Jennifer Goff
Jennifer Goff is curator of the Eileen Gray, Furniture, and Musical instruments collections in the National Museum of Ireland's Decorative Art and History Division.
Goff, Jennifer
Goff, Jennifer
United States of America
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Description: Eileen Gray
At Tempe a Pailla, the house Eileen Gray designed for her own use in the mountainous terrain of southeastern France that overlooks the Mediterranean Sea, everything is not as it seems. Numerous items of furniture could be easily converted to serve different uses; a staircase to the cellar is hidden...
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.222-233
Description: Eileen Gray
In Paris during the first decade of the twentieth century, Fauvism, Cubism, Constructivism, and Futurism, coupled with a rejection of academic tradition, caused artists and designers to question traditional...
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.142-161
Description: Eileen Gray
Although for most of her life Eileen Gray lived in Paris, she was born and raised in Ireland, and her Irish identity was of critical importance to her. The reasons Gray became an expatriate are not clear, although her family’s history provides some evidence for her decision. She was an intriguing figure, a woman of remarkable...
PublisherBard Graduate Center
Related print edition pages: pp.78-91