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List of illustrations

  • Father Time
  • Uinta Range, Colorado—Canon of Lodore
  • Canon of Lodore, Green River
  • "Karnak," Montezuma Range, Nevada
  • Karnak, Montezuma Range, Nevada
  • Karnac. Salle hypostyle. Mur du Nord. Face extérieure No1
  • Karnac. Salle hypostyle. Mur du Nord. Face extérieure No3
  • Mount card for "Karnak," Montezuma Range, Nevada, detail
  • Précis de cette guerre
  • Prise de Pensacola
  • Cartes particulieres des concessions faires par l'Angleterre à la France et à l'Espagne par le Traité de 1783
  • Précis du traité de paix
  • The Old North
  • The Minute Man at Concord Bridge. (Daniel C. French, Sculptor.)
  • Broadsheet advertising for the Exhibition of arms and Trophies, in Behalf of the Metropolitan Fair
  • Invitation, card and ticket for the 1865 Fenian Brotherhood Annual Ball
  • John Malcom
  • The Bostonian's [sic] Paying the Excise-Man, or Tarring & Feathering
  • A New Method of Macarony Making, as practiced at Boston in North America
  • Tearing Down the Leaden Statue of George III, on Bowling Green, New York, to Celebrate the Signing of the Declaration of Independence
  • Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant Standing by a Tree in Front of a Tent, Cold Harbor, VA
  • Lieutenant-General Grant at His Head-Quarters
  • Sherman and His Generals
  • General U.S.T. Sherman and Staff
  • Sherman and His Generals
  • Brigadier-General George A. Custer
  • Page from Collier's Weekly
  • Page from L'Illustration
  • Page from Collier's Weekly
  • Pages from L'Illustration
  • Pages from Collier's Weekly
  • Pages from L'Illustration
  • Pages from Life Magazine
  • Japanese War, Army Recruits and Training (reverse)
  • Spanish Village
  • Table of contents from Life magazine, detail
  • Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1: Portrait of the Artist's Mother
  • Whistler and His Mother
  • The View of Whistler's Mother
  • The Last Days of Childhood
  • Portrait of the Artist's Mother
  • United States postage stamp
  • Cameo No.1 (Mother and Child)
  • À la conquête du monde
  • William S. Hart in Two-Gun Bill pose
  • Illustration from Bonjour cinéma
  • Advertisement for iTunes
  • Goethe facing a grave monument (Goethe vor einem Grabmal mit weiblicher Büste)
  • The Magic Lantern Show
  • The Silhouette, Ghost of the Modern Photograph, Again a Fad
  • Page from a woodcut novel
  • Illustration for dust jacket
  • African Phantasy: Awakening
  • Interpretation of Harlem Jazz I
  • Charleston
  • Song of the Towers
  • Endless Conundrum, An African Anonymous Adventuress, detail
Description: Circulation
Table of Contents
PublisherTerra Foundation for American Art
Description: Circulation
Art history finds one origin in the conservation and transmission of precious objects worth guarding against loss or theft, worth displaying, moving and removing, selling or ceding sometimes ...
PublisherTerra Foundation for American Art
Related print edition pages: pp.10-39

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Description: Circulation
Shortly after the American Revolution, the engraver to the Comte d’Artois, Nicolas Ponce (1746–1831), and the royal engraver François Godefroy (1743–1819) published the Recueil d’estampes représentant les différents événemens [sic] de la guerre, qui a procuré l’indépendance...
PublisherTerra Foundation for American Art
Related print edition pages: pp.42-75

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Description: Circulation
Between the Civil War and World War II the illustrated press in America gradually came to use photography as a news medium. This major development in visual information was the outcome not simply of technical advances enabling recording of the visible with a minimum of human...
PublisherTerra Foundation for American Art
Related print edition pages: pp.78-111

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Description: Circulation
Late in the month of October 1871, Maggie, a model for James McNeill Whistler (1834–1903), fell ill and told the artist she could not sit for the portrait he intended to make of her. The weather being too bad for him to continue working outdoors on the Thames landscapes project he had recently started, Whistler, who was then living in Chelsea with his mother, asked her to pose for...
PublisherTerra Foundation for American Art
Related print edition pages: pp.114-143

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Description: Circulation
As an art of moving images, cinema depends on circulation, movement. This is both literal—even mechanical, as the filmstrip moves through camera first and then the projector—and metaphorical ...
PublisherTerra Foundation for American Art
Related print edition pages: pp.146-177

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Description: Circulation
Silhouettes confront us in our daily encounters with new digital media, advertisements, computer games, and films. They appear in the outline of company logos on smartphones and iPads, and on movie posters and advertisements in global urban environments. They remind us of the iconic Bat-Signal in the DC Comics series and the silhouetted credit sequences by Maurice...
PublisherTerra Foundation for American Art
Related print edition pages: pp.180-216

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Description: Circulation
Photography Credits
PublisherTerra Foundation for American Art
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