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List of illustrations

  • Madrid: Vista general de la Puerta del Sol
  • Copyists in the main gallery of the Museo del Prado
  • Alhambra Palace
  • Toledo: Entrada de Toledo por el puente de Alcántara
  • Frontispiece to Washington Irving, The Alhambra, 1832. Author's rev. ed. New York: George P. Putnam, 1851
  • Gibraltar
  • Gibraltar
  • Storm King on the Hudson
  • Gibraltar
  • Harbor of Seville
  • The Giralda
  • Cathedral, Torre del Oro and Guadalquivir River, Seville
  • Harbor Scene (Seville)
  • The Torre del Oro
  • Sevilla en tiempo de los árabes
  • Vista de Sevilla
  • Granada
  • Washington Day (On the River Darro, Granada)
  • Old Buildings on the Darro, Granada
  • Torres Bermejas
  • The Hill of the Alhambra
  • The Rocky Mountains, Lander's Peak
  • Children Playing Dice
  • Sevillian Youths Reading the Poster for a Bullfight
  • Return of the Spanish Laborers from the Field
  • The Flower Seller
  • The Flower Girl
  • Trying His Luck: A Group of Spanish Children
  • Gambling for the Buck
  • Young Lady of Seville and Her Dueña at Church
  • La Caridad
  • La Feria de Jueves (The Thursday Fair of Seville)
  • La feria
  • The Early Career of Murillo
  • Roman Fish Market, The Arch of Octavius
  • An Egyptian Peasant Woman and Her Child
  • Arab Fantasia
  • The Spinners, or the Fable of Arachne
  • Carmelita Repueña
  • Spanish Head
  • A Street Scene in Seville
  • Cathedral of Seville
  • The Dancing Lesson
  • At the Water Trough
  • Vendedor
  • Musiciens ambulants, illustrated in Baron Charles Davillier, "Spain"
  • Interior of a Mosque
  • In Algiers
  • Spanish Gypsies of Granada
  • Old Moor Sharpening His Sword
  • An Arab Guard
  • Mosque at Córdoba
  • Execution sans jugement sous les rois maures de Grenade
  • Studio of H. Humphrey Moore, A Distinguished Deaf-Mute Painter
  • Dance of the Almeh
  • Sevilla: General View of the Patio of the Casa de Pilatos
  • On the Balcony
  • In the Mirador
  • A Street in Toledo
  • Majas on the Balcony
  • The Balcony
  • The Women at a Window
  • On the Balcony
  • In the Loge
  • After the Bullfight
  • Offering the Panal to the Toreador
  • A Matador
  • Cartes-de-visite of Bullfighters
  • La Bomba
  • Pelando la pava
  • A Bit of Old Spain
  • Peasant Woman Peeling an Orange
  • Spanish Dancer Wearing a Lace Mantilla
  • Woman with a Fan
  • El Jaleo
  • John Singer Sargent in his studio at 41, boulevard Berthier, Paris
  • Santa Maria La Blanca, Toledo
  • Alhambra, Patio de los Arrayanes (Court of the Myrtles)
  • Smoke of Ambergris (Fumée d'ambre gris)
  • Gipsy Dancing the Vito Sevillano
  • Two of a Kind (Tal para qual)
  • Spanish Ballet
  • Cigarreras at Work in the Fábrica de Tabacos of Seville
  • Sevilla (n. 193), fá[bri]ca de tabacos
  • Cigarette Girls, Seville
  • Prelude!
  • A Sacristy in Aragon
  • Contrebandier aragonais
  • Smugglers of the Serrania de Rona
  • The Quartette
  • Spanish Women
  • La Carmencita
  • Carmencita
  • El Jaleo installed in the Spanish Cloister
  • Spanish Peasant
  • A Spanish Bric-a-Brac Shop
  • Vendedor de tapices
  • Spanish Street
  • Washerwomen, Seville
  • Outskirts of Madrid (Scene Near Madrid)
  • Sunny Spain
  • My Watercarrier
  • Toledo Water-Carrier
  • A Water-Carrier
  • Tipos toledanos: El azacán
  • Plaza and Street, Toledo
  • San Juan de la Penitencia
  • Street Scene: La Puerta del Convento de las Comendadoras o El Convento de Santa Fe
  • Spanish Courtyard
  • The Home of "Solitude"
  • Balcony in Toledo, 1882
  • Patio toledano
  • Venetian Lacemakers
  • A Street Incident
  • Pobres a la puerta de un convento en Toledo
  • The Romance and The Dry Reality
  • Saint Martin and the Beggar
  • La celestina
  • Gregorio in Sepúlveda
  • The Young Amphibians
  • Spanish Soldiers
  • Hospital at Granada
  • Blind Musicians
  • Gypsy Encampment
  • Jardines de Carlos V, Alcázar de Sevilla
  • Garden at Granada
  • Jardín de Aranjuez
  • Dogma of the Redemption, from "The Triumph of Religion"
  • Mater Dolorosa (Madonna of Sorrows)
  • El Cristo de la Sangre
  • Mañana de Viernes Santo en Orduña
  • Spanish Mendicants
  • Street in Ronda
  • Fountain in a Courtyard
  • Commemorative reproduction of F. Luis Mora's "Beach Scene at Valencia," c. 1909
  • Spanish Dancing Girl
  • La reina mora: Milagros Moreno
  • María y Consuelo
  • Procession in Spain
  • Blind Guitar Singer
  • Spanish Girl of Segovia
Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
PublisherYale University Press
Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
~This book had its gestation in 1979, when I first traveled to Spain to see for myself the vistas de España. I have accumulated many debts during the twenty-five years that have elapsed since that time, foremost among them to my teachers: William H. Gerdts taught me the value of primary research and allowed me to mine his incomparable library, H. Barbara...
PublisherYale University Press
Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
American paintings of Spain reveal as much about the United States as they do about people and places on the Iberian Peninsula. During the years from 1860 to 1914, a period that encompasses the American Civil War, the Spanish Revolution of 1868, and the Spanish-American War, citizens of these two countries grappled with...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.1-11

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Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
Samuel Colman (1832–1920) was the first artist from the United States to paint an extensive number of images based on a journey through Spain. Son of a bookseller and publisher, Colman grew up in the city of New York, where his exposure to the artists, engravers, and writers...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.13-35

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Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
George Henry Hall (1825–1913) arrived in Spain a few months after Samuel Colman and like his compatriot began to illustrate the writings of Washington Irving, Alexander Slidell MacKenzie, and Richard Ford; Colman painted landscapes of Spain’s southern cities, and Hall peopled his canvases with the picturesque residents of Seville. Hall’s...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.37-59

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Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
When Thomas Eakins (1844–1916) traveled through Spain with William Sartain (1843–1924) and Harry Humphrey Moore (1844–1926) during the winter and spring of 1869–70, Spain was in the midst of a political crisis. Queen Isabella II had been deposed in the Revolution of 1868, and Marshal Juan Prim, one...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.61-87

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Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
By the time Mary Cassatt (1844–1926) began painting majas on a balcony, bullfighters at the ring, and flirting taberneras in the city of Seville, the journey to Spain had become a popular artistic pilgrimage. I began working out these ideas in “Bullfights and...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.89-113

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Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
Six years after Mary Cassatt left the toreadors of Seville to begin her career as a modern artist in Paris, John Singer Sargent (1856–1925) arrived in Spain to paint the preliminary sketches for El jaleo, arguably the most famous American painting of Spanish life (fig. 5.1)....
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.115-145

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Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
William Merritt Chase (1849–1916), Robert Frederick Blum (1857–1903), and Frederick Porter Vinton (1846–1911) traveled to Spain in the summer of 1882, the same year Sargent exhibited El jaleo at the Paris Salon...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.147-173

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Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
John Singer Sargent repeatedly traversed the Iberian Peninsula in the three decades after painting El jaleo (see fig. 5.1), during which time he extended his knowledge of Spain and its people well beyond that of first-time travelers. F. Luis Mora (1874–1940) began his career with a trip to visit his father’s...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.175-206

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Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
Robert Motherwell (1915–1991) maintained a sustained interest in Spain during much of the twentieth century, painting from 1948 until his death more than two hundred works known as the Elegies to the Spanish Republic. Motherwell’s involvement with the Iberian Peninsula differed from that of the nineteenth-century artists who form the body of this book, however, as he had little...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.207-209

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Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
~This chronologically ordered list of Americans who traveled in Spain between the years 1800 and 1899 was compiled primarily from the copyist registers in the Archives of the Museo del Prado, the visitor registers in the Archives of the Alhambra, periodical notices, exhibition records, correspondence, and dated works that were executed in Spain. Following each...
PublisherYale University Press
Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
~The Museo del Prado in Madrid has preserved many of the copyist and visitor registers from the nineteenth century, and although some years are incomplete or missing, these records form an important source of information about the activities of Americans in Spain. The following is a select translation of the information inscribed in these volumes. The artist’s...
PublisherYale University Press
Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
~The Archives of the Alhambra in Granada has preserved three nineteenth-century visitor registers that were sometimes signed by visitors to the palace. They cover successively the dates 1829–72, 1872–83, and 1896–1903. The following is a select translation of names and dates inscribed in those volumes. Included are artists, art dealers, and...
PublisherYale University Press
Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
PublisherYale University Press
Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
PublisherYale University Press
Description: Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
Photo Credits
PublisherYale University Press
Vistas de España: American Views of Art and Life in Spain, 1860–1914
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