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Description: Mary Cassatt: A Life
PublisherYale University Press
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Abbéma, Louise, 32–33
Academy, French, challenges to, 49–51, 87–88
Alcott, Louisa May, 2–3, 10
Alcott, May, 102, 102, 119, 124, 131, 341 n9
Allegheny City, Pa., 5, 7
Alps, sketching trip in, 60, 61
Altoona, Pa., 63–71, 244
Ambassadors, The (James), 190, 191
American, The (James), 36
American Register, 137, 198
American Sugar Refining Company, 279–80
anatomy, human, studies of, 18
anti-Semitism, 70, 275, 283
antisuffrage movement, 309–10, 316
antitrust drive, 279
Antwerp, 88, 115
Armory Show (1913), 301
Arques-la-Bataille, 179, 219
auctions of, 312, 313, 323–24
democratizing of, 234
Egyptian, 288, 289, 291–92
Italian, 257–60
market for, 32, 73, 75, 91, 173–75
modern, 189–90, 268–69
problems of authenticity with, 260, 261–62, 350 n8
professional ethics and, 37–38
Spanish, 82, 83, 260–64
in World’s Fair (1900), 255
see also Impressionists, Impressionism; Salon; women artists; specific artists
art collecting:
of Cassatt, 159–60, 167, 262–64
Cassatt’s approach to, 262–63
of Havemeyers, 167, 192, 233, 246, 256–65
L’Art Décoratif, 256
Art Institute of Chicago, 261, 267, 322, 328
Art League, 269–70, 282
L’Assommoir (Zola), 120, 121
auctions, art, 312, 313, 323–24
Aude, Marie-Thérése Durand-Ruel, 214
Cassatt’s catering to, 267
as focus of Cassatt’s art, 145, 145
Austen, Jane, 273, 274
Bachivillers, see Château de Bachivillers
Bacon, Henry, 32, 45, 98–99, 118, 177
on French-American relations, 118–19
Impressionists and, 107
on women artists, 103–4
Bacon, Mrs. Henry, 45
Barbizon style, 46
Bartholomé, Albert, 199, 204, 275
Baumgärtner, Peter, 11
Robert Cassatt and His Children, 12
Beaufort-sur-Doron, 60, 61
Beaux, Cecilia, 167, 308, 325
Belgium, 88
Bellay, Charles, 61, 89
Bérard, Paul, 163–64
Bérard, Marguerite (Mme. Paul), 163–64
Berenson, Bernard, 262
Bernheim brothers (Alexandre, Gaston, and Josse), 256
Bernheim-Jeune (art gallery), 176
Biddle, George, 311, 317, 319–20, 322
Blatch, Harriet Stanton, 303
Bonheur, Rosa, 20, 59
Bonnat, Léon, 87
Borsch, Louis, 311
Boston, Mass., Cassatt in, 247, 249
Bouguereau, William, 34, 49, 118, 202, 203, 325
Bourges, Léonide, 45, 59
Bourget, Paul, 273
Bracquemond, Felix, 108, 109, 139, 140, 188
Bracquemond, Marie, 108, 119, 134, 176
Bradley, Helen Sears, 282, 329
Breeskin, Adelyn Dohme, 326–27, 329, 330, 332
Breton, Jules, 46
Breuning, Margaret, 326
Bridges, Fidelia, 20, 21
Bridgman, Frederick, 32
Brooks, Romaine, 308
Broun, Elizabeth, 330
Brune, Hulda, 305
Buchanan, Annie, 69–70
Buchanan, Eliza Foster, 64, 68
Buchanan, Harriet, 64
Buchanan, Henrietta, 64, 67
Buchanan, James (lawyer), 64, 67, 68
Buchanan, James (president), 8, 26, 64
Buchanan, Maria Lois, see Cassatt, Maria Lois Buchanan
Burr, Anna, 294
Burty, Philippe, 150
Cabanel, Alexandre, 87
Birth of Venus, 49
Cabanel, Pierre, 33
café-concerts, 121–22
Café Guerbois, 108, 117, 123
Caggiati, Signor, 78, 79
Caillebotte, Gustave, 114, 119, 135, 138, 159, 161, 199, 284, 324
Self-Portrait, 115
Cairo, 288, 289
Camera Work, 269
Cannes, 295, 313
Cap d’Antibes, 201, 219–23
Carnegie Institute, 268
Carter, Eugenia, see Cassatt, Eugenia Carter
Cassat, David, 4
Cassat, Dennis (grandfather), 4–5
Cassat, Lydia Simpson, see Morrow, Lydia Simpson Cassatt
Cassat, Margaret Simpson, 4
Cassat, Robert Simpson, see Cassatt, Robert Simpson
Cassatt, Alexander Johnston (Aleck) (brother), 7, 9, 24, 26, 62–71, 73, 129, 132, 174, 176, 242–44, 255, 336 n16
Cassatt’s portraits of, 152, 154, 154, 167, 172, 173, 181, 183, 316
death of, 279
European education of, 12, 13, 14
fame of, 277–79
father’s correspondence with, 121, 129, 130–31, 137, 139, 140–41, 162, 201, 343 n46, 346n52
fortune of, 278–79
in France, 150–52, 154–56, 162–63, 167–69, 172, 179, 181, 195, 210, 253, 254, 279
Gardner trust and, 164–65
horse racing of, 181, 243
marriage of, 57, 62–67
mother’s correspondence with, 130, 146
Pennsylvania Railroad jobs of, 24, 26, 62, 70, 107, 126, 160, 253–54, 277
photographs of, 13, 63
prejudices of, 70
Sargent’s portrait of, 276, 211
trust-busting and, 279
Cassatt, Anthony (grandnephew), 293
Cassatt, Edward Buchanan (Eddie) (nephew), 67–68, 69, 126, 150–51, 223, 250, 293
divorce of, 255
education of, 169, 179, 244
in France, 151, 152, 154, 155, 155, 156, 162–63, 169, 179, 254–55
in London, 254, 255
marriage of, 244
paintings inherited by, 315–16
photographs of, 152, 180
Cassatt, Ellen Mary, see Hare, Ellen Mary Cassatt
Cassatt, Eliza, see Stewart, Eliza Cassatt
Cassatt, Emily Phillips, 244, 254–55
Cassatt, Eugenia, see Madeira, Eugenia Cassatt
Cassatt, Eugenia Carter (Jennie), (sister-in-law), 161, 179, 201, 222, 223, 228, 236, 238, 242–43, 254, 255, 293, 305, 323, 326
in antisuffrage movement, 309–10, 316
Cassatt’s portrait of, 182, 184
grand tour of, 287–90, 288, 292
photographs of, 243, 288
Cassatt, Gardner (nephew), 179, 201, 222, 223, 243, 290, 293, 313, 319
Cassatt’s portraits of, 182, 184, 238, 242
Cassatt, George Johnston (brother), 9
Cassatt, Joseph Gardner (Gard) (brother), 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 23, 62, 63, 73, 223, 228, 242
in Altoona, 65–66, 67, 71
in Cassatt & Co., 26, 126, 160, 254, 279
death of, 290, 292, 293
education of, 15, 26, 65
in finance, 65–66, 126, 160, 161
in France, 155, 160, 179, 182, 222, 236, 238, 254
grand tour of, 287–90, 288, 292
health problems of, 288, 289, 290
marriage of, 160–61
photographs of, 12, 254
will of, 278
Cassatt, Katharine (Sister) (niece), 126, 150–51, 152, 223, 244–45
death of, 293
in France, 151, 152, 154, 155, 155, 156, 162–63, 195, 210
Cassatt, Katherine Kelso Johnston (mother), 3, 5–18, 63, 64, 75, 76
Alexander’s correspondence with, 130, 146
in Altoona, 67–68, 71
Cassatt’s life as viewed by, 200–201
Cassatt’s portraits of, 88, 89, 126, 127, 128, 132, 155, 155, 156, 159, 176, 315, 316
death of, 234–36, 241, 272
education of, 5
in Europe, 11–14, 27, 29, 60–61, 67, 88–89, 126–31, 133, 151, 152, 161, 163, 171, 172, 200–201, 214, 218–20, 223, 227, 228, 232
health problems of, 161, 163, 171, 179, 188, 201, 218, 219, 227, 228, 232
marriage of, 5, 201
pregnancies and childbirths of, 7, 9
trust of, 129
Cassatt, Lois (Baby), see Thayer, Lois Cassatt
Cassatt, Lydia Simpson (sister), 7, 9, 13, 26, 28, 62
in Altoona, 67, 69, 71
Cassatt’s portraits of, 95, 96, 98, 156–59, 157, 158, 316
Cassatt’s relationship with, 12–13, 17, 95, 156–57, 162
death of, 162–63, 167, 172, 236
health problems of, 63, 67, 128, 130, 131, 151, 156, 160–62, 186
in Paris, 95–97, 126–31, 133, 147, 151, 152, 157, 161
Cassatt, Maria Lois Buchanan (sister-in-law), 63–71, 66, 73, 126, 153, 186, 201, 243–44, 277, 293, 309
Cassatt’s clashes with, 68–71, 74, 151, 154, 243, 254, 255
Cassatt’s improved relationship with, 162–63, 179–80, 181, 210, 243
Cassatt’s portrait of, 180–81, 181
death of, 315–16
in France, 151–52, 155–56, 162–63, 167–69, 171, 179–81, 210, 253, 254, 279, 348 n28
indecisiveness of, 64–65
success of, 68–69
wedding of, 66, 67
Whistler’s portrait of, 168–71, 170, 180
Cassatt, Mary (aunt), see Gardner, Mary Cassatt
Cassatt, Mary Stevenson:
as adviser on art, 167, 173–74, 192, 256–65, 294, 315
ambition of, 23, 46, 50–51, 58, 74–75, 189
American connections of, 178–79, 227–51, 265–69, 324–25, 355 n2
Americans’ misunderstanding and ignoring of, 137, 176, 211–12, 220, 245
anti-Academic feelings of, 49–51, 87–88, 92, 100, 104–5, 142
appearance of, 15, 27, 117, 190, 302, 353 n11
art collecting of, 159–60, 167, 264
art dealers as viewed by, 284–86
art education of, 16–22, 26–61, 93, 95, 107, 336 n4
artistic crisis of, 74–75
art students’ pilgrimages to, 270–71
assimilation of, 117–19, 178
awards of, 267, 268, 271–72, 277
background of, 3–10, 107, 327
betrayal felt by, 309–10
childhood of, 7–15
childlessness of, 182, 185–87, 327–28
commissions of, 75–79, 81, 98, 124–25, 202–17, 203, 205, 208, 247–49, 248
concessions made by, 267
country mansion purchased by, see Mesnil-Beaufresne
cynicism of, 70
death, Cassatt’s view of, 292–93
death of, 320, 321, 322
democratic outlook of, 276
depressions of, 58, 60, 74–75
diplomacy of, 190
drawing as weakness of, 141
early art exposure of, 13–14, 16
early European experience of, 11–15
earnings of, 75, 81, 213, 231–32, 287
education of, 9, 10, 11, 15–22, 26–61, 70, 93, 95, 107, 336 n4
energetic personality of, 163
envy of, 216
European art studies of, 26–61, 93, 95, 107
“exceptional” status of, 325–27, 332
eye problems of, 301, 305, 310–12, 314–15, 355 n44
fears of, 310
as feminist, 20, 302–4, 306–9, 323, 333
feminist views of, 323, 329–33
fierceness of, 270, 271
first New York exhibition of, 228–32
flirtatiousness of, 23–24, 147
fortune of, 278–79, 349 n6
frankness of, 124
generosity of, 101, 119, 159, 179–80, 270
grand tour of, 287–92, 288, 289, 290
health problems and injuries of, 46, 172, 188, 192, 195–96, 241, 242, 272, 289–97, 301, 305, 310, 320, 346–47 n8
heirs’ art works sold by, 309–10
in historical context, 296, 312, 321–33
as honorary juror, 268
horseback riding of, 24
imperiousness of, 272
Impressionists joined by, 117–26
improved sales of, 159–60, 177, 231–32
independence of, 15, 22, 26–27, 36–37, 40, 73–74, 107–8, 245, 323
independent studio set up by, 129–30
isolation of, 284
late work of, 299–302, 301, 306–7
literary themes, in Cassatt’s paintings, 54, 116
loneliness of, 82, 85, 236, 313
medicine as interest of, 272
as “Miss Cassal,” 102–3
money worries of, 301
New York exhibits of, 227, 228–32, 240, 242, 246, 265–68, 285
nursing instinct of, 186, 228, 272, 311
as opinionated, 15, 40, 49, 58, 87, 98–99, 117, 190, 268, 270, 272
organizing skills of, 76, 119
paintings burned by, 282
passport of, 27
pastel technique of, 238
photographs of, 16, 21–22, 22, 37, 42, 77, 81, 253, 271, 274, 278, 288, 289, 290, 297, 303, 317
portraits of, 11, 12, 94
press interest in, 277–78
in prime of life, 188–217
professionalization of, 71–92
pseudonym used by, 85, 340 n28
“rediscovery” of, 326–27
restlessness of, 26
retrospective exhibits of, 214–16, 218, 304, 317
reviews of, 135, 137–38, 150, 158–59, 197–98, 212, 216, 230–31, 245, 246, 267, 277
romantic mood, in Cassatt’s art, 47, 54, 79, 115–16, 145, 321
sale of family portraits by, 159
sales problems of, 73–75, 91, 92, 96
Salon rejections of, 44, 51, 59–60, 92, 98, 99–100, 103, 105
seasickness of, 242, 280, 349–350 n23
self-doubts of, 58
self-importance and conceit of, 68, 69, 70, 81
sentimentality of, 222, 315
smoothness of, 190–91, 272
spontaneity of, 125
success of, 77–81, 91, 137, 159, 197–99, 252, 277
temper of, 24, 82–83, 99, 100, 101, 103, 310
travel problems of, 287
tributes to, 317, 322–23
unconventional behavior of, 36–37, 245
unmarried life chosen by, 28, 58, 69, 162, 236
U.S. homecomings of, 61–73, 242–51, 280, 341 n8
vegetarianism, 272
war as viewed by, 309
weight loss of, 289, 292, 296
will of, 293, 324
Alexander J. Cassatt, 152, 154, 154
Baby’s Back, 188, 189
Boating Party, The, 221–22, 221
Breakfast in Bed, 269, 269
Caress, The, 265–67, 266
Children Playing on the Beach, 172, 174
Children Playing with a Cat, 285, 285
Child with an Orange, 215
Cup of Tea, The, 156, 158–59, 158
During the Carnival, 79
Ellen Mary Cassatt in a White Coat, 236, 237, 238
Elsie in a Blue chair, 168, 168
Feeding the Ducks, 233, 233
Five O’Clock Tea, 150, 151
Gardner Held by His Mother, 182, 184
George Moore, 143, 143
Girl Arranging Her Hair, 313, 314
Head of Small Boy (Master Gardiner Green Hammond, Jr.), 247, 249
Hélène de Septeuil, 186, 187, 192
In the Opera Box, No. 3, 144, 144, 146
Katherine Cassatt Reading to Her Grandchildren, 155, 155, 156, 159, 176
Katherine Johnston Cassatt, 88, 89
Lady at the Tea Table, 165–66, 166
Letter, The, 196
Little Girl in a Blue Armchair, 125, 125, 131
Loge, The, 145, 145
Lydia at a Tapestry Loom, 95
Lydia Crocheting in the Garden at Marly, 156, 157
Lydia Working at a Tapestry Frame, 156
Mandoline Player, A, 47, 48, 52, 54
Mary Ellison Embroidering, 98, 99
Modern Woman, 202–17, 203, 205
detail of central panel of, 207, 208, 209
pictures related to, 213, 214
Mother and Child, 299, 301
Mother and Child–Young Thomas and His Mother, 228, 229
Mr. Gardner Cassatt Reading the Newspaper, 182, 185
Mrs. Alexander J. Cassatt Seated at a Tapestry Frame, 180–81
Patty-Cake, 238, 239
Portrait of Alexander J. Cassatt, 181, 183
Portrait of Margaret Milligan Sloane, 215, 215
Portrait of Mrs. Cyrus J. Lawrence with Grandson R. Lawrence Oakley, 247, 248
Portrait of Mrs. Havemeyer and Her Daughter Electra, 235
Portrait of the Artist, 94, 124
Reading Le Figaro, 126, 127, 128, 132, 176
Spanish Dancer Wearing a Lace Mantilla, 83, 84
Torero and Young Girl, 85, 86
Two Women Picking Fruit, 303
Two Women Throwing Flowers During Carnival, 79–80, 80
Woman with a Pearl Necklace in a Loge, 136
drawing of, 140–41, 142
Woman with a Red Zinnia, 191
Young Thomas and His Mother, 228, 229
Young Women Picking Fruit, 214
Cassatt, Minnie Drexel, 293
Cassatt, Robert (Rob) (nephew), 150–51, 152, 223, 293, 319, 323
art interest of, 154–55, 316
career path of, 244
in Cassatt & Co., 279
Cassatt’s portrait of, 172, 173
in France, 151, 152, 154–55, 156, 162–63, 172, 195, 210, 293
paintings inherited by, 315–16
Cassatt, Robert Kelso (Robbie) (brother), 7, 9, 12, 24, 293
bone disease of, 10, 11, 12
death of, 12
Cassatt, Robert Simpson (father), 3–18, 12, 62, 70, 75, 76, 85, 330, 335 n1
Alexander’s correspondence with, 121, 129, 130–31, 137, 139, 140–41, 162, 201, 343 n46, 346 n52
Cassatt’s problems with, 26–27, 36, 337 n18
country houses of, 8–10, 8, 15, 225, 226
death of, 201, 202, 210, 218, 224, 349 n6
in Europe, 11–14, 126–31, 133, 137, 139, 165, 171, 201
family background of, 3–4
fortune of, 349 n6
as forwarding merchant, 5, 6, 7
health problems of, 179, 188, 201
investment business of, 5–6, 7, 10, 26, 62, 126
Lydia Gardner’s correspondence with, 164–65
marriage of, 5
retirement of, 7, 128
Cassatt & Co., 26, 126, 128, 129, 160, 164, 254, 279, 293, 319
Cézanne, Paul, 33, 106, 150, 188, 282, 296
Salon and, 133, 138
Chaplin, Charles, 40–44, 47
Devotion, 41
Chase, William Merritt, 228
Château de Bachivillers, 199–200, 200, 205–7, 210, 211, 214, 223–24
Chesterbrook, 181
Chicago, Ill., 75–76
World’s Columbian Exposition in, 202–17, 203, 205, 208
Chicago Post, 270
children as models, 23, 44, 125, 154, 155, 186, 192
see also mother-and-child theme
Chintreuil, Antoine, 192
La Cigale (Halévy and Meilhac), 145–46, 168
Cincinnati, Ohio, 256
Civil War, U.S., 21, 24–26, 120, 336–37n17
Claghorn, James, 29
Clemenceau, Georges, 163, 286
Coleman, Hannah Cassatt, 7
Coleman, Robert, 7
Coleman, Thomas Byrd, 7
Coleman, William, 8
college education, for women, 207, 209
Concert des Champs-Élysées, 121
Cook & Cassat, 5–6
Cooper, Douglas, 327, 356 n12
Cope, Caleb, 15
copyists, 31–32, 34, 34, 53, 60, 88, 109
income of, 35
in literature, 35, 36
Corot, Camille, 46, 47
Correggio, 75, 78
Madonna and Child with St. Gérôme, 81
Virgin Crowned, 81
Cossart, Jacques, 3–4
Cossart, Lydia, 3–4
Cossío, Manuel, 261, 262
Courances, 43–46
Courbet, Gustave, 13, 49–50, 96, 108, 124, 311
Couture, Thomas, 31, 47, 50
appearance of, 54, 56, 56
Cassatt as student of, 54–59, 93, 95
idiosyncrasies of, 56
Soap Bubbles, 55
“Creation of the Havemeyer Collection, 1875–1900, The” (Weitzenhoffer), 331
Cubists, 283
Curie, Marie, 308
Darmstadt, 12, 14
Degas, Edgar, 32, 91, 114–17, 123, 157, 163, 165, 167, 168, 186, 199, 204, 216, 270, 274, 284, 294, 296, 315, 316, 324, 346–47 n8
antifemale comments of, 303, 308
auction of art of, 313
Cassatt compared with, 307
Cassatt influenced by, 125–26, 161, 307
Cassatt’s changed friendship with, 190
Cassatt’s invitation from, 105, 106, 114, 116–17, 119, 342 n19
Cassatt’s problems with, 146–47, 149–50, 156, 204, 210, 211, 275, 308, 313
Cassatt’s sale of painting of, 309–10
Columbian Exposition and, 204, 210, 211, 213
death of, 312–13
health problems of, 298–99
Impressionist exhibits and, 114, 119, 131, 134, 135, 159, 176, 188
journal project abandoned by, 146–47, 149
“Loan Exhibition” and, 303–4, 306, 306, 307
photographs of, 116, 275
prices of paintings of, 240
printmaking of, 139–42, 141, 147
sculpture of, 315
sexual themes of, 120, 121–27, 122, 124
success of, 177, 189
Whistler and, 168, 169
women’s suffrage and, 303–4
Mary Cassatt, 148
Mary Cassatt at the Louvre: The Etruscan Gallery, 141, 147
Petite danseuse de quatorze ans (The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer), 150, 315
Women in Front of a Café, Evening, 122
Delacroix, Eugène, 13, 32, 88
Delâtre, Eugène, 317
Democrats, Democratic party, 25
Desboutin, Marcellin, Portrait of Berthe Morisot, 111
Diana and Persis (Alcott), 102–3
Dicey, Edward, 337–38 n14
Domenichino, 257, 264
Donatello, 264
Doré, Gustave, Palais de l’Industrie, 52
Dreyfus, Moyse, 139, 263
Dreyfus [Alfred] Affair, 275
Durand-Ruel (New York art gallery), 230–31, 238, 246, 247, 317, 322, 324
Durand-Ruel (Paris art gallery), 138, 140, 160, 174–75, 188, 193, 194, 204, 230, 324
Durand-Ruel, Charles, 210, 323
Durand-Ruel, Joseph, 299
Durand-Ruel, Mme. Joseph, 211
Durand-Ruel, Marie-Louise, 211
Durand-Ruel, Paul, 160, 172–77, 179, 188, 189, 190, 197–200, 251, 256, 262, 281, 284–85, 291, 292, 306–10, 315, 317
Cassatt’s breaking of contract with, 281, 282
Cassatt’s correspondence with, 220, 227–28
Cassatt’s New York exhibits and, 228–32, 240, 265
Cassatt’s retrospective exhibits and, 214–16, 304, 317
exhibit of 1891 and, 197, 198
Modern Woman mural and, 211, 213–14
photograph of, 175
dealer’s commission, 231, 247
Duranty, Edmond, 106
Duret, Theodore, 262, 274, 292, 311
Eakins, Thomas, 21, 71–73, 325
on Couture, 54–56
in Paris, 29, 31, 32, 53
photograph of, 33
Portrait of Archbishop Elder of Cincinnati, 267
École des Beaux-Arts, 31, 194
Écouen, 45–47, 50, 53, 59, 76
education, of women, 207, 209
in art, 16–22, 26–61, 82, 85, 92
Egypt, 272, 287–92, 289, 290, 295
art of, 288, 289, 291–92
Elder, Adaline, 101
Elder, Annie, see Munn, Annie Elder
Elder, Louisine, see Havemeyer, Louisine Elder
El Greco, 257, 260–64, 266, 303
Assumption of the Virgin, 261
Cardinal Don Fernando Niño de Guevara, 261, 263
Elkins, William, 265
Ellet, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Fries Lummis), 20
Ellison, Mary, 98, 99, 124
Etching Revival, 140
Eugénie, empress of France, 53
“Exhibition of Works in Black and White,” 140
Exposition Décennale, 255
L’Exposition de 1900 et l’Impressionnisme (Mellério), 256
“Exposition du Cercle Artistique de la Seine,” 172
Exposition Mary Cassatt (Mellério), 347 n24, 348 n39
Fabre, Jean Henri, 299, 353–54 n20
Fabre, Poet of Science (Legros), 299
“Famous American Women Painters,” 325
fashion, 52, 97, 117
in Modern Woman mural, 206, 207, 210
Fauvism, 282
feminism, 20, 103, 323
Cassatt and, 20, 302–4, 306–9, 323, 333
rebirth of, 329–33
women’s suffrage and, 302–4, 304, 306–9, 316
Fénéon, Felix, 197–98
Fèvre, Jeanne, 312, 315
figure painting, 47, 113, 176
Figyelmesy, Eliza Haldeman, 85, 336
Cassatt’s correspondence with, 23–24, 59, 60, 73
on Cassatt’s drawing, 141
Cassatt’s friendship with, 18–24, 36–40, 42–49, 514–5, 58–60, 69, 71, 73
Cassatt’s rift with, 38–40, 59
in Europe, 29, 32, 33–40, 42–49, 51–54, 57–59, 67
marriage of, 58, 59
mother’s correspondence with, 36–37, 39–40, 43, 46, 57, 336–37 n17, 338 n17
photographs of, 19, 22, 39, 42
Salon of 1868 and, 47, 48–49, 52, 53, 86
Figyelmesy, Philip, 59
First National Bank of Altoona, 65, 126
Fisher, Bessie Riddle, 165–67, 304, 309
Florence, 258–59
Fontainebleau, 188, 202
Fontvielle, Mme. Ley, 273
Forain, Jean-Louis, 142, 159, 161, 176
Fortuny, Mariano, 88
Four Acres, 279
Frainais-Gramagnac, 57
Cassatt in, 11–14, 29–61, 76, 85–89, 91–320
in World War I, 305, 310, 311, 313–14, 353 n18
see also specific places
Franco-Prussian War, 76, 87, 96, 120
Freer, Charles Lang, 263
French Impressionists, The (Mauclair), 256
Frère, Pierre-Édouard, 44–45, 50
Preparing Dinner, 44
Frick, Henry, 306
Fussell, Charles, 31
Gabhart, Ann, 330
Gachet, Paul, 142
Galérie A.-M. Reitlinger, 324
gardens, 272, 316, 319, 320
Gardner, Albert Ten Eyck, 327
Gardner, Anna, See Anna Gardner Smith
Gardner, Catherine (Katie), (cousin), 13, 28
Gardner, Elizabeth, 29–32, 30, 52, 59, 90, 325
Cassatt compared with, 31, 49, 93, 107, 108, 118, 177, 178
Columbian Exposition and, 202–3, 204
marriage of, 34, 118, 119, 178, 202
Salon and, 47, 49, 50, 59, 93, 340n
success of, 49, 93, 98, 107, 340–41 n1
on World’s Fair, 131–32
Gardner, Frank (cousin), 13, 24
Gardner, Isabella Stewart, 263, 265, 278
Gardner, Joseph (uncle), 5–6, 9, 335n
Gardner (cousin), Lydia, 13, 28, 164–65
Gardner (cousin), Mary, 13, 28
Gardner, Mary Cassatt (aunt), 4, 6, 7, 9, 13
Gardner, Sarah (cousin), 13
Gassette, Grace, 270
Gauguin, Paul, 134, 188, 216, 282
Geffroy, Gustave, 158–59
Genoa, 256
genre painting, 44–45, 50, 98
Germany, Cassatt’s childhood in, 11, 12, 13
in World War I, 305, 309, 310, 313–14
Gérôme, Jean-Léon, 40, 59, 325
Cassatt as student of, 31, 42, 57, 107
Death of Caesar, 32
Gervex, Henri, 107
Séance de Jury de Peinture, Une, 105
Gilpin, Mrs., 23
Giotto, 186, 206
Gonzalès, Eva, 119, 142
Goodrich, Lloyd, 355 n1
Gordon, Miss, 60
Goupil (art dealer), 73, 75, 138
Goya, Francisco, 257, 260, 265, 303
Grand Palais, 253
Grasse, 297–99, 298, 302–5, 310, 311, 313, 314
Greatorex, Eliza, 20
Grolier Club, 317
Guérard, Henri, 142
guidebooks, 118, 122, 132
Guillaumin, Armand, 114, 142, 150, 324
Haldeman, Carsten M., 23, 54, 59
Cassatt’s relationship with, 57–58
Haldeman, Eliza, see Figyelmesy, Eliza Haldeman
Haldeman, Mary, 36–37, 39–40, 46, 57, 336–37 n17, 338 n17
Haldeman, Samuel, 18, 38, 40, 58, 338 n25
Haldeman, Sarah, 53
Hale, Nancy, 330, 339 n7
Halévy, Ludovic, 146
Hallowell, Sarah, 202–5, 211, 217, 220
Hammond, Gardiner Greene, Jr., 247, 249
Hammond, Gardiner Greene, Sr., 247
Hammond, Mrs. Gardiner Greene, Sr., 247
Hampton Magazine, 277
Hardwicke, 8–10, 8, 14, 225, 226
Hare, Ellen Mary Cassatt (niece), 222, 223, 243, 254, 283, 293, 316, 319, 329
in antisuffrage movement, 309–10
Cassatt’s portraits of, 236, 237, 238, 242
grand tour of, 287–90, 288
as “twentieth-century girl,” 305, 326, 354 n27
Harnisch, Arthur, 258–60
Harnisch, Mrs. Arthur, 259–60
Harris, Ann Sutherland, 331
Havard, Henry, 150
Havemeyer, Adaline, 193, 238
Havemeyer, Electra, 193, 235, 273, 280, 280
Havemeyer, Henry Osborne (Harry), 167, 192, 193, 229, 233, 245–46, 251, 255–65
death of, 280, 293
fortune of, 278
Italian tour of, 256–60
Spanish tour of, 260–61
sugar scandal and, 279–80
trust-busting and, 279
Havemeyer, Horace, 193
Havemeyer, Louisine Elder, 101, 149, 174, 193, 204, 255–65, 315, 331
Cassatt’s correspondence with, 270, 273, 275, 278, 285, 295, 296, 312, 313, 317
Cassatt’s friendship with, 101–2, 167, 188, 190, 192–93, 229, 233–36, 245–46, 251, 280, 291, 292, 293–94, 302–4, 317, 319, 320
Cassatt’s portraits of, 234, 235, 238
Cassatt’s sale of Degas’s to, 309–10
Cassatt’s tribute from, 317, 323
Degas auction and, 313
health problems of, 323
husband’s death and, 280, 280
Italian tour of, 256–60
marriage of, 167
memoirs of, 236, 258–59, 262, 323
Spanish tour of, 260–61
as Sweet’s source, 329
at Villa Angeletto, 302–4, 306
women’s suffrage and, 302–3, 304, 306, 317
World War I and, 311
Havemeyers, The (Weitzenhoffer), 331
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 34, 36
Heidelberg, 11, 12
Helmick, Howard, 32, 54, 56, 59, 60
Helmick, Mrs. Howard, 60
Henderson, Helen, 278, 352 n32
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 209
Hill-Stead, 250
Holland, 88
Hollidaysburg, Pa., 73–74
Homer, Winslow, 325
Art-Students and Copyists in the Louvre Gallery, 34
horse racing, 181, 243
Hostel for American Students, 269
House of Mirth, The (Wharton), 273, 274
Howe, Miss, 18–19
Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death (Myers), 272
Hutchinson, James, 245
“Important Unfamiliar Works by Morisot and Cassatt” (Lowe), 326
Impressionist: A Novel of Mary Cassatt (King), 332
Impressionists, Impressionism, 105–28, 131–77, 252
arguments among, 161
art journal of, 139–40, 146
Cassatt as hero of, 322
Cassatt’s debut as, 133–39, 136
Cassatt’s departure from, 177, 180–90, 238–40, 252
Cassatt’s invitation from, 105, 106, 108, 114, 342 n19
Cassatt’s joining of, 117–26
Cassatt’s ranking as, 324
exhibits of, 88, 105–6, 109, 114, 119–20, 131, 133–39, 146, 147, 150, 158–61, 164, 171, 172–73, 175–77, 188, 239, 343 n31
London exhibits of, 172, 281
Matisse and, 282, 283
origin of term, 106
overviews of, 256
printmaking and, 139–44, 141–44
reevaluation and hierarchy of, 239–40
restrictions on women artists in, 120–24
reviews of, 106, 137–38, 150, 158–59, 176, 245
theater and, 143–46, 144, 145
in World’s Fair (1900), 255
Zola compared with, 120–21
see also specific artists
income tax, 308
Ingres, Jean-Auguste Dominique, 13, 88
International Expositions:
1855, 13–14, 108
1867, 108
1878, 96
International Studio, 267, 355 n3
Irvine, Pa., 63, 64
Irwin, Cassat, & Co., 5, 6
Italy, Cassatt in, 256–60, 264; see also Parma; Rome
Ivins, William, 317–19, 323, 326
Jacque, Charles, 46
James S. Earle’s Looking Glass, Picture Frame and Art Gallery, 17, 20
James, Henry, 36, 90, 106, 118, 190, 191, 273
James, William, 272–73
Japanese woodcut prints, 194
Jardin Mabille, 53, 121
Jews, 275, 276
Johnson, John G., 265
Johnston, Aleck, 75
Johnston, Alexander (grandfather), 4–5
Johnston, Alexander W., 10
Johnston, Alice Erwin, 10
Johnston, Francis, 10
Johnston, Katherine Kelso, see Cassatt, Katherine Kelso Johnston
Johnston, Mary, see Sloane, Mary Johnston (Mimie)
Johnston, Mary Stevenson (grandmother), 5
Le Jour et la nuit, 146, 147
Le Journal amusant, 91
Kauffmann, Angelica, 20
Kelekian, Dikran, 288
King, Joan, 332
Knoedler Galleries, 303, 306, 306
Kollwitz, Käthe, 331
Ladies’ Home Journal, 327
Lamb, Rose, 247, 251
Lancaster, Pa., 7–10, 18
landscape painting, 46, 113, 177, 220, 240
La Tour, Maurice Quentin de, 238
Laurencin, Marie, 308
Lawrence, Cyrus J., 231, 247
Lawrence, Mrs. Cyrus J., 247, 248
Lawrence, Mary Say, 247
Lee, Vernon, 226, 227, 234, 273, 308
Lefebvre, Jules Joseph, 49
Légion d’Honneur, 271–72, 320
Leonardo da Vinci, 257
Lepic, Ludovic, 147
Leroy, Louis, 106
lesbianism, 59
Lewis, Edmonia, 59
Lewis, Inez, 21–22, 22
Leyland, Frederick, 169
Leyland, Mrs. Frederick, 169
Lhermitte, Léon, 192
Lincoln, Abraham, 25–26
Lindsay, Suzanne, 331
Lippi, Fra Filippo, 260
Lippincott Prize, 267, 268, 277
Cassatt’s views on, 273–74
radical artists in, 100
women artists in, 35, 36, 90, 102–4
Lloyd, Cassatt & Company, 126
Lloyd, John, 126
“Loan Exhibition of Masterpieces by Old and Modern Painters,” 303–4, 306–7, 306
London, 11, 76, 324–25
Edward Cassatt in, 254, 255
Impressionist exhibits in, 172, 281
Longenecker, David, 8
Los Angeles County Museum, 331
Louvre, 147, 220, 322
copyists in, 32–33, 34, 34–36, 53, 60, 88, 109
as social center, 33, 53
Lowe, Jeannette, 326
Lucas, George, 220, 265
Luminais, Evariste, 82, 85, 92, 99, 141
Luxembourg Museum, 33, 217, 220, 304, 310, 322
Luxor, 288–89
McCall, Mr., 311
MacMonnies, Frederick, 203–4, 246
MacMonnies, Mary Fairchild, 203–6, 210
Primitive Woman, 202–6, 206, 212, 213
Madeira, Eugenia Cassatt (niece), 242, 243, 254, 293, 316, 319, 329
in antisuffrage movement, 309–10
education of, 287–88
grand tour of, 287–90, 288, 292
as “twentieth-century girl,” 305, 326, 354 n27
Madrid, 82–83, 260–61, 264
Maldarelli, Federico, 78
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 106, 163
Manet, Édouard, 49, 54, 87, 100, 138, 263, 294
appearance of, 108, 109
death of, 164
Impressionists and, 105, 106, 108–9, 139
Balcony, The, 109, 110
Manet, Eugène, 108, 111, 161, 163, 164, 194, 195
Manet, Julie, 111, 195, 195
Manet, Suzanne Leenhoff, 164
Manzi, Michel, 275, 312
Marble Faun, The (Hawthorne), 34–35
“Mariana of the Moated Grange” (Tennyson), Cassatt’s use of, 54, 79, 115
Marly-le-Roi, 151, 154, 156
Marx, Roger, 262, 274, 292
Mary Cassatt: A Catalogue Raisonné of the Oils, Pastels, Watercolors and Drawings (Breeskin), 329
Mary Cassatt: A Biography of the Great American Painter (Hale), 330, 339 n7
Mary Cassatt (Mathews), 331–32
Mary Cassatt: The Color Prints (Mathews and Shapiro), 331
Mary Cassatt (Pollock), 332
Mary Cassatt: Un Peintre des Enfants et des Mères (Segard), 296–97, 321–22
Mary Cassatt and Her Circle: Selected Letters (Mathews), 331
Mary Cassatt and Philadelphia (Lindsay), 331
“Mary Cassatt and the ‘Modern Madonna’ of the Nineteenth Century” (Mathews), 331
Matisse, Henri, 282–83, 301
Mauclair, Camille, 256
Meilhac, Henri, 146
Meissonier, Ernest, 87, 88
Mellério, André, 211, 216, 256, 347 n24, 348 n39
Menpes, Mortimer, Portrait of Whistler with Monocle, 169
Mesnil-Beaufresne, 231–34, 240, 251, 254, 256, 265, 272–76, 291, 296, 299–302, 305, 315, 316–19
Cassatt photographed at, 271, 274, 317
garden at, 272, 316, 319, 320
pond of, 232–33, 232
purchase and repair of, 223–28
Thome’s visit to, 270–71
views of, 223, 225
Vollard’s visit to, 282
World War I and, 305, 310, 311
Mesnil-Théribus, 223–28
Cassatt’s neighbors in, 276, 329
cemetery of, 293, 320, 323
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 220, 261, 304–5, 310, 322, 323, 328
Mézy-sur-Seine, 194
Micas, Nathalie, 20, 59
Millais, John Everett, 165
Miller, Perry Adato, 332
Millet, Jean, 46
Milton, John, 310
Miss Mary Cassatt, Impressionist from Pennsylvania (Sweet), 329
M. Knoedler and Co., 303, 306, 306
models, 232–33
children as, 23, 44, 125, 154, 155, 186, 192
male, decline of Cassatt’s use of, 222
for Modern Woman, 210
in Paris, 42
in Parma, 79, 81
in Rome, 90–91
sharing of, 42, 72–73
Spanish, 83
for The Boating Party, 221, 222
unattractive, 190–91, 259, 263
modern art:
Cassatt’s change of view on, 189–90
Cassatt’s relationship to, 268–69
see also specific movements and artists
modernists, 282, 301
Mödersohn-Becker, Paula, 331
Les Modes, 275
Monet, Claude, 88, 105, 106, 108, 167, 275, 284, 296, 315, 324
as absent from Impressionist exhibits, 150, 159, 161, 176
exhibit of 1879 and, 135
friendship criteria of, 113
Pissarro’s rivalry with, 239–40
success of, 177, 189, 239
Monroe, Lucy, 211
Montemezzano, Francesco, 350 n1
Moore, George, 117, 123, 143, 143
Moore, Humphrey (Harry), 21, 71
Morisot, Berthe, 33, 106, 108–13, 111, 123, 197, 199
Cassatt’s correspondence with, 216, 263
Cassatt’s envy of, 216
Cassatt’s friendship with, 111, 113, 161, 163, 189, 194
as copyist, 88, 109
death of, 228, 240, 251, 284
on Degas, 149
as femme fatale, 111
in historical perspective, 324, 325–26, 331, 332
Impressionist exhibits and, 119, 133, 135, 150, 159, 161, 176, 179
Manet’s death and, 164
Manet’s painting of, 109, 110
Drawing Lesson, The (Self-Portrait with Julie), 195
Young Woman in a Ball Gown, 112
Morisot, Edma, 33, 88, 109
Morrow, Lydia Simpson Cassat (grandmother), 4, 9
Morrow, Paul, 4
mother-and-child theme, 185–88, 189, 204, 230, 251, 284, 308, 328
Boating Party, 221, 221, 222
The Caress, 265–68, 266
Cassatt’s motivation for use of, 185–87
demand for, 252
feminist view of, 330–31, 332
first use of, 182, 184
Patty-Cake, 238, 239
Segard’s view of, 321
Walker’s view of, 327
Mother’s Day, 308
Munn, Annie Elder, 101, 256–60
mural painting, 202–17, 203, 205, 206, 208
Myers, Frederick, 272–73
Nabis, 188
Napoleon III, emperor of France, 36, 53, 96
National Academy of Design, 17
National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, 317
National Gallery of Art, 309, 324–25, 327, 329
naturalism, Cassatt’s breaking of rules of, 182, 186
Naugatuck, Conn., 249
Neo-Impressionism, 176, 188, 239, 282
New York, N.Y., 245–47
Cassatt’s exhibits in, 227, 228–32, 240, 242, 246, 265–68, 285
Durand-Ruel gallery in, 230–31, 238, 246, 247, 317, 322, 324
Impressionist art in, 172–73, 175–76
“New York Exhibitions” (Goodrich), 355 n1
New York Public Library, 322, 323
New York Times, 230
Nochlin, Linda, 331
Norman Wait Harris Prize, 267, 268
Nourse, Elizabeth, 325
Nouvelle Athènes, 108, 121, 123, 123
Oakley, R. Lawrence, 248
L’Oeuvre (Zola), 100, 104, 107
Ollendorff, Paul, 296
“Ought Women to Learn the Alphabet” (Higginson), 209
Painter-Printmakers exhibits, 188, 193–94, 197–99
Palais de l’Industrie, 51–52, 51, 52, 98, 103
Palmer, Bertha Honoré, 202, 204, 205, 211,212
Paris, 47–54, 57, 60–61, 76, 85–89, 91–199, 215–18, 235–41, 252–56, 269–70, 294–95, 310, 312–15
American colony in, 96, 97, 118, 131, 178
art bought by tourists in, 97–98
café-concerts in, 121–22
Cassatt’s apartments in, 117, 128–29, 171–72, 179, 192, 224, 301, 346 n49
Cassatt’s art studies in, 29–43
Cassatt’s childhood years in, 11–14
Cassatt’s lifestyle in, 97, 171, 191–92
Cassatt’s return to American social circles in, 178–79
Durand-Ruel gallery in, 138, 140, 160, 174–75, 188, 193, 194, 204, 230, 324
1860s art world in, 37–38, 47–52
Franco-Prussian War and, 76, 87, 96, 120
modernization of, 96
shopping in, 52, 97
at turn of century, 252–53
see also Salon
Paris Commune, 76, 87, 96
Parisian Year, A (Bacon), 103–4, 107
Parma, 76–81, 89, 140
Parma Academy, 78, 79, 140, 268
Pasini, Alberto, 78
PBS, Cassatt documentary on, 332
Peckham, Rose, Portrait of May Alcott, 102
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 15–22, 17, 71, 141, 245, 277, 336 n4, 340 n28
Seventy-third Annual Exhibition of, 267
Pennsylvania Railroad, 14, 24, 26, 62, 70, 107, 126, 160
Alexander Cassatt as president of, 253–54, 277
Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati, 10
Perry, Lilla Cabot, 275, 325
Petit, Georges, 176
Petit Palais, 253, 304, 310, 319, 322
Philadelphia, Pa., 10–11, 14–23, 61, 62, 126, 150, 292, 309
art scene in, 16–22, 17, 71–73
Cassatt’s homecomings to, 71–73, 242–45
Cassatt’s tribute in, 323
Sartain’s return to, 99–100
Philadelphia Merchant’s Exchange, 26
Philadelphia Museum of Art, 322, 323
Philbrick, Alan, 268, 270
Picasso, Pablo, 281, 282
Piette, Ludovic, 135
Pissarro, Camille, 106, 108, 150, 159, 161, 167, 176, 324
Cassatt compared with, 240
Cassatt’s friendship with, 114, 163, 188, 189, 190, 239
death of, 275–76, 284
Durand-Ruel and, 197, 198–99, 239
exhibit of 1879 and, 134, 135
exhibit of 1891 and, 197
Modern Woman mural and, 211, 213
photograph of, 198
printmaking of, 139, 140
and reevaluation of Impressionists, 239–40
Salon’s rejection of, 87
summer estates and, 199
Pissarro, Lucien, 176, 239–40
Pittsburgh, Pa., 3–7, 10–11, 256
Pittsburgh Cathedral, Cassatt’s commission for, 75–79, 81
Pollice, Francesco, 78
Pollock, Griselda, 332
Pont Alexandre III, 253
Pope, Alfred, 231, 249–50
Pope, Mrs. Alfred, 249–50
Pope, Theodate, 249–50, 250, 251, 273, 274, 287
Portier, Alphonse (art dealer), 138
portraits, portraiture:
Cassatt’s American tour for, 247–49, 248, 251
Cassatt’s emphasis on, 98, 124–25, 135, 215
as form of healing, 236, 238
tourists’ desire for, 97–98
see also specific people and portraits
Postimpressionists, 188, 282
Prado, 260
Prendergast, Maurice, 284
prints, printmaking, 139–44, 141–44, 172, 188, 193–98, 196
Cassatt’s use of color in, 196–97, 233–344
of Degas, 139–42, 141, 147
drypoints, 189, 193–94, 317–19
Japanese, 194
1923 mix-up and, 317–19
Proust, Antonin, 139, 204
psychological depth, in art, 116, 177
Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, 109
Raffaelli, Jean-Francois, 159, 161, 165
Raimondi, Carlo, 78, 79, 89, 140
Raimondi, Edouardo, 78
Raphael, 257, 260
Redon, Odilon, 176, 188
Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rijn, 262
Renoir, Auguste, 87, 88, 105, 106, 163, 168, 171, 199, 216, 284, 296, 324, 353 n18
as absent from Impressionist exhibits, 133, 135, 150, 159, 161, 176
Cassatt’s renewed friendship with, 299, 302
late style of, 299, 300–301
personality of, 113–14
photographs of, 113, 300
Pissarro’s rivalry with, 239–40
Salon and, 133, 138
success of, 177, 189, 239
Renovo, Pa., 62–63
Republicans, Republican party, 25
Richardson, Edgar, 328
Riddle, Anna, see Scott, Anna Riddle
Riddle, Bessie, see Fisher, Bessie Riddle
Riddle, Mary Dickinson, 165–67, 166, 215, 304–5, 307, 310, 312
Rivière, Georges, 106
Roberts, Howard, 21, 29, 32, 71
as peacemaker, 38–40
Salon and, 53, 59
Robinson, Imogene, 31, 32
Roderick Hudson (James), 90
romantic mood, in Cassatt’s art, 47, 54, 79, 115–16, 145, 321
Rome, 61, 89–91, 258, 264
Roosevelt, Theodore, 279, 280
Rosenquest (Paris art dealer), 91, 92
Ross, Denman, 288
Rossi, Signor, 77
Rothermel, Peter, 22
Rouart, Henri, 139, 312
Rousseau, Théodore, 46
Rovinski, Dmitri, 262
Rubens, Peter Paul, 88, 89
St. Gaudens, Homer, 246
St.-Valéry-sur-Somme, 46
Salon, Paris, 36, 38, 51, 117, 118, 133, 138
Cassatt’s rejections from, 44, 51, 59–60, 92, 98, 99–100, 103, 105
Gardner and, 47, 49, 50, 59, 93, 340 n1
of 1868, 47–49, 51–52, 53, 86, 87
of 1869, 59–60, 86, 92, 109
of 1870, 61, 86–87, 88
of 1872, 77, 79, 81, 87
of 1873, 85–87
of 1875, 96, 98, 99
Exposition Décennale and, 255
Impressionist exhibitions compared with, 120
Impressionists and, 105–6, 107
jury process and, 104–5, 105
literary views of, 103–4
Sand, George, 85
Sargent, John Singer, 98, 118, 149, 234, 247, 325, 328
Alexander Cassatt’s portrait by, 276, 277
Sartain, Emily, 20, 21, 31, 72, 98–101, 325, 330
Cassatt’s correspondence with, 73–74, 76, 81, 82, 83, 99
on Cassatt’s drawing, 141
Cassatt’s final quarrel with, 99–100, 101
Cassatt’s friendship with, 72–74, 76–83, 92, 98–99, 140
in Europe, 76–83, 87, 90, 92, 93, 99, 140
Sartain, Henry, 72
Sartain, John, 17, 72, 72, 140
Emily’s correspondence with, 79, 92, 99
Sartain, Samuel, 72, 140
Sartain, William, 32, 71–73, 72, 81
Sarto, Andrea del, 257, 260
Schussele, Christian, 22, 29
Scott, Anna Riddle, 24, 165, 304, 309
Scott, Mary (Molly), 165
Scott, Thomas, 24, 165
Scribner’s Magazine, 230
séances, 273
Sears, Helen, see Bradley, Helen Sears
Sears, Sarah Choate, 247, 249, 251, 255, 265, 282, 284, 306
Segard, Achille, 22, 296–97, 321–22, 326, 337 n18, 342 n19, 353 n11
sensuality in art, Cassatt’s admiration of, 56, 120, 124, 177
Septeuil, 192, 194–97
Seurat, Georges, 176, 188, 282
Seville, 83–85
in Impressionism, 120–24
in Zola’s work, 120, 121, 123
Shapiro, Barbara Stern, 331
Shinn, Earl, 21, 71
Signac, Paul, 176
Simpson, Lydia, 4, 9
Simpson, Margaret, 4, 7
Simpson, Robert, 4, 7
Sisley, Alfred, 106, 150, 161, 176, 204, 324
Cassatt’s link with, 88, 108
death of, 251
Salon and, 133, 138
Sisley, Jenny, 32, 88, 108, 119
Sixteen to Sixty (Louisine Havemeyer), 236, 258–59, 262, 323
Sloane, Margaret Milligan, 215, 215
Sloane, Mary Johnston (Mimie), 75, 210–11, 215
Sloane, William Milligan, 210–11, 275
Smith, Anna Gardner (cousin), 13, 164
Smith, Edmund, 22
Smith, Mary, 20
Smith, Sophia, 209
Societé Franchise des Peintres-Graveurs, 188, 193–94, 197–99
Society for Psychical Research, 272
Society of American Artists, 119, 138, 172
Somm, Henri, 142
Soyer, Paul Constant, 45, 47, 50, 52, 54
Spain, 73, 76, 82–85, 171, 222
art of, 82, 83, 260–61
Spectator of America (Dicey), 337–38 n14
Spencer, Lilly Martin, 20
spiritualism, 272–73, 292–93
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 303
Stebbins, Emma, 20, 59
Stein, Gertrude, 70, 282–83
Stein, Leo, 70, 282–83
Stein, Michael, 282–83
Stein, Sarah, 282–83
Stevenson, A. May, 340
Stevenson, Harry, 5
Stevenson, Mary, see Johnston, Mary Stevenson
Stewart, Eliza Cassatt (Elsie) (niece), 126, 150–51, 152, 223, 244–45, 293, 323
Cassatt’s portraits of, 155, 155, 168, 168, 236
in France, 151, 152, 154, 155, 155, 156, 162–63, 168, 168, 210
paintings inherited by, 315–16
Stewart, Plunkett, 245
Stewart, William Hood, 88
Stieglitz, Alfred, 249, 284
Stillman, James, 294
Cassatt’s friendship with, 294–96, 298
death of, 313
Sweet, Frederick, 251, 328–29, 330
symbolism, 216, 321
Taine, Hippolyte, 210–11
Tate Gallery, 324–25
Taylor, M. Filmore, 23, 336 n11
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 54
Teubner, Hermann, 138
Thayer, Lois Cassatt (Baby), (grandniece), 244, 254–55, 329
Thayer, Mrs. B., 247
theater, 143–46, 144, 145
Thomson, Frank, 243–44
Thorne, Anna, 270–71, 285
Tissier, Jean-Baptiste-Ange, 31
Les Tournelles, 192
Tourny, Joseph, 33
Tourny, Mme. Joseph, 33
Tourny, Léon, 115
Tourny, Mme. Léon, 115, 119
Troyen, Constant, 46
trust-busting, 279
Uffizi, 259
United States:
Cassatt’s homecomings to, 61–73, 242–51, 280, 341 n8
in World War I, 311
Valadon, Suzanne, 274
Valerio, Edith, 326
Valet, Bertha, 240–41
Valet, Mathilde, 192, 240–41, 241, 247, 258, 270
Cassatt’s business affairs handled by, 317
as Cassatt’s companion, 276–77, 291, 319, 320
as Cassatt’s heir, 323–24
World War I and, 305, 316
Valet, Susan, 240–41
van Gogh, Théo, 190
van Gogh, Vincent, 296
Velásquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silvay, 87
Veronese, Paolo, 257, 259, 260, 261, 263, 266, 350 n1
La Vie Moderne, 140–41, 142
Vigée-Lebrun, Elizabeth, 20
Villa Angeletto, 298, 298, 301–6, 319
Villa La Cigaronne, 219–23, 219
Villiers-le-Bel, 50, 54–57, 93, 94
Vollard, Ambroise, 256, 281–82, 281, 284, 291, 292, 296
Vouet, Simon, 264
Walker, John, 325, 327
Walters, Henry, 265
Walters Art Gallery, 330
Walton, William, 230
Wargemont, 163–64
Watson, Forbes, 322
Waugh, Ida, 20
Weir, J. Alden, 124, 131, 228, 236, 255
Weitenkampf, Frank, 323
Weitzenhoffer, Frances, 331
Welch, Miss, 21–22, 22
West Chester, Pa., 9, 14–15, 14
Westtown, Pa., 22–23
Wharton, Edith, 273, 274, 308
Wharton, Philip, 20
Whistler, James McNeill, 118, 139, 165, 167, 325, 328
Lois Cassatt’s portrait painted by, 168–71, 170, 180
portrait of, 169
White, Stanford, 250
Whitney, Anne, 20, 21, 59
Whittemore, Harris, Jr., 249, 309, 317, 329
Whittemore, Mrs. Harris, 249
Whittemore, Helen, 249
Whittemore, John Howard, 230, 231
Whittemore, Mrs. John Howard, 249
Wicht, Joseph, 260
Widener, Joseph, 306
Widener, P.A.B., 265
Wilde, Oscar, 169
Woman Suffrage Amendment, 316
American, French relations with, 118–19
college education for, 207, 209
suffrage, 302–4, 304, 306–9, 316
German, 309
see also feminism
women artists:
anatomy studies and, 18
Cassatt’s dislike of classification as, 308
Cassatt’s ranking among, 325
as copyists, 31–32, 34, 35–36, 53, 60, 88, 109
education of, 16–22, 26–61, 82, 85, 92
in literature, 35, 36, 90, 102–4
“loss” of, 325–27
male patronizing attitudes and, 20, 103–5
1940s view of, 327–28
restrictions on, 18, 31, 103–5
see also specific artists
“Women Artists: 1550–1950,” 331
Women Artists in All Ages and Countries (Ellet), 20
“Women Artists in the Twentieth Century” (Nochlin), 331
Women’s Political Union, 303
World’s Columbian Exposition (1893):
Cassatt’s mural for, 202–17, 203, 205, 208
Woman’s Building of, 202, 203, 205, 206, 213
World’s Fairs:
1878, 128, 130, 131–32
1883, 192
1900, 252–53, 255–56
World War I, 305, 308–9, 310, 311, 313–14, 316, 353 n18
Wylie, Robert, 20, 21, 53, 59
Zandomeneghi, Federico, 135, 159, 161, 199
Zola, Émile, 100, 104, 106, 107, 274
Impressionists compared with, 120–21
sexuality in work of, 120, 121, 123