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List of illustrations

  • Portrait of Fath Khan, son of Malik Ambar
  • Four Studies of a Black Man
  • Peoples of Guinea and Algoa
  • In Allago.
  • Black youth holding a club and a shield
  • Black youth holding an ax
  • Triumphal procession with elephants
  • Triumphal procession with camels, detail
  • Salver with African and Asian motifs
  • Black eunuch guarding the harem of the king of Fez. Illustration for Leo Africanus, "Historiale description de l'Afrique…" (Lyons, 1556), vol. I, p. 179
  • Moorish slave girl in Algeria. Illustration for Nicolas de Nicolay, "Les quatre premiers livres des navigations et pérégrinations orientales" (Lyons, 1568), pl. 20B
  • A woman from Senegal. Illustration for Leo Africanus, "Historiale description de l'Afrique…" (Lyons, 1556), vol. I, p. 420
  • A woman of Gambia
  • West African Black Moor
  • Three Turkish merchants
  • Saint George Baptizing the Heathen King and Queen, detail of musicians
  • Black slave. Illustration from Nicolas de Nicolay, "Les quatre premiers livres des navigations et pérégrinations orientales" (Lyons, 1568), pl. 142
  • Two black fighters. Illustration from Nicolas de Nicolay, "Les quatre premiers livres des navigations et pérégrinations orientales" (Lyons, 1568), pl. 100A
  • Soldier with a Lance and a Shield. Illustration for Eberhard W. Happel, "Thesaurus exoticorum" (Hamburg, 1688), pp. 144–45
  • Moor from Arabia. Illustration for Hans Weigel, "Habitus praecipuorum populorum, Trachtenbuch" (Nuremburg, 1577), no. 176
  • Fourteen male figures from Turkey. Illustation from Rubens, "Book of Costumes," no. 37
  • Four figures in Oriental dress. Illustation from Rubens, "Book of Costumes," no. 35
  • Page of the "kizlar agasi." Drawing from a costume book, no. 12
  • Stable lad holding a brown horse by the reins
  • Barbary Moor with a giraffe
  • Procession of the Queen Mother
  • Kuzlir Aga or Black Eunuch of the Women. Illustration for Paul Rycaut, "Histoire de l'état présent de l'Empire Ottoman," trans. Pierre Briot (Paris, 1670), p. 66
  • Portrait of the "Kuzlir Aga." Illustration for "A briefe relation of the Turckes, their Kings, Emperors or Grandsigneurs, their conquests, religion, customes, habbits, etc." (Instanbul. Inscribed: 1618)
  • Black horseman turned toward the right, with a pyramid and an elephant in the background, from series of eleven exotic horsemen
  • Black horseman
  • In this manner the Moors who have been sold carry wine in goatskins in Castile
  • In this manner they bring fresh water in Barcelona to the ships
  • In this way ride the army drummers in Spain. Illustration for Weiditz,"Trachtenbuch," fol. 66
  • Title page from Weigel, "Habitus praecipuorum populorum, Trachtenbuch" (Nuremberg, 1577)
  • North African. Illustration for Weigel, "Habitus praecipuorum populorum, Trachtenbuch" (Nuremberg, 1577), no. 184
  • Rich Moor. Illustration for Vecellio, "De gli habiti antichi et moderni i diverse parti del mondo" (Venice, 1590), pl. facing p. 487
  • Black Moor. Illustration for Vecellio, "De gli habiti antichi et moderni i diverse parti del mondo" (Venice, 1590), pl. facing p. 498
  • Battle of Alexander (Battle of Issus)
  • Troop of African soldiers, Battle of Alexander, detail.
  • Planisphere
  • Map of Brazil. Detail from Pedro Reinel, Jorge Reinel, and Lopo Homen, Atlas Miller
  • The Indian Ocean and the neighboring lands. From Pedro Reinel, Jorge Reinel, and Lopo Homen, Atlas Miller
  • Flight to Egypt. From Dom Manuel's Book of Hours, fol. 98v
  • Map of southern Africa with representations of Hottentots. From an atlas dedicated to King Henry VIII
  • Map of southeast Africa with representations of Hottentots. From an atlas dedicated to King Henry VIII
  • World map, detail of Africa
  • World map, detail of western Ethiopia, two men sitting opposite each other
  • Map of the world
  • Africans with elongated lips. Illustration for Ptolemy, "Geography" (Strasbourg, 1525)
  • Title page
  • Africae Nova Tabula.
  • Map of south Africa
  • A noble man and his servant. Illustration for Filippo Pigafetta, "Relatione del reame di Congo" (Rome, 1591), pl. 3
  • A noble lady, a woman of the people, and a slave. Illustration for Filippo Pigafetta, "Relatione del reame di Congo" (Rome, 1591), pl. 5
  • Mode of transportation. Illustration for Filippo Pigafetta, "Relatione del reame di Congo" (Rome, 1591), pl. 6
  • The Reception of the Portuguese by the King of Kongo, detail
  • Burning of the Idols
  • Customs of the Anziches
  • Moors from Mozambique
  • Kaffirs emasculating vanquished enemies. Illustration for Jan Huyghen van Linschoten, "Icones vivae, verae et genuinae nationum, gentiumque omnium" (Frankfurt, 1599), pl. 4
  • [Bestiality of the Hottentots. Illustration for Cornelis de Houtman, "Icones sive expressae et artifitiosae delineationes . . . " (Frankfurt, 1601), pl. 7], detail
  • King of Tangil on Madagascar. Illustration for Cornelis de Houtman, "Icones sive expressae et artifitiosae delineationes . . . " (Frankfurt, 1601), pl. 11
  • Men of Guinea. Illustration for Pieter de Marees, "Indiae orientalis pars" 6 . . . (Frankfurt, 1603), pl. 1
  • Religious ceremonies. Illustration for Pieter de Marees, "Indiae orientalis pars" 6 . . . (Frankfurt, 1603), pl.5
  • Facial characteristics and hair of women and men in Benin. Illustration for Pieter de Marees, "Indiae orientalis pars" 6 . . . (Frankfurt, 1603), pl.26
  • The city of Loango
  • Dress and arms of the Hottentots. Illustration for Olfert Dapper, "Naukeurige Beschrijvinge der Afrikaensche gewesten" (1668; repr., Amsterdam, 1686), pp. 618–19
  • A Hottentot from the Cape of Good Hope setting off to war.
  • Bearded Jaga with a severed head. Illustration for "Missione evangelica al regno del Congo" (manuscript version called Manoscritti Araldi), drawing no. 3
  • Angola Mussuri as a blacksmith. Illustration for "Missione evangelica al regno del Congo" (manuscript version called Manoscritti Araldi), drawing no. 20
  • Africans trading with turbaned Moors
  • Portrait of Jan Valckenburgh and an Enslaved Servant, Daniel Vertangen
  • Portrait of Dirck Wilre in the Castle of Elmina
  • Thomas Hees and his servant Thomas and cousins ​​Jan and Andries Hees, Michiel van Musscher
  • View of San Salvador. Illustration for Olfert Dapper, "Naukeurige Beschrijvigne der Afrikaensche gewesten" (1668, repr. Amsterdam, 1686), pp. 340–41
  • Portrait of the Ethiopian emperor Dawit II. Illustration for André Thevet, "Cosmographie universelle" (Paris, 1575), vol. 1, fol. 59
  • Portrait of Awit, emperor of Ethiopia. Illustration for Paolo Giovio, "Elogia virorum bellica virtute illustrium" (Basel, 1575), p. 355
  • David Atanadi, Emperor of Ethiopia
  • Alchitrof, Emperor of Ethiopia
  • Mulay Hassan, King of Tunis
  • Mulay Hassan, King of Tunis
  • Portrait of Mulay Hassan
  • Mulay Ahmed, Son of the King of Tunis
  • Allegory of the abdication of Emperor Charles V on 25 October 1555
  • Portrait of Mulay Ahmed
  • Ginnaeghel, King of Ethiopia and Egypt
  • A soldier from the king's guard. Illustration for Estat présent de l'Empire du Maroc
  • Portrait of Dom Matheo Lopes, ambassador of the king of Arda
  • Portrait of the king of Kongo Dom Garcia II
  • The people of Tlaxcala welcoming Cortés. Illustration for Diego Durán, "Historia de las Indias de Nueve España" (1581), fol. 207r
  • How the Black Slaves Work and Look for Gold in the Mines of the Region Called Veragua [Panama] (Comme les esclaves naigres travaillent et cherchent lor aux-mynes en la terre nommée Veraugue)
  • Cruelties committed by the Spanish masters. Illustration for Girolamo Benzoni, "Americe pars quinta . . . Hieronimi Benzoni secundae sectionis historia" (Frankfurt, 1595), pl. 3
  • Revolt of the blacks on Hispaniola. Illustration for Girolamo Benzoni, "Americe pars quinta . . . Hieronimi Benzoni secundae sectionis historia" (Frankfurt, 1595), pl. 4
  • African Man
  • African Woman and Child
  • African Woman
  • Albino playing a flute
  • One of the Kongolese emissaries sent to Brazil
  • The third Kongolese emissary sent to Brazil
  • Slave Market
  • Divination Ceremony and Dance, Brazil
  • View of Itamaracá Island in Brazil
  • Panoramic view of Mauritsstad and Recife
  • Sugar mill in Brazil
  • Sugar plantation
  • Portrait of Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen
  • Allegory of the acquisition of Surinam by Count Friedrich von Hanau
  • Admiral Inghirami Presenting Barbary Prisoners to Ferdinand I
  • Two Kneeling Slaves Facing Right
  • The Conquest of Bône
  • The Slave Market
  • The Slave Market
  • Sale of Christian slaves in Algiers
  • Saint Peter Nolasco Freeing Slaves
  • Vision of Saint John of Matha
  • Monument of the Four Moors, also known as Monument to Ferdinand I
  • One of four captives at the corners of the pedestal of the equestrian statue of King Henry IV on the Pont-Neuf, Paris
  • The Monarchy of Tuscany Leading Pisa and Livorno to Pay Tribute to Ferdinand I.
  • View of the quay with the monument to Ferdinand I (first of a series of six views of the port of Livorno)
  • Loading a Galley of the Knights of St. Stephen
  • Two heads of blak men
  • A black slave smoking a pipe
  • A black man warming his hands on a brazier
  • Southern Harbor
  • A Capriccio of a Mediterranean port
  • Harbor Scene
  • A Merchant Receiving a Moor at the Port Palace
  • Tomb of Doge Giovanni Pesaro
  • Kneeling Devotees of the Madonna
  • Portrait of Abba Gregory. Illustration for Hiob Ludolf, "Ad suam historiam Aethiopicam . . . Commentarius" (Frankfurt, 1691), between fols. 418 and 419
  • Presumed portrait of Christophle le More
  • Don Miguel de Castro
  • Servant of Dan Miguel de Castro
  • Servant of Don Miguel de Castro
  • Zagachrist Prince d'Ethiopie
  • Portrait of Alessandro de' Medici
  • Marchesa Elena Grimaldi of Genoa
  • Posthumous Portrait of Mary I Stuart with a Servant
  • Margaretha van Raephorst, Wife of Cornelis Tromp
  • Portrait of Pieter de la Court, his wife, and a black servant
  • Jan van Amstel and Anna Boxhoorn
  • King's Fountain in Lisbon
  • Family Group in a Landscape
  • The Game of Cards
  • Vanus Labor
  • Kitchen Scene
  • Still Life with a Black Servant
  • Woman Playing a Lute
  • Dancing Children with Black Musician, detail
  • Domestic staff from the court of Ferdinando de' Medici
  • Musicians from the court of Prince Ferdinando de' Medici, including the singer Francesco de' Castris and a black courtier
  • Two of four Moorish slavesin front of the palace. Illustration for Amedeo di Castellamonte, "La Venaria Reale, Palazzo di Piacere e di caccia" (Turin, 1674), fig. 9
  • Musical Company
  • Black servant with flowers
  • Allegory of Spring
  • Allegory of Autumn
  • Standard-bearer
  • The Eye of the Lord Makes the Horse Fat
  • Leavade Performed Under the Auspices of Mars and in the Presence of Mercury
  • A Black page holding hounds
  • Equestrian portrait of Christine of France in the guise of Minerva
  • Portrait of Maria of Orange with Hendrik van Zuijlestein and a Servant
  • A Page with Two Horses
  • Huntsmen Halted
  • The Garden of Earthly Delights
  • Moses and His Ethiopian Wife
  • Solomon receiving the Queen of Sheba
  • Solomon and the Queen of Sheba
  • The Meeting of the Three Kings, with David and Isaiah
  • Adoration of the Magi. Illustration for Dom Manuel's Book of Hours, fol. 87v
  • Adoration of the Magi. Illustration for "Horae in laudem beatissime irginis Marie" (Paris, 1527)
  • Adoration of the Magi
  • Adoration of the Magi, triptych
  • Adoration of the Magi, right wing of triptych
  • The Three Magi
  • Adoration of the Magi
  • Adoration of the Magi
  • Adoration of the Magi
  • Study of a black model
  • Adoration of the Magi
  • Adoration of the Magi
  • Adoration of the Magi
  • Adoration of the Magi
  • Baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch
  • Saint Philip Baptizing the Ethiopian Eunuch. Illustration for Acta Apostolorum
  • Saint Philip Baptizing the Ethiopian Eunuch
  • Saint Philip Baptizing the Ethiopian Eunuch
  • Baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch
  • The Baptism of the Eunuch
  • Baptism of the Eunuch
  • Saint Philip Baptizing the Eunuch
  • The Baptism of the Eunuch
  • Virgin of Mercy
  • The Last Judgment
  • The Last Judgment
  • The Triumph of the Catholic Faith
  • Virgin and Child. Illustration for Odo de Gissey, "Discours historiques de la très ancienne dévotion de Notre Dame du Puy-en-Velay" (Lyons, 1627, reprint), frontispiece
  • The Madonna from Le Puy-en-Velay
  • Statue of Saint Maurice
  • Reliquary bust of Saint Gregory the Moor
  • Reliquary of Saint Benedict of Palermo
  • Go ye into the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature." Illustration for Dionysio Carli, "Der nach Venedig überbrachte Mohr…" (Augsburg, 1692), frontispiece
  • Fountain of the Four Rivers
  • Medal cast on the occasion of Ne Vunda's visit to Pope Paul V
  • Evangelization of the world
  • Jesuits' universal mission. Illustration for Johann Andrewa Feigenbuz's doctoral thesis, University of Dillingen
  • The Miracles of Francis Xavier
  • Saint Francis Xavier Baptizing Converts
  • The Virgin with Capuchin monks and African converts. Illustration for Giovanni Antonio Cavazzi, "Istorica descrizione de'tre regni Congo, Matamba et Angola (Bologna, 1687), frontispiece
  • Christian funeral of Queen Nzinga. Illustration for Giovanni Antonio Cavazzi, "Missione evangelica al Regno del Congo" (manuscript version called Manoscritti Araldi), drawings no. 29 and 30
  • Baptism of the emperor of Monomotapa
  • Strangulation of the Jesuit father Gonçalo da Silveira in Monomotapa. Illustration for P. Cornelius Hazart, "Kerckelycke Historie van de gheheele Wereldt" (Antwerp, 1668)
  • A group of Jesuits at the Ethiopian court. Illustration for Balthazar Tellez, "Historia geral de Ethioia" (Coimbra, 1660), frontispiece
  • World map surrounded by an allegory of the Four Continents
  • Lorenzo de' Medici Receiving the Ambassadors
  • Four battle scenes set in a décor of grotesques, with a Mexican chieftain in the center and allegories of the Four Continents in its corners
  • Allegory of the Treasures of the Sea
  • The Gathering of Pearls in the Indies, detail
  • Unicorn
  • Tiger, Lion, and Leopard Hunt
  • Man on Horseback Combating a Lion
  • Hippopotamus and Crocodile Hunt
  • Neptune and Amphitrite
  • The Four Rivers
  • Africa (The Pagan Temple). From the "Four Continents" series
  • The Four Continents: America
  • Three men smoking clay pipes. Illustration for Richard Brathwait, "The Smoaking Age or The Life and Death of Tobacco" (London, 1617), frontispiece
  • Still life with a stoneware jug, glass, and smoking requisites
  • La tabagie
  • Model for the west pediment of the ancient Town Hall of Amsterdam: the four parts of the world paying homage to the city of Amsterdam
  • West pediment of the ancient Town Hall of Amsterdam: the four parts of the world paying homage to the city of Amsterdam
  • Africa. Detail of the west pediment of the ancient Town Hall of Amsterdam
  • Landscape in Brazil with Sugar Plantation
  • Triumphal Scene
  • Chinese musicians, a dancing child, and a black woman
  • Three blacks
  • A Greenlander, an Asiastic, and an African couple with a baby
  • Portrait of Alexander Mornauer
  • Nature is beautiful for its variety
  • Cameo with a bust of a black man in left profile
  • Diana as an African
  • Portrait of an African Woman
  • The Gresley Jewel
  • The Cabinet of Curiosities (Kunstkammerregal)
  • The Order of the Elephant
  • Goblet with a stem in the form of black man holding the cup
  • Covered oval bowl with dragon handles, encrusted with cameos, several with blacks' heads
  • Marie de Medici's plaque de lumière
  • Shell cameo with two busts in profile
  • Powder flask with two shell cameos
  • Table fountain in the form of a turreted elephant
  • Cup with a black musician holding a cymbal and a drumstick
  • Cup with a carved coconut supported by a standing black archer
  • Nautilus cup with a stem in the form of a black man
  • Nautilus cup with a black figure in front of a palm tree
  • Nautilus cup in the form of a snail
  • Goblet with an ostrich egg
  • Hottentottentanz (table clock; detail)
  • Table clock in the form of a camel led by an African
  • Table clock
  • Automaton of a black man with a clock encased in his chest
  • African with piercings. Illustration for John Bulwer, "Anthropometamorphosis: Man Transform'd; or, the Artificial Changeling . . ." (London, 1653), p. 179
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
The Image of the Black in Western Art was conceived by the late Dominique Schlumberger de Menil (1908–1997) and her husband, John (1904–1973), fifty years ago. The de Menils were known internationally for their patronage of artists such as René Magritte and Max Ernst as early as the 1930s, and eventually for the size and range of their art collection. Their passion for...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.vii-xix
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
This book, the second part of Volume III of The Image of the Black in Western Art, covers the same period as the first part—the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries—but it deals largely with different areas and takes a different approach to the subject. Volume III, Part 1 covers the art of Europe from Italy and Spain to Great Britain, with the general exception of Flanders...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.xxi-xxiv
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
~Since the day that Francesco Pellizzi, Dominique de Menil’s son-in-law, came to Cambridge in 1993 to interest me in taking part in the completion of the Image of the Black in Western Art series, I have been involved in this project. I was working at...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.1-10

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
~At the instigation of Henry the Navigator, the Portuguese eventually achieved the circumnavigation of Africa. In 1445, Dinis Dias reached the mouth of the Senegal River and Cape Verde, south of the Sahara. Then,...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.13-26

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
An important element in European attitudes toward blacks in the sixteenth century was the impact of the image of the Ottoman Empire, especially after the fall of Constantinople in 1453 ...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.27-44

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
~The visual recording of the clothing of different nations, including those that were far...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.45-54

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
~The systematic exploration of the world from the fifteenth century on inevitably created a new consciousness of the importance of geography. When Albrecht Altdorfer depicted Alexander the Greats victory over the Persian ruler Darius III at the battle of Issus in 333 B.C., he gave the subject a historical setting.See Gisela Goldberg,...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.55-86

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
~From the Renaissance on, accounts of non-European societies were seen through Aristotelian values that had been absorbed into medieval Christian philosophy. Greek and Latin authors from Hesiod...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.87-116

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
~The main Dutch interest in Africa, as expressed in the manuscript Vingboons atlases, was focused on...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.117-142

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
~Black Africans came to America with the first explorers. In his Historia de las Indias (1581), Diego Durán records Hernán Cortés’s three hundred companions, “not mentioning servants and blacks.” For Durán, the conquest was...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.143-182

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
~From the fall of Constantinople in 1453, large sections of the Balkans were under Ottoman rule for some three hundred years. Control of Syria and Egypt gave the Ottomans domination of a large part of the eastern Mediterranean and North African coastline, while the Barbary states, with their...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.183-210

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
I~n the Middle Ages, the African presence in Europe was minimal, except around the Mediterranean, where contacts with Africa were established in Spain, southern Italy, and Jerusalem. Muslim Spain saw an...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.213-260

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
The so-called Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch is certainly one of the most mysterious works of the late Middle Ages ...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.261-306

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
~In or shortly after 1518, the Augsburg merchant Lucas Rem commissioned an altarpiece from Quentin Massys. The central panel of the triptych represents the Trinity, with the Virgin and SS. Sebastian and...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.307-328

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
Paolo Cortesi, in his encyclopedic treatise for prelates of 1510 (De Cardinalatu), advocated the presence of maps in the summer rooms of ecclesiastic palaces ...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.329-370

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
Cameos were widely found in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century collections. The cameo held by Cornelis de Man’s dealer in his painting Visit to a Curiosity Dealer contrasts the whiteness of the portrait bust with the darkness of the background ...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.371-394
Chapter subject tags:Jewelry--Private collections

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
~In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the European vision of Africa and its inhabitants was based on classical and medieval sources matched by reports of travelers....
PublisherHarvard University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.395-399

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Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
PublisherHarvard University Press
Description: The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of...
PublisherHarvard University Press
The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the “Age of Discovery” to the Age of Abolition, Part 2: Europe and the World Beyond
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