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List of illustrations

  • The Mortar-Board, yearbook illustration
  • Ida O’Keeffe with basketball
  • Miss Ida O’Keeffe
  • Ida O’Keeffe
  • Alfred Stieglitz standing on the porch, Lake George
  • Arnold Rönnebeck
  • Katherine Herzig (standing), Ida O’Keeffe, Georgia O’Keeffe, and Alfred Stieglitz on the veranda of the Hill, Lake George
  • Paul Rosenfeld
  • Aquarium
  • Shell No. 2
  • Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1: Portrait of the Artist's Mother
  • Architectural detail at the Hill, Lake George
  • Untitled
  • Untitled Study #1
  • Untitled Landscape Study—Version 2 (Cape Cod)
  • Postcard of Highland Light, North Truro, Massachusetts
  • Black White and Blue
  • Still from Creative Design in Painting
  • Variation on a Lighthouse Theme VI, verso
  • My Egypt
  • Variation on a Lighthouse Theme II, diagram of dynamic symmetry
  • Variation on a Lighthouse Theme III, diagram of dynamic symmetry
  • Variation on a Lighthouse Theme IV, diagram of dynamic symmetry
  • Variation on a Lighthouse Theme V, diagram of dynamic symmetry
  • Variation on a Lighthouse Theme VI, diagram of dynamic symmetry
  • Variation on a Lighthouse Theme VII, diagram of dynamic symmetry
  • Ida Ten Eyck O’Keeffe, Delphic Studios, March 27–April 9, 1933
  • Mt. Washington
  • Cover of edition of Forest Indians
  • Cover of edition of Forest Indians
  • Ida O’Keeffe, possibly in Valle Crucis, North Carolina
  • Photograph of Evening, made by Ida Ten Eyck O’Keeffe
  • Photograph of Ida Ten Eyck O’Keeffe’s Surrealist figural painting, Flame of Life
  • Ida O’Keeffe with her nephew in Havana, Cuba
  • Mora [sic] Castle
  • White Roses
  • Flowers (Gardenias in a Pitcher)
  • County Seat
  • Ida O’Keeffe’s apartment, 605 Earlham Drive, Whittier, California
  • Ida O’Keeffe’s house, 234 South Painter Avenue, Whittier, California
  • Ida O’Keeffe seated on the back patio of her home in Whittier, California
  • Whittier Art Galleries
  • New Mexico Landscape
  • Photograph of unlocated Black Lilies
  • Whittier News clipping with Ida O’Keeffe at the Whittier Art Gallery
  • Untitled (Ida O’Keeffe)
  • Untitled (Ida O’Keeffe)
  • Ida O’Keeffe with Rifle and Squirrel
  • Georgia O'Keeffe and Ida O'Keeffe at Lake George
  • Ida O’Keeffe (at Lake George with Arms Up)
  • Ida O’Keeffe
  • Ida O’Keeffe
  • Ida O’Keeffe
  • Ida O’Keeffe
  • Crow’s Feather and Apple
  • Ida and Georgia O’Keeffe (recto)
  • Ida and Georgia O’Keeffe, Lake George
  • Still Life (Still Life with Fruit)
  • Peach-Blown Vase
  • Sea-Shells
  • Three Figures by the Ocean, York, Maine
  • Study for Variation on a Lighthouse Theme II
  • Variation on a Lighthouse Theme II
  • Variation on a Lighthouse Theme III
  • Variation on a Lighthouse Theme IV
  • Variation on a Lighthouse Theme V
  • Variation on a Lighthouse Theme VI
  • Variation on a Lighthouse Theme VII
  • Toad Stool
  • Cherokee Pipe
  • Royal Oak of Tennessee
  • Tulips
  • Whirl of Life
  • Creation
  • Ozark Lime Kiln
  • Star Gazing in Texas
  • Young Banana Plant
  • Black Lilies
  • Portrait of a Banana Tree
  • Untitled
  • Before Morn
  • Birds of Passage
  • Islands
  • Fish
  • Corn
  • Evening
  • Mora [sic] Castle
  • The Oregon Coast
  • Untitled
  • Flight
Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
Lenders to the Exhibition
PublisherDallas Museum of Art
Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
PublisherDallas Museum of Art
Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
Director’s Foreword
PublisherDallas Museum of Art
Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
Resurrecting the life and art of Ida Ten Eyck O’Keeffe has been a multiyear process that has relied on the support and generous inclinations of many institutions and individuals...
PublisherDallas Museum of Art
Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
In the last months of Ida Ten Eyck O’Keeffe’s life in 1961, this harsh, clinical assessment is how Georgia O’Keeffe summed up—and devalued—the existence of the younger sister...
PublisherDallas Museum of Art
Related print edition pages: pp.13-13

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Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
Ida Ten Eyck O’Keeffe entered the world on October 23, 1889, the third of seven children to be born to Francis Calyxtus O’Keeffe...
PublisherDallas Museum of Art
Related print edition pages: pp.15-47

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Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
The Highland Light at North Truro on Cape Cod has stood as the key landmark on the northeastern curve of the peninsula since the construction of the original building in colonial times...
PublisherDallas Museum of Art
Related print edition pages: pp.49-55

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Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
A seminal book on art theory, The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry by Jay Hambidge (1867–1924), was published in 1926...
PublisherDallas Museum of Art
Related print edition pages: pp.56-59

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Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
Ida’s acceptance into Columbia just a month in advance of the stock market crash and the arrival of the Great Depression was probably fortuitous...
PublisherDallas Museum of Art
Related print edition pages: pp.61-104

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Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
PublisherDallas Museum of Art

Access to this content is only available to subscribers. If you are at an institution that currently subscribes to the A&AePortal, please login to your VPN before accessing the site. If you have already purchased an individual subscription, please sign in to your account to access the content. Learn more about subscriptions.

Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
Ida O’Keeffe: A Chronology
PublisherDallas Museum of Art
Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
Exhibition History
PublisherDallas Museum of Art
Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
Selected Bibliography
PublisherDallas Museum of Art
Description: Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
Illustration and Copyright Credits
PublisherDallas Museum of Art
Ida O’Keeffe: Escaping Georgia’s Shadow
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