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List of illustrations

  • Bamboo and Plum: Paired Purities
  • Self-Portrait
  • Mona Lisa (La Gioconda), detail
  • A Deluge
  • Untitled
  • Europe After the Rain
  • The Wangchuan Villa
  • Banquet by Lantern Light
  • Detail of Temple in Autumn Hills
  • The Rongxi Studio
  • The Coming of Autumn
  • Landscape
  • Pavilion of Rising Clouds
  • Dwelling in the Qingbian
  • A Lofty Pavilion
  • Mount Lu
  • Scholar and Cranes
  • Landscape
  • Spring Breeze
  • Wind and Dust
  • Intoxicated Village
  • Twilight
  • Dancers
  • The Li River in the Rain
  • Scholars Watching a Waterfall
  • Xu You Washing His Ear
  • Tolstoy
  • War and Flower
  • Ancients and Huan and Yin
  • Night Approaching
  • Pure Bamboo by a Cool Stream
  • Pure Bamboo by a Cool Stream, detail
  • Wandering in a Dream to West Lake
  • Spring Brilliance at Kuaiji
  • At Peace in Stone Cottage
  • Clear Ripples of a Waterfall
  • Dawn Mood at Bohai
  • Dawn Mood at Bohai, detail
  • Autumn Colors at Jinling
  • Reminiscences of Wangchuan
  • Dark Ridge Blocking the Sky
  • In Lonely Leisure, Seeking Beautiful Scenery
  • Dawn's Light at Fuyang
  • Moonlight at Pudong
  • Pure Mind amid Colored Clouds
  • Cicadas' Drone in Summer Trees
  • Stone Cave in Desiccated Cliff
  • Mountains Enclosing the Chu River
  • Strong Wind in Autumn Mountains
  • Reciting a Tang Poem on the Road to Shu
  • Half Thousand Li of the Ruo River
  • Geese Arriving over a Pavilion
  • Pure Stone Mountain-Villa
  • Pure Stone Mountain-Villa, detail
  • Sunset in the Yellow Mountains
  • Ancient Fountainhead of the Yellow River
  • Eroding Inscription of the Han
  • Tea Ranges of the Wuyi Mountains
  • Slumbering Stones at a Quiet Pond
  • Slumbering Stones at a Quiet Pond, detail
  • Twin Pagodas in Plum Rain
  • Night Banquet at Gushan
  • Spring Shade at the Su Embankment
  • Noon Thunder in the Shade of a Banyan Tree
  • Ancient Road at Shanyin
  • Ancient Road at Shanyin, detail
  • Lofty Residence of the Wei and Jin
  • Wisps of Auspicious Clouds
  • Prison notebook, 8v
  • Prison notebook, 28r
  • Prison notebook, 32r
  • Prison notebook, 41r
  • Prison notebook, 52r
  • Prison notebook, 52v
  • Prison notebook, 61r
  • Prison notebook, 1r
  • Prison notebook, 2r
  • Prison notebook, 3r
  • Prison notebook, 4v
  • Prison notebook, 5r
  • Prison notebook, 6r
  • Prison notebook, 7r
  • Prison notebook, 8v
  • Prison notebook, 9r
  • Prison notebook, 10v
  • Prison notebook, 11r
  • Prison notebook, 12r
  • Prison notebook, 13r
  • Prison notebook, 14r
  • Prison notebook, 15r
  • Prison notebook, 16r
  • Prison notebook, 17r
  • Prison notebook, 18r
  • Prison notebook 19r
  • Prison notebook, 20r
  • Prison notebook, 21r
  • Prison notebook, 22r
  • Prison notebook, 23r
  • Prison notebook, 24r
  • Prison notebook, 25r
  • Prison notebook, 26r
  • Prison notebook, 27r
  • Prison notebook, 28r
  • Prison notebook, 29r
  • Prison notebook, 30r
  • Prison notebook, 31r
  • Prison notebook, 32r
  • Prison notebook, 33r
  • Prison notebook, 34r
  • Prison notebook, 35r
  • Prison notebook, 36r
  • Prison notebook, 37r
  • Prison notebook, 38r
  • Prison notebook, 39r
  • Prison notebook, 40r
  • Prison notebook, 41r
  • Prison notebook, 42r
  • Prison notebook, 43r
  • Prison notebook, 44r
  • Prison notebook, 45r
  • Prison notebook, 46r
  • Prison notebook, 47r
  • Prison notebook, 48r
  • Prison notebook, 49r
  • Prison notebook, 50r
  • Prison notebook, 51r
  • Prison notebook, 52r
  • Prison notebook, 53r
  • Prison notebook, 54r
  • Prison notebook, 55r
  • Prison notebook, 56r
  • Prison notebook, 57r
  • Prison notebook, 58r
  • Prison notebook, 59r
  • Prison notebook, 60r
  • Prison notebook, 61r
  • Prison notebook, 62r
  • Prison notebook, 63r
  • Prison notebook, 64r
  • Prison notebook, 65r
  • Prison notebook, 66r
Description: The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
PublisherYale University Art Gallery
Description: The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
~Mu Xin is an extraordinary writer-artist of the twentieth century. Born in China in 1927, he has witnessed the full turmoil of twentieth-century Chinese history, from the war with Japan to the founding of the People’s Republic, from the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution to the death of Mao Zedong. In 1982 he moved to New York and...
PublisherYale University Art Gallery
Description: The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
~Jacob Burckhardt, writing in 1860, describes what subsequent generations have called the Renaissance man: “When this impulse to the highest individual development was combined with a powerful and varied nature, which had mastered all the elements of the culture of the age, then arose the ‘all-sided man’—I’uomo universale...
PublisherYale University Art Gallery

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Description: The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
The single imperative of modern Asian artists is to define a space that absorbs the cultures of traditional Asia, the classical West, and of modernity. Few artists are able to arrive at an authentic synthesis. Fewer still are able to create a genuinely original art that goes beyond a mere integration of artistic forms and styles to...
PublisherYale University Art Gallery
Related print edition pages: pp.9-16

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Description: The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
The series of landscape paintings done by Mu Xin between 1977 and 1979 in the aftermath of one of the worst manmade disasters of the twentieth century, the Cultural Revolution (1966-76), comes at the end of a millennium during which landscape painting had flourished in China as it had nowhere else in the world. Since the tenth century, Chinese painters had been engaged in creating a continuous...
PublisherYale University Art Gallery
Related print edition pages: pp.18-26

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Description: The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
It is only by default that the paintings of Mu Xin in the Tower within a Tower series can be categorized collectively as ink paintings. Although ink plays a large role in all of them, in some of the works it is combined with gouache, and perhaps other materials as well. In others the surface is so heavily and strangely worked that ink painting as a tradition — in other words, as a...
PublisherYale University Art Gallery
Related print edition pages: pp.28-37

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Description: The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
Among contemporary Chinese artists Mu Xin is special on two accounts. First, he is arguably the most learned in both Chinese and Western literature and philosophy, and he fuses this knowledge with his writing and painting with equal mastery. In this regard he can be compared with Gao Xingjian, the most recent winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, who is also a dedicated painter. But in my view...
PublisherYale University Art Gallery
Related print edition pages: pp.40-44

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Description: The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
Landscape Paintings
PublisherYale University Art Gallery

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Description: The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
Prison Notes
PublisherYale University Art Gallery

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Description: The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
It’s ironic that in this dungeon I should feel like St. Anthony, being forced into the life of an ascetic. As long as I can resist the temptation of illusions from within...
PublisherYale University Art Gallery

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Description: The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
~The following dialogue between Mu Xin (M) and Toming Jun Liu (T) took place in Mu Xin’s study at Forest Hills, New York, on October 18, 2000. The Dialogue was conducted in Chinese; the English version is Professor Liu’s translation.
PublisherYale University Art Gallery
Related print edition pages: pp.139-143

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Description: The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
List of Plates
PublisherYale University Art Gallery
Toming Jun Liu (Compiler)
Description: The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
Mu Xin: An Annotated Bibliography
Toming Jun Liu (Compiler)
PublisherYale University Art Gallery
Description: The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
Photograph Credits
PublisherYale University Art Gallery
The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes
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