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List of illustrations

  • Etude de paysage
  • Académie d'après nature
  • Académie d'après nature
  • Académie d'après nature
  • Académie d'après nature
  • Detail of a Model Sheet
  • Mise en trait
  • Drawing Model
  • Etude d'après la bosse
  • Etude d'après la bosse
  • Etude d'après la bosse
  • Faun at Rest
  • Study of the Live Model and Corrections
  • Etude de tête pour Romains passant sous le joug
  • Tête de jeune italienne
  • Head of a Young Girl
  • Head of a Young Girl
  • Etude d'homme, fait à l'atelier des élèves de Pierre Guerin
  • Etudes du nu pour Danse des Bacchantes
  • Académie d'après nature
  • La Crainte
  • La Résignation
  • Demi-figure
  • Demi-figure, detail
  • In Loges for the Sketch Competition
  • Mort de Saphira femme d'Ananie
  • Mort de Zénobie
  • Paysage d'Orient
  • Jeune femme assise
  • Poplars on the Epte
  • Reine de Saba
  • Quatorze juillet, rue Montorgueil
  • Portrait de femme
  • Mademoiselle Gauthier-Lathuille
  • Etude du nu
  • Portrait of Proust
  • Study (L'Etude)
  • Portrait of the painter Guillaudin on horseback
  • Portrait of Anselm Feuerbach
  • The Shepherd's Song
  • Gare Saint-Lazare
  • Mother and Child
  • L'Ecluse, paysage près de Verberie
  • Vénus et l'Amour
  • Greek Slave
  • Dominique Papety
  • Portrait of the Artist (Portrait de l'artiste)
  • La défaite des Cimbres
  • The Vow of Louis XIII
  • The Vow of Louis XIII, detail
  • Joan of Arc in Prison
  • Joan of Arc in Prison
  • Portrait of the Marquis de Pastoret
  • Portrait of the Marquis de Pastoret
  • Vénus et les Amours
  • Louisa Seiffert aux Ormes
  • Louis-Philippe et son Etat-Major
  • Jeune femme cousant dans un jardin
  • Portrait des enfants germain
  • Scène du Coffret tirée du Marchand de Venise
  • Retour des moissons
  • Return from the Harvest (Retour des moissons)
  • Jeunesse de Bacchus
  • Jeunesse de Bacchus
  • Sketch for Haymaking (Étude pour Les Foins)
  • Coriolan se découvrant devant Tullius
  • Portrait de Madame Sabatier
  • Léda
  • Paysage
  • Samson abattant les Philistins
  • Louis-Philippe à l'Hôtel de Ville
  • Thunder (La foudre)
  • The Weeders
  • Automedon with the Horses of Achilles, sketch for
  • Automedon with the Horses of Achilles
  • Automedon with the Horses of Achilles
  • Le tribun Flaminius
  • Cypsélius sauvé
  • Antoine offre le bandeau royal à César
  • Euripile blessé
  • Triomphe d'Amphititre
  • Jésus chassant les vendeurs du Temple
  • Mort de Cauis Julius César
  • Thésée reconnu par son père
  • Thésée reconnu par son père
  • Lapidation de St. Etienne
  • Falaise de la Hague
  • Zénobie trouvée sur les bords de l'Araxe
  • Zénobie trouvée sur les bords de l'Araxe
  • Saint Sébastien
  • Saint Sébastien
  • Adam and Eve Finding the Body of Abel (Adam et Eve trouvant le corps d'Abel)
  • Adam and Eve Finding the Body of Abel (Adam et Eve trouvant le corps d'Abel)
  • Adam and Eve Finding the Body of Abel (Adam et Eve trouvant le corps d'Abel)
  • Moïse frappant la roche
  • Médecine
  • Sacrifice
  • Etude
  • Concordance
  • Watering Can
  • Farm Labourer with Hoe
  • Le roi Louis-Philippe prêtant serment le 9 août 1830
  • Le roi Louis-Philippe prêtant serment le 9 août 1830
  • Mirabeau et Dreux-Brézé
  • Mirabeau et Dreux-Brézé
  • Mirabeau et Dreux-Brézé
  • Mirabeau et Dreux-Brézé
  • Boissy d'Anglas à la Convention
  • La Figure de la République
  • La Figure de la République
  • Barque of Dante
  • Barque of Dante
  • Concert Champêtre
  • Infanta Marguerita
  • Self-Portrait
  • Venus
  • Descent from the Cross
  • The Syndics
  • Louis Philippe Joseph, Duc d'Orléans
  • The Blue Boy
  • Apollon gardant les troupeaux d'Admète
  • Adam and Eve Chased out of the Garden of Eden (Adam et Eve chassés du Paradis Terrestre)
  • Ulysses and Nausicaa
  • Jésus et la Samaritaine
  • Le chêne et le roseau
  • Romulus et Rémus exposés sur le Tibre
  • Orphée perdant Eurydice
  • Village d'Auvergne
  • Le vielle tour à Barbizon
  • Halage
  • Paysage
  • Eglise en Campanie
  • Vue prise de la Villa Médicis
  • Vue prise de la Villa Médicis
  • Souvenir du lac Némi
  • Le canal à Venise
  • Paysage au soleil couchant
  • Paysage
  • Bords de la Seine à Poissy
  • Vue du Cap Campanella depuis Capri
  • Paysage
  • Paysage
  • Silhouette d'arbres à Bernviller
  • Paysage dan les environs de Paris
  • Le jardin de Giverny
  • Paysage, Basse Egypte
  • Paysage
  • Falaise de Veules
  • Vue de Rome, le soir
  • Rome au matin
  • Vue du Colisée
  • Le Colisée
  • Ruines dans une plaine au crépuscule
  • A la Villa Borghèse, nuages blancs
  • Etude de ciel au Quirinal
  • Bords de rivière
  • Vue de Naples
  • Ruines du temple de Ségeste
  • Fond de paysage à Panfili
  • Paysage
  • Combat de taureaux
Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
~The writing and publication of The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century coincided with and made a substantial contribution to a worldwide shift in cultural taste. This shift has profoundly affected art education, museums, art historical scholarship and art production during the past two decades. The founding in 1980 of the New York...
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
THE conception of the nineteenth-century French Academy of Beaux-Arts as a static, moribund institution, whose programme was stamped with an irremediable aversion to innovation, needs to be re-examined. The facile manner in which critics have disposed of Academic and official art – on the basis of an aesthetic frame of reference developed in the twentieth century – is...
PublisherYale University Press

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Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
~The point of departure for this study of French official art is the period of the July Monarchy. Before examining the specific nature of this art, however, it is necessary to sketch the early growth and character of the academic system as well as of State participation and involvement in French art. Only in this way can we characterize the nature of...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.1-21

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Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
I​n 1869, a newly elected member of the Academy, Isidore Pils, read an historical notice on the deceased member he was replacing ...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.22-47

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Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
~In this chapter individual ateliers will be discussed; before we get down to specific cases, however, a few remarks on the atelier social structure, as well as its workaday routine, are desirable.
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.48-78

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Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
I​n the closing months of 1830, Raoul-Rochette, then a member of the Académie des Inscriptions et des Belles-Lettres, published a diatribe against public competitions for artists ...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.79-101

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Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
~While the critics theorized about the sketch, the Academy taught, in fact, the elaborate sketching procedures. It is not surprising, therefore, that the Academy’s technical sketch training provided the independents with a basis for their personal experiments. Seen in this context, an examination of the Academy’s sketch practice may very...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.102-121

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Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
T​he imitative procedure was fundamental to the Academic curriculum. Initiated on the elementary level, it continued through the advanced degrees of instruction at the Academy at Rome ...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.122-132

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Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
~The general notion that the Academy disdained landscape is misleading and throws the genesis of nineteenth-century landscape painting seriously out of perspective. Far from being opposed to this genre, almost all nineteenth-century Academicians systematically practised landscape painting; as early as 1817 it was consecrated in the Academic...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.133-148

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Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
~The role of the landscape étude in nineteenth-century French art is a prominent one. We have seen its kinship to the esquisse, not only with respect to execution, but also in pictorial function. Composition was the goal of both étude and esquisse, with emphasis upon the effect....
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.149-165

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Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
~The transformation of pictorial techniques and the breakdown of traditional studio routine resulted in the establishment of innumerable artistic styles, creeds and dogmas. Despite their disorder and complexity these styles exhibit certain general features that can be aptly classified under the heading of the aesthetics of the sketch. These...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.166-184

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Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
~This study has investigated the French Academic pedagogy and production in painting during the nineteenth century and their relationship both to progressive trends and to the official, or State, apparatus devoted to the Fine Arts. Although emphasis has of necessity been placed on the Academic viewpoint, references have been made to independent...
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
Supplemental Bibliography
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
List of Illustrations
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
PublisherYale University Press
The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century
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