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Darrel Sewell (Editor)
Description: Thomas Eakins
Index of Illustrated Works by Thomas Eakins
Darrel Sewell (Editor)
PublisherPhiladelphia Museum of Art
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Index of Illustrated Works by Thomas Eakins
Actress, An (Portrait of Suzanne Santje), pl. 231
Agnew Clinic, The, pl. 175, fig. 159
Study for, fig. 196
Anatomical Casts, pl. 53, fig. 71
Antiquated Music (Portrait of Sarah Sagehorn Frishmuth), pl. 224, fig. 163
Arcadia, pl. 119, fig. 128 (detail)
Arcadian, An, fig. 129 (detail)
Artist and His Father Hunting Reed Birds, The, fig. 141
Artist’s Wife and His Setter Dog, The, pl. 158
Baby at Play, pl. 18
Baseball Players Practicing, pl. 14
[Beech Tree at Avondale, Pennsylvania], pl. 106
Between Rounds, pl. 215, fig. 178 (detail)
Biglin Brothers Turning the Stake-Boat, The, pl. 6
Perspective Drawing for, fig. 66
Biglin, John in a Single Scull (oil), pl. 7
Biglin, John in a Single Scull (watercolor, 1873), fig. 67
Biglin, John in a Single Scull (watercolor, 1873–74), pl. 8
[Black Man], pl. 110
Brinton, Dr. John H., Portrait of, pl. 17, fig. 158
Brinton, Sarah Ward (Mrs. John H. Brinton), Portrait of, pl. 44
[Cat], pl. 104
Cello Player, The, pl. 206
Chess Players, The, 1876, pl. 19, figs. 1, 85
Perspective Drawing for, fig. 9
Champion Single Sculls, The (Max Schmitt in a Single Scull), pl. 1, fig. 37
Chase, William Merritt, Portrait of, fig. 195
[Comparative Analyses of Anatomical Photographs], pls. 130, 131
Concert Singer, The, pl. 192
Continental Army Crossing the Delaware, The, pl. 199
Cook, Maud, Portrait of, pl. 205
Cook, Weda. See Concert Singer, The
[Cook, Weda, in Classical Costume in Eakins’s Chestnut Street Studio], pl. 180
[Cook Cousins in Classical Costume in Eakins’s Chestnut Street Studio], pl. 179
Courtship, The, fig. 90
[Cowboy and Dog at the B-T Ranch], pl. 161
[Cowboy on Horseback in the Dakota Territory], pl. 163
[Cowboy Playing Harmonica], p. xxxiv
Cowboy Singing, details: figs. 189, 190
[Cowboy Sitting at the B-T Ranch], pl. 162
Cowboys in the Bad Lands, pl. 164
[Cowperthwait, Eliza], pls. 97, 98
Crowell, Elizabeth, at the Piano. See Elizabeth at the Piano
Crowell, Elizabeth, with a Dog, pl. 9
[Crowell, Frances, and Four of Her Children at Avondale, Pennsylvania], pl. 194
Crowell, Kathrin. See Kathrin
[Crowell, William, Family], p. xxxvii
[Crowell, William J., and His Daughter Ella], pl. 57
[Crowell Children at Avondale, Pennsylvania], pl. 111. See also [Two Crowell Children]
[Crowell Family at Avondale, Pennsylvania], pls. 108, 109
Crucifixion, The, pl. 54, fig. 95
[Cushing, Frank Hamilton, in Zuni Costume], pls. 201, 202
Cushing, Frank Hamilton, Portrait of, pl. 203, fig. 164
Da Costa, Dr. Jacob Mendez, Portrait of, fig. 207
Dancing Lesson, The (Negro Boy Dancing), pl. 45, fig. 79
[Differential-Action Studies], pls. 156, 157, p. xxxvii
Drawing for “The Spelling Bee at Angel’s,” Scribner’s Monthly, engraving after, p. xxx
Drawing the Seine, pl. 87, details: figs. 10810
[Eakins, Benjamin], pl. 94
Eakins, Benjamin, Portrait of. See Writing Master, The
Eakins, Caroline, p. xxxiii
[Eakins, Caroline, in an Empire Dress], pls. 66, 67
[Eakins, Margaret, and Elizabeth Macdowell at Manasquan, New Jersey], pl. 61
[Eakins, Margaret, and Friends at Manasquan, New Jersey], pl. 60
[Eakins, Margaret, and Harry], pls. 55, 56, 58
[Eakins, Margaret, and Harry at Manasquan, New Jersey], p. xxxii
Eakins, Margaret, in a Skating Costume, Portrait of, p. xxvii
[Eakins, Susan Macdowell], pl. 236
[Eakins, Susan Macdowell, Nude, with Billy], pl. 197
Eakins, Susan Macdowell, Portrait of (Mrs. Thomas Eakins), pl. 216, fig. 161
[Eakins, Susan Macdowell, with a Monkey and Two Cats], pl. 221
Eakins, Thomas. See Self-Portrait
[Eakins Family and Harry at Gloucester, New Jersey], pl. 75, fig. 118
[Eakins Family and Harry at Gloucester, New Jersey], fig. 119
Elder, Archbishop William Henry, Portrait of, pl. 227
Elizabeth at the Piano, pl. 13, fig. 162
Fairman Rogers Four-in-Hand, The. See May Morning in the Park, A
[Female Nude at the Art Students’ League of Philadelphia], pl. 171
[Female Nude at the University of Pennsylvania], pl. 150
[Female Nude in Eakins’s Chestnut Street Studio], pl. 178
Fifty Years Ago (Young Girl Meditating), pl. 43, fig. 77
Figure Study: Two Knees, c. 1863–66, fig. 15
Frishmuth, Sarah Sagehorn, Portrait of. See Antiquated Music
[Geese at Gloucester, New Jersey], pls. 79, 80
Girl in a Big Hat (Portrait of Lilian Hammitt), p. xxxv
Gross Clinic, The, pl. 16
Sketch for, pl. 15
Gross, Samuel D., Study of, fig. 201
Grouse, fig. 138
Grubb, General E. Burd, Portrait of, fig. 200
Hall, Douglass Morgan, Portrait of, pl. 174
Hammitt, Lilian, Portrait of. See Girl in a Big Hat
[Harrison, Margaret, Posing for “Singing a Pathetic Song’’], pl. 62, fig. 99
Hennig, Rudolf. See Cello Player, The
[Hogs and Chickens at the B-T Ranch], pl. 160
[Holmes, George W.], pl. 95
Home Ranch, pl. 191
Home Scene, pl. 5
Homespun, pl. 90, fig. 93
Horse Skeleton, pl. 46
Illustrated Letter, p. xxv (detail)
In Grandmother’s Time, fig. 83
Jordan, Letitia Wilson, Portrait of, pl. 172
Kathrin, p. xxviii, fig. 170 (detail)
Kenton, Louis N., Portrait of. See Thinker, The
[Kershaw, Jennie Dean], pls. 208, 209
Kershaw, Jennie Dean, Portrait of, pl. 210
Knitting, pl. 93, figs. 97, 206
Kurtz, William B., Portrait of, pl. 228
Lady with a Setter Dog, Portrait of. See Artist’s Wife and His Setter Dog, The
Lee, Ashury W., Portrait of, pl. 235
Lewis, J. Harry, Portrait of, fig. 199
Lewis, Lucy, Portrait of, pl. 204
[Linton, Frank B. A.], pl. 232
Linton, Frank B. A., Portrait of, pl. 233
[Macdowell, Elizaheth, and Susan Macdowell in Empire Dresses], pl. 65
[Macdowell, Elizaheth, in an Empire Dress], pl. 64
[Macdowell, Susan, and Crowell Children at Avondale, Pennsylvania], pl. 107
[Macdowell, Susan Hannah], pl. 100
[Macdowell, Susan, Nude], pls. 114, 115
[Macdowell, William H.], pls. 102, 103
Macdowell, William H., Portrait of(c. 1890), fig. 184 (detail)
Macdowell, William H., Portrait of(c. 1891), pl. 193
Macdowell, William H., Portrait of(c. 1904), pl. 237
[Male Nude, Possihly Bill Duckett, at the Art Students’ League of Philadelphia], pl. 170
[Male Nudes Boxing], pl. 146
[Male Nudes in a Seated Tug-of-War], pl. 145
Map of Switzerland, fig. 2
Marks, Professor William D., Portrait of, fig. 157
Martinelli, Sehastiano Cardinal, Portrait of, pl. 226
May Morning in the Park, A (The Fairman Rogers Four-in-Hand), pl. 51, figs. 56, 69; details: figs. 127, 143, 181
Models of Horses for, pls. 4750
Squared Compositional Study for, fig. 57
Study for, fig. 174 (detail)
Meadows, Gloucester, The, pl. 88
Measured Drawings of a Gunning Skiff, Oar, and Pushing Pole, fig. 14
Mechanical Drawing: Three Spirals, fig. 12
Mending the Net, pl. 85, fig. 125; details: figs. 114, 122–24, 169, 176, 191
Miller, Leslie W., Portrait of, pl. 225, fig. 167
Morrison, Harrison S., Portrait of, pl. 207
[Motion Study: Female Nude Walking], pl. 151
[Motion Study: George Reynolds, Nude, Pole-Vaulting], pl. 155
[Motion Study: History of a Jump] (albumen print), p. xxxiii
[Motion Study: History of a Jump] (digital inkjet print), pl. 153, fig. 209
[Motion Study: Male Nude Leaping], pl. 154
[Motion Study: Male Nude Running], pl. 152
[Murray, Samuel], pl. 181
[Murray, Samuel, Nude, in Eakins’s Chestnut Street Studio], pl. 177
Murray, Samuel, Portrait of, pl. 173
[Murray, Samuel, Sculpting a Bust of Frank J St. John in the Chestnut Street Studio], pl. 223
[Murray, Samuel, with His Bust of Franklin Louis Schenck in the Chestnut Street Studio], p. xxxvi
Ohoe Player, The (Portrait of Dr. Benjamin Sharp), pl. 230
Odgen, Rohert C., Portrait of, p. xxxix
Old-Fashioned Dress, The (Portrait of Helen Montanverde Parker), pl. 240
Opening of the Fight, The, pl. 200
Pair-Oared Shell, The, pl. 4, fig. 46; details: figs. 168, 172, 179, 188
Perspective Drawings for, pls. 2, 3, fig. 8
Parker, Helen Montanverde, Portrait of. See Old-Fashioned Dress, The
Pathetic Song, The. See Singing a Pathetic Song
Pastoral, pl. 120, fig. 96
Perspective Drawing: The Icosahedron,
[Plaster Model of Clinker for an Equestrian Relief of General Grant], pl. 198
Professionals at Rehearsal, pl. 121
Pushing for Rail, pl. 11, fig. 68
Rail Shooting on the Delaware [Will Shuster and Blackman Going Shooting for Rail], fig. 175 (detail)
Rowland, Professor Henry A., Portrait of, pl. 211, figs. 160, 208
Rush, William, and His Model (1908), pl. 239, fig. 61 (detail), fig. 76
Rush, William, Carving His Allegorical Figure of the Schuylkill River (1876–77), pl. 41, figs. 55, 81
Drawing after, fig. 82
Models for, pls. 3337
Sketches for, pls. 2027
Studies for, pls. 2832, 3840
Rush, William, Carving His Allegorical Figure of the Schuylkill River (1908), pl. 238, fig. 75
[Sailhoats on the New Jersey Shore], pl. 68
Sailhoats Racing on the Delaware, pl. 10; details: figs. 126, 183, 192, 193
Salutat, pl. 214, figs. 186, 187
Santje, Suzanne, Portrait of. See Actress, An
Scene in a Cathedral (Study), fig. 177 (detail)
[Schenck, Franklin, at the Art Students’ League of Philadelphia], pl. 167
Schmitt, Max, in a Single Scull. See Champion Single Sculls, The
Schmitt, Max, in a Single Scull, Sketch of, fig. 171 (detail)
Self-Portrait, pl. 229, frontispiece
[Setter], pl. 105
Seventy Years Ago, pl. 42, fig. 78
[Shad Fishermen Hauling the Net at Gloucester, New Jersey], pl. 69
[Shad Fishermen Hauling the Net with a Capstan at Gloucester, New Jersey] pl. 86, fig. 107
[Shad Fishermen Setting the Net at Gloucester, New Jersey], pl. 71, figs. 101, 115 (detail)
[Shad Fishermen Setting the Net at Gloucester, New Jersey], pl. 73
[Shad Fishermen Setting the Net at Gloucester, New Jersey], pl. 74, figs. 103, 105 (detail)
Shad Fishing at Gloucester on the Delaware River (Ball State University Museum of Art), pl. 72, figs. 102, 146; details: figs. 111, 112, 116, 173, 185, 194
Shad Fishing at Gloucester on the Delaware River (Philadelphia Museum of Art), pl. 76, figs. 104, 147; details: figs. 106, 117, 120, 121
Sharp, Dr. Benjamin, Portrait of. See Ohoe Player, The
Ships and Sailhoats on the Delaware, fig. 180
[Shoreline of the Delaware River at Gloucester, New Jersey], pl.70
Singing a Pathetic Song, pl. 63
[Harrison, Margaret, Posing for “Singing a Pathetic Song”], pl. 62, fig. 99
Spinner, The (A Sketch), fig. 89
Spinning (bronze), pl. 92, figs. 98, 205
Spinning (watercolor), pl. 91, fig. 91
Spinning: Study, fig. 92
Starting Out after Rail, pl. 12, cover/jacket
Street Scene in Seville, A, fig. 32
Study, A (Retrospection), fig. 94
Study of a Nude Man, fig. 23
Study of Seated Nude Woman Wearing a Mask, p. xv, figs. 16, 65
Swimming, pl. 149, figs. 70, 130; details: figs. 13135, 182
Taking the Count, pl. 213
Tanner, Henry Ossawa, Portrait of, pl. 212
The Thinker (Portrait of Louis N. Kenton), pl. 220, fig. 165
[Three Fishermen Mending Nets at Gloucester, New Jersey], pl. 77
[Tree and Capstan at Gloucester, New Jersey], pl. 83, fig. 113
[Two Crowell Children and Billy at Avondale, Pennsylvania], pl. 195
[Two Crowell Children, Frances Crowell, and Margaret Eakins on a Rooftop], pl. 81
[Two Crowell Children, Margaret Eakins, and Frances Crowell on a Rooftop], pl. 82
[Two Female Students in Classical Costume in Eakins’s Studio], pl. 127
[Two Fishermen Mending Nets at Gloucester, New Jersey], pl. 78
[Two Men Under a Tree at Gloucester, New Jersey], pl. 84
[Two Women in Classical Costume in Eakins’s Studio], pl. 126
[Van Buren, Amelia C.], pls. 187, 188
Van Buren, Amelia C., Portrait of, pl. 190
[Van Buren, Amelia C, with a Cat], pl. 186
[Wallace, John Laurie, Nude], fig. 151
[Wallace, John Laurie, Nude, Playing Pipes], pls. 116, 117
[Whitman, Walt] (platinum print), pl. 183, fig. 145
[Whitman, Walt] (half-tone), fig. 156
[Whitman, Walt] (photogravure), fig. 157
Whitman, Walt, Portrait of, pl. 165
William Rush. See Rush, William
[Williams, Mary Adeline], pl. 219
Williams, Mary Adeline, Portrait of (1899), pl. 217
Williams, Mary Adeline, Portrait of (c. 1900), pl. 218
[Woman in a Laced-Bodice Dress in Eakins’s Studio], pl. 124
[Woman in a Laced-Bodice Dress, with Setter, in Eakins’s Studio], pl. 125
[Woman on Horseback at the B-T Ranch], pl. 159
[Wrestlers], p. xxxviii
Writing Master, The (Portrait of Benjamin Eakins), pl. 96, fig. 3
Index of Illustrated Works by Thomas Eakins
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