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List of illustrations

  • Porch of the Caryatids
  • Roman copies of Athenian Caryatids
  • Seated woman holding a libation bowl in her right hand and a bird in her left
  • Reclining heroic figure holding a libation bowl and accompanied by a female figure, nude youth, and an older man
  • Red-figure amphora
  • White-ground lekythos
  • Red-figure stamnos, face a
  • Phiale
  • Phiale
  • Phiale
  • Kore 675 from the Athenian Acropolis
  • Caryatid from the west façade of the Siphnian Treasury at Delphi
  • Kouros (known as Kroisos) from Anavysos
  • Sheep and attendants, frieze from the Parthenon
  • Sacrificial victim led by attendants, frieze from the Parthenon
  • Maidens holding pitchers and libation bowls, detail of frieze from Parthenon
  • Maidens holding libation bowls, detail of frieze from the Parthenon
  • Horse riders, detail of Parthenon frieze
  • Musicians, detail of Parthenon frieze
  • Water carriers, detail of Parthenon frieze
  • The so-called Peplos Scene, detail of Parthenon frieze
  • Athena turning her back to the peplos scene, with Hephaistos next to her, detail of Parthenon frieze
  • Hera and Zeus, detail from Parthenon frieze
  • Hermes, a male divinity, Demeter, and Ares, detail of Parthenon frieze
  • Aphrodite with Eros, Artemis, Apollo, and Poseidon, detail of Parthenon frieze
  • Worshippers approaching Athena
  • Worshippers approaching an altar
  • Red-figure cup, face a
  • Red-figure cup, face b
  • Red-figure oinochoe
  • Red-figure oinochoe
  • Red-figure oinochoe
  • Red-figure krater, face a
  • Red-figure krater, face b
  • Red-figure krater, face a
  • Red-figure krater, face b
  • Red-figure krater, face a
  • Red-figure krater
  • Red-figure krater, face c
  • Red-figure cup, interior
  • Red-figure cup, exterior
  • Red-figure cup, exterior
  • White-ground phiale, interior
  • White-ground phiale, exterior
  • Phiale
  • Red-figure pelike, face a
  • Red-figure pelike, face b
  • Red-figure pelike, face a
  • Red-figure pelike, face b
  • Red-figure pelike, face b
  • Red-figure pelike, face a
  • Red-figure jug, left side
  • Red-figure jug, front side
  • Red-figure cup, exterior
  • Red-figure cup, interior
  • Red-figure cup, exterior
  • Red-figure cup, exterior
  • Red-figure cup, interior
  • Red-figure cup, interior
  • Red-figure cup, exterior
  • Red-figure cup, exterior
  • Red-figure cup, exterior
  • Red-figure cup, exterior
  • Red-figure cup, interior
  • Red-figure cup, exterior
  • Red-figure cup, exterior
  • Red-figure cup, interior
  • Phiale, interior
  • Red-figure amphora, detail
  • Red-figure amphora, detail
  • The so-called Seer
  • Red-figure amphora, face a
  • Red-figure amphora, face b
  • Red-figure stamnos, face b
  • Red-figure stamnos, face a
  • White-ground lekythos
  • White-ground lekythos
  • White-ground lekythos, right side
  • White-ground lekythos, left side
  • White-ground lekythos
  • White-ground lekythos, right side
  • White-ground lekythos, left side
  • White-ground lekythos, left side
  • White-ground lekythos
  • White-ground lekythos, left side
  • White-ground lekythos, right side
  • White-ground lekythos
  • White-ground lekythos
  • White-ground lekythos, left side
  • White-ground lekythos, right side
  • White-ground lekythos
  • Red-figure skyphos, face a
  • Attic red-figure skyphos with Orestes and Pylades
  • White-ground lekythos
  • White-ground lekythos, right side
  • White-ground lekythos, left side
  • White-ground lekythos, left side
  • White-ground lekythos
  • Black-figure hydria
  • White-ground lekythos
  • White-ground lekythos, right side
  • White-ground lekythos
  • So-called Pozzo-Albani relief
  • Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)
  • Grave sculptural relief
  • Red-figure amphora, face a
  • Red-figure amphora, face b
  • Black-figure jug
  • Black-figure jug
  • Black-figure jug
  • Red-figure amphora
  • Red-figure stamnos, face a
  • Red-figure stamnos, face b
  • Red-figure stamnos, face a
  • Red-figure stamnos, face b
  • Cup, fragment (exterior)
  • Cup, fragment (exterior)
  • Cup, fragment (interior)
  • Red-figure stamnos, face a
  • Red-figure stamnos, face b
  • Two faces of a stamnos
  • Red-figure pyxis
  • Red-figure pyxis
  • Red-figure pyxis
  • Red-figure pyxis
  • Red-figure jug
  • Red-figure jug
  • "The School of Music"
  • Black-figure jug
  • Black-figure jug, back
Description: The Art of Libation in Classical Athens
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Art of Libation in Classical Athens
~This book could not have been written without many jovial libations and inspiring conversations with friends and colleagues. Jas’ Elsner helped me conceptualize the project in its initial stages and kindly read through drafts of the entire manuscript. I am forever grateful for my close collaborations with Verity Platt and thankful for my ongoing dialogues with...
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Art of Libation in Classical Athens
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Art of Libation in Classical Athens
~The six sculpted maidens who command the central path on the Athenian Acropolis are among the most iconic monuments from classical Greece (fig. 0.1). Since antiquity these figures—familiar today by the name “Caryatids”—have been objects of admiration and...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.1-15

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Description: The Art of Libation in Classical Athens
The Great Altar of Athena Polias, Athena of the City, is nowhere to be seen on today’s Athenian Acropolis. Where once blood was shed and smoke filled the air...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.17-49

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Description: The Art of Libation in Classical Athens
Like the marble maidens that greeted pilgrims approaching the Great Altar of the Athenian Acropolis, the woman raising a phiale welcomes with her gaze (fig. 2.1). Her feminine figure stands between a youth on his horse and two men who turn their eyes toward him. The imposing carrier of libation vessels at the heart of this encounter...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.51-85

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Description: The Art of Libation in Classical Athens
Does the woman seen on the oil flask, or lekythos, shown in fig. 3.1...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.87-115

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Description: The Art of Libation in Classical Athens
At first sight the figure tilting a phiale in her right hand seems familiar (fig. 4.1).Berlin, Antikensammlung F2162, attributed to the Harrow Painter, ca. 480 BC,...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.117-149

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Description: The Art of Libation in Classical Athens
The marble maidens atop the Athenian Acropolis invited us to explore the visual force of libation imagery in classical Athens...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.151-154

Access to this content is only available to subscribers. If you are at an institution that currently subscribes to the A&AePortal, please login to your VPN before accessing the site. If you have already purchased an individual subscription, please sign in to your account to access the content. Learn more about subscriptions.

Description: The Art of Libation in Classical Athens
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Art of Libation in Classical Athens
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Art of Libation in Classical Athens
Illustration Credits
PublisherYale University Press
The Art of Libation in Classical Athens
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