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Description: Revolutionary Horizons: Art and Polemics in 1950s Cuba
PublisherYale University Press
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A (volume of prints), 168, 244n88
Abakuá, 195
Abbott, Berenice, 141
Abela, Eduardo, 37, 102, 118, 203, 237n96, 244n73
abstract art: in the Anti-Bienal, 73
in Argentina, 26–27
in the Batistato, 95, 97, 102–3, 106–16, 135
at Bienales Hispanoamericanas, 79
Carreño and, 51
criticisms of, 7, 85–86
cubanía and, 3, 5, 51, 56, 60, 213
democracy associated with, 35, 78
Desnoes and, 1
in early vanguard, 42–46
forcework of, 4, 214
ideas underpinning, 6, 32
Khrushchev on, 248n36
liberalism associated with, 122
martiano character of, 65, 67, 75
moral argument for, 56–57, 95, 97
music compared to, 149
in National Salons, 54–55
Noticias de Arte and, 32
Los Once and, 35–36, 49, 59, 64, 67
as paradigmatic modern Cuban art, 95
and politics, 67, 97
in the public sphere, 6
the Revolution and, 178, 187, 189, 199, 201–14
sociocultural significance of, 2–4, 7, 61, 77, 93, 95, 97, 213
third-generation vanguardia and, 2
utopianism associated with, 3, 95
Abstract Expressionism, 6, 17, 36, 52, 53, 61, 130, 133–35, 137, 241n35
Abstraction-Création, 137, 139
Academia de San Alejandro, Havana, 37, 102
Académie de la Grande Chaumière, Paris, 151
Acevedo, Felsindo, 234n67, 237n96
Acosta, José Manuel, 46
Acosta León, Ángel, 2, 201, 203, 215n3
action painting, 43, 61, 133
Afro-Cuban art, 37, 44
Afro-Cuban lineage, 52, 65, 144
Afro-Cuban music, 171
Afro-Cuban themes, 104, 142
Agam, Yaacov, 151
Agramonte, Roberto, 49
Aguirre, Mirta, 184, 201–2
Albano, Mario, 26
Albers, Josef, 19, 140, 142
Homage to the Square, 165
Aleixandre, Vicente, 182
Alemania, año cero (film), 76
À l’Étoile scellée gallery, Paris, 103
Alliance for Progress, 122
Almendros, Néstor, 74, 217n43
Alonso, Alicia, 23, 74, 99, 184, 231n9
Alonso, Humberto, 20
Alvarez, Lucía, 48, 55, 225n8
Álvarez, Pedro, 47, 48, 167, 244n73, 244n85, 250n74
Amado Blanco, Luis, 27, 149
América (journal), 24
American Abstract Artists, 139
American Embassy building (Harrison and Abramovitz), 19
American Federation of Arts, 123
americanismo: in art magazines, 26, 30–31
manifestations of, 4
in 1950s, 11–12
Nuestro Tiempo and, 184
Los Once and, 61–62, 133–34
Orígenes and, 13
los 23 y medio and, 10
Ancient Arts of the Andes (exhibition), 235n73
Anti-Bienal: announcements of, 32
Los Once and, 67–81, 208, 226n21
and politics, 91–92
publications connected to, 68–71
significance of, 5, 193
Antigua, Francisco, 22, 48, 54, 55, 59, 82, 87, 89, 91, 117, 118, 199, 203, 225n8, 234n62, 244n73
Metamorfosis, 59
Anti-Salon, 6, 97, 118–19, 208
Antuña, Vicentina, 198, 250n71
Apollonio, Umbro, 151
Appel, Karel, 150
Aragon, Louis, 13
Arcay, Wifredo, 79, 126, 127, 151–52, 154, 157, 162, 166, 167, 236n81, 237n96, 244n73, 244n85
Art d’aujourd’hui: maîtres de l’art abstrait, 152, 242n41
Fresque “Luza,” 152, 153
Arche, Jorge, 46
Architects’ Collaborative, 32
architecture: modern, 18–21
modern regionalist, 15
monumentalism in, 19
L’architecture d’aujourd’hui (journal), 151
Argentina, 26–27, 31, 72
Arjona, Marta, 197, 198, 234n61
Arnheim, Rudolf, 141
Arp, Jean, 65, 128, 142, 151, 152, 153, 162, 164, 199, 242n41
Arquitectos Unidos, 5, 20–21, 109, 217n38
Colegio Instituto Edison, 20
Rental Office Building, Colegio de Arquitectos, 20
Arroyo, Nicolás, 106–8
Arroyo, Ximénez, 47
Arroyo and Menéndez, Habana Hilton, 113
Arrufat, Antón, 182, 198
Art Concret (magazine), 137
art criticism, 24, 26
Art cubain contemporain (exhibition), 126, 152
El arte abstracto en Europa (exhibition), 165
El arte en Cuba: Su evolución en las obras de algunos artistas [Art in Cuba: Its Evolution in the Works of Some Artists] (exhibition), 41, 232n22
Arte Madí Universal (journal), 139–40
Arte Normativo, 167
Artes Plásticas (magazine), 198–99, 199, 250n71
art informel, 62, 104
Art Institute of Chicago, 61
Art News (magazine), 62, 85
Arts (magazine), 27
arts education, 191–92
arts integration, 6, 20, 32, 100, 109, 116, 122, 148, 150, 152, 168–69, 192–93, 204, 233n50
Art Students League, New York, 155
Ashton, Dore, 124, 126, 129
Asociación Arte Concreto-Invención, 160
Asociación de Escritores y Artistas Americanos, 24
Asociación Venezolana de Periodistas (AVP), 127, 128, 132
Atelier d’art abstrait, Paris, 151
Ateneo Círculo de la Habana, 23
Ateneo de Caracas, Venezuela, 80
Ateneo del Chaco, Argentina, 140
Auténtico party, 10, 49, 149, 246n8
automobiles, 15–16
aviation, 16
Ávila, René, 47, 48, 55, 59, 60, 89, 91, 225n8, 234n61
AVP. See Asociación Venezolana de Periodistas
Ayala, Hector de, 121, 126
Balla, Giacomo, 242n41
Ballagas, Emilio, 218n62
Ballet Alicia Alonso, 99, 231n9
Ballet Nacional, 231n9
Banco Obrero, Caracas (Villanueva and Porro), 164
Baquero, Gastón, 110, 231n3
Baragaño, José A., 21, 82, 87, 128, 151, 205–7, 234n61
Barr, Alfred H., Jr., 29, 100, 102, 120–21, 131, 234n67, 235n70
Bartók, Béla, 172
Batista, Fulgencio: coup of, 3, 11, 49
and culture, 54, 68, 79, 87, 92, 109, 112
governing history of, 10–11, 40
opposition to, 3, 5, 50, 91
and Spain, 69
and the underworld, 16–17
and United States, 16
Batistato: abstraction’s role in, 95, 97, 102–3, 106–16, 135
architecture of, 19
and Bienal Hispanoamericana, 80
concrete art in, 109, 163
culture in, 4, 98–105
fear of, 76
opposition to, 12, 23, 32–33, 67–68, 77, 78, 149, 179, 182, 184–85
prerevolutionary, 179, 182, 184–85
rise of, 10–11
and Spain, 74–75
Bauhaus, 140
Bay of Pigs invasion, 203
Becket, Welton, and Associates, Habana Hilton Hotel, 19
Benítez, Adigio, 186, 197
Benjamin, Walter, 211
Bermúdez, Cundo, 29, 31, 40, 73, 102, 103, 121, 234n67, 236n81, 237n94, 237n96, 244n73
Bermúdez, José Ygnacio, 29, 54, 59, 60, 62–64, 77, 91, 118, 123, 124, 126, 130, 225n8, 234n61, 236n81
Pastiche, 124, 125
Berni, Antonio, 80
Bertha Schaefer Gallery, New York, 43
Beyond Geometry: Experiments in Form, 1940s–1970s (exhibition), 4
Biblioteca Nacional, Havana, 196, 207
Biblioteca Pública “Ramón Guiteras,” Matanzas, 167
Bienal Hispanoamericana: 1953 (I), 45
1954 (II), 5, 67, 79–81, 184
Los Once and, 65, 79–81. See also Anti-Bienal
Bill, Max, 127, 137, 150, 160
Blanco, Juan, 21, 74, 171, 217n41, 217n43
Música para danza [Music for Dance], 171
Bloc, André, 150–52, 162, 164
Bode, Arnold, 186
Bogotá, Colombia, 107
Bohemia (magazine), 69, 72, 92, 194
Bolshevism, 185
Boom generation, 195
Borges, Jorge Luis, 195
Boulton, Alfredo, 127
Brancusi, Constantin, 65, 141
Brando, Marlon, 16
Branly, Roberto, 182
Braque, Georges, 156
Brasília, Brazil, 107
Brazil, 31, 37, 107
Breton, André, 103
Brouwer, Leo, 171
Bueno, Salvador, 22, 54, 55
Buergo, Arturo, 234n61
Buñuel, Luis, 211
Buró para la Represión de las Actividades Comunistas, 184
Burri, Alberto, 150
Burrows, Carlyle, 129–30
Cabrera, Lydia, 231n3
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo, 184, 194, 196, 198, 217n43
Cabrera Infante, Sabá, 47, 48, 184, 195, 217n43, 234n61
Cabrera Moreno, Servando, 48, 79, 85, 89, 117, 118, 121, 127, 128, 184, 187–89, 203, 236n81, 237n94, 237n96, 244n73, 248n37, 249n59, 250n74
Milicias Campesinas, 187–88, 188
Café Martí, 14
El Caimán Barbudo (literary supplement), 198
Calder, Alexander, 128
Camacho, Jorge, 85, 89, 118, 121, 127, 201, 203, 225n8, 237n96
Camagüey, Cuba, 76, 82, 84, 128
Camargo, Sérgio de, 153
Campoamor, Fernando, 174
Cañas Abril, Eduardo, Eugenio Leal House, 19, 19, 148
Caracas, Venezuela, 107
Caravia, Enrique, 54, 100, 102
Cardazzo, Carlo, 150, 241n35
Cárdenas, Agustín, 22, 47, 54, 55, 59, 63–65, 82, 86, 87, 89, 91–93, 102–5, 117, 124, 126, 129, 146, 199, 203, 225n8, 234n62, 244n73
Couple antillais, 104, 104
exhibition of, 103
Sculpture cubaine, 65, 65
Carlebach Gallery, New York, 139
Carpentier, Alejo, 87, 171, 203, 250n71
Music in Cuba, 171
Los pasos perdidos [The Lost Steps], 171
El reino de este mundo [The Kingdom of this World], 171
Carreño, Mario, 13, 24, 27–28, 29–30, 29, 32, 40, 42, 45, 47, 48, 51, 56–57, 60–61, 72, 73, 77, 79, 81, 82, 89, 91–93, 95, 99, 100, 102–3, 105, 109, 121, 122, 137–39, 141–42, 147, 149, 162–64, 168, 171, 231n3, 232n35, 234n67, 236n81, 236n88, 237n94, 237n96, 241n16
“Artes plásticas en el mundo,” 142
Cielos del sur, 142, 143
El corte de caña, 40
Danza afrocubana, 40
“El factor moral en la pintura abstracta,” 142
Fuego en el batey, 40, 41
“Historical Diagram of the Visual Arts in Cuba,” 100, 101, 102
Mural, Eugenio Leal House, 19–20, 20
Carteles (magazine), 24, 81, 142
Carvallo, Feliciano, 128
Casa de las Américas, 198
Casa de las Américas (journal), 182, 198
Casanovas, Martí, 38
Casas, Luis Ángel, 217n43
Casey, Calvert, 198
Castro, Fidel: and the arts, 169, 187, 196–97, 202, 204–5, 231n9
criticisms of, 189, 190
ideology of, 2, 6, 74, 195
Lam and, 112
policies and official actions of, 194
revolutionary activities of, 5, 16, 50, 75
“Words to the Intellectuals,” 196–97, 199, 200, 206
censorship, 194–98
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 119
Centro de Arte Cubano, Havana, 131, 239n122
Centro Profesional del Este, Caracas, 164
Cerra, Mirta, 80, 125, 146, 236n81, 237n96, 244n73
Ships, 80, 81
Chacón Nardi, Rafaela, 184, 217n43
Chacón y Calvo, José María, 24
Chanan, Michael, 184
Chávez, Adoración G. de, 217n43
Chibás, Eduardo, 10–11
Chile, 31, 72, 163
Chlenov, Anatoly, 202
CIAM. See Congrès International d’Architecture Moderne
Ciclón (journal), 6, 23, 87, 99, 178, 181–83, 181, 195, 231n3, 246n15, 247n21
Cienfuegos, Camilo, 195
Cienfuegos, Osmany, 190, 217n41
Los Cinco, 6, 68, 93, 97, 116, 126, 128–35, 205, 207–8
Cine-Club Visión, 23
cinema, 189
Cine Móvil (films), 189, 191
Círculo de Bellas Artes, Havana, 82, 86, 87, 93, 157
Cirules, Enrique, 17
Ciudad Universitaria, Caracas (Villanueva), 109, 122, 128, 164
Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico (Pani and del Moral), 109
Clam Gallery, Madrid, 132
Clark, Lygia, 4
Clavé, Antoni, 80
Climent, Enrique, 80
Club Universitaria, Valencia, 154
CNC. See Consejo Nacional de Cultura
CoBrA group, 241n35
Coca Cola, 16
Cold War, 11, 36, 53, 62, 122, 127, 133, 235n74
Colegio de Arquitectos, Havana, 40
Colegio Instituto Edison (Arquitectos Unidos), 20
collage, 130, 153
Collages, Esculturas (exhibition), 130
Collazo, Miguel, 234n61
Colombia, 72
color, 40
Comisión para el Trabajo Intelectual (Commission on Intellectual Work), 22
Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), 190
communism, 5, 79, 93, 99, 122
Communist Party, 50, 178, 184, 197–98. See also Partido Socialista Popular
Conceptos martianos sobre economía y comercio (mural), 110
concrete art, 137–75
in the Batistato, 109, 163
Carreño and, 163–64
Constructivism and, 138–40, 175
and cubanía, 171, 172
gestural abstraction vs., 36
history of, 137–38
ideas underlying, 138, 140–41, 149, 160, 164, 175, 213
and internationalism, 116, 150–57
Martínez and, 191
Martínez Pedro and, 147–51
music and, 170–75
origins/emergence of, 6, 46, 157–67
Paris and, 151–57
and perception, 157–59
and utopianism, 138, 149, 175
concrete music, 171, 174–75
concretos: and Constructivism, 62
Darié, 157–60
Los Diez, 167–70
emergence of, 139–47
exhibitions of, 162–63
Martínez Pedro, 147–51, 157–60
in Paris, 151–57
and politics, 138, 169 (see also Los Diez)
and the Revolution, 169
Confederation of Cuban Workers, 52
Congrès International d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM), 19, 217n36
Congress for Cultural Freedom, 118–19
Congress of Architects (Union Internationale des Architectes), 204
Conil, Enrique, 239n122
Conjunto de Instituciones Cubanas, 184
Consejo Nacional de Cultura (CNC), 196–97, 203, 208
Constitution of 1940, 76
Constructive Universalism, 64
Constructivism, 6, 62, 64, 74, 122, 128, 138–40, 153, 175
Consuegra, Hugo, 9, 20–21, 26, 55, 57, 59, 60, 62–64, 76, 82, 85–89, 91–93, 109, 116, 117, 118, 121, 123, 124, 126, 130, 131, 150, 152, 169, 177, 192–93, 196, 197, 201, 203, 204, 207, 209, 210, 211, 223n79, 224n83, 225n8, 233n50, 234n61, 236n81, 239n124, 244n73, 249n59, 250n74
El Ángel Exterminador [Exterminating Angel], 211, 212, 213
“Artes plásticas: la forma de la verdad,” 193
Awakening, 94 (detail), 123–24, 123
Emelina Fernández apartment building, 20, 20
Entrada en la tierra, 124
“Exposición de Los 11,” 86
“The Integration of the Arts,” 192–93
Poetry against Itself, 132
Siera Maestra, 132
Untitled, 34, 64, 64
Contemporary Cuban Group (exhibition), 129–30, 129
Contra-Bienales, 79, 80
Cooper, Harry, 160
Corratgé, Salvador, 9, 15, 48, 57, 61, 147, 167, 168, 170, 171, 244n85, 244n88, 249n59, 250n74
Untitled, 170, 170
corruption, in government, 10, 17, 50
Cortina, José Manuel, 119
Cortissoz, Royal, 120, 234n66
cosmopolitanism: of abstract art, 35, 203
in art magazines, 26, 29–32, 198
cultural, 12. See also Cuban universalism
Cosmorama: electro-pintura en movimiento [Cosmorama: Electro-Painting in Motion] (film), 172–73, 172
Cossío del Pomar, Felipe, 100
Costa, Lúcio, 107
La Coubre (ship), 206
Couceiro, Manuel, 118, 234n61
counterpoint, 149
Coyula, Mario, 98
Craven, David, 134–35
El Crisol (newspaper), 194
Cruz-Diez, Carlos, 4, 122, 128
Cuatro pintores y un escultor (exhibition), 205
Cuba Libre. See Cuban independence
Cubana Airlines, 16, 126
Cuban art. See modern Cuban art
Cuban Association of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, 118–19
cubanía: abstraction and, 3, 5, 51, 56, 60, 213
concrete art and, 171, 172
culturalist program of, 185
defined, 3, 12
ideology of, 5
muralism and, 109
Los Once and, 35, 60–61, 89
resurgence of, 12
and the Revolution, 179, 181
themes of, 75
third-generation vanguardia and, 213
under-30s and, 51
vanguardia and, 39–40
cubanidad, 3
Cuban independence (Cuba Libre), 11–12, 18, 33, 49–50, 67, 74–76, 98, 179, 213
Cuban Missile Crisis, 203
Cuban People’s Party (Ortodoxos), 10
Cuban Revolution: abstraction and, 178, 187, 189, 199, 201–14
concretos and, 169
Cuba Libre and, 179
and cubanía, 179, 181
and culture, 185–214
effects of, 177
events inaugurating, 178–79
ideological forces behind, 50
intelligentsia and, 179–99, 246n5
and internationalism, 198–99, 203–4
journals and, 181–85
Los Once and, 177
psychological factors underlying, 179
sociocultural significance of, 135
third-generation vanguardia and, 177–78
totalizing nature of, 2
Cuban Tempos (exhibition), 123, 236n81
Cuban universalism, 10, 12–14, 21
Cubism, 37, 152
Cuevas, José Luis, 72
Cuixart, Modest, 79
Cultural Congress, 177, 204
cultural imperialism, 6, 53
culturalism, 179, 181, 185
D’Acosta, Hugo, 217n41
Dacosta, Milton, 150
Dalton, Roque, 2
Darié, Lily, 29
Darié, Sandú, 27, 29, 29, 31, 77, 122, 137, 139–42, 144, 147, 149, 153, 157–64, 166–68, 170–74, 204, 208, 236n81, 236n88, 237n94, 237n96, 240n9, 244n73, 244n85, 244n88, 249n59, 250n74
Cosmorama: electro-pintura en movimiento [Cosmorama: Electro-Painting in Motion], 172–73, 172
Estructuras pictóricas, 140, 157
Estructuras transformables, 157–58, 159
Pintura transformable Madí, 136 (detail), 140, 141
Untitled, 160, 161
Untitled, Estructura transformable, 159
Dash, Harry, 120
Davis, Stuart, 141
De Juan, Adelaida, 198
De Kooning, Willem, 53
De la Cuesta, Luis, 76
De la Nuez, René, 199, 200
De la Presa, Fernando, 80–81, 164
Charlas de la segunda Bienal, 79
De la Suarée, Octavio, 142
De la Torriente, Loló, 118, 174
Delaunay, Robert, 140, 152, 242n41
Delaunay, Sonia, 152, 162, 242n41
Del Marle, Félix, 151
Del Moral, Enrique, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico, 109
Delphic Studio, 42
democracy: abstract art associated with, 35, 78
internationalism associated with, 122
modern art associated with, 46
De Oraá, Pedro, 15, 91, 128, 164–65, 167–68, 170, 175, 203, 244n73, 244n85, 244n88, 249n59, 250n74
Untitled, 168, 170
desgarramiento, 1–3
Desnoes, Edmundo, 1, 3, 198, 208, 215n3, 217n41
Memorias del subdesarrollo [Memories of Underdevelopment], 1, 208, 215n3
Pintores cubanos, 208
De Soto, Luis, 74, 162
Dewasne, Jean, 150, 151
Dewey, John, 141
Deyrolle, Jean, 165
Diago, Roberto, 42, 44–45, 48, 49, 80, 102, 120, 121, 124, 144, 146, 147, 234n67, 237n94
Figure, 44–45, 45, 144
Untitled, 144, 145
Diario de la Marina (newspaper), 24, 194
Díaz-Balart, Waldo, 156, 244n84
Díaz Martínez, Manuel, 202, 250n71
Díaz Peláez, José Antonio, 59, 82, 89, 91, 117, 118, 124, 126, 131–32, 207, 234n61, 249n59
[La Coubre], 206, 206
Form in Space, 131, 132
Díaz Sánchez, Julián, 79
Los Diez (The Ten), 167–70
and abstraction, 213
dissolution of, 7, 169, 170
exhibitions of, 165, 167, 197, 244n85
gallery of, 138
ideology of, 3, 6
and internationalism, 127
members of, 79, 167
as third-generation vanguardia, 175. See also concretos
Dill, Mary, 140
Dirección de Cultura, 23, 24
Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE), 246n8
Doboronyi, Sepy, 239n122
Documenta II (exhibition), 186
Domínguez, Oscar, 72, 80
Dulzaides Noda, Luis, 23–24, 26, 52, 54, 55, 59, 63–64, 87
Dumois, Lesbia Vent, 197
DuPont, 16
Echeverría, José Antonio, 246n8
Egas, Camilo, 141
Einstein, Albert, 77
Eiriz, Antonia, 26, 52, 195, 203, 207, 208, 249n59, 250n74
La cámara fotográfica, 209–10, 209
electroacoustic music, 171, 174–75
Emelina Fernández apartment building (Consuegra), 20, 20
English, T. J., 17
Enríquez, Carlos, 37, 120, 186, 203, 234n67, 237n94
Esso Standard Oil Company mural, 110, 111
Escalante, Aníbal, 187
Escardó, Rolando, 9, 182
Escartín, Adela, 132
Escuelas Nacionales de Arte, Cuba, 164, 192, 204
Los Espaciales. See Arquitectos Unidos
Espacio (journal), 86
Espinosa, Viredo (known as “Viredo”), 59, 60, 82, 91, 225n8, 234n62
Esso Standard Oil Company murals, Vedado, 110–12, 111
Estopiñán, Roberto, 46–48, 54, 89, 118, 127, 237n96, 244n73
Ícaro, 46, 47
Estorino, Abelardo, 217n41
Eugenio Leal House (Cañas Abril and Nepomechie), 19, 19, 148
Évora, Tony, 195
Excelsior (newspaper), 194
Exhibición de arte nuevo (exhibition), 37–39
existentialism, 62
Experimental de Arte, 23
Exposición de arte cubano contemporáneo (exhibition), 42
Exposición de pintura, grabado y cerámica (exhibition), 197
Exposiciones de los “Once” (exhibition), 87
Exposición homenaje en memoria de Guy Pérez Cisneros (exhibition), 116
Exposición inaugural, pintura y escultura cubana 1957 (exhibition), 165, 165, 244n73
Exposition Hispano-Américaine (exhibition), 80
Expresionismo abstracto (exhibition), 7, 207–8
Falangist Manifesto, 69
Farías, Enriqueta, 217n43
Fariñas, Carlos, 171, 172, 174–75
Aguas territoriales, 174–75
Federation of University Students (Federación Estudiantil Universitaria [FEU]), 50, 75–77, 192, 246n8
Feijoo, Samuel, 218n62
Fernández, Agustín, 63, 89, 114, 121, 127, 191, 203, 225n8, 237n96, 244n73, 249n59
Mural (Colegio de Arquitectos e Ingenieros, Havana), 114, 115
Still Life and Landscape, 114
Fernández, Arístides, 24
Fernández, Pablo Armando, 194
Fernández Retamar, Roberto, 184
Ferrer, Joaquín, 203, 244n73
Ferrer, Surama, 184, 217n43
FEU. See Federation of University Students
Fiallo, Delia, 217n43
15 dibujos de pintores y escultores jóvenes (exhibition), 52
15 pintores y escultores jóvenes (exhibition), 52, 57
Figaro (newspaper), 14
Finley, David E., 234n66
First National Congress of Writers and Artists of Cuba, 168, 197
Flores, Pedro, 81
Focillon, Henri, 162–63
Fontana, Lucio, 241n35
forcework, 4, 78, 119, 193, 214
Fornet, Ambrosio, 177, 182
Franco, Francisco, 68–69, 72, 79, 91, 211
Franco, Jean, 198
Frankl, Paul, 129
Franquí, Carlos, 112, 194–96, 249n57
Frejaville, Eva, 74, 250n71
French literature, 13
Fresquet, Lázaro, 234n61
Fuentes, Carlos, 13, 135, 195
Futurists, 38, 218n5
La Gaceta de Cuba (journal), 198
Galería Color-Luz, Havana, 6, 44, 128, 131, 137–38, 152, 165–67, 170, 244n85
Galería Cubana, Vedado, 128
Galería de Artes Plásticas, Camagüey, 167, 244n85, 244n86
Galería de Artes Plásticas, Santiago de Cuba, 87
Galería de Matanzas, Matanzas, 57
Galería Habana, Havana, 89, 207, 211
Galería La Plaza, Havana, 239n122
Galería Nuestro Tiempo, Havana, 84–85, 89, 184
Galería Sardio, Caracas, 127, 128, 164
Galería Sudamericana, New York, 125, 129, 156
Galerie Denise René, Paris, 152, 154
Galerie Henri Tronche, Paris, 80
Galleria del Cavallino, Venice, 150, 150
Galleria del Naviglio, Milan, 150–51
Galvéz Rodríguez, William, 17
gangsterismo, 49
Garatti, Vittorio, 192, 204
García, Víctor Manuel, 22, 38, 60, 79, 102, 118, 120, 201, 203, 234n61, 234n67, 237n94
Gitana tropical, 37, 39, 61
García Barcena, Rafael, 246n8
García Cisneros, Florencio, 127, 128, 167
García Joya, Mario. See Mayito
Gastón, Miguel, 148, 157
Gattorno, Antonio, 38, 102, 236n88
Gaudí, Antoni, 131
Gauguin, Paul, 52, 61
Gavilan, Margie, 234n61
Gego (Gertrud Goldschmidt), 4, 128
Gelabert, Florencio, 81
generación del centenario, 50–51, 54
General Motors, 16
Generation of 1927, 3, 5, 14, 37, 102–3, 109, 126, 127, 135
Generation of the 50s, 87, 99
geometric abstraction: in international art, 127
values within, 151
geometric abstraction in Cuba: Carreño and, 19–20
diffusion of, 157
origins of, 6, 139–47
significance of, 103
state role of, 109, 116
Geometric Abstraction: Latin American Art from the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection (exhibition), 4
gestural abstraction, 35–36, 62, 133–34
gesture painting, 52–54, 61
Giedion, Sigfried, 217n36
Ginsberg, Jean, 152
Girona, Julio, 42–45, 73, 237n94
Conflict, 43, 44
Noche mágica, 48
Giunta, Andrea, 7
Glarner, Fritz, 140
Gleizes, Albert, 242n41
Glinn, Burt, New Year’s Day in front of Havana Hilton, now Havana Libre, 179, 180
Gómez Sicre, José, 6, 15, 23, 27, 31, 40, 42, 44, 46–47, 56, 62, 86, 89, 91–92, 102, 120–24, 127, 132, 135, 142, 144, 147, 163, 187, 188, 232n35, 234n67, 236n80, 239n124, 240n129
Pintura cubana de hoy, 120
González, Carmelo, 55, 56, 80, 102, 109, 186, 197
Esso Standard Oil Company mural, 110, 111
Ismos, 54
González, José Antonio, 184
González, Sergio, 217n38
González Armas, Jesús, 234n61
González Fornés, Julia, 131
González Jerez, Ernesto, 80
González Romero, Raúl, 169, 192
Good Neighbor Policy, 120–23
Goodyear, 16
Gorkin, Julián, 119
Gorky, Arshile, 42–43
Gottardi, Roberto, 192, 204
Gramatges, Harold, 21, 74, 217n43
Granma (yacht), 16, 178, 199
Grau Sala, Emilio, 81
Greenberg, Clement, 107
Gres Art Gallery, Washington, D.C., 169
Gris, Juan, 61
Gropius, Walter, 19, 32, 149, 151, 174
Groupe Espace, 151, 152, 164, 167
Grupo Madí, 27, 31–32, 139–40, 160, 167, 240n9
Grupo Minorista, 39–40
Guatemala, 72
Guevara, Alfredo, 184, 249n57
Guevara, Ernesto “Che,” 16, 179, 187, 190, 195, 196, 204, 248n35
Guilbaut, Serge, 133
Guillén, Nicolás, 21–22, 184, 197
Guirao, Ramón, 41
Gutiérrez, Henry, 20
Gutiérrez, Rolando, 217n43
Gutiérrez Alea, Tomás, 1, 184, 208, 215n3, 217n43, 218n62
Habana Hilton Hotel (Becket and Associates, and Arroyo and Menéndez), 19, 113. See also Hotel Habana Libre
Habana Riviera Hotel (Polevitzky, Johnson and Associates), 17, 19, 115
Haftmann, Werner, 186
Hard-Edge abstraction, 155, 162, 170
Harrison and Abramovitz, American Embassy, 19
Hassan, Salah D., 12, 183, 247n21
Havana, Cuba: as an abstraction, 106–9
abstraction in, 97
construction in, 17–21, 18
cultural hierarchy in, 23
New York compared to, 15
in 1950s, 15–21
Paris compared to, 15, 15
planning of, 106–9, 106, 108
Plan Piloto for, 6, 19, 97, 106–9, 205
“Havana Grows and Modernizes” (essay), 95, 96, 97
Havana Mob, 16
Havana School: and abstraction, 63
artists of, 19, 45, 47, 48, 51, 61, 112, 137
and Bienal Hispanoamericana, 81
concretos in relation to, 159, 163
criticisms of, 89
emergence of, 40
first-generation vanguardia and, 37
significance of, 3, 46, 102
third-generation vanguardia and, 5, 49, 65, 135, 175
Hegel, G.W.F., 160, 172
Herbin, Auguste, 151, 242n41
Hernández Travieso, Antonio, 82, 130
Hernández Yanes, Orlando, 80, 197
Herrera, Carmen, 48, 89, 125, 126, 155–56, 242n47, 244n84
Habana Series, 155–56
Iberic, 156, 156
Hesse, Hermann, 141
Hitler, Adolf, 69
Hlito, Alfredo, 160
Hofmann, Hans, 53, 130
Homenaje a Guy Pérez Cisneros (exhibition), 74
Homenaje a José Martí (exhibition). See Anti-Bienal
Homenaje al pequeño cuadrado (exhibition), 165
homosexuality, 189–90, 192, 198, 248n37
Horna, José, 80
Hotel Habana Libre, 197. See also Habana Hilton Hotel
Hotel Habana Riviera. See Habana Riviera Hotel
Hotel Lafayette, 14
Howe, Linda S., 185
Hoy (newspaper), 194
Huete, Angel, 88
Hurtado, Oscar, 24
Hyde, Timothy, 106, 108, 232n27
ICAIC. See Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematográfico
Imbert, Enrique Anderson, 13
INAV. See National Institute of Savings and Housing
INC. See National Institute of Culture
Información (newspaper), 194
informalismo, 79–80
Institute of Contempory Art, Boston, 121
Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematográfico (ICAIC), 23, 177, 189, 195–96, 249n57
Instituto de Cultura Hispánica, Madrid, 88
Instituto Nacional de Cultura. See National Institute of Culture
integration of the arts. See arts integration
intelligentsia, and the Revolution, 179–99, 246n5
Inter-American Office, National Gallery of Art, 120, 234n66
International Congress of Industrial Design, 150
International Exhibition of the Caribbean (exhibition), 124
internationalism: abstraction and, 96, 109, 127
art publications and, 22, 26–33
concrete art and, 116, 150–57
Cuban architecture and, 20
Cuban art and, 6, 120–28
democracy and freedom associated with, 122
Los Diez and, 127
Los Once and, 36, 131–35
and the Revolution, 198–99, 203–4
International Style, 15, 19, 20, 109, 148
Inventario (magazine), 24, 25, 26–27, 32, 218n62
Inverted Utopias: Avant-Garde Art in Latin America (exhibition), 4
Izquierdo, María, 80
Jacobsen, Robert, 150, 151
Jamís, Fayad, 52, 59, 60, 82, 85–87, 91, 93, 103–5, 124, 128, 197, 199, 225n8, 234n62, 249n59, 250n71, 250n74
“Entrevista con Nuez,” 199, 200
exhibition of, 103
Untitled, 104, 105
Jaume, Adela, 117
Jiménez, Juan Ramón, 182
José Martí Monument, 19
Junta Nacional Planificación (National Planning Board), 100, 106
Juventud Rebelde (newspaper), 198
Kafka, Franz, 153, 195
Kandinsky, Wassily, 140, 152, 202, 242n41
Kapcia, Antoni, 3, 12, 23, 24, 56, 109, 179, 221n54, 232n35, 232n36
Khrushchev, Nikita, 187, 248n36
Kinetic art, 154, 162
Klee, Paul, 62, 142, 152, 242n41
Kline, Franz, 53
Kosice, Gyula, 27, 31–32, 139–40, 144
Kunzle, David, 185
Kupka, František, 242n41
Labrador Ruiz, Enrique, 27, 54
Lam, Wifredo, 13, 22, 47–48, 79, 80, 81, 86, 102, 103, 105, 110–13, 126–28, 152, 164, 204, 210, 215n3, 218n4, 233n42, 234n67, 236n81, 237n94, 244n73
Botanic Garden mural, Ciudad Universitaria, Caracas, 112, 127–28
Contrapunto, 47–48, 48
Fresque (Esso Standard Oil Company mural), 110–12, 111
Jungle, 234n67
Mural (Centro Médico, Vedado), 112, 113
Pasos miméticos, II, 112
Umbral, 112
Lancereau, Félicie, 237n96
Lansky, Meyer, 16, 17
La Rampa gallery, Vedado, 21, 57, 59, 148, 204
Las Antillas (café), 9
Las Máscaras gallery, Havana, 132
Latin American art, 4, 31, 122, 235n70, 235n73, 240n129
Latin American Exhibition of Fine and Applied Art, 120
Lauderman, Gladys, 63–64, 72, 92
cover of exhibition brochure, 85
Lautréamont, Comte de, 141
Leal, Rine R., 182, 217n43
Le Corbusier, 30, 107, 151, 217n36
Léger, Fernand, 61, 152, 164, 242n41
Lenin, Vladimir, 191, 195
León, Ithiel, 217n43
León, Ruperto, 234n61
Leonardo da Vinci, 155
Lezama Lima, José, 9, 12, 13, 23, 74, 165, 174, 182, 195
liberalism, 122
Liébana, Ginés, 81
light, 155
Literacy Campaign, 191
Llinás, Guido, 26, 52–55, 57, 59–63, 65, 82, 85–87, 89, 91, 93, 117, 118, 127, 129–33, 138, 146, 192, 196, 201, 203, 208, 220n38, 223n79, 225n8, 234n61, 249n59, 250n74
Abstracción, 60
Composition, 133, 134
Florero, 52
La Roca mural, Vedado, 116
Pintura, 53, 53
Revenir en arrière, 176 (detail), 210, 210
Lobo Montalvo, María Luisa, 19
Longa, Rita, 100, 118, 120
Loomis, John A., 21, 204
López, Edmundo, 22, 217n43
López, Tony, 244n73
López Dirube, Rolando, 64, 89, 114–16, 118, 127, 150, 152, 193, 236n88, 237n94, 237n96, 244n73
Ciudad Deportiva murals, Havana, 115
“Escultura en la terraza de una residencia,” 115, 115
Hotel Habana Riviera mural, 115
sculpture, Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular, Vedado, 115
Loy, Ramón, 118
Lozano, Alfredo, 13, 46, 48, 73, 92, 100, 199, 234n61, 237n96, 244n73
Lozza, Raúl, 160
Lucia (film), 190, 191
Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 16
Ludtke, Gertrudis, 29, 89, 239n122
Luis, William, 195
Luis Martínez Pedro (exhibition), 150, 150
Lunes de Revolución (literary supplement), 7, 178, 182, 185, 194–96, 195, 198, 202, 249n57, 249n59
Lyceum Lawn Tennis Club, Havana, 23, 63, 68, 74, 91, 92, 116, 128, 130, 132, 139, 141, 152, 153, 205
Maceo, Antonio, 1
Machadato, 38
Machado, Gerardo, 10, 14, 40
magic realism. See lo real maravilloso
Magnelli, Alberto, 151, 152, 242n41
USS Maine, 18
Maldonado, Tomás, 160
Malevich, Kazimir, 153
Black Square, 154
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 13
Mampaso, Manuel, 79
Mañach, Jorge, 72–73, 107, 110–11, 119, 195
Manet, Édouard, Olympia, 1
Manet, Eduardo, 217n43
Mao Zedong, 190, 195
Marcha (magazine), 75
Marin, Thelvia, 234n61
Marinello, Juan, 37, 39, 184, 197, 202–3
Conversación con nuestros pintores abstractos [Conversation with Our Abstract Painters], 202, 202, 203
Marini, Marino, 46
Marquina, Rafael, 52, 54–55, 60, 82, 87, 99–100, 117, 118, 149, 157, 160, 164
“‘El arte abstracto europeo’ en la Galería ‘Color-Luz’,” 166
“Notas a la exposición de ‘Los Once’ que esta vez fueron siete,” 83
“A propósito de la exposición de Los Once,” 58
Marré, Luis, 182
Martí, José, 5, 11, 50, 64, 67–69, 72, 74, 75, 91, 133, 179, 190, 198
“Nuestra América,” 52
martiano themes, 50–52, 74–79, 86, 93, 179, 213
Martí de la libertad, justicia y amor (mural), 110
Martín, Edgardo, 27
Martínez, Raúl, 9, 22, 36, 47, 48, 55, 57, 61–64, 67, 82, 85, 87, 89–90, 93, 117, 118, 123–24, 127, 129–30, 157, 189–92, 195, 203, 208, 223n79, 224n83, 225n8, 234n61, 236n81, 244n73, 249n59, 250n74
Azul blanco, 117, 117
Burro no. 1, 189, 190
Fénix, 190
Flight Eight, 124, 124
Isla 70, 190–91
La Roca mural, Vedado, 116
Lucia (film), 190, 191
Los Once exhibition brochure, 89–92, 90
Repeticiones de Martí, 190
Martínez, Rosa, 76
Martínez Arará, Raúl, 50
Martínez Pedro, Luis, 27, 29, 29, 47, 73, 89, 95, 102, 120–22, 126, 137, 147–61, 164, 167, 169–71, 173–75, 182, 197, 208, 234n67, 236n81, 236n88, 237n94, 237n96, 244n85, 244n88, 249n59
Aguas territoriales, 150, 173–75, 173, 203
Compositions, 150
Espacio azul, 149–50
Jardín imaginario I, 127
Untitled, from the series “Aguas territoriales,” 173–74, 173
wife of (see Ludtke, Gertrudis)
Martínez Pedro, Sandú Darié (exhibition), 137, 138, 157–58, 158
marvelous realism. See lo real maravilloso
Marx, Roberto Burle, 107
Marxism, 12, 38, 134, 177, 187, 195, 197, 198, 218n5
Massaguer, Conrado, 42
Matarrazzo, Francisco “Ciccillo,” 127
Matilla, Julio, 57, 82, 118, 128, 132, 208, 234n61
Memoria febril, 82, 84
Matta, Roberto, 150, 235n73
Mayito (Mario García Joya), 208, 249n59, 250n71
Graduación–Milicias Serranos [Graduation of a Mountain Militia], 208
McLuhan, Marshall, 172, 174
McNabb, Alan, 118
media, government control of, 194
Mella, Julio Antonio, 75, 76
Memorias del subdesarrollo [Memories of Underdevelopment] (film), 1–3, 2
Méndez, Leopoldo, 72, 80
Méndez, Mercedes, 29
Menocal, Alberto, 167, 244n85, 250n74
Menocal, Armando, 80
Mérida, Carlos, 72, 80
Mesa, Manuel, 217n38
mestizaje, 37
metaphysical themes, 140, 164, 241n13
Mexican muralism, 109–10, 122, 232n35
Mexico, 31, 72, 109–10, 232n36
Miami, Florida, 16
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 19
Miguel Gastón House, 148
Miguenes, Serafín, 217n38
Mijares, José M., 13, 24, 46–48, 55, 77, 81, 118, 142, 146–47, 163, 167, 169–70, 197–98, 203, 217n43, 225n8, 237n94, 237n96, 244n73, 244n85, 244n88, 249n59, 250n74
Lo concreto en rojo, 146–47, 146
cover illustration for Orígenes, 13, 14, 146
Vida en un interior, 46
Milián, Raúl, 121, 236n81, 237n94, 237n96
Millares, Manolo, 79
Minimalism, 244n84
Ministry of Education, 75, 110, 198
Ministry of Public Works, 92, 192
minoristas. See Grupo Minorista
Miramar neighborhood, Havana, 17–18
Miró, Joan, 142
modern art and modernism: democracy associated with, 46
in Memorias, 1–2
in 1940s, 40
Noticias de Arte on, 29, 31
vanguardia and, 37–39, 41
modern Cuban art: abstraction and, 49, 95
geometric abstraction and, 103
international exhibitions of, 41
international spread of, 6
Los Once and, 49
Modern Cuban Painters (exhibition), 102, 120
modernization, 11–12, 15, 41, 113, 204–5
modern regionalism, 15
Modulor, 107
Moholy-Nagy, László, 142
Moncada army barracks attack, 5, 35, 50–51, 74, 75, 178
Mondrian, Piet, 140, 141, 142, 152, 159, 160, 242n41
Montes Huidobro, Matías, 217n43
Montreal Pact, 149
monumentalism, 19
The Moon and Sixpence (film), 52
Moore, Henry, 46, 65, 131, 206
Morales, Armando, 134
Morales, Vicente, 217n38
morality, and abstraction, 56–57, 95, 97
Moreno, Rafael, 234n67, 237n96
Moret, Enrique, 26, 74, 110, 197, 234n61
Motherwell, Robert, 32, 53
Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario (MNR), 246n8
El Mundo (newspaper), 194
El mundo nuevo de los cuadros de Carreño, 1950–1957 (exhibition), 163–64
“Mural exterior sobre la agricultura cubana” [Outdoor mural on Cuban agriculture], 186, 186
muralism, 109–16, 152, 185–87, 232n35, 233n50
“Mural on multifamily dwelling by INAV,” 186, 187
Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, 126
Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, 122, 127
Museo Nacional, Havana, 2, 3, 45, 68, 79. 84, 97, 99–100, 99, 118, 152, 162, 163, 197, 207.
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 124
Museum of Modern Art, New York, 30, 41, 102, 112, 114, 120–22, 127, 131, 154, 234n67, 235n70, 235n73
music, 149, 158–59, 163, 170–75
música nueva, 171
Narváez, Pánfilo de, 69
National Art Schools. See Escuelas Nacionales de Arte, Cuba
National Centenary Commission, 72
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 120, 234n66
National Institute of Culture (Instituto Nacional de Cultura [INC]), 6, 51, 92, 95, 97–105, 109, 118, 123, 126, 137, 157, 162–63, 182, 184, 231n3, 231n7, 232n22
National Institute of Savings and Housing (Instituto Nacional de Ahorro y Viviendas [INAV]), 186
nationalism, 109
National Revolutionary Militias (Milicia Nacional Revolucionaria), 208
National Salon: 1935 (I), 40–41
1938 (II), 40, 41
1950 (IV), 46–47, 50
1951 (V), 47–48, 50, 219n25
1953 (VI), 52, 54–55
1954 (VII), 80
1956 (VIII), 6, 97, 116, 118–19
1959 (IX), 54, 201–2, 250n74
administration of, 23
official space for, 100
Los Once and, 37
reestablishment of, 49
reviews of, 23–24
status of, 87
vanguard provocations at, 5
Navarro, Ernesto, 100
Navarro, Pascual, 151
Negritude, 104
neoclassicism, 62
Neo-Plasticism, 139, 141, 146, 159–60, 173
neorealism, 62
Nepomechie, Nujim, Eugenio Leal House, 19, 19, 148
Neruda, Pablo, 195
Nevelson, Louise, 131
“new cities,” 107
Newman, Barnett, 60, 144, 155
New School for Social Research, New York, 30, 141
newspapers, 194
New York School, 4, 10, 26, 35, 53, 61, 62, 155, 240n129
New York World’s Fair (1939), 120
Niemeyer, Oscar, 19, 107
1927 generation. See Generation of 1927
Noticias de Arte (magazine): and abstraction, 56
and americanismo, 62
and concrete art, 13, 137, 142, 148
history of, 26–33
images of, 28, 30–32
and Los Once, 59–60
origins of, 5, 27, 29, 49
Sociedad Cultural Nuestro Tiempo and, 10
successor to, 105
Nouvelles Littéraires (magazine), 27
Novoa, Rosario, 191
Nuestro Tiempo. See Sociedad Cultural Nuestro Tiempo
Nuestro Tiempo (journal), 6, 21, 110, 110, 118, 181, 183–85, 183, 195
OAS. See Organization of American States
Obregón, Alejandro, 122
O’Gorman, Juan, 109
O’Higgins, Pablo, 80
Ohtake, Tomie, 122
Oiticica, Hélio, 4
Oliva, Tomás, 21, 26, 57, 59, 63, 75, 82, 87–89, 91, 116–18, 132, 192, 193, 196, 197, 203, 234n61, 244n73, 249n59, 250n74
Escultura, 206, 206
Flautafémur, 59, 59
Oliver, Carilda, 217n43
Los Once (exhibition), 63
Los Once (The Eleven): 1953, 63–65
1954, 82–86
1955, 86–90
and abstraction, 35–36, 49, 59, 64, 67
and americanismo, 61–62, 133–34
Arquitectos Unidos and, 21
critical reception of, 60–61, 82, 85–86, 87, 105
and cubanía, 35, 60–61, 89
dissolution of, 5, 7, 68, 90–93, 157, 210–11
emergence of, 49–57
European influences on, 62, 224n83
exhibitions of, 3, 5, 7, 23, 32, 36, 37, 52, 57, 59–60, 63–65, 82–90, 93, 117, 128–30, 132, 205, 207–9
and first-generation vanguardia, 55–56
and gestural abstraction, 35–36
identity and organization of, 57, 59–61, 65, 82, 86, 89, 90, 93
ideology of, 3, 54, 56, 67, 134, 168, 170
and internationalism, 36, 131–35
Lam and, 112
members of, 20, 22, 35, 52, 57, 59, 91, 210–11, 223n79
overview of, 5
and politics, 36, 67–68, 74–75, 119, 133–35, 205–6
in post-revolutionary Cuba, 177, 196, 203, 205–6
revival of, 205–11
sculpture of, 59
sociocultural context of, 35, 49–51, 67–68
status of, in cultural hierarchy, 23
as third-generation vanguardia, 36, 37, 46, 55–56, 61, 65, 67, 89. See also Los Cinco
Los Once: dibujos y acuarelas (exhibition), 82, 84
Once pintores y escultores (exhibition), 57
Op art, 162
Orden Caballero de la Luz, 82
Organización Auténtica, 246n8
Organización Técnica Publicitaria Latinoamericana (OTPLA), 147
Organization of American States (OAS), 121, 122, 127, 203, 235n74, 240n129
organized crime, 16–17
Oriach, Xavier, 81
Orígenes (journal), 5, 12–14, 22–24, 181–82, 231n3, 246n15, 247n21
Orlando, Felipe, 15–16, 35, 102, 121, 126, 234n67, 237n94
Orozco, José Clemente, 109, 126, 188
Ortega y Gasset, José, “The Dehumanization of Art,” 202
Ortodoxo party, 149, 178
Oteiza, Jorge de, 167
Otero, Alejandro, 122, 128
Otero, Lisandro, 197, 217n43
Otero Silva, Miguel, 127
Pablo Casals (film), 76
Pacheco, María Luisa, 122
Padilla, Heberto, 195, 198, 250n70
Padilla affair, 198
País, Frank, 178
Palace of Justice (Pérez Benitoa and Sons), 19
Palacio de Bellas Artes, Caracas, 128
Palacio de Bellas Artes, Havana. See Museo Nacional Havana
Pan American Airlines, 16
Pan-Americanism, 123
Pan-American Union, 6, 44–45, 62, 91, 120, 123, 132, 135, 142, 147, 235n74, 241n16
Pani, Mario, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico, 109
El panneau moderno en Cuba (exhibition), 165–66
Parajón, Mario, 217n43
Parke-Davis, 16
Partido Socialista Popular (PSP), 22, 184, 186, 194, 195, 201–2, 205–6, 249n57. See also Communist Party
Paternosto, César, 134
patterning, in city planning, 97, 107–9, 114, 232n27
Pedroso, Lino, 234n61
Peláez, Amelia, 1, 13, 19–20, 22, 37, 38, 49, 80, 81, 102, 113–14, 120, 146, 152, 184, 234n67, 236n81, 236n88, 237n94, 237n96, 244n73
Abstracción, 113, 114
Esso Standard Oil Company mural, 110, 111
Fishes, 38, 38
Las frutas cubanas (Habana Hilton mural), 113–14, 179, 180, 204
Mujer con abanico, 117
San Juan Bosco, 113
Pellón, Gina, 203
Pepa Lamarque, María, 80
perception, concrete art and, 157–59
Perera, Hilda, 217n43
Pérez, Pablo, 217n38
Pérez Benitoa, José, and Sons, Palace of Justice, 19
Pérez Castaño, Jorge, 201, 203, 208
Pérez Cisneros, Guy, 23, 41–42, 116–17
Pérez de la Riva, Francisco, 231n3
Pérez Jiménez, Marcos, 79, 91, 128, 164
Perls Gallery, New York, 142
Peru, 107
Pettoruti, Emilio, 144
Picabia, Francis, 242n41
Picasso, Pablo, 44, 61, 72, 80, 156
Picón Salas, Mariano, 31
Pierre, José, 104–5
Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York City, 234n67
Pillet, Edgard, 151, 163
Pilot Plan. See Plan Piloto, Havana
Pineda Barnet, Enrique, 172
Piñera, Virgilio, 95, 97–99, 177–79, 181, 182, 231n3, 231n7, 246n15
Pintura, escultura, cerámica (exhibition), 63
Pintura abstracta cubana en Venezuela (exhibition), 128
Pintura de hoy: vanguardia de la escuela de París (exhibition), 116, 162–63, 162
Pintura y escultura contemporánea (exhibition), 131
Plan Piloto, Havana, 6, 19, 97, 106–9, 205
Plan Regulador (master plan), Havana, 106
Platt Amendment, 11–12, 219n9
P.M. (film), 6, 194–97, 214
Pogolotti, Graziella, 17, 24, 74, 82, 184, 198, 201, 250n71
Pogolotti, Marcelo, 38, 49, 118, 218n5, 234n61
Los campos magnéticos [Magnetic Fields], 38, 39
Polevitzky, Johnson and Associates, Habana Riviera Hotel, 19
Poliakoff, Serge, 162
politics: abstract art and, 67, 97
Anti-Bienal and, 68–78
concretos and, 138, 169
Los Once and, 36, 67–68, 74–75, 119, 133–35, 205–6
vanguardia and, 38–39. See also democracy
Pollock, Jackson, 53, 59
Number One, 122
Ponce de León, Fidelio, 37–38, 80, 102, 120, 144, 146, 234n67, 237n94
Pop art, 189–91
Porro, Ricardo, 74, 192
Banco Obrero, Caracas, 164
Escuelas Nacionales de Arte, Cuba, 164, 204
Portinari, Cândido, 80
Portner, Leslie Judd, 121
Portocarrero, René, 13, 22, 31, 40, 79, 81, 95, 103, 113, 118, 120, 121, 203–4, 234n67, 236n81, 237n94, 237n96
Esso Standard Oil Company mural, 110, 111
Portuondo, José Antonio, 77, 85–86, 197
postcard, Impressions of a Visit to Gay Havana, “The Paris of the Western Hemisphere,” 15
post-Cubism, 80, 147, 152
posters, 189
post-Impressionism, 37
Powers, Bruce, 172
Prensa Libre (newspaper), 194
press, censorship of, 194
Preston, Stuart, 126, 131–32, 139, 140
Primera exposición conjunta de artistas plásticos mexicanos y españoles residentes en México (exhibition), 80
Primer festival universitario de arte, 76–77, 76
Prío Socarrás, Carlos, 10, 11, 246n8
private galleries, 125–26
“Protesta de los artistas plásticos de Cuba” (Protest of Cuba’s Visual Artists), 72
Protest of the Thirteen, 14
Puig, Germán, 217n43
Quin, Carmelo Arden, 80, 139
Los Quince, 57
quinquenio gris (1971–76), 198
Quintana, Antonio, Retiro Odontológico, Havana, 63
Quintana, Nicolás, 9, 15, 27, 32, 32, 74, 217n41
race, 86
racism, 146
Raft, George, 16
Ramis, Julio, 79
Ramos Blanco, Teodoro, 80, 120
Rauschenberg, Robert, 130
Ravenet, Domingo, 41, 42, 44–45, 48, 73
Azul, 73–74, 73
Boomerang (Centro Médico mural), 114
Colonial (Fosca building mural), 114
Interior [Naturaleza quieta], 45, 45
realism, 56, 77, 187. See also socialist realism; social realism
lo real maravilloso (the marvelous real), 87, 171
Reder, Bernard, 46
Reed, Alma, 42
Renau, José, 80
Rental Office Building, Colegio de Arquitectos (Arquitectos Unidos), 20
Responsive Eye, The (exhibition), 154
Retamar, Roberto F[ernández], 217n43
Retiro Odontológico, Vedado (A. Quintana), 63
Revista Cubana (journal), 24
Revista de avance (journal), 37
Revista del Instituto Nacional de Cultura (journal), 95, 105, 105, 183
Revista Lyceum (journal), 23, 24
Revolución (newspaper), 194, 196
Rexach, Rosario, 119
Rigol, Jorge, 110
Rimbaud, Arthur, 153
Riopelle, Jean-Paul, 150
Rivera, Diego, 72, 80, 109–10, 120, 126
Riverón, Enrique, 42, 44, 45, 49, 125, 219n15
Persistent Forms, 42, 43
Riverside Museum, New York, 120
Riviera Hotel. See Habana Riviera Hotel
Roa, Raúl, 22
Roca, Blas, 187
Rockefeller, Nelson A., 127, 131
Rodin, Auguste, 62
Rodríguez, Carlos Rafael, 184
Rodríguez, Eduardo Luis, 18–20
Rodríguez, Eugenio, 47, 100, 103, 199, 217n43, 225n8, 234n61
Rodríguez, Mariano, 13, 24, 31, 40, 79, 89, 92, 102, 113, 120, 197–98, 234n67, 236n88, 237n94, 244n73
El dolor humano, 63
Rodríguez, Nilo, 21, 74, 217n43
Rodríguez Feo, José, 12, 23, 182
Rodríguez Pichardo, Alfonso, 100
Rodríguez y Parés, José M. Valdés, 27
Rogers, Ginger, 16
Rojas, Rafael, 13–14
Rojo, Vicente, 80
Roland de Aenlle gallery, New York, 125–26, 131, 132
Romañach, Leopoldo, 80, 102
Roman Catholicism, 13
Romero Arciaga, Lorenzo, 26
Romero Brest, Jorge, 30, 147, 160
Roosevelt, Elliott, 11
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 11
Rosabal, José, 167, 244n88, 249n59, 250n74
Rose Fried Gallery, New York, 140, 156
Rosenberg, Harold, 62, 85
Rossellini, Roberto, 76
Rothfuss, Rhod, 139
Rothko, Mark, 88, 155
Rotundo fracaso de la Bienal franquista [The Categorical Failure of the Francoist Biennial] (bulletin), 71, 72
Rubin, William, 235n73
Ruiz, Cristóbal, 80
Ruíz, Sergio, 234n61
Sala Permanente, Palacio de Bellas Artes, 100, 102–3, 102
Sala Teatro Prado, Havana, 132
Salinas, Fernando, 169, 192, 217n41
Salinas, Marcelo, 218n62
Salon de Mai, 105
Salon des Réalités Nouvelles (exhibition), 152, 154, 156, 164, 166
Salon of the Círculo de Bellas Artes, 87
Sanchez, Emilio, 125
Sánchez, Luis Alberto, 119
Sánchez, Zilia, 47, 57, 63, 64, 85, 87, 117, 127, 128, 132, 203, 225n8, 249n59, 250n74
Afrocubanos series, 88–89
Sin título (de la serie Afrocubanos) [Untitled (of the Afro-Cuban series)], 66 (detail), 88–89, 88
Sánchez Bella, Alfredo, 79, 88
San Martín, Ramón Grau, 10
Santamaría, Erik, 23
Santamaría, Haydée, 198
Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, 75–76
São Paulo Bienal, 6, 147, 150, 186
1951 (I), 48, 237n96
1953 (II), 31, 127, 149, 237n96
1955 (III), 237n96
1957 (IV), 237n96
1961 (VI), 203
1963 (VII), 173, 203–4, 204
Sarduy, Severo, 128, 163, 182, 186–87, 217n41, 250n71
Sarraute, Nathalie, 195
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 195
Black Orpheus, 104
Scarpaci, Joseph L., 98
Schaeffer, Pierre, 172
Schapiro, Meyer, 141
Schendel, Mira, 4
Schöffer, Nicholas, 162
School of Fine Arts, Matanzas, 45
School of Paris, 140, 142, 151, 152, 157, 164, 241n35
Scott, W., 126
Sears and Roebuck, 16
Second World War, 120, 235n73
Segre, Roberto, 98
Seitz, William, 154
“Semana de Arte Moderna” (Week of Modern Art), Brazil, 127
Semana de Cultura (exhibition), 80
Sempere, Eusebio, 154–55, 242n47
Relieve luminoso, 155, 155
Serpa, Ivan, 127, 150
Serra-Badué, Daniel, 81
Sert, Josep Lluís, 19, 106–8, 232n27
Servicio de Inteligencia Militar, 184
Seuphor, Michel, 162
Seurat, Georges, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, 62
7 Cuban Painters (exhibition), 30–31, 31, 121
7 Pintores Concretos (volume of prints), 168, 244n88
Severini, Gino, 150
Sicre, Juan José, 98, 100, 231n3
Sims, Lowery Stokes, 112–13
Sinatra, Frank, 16
Siqueiros, David Alfaro, 72, 80, 109–10, 126, 185, 188, 232n35
Six American Painters (exhibition), 122
Smith, Leon Polk, 155, 156
Sobrino, Carlos, 80, 81, 102, 244n73
social/socialist realism, 3, 77, 85, 109, 122, 185, 188
Sociedad Cultural Nuestro Tiempo, 5, 6, 9, 21–23, 49, 57, 74, 84, 177, 183–85, 217n43
Sociedad Pro-Arte Música, 23
Solás, Humberto, 190
Soldevilla, Dolores (Loló), 62, 74, 126, 137, 147, 151–55, 157, 162–65, 167, 170, 192, 242n47, 244n73, 244n85, 244n88, 249n59, 250n74
Bombardeo (play), 245n98
book jacket for El farol [The Lantern], 191, 192
Filo diez mil (ballet), 245n98
Homenaje a Fidel [Diagonal Silence], 168, 169
Ir, venir, volver a ir: crónicas, 151, 245n98
Relieves luminosos, 154–55
Samuel dos veces (play), 245n98
Untitled (Abstraction), 153–54, 154
Some Areas of Search—1913–1951 (exhibition), 140
Sontag, Susan, 189
Soriano, Rafael, 46–48, 103, 142, 144, 167, 171, 244n85, 250n74
Composición, 144, 145
Flor a contraluz, 144, 144
Músicos tocando un órgano, 144
Soto, Jesús Rafael, 4, 122, 128
Soto y Sagarra, Luis de, 89
sound, 6
Soviet Union, 185, 188, 202
Spain, 5, 32, 67–78
Spanish-American War, 18
Spatialist movement, 241n35
Squibb, 16
Stravinsky, Igor, The Rite of Spring, 171
Strindberg, August, 22
student movements, 76–77. See also Federation of University Students
Studio, The (magazine), 27
Suárez, Orlando, 109, 185
Suárez Solís, Rafael, 24, 54, 89, 91, 231n3
Surrealism, 37, 38, 44, 59, 64, 103–5, 124, 150
Szyszlo, Fernando de, 122, 134
Taeuber-Arp, Sophie, 242n41
Rectangular Reliefs, 153
Taller Libre de Arte, Caracas, 80
Tamayo, Rufino, 72, 80, 126, 142
Tapia Ruano, Juan, 73, 85, 89, 117, 118, 207, 208, 217n38, 217n41, 225n8, 234n61
Cuarteto, 73, 73
Tapia Ruano, Osvaldo, 217n38
Tàpies, Antoni, 62, 79, 88, 150
Tchaikovsky, Piotr Ilich, 209
temporality, 174
10 pintores concretos exponen pinturas y dibujos (exhibition), 167, 168, 244n85
Tenth Triennial of Milan Design (exhibition), 150
tertulias (salons), 9, 14, 21, 171
tetrad, 172
Texidor, Joaquín, 9, 24, 46, 47, 55–57, 60, 64, 147, 218n62
Tharrats, Joan-Josep, 79
third-generation vanguardia: and abstract art, 2
and cubanía, 213
Los Diez as, 175
emergence of, 49
history of, 213–14
international horizons of, 6
Los Once as, 36, 37, 46, 55–56, 61, 65, 67, 89
precursors of, 3, 12–14
and the Revolution, 177–78. See also Los Diez; Los Once; los 23 y medio
Third World, 198, 204
300 años de arte en Cuba [300 Years of Art in Cuba] (exhibition), 41, 232n22
Tiger’s Eye, The (magazine), 27
time, 174
Time (magazine), 11
Tomás Oliva: Esculturas
Guido Llinás: Pinturas (exhibition), 132–33, 133
Torre, Guillermo de, 102–3
Torres, Dolores, 217n43
Torres-García, Joaquín, 27, 64, 72, 80
Torriente, Mateo, 100
tourism, 15
Town Planning Associates, 106–8
Traba, Marta, 134
Trafficante, Santo, 16
Trotsky, Leon, 195
Truman Doctrine, 235n74
26th of July movement, 50, 74, 118, 169, 178
28 dibujos y gouaches de Antonia Eiriz, Manuel Vidal, Fayad Jamís, Guido Llinás y Antonio Vidal (exhibition), 52
Los 23 y medio: Arquitectos Unidos and, 20
concretos and, 147
ideology of, 10
influences on, 14
Los Once and, 57, 65
origins of, 9
political stance of, 12
as third-generation vanguardia, 50
Ulm School of Design, 151, 160
Ultraja la memoria de Martí: La Bienal Hispanoamericana [The Hispanoamerican Biennial Insults the Memory of Martí] (bulletin), 68–69, 70, 72
underdevelopment, 2
under-30s, 47, 48, 51–52, 54–55, 57, 65, 201
under-35s, 201
UNEAC. See Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba
UNESCO, 149–50
Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción (UMAP), 198
Unión (journal), 198
Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (Union of Cuban Writers and Artists, UNEAC), 171, 197–98, 250n70
Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas, 198
United Front of Free Broadcasting Stations, 194
United States: ambivalent attitudes toward, 62, 75
Batistato and, 11–12, 16
Latin American artists and exhibitions in, 6, 41, 44, 52–53, 62, 120–26, 128
Machadato and, 40, 75. See also americanismo; Cold War; Platt Amendment
United States Steel Corporation, 11
Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, 75–76
University of Havana, 41, 43, 49, 50, 67, 76, 191–92, 194
“Urbanismo y planificación,” Revista del Instituto Nacional de Cultura 1, 8 (detail), 18
U.S. Department of Commerce, 11
utopianism: abstract art and, 3, 95
art and, 32
concrete art and, 138, 149, 175
Constructivism and, 122
cubanía and, 6, 12–13, 39
of Havana Plan, 107
vanguardia and, 107, 193
Valderrama, Esteban, 80
La pintura y la escultura en Cuba, 73
Van Doesburg, Theo, 137, 242n41
Van Gogh, Vincent, 52
vanguardia: and the Anti-Bienal, 72–78
canonization of, 100, 102, 105
Carreño and, 163
and cubanía, 39–40
first generation of, 37–40, 42
history of, 5, 37–49
ideology of, 4
Lam and, 112
and modern art, 41
Noticias de Arte’s role in, 29, 33
Nuestro Tiempo and, 21–22
Orígenes’ role in, 12–13
origins of, 3
political stances of, 13–15
and politics, 38–39
post-history of, 6
in postrevolutionary Cuba, 135, 211–14
second generation of, 37, 40–42, 46
sociocultural context of, 1–3
and utopianism, 107, 193. See also third-generation vanguardia
Vantongerloo, Georges, 140
Varela, Enrique Luis, José Martí Monument, 19
Varo, Remedios, 80
Vasarely, Victor, 128, 150, 151, 162–65
Vasconcelos, José, 109
Vedado neighborhood, Havana, 16, 17, 19, 63
Vedova, Emilio, 150
Venezuela, 22, 91, 107, 127–28, 164–65
Venice Biennale, 31, 43, 126, 150
Ver y estimar (journal), 147
Vidal, Antonio, 9, 55, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 82, 87, 89, 91, 117, 118, 124, 130, 202, 208, 225n8, 234n61, 249n59, 250n74
Mosaic tile, 204, 205
Sagua de Tánamo, 207, 207
Untitled, 130, 131
Vidal, Manuel, 26, 52, 57, 82, 118, 217n41, 234n61, 249n59, 250n74
Vidal, René, 234n61
Villanueva, Carlos Raúl, 112–13, 127
Banco Obrero, Caracas, 164
Ciudad Universitaria, Caracas, 107, 122, 128, 164
Villon, Jacques, 152, 242n41
Viredo. See Espinosa, Viredo
Visita a Picasso (film), 76
Visual Arts Section, Organization of American States, 121
Vitier, Cintio, 181
Volpi, Alfredo, 149
Warhol, Andy, 190
Washington Federal Savings and Loan Association, Miami Beach, 164
Weiss, Judith A., 182
Welton Becket and Associates, Habana Hilton, 113
Whitehead, Alfred North, 77
Whyte Gallery, Washington, D.C., 236n80
Wiener, Paul: Central Area of the City, from Plan Piloto, 106
Proposed Design Controls for Old Havana, from Plan Piloto, 107, 108
Williams, Raymond, 1
Winter, Fritz, 150
women, vanguard society of, 23
Woolworth, 16
Worringer, Wilhelm, 56
Xceron, Jean, 139
Ximénez Arroyo, Carlos, 218n62
Yunkers, Adja, 30, 141
Zadkine, Ossip, 151, 153
Zegrí, Armando, 125, 126
Zéndegui, Guillermo de, 98, 99, 105, 118, 123, 126, 127, 182, 183
Ziarek, Krzysztof, 4, 77–78, 193, 213