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About, Edmond, 205n38
actors’ portraits, 60, 62
Adam, Charles, 183n42
Alken, Henry Thomas, A Rare Sort for the Downs, 166, 167
allegory, 3, 78, 96–106
“real,” 102–3
Andler Keller. See Brasserie Andler
Anonymous: M. Courbet Accepting the Cross of the Legion of Honor . . . , 171, 172
New Perspectives Opened up by the Talent of M. Courbet, 53, 55
Showroom for Paintings at Messrs. Goupil, 117, 118
Satirical Portrait of Napoleon III, 133, 135
The Three Graces in Crinolines (caricature), 90, 90
Apter, Emily, 116–17
L Artiste, 8, 13, 50, 58
artistic genius, 19, 29–31
Asselineau, Charles, 67
associational strategies: café society and, 3, 9–11, 19–20
letters to critics/editors, 13–15, 113
portraiture and, 3, 45–47, 50, 52, 68
Audebrand, Philibert, 11
Auguin, Louis-Augustin, 147
authenticity, 36–37, 41, 43
autobiographical novels, 18–19, 36, 37, 41
autonomy, artistic, 1–3, 14–15, 44, 78, 108, 170, 172, 174. See also society, artist’s position in
Balzac, Honoré de: on artists’ role in society, 101
bisextuality and, 4, 117
on newspapers and literary production, 75, 138–39, 176n15
Le Chef d’œuvre inconnu, 175n5
Girl with the Golden Eyes, 128
Traité de la vie élégante, 74
Banville, Théodore de, 9
Bara, Joseph, 48
Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules, 16, 114–15
Barthes, Roland, 99
Bartman, Sarah, 129
Bätschmann, Oskar, 1–3
Baudelaire, Charles, 9, 19
on bisextuality, 117, 122
caricatures of Courbet by, 41, 42
on clothes’ allegorical meanings, 99
on irony, 77
on modernity, 7, 15–16, 83, 105
on nudes, 91
portraits of, 45–46, 53, 55, 56, 56, 67, 71, 105
on portraiture, 55, 58.
Works : La Fanfarlo, 55
Les Fleurs du mal, 129
“Le Gouffre,” 32
“Le Peintre de la vie moderne,” 99
Beauvoir, Roger de, 18
Bellet, Roger, 9
Bénard, Charles, 20, 77, 98, 102–3
Berlioz, Hector, 46, 50, 51, 52, 60, 183n42
Bernheim, Alexandre, 174
Bertall (Albert, Vicomte d’Arnoux, Comte de Limoges-Saint-Saens): At the End of His Universal Exposition . . ., 106, 107
The Burial of Ornans, by Courbet, Master Painter (caricature), 85, 86
The Spinner (caricature), 124, 125
The Terrible Savoyard Woman, 126, 127
The Young Ladies of the Village (caricature), 87, 88
biographies, celebrity, 48–49, 68, 71
bisextuality, 4, 114–37
Bishop, Lloyd, 86, 90
Blanc, Charles, 23, 194n22
Bohain, Victor, 139
bohemian life, 37, 49–50, 52, 76–77
Bonheur, Rosa, Horse Fair, 127, 164
Bonion, Henriette, 126
Le Boulevard, 112
Bourdieu, Pierre, 1, 141
Bouvet, Alfred, 149, 151
Bracquemond, Félix-Joseph-Auguste, 67
Brasserie Andler, 9–11, 10–11
Bresdin, Rodolphe, 50
Brótje, Michael, 33
Brussels Salons, 131, 170, 210n7
Bruyas, Alfred, 96, 123, 134, 173
portraits of, 46, 71, 101
Buchon, Max, 15, 46, 71, 192n76
Byron, George Gordon, 6th baron, 160
café society, 3, 9–11, 16, 19–20
caricatures: of Champfleury, 67
of Courbet, 41, 42, 43, 44, 106, 107, 151, 151, 171, 172
of Courbet’s art, 53, 55, 62, 63, 85, 86, 87, 88, 98, 99, 101, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129–30, 130–31, 144, 145, 165–66, 167
“group celebrity,” 71, 83, 85
in the “media pantheon,” 49
military, 109
of Proudhon, 67, 70
Carjat, Etienne: Gustave Courbet (caricature), 43, 44
Proudhon on His Deathbed, 67, 70
Carlyle, Thomas, 99
Cassagnac, Granier de, 139
Castagnary, Jules-Antoine, 9, 46, 120, 142
celebrity. See publicity (publicité)
censorship, 3, 65, 75–76
of Courbet, 78, 110–12, 131, 171–72, 210n5
Cham (Amédée-Charles-Henry, Comte de Noé): The Bathers (caricature), 130, 131
The Grain Sifters (caricature), 98, 99
Huntsman Sounding the Horn . . . (caricature), 165–66, 167
Les Jolis Chasseurs, 163
The Meeting (caricature), 101
The Spinner (caricature), 124, 125
The Stonebreakers (caricature), 98, 99
The Wave, by Courbet (caricature), 162, 163
Champaigne, Philippe de, Portrait of a Man, 182n21
Champfleury (Jules Husson), 9, 19
on allegory, 102–3
on Courbet’s art, 85, 86–87, 122, 173, 183n41
diversity of writing by, 140
irony in, 77, 91
on Journet, 59–60
on landscapes, 146–47
portraits of, 46, 67, 68–69, 71, 104
on posing, 37, 41
on publicity, 15
sources for, 14, 84.
Works: Chien-Caillou, 50, 175n5
Les Demoiselles Tourangeau, 91
Les Excentriques, 37, 50, 53, 68, 71
“Lamiral,” 37, 41
Chang, Ting, 101, 173
Le Charivari, 49, 85, 109, 163
Chatterton, Thomas, 9
Chenavard, Paul, 46
Chénier, André, 9
Chennevières, Philippe de, 85, 86
Chevreuil, Michel-Eugène, 26
Claudet, Max, 149
clothes and accessories, 87, 89–90
allegory and, 98–99, 101, 104–5
moral propriety and, 119, 121–22
Comédie Française, 60, 62
commemorative portraits, 47–49, 52, 60–68
commodity paintings, 108, 141–69, 173
of Franche-Comté, 148–55, 169
hunting and riding scenes, 148, 162–69
landscapes, 141, 146–69
nudes, 142, 144
paysages d’effet (generic landscapes), 147–48, 152, 154
portraits, 141–42
seascapes, 141, 148, 160–62, 169
series of, 141–44
still lifes, 141–42, 173
of tourist sites, 148, 154–60, 169
of waves, 161–62
women’s themes, 144
Le Constitutionnel, 26, 75
contemporaneity, 15–16, 48, 71, 74, 81.; See also grands hommes, culte des
Cornu, François (“Jean-Jean”), 173
Le Corsaire, 11, 37, 49, 59, 105
Courbet, Gustave: dating of works by, 181n17
early life and education of, 2, 9, 20, 26, 77
exile and death of, 2, 4, 5, 173–74
fakes/forgeries of, 173–74
Legion of Honor refused by, 15, 43, 137, 170–71
political activities of, 14, 81–82, 106, 108–10, 171, 173
styles and techniques of, 141, 149, 162, 184n64.
Works: Academic Study of a Male Nude, 94, 95
An Afterdinner at Ornans, 26, 78, 79, 80–82, 107, 140, 183n42, 210n5
The Artist at His Easel, 37, 40, 180n4
The Artist Seated at His Easel, 37, 39
The Awakening, 134, 136
The Bathers, 91, 92, 94, 96, 123, 126–30, 127, 130–31, 134, 140, 197n65, 204n24
A Bather Sleeping by a Brook, 207n75
Bayard Rock, 156, 157
The Brasserie Andler, 10
A Brook in a Clearing, 147, 147
A Burial at Ornans, 26, 82–87, 83, 86, 140, 194n20, 199n101
The Cellist (Self-Portrait), 26, 27, 28, 180n4
The Cemetery of Solferino, 109–10, 110, 113
The Château d’Ornans, 151
Checkers Players, 25, 25–26, 180n4
Chillon Castle, 158, 160, 160
Country Siesta, 34, 35
Despair, 30–32, 31
Dormeuses, 211n17
Entrance of the Puits-Noir Valley, Doubs, Evening Effect, 152, 153, 154
Flowers in a Basket, 142, 143
The Fort de Joux, 151, 152
Fox in the Snow, 164
The Géant de Saillon, 156, 158, 159
The Gour de Conche, 149, 150
The Grain Sifters, 96, 96–98, 210n6
Hind at Bay in the Snow (Jura), 164, 165
The Huntsman, 164
The Huntsman (Huntsman Sounding the Horn to Go for the Water), 165, 167, 168
Lock in the Loue River, 152, 153
Loue Watermill, 152
Lovers in the Country, 32–34, 33, 185n70
Low Tide (Trouville), 161, 161
Man Hovering on the Edge of an Abyss, 32, 32
Marc Trapadoux, Jean Wallon, and Gustave Courbet in the Brasserie Andler, 10–11, 20
Marc Trapadoux Examining an Album of Prints, 52–53, 54, 55
The Meeting, 19, 41, 43, 45, 99, 100, 101, 158, 198n88
Mort of the Stag, 168, 168
The Oak at Flagey, 151
Origin of the World, 144, 211n17
The Painter’s Studio, 19, 41, 45, 71, 72, 73, 74, 99, 100, 101–8, 117–18, 210n6
Paper Mill, 152
The Peasants of Flagey Returning from the Fair (Doubs), 82
Le Portrait dit de M. XXX (The So-Called Portrait of M. XXX), 11, 29
Portrait of Amand Gautier, 187n1
Portrait of Champfleury, 67, 68
Portrait of Champfleury (drawing), 67, 69
Portrait of Charles Baudelaire, 45–46, 53, 55–56, 56, 67
Portrait of Hector Berlioz, 46, 50, 51, 52, 60, 183n42
Portrait of Jean Journet, 46, 52, 56, 57, 58, 60, 67
Portrait of M. Gueymard, Tenor at the Opéra . . . , 46, 60, 61, 62, 63, 181n7
Portrait of Marcello, 187n2
Portrait of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, 46, 60, 62, 64, 64–67, 208n87
Portrait of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (initial version), 66, 66–67
Portrait of the Princess Karoly, 142, 143
Prometheus and the Eagle, 108–9, 113
Proudhon on His Deathbed, 67, 70
The Pussets’ Farm, 151
The Quarry, Deer Hunt in the Forests of the Grand Jura, 164
The Return from the Conference, 78, 110–12, 111, 204n24, 210nn5–6
The Riderless Horse, 167
The Roche-Pourrie: Geological Study, 148, 149
Saddled Horse and Bulldog, 213n56
Le Salut Public (frontispiece), 11–12
Self-Portrait at Sainte Pélagie, 187n1
Self-Portrait with Black Spaniel in a Landscape, 17–18, 22, 22–24, 180n7
Self-Portrait with Black Spaniel in an Interior, 19–20, 21, 180n4
Self-Portrait with Leather Belt, 29–31, 30, 180n4, 185n70
Self-Portrait with Pipe (ca.1849), 37, 39
Self-Portrait with Pipe (ca.1849–50), 36–37, 38, 41, 43, 180n4
Self-Portrait with Striped Collar, 41, 42, 43
Sketch-book page with Self-Portrait, 22, 22–23
Sleeping Nude, 144
Solitude, 154
Source of the Lison River, 154–55, 155
Souvenir de Consuelo, 28
A Spanish Lady, 144
The Spinner, 123–24, 124–25, 198n88
Spring Rut (Battle of Stags), 164–65, 166
Stag in the Water (The Drive), 164–65
The Stonebreakers, 14, 82, 97, 97–98, 140, 194n20, 198n88
The Trellis, 144, 145
Two Women Sleeping in a Bed, 128, 128
Venus and Psyche (reduced replica), 133, 134, 209n90
Venus and Psyche (Study of Women), 78, 110, 112, 130–35, 132, 142, 204n24, 210n5
The Waltz, 33, 33, 180n4
The Wave, 161, 162
Woman in a Black Hat, 144
Woman Kneading Dough, 133, 135
Woman with a Parrot, 134–35, 136, 137, 142
The Woman with White Stockings, 144
The Wounded Man, 34, 35, 185n70
The Young Ladies of the Banks of the Seine, 120–22, 121, 201n133
The Young Ladies of the Village . . . , 87, 88, 89–91, 119–21, 140, 198n88
Courrier du Dimanche, 14
Couture, Thomas, Romans of the Decadence, 196n43
Cuenot, Urbain, 71, 81, 182n24
Dauger, Alfred, 85
Daumier, Honoré, 49, 141, 163.
Works: Napoleonic Freighter, 108, 109
Nymphs on the Banks of the Marne, 94
The Old Clothes Salesman, 71, 74
David, Jacques-Louis: Death of Marat, 48, 65
Lictors Bring to Brutus the bodies of His Sons, 192n74
Oath of the Tennis Court, 48
David d’Angers (Pierre-Jean David), 71
Degas, Edgar, 62
In the Salon of a Brothel, 130, 131
Delacroix, Eugène, 140, 198nn82, 86
Delécluze, Etienne, 85, 86
Demare, Henri, 171, 172
Derrida, Jacques, 34, 116
Desnoyers, Fernand, 9
Dubufe, Edouard, 47
Dumas, Alexandre, 102, 190n48
Dupont, Pierre, 46
Dürer, Albrecht, Melancholia I, 192n72
L’ Eclipse, 43, 67
Edwards, Edwin, 213n50
emotions, art and, 19, 23, 32–34, 36
Enault, Louis, 197n71
enigma, 105–7
L’ Epoque, 139
Eugénie, empress of France, 127
L’ Evénement, 50
exhibitions, art: Courbet’s private and overseas, 53, 60, 71, 99, 106, 112–13, 131, 140, 142, 170, 184n57, 187n4, 210n7
government-sponsored, 1–2, 164
international, 96–97, 99, 106, 164, 170–72. See also Salons
Faderman, Lillian, 128
Fantin-Latour, Henri, 62, 213n50
fashion plates, 87, 88
feminine press, 203n4
Le Figaro, 6, 19, 203n3
Flaubert, Gustave, Madame Bovary, 4, 90–91, 117, 122, 193n9, 205n45
Fletcher, Angus, 98, 105–7
Fleury, Robert, 171
Fourier, Charles, 23, 58
Franco-Austrian War (1859), 109–10
Franco-Prussian War (1870), 171
Fried, Michael, 33, 118, 180n7
Fromentin, Eugène, 171
Frond, Victor, 49, 67, 70, 71
frontispieces, 11–12, 67
Furne (son of Charles Furne), 163
Gambart, Ernest, 164
Garrick, David, 62, 63
Gautier, Amand, 67, 187n1
Gautier, Théophile, 11, 14
on Courbet’s art, 62, 85, 94, 124, 129, 135, 197n71, 198n78, 205n38
on morality in the media, 203n9
posing and, 18.
Work: Mademoiselle de Maupin, 128, 129
Gazette des Tribunaux, 105
genre paintings, 25–26
genre portraits, 52–60
genres, classification of, 19, 25–26, 82
Ghent Salons, 142, 170
Gill, André, 23
Champfleury caricatures by, 67
Courbet caricatures by, 43, 151, 151
Proudhon caricatures by, 67, 70
Girardin, Emile de, 6
Emile, 19, 185n65
Goethe, Wolfgang von, 36
Goncourt, Edmond de, 116
grands hommes, culte des, 52, 60–68. See also media pantheon
Green, Nicholas, 146
Grosclaude, Louis, Toast to the Vintage of 1834, 78, 79
Gros-Kost, E., 23
Gueymard, Louis, 46, 60, 61, 62, 63, 181n7
Habeneck, François, 183n42
Habermas, Jörgen, 7
Le Hanneton, 44
Haussard, Prosper, 86
Hawke, Pierre, 19
Heem, David de, 142
Hegel, Friedrich Wilhelm, 77, 86, 98, 102–3
Herding, Klaus, 102
Heyden, Ulf, 116
historical portraits, 58, 62
history paintings, 15–16, 23, 25–26, 62, 80–83
Hochhausen, Ronald, 101–2
Hogarth, William, Portrait of David Garrick in the Character of Richard III, 62, 63
Holde, Mlle Aubé de la, 142
Houssaye, Arsène, 190n46
Hugo, Victor, 46, 108
Humboldt, Alexander von, 24, 24–25
hunting and riding scenes, 148, 162–69
Husson, Jules. See Champfleury
Ideville, Henry d’, 46, 52, 97
L Illustration, 37, 50, 106
impressionists, 174
industrial literature, 3, 7–9, 12–13
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique: Apotheosis of Homer, 105
Venus Anadyomene, 91, 93
International Art Exhibition (Munich, 1869), 170
International Expositions: Paris (1855), 96–97, 99, 106, 164
Paris (1867), 170
Vienna (1873), 171–72
irony, 3, 49, 76–96, 107, 135, 137
realist, 90
Romantic, 77, 85–86
Socratic, 82
Isachers, van (Antwerp dealer), 164
Jalabert, Charles-François, Virgil, Horace, and Varius at the Home of Maecenas, 80, 80–81
Jeanron, Philippe-Auguste, 194n22
Journal Amusant, 67
Journal des Dames, 128
Journal des Débats, 138
Journal des Demoiselles, 89
Le Journal pour Rire, 85, 87, 90, 90, 106
Journet, Jean, 46, 52, 56, 57, 58–60, 67
Khalil Bey, 142
Koekkoek, Barend Cornelis, Bayard Rock, 156, 158
ladies’ press, 115
La Forge, Anatole de, 89
Lagenevais, F. de, 82
landscape paintings, 4, 23–25, 141, 146–69
of Franche-Comté, 148–55, 169
paysages d’effet, 147–48, 152, 154
of tourist sites, 148, 154–60, 169. See also hunting and riding scene; seascape paintings
Landseer, Edwin, 164
Deer and Deer Hounds in a Mountain Torrent, 165
Landseer, Thomas, Deer Stalking in the Highlands: The Last Scene, 164, 165
Larchey, Lorédan, 9
Laverdant, Désiré, 23
Laviron, Gabriel, 19
Lebrun, Charles, Simple Love, 95
Legion of Honor, 15, 43, 137, 170–71
Legros, Alphonse, 213n50
Lélut, L. -F., 31–32
Lépaulle, François-Gabriel, Trio of Robert le Diable, 62, 63
Lepel-Cointet, M. (stockbroker), 134
Lepelletier de Saint-Fargeau, Louis-Michel, 48
Leroux, Pierre, 19, 23, 26, 28
lesbianism, 128–29, 133
literary portraits, 48–50, 52, 190n46
Loménie, Louis de, 49, 71
Louis Philippe, king of France, 75
love. See emotions, art and
Luquet, Jules, 147
Magasin des Familles, 7
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 117
Manet, Edouard, 174
Nana, 122
Mantz, Paul, 126
Marat, Jean-Paul, 48, 65
Marcou, Jules, 148–49
Martinet, Louis, 142, 163
Marx, Karl, 108
Matoré, Georges, 18, 36, 139
Matthieu, Gustave, 46
Mazaroz, Jean-Paul, 46, 211n26
McCauley, Anne, 47
McLean, Thomas, 166
McWilliam, Neil, 29
media pantheon, 47–49, 52. See also grands hommes, culte des
Meissonnier, Ernest, 171–72, 190n37
Mérimée, Prosper, 94, 126
Messager de l’Assemblée, 14, 86
metonymy, 3, 78, 98
Michelangelo, Madonna Doni, 94, 95
Michelet, Jules, 115, 162, 190n46
Millaud, Moïse “Polydore,” 6
Mirecourt, Eugène de, 49
modernity, 7, 15–16, 76
Moniteur, 105
Le Moniteur, 94
Monnoyer, Jean-Baptiste, 142
Monselet, Charles, 52, 59
Montégut, Emile de, 9, 99
Moon, Francis, 166
moral propriety, 116, 122–28, 131–35
Morot, Alain, 109
Murger, Henri, 9, 33.
Works : Scènes de campagne, 120–21
Scènes de la vie de bohème, 10, 37, 50, 77, 120–21, 203n6
music, 26, 28
Musset, Alfred de, 34
La Confession d’un enfant du siècle, 19, 33, 36
Nadar (Gaspard-Félix Tournachon): caricatures by, 43, 47, 62, 63, 129, 130
photographs by, 59, 67, 69
“strategy of association” and, 47.
Works: The Move of the Constituent Assembly, 83, 84
Panthéon Nadar, 71, 83, 84, 85
Le Nain Jaune, 112
Napoleon III, emperor of France, 89, 106–10, 127, 133, 135, 154
natural scientists, portraits of, 24
nature, 23–25, 146, 151–52
Nerval, Gerard de, 18
New Perspectives Opened up by the Talent of M. Courbet (Anonymous), 53, 55
newspapers and popular magazines: art theory in, 15, 19
censorship and, 3, 65, 75–76
contemporaneity and, 16, 48, 71
Courbet and, 9–16, 67, 140–41, 169
expansion of, 1, 3, 5–7, 115
hunting/horse racing interests and, 163, 169
“ladies’ press” and, 115
structuring/marketing of, 4, 6, 138–41, 169
women’s interests and, 115–17, 122
Nicolson, Benedict, 71
Nieuwerkerke, Alfred-Emilien O’Hara, count de, 106, 131, 135, 154
Nochlin, Linda, 101, 105, 165
Nodier, Charles, 154
Nodler brothers, portraits of, 142
nudes, 91, 126–35, 142, 144
Ordinaire, Marcel, 173
Oudot, Julien-François, 10
Panthéon Français, 47–48, 71, 73
Papety, Dominique, Portrait of Antoine Vivenel, 53, 54
Parent-Duchâtelet, Alexandre, 125, 129–30, 133
Paris Commune (1871), 4, 171–73
Parmigianino (Girolamo Mazzola), Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror, 182n21
Pata, Cherubino, 173
patronage, 1, 13
Le Pays, 85
Péladan, Joséphin, 111
petite presse, 6–7, 49–50
Le Petit Journal, 6
Le Peuple, 67
Philipon, Charles, 49
physiognomies, 71
Planche, Gustave, 9
Poitevin de Sainte-Alme, Auguste, 49–50, 59, 185n74
popular magazines. See newspapers and popular magazines
portraits, 45–74
of actors in roles, 60, 62
as commemoration, 47–49, 52, 60–68
“genre,” 52–60
as a genre, 20, 25–26
“historical,” 58, 62
“literary,” 48–50, 52, 190n46
marketing of, 141–42
“strategy of association” and, 3, 45–47, 50, 52, 68
posing: authenticity and, 36–44
self-promotion and, 3, 17–36
postcards, 155–56, 156, 158
Poulet-Malassis, Auguste, 46, 129
press, the. See newspapers and popular magazines
La Presse, 6, 14, 138
Prévost-Paradol, Lucien-Anatole, 76
Promayet, Alphonse, 47, 71, 79, 81, 183n42
Prometheus, 108–9
prostitutes and prostitution, 125, 129–30, 133
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 9, 19
on allegory, 103
on Courbet’s art, 122–23, 126, 131–33, 205n38
portraits of, 46, 60, 62, 64, 64–67, 66, 70, 71
on women, 65–67, 133.
Works: De la justice dans la révolution et l’église, 65
Du principe de l’art et de sa destination sociale, 112, 119, 126, 131–32
La Philosophie du progrès, 65
La Pornocratie, 66, 133
Provost, A., The Bal Mabille, 33
publicity (publicité), 2–3, 9, 13–15
autobiographical novels as, 18–19, 36, 37, 41
caricatures as, 43–44
celebrity biography and, 48–49, 68, 71
censorship and, 112
controversies as, 112, 140–41, 171–73, 197n65
portraiture and, 3, 45–46
Salons’ value as, 14, 77–78, 112
self-portraits as, 3, 18
Pyat, Félix, 19
Quillenbois (Charles-Marie de Sarcus), 124, 125
Raban (follower of P. Leroux), 19
Raffet, Auguste, The Missionaries, 111, 112
Randon, Gilbert, Sleeping Nude (caricature), 144, 145
Rapin, Alexandre, 173
real allegory, 102–3
realist irony, 90
Rembrandt van Rijn, 190n37.
Works: Portrait of Abraham Francen, 56, 57
Self-Portrait Leaning on a Stone Sill, 20
Self-Portrait with a Gorget, 20, 21
Self-Portrait with Saskia in the Guise of the Prodigal Son, 184n60
Reutlinger studio, 67, 70
Revue des Deux Mondes, 7, 25, 36, 99
Revue Indépendante, 28
rhetorical devices : allegory, 3, 78, 96–106
enigma, 105–7
irony, 3, 49, 76–96, 107, 135, 137
metonymy, 3, 78, 98
satire, 3, 85, 108–13
Riat, Georges, 103, 172, 205n38
Riou, Edouard, Portrait of Champfleury, 67, 69
Ris, Clément de, 77, 87
Rochefort, Henri, 45, 46
Roubaud, Benjamin: The Artist Drawing His Caricatures on the Wall of the Panthéon, 49, 51
Highroad of Posterity, 71, 72, 84
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 36, 37, 146
La Rue, 65
rural-urban contrasts, 87, 89–91, 119–21, 146, 152
Sagnier, Christine, 175n2 (ch.1)
Saint-Chéron, Alexandre de, 8–9, 13
Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin, 7–10, 13, 19, 48
Volupté, 19, 36
Salon des refusés (1863), 110
Salon des Vénus (1863), 142
Salons: bi-gendered audiences and, 117
initial acceptance/hors concours of Courbet in, 17, 78
publicity value of, 14, 77–78, 112
reviews of, 25–26, 55, 58, 99, 184n46. See also individual paintings of artists
Le Salut Public, 11–12
Sand, George: bisextuality and, 4, 116–17
posing and, 18–19
synaesthesia and, 26, 28.
Works: La Comtesse de Rudolstadt, 26
Consuelo, 26
Elle et lui, 25, 36
Indiana, 36
Lélia, 36, 122, 128, 133
Sarcey, Francisque, 172
Sarcus, Charles-Marie de. See Quillenbois
satire, 3, 85, 108–13
Schlegel, Friedrich, 77, 82, 85
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 31
Schor, Naomi, 116
seascape paintings, 141, 148, 160–62, 169
self-portraits: of Courbet, 3, 10, 17–44, 101, 158
with lovers, 33
of Parmigianino, 182n21
of Rembrandt, 20, 21, 184n60
self-promotion. See publicity (publicité)
Senancour, Etienne-Pivert de, 160
sentiment. See emotions, art and
serial novels, 6, 115
serial paintings, 141–44 Showroom for Paintings at Messrs. Goupil (Anonymous), 117, 118
Le Siècle, 6, 15, 138, 170
Silvestre, Théophile, 9, 41, 120
Sloane, Joseph, 205n38
social class, 98, 123–24, 126
Société d’Emulation du Doubs, 148
Société des Beaux-Arts, 142
society, artist’s position in, 1–2, 8–9, 19, 28–29, 101–2. See also autonomy, artistic
Socratic irony, 82
Solar, Félix, 139
Source of the Lison River (postcard), 156
stage scenes, paintings of, 62
Steuben, Charles von, 2
Portrait of Alexander von Humboldt, 24, 24
still life paintings, 25–26, 141–42, 173
“strategy of association.” See associational strategies
Sue, Eugène, 75, 101–2, 191n55
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 108
synaesthesia, 19, 26, 28
Syva, Madame Edmée de, 119
Tassaert, Octave, Atelier Corner, 53, 54
Taylor, Isidore, Caves of Oselle: The Organ, 154, 154
Thierry, Augustin, 190n46
Thiers, Adolphe, 190n46
Thoré, Théophile, 19, 23, 26, 135, 142
Three Graces in Crinolines, The (Anonymous), 90, 90
Le Tintamarre, 105
Titian, 28
Portrait of a Young Man with a Glove, 29–30, 31
tourism, 154–55, 169
Tournachon, Gaspard-Félix. See Nadar
Toussaint, Hélène, 102
Trapadoux, Marc, 10–11, 20
portraits of, 46, 52–53, 54, 55, 192n76
Traviès, Charles-Joseph: Emancipated People, 71, 73
The Nineteenth-Century Sectarian, 58, 59
Troubat, Jules, 108, 135
Ulbach, Louis, 76, 140
Valentin, Henri, The Opening Ceremony of the Universal Exposition, 106–7, 107
Vallès, Jules, 9, 41, 46, 76
Van Isachers (Antwerp dealer), 164
Vauthrin (Franche-Comté iron master), 151
Vendôme Column, 4, 171, 173
Veronese, Paolo, Marriage at Cana, 28, 29
Victoria, queen of England, 164
Villemessant, Hyppolite de, 6, 203n3
Vivenel, Antoine, 53, 54
Wagner, Anne, 146–47
Wallon, Jean, 10–11, 20
waltzing, 33
Wandering Jew images, 60, 101–2
wave paintings, 161–62, 169
Wey, Francis, 14, 41, 50, 52, 166, 173
portraits of, 46, 60, 192n76
Whistler, James McNeil, 213n50
Winterhalter, Franz Xaver, 47
Wolf, F. -O., 156, 158
Women: as artistic subjects, 3–4, 67, 91, 118–26
clothing fashions for, 87, 89–90, 115
as a consuming public, 117–18, 144
friendships/lesbianism of, 128–29, 133
nude depictions of, 91, 126–35, 142, 144
as prostitutes, 125, 129–30, 133
as readers, 6, 114–16
writers and literary production, 1–3, 7–9, 12–13
bi-gendered audiences and, 114–16, 122–23
censorship and, 3, 75–76
diversification and, 139–40
genres and, 26
lesbian themes and, 128–29, 133
publicity (publicité) and, 18, 141
Ymbert, Madame F., 89–90
Zola, Emile, Au bonheur des dames, 117