of America: Whittier. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2016.
Grasso, Linda M. Equal under the Sky: Georgia O’Keeffe and Twentieth-Century Feminism. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2017.
Greenough, Sarah E. “From the American Earth: Alfred Stieglitz’s Photographs of Apples.” Art Journal 41, no. 1 (Spring 1981): 46–54.
Greenough, Sarah E., ed. Modern Art and America: Alfred Stieglitz and His New York Galleries. New York and Washington, DC: Little, Brown and National Gallery of Art, 2000.
Gustafson, Donna. A Parallel Presence: National Association of Women Artists, 1889–2009. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University, Zimmerli Art Museum, 2009. Exhibition brochure.
Harris, Vivian. “Miss O’Keeffe, Artist, Illustrates Own Books of Folk Lore.” Athens College. Crow’s Nest, February 15, 1936. IOK Papers.
Harvard University Summer School of Arts and Sciences and of Education. “Announcement of Courses.” Tercentenary Session, 1636–1936. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
“Here’s Whole List of Whittier’s County Fair Winners.” Clipping. IOK Papers.
Hilbert, Margaret Caldwell (class of 1920). “Nobody Asked You to Come.” Mount Sinai Alumnae News (Spring 1998): 3–5.
Jewell, Edward Alden. “Scolding ‘Moderns’ a Bit: So Many Young Artists Seem to Be Following Leads of Fashion—Several Exhibitions.” New York Times, December 25, 1927.
–––. “Another O’Keeffe Emerges.” New York Times, March 29, 1933.
Jordan, Harry. “Forum: Gallery Reflections.” Whittier News, March 30, 1946.
Karell, Docia. “Artist Inspired by Our Hills, Frightened by Our Violence.” Springfield Leader, August 31, 1938.
Keller, A. W. “Newsletter from Pembroke State College for Indians: New Art Professor.” Robesonian. Lumberton, NC, December 4, 1942.
Kelm, Bonnie G. and Ann C. Madonia, eds. Georgia O’Keeffe in Williamsburg: A Re-Creation of the Artist’s First Public Exhibition in the South. Williamsburg, VA: Muscarelle Museum of Art, College of William and Mary, 2001.
Kittredge, Henry C. Cape Cod: Its People and Their History. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1930.
Klein, Peter Michael. Sun Prairie’s People: Part I; Shadows and Dreams. Sun Prairie, WI: Sun Prairie Historical Library and Museum, 1993.
Lane, James W. “New York Scene.” Art News 40 (April 1941): 33.
Lisle, Laurie. Portrait of an Artist: A Biography of Georgia O’Keeffe. New York: Washington Square Press, an imprint of Simon and Schuster, 1981.
“Notice of Death of Claudia O’Keeffe and Petition to Administer Estate No. P693197.” Los Angeles Daily Journal. Clipping. Claudia O’Keeffe file. ASA YCAL.
Los Angeles Times, January 13, 1946. Clipping. IOK Papers.
Lynes, Barbara Buhler. Georgia O’Keeffe: Catalogue Raisonné, vol. 1. Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1999.
Madonia, Ann C. “The O’Keeffe Affair.” In Georgia O’Keeffe in Williamsburg: A Re-Creation of the Artist’s First Public Exhibition in the South. Williamsburg, VA: Muscarelle Museum of Art, College of William and Mary, 2001.
Marlor, Clark S. The Salons of America: 1922–1936. Madison, CT: Sound View Press, 1991.
Martin, Charles J. and Arthur C. Henry. “Notes on Permanent Painting.” Teachers College Record 25, no. 1 (1924).
McClure, Guy. “Fame Once Removed: Georgia O’Keeffe’s Sisterly Connection to Athens: Ida O’Keeffe Served on the Faculty of Athens State University during Its Lean Years.” Athenian. Athens State University newspaper (April 2009): 20.
Millier, Arthur. “The Arts: The Art Thrill of Last Week.” Los Angeles Times, April 16, 1939.
“Sun Prairie Native Writes Pageant of Early Badger Life: Ida O’Keeffe’s Drama Recalls Story of Bird Family, Pioneer Settlers.” Milwaukee Journal (handwritten date: September 1932).
“Group of Monotypes Make an Exhibition at Fine Arts Museum.” Montgomery Advertiser, August 2, 1936.
Morris, LoVerne. “Whittier Woman Champions Art of Originality, Individuality.” Whittier News, June 14, 1956.
Morro, Clément. “Exposition de la Ligue Artistique des Etats du Sud à Houston: Mlle Ida Ten Eyck O’Keefe [sic].” La Revue Moderne Illustrée des Arts et de la Vie 36, no. 18 (September 30, 1936): 15–16.
“School Boards Name Instructor for Art Classes: Miss O’Keefe [sic] Has Wide Training and Experience.” Mount Holly Herald, December 20, 1940. Clipping. IOK Papers.
National Archives, Washington, DC. 1939; Arrival: New York, New York; microfilm serial: T715, 1897– 1957; microfilm roll 6,427; line 4; page 174. Records of the US Customs Service, record group 36.
“An Exhibition by Ida O’Keeffe.” New York Herald Tribune, April 2, 1933.
“A New O’Keeffe Gets Notice in the Art World: Ida, Georgia’s Sister, Offers Exhibit at the Argent and Recalls Her Three Others.” New York Herald Tribune, April 24, 1940.
“Teachers College Students Exhibit Their Work.” New York Times, May 18, 1916.
“New Morton Gallery Opens.” New York Times, October 13, 1931.
“The Week in New York: A Roster of New Exhibitions.” New York Times, October 23, 1932.
“Buys Little-Known Art: Mrs. J. D. Rockefeller Jr. Gets Nine Works from Exhibition.” New York Times, April 19, 1934.
“Salons Exhibitions to Close.” New York Times, May 5, 1934.
New York Times, February 26, 1939. Clipping. IOK Papers.
New York Times, September 22, 1940. Clipping. IOK Papers.
“Nine Works of Art Acquired by Mrs. John D. Rockefeller Jr.” New York Tribune, April 19, 1934.
Nowak, Janie Brown. The Forty-seven Hundred: The Story of the Mount Sinai Hospital School of Nursing. Canaan, NH: Phoenix Publishing, 1981.
O’Keeffe, Georgia. Georgia O’Keeffe. New York: Viking Press, 1976.
O’Keeffe, Ida Ten Eyck [no byline]. “Burdensome Quarters.” [Charlottesville] Daily Progress, July 26, 1912.
O’Keeffe, Ida Ten Eyck. “When ‘Tis Spring.” Winsted Evening Citizen, May 22, 1925.
O’Keeffe, Ida Ten Eyck (as told to her by James A. Aldredge). “Plenty o’ Game.” American Rifleman 83, no. 12 (December 1935): 26–27, 33.
O’Keeffe, Ida Ten Eyck. “Monotypes.” Prints 7, no. 5 (June 1937): 258–267.
O’Keeffe, Ida Ten Eyck. Scrapbook. IOK Papers.
Our Lady of the Lake College. College Catalog, 1938–1939.
Oxendine, Clifton. “Pembroke State College for Indians: Historical Sketch.” North Carolina Historical Review 22, no. 1 (January 1945): 22–33.
M. P. “The Art Galleries.” New Yorker, January 7, 1928.
“Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees,” September 16, 1941. Pembroke State College for Indians. University of North Carolina–Pembroke, Mary Livermore Library.
“Art Exhibit This Week at Local Library: Collection of Prints and Monotypes, the Work of Miss Ida O’Keeffe.” Portage Register Democrat, April 26, 1932.
Reid, Anne Mae (Cook). “Eleven Years at Valle Crucis School: Memories of Anna Mae (Cook) Reid. Written July 8, 1992.” Unpublished typewritten manuscript.
Reily, Nancy Hopkins. Georgia O’Keeffe: A Private Friendship, Part 1; Walking the Sun Prairie Land. Santa Fe: Sunstone Press, 2007.
“Pembroke State College Adds Four New Teachers.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC], September 8, 1941.
“Indian Culture and Possibilities Seen in Pembroke Fair Exhibits.” Robesonian, October 24, 1941.
“Pembroke Students Paint Large Mural.” Robesonian, January 26, 1942.
“Pembroke News.” Robesonian, April 3, 1942.
“Beautiful Mural Painting in Pembroke Church: The Ascension Painted by Fine Arts Class of College.” Robesonian, May 29, 1942.
Robinson, Roxana. Georgia O’Keeffe: A Life. New York: Harper and Row, 1989.
Rouse, Park. “Old Virginia: Educational Opportunity for Women.” [Newport News, VA] Daily Press, November 26, 1995.
Rudnick, Lois Palken, ed. The Suppressed Memoirs of Mabel Dodge Luhan: Sex, Syphilis, and Psychoanalysis in the Making of Modern American Culture. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2012.
Russell, James Earl, ed. “College News and Departmental Notes: Fine Arts.” Teachers College Record 21, no. 1 (1920): 485–508.
Rutter, Bernice. “Sun Prairie Sisters’ Art Exhibited Here: Ida Ten Eyck and Catherine Klenert Show Painting [sic] Prints at Wheeler Conservatory.” Wisconsin State Journal, January 22, 1933.
“Famous Artist Thrilled by Latin American Color and Native Beauty of San Antonio and Texas.” San Antonio Evening News, September 13, 1938.
“Witte Museum to Exhibit Etchings and Monotypes.” San Antonio Evening News, October 15, 1938. OLLU scrapbook.
“Mural Paintings Are Being Displayed at Lady of Lake College.” San Antonio Evening News, July 11, 1939. Clipping. OLLU scrapbook.
“Two Late Afternoon Art Classes Offered.” San Antonio Express, September 29, 1938.
“Exhibit of Art Starts Sunday: Miss O’Keefe [sic] Will Display Works at Witte Museum.” San Antonio Express, October 16, 1938.
“Daughters of American Revolution Hold Meeting Thursday.” San Antonio Express, December 10, 1939.
“Arts Club Exhibit to Start at Museum October 26.” San Antonio Light, September 12, 1938.
Schramm, Vicki. “Whittier Art Association and Gallery: Background Information,” April 27, 2016. Unpublished manuscript.
Smith, Lillian M., ed. The Red Oak of 1941. Mount Holly High School. Mount Holly, NJ.
Southwest Missouri State Teachers College. 1934 Ozark O. Yearbook, vol. 22 (1934).
Southwest Missouri State Teachers College. Bulletin of the Southwest Missouri State Teachers College, Supplement to Catalogue and Schedule of Classes 33, no. 2 (April 1938).
“Fine Exhibition Sponsored by Art Department to Be Held Next Week.” Southwest Standard, October 6, 1933.
“11 Faculty Members with Foresight Are ‘Far from Madding Crowd.’” Southwest Standard, June 3, 1938.
Southwest Standard, June 24, 1938.
Springfield Art Museum. Report of the Chairman of Hanging Committee. Madge Evans. May 1933–May 1934. Springfield Art Museum Archives.
Springfield Art Museum. Board meeting minutes. September 1933. Springfield Art Museum Archives.
“New Exhibit at Museum.” Springfield Leader, April 23, 1933.
“Tale of Cruel Barbara Ellen—Part of Our Ozarks Heritage.” Sunday News and Leader, September 11, 1938.
“Miss O’Keefe [sic], Instructor in Charge of Social for Mary Bonner Club.” Tattler [Our Lady of the Lake College], December 21, 1938.
“Fine Arts: New Types of Work Shown at Annual Exhibit.” Teachers College Record 26, no. 4 (September 1915): 88.
“O’Keefe [sic] to Teach.” Texan, September 22, 1938.
United States Federal Census, Provo. 1940; Census Place: New York, New York; microfilm roll m-t0627–02656; page 15A; Enumeration District: 31–1366.
University of Oregon. Oregon State System of Higher Education Bulletin: University of Oregon Catalog, 1937–1938 (Carnegie Art Scholarships): 71.
Upton, Melville. New York Sun, January 22, 1937.
Vaughan, Malcolm. New York American, January 23, 1937.
“Site Chosen for Seminary.” Virginia Gazette, April 13, 1907.
Wagner, Ann Prentice. “‘Living on Paper’: Georgia O’Keeffe and the Culture of Drawing and Watercolor in the Stieglitz Circle.” PhD diss. University of Maryland, 2005.
Walton, R. L. “Williamsburg, VA.” Presbyterian of the South, June 23, 1909.
Whelan, Richard. Alfred Stieglitz: A Biography. Boston: Little, Brown, 1995.
Whittier Art Association guest book.
Whittier Art Association Archives.
Whittier, California, City Directory. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Directory Co., 1944.
“Plane Plant Transport Plan Mapped: Rail Commission Lays Routes for Extensions to Douglas and NAA.” Whittier News, May 22, 1942.
“Defense Bus Route Revised: Increased Use Causes Additional Daily Trips.” Whittier News, May 25, 1942.
“The Whittier Women’s Club Is Fortunate in Having Miss O’Keeffe as Director of the Art Division.” Whittier News, June 1, 1944.
“Oil Paintings Picture Pico Mansion before Start of Restoration.” Whittier News, June 2, 1944.
“Paintings by Miss Ida Ten Eyck O’Keeffe Are Shown at Whittier Women’s Clubhouse.” Whittier News, May 18, 1946.
“Local Artist Gives VFW Post Historic Painting.” Whittier News, November 6, 1959.
“Ida O’Keeffe Exhibits with Philippa Mansur at Painter St. [sic] Gallery.” Whittier Reporter, March 7, 1946.
“Artist Talks on Abstract: Public Is Invited.” Whittier Reporter, March 18, 1946.
“Famed Artist Exhibits Locally.” Whittier Reporter, May 20, 1946.
Williams, William Carlos. The Autobiography of William Carlos Williams. New York: New Directions, 1967.
Williamsburg Female Institute. “Student Aid Fund.” Bulletin of the Williamsburg Female Institute. Catalogue for Session 1909–1910.
Wilson, Edmund. “Paul Rosenfeld: Three Phases: Portrait of a Humanist Man of Letters.” Commentary, February 1, 1948.
Selected Bibliography
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