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Description: The Visual World of French Theory: Figurations
PublisherYale University Press
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Note: page numbers followed by n refer to a note; those followed by bib to a section in the Select Bibliography. Solo exhibitions are given under the artist’s name; major national or international exhibitions are indexed individually and/or under the name of the gallery or institution.
Abadie, Daniel 8, 233n.27
Adami, Giancarlo: Vacanze nel deserto 194, 195
Adami, Valerio 25, 36, 254, 254bib
Chi (with Derrida) 195
and Collective Cuban Mural 38, 84
and Derrida 20, 184–203
Derrida’s ‘+R’ preface 184, 186–7, 188, 189–90, 195–6, 202
Derrière le miroir (with Derrida) 7, 185, 186
‘Dimonstrationi’ exhibition (1973) 192–3
early exhibitions 186, 190–91
Fondazione Europea del Disegno 199, 200, 203
Ich 188, 189, 189
interview in Galerie Lelong (1991) 197–9
Jacques Derrida 200, 202
‘Laboratorio’ exhibition 194
Lenin’s Waistcoat 207
‘I Massacri Privati’ exhibition (1965) 191
‘Perfusion’ (prose poem) 192
‘Pictures with Connexions’ exhibition (1966) 191
‘Les Règles du montage’ article 197
Das Reich album 193, 193
retrospectives 191, 203
Ring 194
Send me an Image 194
Sigmund Freud travelling to London 194, 194
The Suicide Game 192, 192
Two Studies after Derrida’s Glas 196
Urinals, Victoria Station, London 191
Vacanze nel deserto (with Giancarlo Adami) 194, 195
‘Le Voyage du dessin’ exhibition (1975) 186, 188, 189
Walter Benjamin 189–90, 190
Adorno, Theodor 164, 178
AES group: Beaubourg 12, 15
‘affirmative culture’ (Marcuse) 164
Aillaud, Camille 8
Aillaud, Gilles 101, 114, 208, 254bib
The Battle for Rice 103, 104
Live and Let Die 8, 33–5, 34, 36, 37, 101, 174; see also Datcha, The
Algerian war: and art 37, 45, 78, 95–7, 134
art and torture 40, 41, 43–4, 48, 49, 51, 52, 78
Bourdieu’s experience and analysis 66
decolonisation 95–6
‘Algérie ‘52’ exhibition 44–5
Alleg, Henri 44, 48
Althusser, Louis 9, 18, 122
and Alvaros-Rios 53–7
art writing 40, 42, 43, 50–51, 51–7, 62–3
artisanat conversation 57
L’Avenir dure longtemps 120, 124
and Cremonini 40, 42, 50, 51–3, 57, 58, 59–60, 62–3
and The Datcha 29, 29, 30–31
at École Normale Supérieure 31, 50, 65
on education and indoctrination 106
Les Faits (autobiography) 120
on Fanti’s work 100, 118–21, 125
and French Communist Party 31, 42, 50, 62, 116, 124
on future of Marxism and Communism 123, 124
Italy and Italian Communist Party 53, 107, 123
Lénine et la philosophie 107
Lire le Capital 30, 60
and ‘Lysenko affair’ 115–16
‘Marxism and Humanism’ 60
Moscow visit 114, 120–21
murder of wife 124
‘philosophy of the encounter’ 20, 24
‘Police and Culture’ show interview 105
Pour Marx 30, 60
‘public question’ text 119–20
La Querelle de l’humanisme 63
re-reading of Marx 49–50, 162
‘Reply to John Lewis (Self-Criticism)’ 114
‘theoretical anti-humanism’ 62–3
Venice conference and speech (1977) 123
Alvarez-Rios, Roberto 9, 20, 55, 100, 254bib
and Althusser 53–7
David’s Catapult 55, 57
Dove of Peace 54
Human beings, Wars, Invasions etc. Enough! 56, 56
‘Les Américains’ exhibition (1968) 85
American hyperrealism 20, 25, 88, 113–14, 137
exhibitions in Paris 16, 21, 142, 142–4, 207
influence on Monory 171–2
in Moscow 123
and photography 152–3
and Socialist Realism 144
Americanisation 16, 68–72, 172
American artists and Paris art world 71–2, 76; see also anti-American sentiment
Amiens ballet company: Hymnen 132
Annali (journal) 185, 199, 202
‘Antagonismes II, l’Objet’ exhibition (1962) 73, 76–7
anti-American sentiment 38, 68–9, 70, 71, 85, 102, 144; see also Americanisation
anti-fascist sentiment 16, 37–8, 37, 39
Anti-procès 1’ exhibition (1960) 37
‘anti-psychiatry’ movement 128
Aragon, Louis 33, 50–51, 60, 61, 62, 68, 90, 136, 209
ARC (Animation, Recherche, Confrontation) 25, 36
Adami retrospective (1970) 186
ARC 2 113
‘Art Conceptuel et Hyperréaliste’ (1974) 21, 142
Fromanger’s ‘Boulevard des Italiens’ 134
Gaudibert’s departure 113
‘Images du Peuples Chinois’ (1975) 155
‘Mythologies Quotidiennes II’ (1977) 21, 205–7, 211
‘Salle Rouge pour le Vietnam’ (1969) 102, 104, 156, 210
Arc, L’ (review) 188, 214, 215
Arman (Armand Pierre Fernandez) 71
Aron, Raymond 31, 69
Arroyo, Eduardo 79, 83, 97, 136, 167, 254bib
The Datcha 30
and Fanti 107, 113
and Fromanger 130
Jean Hélion escaping 207
Live and Let Die 8, 33–5, 34, 36, 37, 101, 174
Six lettuces . . . 35–6, 36, 102
Art Conceptuel et Hyperréaliste’ exhibition (1974) 21, 142
‘L’Art et la Révolution Algérienne’ exhibition, Algiers (1964) 97
art history and theory 19, 23–5
essai medium 23–4, 28, 167
‘New Art History’ and contemporary French artists 20–21
‘user’s guide’ approach 21, 22
art market and Narrative Figuration 17, 71–2, 142–4
‘L’Art Mexicain du précolumbien à nos jours’ exhibition (1952) 71
‘Art Vidéo/Confrontations 74’ exhibition 21
Artaud, Antonin 184, 242n.24
Arthek (Soviet pioneer camp) 101, 109–10
‘Artistes Internationaux et la Révolution d’Algérie, Les’ exhibition, Algiers (2008) 97
Artouzoul, René 79
Atelier 17 66
Atelier Populaire posters 130–31, 131
Ateliers series: Adami interview 197–9
Atlan, Jean-Michel 185
Aubergé, Nathalie 233n.27
Aubertin, Bernard 68
Auden, W. H. 191
Augustine, St: Confessions 183
Baader-Meinhof terrorism 93–5
Babeuf, Gracchus 211, 212
Bacon, Francis 190
Deleuze on 128, 137, 139–40
Paris exhibition 144–5
Baj, Enrico 58, 191
The Great Antifascist Collective Painting 37, 37
Balibar, Etienne 124
‘Bande dessinée et figuration narrative’ exhibition (1967) 32, 76, 186
Baratella, Paolo: Repression, Italian Style 107
Barthes, Roland 19–20, 22–3, 149–50
‘Appeal by French Intellectuals’ 121
Calligram essay 21
and The Datcha 29, 29, 30–31
Mythologies 42, 69, 73, 205
Basquiat, Jean-Michel 27
Bataille, Georges 43
Baudelaire, Charles 43, 158, 167, 171, 178–9
Baudrillard, Jean 17, 22
Calligram essay 21
Le Système des objets 73, 77
Beaubourg see Centre Georges Pompidou
Benjamin, Walter 22, 99, 193–4, 196
Adami’s portrait 189–90, 190
Berne-Joffroy, André 9
Biennale de Paris see Paris Biennale
Biras, Francis 100
La salle rouge 101; see also Datcha, The
Birga, Sergio: Intellectuals, Watchdogs 106
Bissière, Roger 58
Black Dog Publishing 7
Blais, Jean-Charles 127
Blake, Peter 35
Blanchot, Maurice 37
BMPT group 102
Bodek, Zipora: Intellectuals, Watchdogs 106
La salle rouge 101, 104
Bogdanov, Alexander 108
Bois, Yve-Alain 24, 185
Boltanski, Christian 22, 132
Boltanski, Luc 69, 75–6
Bonnard, Pierre 101
Bontemps, Roger 204
Bordes, Philippe 211
Borreil, Jean 197, 198
Boschetti, Anna 49
Boshier, Derek 35
Bouniort, Jeanne 7
Boupacha, Djamila 48
Bourdieu, Pierre: Algerian photographs 96, 96
L’Amour de l’art 70, 72, 76–7, 94
Un Art moyen 92
background 64–5, 66
Distinction 88, 93
ethnography 66, 69
and French Communist Party 70
‘habitus’ 69
‘L’Image de l’image’ 64, 81–3, 84, 91
and ‘intellectual nobility’ 31
on objects 73
and Panofsky’s Gothic Architecture 69, 79, 80
and photography 64, 82
and ‘Pornography’ exhibition 86–7
and Rancillac 20, 75, 77, 81–3, 84, 86–7
Untitled 96
Bowlby, Rachel 7
Boxing (group work) 107
Breton, André 169, 242n.24
British Pop Art 35
Brodzki, Isaak: Lenin at Smolny 107, 114
Brown, David Carr 181
Bryson, Norman: Calligram 21
Buci-Glucksmann, Christine 197
Buffet, Bernard 84
Bulatov, Erik 14
Red Horizon 121, 123
Bulletin de la jeune peinture (journal) 30, 102, 113; see also Rebelote
Bulteau, Michel 151, 154, 154
Buraglio, (Michel) Pierre 114
Camouflage Mondrian 100, 104
La salle rouge 101
Buren, Daniel 22, 23, 113, 137, 156, 182
Butler, Judith 99
Butor, Michel 173, 175
‘cadres’ 69
Calder, Alexander 63
Calle, Orlan 22
Calle, Sophie 22
Calvino, Italo 100, 125
Cane, Louis: La salle rouge 101
capital punishment debate in France 204
capitalism and capitalist society 28
anti-capitalist sentiment of artists 17, 37, 78, 106, 134, 141, 157
and Communism 123, 155
and hyperrealism 144, 175
and Lyotard 159, 162, 167, 175
Castelli, Leo 32, 71, 72, 76
Castoriadis, Cornelius 162
Castro, Fidel 54
Collective Cuban Mural 38, 39
Castro, Lourdes 27
Catholicism and Communism 42, 60
Caulfield, Patrick 36, 190, 191
Greece Expiring 72, 73
censorship: ‘Pornography’ exhibition 91, 92
Centre Georges Pompidou (Centre Beaubourg), Paris 12, 15, 204–15
‘Alors la Chine?’ (2003) 14
‘Ateliers d’Aujourd’hui’ (1979) 185
Duchamp retrospective (1977) 176, 204, 205
Erró’s Beaubourg 12, 15
‘Face à l’histoire’ (1996) 7, 25
Fromanger’s ‘Tout est allumée’ series 126
and Front des Artistes Plasticiens 209, 210
‘Guillotine and Painting’ (1977) 17, 22, 25, 203, 204, 205, 208–13, 214
‘Les Immatériaux’ (1985) 7, 23, 156, 182–3
‘Nouvelle Vagues’ (2005) 14, 155
opening 204–5
‘Paris-Moscou 1900–1929’ (1978) 118, 204, 205
Titus-Carmel exhibition (1978) 184–5
Centre National d’Art Contemporain (CNAC), Paris 22
absorption into Centre Pompidou 207
‘Hyperréalistes Américains - Réalistes Européens’ (1974) 16, 143, 207
Narrative Figuration collection 205
Rancillac’s ‘Le Vent’ (1970) 88–91, 207
Soviet artists 116–17
Certeau, Michel de 147, 182
Césaire, Aimé 44
César (César Baldaccini) 129
Ceylan, Paul 203
Ceysson, Bernard 91–2, 234n.42
Cézanne, Paul 156, 163
Chalumeau, Jean-Luc 9, 27
Chambas, Jean-Paul 209
Chase, Linda 143
Châtelet, François 47
Cheng Li 12
Chia, Sandro 126
China: and French artists 12, 13, 14, 84, 90–91, 155
and French Communists and intellectuals 43, 149–50, 155
peasant painters 12, 150, 154, 155, 155
relationship with France 14, 149
Socialist Realist art 12, 90, 91; see also Maoism
Chomsky, Noam 79
Christo 16, 71
Chroniques de l’art vivant (journal) 25, 88, 93, 142, 162, 174, 191–2
cinema: artists’ films 132
Blum-Byrnes agreement 69
Lyotard on Klossowski 165–6
Lyotard and Monory and film 179–82
‘Nouvelle Vagues’ exhibition 14, 155
‘Cinquante Ans d’art aux États-Unis’ exhibition (1955) 71
Cixous, Hélène 23
Clair, Jean (Gérard Regnier) 25, 101, 162, 174, 191–2, 233n.27
Clark, T.J. 20
Cobra group 68, 220n.22
Cohn-Bendit, Daniel 8, 85, 86, 131
Collective Cuban Mural 7, 38, 39, 57, 84
collective works see group art works
Collège de Philosophie, Paris 197
colonialism: anti-colonialism 44–5, 49, 66; see also Algerian war
comic-strip and ‘field’ analysis 75–6
Communism see French Communist Party; Italian Communist Party; Lenin; Maoism
conceptual art: and hyperrealism 21, 137, 142–3
‘Moscow conceptualism’ 14–15, 99, 123
and Narrative Figuration 21, 22, 36, 209
and Paris Biennale 136
Coplans, John 88
Cottingham, Robert 143–4, 153
Courbet, Gustave: retrospective (1977) 20
Courrier du Vietnam, Le (newspaper) 102, 102, 104
Cozens, Alexander 21
Cremonini, Leonardo 9, 20, 97, 167, 254–5bib
and Althusser 40, 42, 50, 51–3, 57, 58, 59–60, 62–3
Articulations and Disarticulations 51, 52
artisanat conversation 57
Night Train 58, 61
La Torture 41, 51
Venice Biennale solo show (1965) 58, 59
Crippa, Roberto: The Great Antifascist Collective Painting 37, 37
Cuba: Althusser and Alvaros-Rios 55–7
Collective Cuban Mural 38, 39, 57, 84
Cuban missile crisis 38, 53–4
Cueco, Henri 9–10, 79, 167, 255bib
Barricade 8, 104, 156–7
Marx, Freud, Mao 262
on Narrative Figuration artists 17–18
La salle rouge 101
School book, Class book 105–6, 106; see also Malassis group
Cueco, Marinette 10
School book, Class book 105–6, 106
Cusset, François: French Theory 19
Dali, Salvador 142
Damisch, Hubert 194
dandyism 158, 160, 166, 167–8, 177, 178–9
Dane, Marie-Claude 72
Daniel, Yuri 60, 62
Darnaud, Maxime: La salle rouge 101
Dary, Anne 9
Datcha, The (Aillaud, Biras, Fanti, Rieti) 29–31, 29, 33, 35, 104–5, 106, 108
Dauriac, Jacqueline 27, 168
DDP group (François Derivery, Michel Dupré, Raymond Perrot) 27
de Chirico, Giorgio 112, 142, 169
de Filippi, Giampaolo: Repression, Italian Style 107
de Quincey, Thomas 171
De Roo, Rebecca J. 22
Debord, Guy 42–3, 69
Delamarre, Jean-Noël 150
Deleuze, Fanny 137
Deleuze, Gilles 7, 20, 22, 23, 47, 183
L’Anti-OEdipe 127, 136–7, 140, 141
cinema writing 141
Francis Bacon 128, 137, 139–40
Fromanger and ‘Le Froid et le chaud’ preface 126, 129, 136–42
Italian unrest and ‘Appeal by French Intellectuals’ 121, 122
Delpire, Robert 159
Demeule, Annick 181
Démocratie nouvelle (journal) 50, 62, 63
Derivery, François 27
Derrida, Jacques 18–19, 22, 70, 200, 203
and Adami 20, 184–203
Adami ‘+R’ preface 184, 186–7, 188, 189–90, 195–6, 202
Adami interview 197–9
Archive Fever 7
and Benjamin 193–4, 196
Chi (with Adami) 195
‘Comment ne pas trembler?’ 202
on death 199
‘Derrida’s Ghosts’ conference (2009) 203
Derrière le miroir pieces 7, 184, 186–7
‘Le Dessin par quatre chemins’ 199–201, 203
La Dissemination/Dissemination 187, 195
‘La Double séance’ 187
Glas 7, 187, 188–9, 195–6, 196, 197, 215
Ich (with Adami) 188, 189, 189
‘Illustrate, he says’ 185
Marges de la philosophie 187
‘Mémoires d’Aveugle’ exhibition (1990) 185, 200
‘Memory: The Question of Archives’ conference 7
‘Restitutions: on van Gogh’ 184, 185
‘space of writing’ 186, 187
Spectres de Marx 112, 215
and Titus-Carmel 184–5
‘Tympan’ 187, 195
La Vérité en peinture/The Truth in Painting 184, 186, 188, 199
Derrière le miroir (review) 23, 130, 145, 177–8, 235n.64
Adami and Derrida 7, 184, 185, 186–7, 188–90, 192, 197
desire: and design of Centre Pompidou 204–5
Lyotard’s libidinal economy 160, 166, 167–8, 178
dispositif 168
Djandoubi, Hamida 204
Documenta 5, Kassel (1972) 15, 21, 113, 136, 174
Dole: Musée des Beaux-Arts 9–10
‘Douze ans d’art contemporain’ exhibition (1972) 15, 112–13, 162, 209, 210
‘Douze Peintres et sculpteurs américains contemporains’ exhibition (1952) 71
Dova, Gianni: The Great Antifascist Collective Painting 37, 37
Druon, Samuel Maurice 92
Duchamp, Marcel 23, 73, 101, 118
and hyperrealism 174
Live and let die: or the Tragic End of Marcel Duchamp 8, 33–5, 34, 36, 37, 174
Lyotard on 156, 175–6
and Monory 167–8, 170
retrospectives 22, 25, 175, 176, 204, 205
Dufour, Bernard 209, 212
Dufrenne, Mikel 162
Dupin, Jacques 188, 192
Dupré, Michel 27
Dürer, Albrecht 158, 160
Perspective Drawing of a Woman 168, 168
Dziga-Vertov group 132
Eaubonne, Françoise d’ 28
Eco, Umberto 59, 76
École des Beaux Arts, Paris 198
Atelier Populaire posters 130–31, 131
École Normale Supérieure, Paris 31, 50, 65, 70
Ehrenzweig, Anton 157, 166
Eliot, T. S. 191
Elme, Patrick 92
Eluard, Paul 50, 70
encounter see ‘philosophy of the encounter’
epidiascope 78, 191, 212
Equipo Crónica 36, 255bib
Mayakovsky 207, 207
Equipo Realidad 136
Erni, Hans: Story of a poor peasant 105, 105
Ernst, Max 54, 169
Erró 25, 68, 83, 84, 91, 97, 132, 194, 195, 209, 255 bib, 261
‘Les Amazones en Proverbe’ exhibition (2004) 8, 27
The Background of Pollock 8, 207, 207
‘Femmes’ exhibition (2008) 27
The Great Antifascist Collective Painting 37, 37
Guillotine et Peinture work 213
In front of New York 12
Mao at San Marco 12, 13
Nine Chinese Paintings 8, 12, 13, 208
retrospective at Jeu de Paume (1999) 8
essai form 23–4, 28, 167
Estes, Richard 153
Cafeteria 142, 143–4
existentialism 43, 59, 60
Expo ‘67, Montreal 38
‘Face à l’histoire’ exhibition (1996) 7, 25
Fahlström, Oyvind 68
Fanon, Frantz 44, 66
Fanti, Giorgio 100, 101, 124
Fanti, Guido 121
Fanti, Lucio 9, 10, 20, 33, 99–125, 246, 255bib
Althusser’s preface 100, 118–21
Anaït Anian 115, 115
and Arroyo 107, 113
artistic development 101
Electrification plus the sentiment of nature 125, 125
Vietnamese Family 103, 104
Forgotten books: Lenin in Siberia 119
Grandchildren of the Revolution 107, 109–10, 109
Kukuruza 115, 115
Lenin’s armchair at Smolny, 1917 113, 114–15
My poem flies like a telegram’ 117, 117
Poetry Reader in the Snow 207–8
Soviet Garden 98, 108–9
Statue 107, 110–12, 110
theatre design 125
‘Useless Poems’ exhibition (1977) 117
Young man in a state of nostalgia 117, 117; see also Datcha, The
FAP see Front des Artistes Plasticiens
Fauchereau, Serge 9, 86
Fautrier, Jean 58
Otages paintings 48
Feenberg, Andrew 238n.31
Fête de l’Humanité 70, 90
‘Figuration critique’ 25
Figuration Libre 127
figuration narrative see Narrative Figuration
Figuration narrative exhibition, La Seyne-sur-Mer (2000) 25, 27
‘Figuration Narrative, Paris 1760–1972’ exhibition (2008) 10, 15, 203
‘Figuration narrative dans l’art contemporain’ exhibition (1965) 34, 36, 77–8, 186
‘Figurations Critiques’ exhibition, Lyons (1992) 25
film see cinema
Fine Arts Squad 136
Five Romantic Painters (group work) cover 21, 206–7, 206
Flack, Audrey 174
Flaubert, Gustave 65, 146
Fleury, Lucien 10, 36, 206
School book, Class book 105–6, 106; see also Malassis group
Fleury, Mathilde 10
Flinker, Karl 137
Focillon, Henri 163
Fondazione Europea del Disegno 199, 200, 203
Fonds National d’Art Contemporain (FNAC) 207
Foucault, Michel 7, 12, 20, 22, 65, 100
art course in Tunis 148
art writing 145–54
Calligram essay 21
and The Datcha 29, 29, 30–31
Fromanger and ‘Photogenic Painting’ essay 126, 129, 148–54
Fromanger’s Michel 6, 155, 205
Italian unrest and ‘Appeal by French Intellectuals’ 121, 122
and Manet 146, 147–8, 151
‘La Peinture photogénique’ 129
political militantism 148–9
and prison system 145–6, 207
and protest groups 95, 128
on Velázquez 63, 146–7
Fougeron, André 46, 63, 70, 83
Atlantic Civilisation 32, 32, 68, 71
Francastel, Pierre 148
France: capital punishment debate 204
relationship with China 14, 149
relationship with Russia 14
Francken, Ruth 9, 27–8, 255bib
Lyotard 26
‘Mirrorical Return’ portraits 26, 28
Frankfurt School 16, 108, 164
French Communist Party (PCF) 100
Algerian war and anti-colonialist stance 44–5, 49
Althussser’s membership and critiques 31, 42, 50, 62, 116, 124
art exhibitions 44–5, 63, 83–4, 90
and Catholic Church 42, 60
Central Committee meeting, Argenteuil (1966) 60, 61, 62, 63
cultural policy 50–51, 59, 60–62, 69–70, 90
and The Datcha 31
de-Stalinisation programme 42, 46, 51, 59, 62, 114
and Fromanger 136
and ‘humanist controversy’ 42, 59–63
influence of China and Russia 12, 14, 90–91
period of crisis in 1970s 18, 213
Sartre’s membership 43, 44, 49
Sartre’s split with 50
and Socialist Realism 44–5, 51, 60–61, 68, 69
and ‘Solzhenitsyn effect’ 114
and Stalinism 62, 115, 116, 162; see also intelligentsia
Marxism and Marxist theory French theory: and art criticism 22, 23–4
crisis in 1970s 214
development of 18–22
essai medium 23–4, 28, 167
international acclaim 32
international basis for 16–17
and ‘male writing’ 28; see also Datcha, The
‘French theory in America’ symposium (1997) 22
Freud, Sigmund 115, 163
and Adami 194, 194
Freund, Gisèle 151, 189
Fréville, Jean 108
Frodlich: Intellectuals, Watchdogs 106
Fromanger, Gérard 7, 8, 20, 25, 108, 126–55, 209, 255-6bib
abandonment of Narrative Figuration 126, 127
artistic development 129
The Artist’s Life 153, 212
‘Bastilles’ series 140
‘Boulevard des Italiens’ series 134–5, 135, 136
Bubble sculptures 127, 129
Death of Caius Gracchus 209, 212
Death of Pierre Overney 212, 213
Deleuze and ‘Le Froid et le chaud’ preface 126, 129, 136–42
‘Desire is everywhere’ series and exhibition (1975) 129, 150
and Foucault 6, 126, 129, 148–54, 155, 205
and French Communist Party 136
‘Grey’ series 129
Guattari on 126, 127, 128–9
Hymnen ballet design 155
and hyperrealism 142–4
In Huxian, China 12, 149, 150, 154, 155, 207
Life and Death of the People 212
Liu-Chi Tei 154, 155
Michel 6, 155, 205
Michel Bulteau, at the Versailles Opera 154, 154
My Picture is dripping 130, 130
Night and Day 128
‘The Painter and the model’ series 128, 129, 137–9, 139, 141–2, 144
‘Petrified’ series 130
‘The Picture in Question’ series 130, 140
political engagement and work 130–35, 141
Red (ciné-tract) 131
Red (film) 132
retrospectives 27, 155
Revolt at the Toul Prison 152
‘Rhizomes’ series 140
Le Rouge (lithograph album) 132, 133
Rue de . . . series 153
Self-portrait with Test-tube 128, 130
‘Splendours’ series 155
‘Splendours II’ series 205
‘Tout est allumée’ series 126
Front des Artistes Plasticiens (FAP) 113, 209, 210
Fury, Dominique (underground artist) 183
Galerie Anderson Meyer, Paris 71
Galerie Daniel Cordier, Paris 71, 74
Galerie Iolas, Paris 74
Galerie Lawrence, Paris 71
Galerie Lefebvre, Paris 74
Galerie Maeght, Paris 129, 130, 145, 162, 184
and Adami’s work 186, 188, 189, 192, 193, 193, 194
‘Collection Placards’ 188
Galerie 9, Paris 137
Galerie Rubin, Paris 71
Galerie Sonnabend, Paris 71, 72, 74, 76
Galerie Templon, Paris 86, 87
Galeries Nationales du Jeu de Paume, Paris 8, 27
Gallizio, Pinot 58
Garaudy, Roger 51, 60, 61, 62
Garouste, Gérard 126–7
Gassiot-Talabot, Gérald 25, 88
and Fanti 108, 112, 114
Figurations 1960–1973 167
and ‘Mythologies Quotidiennes’ exhibitions 72, 74, 205
on Rancillac 68, 75
Gaudibert, Pierre 22, 25, 36, 40, 57, 105
Action culturelle on Althusser 106
Adami ‘Le Travail de l’image’ preface 192–3
Althusser and Cremonini 51
artists’ films exhibition 132
departure from ARC 113
and Fanti 112
Figurations 1960–1973 167
and Fromanger 134
Monory 171
on Narrative Figuration artists 17–18
and Venice ‘Biennale of Dissent’ 123; see also ARC
gender and Narrative Figuration 27–8
Genet, Jean 7
Adami and 184
Derrida on 187, 188, 189
Sartre and 43, 49, 171
Géricault, Théodore 214
Gervereau, Laurent 7
Giacometti, Alberto 40, 43, 58, 129, 134
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry 114, 204
Glissant, Edouard 244n.69
Gobbi, Enrico: Repression, Italian Style 107
Godard, Jean-Luc: La Chinoise 145, 149
and Fromanger 8, 126, 131–2, 141, 144
Goings, Ralph 153, 174
Goldmann, Lucian 16–17
Golub, Leon 74
Gonzalez, Julio 58
Goytisolo, Juan 38
Gracchus, Caius 211, 212
Gramsci, Antonio 107
Grand Méchoui, Le see Great Méchoui, The
Grand Palais, Paris: Adami retrospective (2008) 191
Courbet retrospective (1977) 20
‘Douze ans d’art contemporain’ (1972) 15, 112–13, 162, 209, 210
‘Figuration Narrative, Paris 1960–1972’ (2008) 10, 15, 203
‘60 ans de peinture soviétique’ (1977) 118
‘Vladimir Ilitch Lénine’ (1970) 107
Gras, Philippe 93
Great Antifascist Collective Painting 37–8, 37
Great Méchoui, The (group work) 9–10, 17, 33, 210–11, 210
Greenberg, Clement 24, 185
group art works 105–7
painting as manifesto 29–38; see also Malassis group
Groupe d’Information sur les Prisons (GIP) 145–6, 148
Grüztke, Johannes 108
Guattari, Félix: L’Anti-Œdipe 127, 136–7, 140, 141
‘Appeal by French Intellectuals’ 121
on Fromanger 126, 127, 128–9
‘L’Italie enchaînée’ 121
and political protest 128
guerre franco-française 18, 105
guillotine in France 204, 212, 213
‘Guillotine and Painting’ project and exhibition (1977) 17, 22, 25, 203, 204, 205, 208–13, 214
Gysin, Bryan 73
Haacke, Hans 66
‘habitus’ 69
Hadjinicolau, Nicolas 20
Haftmann, Werner 190
Hahn, Otto 19–20
Hains, Raymond 71
‘La France Déchirée’ exhibition 78
Hamilton, Richard 36
handwriting 186, 190, 197
Hansen, Duane 144, 174
Hantai, Simon 201
Hartman, Geoffrey 242n.24
Hartung, Hans 58
Hayter, Stanley William 66, 67
Heartfield, John 90, 134
Platz! dem Arbeiter 132, 133
Hegel, G. W. F. 187, 188, 199
Heidegger, Martin 199, 201, 202–3
Heissenbüttel, Helmut 193
Henry, Patrick 204
Herbert, Renée Riese 202
Hockney, David 35
Hocquenghem, Guy 23
homosexuality and public attitudes 87
Hultén, Pontus 12, 22, 126, 208, 209
Humair, Daniel 92
‘humanist controversy’ 42-4, 58–63, 100
Althusser’s ‘theoretical anti-humanism’ 62–3
Humanité, L’(Communist newspaper) 50, 70
Husserl, Edmund 47
Hymnen (ballet) 132, 155
hyperrealism: in France 88, 113–14, 129, 142–4, 165, 174
and Paris Biennale 136
and photography 111; see also American hyperrealism
‘Hyperréalistes américains et réalistes européens’ exhibition (1974) 16, 143, 207
Hyppolite, Jean 47
informel painters 46, 47, 48, 57, 58, 67
and Algerian war 37
‘Appeal by French Intellectuals’ 121
Bourdieu on 31, 65
and capitalist state 106
crisis in 1970s 18, 214
and Cuba 38
Datcha critique 29–31, 29, 33, 35, 104–5, 106, 108
embrace Maoism 149–50, 155
French intellectual nobility 31–2
‘intellectual field’ and ‘comic strip field’ 75–6
international mobility of philosophers 16–17
Manifeste des 121 37, 44
and status of sociology 77; see also French Communist Party; May 1968 and revolution
Ipoustéguy, Jean 58, 132
Italian Communist Party 53, 112
Italian Red Brigades 112, 122, 228n.86
Italy: political unrest in 1977 121–3
Ivens, Joris 150
Jancovici, Harry 233n.9, 234n.45
Jancso, Miklos 192
jazz and art 92–3
‘Jeanson network’ 48
jeune école de Paris painters 48
Johns, Jasper 71
Joliot-Curie, Marie and Pierre 50
Jolivet, Merri 130, 131
Jones, Alan 35
Jouffroy, Alain 9, 25, 128, 134, 143, 169, 178, 215
as ‘Guillotine et Peinture’ curator 208–13
jouissance rouge 156–7
Journiac, Michel 23, 87
July, Serge 27
Kabakov, Ilya 14, 120
Kagan, Elie 132, 134
Karol, K.S. 151
Kassel see Documenta 5
Katz, Michèle 185
Kauppi, Niilo 32
Kermarrec, Joël 167
Khatibi, Abdelkébir 203
Khrushchev, Nikita 60
Kienholz, Edward 88
Five Car Stud 174, 174
Kierkegaard, Søren 202
King, Philip 35
Kitaj, R. B. 190
‘kitsch’: in art 88
‘dream kitsch’ 99
Klasen, Peter 16, 23, 25, 27, 167, 256bib
Klein, Yves 22, 68, 73
Klossowski, Pierre 23
and Lyotard 164–6
La Monnaie vivante 138, 165, 165
Korcula summer schools 16–17
Kosuth, Joseph 21
Krauss, Rosalind 111
Kristeva, Julia 22, 23, 149–50, 184
‘Kunst und Politik’ exhibition, Karlsruhe (1970) 107, 108, 111–12
Lacan, Jacques 18–19, 23, 59, 91, 161, 174–5, 239n.44
and The Datcha 29, 29, 30–31
Lacan, Judith 239n.44
Lam, Wifredo 38, 54, 220n.22
Lamarche-Vadel, Bernard 21, 166
Figurations 1960–1973 15, 42, 156, 167
Lambert, Jean-Clarence 19, 85
Lang, Jack 17, 127
‘Language of Criticism’ conference (1966) 18–19
Lapoujade, Robert 45–9, 97, 256bib
The Charonne Métro 48
‘L’Enfer et la Mine’ exhibition (1952) 46
Le Mal à voir (treatise) 47
Mécanismes de fascination (book) 47
as peintre-philosophe 46–8, 66
The Riot 47, 48
and Sartre 40, 43, 44, 45–6, 48–9
Torture Triptych 40, 43, 44, 48–9, 49
Lascault, Gilbert 167, 178
Latil, Jean-Claude 79, 206
Story of a poor peasant 105, 105; see also Malassis group
le Bot, Marc 167, 197, 198
Le Nouëne, Patrick 8
Lebel, Jean-Jacques 8
The Great Antifascist Collective Painting 37, 37
Lebensztejn, Jean-Claude 21
Lecourt, Dominique 115–16
Lefebvre, Henri 73
Léger, Fernand 44, 50, 51, 61, 69, 70, 101
Leiris, Michel 89
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 107, 207
centenary year and exhibition (1970) 107–8
and Fanti’s work 110–12, 110, 125
Léonard, Pierre 233n.27
Leroy, Roland 92
Lettres françaises, Les (Communist weekly) 50, 53, 59, 70, 78
Lévi-Strauss, Claude 22, 66, 137, 163
and The Datcha 29, 29, 30–31
Leys, Simon 120, 149
‘libidinal economy’ 160, 166, 167–8, 176
Lichtenstein, Roy 76
Lin Biao 151
Lindner, Richard: Boy with machine 136, 136, 137
Liu Chunhua: Chairman Mao goes to Anyuan 12, 14
Liu-Tchi-Tei 150, 154, 155
Live and Let Die (group work) 8, 33–5, 34, 36, 37, 101, 174
Livre noir du communisme, Le 18
London as influence on art 72–3
loss and Fanti’s work 99, 125
Loubrieu, François 185
Lurçat, Jean 63, 97
Lyotard, Corinne 156, 167
Lyotard, Jean-François 9, 17, 26, 47, 181
‘L’Acinéma’ 165–6
in America 171–7
art criticism and writing 23, 25, 158–83
La Condition postmoderne 15–16, 19
on confessions 183
on dandyism 158, 160, 166, 167–8, 177, 178–9
dérives 162, 164
désirévolution 162, 164, 214
Discours, figure 137, 162–3, 169, 173
and Duchamp 156, 175–6, 184
Économie libidinale 160, 166, 176, 178
‘L’Esthétique sublime du tueur à gages’ 178–9, 182–3
and hyperrealism 165, 172, 174–5
‘Les Immatériaux’ exhibition (1985) 7, 23, 156, 182–3
and Klossowski 164–6
‘male writing’ (écriture mâle) 28, 161, 178
and Marxism 162, 164, 165, 166, 215
and Monory 7, 15, 20, 23, 156–62, 166–83
Le Mur du Pacifique 173–4
Peintres-cinéastes (filmed interview) 181–2
Récits tremblants 171, 175–7, 178
Rudiments païens 214
‘Lysenko affair’ 115–16
Macchiocchi, Maria Antoinetta 149
McCorquodale, Duncan 7
Machiavelli, Niccolo 24, 50
McLuhan, Marshall 142, 191
Macula (review) 23–4, 185
Madonia, Franca 53
Madonia, Giovanna 51, 53
Maeght family see Galerie Maeght
Magnelli, Alberto 191, 242n.30
Magritte, René 147, 169–70
Mahaffey, Noel: St Louis, Missouri aerial view 143, 144
Maison de la Culture, Grenoble 95
Malassis group 33, 211, 257bib
Arc ‘La Crise dans la tête’ cover 214, 215
Five Romantic Painters of the Malassis Period cover 21, 206–7, 206
Le Grand Méchoui 9–10, 17, 210–11, 210
Raft of the Medusa 10, 246n.27, 257
Malevich, Vladimir 23, 118
Mallarmé, Stéphane 186, 187, 188, 189
Malraux, André 43, 67, 136, 163
Malraux, Madeleine 9
Mamardashvili, Merab 120, 123
Man, Paul de 18–19
Manessier, Alfred 58
Manet, Édouard: Bar at the Folies-Bergère 147, 154
Émile Zola 159–60, 160
and Foucault 146, 147–8, 151
Lyotard on Monory 167
Manifeste des 121 37, 44
Mao Zedong 12, 13, 84, 90, 91
Maoism: and anti-Vietnam war sentiment 102, 104
Erró’s work 8, 12, 13, 208
and French intellectuals 49–50, 149, 155
Monory’s work 170
Rancillac and Mury 89–91
Marchais, Georges 114
Marcuse, Herbert 17, 108, 164
Mariani, Marcello: Repression, Italian Style 107
Marin, Louis 70, 162
Marker, Chris 132
La Jetée 180, 180, 181
Martin, Henri: Concerto per un quadro di Adami 187, 194, 195
Marvell, Andrew 200
Marx, Karl 49–50, 59, 60, 162
Marxism and Marxist theory: Althusser’s re-reading of Marx 49–50, 162
and art history 20, 22, 23
Bourdieu and Gothic architecture 79, 80
crisis in 1970s 15, 18, 214
Derrida’s Spectres de Marx 112, 215
Lyotard 162, 164, 165, 166, 215
and Narrative Figuration 16–18; see also Althusser
Datcha, The French Communist Party; intelligentsia
Maselli, Titiana 27
Maspéro, François 57
Masson, André 97
Masson, Catherine 167
Masterkova, Lydia 117
Mathelin, Luc 91
Matheron, François 50
Mathey, François 73, 76, 94
Mathieu, Georges 73
Matisse, Henri 23, 50–51, 61, 69, 101, 186
Matta, Roberto 32, 54, 97
May 1968 and revolution 84, 102
and Communist ideology 18, 31, 49–50, 86, 104–7
and Fromanger’s work 130–35
post-1968 melancholy 18, 30–31, 163–4
and Rancillac’s Nous sommes tous des juifs 85, 86
Mayakovsky, Vladimir 100, 108, 116–17, 118
Mayoux, Sophie 7
media: fame of French theorists 32
radio and state control 31, 106; see also McLuhan, Marshall
Medvedkin group 132
Méhes, László 113, 114
Meins, Holger 212
melancholy 99–100
Monory 158–60, 179
post-1968 melancholy 18, 30–31, 163–4
men and Narrative Figuration 27–8
Merkhurov, Sergei: Lenin statue 110–11, 111
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 43, 44, 163
Messac, Ivan 205
Messager, Annette 22
Meyerhold, Vsevolod 108
Miailhe, Mireille 45, 97
Barefoot in the Snow 45
Michaux, Henri 48, 67
Millet, Catherine 23, 87, 233n.27
Mitterand, François 114, 127
Monirys, Sabine 27, 168
Monory, Jacques 9, 25, 97, 181, 209, 256bib
and America 171–7
American Way of Life 172
‘Caspar David Friedrich’ series 170
Claude series 168, 168, 169, 174
and Collective Cuban Mural 38, 84
Death Valley no. 1 158, 159, 174
Death Valley no. 10, with Midnight Sun 173, 173
destruction of early work 159
Deux (film) (remade as Brighton Belle) 167, 168, 181
Document bleu (novel) 172, 181
Dreamtiger 166, 167
early exhibitions 158–9
Ex (film) 159, 170
Explosion 182, 183
films 159, 167, 168, 179–82
For all that we see or seem 157, 159
Green, the Assassin 159
Guillotine et Peinture work 212–13
and hyperrealism 171–2
I lived another Life 172
livre-objets 170
and Lyotard 7, 15, 20, 23, 156–62, 166–83
Memories of a Dead Woman: Russian Roulette 159
‘Monory/Ex-Crime’ exhibition (1999) 8
Murder no. 10/2 170, 171
‘Murder’ series 8, 170, 171
Peintres-cinéastes (filmed interview) 181–2
Photo of Claude 168
Récits tremblants 171, 175–7, 178
‘Skies, Nebulae and Galaxies’ series 176–7, 177
Sky 177
‘Technicolor’ series 172
Toxic no. 1, Melancholy 159–60, 161
U.S.A. 76 Bicentenary Kit 175, 175
‘Velvet Jungle’ series 161, 167, 170, 207
violence in work 170–71
Montesano, Gian Marco: Intellectuals, Watchdogs 106
Moravia, Alberto 121
Morin, Edgar 62
Morley, Malcolm: Race Track 171, 172
‘Moscow conceptualism’ 14–15, 99, 123
Moulin, Raoul-Jean 78
Mulhern, Francis 50
Mumford, Lewis 73
Mural Cuba Collectiva 7, 38, 39, 57, 84
Mury, Gilbert 89–91
Musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris: ‘Artistes Latino-Américains’ (1965) 57
artists’ films exhibition 132
conceptual art and Narrative Figuration 21, 22, 36, 209
Lamarche-Vadel retrospective 21
‘Mythologies Quotidiennes’ (1964) 2, 19–20, 72–7, 191, 205
‘Police and Culture’ exhibition (1969) 30, 33, 104–5, 106–7
Rancillac’s ‘Ulrike Meinhof’ suite 95
Warhol retrospective (1970) 88; see also ARC
Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris: ‘Antagonismes II, l’Objet’ (1962) 73, 76–7
‘Bande dessinée et figuration narrative’ (1967) 32, 76, 186
Musée national d’art moderne, Paris 72, 184, 203
‘06 Art 76’ international touring exhibition (1977) 208
Narrative Figuration works 207
museum visiting: Bourdieu on 70, 72, 76–7
music and art: Rancillac’s jazz collaborations 92–3
‘Mythologies Quotidiennes’ exhibition (1964) 2, 19–20, 72–7, 191, 205
‘Mythologies Quotidiennes II’ exhibition (1977) 21, 205–7, 211
Naccache, Edgard: School book, Class book 105–6, 106
Nadeau, Maurice 38
Nancy, Jean-Luc 201, 203
Narrative Figuration 8, 9
art history and neglect of 20–21, 22
and cinema 14
and Communist art 14–15
and curators and critics 25
and French theory 20, 28
and Marxist theory 16–18
and ‘philosophy of the encounter’ 20, 24, 27–8
and political protest 95
and postmodernism 15–16
public collections and state purchases 27, 207–8
reappraisals in art world 25, 27
and women 168; see also Figuration narrative . . .
négritude 44
neo-Marxist theory 22
Neruda, Pablo 50
‘New Art History’ 20–21
‘New Realism’ exhibition, New York (1962) 35
Niemeyer, Oscar 90
Nietzsche, F. W. 23, 164, 166, 185, 200
Nixon, Richard 90, 91, 149
Nizan, Paul 106
Nochlin, Linda 20
Nouveau Réalisme 25, 35, 58, 132
nouveau roman 17, 144
nouveaux philosophes 213
Nouvelle Critique, La (journal) 59, 60
nouvelle figuration 57
Nouvelle Vague cinema 14, 144
‘Nouvelle Vagues’ exhibition (2005) 14, 155
objects as art 73–4
Opus International (art magazine) 19, 25, 112, 209, 211
Orientalist tradition 45
ORTF (state radio) 106
Other and Algerian war 43, 44
Overney, Pierre 212
Packard, Vance 73
Pacquement, Alfred 197, 233n.27
Pagé, Suzanne 21, 113
Panofsky, Erwin 69, 79, 80, 147
Paris Biennale 12, 35, 67, 71, 88, 136
‘Paris Capital of the Arts, 1900–1968’ exhibition (2002) 8
‘Paris-Moscou 1900–1929’ exhibition (1978) 118
‘Paris-New York’ exhibition (1977) 22
Parré, Michel 206
Story of a poor peasant 105, 105; see also Malassis group
Parti Communiste Français see French Communist Party
‘passion dans le desert, Une’ exhibition (1965) 36
Paul, St 202
PCF see French Communist Party
peasant painters from China 12, 150, 154, 155, 155
Penrose, Roland 190
Perec, Georges 73
Perrot, Raymond 27
phenomenology 43, 47, 66, 163
Philipe, Gérard 50, 130
Phillips, Peter 35
philosophy: and art 199, 201
and French theory 19
international mobility of philosophers 16–17
and ‘Reforme Haby’ 214; see also French theory; intelligentsia
‘philosophy of the encounter’ 20, 24, 27–8
photogenic painting: Foucault on Fromanger 129, 150–54
photography: Adami’s work 191, 191
Bourdieu on 64, 82
epidiascope use 78, 191, 212
Fanti’s work 103, 104, 108–12, 109–11, 113, 114–15, 115, 117, 118, 119
Foucault on 151–2
and ideology in Althusser’s writing 119, 120
Lyotard and Monory 167, 168
photograph-based art on Vietnam war 102, 102, 104
Rancillac’s work 64–97
photo-roman (Monory) 168, 183
Picasso, Pablo: and French Communist Party 44, 50, 60, 61, 63, 69, 70, 100
Guernica 32
Pierre, José 53
Pignon, Edouard 66, 100
Pistoletto, Michelangelo 74
Plato: Timaeus 195–6
Plekhanov, George 59, 79, 108
Pleynet, Marcelin 22–3, 149–50, 184
Poirier, Annick 208
Poirier, Patrick 208
‘Police and Culture’ exhibition (1969) 30, 33, 104–5, 106–7
political engagement and art 16
Fromanger 130–35, 141
Front des Artistes Plasticiens and Beaubourg 210
Gaudibert on Adami’s work 192–3
and institutional neglect 32–3
Malassis group 210–11
painting as manifesto 29–38
Rancillac and 1970’s ideology 89–95
Rancillac’s ‘L’Année ‘66’ exhibition 81–5; see also Algerian war; anti-American sentiment
Pollock, Jackson: exhibitions in Paris 71
Pompidou, Georges 114, 149
Pompidou Centre see Centre Georges
Pompidou Pop Art: American artists and Paris art world 68, 71–2, 76
British Pop 35, 72–3
‘French Pop’ 7, 18, 93, 104
popular culture: and Americanisation 68–82, 172
‘kitsch’ 88
post-colonial theory 44
poster art 58–9, 58, 78
and May 1968 130–31, 131
postmodernism: and art 19–20, 21
and Documenta 5 21
and Narrative Figuration 15–16
post-structuralism 19
Pradel, Jean-Louis 25, 206, 211
praxis and political painting 16
Praxis: revue philosophique (journal) 16
‘Premises’ exhibition, New York (1998) 14
Prévert, Jacques 129, 130, 134, 136, 155
Propp, Vladimir 163
psychoanalysis: and Althusser 115, 116, 119
and art criticism 23, 157
and Lyotard 157, 162–3, 166
Qui a peur de la philosophie? (compendium) 214
radio and state control 31, 106
Ragon, Michel 57, 68
Rancillac, Bernard 8–9, 16, 25, 38, 64–97, 108, 256, 256bib, 217n.14
‘Algeria’ exhibition (2000–1) 96
and Americanisation 70, 71
‘L’Année 1966’ exhibition 64, 81–3, 88
and anti-American political sentiment 70, 71, 85
artistic development 66–7
At last, a silhouette slimmed to the waist 80, 82
background 65–6
Bar Codes series 96, 97
BB King 92, 93
The Ben Barka Affair 82, 83
and Bourdieu 20, 75, 77, 81–3, 84, 86–7
Bris/Collage/K 84, 85
on Courbet retrospective catalogue 20
The Dark Room 67, 67
Dinner-party of the head-hunters 82–3, 83
Don’t forget me 78
epidiascope 78
Fantômas received by the war veterans 68
Holy Mother Cow 82
Ideal Homes 76, 77
and ideology of 1970s 89–95
In Memory of Ulrike Meinhof 93–5, 94
jazz collaborations 92–3
Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon and Lieutenant Calley 89, 91
latrinogrammes 68
Malcolm X 85
Mickey’s Return 71, 74
and Mury 89–91
and ‘Mythologies Quotidiennes’ exhibition 72–7
New York trip 75
Nous sommes tous des juifs et des allemands 8, 85, 86
‘Pornography’ exhibition (1969) 86–7, 91–2
Pornography censured by eroticism 86, 87
Private Diary of a Kick 74, 75
The Red Detachment of Women 90, 91
Red Guard on Parade 84
retrospective (1970) 91–2
Sailor Boy 86, 87
Tragic End of an Apostle of Apartheid 63, 82–3
‘Le Vent’ exhibition (1971) 89–92
‘Walt Disney’ series (1965) 74–5, 76, 77
‘Warhol effect’ 75, 85
‘Women of Algiers’ series 95–6, 97
writings on art 95
Rancillac, Marie 226n.47
Ranucci, Christian 204
Raphael, Max 79
Rauschenberg, Robert 71, 72
Raysse, Martial 12, 71, 132
Readings, Bill 156
‘Realism and Art History’ conference (1977) 20
Rebelote (journal) 106, 113, 114; see also Bulletin de la jeune peinture
Rebeyrolle, Paul 40, 67, 100–1, 145
Enragé 146
Recalcati, Antonio 204, 207, 209, 213, 257bib
and Fromanger 130
Live and Let Die 8, 33–5, 34, 36, 37, 101, 174
The Great Antifascist Collective Painting 37, 37
31 January 1801 205, 212
Red Army Faction terrorism 93–4, 122, 212
Red Brigades in Italy 112, 122, 228n.86
reflection theory 24
‘Reforme Haby’ 214
Règne, Marie-Hélène 168
Regnier, Gérard see Clair, Jean
Reijlander, Oscar Gustav: Two Ways of Life 151, 152
Requichot, Bernard 22–3
Restany, Pierre 25, 35, 58–9, 87
Revault d’Allonnes, Olivier 46–7
‘Revisions’ series 7–8
revolution: and Cuba 38, 84, 213
French Revolution 211, 212
Lyotard’s désirévolution 162, 164, 214
Russian Revolution and commemoration 18, 24, 38, 83–4, 118
and violence 112; see also Algerian war; May 1968; and revolution
Révolution (journal) 57
‘revolutionary Romanticism’ 15, 16, 209
Richier, Germaine 178
Richter, Gerhard: October 18, 1977, Cell 93, 94, 95
Rieti, Fabio 9
Courrier de Vietnam 102, 104; see also Datcha, The
Rifkin, Adrian 7, 24
Rivers, Larry 71
Robbe-Grillet, Alain 144
Roberts, Dafydd 7
Rocard, Michel 131
Rodanski, Stanislas 170
roman-photo (Monory) 168, 183
romanticisme révolutionnaire 15, 16, 209
Roméro: Story of a poor peasant 105, 105
Rosenquist, James: F-III 32, 33, 76, 144
Ross, Kristin 102
Rossini, Pascal 88
Rotella, Mimo: Tender is the Night 58–9, 58
Rouan, François 23, 208
Rouche, Jean: Les Maîtres fous 66
Rougement, Guy de 130
Rousset, David 114
Rubin, Lawrence 71
Rubin, William 52
Rue Descartes (journal) 197
Russia see Soviet Union
Rutault, Claude: Story of a poor peasant 105, 105
Rytman, Hélène 124
Saint Phalle, Niki de 23, 71
Salle, David 126
Salomon, Inna 53
Salon d’Automne (1951) 45
Salon de la Jeune Peinture 79, 84, 100, 101–2
Arroyo’s politicisation of exhibition (1965) 35–6
and Fromanger 130
‘Luxury’ theme (1966) 102
‘Police and Culture’ (1969) 30, 33, 104–5, 106–7
‘Salle Rouge pour le Vietnam’ (1969) 102, 104, 156, 210
‘Salle Vert (Green Room)’ (1965) 35, 36, 102, 159
Salon de Mai: Collective Cuban Mural 38, 39, 84
Salt, John 153
Sandorfi, Istvan 113, 114
Sarkozy, Nicolas 18
Sartre, Jean-Paul 20, 38, 93, 112, 148, 155, 205
‘Appeal by French Intellectuals’ 121
art writing 40, 42, 43–4, 100, 145, 171
‘Black Orpheus’ 44
Bourdieu counters 65, 66
and Genet 43, 49, 171
‘intentional reality’ 47
Lapoujade and preface to exhibition 40, 43, 44, 45–6, 48–9
membership of French Communist Party 43, 44, 49, 50
Rebeyrolle preface 145
retrospective (2005) 42; see also Temps modernes, Les
Saul, Peter 20, 68, 74
Saulnier, Tony 82–3
Schaad, Christian 142
Schlosser, Gérard 114
School book, Class book 105–6, 106
Schnabel, Julian 126
Schnee, Jacky: School book, Class book 105–6, 106
Schneemann, Carolee 8
Schwarz, Arturo 191
Semprun, Jorge 60, 100, 125
Serres, Michel 21
Seydoux, Eric 130
Shapiro, Meyer 24, 185
‘shock-brigade’ collective 33
Sinyavsky, Andrei 60–62
Sirinelli, Jean-François 214
Socialisme ou Barbarie 162
Socialist Realism 8, 9, 32, 33
and American hyperrealism 144
Chinese artists 12, 90, 91
and Fanti’s work 112
and French Communist Party 44–5, 51, 60–62, 68, 69
‘humanist controversy’ and denouncement of 60–62
reinvention 14–15
and Satre 45–6
‘60 ans de peinture soviétique’ exhibition (1977) 118
Sollers, Philippe 149–50, 184
Solomon, Alan 72, 191
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 14, 18, 99, 114, 120
Sonnabend, Ileana 32, 71, 72, 74
Soviet Union: Althusser’s visit 120–21
artists exhibited in West 116–17, 123
Cuban missile crisis 38, 53–4
Datcha painting and French theory 29–31
Fanti’s photograph-based work on 108–15, 116–21, 125
French Communist Party and ‘Solzhenitsyn effect’ 114
‘Moscow conceptualism’ 14–15, 99, 123
relationship with France 14
Sartre’s membership of Communist Party 43, 50
‘socialist humanism’ period 60; see also Lenin; Socialist Realism
Spadari, Giangiacomo 205
Repression, Italian Style 107
Spoerri, Daniel 71
Spur group 36
Staël, Nicolas de 67
Stalin, Joseph 43, 60, 116
Stämpfli, Peter: retrospective (2002) 27
Stockhausen, Karl-Heinz 132, 155
Story of a poor peasant (group work) 105, 105
structuralism 18–19, 31, 65, 79, 163
Suger, Abbot 80
Suleiman, Ezra 220n.11
Supports-Surfaces artists 16, 23, 149
Surrealism: Althusser on Alvarez-Rios 54–6
Aragon au défi 62
Lyotard and Monory 169–70
Szapocznikow, Alina 23
Szeeman, Harald 15, 113
Taillasson, Jean-Joseph 212–13
Tang Xiaohe 12
Tapies, Antoni 67
Tapié, Michel 84
Taslitzky, Boris 9, 83
Algérie ‘52’ exhibition 45
Women of Oran 45, 46, 97
Tel Quel journal and group 18, 23, 149–50
and Derrida 184, 187
Genet on Rembrandt 187
Télémaque, Hervé 25, 27, 57, 68, 72, 78, 167, 257bib
Temps modernes, Les (journal) 44, 49, 50, 79, 93
Tendenzen (journal) 59, 60, 108
Ténèze, Anabelle 25
terrorism 100
theatre design: Fanti 125
Fromanger 132
theory: ‘theoretical anti-humanism’ 62–3
‘theory-based’ radicalisation 18; see also French theory
Thévenin, Paule 242n.24
Thorez, Maurice 62
Thorez, Paul 110
Tilson, Joe 36
Tinguely, Jean 71
Tintoretto, Jacopo 44
Tisserand, Gérard 206, 229n.15
Story of a poor peasant 105, 105; see also Malassis group
Titus-Carmel, Gérard 7, 184–5, 208
Tobey, Mark 148
Topino-Lebrun, François: Death of Caius Gracchus 204, 208, 209, 211–12, 213
torture and art 40, 41, 43–4, 48, 49, 51, 52, 78
Triki, Rachida 148
Troche, Michel 59, 229n.17
Trouille, Clovis 148
‘Tunix’, West Berlin (1978) 122, 127–8
Twombly, Cy 21
USSR see Soviet Union
Vasarely, Victor 63
Vaujanis, Claude 168, 168
‘Véhémences Confrontées’ exhibition (1952) 71
Velâzquez 63, 146–7
Velickovic, Vladimir 16, 209, 213
Venaille, Micha 168
Venice Biennale 58, 59, 72
Adami’s photograph-based large-scale works 191
‘Biennale of Dissent’ and ‘La Nuova Arte Soviética’ 14, 123
Viallat, Claude 208
Vierny, Dina 117
Vietnam war 102, 102, 103, 104
Villeglé, Jacques de la: ‘La France déchirée’ exhibition 78
Virilio, Paul 23, 111
Voss, Jan 16
Wahl, François 149–50
Warhol, Andy: influence on Rancillac 75, 85
retrospective in Paris (1970) 88
Saturday’s Popey el 75, 75
women: artists and critics 23
and desire in Monory’s work 168–9, 176
gender and Narrative Figuration 27–8
Woolworth, David 130
Zhang Xiogang: Bloodline series 14
Zinoviev, Alexander 120
Zucca, Pierre: Klossowski’s La Monnaie vivante 165, 165