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List of illustrations

  • Portrait of Fath Khan, son of Malik Ambar
  • The Captive Slave
  • Bust of an African Woman
  • Prince Dèjatch Alámayou and Captain Speedy
  • Uncle Tom and Little Eva
  • The Wake
  • Koo-Koo, or Actor-Boy
  • Portrait of a Black Woman (Portrait d'une négresse)
  • Portrait of a Man, probably Francis Barber
  • Head of a Black Man
  • Facial angles
  • Ethnic types (I. Spaniard. 2. Dutchman. 3. Moor. 4. Virginian)
  • Espèces. Blanche; Nègre Eboë; Orang. (Singe)
  • Facial angles
  • A Meeting of Connoisseurs
  • Wilson, the black model
  • Wilson, the black model
  • Wilson, the black model, seen from behind
  • A Negro Overpowering a Buffalo - A Fact Which Occurred in America, 1809
  • Study for "Revolt of Cairo"
  • Bonaparte Haranguing the Army before the Battle of the Pyramids, July 21, 1798, detail
  • Boxers
  • Mameluke Soldier Holding a Lance
  • Study of a Model
  • Head of a Black Man Wearing a Turban
  • Portrait of a Negro
  • Portrait of Aspasie, the Mulatto Woman
  • Study of a Nude Black
  • Full-length study of a black model
  • Study for Empress Josephine and the Fortune-Teller
  • Portrait de la négresse Albinos
  • The Contrast
  • Der Negerkorporal
  • Seated Nubian
  • Black Boy
  • Korah Man with a Spear in a Landscape
  • Bushmen Hottentots Armed for an Expedition
  • Booshuana Women Manufacturing Earthen Ware
  • A Korah Hottentot Village on the Left Bank of the Orange River
  • Portrait of Peclu
  • Portrait of Hanacom
  • Profile view of Saartjie Baartman, the "Hottentot Venus"
  • Frontal view of Saartjie Baartman, the "Hottentot Venus"
  • Three Views of the Head of a Native, Probably a Sakalava, Madagascar
  • Lion Hunt
  • Worldly Folk Questioning Chimney Sweeps and Their Master Before Christ Church Philadelphia
  • Black Methodists Holding a Prayer Meeting
  • How do you like de Waltz, Mr. Lorenzo
  • The Art of Love
  • Master James Crow
  • Miss Jim-ima Crow
  • Jim Crow
  • Dance in a Country Tavern
  • Hanging of Freeman
  • In the Cornfield
  • Eel Spearing at Setauket
  • Study for Militia Training: Boy Dancing
  • The Power of Music
  • The Banjo Player
  • War News from Mexico
  • War News from Mexico, detail
  • A German Immigrant Inquiring His Way
  • The Toy Seller
  • The Nigger Boat Builder
  • Noir que baignait un cheval noir
  • The Sultan of Morocco and his Entourage
  • The Arab Tale-Teller
  • The Arab Tale-Teller, detail
  • The Lion Hunt
  • Prise de la smalah d'Abd-el-Kader, detail
  • The Punishment of the Hooks
  • Eastern Letter Writer
  • A Study of Five Negro Heads
  • Nubienne
  • La sultane noire
  • The Harem
  • Gala
  • Nègre du Darfour, also called Nègre de Tombouctou
  • African Venus
  • Sudanese man in Algerian costume
  • Bashi-Bazouk
  • Portrait of a Moroccan Black, perhaps Farragi
  • L'exécution de la juive
  • Danse des nègres à Tanger (Dance Scene in a Tangiers Street)
  • Black Musician
  • Study for the painting "Fellahs halant une dahbiek (Egypte)
  • Le barbier nègre à Suez
  • Bateleurs nègres dans les tribus
  • Femmes arabes en voyage, detail
  • Femmes arabes en voyage
  • Marché arabe dans la plaine de Tocria
  • Marché arabe dans la plaine de Tocria, detail
  • Markt in Kairo
  • Le prince de Joinville à une danse nègre à I'lle de Gorée (Sénégal), décembre 1842
  • Village de Diodoumé (Fleuve du Sénégal)
  • Maison desclaves à Gorée
  • A Zulu in Visiting Dress
  • Zulu Woman Making Pottery
  • Portrait of Maqoma
  • Portrait of Sandilla
  • Witch Doctor with Woman and Children
  • Reach on the Kowie River
  • Ford at Junction of Kat and Brak Rivers
  • Saltmaking on the Zambesi (Mozambique)
  • Working a Coal Seam near Tete (Mozambique) on the Lower Zambezi
  • The Battle of Blauwkrantz, 1838
  • A Zulu War Dance
  • Dance of the Matabele (Ndebele) Warriors
  • Die Zulus
  • Musizierende Kunstreiterbuben
  • Die Wilden
  • In der Tierbude
  • Death of Sardanapalus
  • Death of Sardanapalus, sketches for
  • Women of Algiers in their Apartment
  • Odalisque with a Slave
  • Women of Algiers in Their Apartment
  • Othello beside Desdemona's Corpse
  • Les amies
  • Esther Preparing Herself to Meet King Ahasuerus
  • The Beloved (The Bride)
  • Olympia
  • Slave Market, Cairo
  • Sklavenmarkt in Kairo
  • Slave Market
  • Il Ballo dell'Ape
  • Schwarzes Mädchen im Bach
  • The Black woman [Why born a slave?]
  • The Octoroon
  • Nackte Sklavin
  • L'emancipazione dalla schiavitù
  • Israel in Egypt
  • Israel in Egypt, detail
  • Israel in Egypt, detail
  • Les porteurs de mauvaises nouvelles
  • La porte du sérail: Souvenir du Caire
  • Nubian Guard
  • The Guards of the Harem
  • Death of Cleopatra
  • Les Chérifas, detail
  • The Master's Favorite
  • Harem Scene
  • The Victory of Faith
  • Les deux perles
  • Diana d'Efeso egli schiavi
  • La Gorgone e gli eroi
  • Female Model
  • The Dancing Lesson
  • A Visit From the Old Mistress
  • Dressing for the Carnival
  • The Cotton Pickers
  • Sunday Morning
  • Our Gang
  • Nearing the Issue at the Cockpit
  • Both Members of This Club
  • Under a Palm Tree
  • The Conch Divers
  • The Gulf Stream
  • Portrait of Henry Ossawa Tanner
  • Portrait of Laure (La négresse)
  • Black Woman with Peonies
  • La toilette
  • Le nègre Scipion
  • Un Othello
  • Deurwachter
  • Masques regardant un nègre bateleur
  • Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando
  • Footit et Chocolat
  • Ein Mohr, die Zeitung lesend ("Politische Studien")
  • Familiegroep
  • Düd, ein Djur
  • Konkomba Männer im Federschmuck (Nord-Togo)
  • Der Zug der Nassamaske im Lärmtanz bei den Tschamba
  • Trachten der Muntschi (Nigeria)
  • View of Herbert Ward's studio in Paris
  • The Idol Maker
  • The Fire Maker
  • Femme Foulah
  • The Mango Trees, Martinique
  • Manaò tupapaú (Spirit of the Dead Watching)
  • The Sleeping Gypsy (La Bohémienne, endormie)
  • Virgin Forest with Setting Sun−Negro attacked by a Jaguar
  • Blue Nude
  • Two Black Women
  • Photograph of Africans: Two Targui women
  • Milly Sleeping (Milly Schlafend)
  • The Three Kings
  • Der Sieger (Kriegsbeute)
  • Shilluk Warrior (Northeast Africa)
  • Cursed Be the Day Wherein I Was Born
  • Self-portrait in letter to Zapater
  • Portrait of a piebald black
  • Portrait of Queen Maria Luisa
  • Que Sacrificio
  • The Blind Guitarist
  • Black Holding Serpent
  • Black Holding Iguana
  • Duchess of Alba with Maria de la Luz
  • Giulia Samoilova with Her Adopted Daughter Giovanina and a Black Page
  • Count Antonio Litta with Two Black Servants
  • Anatole Demidov and His Black Page
  • Bathsheba
  • Grand Duke Constantine Nikolaevich as a Child with His Soldier and Court Black
  • Countesses Maria Pototskaya and Sophia Shuvalova
  • Alexandra and Olga Shishmareva
  • Princesses Sophia and Yelizaveta Volkonskaya
  • Portrait of Alexander Pushkin
  • Caricature of Abraham Gannibal (or Self-Portrait?)
  • Ibrahim Embracing the Countess
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
The Image of the Black in Western Art was conceived by the late Dominique Schlumberger de Menil (1908-1997) and her husband, John (1904-1973), fifty years ago. The de Menils were known internationally for their patronage of artists such as René Magritte and Max Ernst as early as the 1930s, and eventually for the size and range of their art collection. Their passion for art led them...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
~This volume, consisting of two books, represents the third phase of the publication and republication of The Image of the Black in Western Art which began in November 2010. First published in 1989, it is the only complete volume in the series to have been written originally by a single author, the distinguished art historian Hugh Honour, though in this...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
This volume in two parts in the series The Image of the Black in Western Art was originally written entirely by one scholar, the distinguished British art historian Hugh Honour (born 1927). It was first published in...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.1-10
Chapter subject tags:Black people in art

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
In Paris in 1800 Marie-Guilhelmine Benoist exhibited at the Salon what is perhaps the most beautiful portrait of a black woman ever painted...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.11-50

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
Etudes and portraits were conceived as works of art, the former especially as works of artists whose individual perceptions...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.51-150

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
A black man, large as life, holding the reins of a white horse in one hand while he plunges a dagger into its throat with the other, is given great prominence...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.151-190
Chapter subject tags:Slavery in artErotic art

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
Despite the increasing internationalism of Western art in the last quarter of the nineteenth century—encouraged by the great international exhibitions—the differences...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.191-246

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
Let us begin by examining closely Goya’s first self-portrait after the “great break” of the years 1793-1794, when with the onset of deafness he rejected the ideas of the Academy...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.247-260

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
Despite the increasing scholarly curiosity about representations of people of color in European art of the 1800s, the depiction of black Africans in the then rapidly expanding sphere of Russian art has until recently failed to...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.261-274

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
Appendix Contents
PublisherHarvard University Press
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
Menil Foundation and Hugh Honour wish to express their gratitude to the many people who, during years of research, contributed to the realization of this volume. At the outset, special thanks should go to professors Jacques de Caso and John McCoubrey for helping to shape this project in its earlier stages.
PublisherHarvard University Press
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
This volume is devoted to images of blacks in Western art from the late eighteenth century to the early twentieth, approximately one hundred fifty years of continuity and radical change in ideas about both blacks and art. It begins in the period of the Enlightenment, that supremely optimistic and self-confident expression of European civilization, and of the American Revolution, with its...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to...
PublisherHarvard University Press
The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume IV: From the American Revolution to World War I, Part 2: Black Models and White Myths
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