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Description: Street Life in Renaissance Italy
PublisherYale University Press
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Abbadia San Salvatore 63
addresses, way-finding 77–81, 218, 236
Adimari family 187, 188
advertisements 197
Aeneas 63
Agnifili, Amico, Bishop of Aquila 94
Alberini, Giulio 255
Alberini, Marcello 150
Alberti, Leon Battista 34–5, 46, 88, 142, 143, 158, 194, 230, 233
De re aedificatoria 31, 37, 52
Della pittura 180
Istorietta amorosa fra Leonora de’ Bardi e Ippolito Bondelmonti 242–4, 245
Libri della famiglia 246
Alberto III Pio 157
Alessi, Galeazzo 173
Alexander VI Borgia, Pope 55–6, 72, 153, 197, 235, 274n.107
Alfei, Francesco 85
Alfonso, King of Naples 46, 50
Allegretti, Allegretto 95
Altieri, Marco Antonio 57–8
Amadi family 204–5
Amman, Jost, Procession of the Doge 90, 91
Ammannati, Bartolommeo 182
Ammannati Piccolomini, Cardinal Giacomo 59, 262
Ancona 61
Anderson, Stanford 229
Andreuccio from Vallemontone 22, 23
Andrew, St 61–2, 63
Anonimo Magliabecchiano 238
anti-Semitism 214–15
Antoniazzo Romano 208
Antonio d’Arezzo 35
Antonio di Agostino di Domenico 79
Apollinaris, St 86, 87
apothecary’s shops 16, 17, 190–2, 192, 221
Aquila 94
arcades see porticoes and arcades
Arezzo 120–2, 168, 169–70
Fraternita dei Laici 169–70
Ariosto, Ludovico 237, 237, 274n.83
Arnade, Peter 16
Arrivabene family 238
Ascoli Piceno 157
Augustus, Emperor 37
Aurelius, Marcus, Emperor 64
Averlino, Antonio see ‘il Filarete’
Avicenna, Canon of Medicine 192
Avignon 50
bakeries 187–9, 221
balconies 249–51
banks 161–2
Baratta, Alessandro, Fidelissimae urbis neapolitanae . . . 242
Barbari, Jacopo de, bird’s-eye view of Venice 183–4, 183, 185
Barbault, Jean, ‘Veduta di Ponte Sisto’ 54
Bargello, Florence 99–103
Barozzi family 204–5
Bartolomeo Manfredi ‘dell’orologio’ 141
Barzi, Camillo de’ 110
Bassano del Grappa 86, 161–2, 163
Bassianus, St 86
Baxandall, Michael 7, 21, 81, 221
Bazzecchi, Ivo 146
bells 18, 91, 92
benches, outside palaces 238–40, 253
Bendi, Francesco 204
Benedictines 35
Benjamin, Walter 208
Bentivoglio, Annibale 71
Bentivoglio, Giovanni II 43–5, 71, 199
Bentivoglio family 96, 118, 126, 159, 234–5
Bernardino da Feltre 161
Bernardino of Siena, San 78, 183, 208, 220
Beroaldo, Filippo 234
Bertazzolo, Gabriele, Urbis Mantua descriptio 33
Bessarion, Cardinal 61
Bicci di Lorenzo, Consecration of the Church of Sant’Egidio by Pope Martin V 225
Bichi, Antonio 173
Bindo de Bindis, Doctor 92–4
Biondo, Flavio 64
bird’s-eye views 24, 178–9, 183–5, 183
Bisticci, Vespasiano da 51–2
Black Death 162
blasphemy 99–103, 116, 213–14
boats, gondolas 74
Boccaccio, Giovanni, Decameron 22, 88–9, 187, 245
apothecary’s shops 191
canals 71–2, 72
conmen 22–4
earthquakes 96, 96, 97
executions 127–8, 127, 129
hospitals 177
housing 177
hygiene 43
institutional buildings 165
loggias 241
maps 24–6, 26
and Naples earthquake 94
palaces 234–5, 241
papal bull 199
porticoes 42–6, 42–5, 155
riots 87
subversive texts 126–7
surveillance 118
and topography of Jerusalem 183
urban renewal 42–6
way-finding 78
Bolsena 63
Borghesi family 173
Borgia, Juan 72
Borgia, Cardinal Rodrigo 59, 59, 63
Borgia, Duke Valentino 190
Borgia family 198
Borgo San Sepolcro 121
Bramante, Donato 57, 157, 231, 254
Branconio dell’Aquila, Giovanni Battista 56
Brescia 161, 162, 198, 251–2, 251
brick paving 38, 43, 110, 131, 267
bridges 54, 203
brothels 122–4, 136
Brunelleschi, Filippo 163, 180, 276n.3
Bruni, Leonardo, Laudatio Florentinae urbis 88
Bufalini, Leonardo, Roma 184, 185
Buonaccorsi, Giuliano 253
Buonsignori (or Bonsignori), Stefano, Nova pulcherrimmae civitatis Florentiae . . . 123, 180, 182, 185, 223
Buonvicini, Fra Domenico 265
Burckhardt, Jacob 50
bureaucracy see institutional buildings Burkhard, Johannes 198
Bury, Michael 96
butchers 42, 47, 58, 59–60, 89–90, 90
Calaresu, Melissa 15
Camaldolese order 174, 175
canals 71–2, 74–5
Caporali, Giovanni Battista, View of the Porta Romana 130, 131, 259
Caprini, Adriano, Bishop of Viterbo 56, 231, 254
Caprini, Aurelio 231
Carpaccio, Vittore
Hunting on the Lagoon 75
Miracle of the True Cross at the Rialto Bridge 74
Carpi 156, 157
Carracci, Annibale, Study for an Execution Scene 128
cartography see maps carts 76–7, 77
Castellesi, Cardinal 56
Castello, Francesco da 48
Castello Sforzesco, Milan 110, 110
Castelvecchio, Siena 202
Castiglion Fiorentino 121
Catenaia 121
cathedrals see churches and cathedrals Cavalcanti, Filippo 187, 190
Cavazza, Tomaso 206
Çelik, Zeynep 32
Cellini, Benvenuto 119
Cenci, Antonio di Marcello 106
censuses 79–80, 81
central areas see city centres
Certeau, Michel de 14, 20, 26, 27, 69, 132
cesspits 89, 91
charitable institutions 163, 168, 169, 171, 176
Charles V, Emperor 37, 218
Charles VIII, King of France 190, 214
Chigi, Agostino 173
Chigi-Zondadari family 257
Christ 100, 220
churches and cathedrals
bells 18, 91, 92
city centre buildings 82–4, 138, 162
and earthquakes 93–4, 97
inscriptions 194
nodal sites 192
outdoor pulpits 82–3
papal bulls 199
pilgrimage churches 207–8
and shops 154–5
as social spaces 82–4
Cistercians 175
Città Rossa 211, 212, 222, 223, 224
city centres
churches 82–4, 138, 162
ideal cities 159
institutional buildings 138, 159–62
markets 164
city gates
and crime 72
functions 71, 72–3, 104
importance of streets leading to 105
and movement 72, 78
names 73, 78
shrines 210, 218
city walls 46, 104
civic values 39–40
Civitali, Matteo 160
clusters, distribution of 78–9, 138, 146, 159
see also zoning
coaches 76
coats of arms 194, 195–6, 196, 220, 232–6, 251, 252
coffee-houses 17
Cohen, Elizabeth 15, 18, 246–7
Cohen, Thomas 15, 246–7
communication 17–18
official communications 199–204
town criers 18, 91, 119, 126, 192, 198, 198, 199, 236
see also inscriptions; signs; writing
Concorezzo, Boniforte da 141–2
conmen 22–4
Connell, William 101, 102
Constable, Giles 101, 102
Constance, Council of (1414–18) 50
Contarini, Bertucci 94
convents 162, 163, 212–13
Corbin, Alain 18
Corio, Bernardino 110–11
corners see street corners
Corpus Christi procession, Viterbo 61, 62–3, 108–9, 113
Correggio, Madonna della Scala 209–10, 209
Corsignano (Pienza) 53, 58–9, 59, 63–5, 64
Cortesi 230
Cortona 207
Corvi, Stefano de’ 127
Corvinus, Matthias 30
Cosgrove, Denis 14, 69
Cossa, Baldassare 273n.53
Cowan, Alexander 249
crime 17, 114–20
amnesties 114–15
denunciations 117–20, 118
executions 127–9, 127
Crouzet-Pavan, Elisabeth 205
curfews 115
da Porto, Luigi 245
Damiens, Robert-François 114
Dante Alighieri 238
Dati, Agostino 62
Datini, Francesco di Marco 216–18
de Vivo, Filippo 17, 69
defensive strategies 56
Dei, Benedetto 241, 260
della Riva, Bonvesin 79
della Robbia, Giovanni 223
Biliemme tabernacle 210, 211
della Rovere, Cardinal 56
della Rovere family 194–5
della Tuccia, Nicola 63
denunzie (denunciations) 117–20, 118
disease 88, 89
districts 131–2, 132, 178
Dolciati, Filippo
Execution of Girolamo Savonarola 265–8, 266
Rinaldeschi altarpiece 98, 99–103
Domenico Veneziano 218
Donatello 82–3, 83, 276n.3
doorways 252–3
drains 88–9
earthquakes 92–7
The Earthquake of 1505 96, 96
Eckstein, Nicholas 79, 80, 218
cities as 229
palaces as 231, 258–9
edges 131–2, 132, 178
Egidius of Viterbo 57
Eleonora d’Aragona 144
Emidius, St 183
Enlightenment 17, 113, 126
epigraphy see inscriptions; signs and markers; writing
Ercolano, St 183
Este, Ercole I d’, Duke of Ferrara 46–50, 60, 71, 123, 144, 172, 237
Este, Isabella d’ 214
Este, Sigismondo d’ 274n.79
Et si cunctarum civitatum (papal bull) 51
Etsi in cunctarum orbis (papal bull) 50–1
Eugenius IV Condulmer, Pope 274n.95
everyday rituals, and public space 92–7
Ex voto of Tommaso Inghirami, Fallen under an Ox-Cart in Rome 76–7, 77
executions 127–9, 127, 265–8, 266
Fabri, Felix 205
Fabriano 154, 154
façades, palaces 55–6, 230, 233–4
Falda, Giovanni Battista, ‘Archiospedale Apostolico di S. Spirito’ 53
Fancelli, Luca 238
Farnese, Pier Luigi 251
Farnese family 173
Favro, Diane 16, 32
Fecini, Tommaso 95
Federico II, Duke of Mantua 36
Ferramola, Floriano, Tournament at Brescia 251–2, 251
Ferrante, King of Naples 105, 144
Ferrara 47
balconies 251
canals 71
map 48
mixed-use streets 144–6, 145
palace streets 58
palaces 48–9, 49, 172, 196, 237, 237, 251
piazzas 49–50
porticoes 145, 145, 155
prostitution 123
protests against urban renewal 60
Terra Nova extension (Addizione Erculea) 46–50, 48, 123, 237
urban renewal 46–50
Ferrara, war of (1482–4) 46
festivals 14, 64–5
Fialetti, Odoardo, View of Venice 70
Fiera, Battista 203
il Filarete (Antonio Averlino) 50, 171
Tratatto di architettura 28, 29–30, 31, 32, 50, 157–9
Florence 109
bakeries 187–9
Bargello 99–103
benches 240
bird’s-eye view of 178-9
censuses 80
Città Rossa 211, 212, 222, 223, 224
Duomo 179–81
guild markers 203
hospitals 163, 164, 175
housing 174–5, 176
inscriptions and signs 194, 224
institutional buildings 165
loggias 240–1
in Manetti’s novella 67–8
maps 15, 123, 180, 181, 182, 185
mixed-use streets 154
palace streets 58
palaces 172, 173, 196, 230, 232, 233, 236, 236, 238, 240–1, 253
plague 80, 89
processions 113
prostitution 121, 122, 124–5
public buildings 84–5, 84-5
public meetings 86
Rinaldeschi altarpiece 98, 99–103
Rosselli’s fresco 221–5
sanitation 88, 89
Savonarola’s execution 265–8, 266
smells 91 ‘stone laws’ 200, 200-2, 201
street corners 186, 189–91, 236
street shrines 207, 208, 210, 210, 211–14, 212, 218
Madonna delle fonticine 210, 211
Madonna della Palla 207
Madonna della Pura 207
Madonna della Tromba 211
Santa Maria degli Alberighi 99–103
surveillance 117, 119
tax records 79
town criers 199
trading district 164–5
urban renewal 109
way-finding 78
wedge-shaped buildings 189, 189
zoning 79
Florentine Street Scene 186, 189–90
Floriano del Buono 184
Floriano da Castel San Piero 22–4 23
Foresti, Jacopo, Supplementum chronicarum 183
Forster, Kurt 144
Fortini, Pietro 69–70
Foscari, Doge Francesco 233
Foscari, Pellegrina 176, 207
Foucault, Michel 17, 103–4, 113, 126
Surveiller et punir 114
‘il Francia’ (Francesco Raibolini), Madonna of the Earthquake 24, 25, 96
Francigena (pilgrimage route) 40
Franciscans 161
Francisci, Pietro Paolo 283n.65
Fraternita dei Laici, Arezzo 169–70
canals 71–2, 75
carts 76–7, 77
pack animals 75
Friedman, David 232
Frommel, Christoph L. 153
gambling 72, 116, 117, 191
gardens 254, 264
Garzoni, Tomaso, Piazza universale 197
gates see city gates
Gatta, Bartolomeo della, Saint Roch Intercedes for Arezzo 169, 169
Geertz, Clifford 224
Gehl, Jan 8, 9, 196, 229, 259–60
gender issues 18, 190
see also women
Gennep, Arnold van 14
gardens 254
palace streets 14, 58, 173, 174
prostitution 124
street shrines 208
Gentile da Fabriano 211
gentrification 149–50
Gerini, Niccolò di Pietro 216
Gherardi, Jacopo 106
ghettoes 125
Ghirlandaio, Domenico 241
Confirmation of the Rule 84–5
The Magnanimity of Alexander 263, 264
Resurrection of the Roman Notary’s Son 225
Giambologna 182
Giminianus, St 183
Giotto 180
Giovanni Maria da Brescia 76
Girolami family 253
Giuliano da Maiano 260–1, 261
Giulio Romano 36, 170, 171, 227–8, 255
Gobbo di Rialto, Venice 198, 198
Golden Legend 75–6
gondolas 74
Gonzaga, Federico, Marquis of Mantua 202
Gonzaga, Cardinal Francesco 35–6, 58–9, 59, 144, 262, 284n.138
Gonzaga, Francesco II, Marquis of Mantua 36, 37, 203, 214–15
Gonzaga, Giovanni 71
Gonzaga, Ludovico II, Marquis of Mantua 33–6, 58, 139–44
Gonzaga family 33–7, 157, 202–3, 238
gossip 117, 238–9, 246, 249
graffiti 197
Gramsci, Antonio 27
Grand Tour 15
Gregory XIII Boncompagni, Pope 24–6
grid arrangement of streets 46, 78, 176, 177
guidebooks 73–4
Guidi, Tommaso di Giovanni 191
guilds 165, 203, 210–11
Guinigi, Paolo 160
Habermas, Jürgen 17
Haussmann, Baron Georges 31
heraldic emblems 37, 76, 84, 195, 220, 233–6
Heydenreich, Ludwig 50
hierarchy of streets 31
Hippocrates 89
Holmes, Megan 207
Holy League 199
Holy Roman Empire 45
horses 9, 75, 76, 278n.143
hospitals 163–4, 175, 177
institutionally-owned 174–7
mixed-use streets 137–8, 141–2, 146–8, 151–4, 171–2
renovation of 40, 41
row-housing 59, 174–7
social stratification 171–7
see also palaces
Howell, Martha C. 16
sanitation 18, 43, 88–91
street cleaning 40
and urban renewal 51
‘ideal city’ 29–30, 158–9
Ideal City panels 11, 12-13
and movement 69
and sociability 67–8
IHS plaques 220
Imola 157
incense 91
industrial zones 87, 158–9, 171
Infessura, Stefano 105, 253
Ingersoll, Richard 32
Inghirami, Tommaso Fedro 76–7, 77
Inquisition 117
defamatory inscriptions 197
on doors 252
in Mantua 36–7, 37, 38
official communications 199–204
in Rome 54, 57
‘stone laws’ 199–201, 200–2
see also signs; writing
institutional buildings 159–63, 165–8
Jacobs, Jane 114, 120, 188, 220
Death and Life of Great American Cities 229
Jacome dei Sancti 127
Jacopo da Brescia 56, 250
Jacopo del Casentino 211
Jerusalem 183
Jews 125, 161, 214–15
Jones, Inigo 228
Julius II della Rovere, Pope 44, 56, 57, 87, 126, 157, 160, 198, 199, 202, 235, 251, 274n.107, 283n.83
justice, performative 126–9
Justice of Trajan to a Widow 75–6
Jütte, Daniel 252
Knights of San Jacopo 175, 176
Kostof, Spiro 13, 30
Lafréry, Antoine
‘Palazzo Alberini’ 254
Palazzo Caprini 55
‘Pasquino’ 198
Laitinen, Riita 15
Lamo, Pietro 46
landmarks 131–3, 132, 178, 180–1
Landucci, Luca 190–1, 236, 253
lapidi proibitorie (‘stone laws’) 199–201, 200–2
latrines 89, 90
enforcement of 117
publication of 18, 199
sumptuary laws 119
Lefebvre, Henri 14, 21, 81, 82, 125, 129, 221
Leo IV, Pope 250
Leo X de’ Medici, Pope 56, 60, 109, 113, 173, 198
Leonardo da Vinci 15, 74–5, 157, 238
Lieberman, Ralph 109
Liello de Cecco 22 23
lighting 205
Liguria 208, 213
Lillie, Amanda 218
Lippi, Filippino
Madonna and Child 216, 217
Madonna and Child with Saints 248, 249
literature, popular stories 67–8, 78, 242–5
palaces 228, 231
way-finding 77–81, 218, 236
loggias 240–2, 240, 243, 251, 253
Lombardi, Paolo 73
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio 39, 246
The City at Peace 6, 9–12, 10, 75, 104, 105
The City at War 9–12
Louis XII, King of France 199
Lucca 160, 161, 214
luxury trades 42, 51, 58, 70, 90, 115, 146–7, 151
Lynch, Kevin 20, 81, 178, 179–80, 182, 188, 218, 259
The Image of the City 81, 131–3, 132
Machiavelli, Niccolò 119
La mandragola 238–9
maestri di strada (Rome) 51
magistri viarum (Rome) 51
Maiano, Benedetto da 149
Malatesta, Sigismondo Pandolfo 111–12, 112, 194
Malavolti family 257
Manetti, Antonio, Novella del grasso legnaiuolo 67–8, 78
Manetti, Giannozzo 52, 94
Manilio, Lorenzo 194, 195, 255
Mansuetti, Giovanni, Miracle of the Relic of the Holy Cross in Campo San Lio 246–9, 247
Mantegna, Andrea 36, 36, 202–3
Madonna della Vittoria 214–15
Mantua 33–7, 33, 71
churches 35, 154
inscriptions 36–7, 36–8, 202–3, 203
mixed-use streets 138–42, 139–44, 145–6, 154
palaces 238
paving 35
piazzas 34–5, 34–5
porticoes 138–9, 139–40, 143, 157
street shrines 214–15, 215
urban renewal 34–7, 139–44
zoning 170, 171
Mantua, Council of (1459) 33–4, 71
maps 15, 24–6, 182, 184
Mark, St 85–6, 87, 118, 235
markers see signs and markers
markets 18, 30, 57, 79, 153, 164
Martin V Colonna, Pope 40, 50, 51
Martini, Francesco di Giorgio 50, 89, 158, 159, 230
The Madonna Protecting Siena 95, 95, 96
Trattati di architettura 32, 32
Maruffi, Silvestro 265
Mary, Virgin 85, 97
blasphemy against 99–102, 116
and earthquakes 94, 95, 96
pilgrimage churches 207–8
Rinaldeschi altarpiece 99–103
street shrines 204–20, 209–10
Masaccio, Consecration of the Carmine 225
Masolino 249
Massimo family 241
Master of the Story of Griselda, The Story of the Patient Griselda 263, 264
Master of the ‘Wide Eyes’, The Month of June 70
Masuccio Salernitano 245
Novellino 22–4, 27
Mazzei, Lapo 216–18
Medici, Duke Cosimo I de’ 37–9, 169, 181, 182, 253
Medici, Francesco de’, Grand Duke of Tuscany 182
Medici, Piero de’ 30, 265
Medici, Pietro Leopoldo de’ 287n.90
Medici family 37, 86, 187, 188, 240, 253
medieval streets 69
Meo di Bindoccio 258
Michelangelo Buonarroti 82–3, 83, 159, 238, 240
David 85
St Petronius carrying a model of the city of Florence 23, 24
Migliore, Ferdinando Leopoldo del 208, 210
canals 71, 75
Castello Sforzesco 110, 110
censuses 79
hospitals 163
paved streets 110
‘speaking sculptures’ 198
urban renewal 110–11
zoning restrictions 58
miracles 193, 204, 207–8, 221–3, 269
Mirzoeff, Nicholas 267
mixed-use streets 137–48, 151–4, 171–2
mobility see movement Mocenigo, Alvise 176, 207
Modena 71
monasteries 162
Montanini, Pietro di Bartolo 258
Monte Amiata 63
Monte di Pietà 161–2, 169
Montefeltro, Federico da, Duke of Urbino 32, 110, 159, 234
Montefeltro family 50, 194–5
Montepescali 85
Morone, Domenico, The Gonzaga Victory over the Bonacolsi in 1328 34
city gates 71, 72–3
and nodes 188
pilgrimages 69–70
through streets 69–71
walking 69, 73
way-finding 77–81
see also transport
Mucci, Guido, Nuova guida della città di Siena 39
Muir, Edward 14, 206, 208
multi-use buildings 166–70
Nadi, Gaspare 97
city gates 73, 78
street shrines 218, 220
streets 51, 55, 78, 80, 164, 172
churches 83
earthquake (1456) 92–4
institutional buildings 160
porticoes 155
sanitation 88–9
seggi (loggias) 241–2, 242
shops and churches 154
street shrines 208
urban renewal 46, 50
Nerli, Tanai 249
New York 9, 26, 188, 220
news see communication
Nibbio (Antonio di Iacomo) 116
Niccolini, Agnolo 37–9
Nicholas V Parentucelli, Pope 51, 52, 55, 106, 272n.6, 284n.120
night soil 88
nighttime crime 115–17, 119, 120.
nodes 131–3, 132, 178
‘speaking sculptures’ 198
street corners 187–225
Nola 194
Nolli, Giambattista, Nuova pianta di Roma 52, 153
Norsa, Daniele da 214–15
Olivieri, Pietro 176
Origo, Iris 220
ornato della città (Siena) 40–2, 41, 59, 108
Orsini, Gentile 259
ox carts 76–7, 77
pack animals 9, 75, 130
Padua 165–6
pageants 61
of cities 24, 26
‘period eye’ 81, 221, 269
of piazzas 221–5
secular subjects 133
street views (vedute) 15, 133
‘window-frame’ portraits 245
palace streets 14, 58, 59, 59, 172–3, 233
palaces 226, 227–64
balconies 249–51
benches 238–40, 253
boundary between public and private space 252–9
collective ownership 256
doorways 252–3
façades 55–6, 230, 233–4
gardens 254, 264
heraldic emblems 232–6
inscriptions 194–6, 196
institutional buildings 159–61
location 228, 231
loggias 240–2, 240, 243, 251, 253
and piazzas 233–4, 263–4
and shops 228, 230, 231, 254–8
and street corners 236–8
windows 242–9, 251, 252
see also individual cities
Palaeologus, Thomas 61
palazzi see palaces
Palazzo Caprini, Rome 230–2, 231
Palazzo Pontano, Perugia 130–3, 259
Palazzo Sansedoni, Siena 257–8, 257, 259
Palazzo Spannocchi, Siena 260–4, 261–2
Palazzo Thiene, Vicenza 226, 227–8, 241, 256
Palladio, Andrea 166, 166, 230, 241, 250, 254
I quattro libri dell’architettura 226, 227–8, 231, 256
Palmieri, Matteo 191
pamphlets 17, 197
Panfili, Pio 72
and naming of streets 51, 55, 172
palaces 159–60
papal bulls 199
processions 61–3, 65, 150
remodelling of Rome 51–8, 105–6
restoration to Rome 50–1
and urban renewal 50–8, 108–9
see also individual popes
Papal States 94, 124, 157
Parigi, Alfonso 170
Paris 31, 114
Parma 58, 71, 86, 209–10
Pasquino, statue of 197–8, 198
paths 131–2, 132, 178
Paul II Barbo, Pope 53
Paul III Farnese, Pope 159, 251, 274n.107, 283n.83
Paul V Borghese, Pope 194
Pavia, Council of (1423–24) 40
piazzas 43
and respectability 73
streets 35, 37–9, 39, 110
pawnbrokers 161
Pazzi, Jacopo de’ 253
Pazzini, Carli e Figli 39
Palazzo Spannocchi 262
Pecci family 173
Peltoni, Lodovico 33
perfumes 91
Perugia 167
institutional buildings 165, 168
palace streets 58, 173
palaces 259
Palazzo Pontano fresco 130–3, 131
riots 86
urban renewal 168–9
Perugino 169
Peruzzi, Baldassare 177, 241
Peter, St 53, 182
petroni (Siena) 40, 42
Petronio, San 183
Petrucci, Armando 194
Petrucci, Giacoppo 60, 173
pharmacies see apothecary’s shops
Piacenza 58
arcades 157
churches and 82–3
outer city areas 163
paintings of 221–5
and palaces 233–4, 263–4
paving 43
public buildings and 86
public executions 265–8, 266
riots and protests 86
also individual cities
Piccolomini, Aeneas Silvius (Pius II) 241
Piccolomini, Andrea di Nanni 148
Piccolomini family 173, 194–5, 233
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni 223
Pienza (Corsignano) 148, 172
housing 59
palaces 59
papal court in 58–9
piazzas 64, 233
remodelling by Pius II 53, 59, 63–5
Piero della Francesca, Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta before St Sigismund 112, 112
Pietro da Cortona 219, 276n.54
pilgrimages 40, 53, 54, 55, 69–70, 207–8
Pistoia 163, 165
Pius II Piccolomini, Pope 41, 148, 221, 240, 261, 284n.138
benediction loggia in Rome 53
Corpus Christi procession in Viterbo 61, 62–3, 108–9, 113
Council of Mantua 33, 71
Epistolae et commentarii 33, 62
and Pienza (Corsignano) 58–9, 63–5, 172
procession for relic of St Andrew 61–2
Pius III Piccolomini, Pope 148, 240
Pius V Ghislieri, Pope 124
plague 80, 89, 162, 190
Po valley 46, 71, 155, 237–8
politics, and public space 84–8
Pollak, Martha 104, 105
Pontano, Guglielmo 130–3
Popoleschi family 236
porticoes and arcades 155–8
Bologna 42–6, 42–5, 157
Carpi 156, 157
Ferrara 145, 145, 155
Mantua 138–9, 139–40, 143, 155, 157
removal of 110, 157, 241
Rome 106, 155, 157
Vigevano 155–7, 156
ports, river 72
posters 197
Prato 82–3, 83, 207, 216–18, 217
printing industry 197
prints, city views 178–9, 183, 183
as articulation of authority 14, 32, 61–3, 65
Corpus Christi procession, Viterbo 61, 62–3, 108–9, 113
executions 129
and palace streets 173
penitential 94, 95
for relic of St Andrew 61–2
Rosselli’s fresco 221–4
prostitution 17, 58, 72, 120–5, 201–2, 202
pubblica via 82
public space
as dynamic structure 104–13
everyday rituals and 92–7
political meaning 84–8
public buildings and 84–5, 84–5
sacralisation of 83–4
Puccio di Simone, Monteloro tabernacle 212, 212
punishments, executions 103, 127–9, 127, 265–8, 266
Randolph, Adrian 245
Raphael 56, 231, 250, 254, 255
Ravenna 73, 86, 87, 235
relics 61–2, 97, 221
IHS plaques 220
sacralisation of public space 83–4
street shrines 204–20, 209–10
see also churches and cathedrals
religious orders
convents and monasteries 162, 163
row-housing 174–5
remodelling of public space 105–8
Reni, Guido 24
Riario, Girolamo 157
Riario, Cardinal Raffaele 55, 151, 250–1
Ricci family 187, 188
Rimini 111–12, 111, 193–4, 199
Rinaldeschi, Antonio 98, 99–103, 116, 125, 128, 193, 213–14
riots and protests 59–60, 86
ritual use of public space 14, 61–5, 92–7
see also processions
river ports 72
Rome 16, 53–4, 56
balconies 250–1
bridges 54
Capitoline complex 159
carts 76–7, 77
churches 53
coaches 76
drains 88
executions 128–9
family enclaves 258–9
hospitals 177
housing 151, 151, 176, 177, 177
inscriptions 57, 194–5, 195, 202
institutional buildings 160
loggias 241
maps 52, 184, 185
movement through 71
palaces 55–6, 151–4, 152, 153, 172, 230–2, 231, 233, 241, 250–1, 254–5, 254–5
pilgrimages 53, 54, 55, 70, 208
porticoes 106, 155, 157
processions 14, 61–2, 150
prostitution 120, 121, 124
public writing 197–8
remodelling 105–6
rent books 80
restoration of papacy to 50–1
revision of street network 54–5
river ports 72
St Peter’s 51–3, 55, 62, 153, 172, 194, 254
shops 150–2, 151, 155, 254–5, 255
‘speaking sculptures’ 198
street network 150
street shrines 218–20
Madonna della Consolazione 208
Madonna della Vallicella 220
urban renewal 50–8, 150–1
via Giulia project 57–8, 58
visit of the King of Naples 105
way-finding 78
windows 246
Roscetto, Federico and Cesariano del 169
Rosenthal, David 203
Rosselli, Cosimo, The Miracle of the Holy Blood 221–5, 222, 269
bird’s-eye view of Florence 178–9, 181, 183
Rosselli, Francesco, Savonarola being Burnt at the Stake 265–8, 266
Rossellino, Bernardino 169
Rossetti, Biagio 49
row-housing 59, 174–7
Rubens, Peter Paul, I palazzi di Genova 173
Rucellai, Giovanni 194
Rucellai family 236, 240
Rykwert, Joseph 13
Sabbatini, Lorenzo, Map of Bologna 24–6, 26
Sabellico, Marcantonio 74
Sacchetti, Franco, Trecentonovelle 78, 187, 189
sacralisation of public space 83–4
city patrons 97, 182–3
relics 61–2, 97
Salimbeni family 260, 264
San Gimignano 146–7, 146
San Giovanni Valdarno 85, 86
Sangallo, Antonio da the Younger 177, 288n.164
sanitation 18, 43, 88–91
Sansedoni family 257–8
Sansovino, Jacopo 90
Santa Maria degli Alberighi, Florence 99–103
Sanudo, Marin 74, 197
Sassetti family 225
Savonarola, Girolamo 101, 214, 265–8, 266
scale of streets 31
Schafer, R. Murray 18
Schedel, Hartmann, Liber chronicarum 183
‘Lo Scheggia’ (Giovanni di Ser Giovanni) 75
sculpture, ‘speaking’ 198
seasonal changes 34
seggi (loggias) 241–2, 242
Sellaio, Jacopo del, Christ with the Instruments of the Passion 239–40, 239
sensory environment 18, 81–2, 87–8, 90–1
Serlio, Sebastiano 159, 171, 173, 230
‘Di prospettiva’ 134, 135–7, 143, 177–8
Tutte le opere di architettura 249, 250
sermons, public 162, 192
Severini, Niccolò 33
Severus, Septimius, Emperor 64
sewers 18, 43, 88–91
Sforza, Francesco, Duke of Milan 29–30, 110–11, 158
Sforza, Galeazzo Maria 110
Sforza, Ludovico il Moro 110, 155–7
Sforza family 155
Sforzinda 28, 29–30, 32, 50, 158–9
Shakespeare, William 243, 245
shops 16
apothecary’s shops 16, 17, 190–2, 192, 221
bakeries 187–9, 221
and churches 154–5
crime 115–16
mixed-use streets 139–40, 144–5, 146–8, 151–4
multi-use buildings 166–70
and palaces 228, 230, 231, 254–8
and porticoes 158
signs and advertisements 197
and street corners 190–1, 221
shrines 83, 192–3, 204–20, 209–10
Madonna degli Amadi (dei Miracoli), Venice 204–5, 207, 218
Madonna dei Banchetti, Siena 211
Madonna della Consolazione, Rome 208
Madonna delle fonticine, Florence 210, 211
Madonna di Fontegiusta, Siena 208
Madonna della Misericorda, Venice 206–7, 219–20
Madonna della Palla, Florence 207
Madonna della Pura, Florence 207
Madonna della Tromba, Florence 211
Madonna della Vallicella, Rome 220
Puccio di Simone, Monteloro tabernacle 212, 212
Santa Maria degli Alberighi, Florence 99–103
shutters 246, 247
Siculo, Jacopo, The Apparition of the Archangel Michael to Pope Gregory the Great 107
Siena 147, 149
benches 240
butchers 90, 90
Castelvecchio 202
city gates 73, 73
crime 114–17
earthquakes 94–5, 95
government offices 40–2
horses 75
hospitals 177
housing 176, 177
inscriptions 194
institutional buildings 162, 165
loggias 241
map 41
mixed-use streets 147–8, 154
movement through 69–70, 71
palace streets 58
palaces 172–3, 196, 233, 240, 241, 256–8, 257, 260–4, 261-2
pilgrimages 40, 208
prostitution 122–3
protests against urban renewal 59–60
public buildings 85
shops and churches 154
smells 88
‘stone laws’ 201–2, 202
street corners 188
street shrines 210–11, 214, 218, 219
Madonna dei Banchetti 211
Madonna di Fontegiusta 208
surveillance 118–19
tax records 79–80
urban renewal 37–42, 39, 108, 112–13, 149–50
way-finding 78
zoning 171
signs and markers
coats of arms 194, 195–6, 196, 220, 232–6, 251, 252
guilds 203
heraldic emblems 37, 76, 84, 195, 220, 233–6
IHS plaques 220
institutionally-owned housing 176, 177
shop signs 197
street corner markers 203, 203
see also inscriptions; writing
Simons, Walter 16
Sixtus IV della Rovere, Pope 110, 169, 219, 253
inscriptions 194
legislation against porticoes and overhangs 110, 157, 241
revises street network 54–5, 105–6, 274n.107
urban renewal in Rome 51, 53–5, 150, 159
Sixtus V Peretti, Pope 281n.168
Skinner, Quentin 11
smells 18–19, 88, 89, 90–1
Smith, Bruce R. 18
social practices, identity and 67–8
Soderini, Cardinal Francesco 56, 255
Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi) 210–11
Madonna del Corvo 218, 219
Sorrento 242, 243
sounds 18, 81, 88, 91–2
Sozzini, Mariano 261
Spada, Virgilio 155
Spannocchi, Ambrogio 149, 260–4, 261
spatial confinement
Jews 125
prostitutes 120–5
spies 117
Spoleto 154, 155
stage designs 135–7, 177–8
Stancaro, Giovanni 49
‘stone laws’ 199–201, 200-2
stories, popular 67–8, 78, 242–5
straightening streets 39, 46, 103, 108
stratification, social 171–7
street cleaning 40
street corners 187–225
bakeries 187–9
markers 203, 203
official communications 199–204
palaces and 236–8
shops 221
shrines 204–20, 209-10
‘stone laws’ 200, 200-2
town criers 199
writing and inscriptions 193–8
street views (vedute) 15, 133
Strozzi, Filippo 94
Strozzi family 49, 236
Suetonius 37
Summonte, Pietro 46
sumptuary laws 119
surveillance 113–29
denunciations 117–20, 118
of Jews 125
performative justice 126–9
prostitution 120–5
Rinaldeschi altarpiece 99–103
subversive texts 126–7
tabernacles see street shrines
Tafuri, Manfredo 16, 54, 57
Talla 121
taverns 16–17, 116, 212–13, 221
tax records 79–80
Terpstra, Nicholas 124–5, 129
Terry-Fritsch, Allie 117
stage designs 135–7, 177–8
street performances 197
Theodore, St 86
Thiene family 227–8
Tiber, river 52
Tieri family 216
Toledo, Don Pedro de 160
Tolomei family 257
town criers 18, 91, 119, 126, 192, 198, 198, 199, 236
town halls 159
guilds 165
zoning 78–9, 89–90, 90, 112–13, 164–5, 171
see also shops and individual trades
Trajan, Emperor 75–6
carts 76–7, 77
coaches 76
horses 9, 75
waterways 71–2, 74–5
see also movement
Trevisi, Antonio 185
Trexler, Richard 14, 15, 82
tricksters 22–4
Trombetto, Tommaso di Piero del 216
Tron, Filippo 176
Turamini, Piero 260
Turner, Victor 14
Tuttle, Richard 43
Ugolotti, Ercole 126–8, 129
Ugurgeri family 256–7, 258
University of Rome 201
urban renewal 29–60
Bologna 42–6
city extensions 46–8, 50
cost-sharing strategy 38–40
demolition of overhanging structures 41–2, 106–12
Ferrara 46–50
hygiene and 51
Mantua 33–7
patrons 58–9, 64
paved streets 35, 37–9, 39
protests against 59–60
remodelling of public space 105–13
Rome 50–8
Siena 37–42
theoretical texts 28, 29–30, 31, 32, 158–9
widening and straightening streets 39, 46, 103
zoning restrictions 59–60
Urbino 11, 50, 234, 235
Vallombrosan monks 225
Vasari, Giorgio 90, 170, 210–11, 216, 218, 221, 223, 238
Vasi, Giuseppe, ‘Piazza di Sant’ Eustachio’ 255, 255
Vatican see papacy and individual popes
veduta (street views) 15, 133
Venice 16
apothecary’s shops 191–2
balconies 249–50
bird’s-eye view of 183–4, 183
bridges 17, 203
canals 71, 74
ghetto 125
Gobbo di Rialto 198, 198
Grand Canal 71, 74, 78, 172, 183, 249
guidebook 74
housing 176
institutional buildings 161
official communications 199
palaces 172, 232, 233, 234, 250
printing industry 197
prostitution 120, 121
sanitation 89
shops and churches 154
smells 91
‘speaking sculptures’ 198, 198
street shrines 204–7, 210
Madonna degli Amadi (dei Miracoli) 204–5, 207, 218
Madonna della Misericorda 206–7, 219–20
surveillance 117–18, 118
symbols of St Mark 85–6, 87
trading district 164–5
war with Ferrara 46
way-finding 78
windows 246–7, 247
zoning 78–9, 90, 91
Verona 177
Veronese artist, Trajan and the Widow: I 66, 75
balconies 251
loggias 241
palace streets 58
palaces 196, 226, 227–8, 241, 251
piazzas 86, 87, 166, 166
Vigevano 155–7, 156
Virgil, Aeneid 63
Visconti family 43
Vitale, Hondedio de 60
Vitalis, St 87
palaces 159–60, 160
Corpus Christi procession 61, 62–3, 108–9, 113
Vitruvius 158
walking 69, 73
walls, city 46, 104
waste management 88–91
waterways 71–2, 74–5
way-finding 77–81, 218, 236
weddings 9, 75, 244, 262–3
Weiss, Roberto 194
Welch, Evelyn 110
widening streets 39, 46, 108
windows, palaces 242–9, 251, 252
and balconies 249
use of streets 18
and windows 245–9
graffiti 197
papal bulls 199
printing industry 197
on walls and street corners 193–8, 193
see also inscriptions; signs and markers
Zavalune, Bernardino 76
Zenobius, St 180
housing 171
ideal cities 159
luxury trades 42, 51, 58
tradesmen 42, 47, 58, 59–60, 78–9, 89–90, 90, 112–13, 164–5, 171
and way-finding 78–9