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List of illustrations

  • Self/Portrait@80
  • Child's Play 1
  • 36 Photographs and 12 Diagrams
  • Untitled
  • Exercise from School Mathematics Study Group
  • Alfaville, Godard's Apocalypse
  • Philadelphia Labyrinth
  • Quotation Piece: There is a Labyrinth
  • Rules of Inference
  • Dama
  • Jew
  • Portrait of Eva Hesse
  • Portrait of Duchamp
  • Portrait of Dan Flavin
  • monument for V. Tatlin
  • Still of Jack Palance in Le Mépris (Contempt)
  • Still of Monica Vitti in L'Avventura (The Adventure)
  • Still of Jason Robards in A Thousand Clowns
  • 3
  • Study for Double Solid Based on Cantor's Paradox
  • Cantor's Paradox (Double)
  • Untitled (Study for 3-Way Fibonacci Progression)
  • 3-Way Fibonacci Progression
  • Untitled (Child's Play!: Study for 7-Part Progression)
  • Child's Play 1
  • Project: Room-Block
  • Project: Floor Labyrinth
  • Project: Seven Tiers
  • Project: Forced Perspective
  • Portrait of Eva Hesse
  • Portrait of Sol LeWitt
  • Portrait of Robert Smithson
  • Self/Portrait
  • Minimal Art—The Movie
  • Cause and Effect
  • Working Drawings and Other Visible Things on Paper Not Necessarily Meant to Be Viewed as Art
  • Working Drawings and Other Visible Things on Paper Not Necessarily Meant to Be Viewed as Art
  • Four Sets: Rotations and Reversals
  • (N+1) Center Sets
  • Projected Plan for 42 Photographs Tri-Axial Rotation of a Cube
  • Untitled (Study for Isomorphic Circles)
  • Study for Photo Piece (One Point Perspective)
  • Tracing (Surface Deformation): Recrumpled
  • Pounce Drawing
  • Proposal for Wall Piece: Grids
  • Proposal for Wall Piece: Smudge
  • Superimposed Grids (Blue)
  • Jasper's Dilemma
  • Singer Notes
  • Singer Notes (Sheet 2)
  • Singer Notes (Sheet 43)
  • 8 1/2" × 11"
  • 8" Measurement
  • Measurement: 180 Degrees
  • Measurement Standards (page 3)
  • 48" Standards (#1)
  • Measurement Standards (pages 5, 9, 15, 29, 33, 37)
  • Measurement Standards (pages 17, 21, 25, 41, 45, 49)
  • Measurement: Wall
  • Circle with 2 Measurements (By Formula)
  • A Study for Theory of Boundaries; #1–4
  • Counting (Rocks)
  • No Vantage Point: Eye-Level Crossection of Room
  • Theory of Painting (Part One)
  • Theory of Painting (Part Two)
  • Theory of Painting (Part Three)
  • Theory of Painting (Part Four)
  • Counting: 4 Rotations
  • Random Numbers #1
  • Notecards…
  • Notecards…
  • Language Is Not Transparent
  • Language Is Not Transparent
  • Eye Level: Estimated/Measured
  • Eye-Level Cross-Section (Estimated and Measured)
  • Continuous/Dis/Continuous
  • Wittgenstein Illustrations
  • Counting Alternatives: Second Reading (Rotations)
  • Counting Alternatives: Second Reading (Rotations)
  • Counting Alternatives: Second Reading (Rotations)
  • Counting Alternatives: Second Reading (Rotations)
  • Counting Alternatives: Second Reading (Rotations)
  • Fourth Range
  • Study for To Count: Transitive
  • Counting: Transitive (1–4)
  • Rules of Inference
  • Five by Four
  • Ten to 10 (Zones)
  • Three, Five, Four
  • Antecedent
  • Planar Arc
  • Four Shapes
  • Two Planar Arcs
  • Skeleton (Vertical)
  • Vertigo
  • Split Infinity
  • Perspective Insert
  • Measurement: 1" to 12"
  • Measurement: 1" to 12" (Color), detail
  • Yiskor (For the Jews of Rome)
  • Yiskor (For the Jews of Rome)
  • Counting: Intransitive (Red and Black)
  • Remarks on Color
  • Measurement 12" (Gray)
  • Measurement: 12" × 12" × 12"
  • Counting: 4 Rotations (Continuous #2)
  • Self-Portrait (After Chardin)
  • Wrap: Portrait of Eva Hesse
  • Blah, Blah, Blah
  • Blah, Blah, Blah
  • Blah, Blah, Blah
  • Oh Well
  • Working Drawing for Oh Well
  • Oh Well
  • Babble
  • Sputter
  • Jew (Study)
  • Jew
  • Don't Hold Your Breath
  • Exasperate
  • Blah, Blah, Blah
  • Blah Blah Blah
  • Ha Ha Ha
  • Ha Ha Ha
  • I Forget What I Forgot
  • Language Is Not Transparent (Babel)
  • Hesse Page, Judd Page, Scientific American (1), and LeWitt Page
  • Untitled (Study for Cantor's Paradox)
  • Study for Atoll
  • Smudge
  • Do I Have To Draw You A Picture?
Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
For nearly sixty years, Mel Bochner’s art has taken many forms, including drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, installation, and books. Of these, drawing—as concept, process, object—has been fundamental to his practice, yet no museum exhibition has focused exclusively on this essential medium. Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective is the first to use...
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
Many people were instrumental in making the exhibition and catalogue Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective. I am indebted first and foremost to Mel Bochner, who not only critically influenced the project’s development and execution but also has welcomed Art Institute curators into his studio and home over the years, showing his personal collection of drawings and sharing his...
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
Mel Bochner’s Child’s Play 1 (fig. 1) is an irregular polyhedron made up of two-cubic-inch blocks of wood, the grain of which is visible through an uneven layer of black paint. The modest scale, humble materials, and...
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.13-27

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Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
Works on paper? Or drawings? Mel Bochner’s work poses many questions, only some of which I can touch on here. But even this simple, almost trivial, classificatory dilemma exposes a diffculty about how and whether to rationalize an experience that is part of the essential content of the artist’s oeuvre. What, fundamentally, are we looking at? What are we talking about? Can the looking...
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.29-39

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Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.42-173

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Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
Four Texts on Drawing
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
In the fall of 1966, the director of the School of Visual Arts gallery in New York invited me, a young art history instructor at the school, to curate a “Christmas” exhibition of drawings by contemporary artists. My original idea was to organize an exhibition on the theme of “working drawings.” Unlike a sketch, with its projected reference to a final visual form, a working...
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.177-178

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Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
This exhibition brings together drawings by a variety of artists. Some are painters, some make three-dimensional works, some are not easily classified. All of these artists find a use for drawings, even though in much recent art drawing has been held in disrepute. The reason for this disrepute is probably due to the autographic nature of previous drawing, or the questionable notion of drawing as...
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.179-180

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Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
Drawing couples a directness of means with an ease of revision. This gives thought and feeling a direct access to visibility. The tools are simple . . . something to make a mark, an eraser, a sheet of paper. Each material has a particular quality, the choice of which gives a drawing its “color.” Charcoal is dry and burnt, pastel is thick and luminous, Conté crayon is crisp and...
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.183-183

Access to this content is only available to subscribers. If you are at an institution that currently subscribes to the A&AePortal, please login to your VPN before accessing the site. If you have already purchased an individual subscription, please sign in to your account to access the content. Learn more about subscriptions.

Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
In the spring of 1970, the Jewish Museum opened Using Walls, the first museum survey to explore the phenomenon of artworks drawn directly on the wall. Included in the exhibition were Sol LeWitt, Robert Ryman, Lawrence Weiner, Richard Tuttle, Daniel Buren, and myself. At the opening of the exhibition, I happened to overhear a young painter say, “I still don’t get it, why...
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Related print edition pages: pp.185-187

Access to this content is only available to subscribers. If you are at an institution that currently subscribes to the A&AePortal, please login to your VPN before accessing the site. If you have already purchased an individual subscription, please sign in to your account to access the content. Learn more about subscriptions.

Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
Checklist of Works
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
Selected Bibliography
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Description: Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
Photography Credits
PublisherArt Institute of Chicago
Mel Bochner Drawings: A Retrospective
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