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Description: Art of the Actual: Naturalism and Style in Early Third Republic France,...
PublisherYale University Press
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academic system 9
reactions against 7, 31, 82, 100, 101, 164, 259, 308
reading naturalist art 99–102
Académie des Beaux-Arts 255
Académie Française 18
accessibility of naturalism 6, 7, 19, 36, 39, 81, 82, 95, 96, 206
accuracy and precision 9, 82, 271
anatomical exactitude 53, 100–01
critics and appreciation 85–9, 245
critics and negative responses 117, 118, 256, 311
detection of errors in works 89, 91
and document approach 56–8, 59, 61, 63–6, 91–3, 115, 117, 216, 231, 308
expediency at expense of 43, 75
and legibility and reading works 85–93, 115
Monet’s reaction against 245
photographic accuracy and negation of style 118–25, 256, 260, 310
and science 53, 55, 56–7, 89, 91
and sources for artworks 91–3
Adam, Juliette 28
Adam, Paul 56, 224
Adler, Jules 135, 140–41
Au Pays de la mine (In the Land of Mines) 136–7, 138
La Transfusion du sang de chèvre (The Transfusion of Goat’s Blood) 53, 54, 310
adult education and ideology 17, 28
Ajalbert, Jean 112
Alexandre, Arsène 145, 154, 158, 299, 301
L’Art du rire 151, 164–5, 166, 168
Alexis, Paul 134
Allais, Alphonse: Première Communion de jeunes filles chlorotiques par un temps de neige 148
allegory and public art 34, 36, 226
Alliance Israélite Universelle 110
Aman-Jean, Edmond: Portrait de Paul Verlaine 123–4, 123
anarchism 78, 157–8, 188, 190–91, 258–60, 296
anatomical drawing and accuracy 53, 100–01
Angrand, Charles 254, 255
Le Paysan (The Peasant) 251, 252, 253
anonymity and avant-garde subjects 262, 264
Anquetin, Louis 11, 101
and caricatural style 154, 158, 164, 167, 168, 260
influence of Bastien-Lepage 251, 253, 254
Au Cirque (At the Circus) 164, 165
Deux Hommes causant (Two Men talking) 169–70, 170
two studies for Les Trois Grâces 282, 282
Vieux paysan (Old Peasant) 251, 251, 253
anthropometry 122
anti-clericalism 1, 15–16, 73, 222
anti-semitism and caricatural 146, 148, 154, 159
Antoine, André 56, 127
Antoine, Jules 248, 250
Arceuil-Cachan Mairie: Salle de Mariages 36, 36
architecture: influence of science on 224, 299
argot and populaire 190–91
Aristide Bruant (Anonymous) 199
aristocracy and power in Third Republic 18
see also elites
in art 48
and republican collectivity 47–8
terms of conscription 44–5
art criticism
accuracy and reading of naturalism 85–9, 115, 117, 118, 245
and avant-garde 154, 276, 287
and Bastien-Lepage’s influence 253–4
and Besnard’s organicism 219–20, 228–9
critics as state functionaries 106
and emotional impact of Carrière’s work 228
influence of patronage 106
and metaphor in organicist work 230–32, 233
and Monet’s impressionism 248, 250, 279, 292
and organicism in art 226, 228–9, 2, 30-32, 233
and photographic accuracy and negation of style 118–20, 256, 260, 310, 311
and populaire 194, 195, 202
on public and accessibility of art 96
reactionary responses to modernism 125–6, 127–8, 154, 273
and Roll’s free-style composition 214
and Seurat’s caricatural work 163, 170–71
on simplicity of naturalism 95, 292
art history
and continuous progression of modernism 275, 290, 303, 304
focus on modernism 7, 30–31
art market see patronage and art market
Art Nouveau 209
art populaire, l’ see populaire as style
accuracy as virtue 82, 271
awareness of purchasers 43, 82–3, 106, 115
patronage and art market 106–115
pictorial references to past masters 279–80
political patronage 106–7, 110, 112, 113–14, 242
and psychological shift from naturalism 293–4, 304
self-promotion 108–10
virility and work 98–9, 249–50
Assassination de Marat, L’ (Marat’s Assassination) (waxwork) 93
astronomy 211, 217, 219
atelier teaching 46, 100–01
Aurier, Albert 95, 200–01, 228, 229, 231, 308
Vieux 153
avant-garde as counter-movement 6, 7, 30, 101, 307–8
anonymity and fragmentation and style 262–7
anti-naturalism 254–61, 311
and caricatural 143–4, 154–8, 164, 260, 265, 304
critical responses 154, 276, 287
discontinuities in break with naturalism 275–304
elite audience for 255, 273, 286
imitation and insecurities of style 267–73, 275, 276, 284–5, 293–4, 298
impressionism and transition from naturalism 240–50
influence of Bastien-Lepage’s naturalist style 251–4
loss of momentum in 1890s 275, 276, 287, 289–90
and political and cultural centrism in 1890s 296–8
repudiation of naturalism 239–73
and return to naturalism 275, 290–99, 303
and science 257–8
tradition and engagement with past 275, 279–90
see also caricatural style; modernism
Azar du Marest, Laetitia 134–5, 140, 298, 308
babies and mothers as subject 67–73
bacteriology 211
Bagnolet salle de fêtes competition 201
Ballu, Théodore 21
Bande Noire 276
Barrés, Maurice 74
Les Déracinés 49
Barthou, Louis 297
Bastien-Lepage, Jules 10, 30, 57, 67, 240, 279, 311
academic training 7, 100, 101
and Degas 242
influence of naturalist style on younger artists 251–4
on perception 128–9
and regional identity 74
retrospective at Ecole des Beaux-Arts 103, 251
L’Amour au village (Love in the Village) 98, 242, 243
Chambre mortuaire de Gambetta 114
Les Foins 101–2, 251
Jeanne d’Arc 74, 251, 252, 253
Pas Mèche 129
Pauvre Fauvette (Poor Fauvette) 251, 251
Le Père Jacques 128–9, 129
Bataille, Eugène 148
Baudouin, Paul
Les Blanchisseuses (The Washerwomen) 36
Les Fiançailles (The Engaged Couple) 36
Le Tir (Shooting Practice) 36, 36, 38, 135
Baudry, Paul 92, 103
Bénédite, Léonce
on Cormon 226
on Cottet and Lucien Simon 139, 140
as curator and state functionary 106, 140, 273
on Dagnan-Bouveret’s evolution 135
on naturalist aesthetic 53
and populaire 186
on ‘return to the masters’ at 1898 Salons 282
on Roll 10, 103, 214, 297–8
Benjamin-Constant: Entrée à Toulouse du pape Urbain II 38
Bensusan, Esther 158
Béraud, Jean 102, 105, 150, 240
and Coquelin aîné 113
Les Funérailles de Victor Hugo (Victor Hugo’s Coffin lying in State) 44, 45
Le Journal des débats en 1889 62, 63
Monte Carlo: ‘Rien ne va plus!’ 120, 120
Le Retour de l’enterrement 114
Le Vertige (Vertigo) 130, 130
Berges, Ernest-Georges: Visite à l’usine après une soirée chez le directeur (Visit to the Factory after a Soirée with the Director) 2, 4, 18
Bergson, Henri
Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience 229
‘Le Rire’ 153, 171–2
Bernard, Claude 10, 22, 63
Bernard, Emile 101, 155–7
Les Baigneuses (Female Bathers) 268–9, 269
Vincent van Gogh, Les Hommes d’aujourd’hui 155, 156
‘Y en a pas deux comme moi pour travailler un homme’ (‘There’s nobody like me for working a man’) 157
Bernard, Tristan 47, 158, 189, 206
Bernhardt, Sarah 159
Bernheim, Hippolyte 229
Bernheim, Simon 53
Béroud, Louis: Le Dôme central à l’Exposition universelle de 1889 (The Central Dome at the Exposition Universelle of 1889) 32, 33–4
Bert, Paul 211
Berthelot, Marcellin 211, 222
Bertillon, Alphonse: Autoportrait signalétique à l’âge de 40 ans (Anthropometric Self-portrait at the age of 40) 123, 123
Besnard, Albert 7, 226, 237, 311
borrowing from Degas 241–2
emotional impact of work 228–9
organicism and Rubensian neo-baroque style 210, 213, 215–22, 234, 235, 236, 279
Prix de Rome winner 102, 106
on public decoration 39
Le Cours de Chimie (The Chemistry Course) 216, 217, 241
L’Eté (Summer) 215, 216
Femme nue se chauffant (Naked Woman warming Herself) 241–2
La Malade (The Sick Woman) 216, 217
La Vérité entraînant les sciences à la suite répand la lumière sur les hommes (Truth leading the Sciences behind her illuminates Mankind) 22, 210, 217, 218, 219–20, 221, 233, 235
La Vie renaissant de la mort (Life reborn from Death) 220, 221, 221, 222
Binet, René: La Porte Binet at the 1900 Exposition Universelle 299, 300
‘bio-mimicry’ 224
Bischoffsheim, Ferdinand 104
Blanc, Joseph 114
Bloch, Alexandre: La Mort du général Beaupuy (The Death of General Beaupuy) 64, 65
Bloch, Armand 308
Bloy, Léon 134, 308
Blum, Ernest no
Bonnard, Pierre 256, 260, 276, 293, 311
and break with naturalism 294–5, 303
and caricatural style 158, 167, 168, 179–80, 182, 258
Conversation 180, 181
Le Corsage aux carreaux (The Chequered Blouse) and study for 294–5, 295
Le Gûuter au jardin (Tea in the Garden) 180, 181
Le Moulin Rouge 179, 180
Bonnat, Léon 20, 46, 100–01, 106
posthumous portrait of Gambetta 124
Renan portrait 308, 309
Bouchot, Henri 43, 115, 194
Bouhélier, St Georges de 297
Boulanger, Georges Ernest and Boulangism 44, 135, 188, 192, 200
Boulanger, Gustave 255–6, 288, 308, 310
Boulogne-sur-Mer 58–9
Bourgeois, Léon 19–20, 26, 28, 113, 186, 222, 297
Bourget, Paul 10
Boutigny, Paul-Emile: Boule de suif 93–5, 94
Bouyer, Raymond 279, 298, 302
Bozie (artist’s model) 101
Bramtot, Alfred 308
Le Suffrage universel (Universal Suffrage) 39–40, 40
Breton, Jules 105, 135
Brouillet, André
Une Leçon clinique à la Saltpêtrière (A Clinical Lesson at the Saltpêtrière) 117, 118, 310
La Réception de l’empereur et de l’impératrice de Russie à l’Académie française 18, 107
Renan méditant sa prière sur l’Acropole d’Athènes (Renan composing his prayer on the Acropolis of Athens) 107
Bruant, Aristide 155, 164, 168, 190, 191, 199, 200, 206
Buffet, Eugénie 56
Buisson, Jules 55
Buland, Eugène 7, 30, 191–4, 206
Conseil municipal et commission de Pierrelaye organisant la fête (The Municipal Council of Pierrelaye organising the Annual Fête) 192, 193, 194
Flagrant délit (In flagrante delicto) 192, 193, 194
Propagande (Propaganda) 191–2, 192
La Terre (The Earth) 22, 23
Burty, Philippe 28, 105
Butin, Ulysse: Fishing 114
Cabanel, Alexandre 36, 82, 85, 100
Naissance de Vénus 101–2
cabaret artistique 145–6, 152, 155, 183, 190
Café Riche, Paris 152
and caricatural 148
and populaire 188, 189, 190, 191
Seurat’s subversion of style 262, 266
Caillebotte, Gustave 105, 240, 273
Caire, Marie: La Moisson à Sanieres (Harvest in the Sanières) 70, 71
‘Calc’: ‘Du Saligotisme dans l’art’ 150
Canrobert, Maréchal 57
Capiello, Leonello: Yvette Guilbert 149
Capitole, Toulouse 20, 25–8, 38, 40, 298
caricatural style 31, 143–83, 235, 236
and avant-garde 143–4, 154–8, 164, 260, 265, 304
collectors’ market 158, 180–81
definition of caricature 155
déformation and the Nabis 177–82
idioms of synthesis and exaggeration 155, 159–64
as influence on naturalist style 154–8
and literature 152–3
and mentalité of times 144–54
as style and social criticism 170–76
as threat to bourgeois values 188
and transition out of naturalism 164–70, 182, 183
Carjat, Etienne 124
Carnot, Sadi 33, 58, 154, 296
Carpentier, Madeleine: Marchande de fleurs (Flower-seller) 70, 71
Carrère, Jean 145
Carrière, Eugène 10, 226–9, 235, 264
Baiser fraternal 302
La Botanique et la Médecine (Botany and Medicine) 22, 226–7, 227
Les Dévideuses 226
L’Enfant malade 228
Exposition Rodin (Rodin Exhibition) 229, 229
Intimité (Intimacy) 228, 228, 302
Louis-Henri Devillez dans son atelier 300, 301
Paysage aux environs de Saint-Brieuc (Landscape near Saint-Brieuc) 231
Théâtre populaire (Working-class Theatre) 230, 230
Carriès, Jean: Porte de Parsifal 176, 177
Casimir-Perier, Jean Pierre Paul 154
Cassatt, Mary 108
Castagnary, Jules 20, 22, 104, 105
Catholic Church 1, 15–16, 31, 55, 258
Cazin, Jean-Charles 102, 105, 135, 248, 302
Brouillard sur la rivière (Mist on the River) 136
censorship and caricature 144
Centennale exhibitions 103, 105, 114, 299
centralisation 25–9, 30, 190, 307
centrism and avant-garde 296–8
Cézanne, Paul 152, 179, 239, 275, 276, 297
imitators 267–8
technical deficiencies 270–71
L’Estaque 273
Gustave Geffroy 270–71, 270
Quatre baigneuses (Four Female Bathers) 268–9, 268, 273
Chambard socialiste, Le (journal) 175
Champier, Victor 145
Champsaur, Félicien 155, 188
Charcot, Jean-Martin 117, 118, 121, 172–3
Charpentier, Alexandre 7, 236
Les Boulangers (The Bakers) 194–6, 195, 206
Chat Noir cabaret, Paris 145–6, 148, 190
Chat Noir, Le (journal) 148, 159
Chauchard, Alfred 82, 104
Chausson, Mme 267
Chausson, Ernest 18, 267
Chellevières, Henri de 87, 117
Chéret, Jules 145, 151, 152, 203, 237
Hippodrome de la Porte Maillot: Paris courses (Porte Maillot Hippodrome: Paris at the Races) 146
Le Pays des fées: jardin enchanté (Fairyland: Enchanted Garden) 219, 219
child-care and mothers as subject 67–73
chromatic theory and Monet’s work 53, 279
Claretie, Jules 105, 117, 126
Clark, T. J. 188
Clemenceau, Georges 110, 112
Cochin, Baron Denys 18, 258
Cogghe, Rémy 18
Combat de coqs en Flandre (Cock-fight in Flanders) 203–6, 205
Cohl, Emile 150
Toulouse-Lautrec 155, 156
in political ideology and art 47–52, 135, 214, 298–9, 311
versus the elite 16–19, 31, 100, 188
see also egalitarianism of naturalism
and Besnard’s organicism 219, 220
chromatic theory and Monet’s work 53, 279
and psychophysical theory 171, 203
Signac’s polychromy 288, 289
Comité des Travaux d’Art 22, 25–6, 106
Commune (1871) 65, 174
organicism and freer style 212–13, 214–15, 221
and responses to modernism 125–6, 127, 130–32
ritualistic and stylised composition in 1890s 135–7, 161, 163, 171, 262
Seurat’s stylised anonymity 262, 266
see also viewpoint
conscription 44–5, 47
conservatism of Third Republic 15
Coolus, Romain 158
Coquelin aîné 43, 63, 63, 113, 114, 180, 271
Coquelin cadet 102, 114, 148, 180–81
Corbin, Eugène 8
Corday, Charlotte 92
Cordonnier, Alphone-Amédée: Monument à Louis Pasteur 186, 187
Cormon, Fernand 164
Caîn 101
Humanité (Humanity) 225, 225, 226
Cottet, Charles 137, 140–41, 276
Au Pays de la Mer: gens d’Ouessant veillant un enfant mort (In the Land of the Sea: Ouessant Women watching over a Dead Infant) 139, 140
Au Pays de la mer: Les Adieux (In the Land of the Sea: The Farewells) 1, 3, 139, 140, 302
Au Pays de la mer. Soir orageux, des gens passent (In the Land of the Sea. Stormy Evening, People Passing) 137, 139
La Côte sauvage du Toulinguet, près de Camaret (The Rocky Coast of Toulinguet, near Camaret) 137, 139, 140
and document approach 64
language and populaire 190, 191
popularity of Lhermitte in public collections 107–8
rural depopulation 48–9, 50–51
women in rural scenes 71
Courbet, Gustave
and naturalist tradition 103, 104, 105, 170, 279
The Burial at Ornans 104
Courrier français, Le (newspaper) 148, 151, 155, 264, 265
critics see art criticism; reception of artworks
Cross, Henri-Edmond 276
Coin de jardin à Monaco (Corner of a Garden in Monaco) 253, 253
La Ferme, matin (The Farm, Morning) 254, 254
cubism 275
currency remodelling and populaire 186–7
customs and regional identity
depiction in art 74–5, 78, 206
and spread of popular culture 189, 190
Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal-Adolphe 101, 114, 118, 124–5, 240, 256
Bénédiction des jeunes époux avant le mariage: coutume de Franche-Comté (Blessing of the Young Bridal Couple before Marriage: A Franche-Comté Custom) 74–5, 75
Les Conscrits 302
Dans la forêt (In the Forest) 135, 137
Dans la Prairie (In the Meadow) 279, 280
The Last Supper 302
La Noce chez le photographe 302
Pardon – Bretagne 75, 102, 125, 135
Dalligny, Auguste 72–3, 115
Dalou, Jules 102, 104, 105
Mirabeau répondant à Dreux-Brézé 112
Triomphe de la République 61
dance and popularity of science 223–4
Dantan, Edouard
La Construction d’une serre 113
Enterrement d’un enfant au cimetière de Villerville-sur-Mer (Burial of a Child at the Cemetery of Villerville-sur-Mer) 74
Un Moulage sur nature chez Haviland à Auteuil (A Cast from Life at the Haviland Workshop at Auteuil) 119, 119
Une Restauration (Restoration) 124, 125
Dargaud, Victor: La Statue de Liberté dans l’atelier d’Auguste Bartholdi (The Statue of Liberty in Auguste Bartholdi’s Studio) 61, 61
Darien, Georges 154, 158
Darwinian theory 174–6, 225–6
Daubigny, Charles 285
Daudet, Alphonse: Proment jeune et Risler aîné 127–8
Daumier, Honoré 103, 151, 157, 164
Debat-Ponson, Edouard 107, 146
Debon, Edmond: study for Hommage au mérite (Homage to Merit) 55, 55
déformation and the Nabis 177–82
Degas, Edgar 3, 105, 152, 154, 239
critical response to perceived modernism 125–6
criticism of other artists 95, 241–2
innovation and modernist composition 125–6, 130–31
and photography 120–21
position in relation to naturalism 240, 241–4, 245, 248
restriction on distribution of work 242, 243–4
and Salon impressionist exhibition (1879) 108–9, 125
L’Absinthe 130–31
Le Ballet de ‘Robert le Diable’ (The Ballet of ‘Robert le Diable’) 126, 128, 216
Chez la modiste (At the Milliner’s) 242, 244
L’Etoile 131
Frieze of Dancers 242–3, 245, 248
Jockeys avant la course (Jockeys before the Start) 125, 126
Miss Lala au Cirque Fernando 131
degeneracy of nation fears 175–6, 179, 183
Deherme, Georges 186
Delacroix, Eugène 261, 284, 289
Méphistophélès dans les airs (Mephistopheles flying over the Town) 286, 286
Delaunay, Elie 106
Démarest, Albert 82–3, 86
Aux Péris en mer (To Those Lost at Sea) 75, 76
Devant la Maternité (In Front of the Maternity Hospital) 67, 68, 69
democratic principles and processes 44–52
and avant-garde art 273
and conscription 44–5
masculinity and art 98, 249–50
and Salon art 115
as subject of art 39–40
see also egalitarianism of naturalism; manhood suffrage
Demont-Breton, Virginie 186
Denis, Maurice 7, 11, 123, 154, 167, 239, 276
anti-naturalist stance 256, 257, 258, 259–61, 297
and Gauguin’s advice to Sérusier 293–4
patrons 18
and speed of modern life 267
summary of naturalism 310–311
‘Définition du néo-traditionnisme’ 83, 101, 168, 177, 256, 257, 258, 260, 278
Le Départ (The Departure) 258, 259
Mme Ranson au chat (Mme Ranson with a Cat) 179, 179
Mystère catholique (Catholic Mystery) 258, 258
Dépêche de Toulouse exhibition 167–70, 189, 260
Derain, André 135
Déroulède, Paul 296
Descaves, Lucien 195
Desjardins, Paul 229
Destrem, Casimir 25
Detaille, Edouard 47–8, 56, 95, 97, 115, 130, 256, 292
La Distribution des drapeaux, le 14 juillet 1880 (The Presentation of Banners, 14 July 1880) 57, 58
La Division Faron à Champigny (General Faron’s Division at Champigny) 86–7, 86
Les Funerailles de Pasteur, 5 octobre 1895 (The Funeral of Pasteur, 5 October 1895) 59, 60
Les Victimes du devoir (Victims of Duty) 96, 97
dinosaur bones and architecture 224
distortion and caricatural style 177
eclecticism of Republican art styles 20–22, 25–6, 73, 211–13, 299–302, 310
regional identities and populaire 190, 206
document approach and accuracy 56–8, 59, 61, 63–6, 75, 115, 117, 216, 231, 271, 308, 311
photographic accuracy and negation of style 118–25, 256, 260, 310
sources and artworks 91–3
documentary painting 6, 39–40
Dolent, Jean 262
‘L’Etat mixte’ 264, 267
domestic sphere and women 98, 250
Donnât, Léon 21, 22, 57–8
Draner: Comment les femmes se déforment (How Women Distort Themselves) 177, 178
Dreux-Brézé, Marquis de 112
Dreyfus Affair 31, 151, 175, 296
Duez, Ernest-Ange 102
L’Heure de la tétée des enfants débiles à la Maternité (Breast-feeding Time for the Sickly Children at the Maternité Hospital) 69, 69, 99
La Physique (Physics) 226–7, 227
Dujardin, Edouard 266
Les Lauriers sont coupés 153, 262–4, 266–7
Dumas, Alexandre, fils 146
Durand-Ruel gallery see Galerie Durand-Ruel
Durand-Tahier, H. 145
Duret, Théodore 105
Durkheim, Emile 48–9, 50, 56
Dutch art 250, 310
eclecticism of Republican art 20–22, 25–6, 73, 211–13, 299–302, 310
Ecole de Pharmacie, Paris 216–17, 217
Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris
and academic system 46, 82, 100, 101, 102, 308
caricature survey exhibition 151
retrospectives for naturalist painters 103, 104, 251
education and Republican ideology 28
anarchism and education of lower classes 188
art slides for schools 302
contemporary education in art 55–6
education for girls 55
Exposition Universelle and role of art 16–17, 19
secularism 16, 55
egalitarianism of naturalism 8, 22, 33, 38, 44–52, 307
accessibility 6, 7, 19, 36, 39, 81, 82, 95, 96, 206
clash with academic system 100
and historical accuracy 43, 56–7
and promotion of naturalism 108–10
and readings of art 44, 206
representation of lower and working classes 46–7, 51–2, 57, 108, 135, 136–7, 157, 191–206, 214, 230, 299
in Zola’s Au Bonheur des dames 11, 13
see also elites; liberté, égalité, fraternité; populaire as style
Eiffel, Gustave 46, 224
electricity and organicism 223–4
and academic system 100
and avant-garde art 30, 255, 273, 286
and caricatural 145–6
and centralisation 28–9, 307
and the collective 16–19, 31
and conscription 44–5
in government 17, 18–19, 135, 307
and reception of populaire 206
symbolism as elitist aesthetic 7, 19, 31, 254, 297
and threat from populaire 188
emotional impact of organicist work 228–9
Enault, Louis 43, 66, 120
energy and organicism 209–210, 214–15, 223, 235
Enlightenment 13, 14, 15
Eon, Henri 59
Ephrussi, Charles 241
Epinal prints 95, 144
Escarmouche, L’ (journal) 154, 158, 180
evening classes and Republican ideology 17, 28
evolutionary theory 174–6, 225–6
exaggeration and caricatural 155, 163–4, 168, 170
Expositions Internationales 248
Expositions Universelles (1889 and 1900) 1, 22, 104, 140
art and education 16, 19, 55
and avant-garde 276
and caricatural 152, 157
Centennale exhibition (1889) 95, 103, 105, 114
Centennale exhibition (1900) 299
Décennale exhibition (1900) 299–302, 310
dinners for regional mayors 47
Le Dôme central (1889) 32
and electricity 223
modernity and innovation 126
organicism as influence 209, 229, 299
Le Panorama du siècle (1889) 13–14, 14, 122
and republican art 33, 256
Vendée Wars as subject of paintings 64–5
and wide audience for art 255
Fabre, Gabriel 179
Fagus, Félicien 310
‘faits socials’ 56
Falguière, Alexandre: Monument à l’admiral Courbet (Monument to Admiral Courbet) 28, 29
Fallières, Armand 113
Fantin-Latour, Henri 106
La famille Dubourg (The Dubourg family) 300, 301
fashion and caricatural style 177, 178–9, 179
Faure, François Félix 154
fauvism 275
Félibrige movement 191
Fénéon, Félix 85, 118, 145, 191, 256–8, 308, 310
Ferrier, Gabriel 20
Ferry, Charles 114
Ferry, Jules 16, 19
Flameng, François: Massacre de Machecoul, 10 mars 1793 (The Massacre of Machecoul, 10 March 1793) 65, 66
Flat, Paul 95–6, 308, 310
Flaubert, Gustave 53, 286
Floquet, Charles 146
flux and organicism 220, 221, 222, 225–6, 228–9, 232–3, 235, 237
Folies-Bergère, Paris 47, 223
Forain, Jean-Louis 108, 151, 152, 154, 240
‘Dites donc, c’est lourd les pavés?’ (‘So are cobblestones heavy?’) 151
Place de la Concorde 160, 161
form and organicism 225–9, 235
influence of science 225–6, 299
Formigé, Jean-Camille 219
Fouquier, Marcel 170–71
Fourcaud, Louis de 87–9, 115, 125–6, 127, 131, 186, 241
fragmentation in avant-garde art and literature 262–7
Francfort, Emma 107
Franco-Prussion War (1870–71) 86, 94
fraternité see liberté, égalité, fraternité
Freycinet, Charles de 146
Friant, Emile 82, 98, 102, 118, 180–81, 256, 279
academic training 7, 100, 101
anatomical accuracy 53
and regional identity 74
emulation of Meissonier 82
Les Canotiers de la Meurthe (The Oarsmen of the Meurthe) 8–9, 8, 135
Coquelin aîné dans le rôle de Crispin (Coquelin aîné in the Role of Crispin in Molière’s Les Fourberies de Scapin) 63, 63
La Discussion politique (The Political Discussion) 43–4, 43
Les Jours heureux (L’Enfant couronné de fleurs) (Happy Days; The Child crowned with Flowers) 40, 41
Portrait de Madame Coquelin mère (Portrait of Mme Coquelin) 271, 271
Le Toussaint (All Saints’ Day) 1, 2, 119, 136, 302
Fuller, Loïe 223–4, 223
functionalist painting 6
criminal photographs and art 123–4
and public decoration 134
Galerie d’Anatomie Comparative, Paris 224
Galerie Durand-Ruel
avant-garde exhibition (1899) 276, 278, 296
Monet exhibition (1895) 278–9
Gallé, Emile 189
Gambetta, Léon Michel 18, 20, 22, 28, 63, 96, 112, 117
artistic tastes 105
Bonnat’s posthumous portrait 124
Garnier, Jules: illustrations to Le Roux’s Les Jeux du cirque 121, 122
Gauguin, Mette 242
Gauguin, Paul 3, 179, 199, 256, 268, 275
advice to Sérusier 293–4
on art-world in Racontars de rapin 311
and caricatural style 155
private showing and engagement with past 282–4
rejection of ideology in art 273
technical deficiencies and style 269, 273
Vision du sermon 269, 273
Gautier, Judith 78
Gazette des beaux-arts 117, 125, 132–3
Geffroy, Gustave 105, 229
on Bastien-Lepage 74
on Besnard and science 219–20, 233
on Carrière’s sense of flux 228
Cézanne’s portrait 270–71, 270
and Lhermitte’s Les Halles 231
on Monet’s organicism 231, 233, 234
Musée du Soir project 186
and Seurat’s Chahut 171
domestic sphere and women 98–9, 250
education for girls 55
Morisot’s position as artist 248–50
virility and artists’ worldview 98–9, 249–50
see also manhood suffrage in France
Geoffroy, Jean 55–6
At the Crèche 71
En Classe, le travail des petits (Primary School Class) 99, 99
Géricault, Theodore 279
Germain, Alphonse 118, 177, 179
Gérôme, Jean-Léon 46, 100, 101
Gervex, Henri 87, 105, 240, 241
A La République française 62, 63
L’Arc-en-ciel 91
Avant l’opération (Before the Operation) 89, 90, 117, 163, 310
Le Mariage civil (Civil Marriage) 162, 163
Le Panorama du siècle (The Panorama of the Century) (with Stevens) 13–14, 14, 122
Une Séance du jury de peinture (A Session of the Salon Jury) 85, 85
Gide, André: Si le grain ne meurt 82–3
Gide, Charles 222
Gilbert, René: Gare des marchandises de la compagnie de l’Ouest 134
Gill, André 155
Gogh, Vincent van see van Gogh, Vincent
Goldschmidt, Lucien 256
Goncourt, Edmond de 127, 173
Gonon, Eugène 112
Gonse, Louis 209
Goudeau, Emile 146
Gourmont, Rémy de 292
Gozzoli, Benozzo: Journey of the Magi 258
Grand-Carteret, Jean 144, 151
Granet, Félix 107
Grasset, Eugène 167
La Porte de Parsifal (The Gate of Parsifal) 176, 177
Gray, Henri 154
Greuze, Jean-Baptiste 103
Grévin, Alfred 151–2, 160
Une Diseuse de bonne aventure (A Fortune-teller) 160
Grévy, Jules 13, 36, 57, 104, 146, 154, 159
grotesque and caricatural style 163, 164, 174, 176, 179
Groux, Henry de 53, 273
Gueldry, Ferdinand-Joseph: Le Laboratoire municipal (préfecture de police, boulevard du Palais) (The Municipal Laboratory, Prefecture of Police, boulevard du Palais) 53, 54, 55, 310
Guesde, Jules 297
Guétal, Laurent: Le Lac d’Eychauda (The Lake of Eychauda) 76, 78
Gueux, Le (journal) 154
Guilbert, Yvette 148, 149, 188
Guillot, Anatole: Frise de travail (Frieze of Labour) 299, 300
Haeckel, Ernst 299
Hamel, Maurice 96
Hamerton, P. G. 155
Hauptmann, Gerhard: Les Tisserands 67
Havard, Henri 9, 89, 91, 106, 250, 308
Hayem, Charles 110
health and organicism 214, 215, 220–21, 227, 299
Heidbrinck, Oswald 180
Hénard, Eugène 126
Henner, Jean-Jacques 151–2
Hennique, Léon 152–3
La Mort du duc d’Enghien 97
Henry, Charles 53, 171, 203
Héreau, Jules: Une Batterie pendant le Siège de Paris 114
Hermann-Paul, René Georges 151, 167, 168
Herzl, Theodor 25
history and art 7, 10
accessibility of history paintings 81
depictions in public buildings 38–9
factual accuracy of history paintings 43, 91–2, 93
ideology and accuracy 43, 64–6, 75
Laurens as history painter 84
Revolutionary history as subject 112
Vendée Wars as subject 64–6
see also art history
Holbein, Hans (‘the younger’) 102, 279
Hommes d’aujourd’hui, Les (biographical series) 155
Hospice des Enfants Assistés, L’, Paris 67, 69
Hôtel de Ville, Paris
annual balls 45–6
decoration 20–22, 34, 38, 57, 84, 106, 108, 134, 152, 210, 214, 217, 219, 226–7
Houssaye, Henri 9, 66, 240, 250
Hovelaque, Abel 21
Hue, Arthur: exhibition of young artists 167–70, 260
Hugo, Victor 13, 309–310
Huret, Jules 9
Enquête sur l’Evolution littéraire 134, 168, 297
Huysmans, Joris-Karl 11, 18, 108, 117–18, 119
Ibels, Henri-Gabriel 167, 168, 260
Icres, Fernand: Les Bouchers 96
identity see customs and regional identity; national identity
ideology 78–9
and avant-garde art 273
and democratic and egalitarian collective 44–52, 135, 214, 299, 311
and education 16–17, 19, 28, 55–6, 302, 303
and opposition 78, 188, 259
populaire style and rhetoric on 186, 188
propagation in regions 47, 55, 73–4, 113, 186, 307
and readings of naturalist art 8–9, 30, 33–44, 113, 250, 298–9, 302–3
and science 53–5, 69, 176, 211
see also institutional commissions and collections; republicanism and naturalist aesthetic
Illustration, L’ (magazine) 46
image and centrality of caricatural 144, 145
imitation and avant-garde style 267–9, 276, 288, 294, 298
van Gogh’s copies of other artists 284–5, 289
impressionism 31, 311
and Degas’s relation to naturalism 240, 241–4, 245, 248
exhibition (1879) 108–9, 125, 250
and Exposition Universelle (1900) 299–300
independent exhibitions 125, 241, 242, 248
Monet’s organicism 232–3
Monet’s transition from naturalism 244–8, 250
and relation to naturalism 240–50
and science 53
see also neo-impressionism; ‘post-impressionism’
individualism and art 311
industrial action and strikes 135, 185
industrialisation and elites 18, 135
Ingres, J.-A.-D. 34
inspecteurs des beaux-arts 26, 28, 89, 106, 187, 250
instantané photographs 121, 122
institutional commissions and collections 19–22, 25–8, 34–44, 58–9, 66, 101, 115
Besnard’s organic style 215–20
Lhermitte’s work in public collections 107–8
political patronage and artists 106–7, 110, 112, 113, 242
political positioning of art 106, 113
purchases for the Louvre 103, 104, 105
see also patronage and art market; public decoration and role of art; state institutions and art
interdisciplinarity and naturalism 9, 10, 11, 121, 127–8
and caricatural style 158, 176
organicism and flux 222–4
reading naturalist art 93–5, 96–7
intuition and organicism 235
Isaac family 107
Jacques, Edmond 248, 250
Jaurès, Jean 189, 206, 307, 310
Javel, Firmin 171
Jeanniot, Georges 102, 105
Ligne de feu (Line of Fire) 131–2, 131
Les Réservistes (The Reservists) 48, 48
Jewish community as patrons 110
Jordaens, Jacob 214
Jossot, Gustave-Henri 152
Journal des débats, Le 63
Juven, Félix 151
Kahn, Gustave 171
Koechlin, Maurice 224
Lafenestre, Georges 106, 119, 130, 308
on crowd scenes 58, 59
on Laurens’s La Muraille 43
on naturalism and the Third Republic 33
and populaire 194
on public decoration 39, 134
on quality of art exhibitions 255
and Roll’s Les Joies de la vie 214
Laforgue, Jules 101
laïcisation process 1, 15–16, 55–6, 69
landscapes and national identity 22
language and populaire 190–91
Larroumet, Gustave 19, 22, 73–4, 82, 292, 308
Dantan’s portrait of 113
on Detaille 47–8, 56, 86–7, 115
Laurens, Jean-Paul 97, 98, 100, 300
Les Hommes de saint-office (The Men of Holy Office) 22, 24
La Mort de Saint Genevieve (The Death of Saint Genevieve) 37, 38, 308
La Muraille (The Wall) 38, 40, 42, 43
Saint Jean Chrysostome et l’Impératrice Eudoxie 73
Salon Labou decoration 21–2, 84
La Voûte d’acier (The Vault of Steel) 84, 84, 89
Laurent, Ernest 276
Lavieille, Jacques-Adrien: La Veillée (after Millet) 285
Layraud, Joseph-Fortunet: Forges et acières de Saint-Chamond (The Forges and Steel-works of Saint-Chamond) 2, 4, 51–2
Le Bare de Boutteville, Louis-Léon 259
Le Blond, Maurice: Essai sur le naturisme 297
Le Petit, Alfred: Fleurs, fruits et légumes du jour 174, 175
Le Roux, Hugues: Les Jeux du cirque et la vie foraine (Circus Games and Fairground Life) 121, 122
Le Sénéchal de Kerdréoret, Gustave: Chercheuses d’huîtres à Cancale (Oyster-gatherers at Cancale) 279, 281
Le Sidaner, Henri 276, 278
Place au clair de lune, Beauvais (Square by Moonlight, Beauvais) 277
Leclercq, Julien 153, 276, 283
Lefevre, Camille: La République (The Republic) 13–14, 15
accessibility of naturalism 6, 7, 19, 36, 39, 81, 82, 95, 96, 206
illegibility of avant-garde 273
and interdisciplinarity 93–5, 96–7
reading naturalist art 81, 82–97, 113, 115, 206
titles and meaning of works 95–6
Legrand, Louis 176
Legras, Auguste 82
Lehmann, Henri 100, 170
Lemaître, Jules 146, 177
Lemoine, John 146
Lenepveu: Un bal à l’Elysée (A Ball at the Elysée Palace) 175, 176
Lenoir, Louis 57
Lenoir, Maurice 57
Leprieur, Paul 98
Lerolle, Christine 132
Lerolle, Henri 18, 132
Le Couronnement de la science (The Crowning of Science) 22, 23
Lévy, Henri 36
Lévy, Jules 148
Lhermitte, Léon 71, 102, 103, 105, 106, 241
purchases for public collections 107–8
and regional identity 74, 78
La Leçon de Claude Bernard (Claude Bernard’s Demonstration) 22, 24, 63
Les Halles 57–8, 59, 115, 134, 230–31
Le Marché à Château-Thierry (Market at Château-Thierry) 2–3, 5
La Moisson (The Harvest) 40, 49, 107–8, 135
La Mort et le Bûcheron 74, 108
Pardon de Ploumanac’h 108
La Paye des moissonneurs (The Harvesters’ Wages) 74, 88–9, 88, 108, 150
La Veillée (Evening Work) 50–51, 50
La Vie rustique (with Theuriet) 50–51, 64, 74
Le Vin 98
Libaudière, Joseph 18
liberté, égalité, fraternité 13, 14, 16, 33, 38, 110, 117, 135, 214, 298
press liberty and caricature 144–5, 148–9, 236
see also egalitarianism of naturalism
lines and psychophysical theory 171, 203
avant-garde and fragmented style 262–5
and avant-garde return to naturalism 297
and caricatural 152–3
interdisciplinarity and Boule de suif 93–5
naturalism and modernist style 127–8
and sustainability of naturalist aesthetic 134–5, 140
Zola’s naturalism 10–11, 13, 134–5, 140, 190, 297, 308
Londe, Albert 121
Lorrain, Jean 114, 148, 172–3
Lostalot, Alfred de 73, 105, 132, 245
Loti, Pierre 95
Louvre, Paris 103, 104, 105
Luce, Maximilien 276
La Toilette (Washing) 261, 261
Lugné-Poe, Aurélien 179, 180
Luminais, Evariste: La Fin de la reine Brunehaut 87
Luque, Manuel 155
MacMahon, Marie Edme Patrice Maurice de, Duke of Magenta 36
Magnin, Claudius 18
Maignan, Albert 59
public decoration 34, 36, 38–9, 163, 201, 215, 298, 310
see also Hôtel de Ville, Paris
Maizeroy, René 96
Mallarmé, Stéphane 7, 191
Manet, Edouard 100, 103, 151–2, 279
Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe 299, 301
Olympia 105
Manet, Eugène 248
manhood suffrage 15, 17, 19, 39–40, 44, 98
Mantz, Paul 119
Marat, Jean Paul 91–3
Maree, Victor 61
Maroussem, Pierre de 56
Marseillaise (anthem) 47
Martin, Camille 100
Martin, Henri
and Signac 276, 298
L’Eté (Summer) 298–9, 298, 302
Marx, Roger 105, 106, 214, 296
and Bastien-Lepage 74, 103
on Chéret 145
on Dagnan-Bouveret 75
on documentary function of art 57, 58
on Lhermitte’s Les Halles 115, 134
and new coinage 187
on popularity of naturalism 9
masculinity of naturalist art 98–9, 249–50
Maternité, La, Paris 67
maternity as subject 67–73
Matisse, Henri 275
Nature morte au camaïeu bleu (Still Life with Blue Tablecloth) 303, 304
Nu bleu: souvenir de Biskra (Blue Nude) 304, 305
La Serveuse bretonne (Breton Serving Girl) 132, 133
Mauclair, Camille 95, 220, 228–9
Maupassant, Guy de 10, 11, 53, 87, 102, 132
Bel Ami 128
Boule de suif 93–5
Décoré! 152
Maurin, Charles 7, 167
Maurras, Charles 134
medicine and art 53, 63, 89, 117, 163, 310
‘bio-mimicry’ and art and science 224
and single mother 69
Meissonier, Ernest 10, 84, 95, 292
and Muybridge 121
precision and accuracy of work 82, 121
1814 82
General Championnet on the Seashore 121
Le Liseur blanc (The Reader in White) 82, 83
Mellerio, André 176, 179, 267–8
Ménard, René 276, 278
L’Estuaire (The Estuary) 277
Mercié, Antonin: Monument à l’admirai Courbet (Monument to Admiral Courbet) 28, 29
Merson, Luc-Olivier 85, 89, 91, 106, 115
metaphor in naturalist art 229
symbolism and interpretation 230–35
Méténier, Oscar 265
metropolitan life see urban life and art
Meyer, Hermann von 224
Michel, André 82, 98, 117, 214, 292
Michelangelo 282, 287
Ideal Head of a Woman 286, 287
Michelet, Jules 10, 84
microbiology as influence 174, 211, 299
military subjects see army
Millet, Jean-François
and naturalist tradition 104–5
retrospective at Ecole des Beaux-Arts 103, 104
van Gogh’s copies of work 284–5, 289
Angélus 103, 104
Femme faisant paître sa vache (Woman pasturing her Cow) 279, 280
Les Glaneuses (The Gleaners) 104, 279, 281
Milne-Edwards, Alfred 222
Ministère de l’Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts 19, 22, 25, 28, 46, 55, 113, 211, 302
Mirabeau, Comte de 112
Mirbeau, Octave 105, 186, 307
and anarchist education 188
on Dagnan-Bouveret and photography 75, 124–5
on Monet 234, 279
on Raffaëlli 11, 78, 98, 308
on state and art 113
Le Jardin des supplices 152, 220
Mirliton, Le (cabaret) 164, 190
Mirliton, Le (journal) 155, 164
Mistral, Frédéric 191
modem life: speed of 63–4, 126–7, 267, 309–310
art history and continuous progression of 275, 290, 303, 304
avant-garde and artists and origins of 239
focus of art history on 7, 30–31
growth in France 3, 31
and perception and style 125–32
reactionary responses 125–6, 127–8, 154, 273
social understanding and caricatural 171–3
see also avant-garde as counter-movement
modernity of naturalism 3, 10–11, 97, 309–310
and caricatural 145, 159, 167, 171–3, 183, 236
conservationist element 63–4
and perception of modern life 126–32
progressive nature of Third Republic 6, 52, 67–73, 176, 211, 221–2
and Raffaëlli’s self-promotion 109–10
and scientific progress 211
and Third Republic project 15
and van Gogh’s portraits 198–201
monarchism 31, 65
Monet, Claude 3, 30, 105, 108–9, 154, 239, 254, 297
and documentary naturalism 56–7
impressionism and transition from naturalism 240, 244–8, 250, 278–9
metaphor and organicism in work 231–3, 234, 235, 310
and return to naturalism 292–3, 303
A Grainval près de Fécamp (Grainval, near Fécamp) 244–5, 246
Le Bassin aux nymphéas (Water-lily Pond) 292, 292
Bloc de rochers à Port-Goulphar (Rocks at Port-Goulphar) 231, 232
Creuse, soleil couchant (Creuse, sunset) 233, 233
L’Eglise à Varengeville, effet matinal (The Church at Varengeville, Morning Effect) 245, 247
Marée basse devant Varengeville (Low Tide at Varengeville) 245, 247
Meule, soleil dans la brume (Grainstack, Sun in the Mist) 233, 233
Rouen Cathedral series 53, 278–9, 292
Sous les pins, fin de jour, Antibes (Under the Pines, Evening, Antibes) 300, 301
Monod, Gabriel 10, 11, 56, 310
Montenard, Frédéric: Paysage de Provence, L’Estérel (Provençal Landscape, l’Estérel) 89, 91, 91
Morache, Professor 98–9
Moréas, Jean 297
Moreau, Gustave 101, 117, 123, 255–6, 282, 288
Moreau-Nélaton, Etienne 105
La Chambre des poupées (The Room of Dolls) 71–2, 71
Morice brothers: République sculpture 212, 213
Morisot, Berthe 248–50
Eugène Manet et sa fille dans le jardin (Eugène Manet and his Daughter in the Garden) 248–9, 249
Morris, William 189
motherhood as subject 67–73
Moulin Rouge, Paris 165, 179–80
Muenier, Jules-Alexis 114
La Leçon de catéchisme 124
Muller, Emile 194
Munier-Chalmas, Ernest 91
Muntz, Eugène 189, 206–7
Musée d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris 225
Musée du Luxembourg, Paris 95, 101, 105, 108, 150, 273
Musée du Soir project 186
Musée Grévin, Paris 97
Marat waxwork 92–3, 93
Muybridge, Eadweard 121
Nabis 143, 167, 256
and déformation 177–82
exhibition with neo-impressionists (1899) 276, 278
and return to naturalism 292–5
Naquet, Alfred 117
narrative legibility 84–7, 115
Natanson, Thadée 95
national identity
and naturalism 6–7
regional identity 74, 206
and Third Republic project 14–15, 22, 47–8
accessibility 6, 7, 19, 36, 39, 81, 82, 95, 96, 206
anti-naturalist positions and resistance 254–61, 311
criticisms of 95, 134, 239
cross-disciplinary nature 9, 10, 11, 93–5, 96–7, 121, 127–8, 158, 176, 222–4
definition and ideological context 9–13
drawbacks of devotion to actuality 6, 236, 239
flexibility and modernity 3, 11, 63–4, 73, 78, 132, 302
ideological readings 8–9, 30, 33–44, 113, 250, 298–9
naturaliste as descriptive term 191
period and range of movement 1–2, 302
and réalisme 9
as subject of caricatural 150
sustainability and evolution in 1890s 132–41
variety of visual media 34
see also photography and naturalism; republicanism and naturalist aesthetic; science and naturalism; style and naturalism
nature in art
and avant-garde insecurities 293–4
and organicism 231–4, 235
Naturism 297–8
neo-baroque 20
see also Rubensian neo-baroque style
neo-impressionism 143, 254, 255, 256, 260, 267, 275
exhibition with Nabis (1899) 276, 278
loss of momentum in 1890s 276, 287
perceived plagiarism of style 276
Pissarro’s return to naturalism 290–92, 303
‘néo-réalistes’ label 168
Nib (caricatural supplement) 158
Nittis, Giuseppe de: Cavaliers dans l’avenue des Champs-Elysées (Riders on the Avenue des Champs-Elysées) 126, 127
Noël, Jules: La Plage à Fécamp (The Beach at Fécamp) 244–5, 246, 248
Nord, Philip 18
Nordau, Max 123
Degeneration 176
Nouvelle Revue, La (journal) 117, 222
Raffaëlli’s polemic 28–9, 102
Ohnet, Georges 95
old masters and avant-garde art 282–90
Ollendorff, Georges 89, 119
Oiler, Joseph 188
organicism 143, 209–237, 299
evolution and flux of styles 211–22
and forms of representation 221, 225–9, 235
symbolism and interpretation of metaphor 230–35
Osbert, Alphonse 276, 278, 297
Panama Scandal 135, 151
Panthéon, Paris 38
maternity hospitals 67–71
see also individual buildings and institutions
Paris Commune (1871) 65, 174
Parti Ouvrier Français 297
past see tradition and avant-garde
Pasteur, Louis 59, 159, 174, 186, 211, 223
patois and populaire 190, 191, 203, 206
patronage and art market 104, 106–115
and avant-garde return to naturalism 295–6
collectors of caricatural style 158, 180–81
Lhermitte’s popularity and public purchases 107–8
political patronage 106–7, 110, 112, 113–14, 242
political positioning of art 106, 113
Raffaëlli’s self-promotion 108–10
Péan, Jules-Emile 117, 163
Péladan, Joséphin 118
Pelez, Fernand 7, 101
L’Ouvrière 72
Victime – L’Asphyxiée (Victim – Asphyxia) 72, 72
Vitriol 72–3, 115
people’s art see populaire as style
perception and modernist style 126–32
Petit, Georges and gallery 248
Petit Journal, Le 201
Petite Gironde, La (newspaper) 144
photography and naturalism 6
and construction of naturalist scenes 75
photographic accuracy and negation of style 118–25, 256, 260, 310
technology and progress in photography 120–21
use of photography among other tools 123–5
Picasso, Pablo: Les Demoiselles d’Avignon 304, 305
Pils, Isidore 47
Pissarro, Camille 105, 113, 242, 250, 267, 311
on Gauguin’s Vision du sermon 273
on language 190–91
and return to naturalism 290–92, 295–6, 303
La Conversation (The Conversation) 2–3, 5
Le Bagne (Penal Labour) 157, 158
Rue Saint-Honoré, après-midi, effet de pluie (Rue Saint-Honoré, Afternoon, Rain Effect) 291, 291
Turpitudes sociales 157–8, 158
poésie populaire 190, 191
Poilpot, Théophile: La Touraine 96
Poincaré, Raymond 17
Point, Armand: Princesse d’automne (Autumn Princess) 278, 278
police investigation methods 53, 55
political patronage and artists 106–7, 110, 112, 113–14, 242
Pommery, Madame veuve 104
populaire as style 31, 143, 185–207, 235, 236–7, 299
definition within wider culture 185–6, 188–91
identification within visual culture 191–206
lack of impact on mainstream fine art 206–7, 236
deficiencies of avant-garde style 270–71
as document 63, 308
public commissions 102, 106, 107, 108, 113, 124
and van Gogh’s modernity 198–201
‘post-impressionism’: use of term 30, 191, 275
poster design 237
and caricatural 145, 148, 151, 165, 168, 179, 183
influence on Besnard 219
and Seurat and populaire 203, 296
as threat to bourgeois values 188
Toulouse-Lautrec’s work 165, 168
Pottecher, Maurice 186
Pottier, Edmond 133
Pouget, Emile: Le Père Peinard 190–91
pouponnières (municipal crèches) 69, 71
precision see accuracy and precision
Prefecture of Police, Paris 53, 54, 55, 122
press liberty and caricature 144–5, 148–9, 183, 236
Pris de Rhum, Les (dining club group) 102
private sphere in art 71–2
domestic sphere and women 98–9, 250
Prix de Rome 100, 102, 106
and populaire 189, 190, 203–6
see also working and lower classes
propaganda and art 30, 73
reproductions and mass distribution 34, 47, 78, 113
state’s use of populaire 186
Proust, Antonin 22, 28, 103, 104, 105, 110
Prouvé, Jean 7
psychology 172–4, 228–9, 235, 240, 267
psychophysical theory 53, 171, 203
public decoration and role of art 16–17, 19–22, 25–8, 310
artists’ awareness of purchaser 43, 82–3, 106, 112
Bagnolet salle de fêtes competition 201
Besnard’s organic style 210, 215–20
and caricatural style 152
criticisms of naturalist decoration 134
decoration for different publics 38–9
eclecticism of styles 20–22, 25–6, 73, 211–13, 299–302, 310
Lhermitte’s popularity in public collections 107–8
patronage and political positioning of art 106–7, 110, 112, 113, 242
and populaire 186–7, 195, 206, 299
reading naturalist art 106–114, 115
and republican ideology 34–44, 58–9, 66, 78, 113, 298–9, 302–3
science and influence on form 225
see also caricatural style; populaire as style; state institutions and art
Pujol, Paul: Monument à l’admirai Courbet (Monument to Admiral Courbet) 28, 29
Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre 102, 106, 186, 254
and Cézanne’s bathers 273
as influence on Seurat’s style 161
and public decoration 20, 21–2, 36, 38
on Roll’s realism 88, 292
Le Bois sacré 211–12
Le Pauvre Pêcheur 95, 148
quadrille naturaliste 134, 171
Quinet, Edgar 174
Rachou, Henri 167
Raffaëlli, Jean-François 78, 85, 100, 103, 105, 256
attack on centralised thinking and academic system 28–9, 102
and caricatural and comic 152–3, 168
and impressionism 240
invitation for impressionist exhibition at 1879 Salon 108–9
self-promotion 108–10, 112, 242, 260
Les Buveurs d’absinthe (Absinthe Drinkers) 165, 167
Chez le dentiste (At the Dentist) 153, 153
Chez le fondeur (At the Foundry) 11, 98, 110, 111, 112, 300, 302
Chiffonnier allumant sa pipe (Ragpicker lighting his Pipe) 109
Etude du beau caractériste (essay) 98
Georges Clemenceau prononçant un discours au cirque Fernando (Georges Clemenceau making a Speech at the Cirque Fernando) 110, 110, 242
La Maison où on se bat toujours 153
Ralliement 297
Rambosson, Yvanhoë 276
Ranson, Paul 154, 167, 168, 256, 260
reactions and counter movements 139–41, 307–8
and dominance of description 143, 154–5, 239, 240, 245, 248, 256, 271, 295–6, 311
impressionism and transition from naturalism 240–50
oppositional positions 254–61, 311
see also avant-garde art as counter movement; symbolism
reading naturalist art 81–115, 308
and academic system 99–102
and egalitarianism 44
legibility 81, 82–97, 113, 115, 206
naturalist tradition and references to past 279
naturalist tradition and validation 103–5, 115, 279
and public role 106–114
and republican ideology 8–9, 30, 33–44, 113, 250, 298–9, 302–3
and virility 98–9, 249–50
see also public decoration and role of art
réalisme 9
reception of artworks
appreciation of accuracy 85–9, 245, 271
caricatural and press readership 153–4, 153
criticism of inaccuracies 89, 91
elite audiences for avant-garde art 255, 273, 286
illegibility of avant-garde 273
lack of audience for avant-garde art 260
patronage and political positioning of art 106–7, 110, 112, 113, 242
perception and modernist style 126–32
populaire and publics for Seurat and Cogghe 206
public responses at Salon 96
value of legibility 84–9, 113, 115
wide audience for institutional art exhibitions 255
see also art criticism
Redon, Odilon 3, 7, 67, 237
and caricatural style 173–4, 176
engagement with past 275, 285–6
A Gustave Flaubert (To Gustave Flaubert) 285–6, 286
Les Bêtes de la mer ronde comme des outres (Sea Creatures Bulbous as a Goatskin Bottle) 225–6, 226
Hantise (Obsession) 173–4, 174
Mes baisers ont le goût d’un fruit . . . (My kisses have the taste of a fruit . . .) 286, 287
Les Origines (The Origins) 174, 175, 225, 226
Quand s’éveillant la vie au fond de la matière obscure (When life awakens from the depths of obscure matter) 174, 175
art and ideological reinforcement in regions 47, 55, 73, 113, 186, 307
authenticity of regional representations 75
Hue’s exhibition and anti-naturalist views 260
patois and populaire 190, 191, 203, 206
regional identity and artists 74–5, 78, 203, 206
regional politics and propaganda 73–4, 113
Reinach, Joseph 63, 124
associations in art 1, 73, 78
and avant-garde artists 258
see also anti-clericalism; Catholic Church
Rembrandt 284
Night Watch 9
Renan, Ernest 10, 14–15, 47, 52, 63, 310
Bonnat’s portrait 308, 309
Renard, Jules 47, 67, 158
Renoir, Auguste 132, 303
La Danseuse (The Dancer) 299–300, 301
Le Moulin de la Galette 302
reproduction of art
and caricatural style 145, 158, 183
and naturalist tradition 104
and propaganda 34, 78, 113
and regional spread of republicanism 47
and van Gogh’s copies of Millet 285
and van Gogh’s portraits and populaire 199–200
see also poster design and caricatural
republicanism and naturalist aesthetic 1, 6–7, 10, 33–79, 115, 275
and caricatural 149, 150–51, 183
democratic and egalitarian collective 44–52, 135, 214, 299, 311
and Exposition Universelle (1900) 299, 302–3
Gauguin’s resistance 311
gender roles in art 98–9, 249–50
images of social reform 67–73
limitations 236, 239
modern style of representation of France 133
naturalism as orthodoxy 117–18, 239
naturalist tradition as product of recent past 103–5
and opponents 31, 67, 78, 135, 185, 188
and outsider appeal of van Gogh’s art 200–01
political positioning of art 106–7, 110, 112, 113
populaire and top-down rhetoric 186–7, 307
and promotion of naturalist art 108–10
public decoration and readings of art 34–44
and regional politics and identity 73–8
Roll and republican values 46–7, 213–14
science and education and the document 53–66
van Gogh and Roulin’s politics 200
and Zola’s work 11, 13, 297
see also education and Republican ideology; egalitarianism of naturalism; ideology; Third Republic
République française, La (newspaper) 63
Revue blanche 17, 95, 158, 189
Revue d’art dramatique 185–6
Revue des deux-mondes 39, 43, 104, 188, 255
Revue encyclopédique, La 103
Revue Indépendante 117–18, 262
Richard, Emile 21
Richer, Léon 98
Rire, Le (journal) 151, 154, 158
ritualised style and subjects 135–7, 161, 163, 171
Rivière, Henri 159
Temptation of St Anthony 146
Rixens, André
Les artilleurs mobiles de Toulouse quittent Belfort avec les honneurs de la guerre (The Artillery Volunteers of Toulouse Leaving Belfort with the Honours of War) 27
Toulouse coopérant à la défense nationale en 1870 (Toulouse co-operating in the Defence of the Nation in 1870) 26
Robert, Eugène: Le Réveil de l’abandonné (Abandoned Baby Boy Awakening) 67, 68
Robida, Alfred
Une Répétition de ballet aux Folies Musicales (Ballet Rehearsal at the Folies Musicales) 171, 173
Le Vingtième Siècle 152, 152
Robiquet, Jean 95, 127
Rochefort, Henri 89
Rochefoucauld, Comte Antoine de la 255
Rod, Edouard 39–40, 132–3, 135
Rodenbach, Georges 10, 220, 230, 231
Bruges-la-Morte 120
Rodin, Auguste 102, 229, 248
Roll, Alfred 7, 10, 53, 103, 105, 106, 256
art as populaire 186
critics on realism of work 87–8, 292
Damoye portrait 89
organicism and Rubensian neo-baroque style 213–15, 220–22, 235, 236, 279
and republican values 46–7, 213–14
La Fête de Silène (The Feast of Silenus) 127, 212, 213
Fête du centenaire des Etats généraux 213
Grève des Mineurs (Miners’ Strike) 113, 114, 297–8, 302
Les Joies de la vie: fleurs, femmes, musique (The Joys of Life: Flowers, Women, Music) 214, 215, 221, 222
Marianne Offrey, crieuse de vert (Marianne Offrey, Seller of Greens) 46, 46, 78
Ouvriers de la terre 134
Le 14 juillet 1880 (14 July 1880) 213–14, 213, 302
Rouby, le cimentier (Rouby, Cement Worker) 46, 87–8, 87
Souvenir commemorative de la pose de la première pierre au pont Alexandre III 213
Le Travail, chantier de Suresnes (Labour, Building-site at Suresnes) 51–2, 51, 119, 135, 213, 214
roman impressioniste 264
Roty, Oscar: Semeuse 187
Rouault, Georges: L’Enfant Jésus parmi les docteurs (The Child Jesus among the Doctors) 282, 283
Roubaix 203–4, 206
Roujon, Henri 113
Roulin, Joseph-Etienne 198–201, 1989
Rousseau, Henri 196, 201–2, 206, 236
Moi-même, portrait-paysage de l’auteur (Myself, Portrait-Landscape of the Artist) 196, 197
Le Peuple danse autour des Républiques de 1792 et 1892, en chantant: ‘Auprès de ma blonde’ (The People dance around the Republics of 1792 and 1892, singing: ‘Beside my Blonde’) 201–2, 202
Le Pont de Grenelle 201, 201
Roussel, Ker-Xavier 167, 168
Roux, Xavier 188
Royer, Henri: En Flandre, le soir (In Flanders, Evening) 136, 138
Rubensian neo-baroque style 212–22, 279
rural life see countryside
Sacreste, Pierre 17, 28, 98
Sain, Paul: Matinée de septembre sur la route de Villeneuve-les-Avignon (September Morning on the Road to Villeneuveles-Avignon) 22, 25, 257
Saint-Marceaux, René de 195–6
Salis, Rodolphe 145, 159
Salon des Artistes Français (SAF) 102, 106, 255, 276, 279, 287
Salon des Incohérents 148–9, 150, 154, 155, 181
Salon des Indépendants 167, 171, 202, 203, 205, 254, 276
Salon exhibitions 106
and audience for art 255
critics on accuracy of naturalism 85–9, 117, 118
critics’ interest in narrative 85, 86
critics on orthodox subjects of naturalism 117–18
critics on public responses to works 96
depiction in Gervex’s Une Séance du jury de peinture 85
division into two factions 102, 255
impressionist exhibition (1879) 108–9, 125, 250
Lautrec on ‘democracy’ at 115
patronage and political positioning of art 106
and populaire 203, 205
response to Manet’s Olympia 105
and ‘return to the masters’ 282
social problems as subject 72–3
Vendée Wars as subject 64–5
Salpétrière hospital, Paris 118, 121
Sarcey, Francisque 9, 127
satire see caricatural style
Saunier, Charles 168, 195
Scheurer-Kestner, Auguste 175
Schommer, François 30, 308
Réception officielle du Président de la République par les autorités de la ville de Boulogne (Official Reception of the President of the Republic by the Authorities of Boulogne) 58–9, 60
Schwob, Marcel 126–7, 262
Coeur double 264, 266–7
Le Phare de la Loire 190
science and naturalism 15, 31, 309–310
anatomical drawing and accuracy 53, 100–01
avant-garde’s appropriation of science 257–8
and caricatural style and subjects 172–6, 183
cross-overs between art and science 222–4, 225–6, 233
influence on architecture 224, 299
and organicism 209–211, 214–15, 216–20, 221–4, 235, 299
popular science publications 222–3
and precision and accuracy 53, 55, 56–7, 89, 91
and republican ideology 53–5, 69, 176, 211, 221–2
and solidarism 222, 235
use of photography 121, 125
see also medicine and art; organicism
‘scientific realism’ 10, 11, 56
sculpture 28
and populaire 186, 194–6, 299
secularism 1, 15–16, 55–6, 69, 222–3
Sée, Camille 55
Selosse, Henri 18
sensation and impressionism 245, 248, 250
Séon, Alexandre 118
Sérusier, Paul 167, 168, 256
Gauguin and break with naturalism 293–4, 295, 311
Intérieur de l’auberge Gloanec à Pont-Aven (Interior of the Auberge Gloanec at Pont-Aven) 294, 294
Talisman 293, 294
Seurat, Georges 3, 6, 239, 254, 256
and caricatural style 155, 160–61, 163, 170–71, 182, 237
critical responses 163, 170–71
and exclusivity of style 267
and populaire 203, 205–6, 237
stylised anonymity 262, 266
Chahut 171, 172
Cirque (Circus) 203, 204, 205–6
Un Dimanche à la Grande-Jatte, 1884 (A Sunday on the Grande-Jatte, 1884) 160–61, 162, 163, 170–71, 262
Forte Chanteuse 262
study for Une Baignade, Asnières 262, 263
study for Un Dimanche à la Grande-Jatte 262, 263
Siècle, Le (journal) 250
Signac, Paul 239, 254, 256, 257, 267
anarchism 258–60
engagement with past 275, 286–9
on lack of sales of neo-impressionism 255, 260–61
on Nabis and grotesque 179
on plagiarism of neo-impressionist style 276, 298–9, 303
Au Temps d’harmonie (In the Time of Harmony) 259–60, 260, 273, 287
Bellevue 288, 288
Capo di Noli 289, 290
Saint-Cast 257
Silverman, Debora 209
Silvestre, Armand 26
Simon, Edouard 69
Simon, Jules 63
Simon, Lucien 276
and evolution of naturalism 139–40, 140–41
Procession à Penmarc’h (Finistère) (Procession at Penmarc’h, Finistère) 139–40, 141
single mothers and state 67, 69, 71
Sisley, Alfred 250
Matinée de septembre (September Morning) 20, 21
Sizeranne, Robert de la 276
slang and populaire 190–91
snapshots (instantanés) 121, 122
social class
anarchism and education of lower classes 188
and annual balls at Hôtel de Ville 45–6
aristocracy and power in Third Republic 18
history painting and republican ideology 66
middle-class audience and effect of art 67
in public art 38, 43
unification in populaire 203–4
see also egalitarianism of naturalism; elites; populaire as style; working and lower classes
social commentary 2–3
anonymity and fragmentation in avant-garde style 262–7
and caricatural style 156–8, 170–76, 236
gender roles and art 98–9
‘social facts’ 56
social reform
charitable support of Salon des Incohérents 148, 149
and conscription 44–5
education for girls 55
in republican art 67–73
and scientific progress 211
and secularism 16, 69, 222
socialism 31, 67, 135, 185, 188, 297
Société National des Beaux-Arts (SNBA) 102, 106, 114, 151, 255, 276
Soirées de Medan, Les (short-story collection) 94–5
solidarism 222, 235, 297–8
Sorbonne, Paris
Besnard’s La Vie renaissant de la mort 220, 221
mural commissions 89, 91, 107
portrait commissions 108
speed of modem life 63–4, 126–7, 267, 309–310
Spuller, Eugène 63, 113
state institutions and art 19–22, 34–44, 58–9, 101
artists’ awareness of purchaser 43, 106, 110, 112
and Courbet’s work 104
decoration for different publics 38–9
Flameng’s Massacre de Machecoul 66
Manet’s Olympia 105
mural commissions at the Sorbonne 89, 91, 107
naturalist tradition and validation 103, 104–5, 115
political patronage and artists 106–7, 110, 112, 113, 242
political positioning of art 106, 113
populaire in art and rhetoric of 186
portrait commissions 102, 106, 107, 108, 113, 124
purchases for the nation 103, 104, 105, 112, 296
see also public decoration and role of art
Steinlen, Théophile 146, 151
Stevens, Alfred: Le Panorama du siècle (The Panorama of the Century)(with Gervex) 13–14, 14, 122
Strauss, Paul 67, 69
stream of consciousness literature 262–3, 264
strikes 135, 185
style and naturalism 20, 31, 117–41
avant-garde and engagement with past 275, 279–90
avant-garde and repudiation of naturalism 239–73
avant-garde and return to naturalism 275, 290–99, 303
Bastien-Lepage’s influence on avant-garde 251–4
caricatural as influence on 154–8
caricatural interpretation of 179
fragmentation in avant-garde art and literature 262–7
and insecurities of avant-garde style 267–73, 275, 284–5, 293–4
modernity and perception 125–32
organicism and Rubensian neo-baroque style 211–22
photographic accuracy and negation of style 118–25, 256, 260, 310, 311
Seurat’s subversion and stylised anonymity 262, 266
sustainability and evolution in 1890s 132–41
see also caricatural style
suffrage in France 15, 17, 19, 39–40, 44, 98
sustainability and evolution of naturalism 132–41
as alternative aesthetic 31, 118, 134–5, 143, 155
anti-naturalist campaign 297
as elitist aesthetic 7, 19, 31, 254, 286, 297
and organicist metaphor 230–35
and simplicity of naturalism 95, 292
symbolist artists 278
symboliste as descriptive term 191
and synthèse and caricatural 159
Symboliste, Le (journal) 85
avant-garde and claim to scientific 257
and caricatural 155, 159–63
Taber, Isaiah West: Loie Fuller dansant avec sa voile (Loïe Fuller dancing with her Drape) 223, 223
Taboureux, Emile 57
Taine, Hippolyte 10, 11, 13, 56, 63, 211, 310
Talmeyr, Maurice 188
Tattegrain, Francis 131
La Ramasseuse d’épaves (The Collector of Flotsam) 1, 4, 47
Retour de pêche à Berck-sur-Mer (Return from Fishing at Berck-sur-Mer) 130, 130
theatre and interdisciplinarity 96–7, 127, 128
Théâtre du Peuple 186
théâtre populaire 185–6
Theuriet, André 98
La Vie rustique 51, 64, 74
Thiers, Adolphe 10
Third Republic
historical and political context 13–16
regionalism and opposition 73–8
see also ideology; republicanism and naturalistic aesthetic
Thomson, Gaston 107
Tissot, James 105, 164, 241
religious associations of work 64, 78, 95
Ruines: voix intérieures (Ruins: Inner Voices) 77, 78
titles and meaning of works 95–6
Tonkin (Vietnam) 28
Toulouse 73
Capitole decoration 20, 25–8, 38, 40, 298
Hue’s exhibition of young artists 167–70, 260
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 105, 115, 224
art education and naturalist instruction 101, 164
and caricatural style 151, 154, 155, 158, 163–5, 167–8, 170, 176, 182, 183, 237, 260
A la Mie 164–5, 166, 168
Alfred la Guigne (Bad-luck Alfred) 265, 265
Au Moulin Rouge (At the Moulin Rouge) 266, 266
Le docteur Péan opérant (Dr Péan operating) 163, 163
Equestrienne (Au Cirque Fernando) (Bare-back Rider. At the Cirque Fernando) 164, 165
La Goulue entrant au Moulin Rouge (La Goulue entering the Moulin Rouge) 168, 169
Moulin Rouge: La Goulue 165
avant-garde and engagement with past 275, 279–90
naturalist tradition and validation 103–5, 115, 279
transformism 220
Tudèle, Guillaume de 43
Tuileries Palace ruins, Paris 78
Turner, J. M. W. 287–8, 289
Saint-Cloud 288, 289
Turquet, Edmond 113, 150
Université Populaire 186
unwanted children as subject 67–73
urban life and art
avant-garde literature 262–5
prolétaire and populaire 189
see also poster design and caricatural
‘Uzès’: Le Guignol du Chat Noir 159, 159
Vaillant, Edouard 22, 46
Valabrègue, Anthony 39
Vallotton, Félix 214, 310
and caricatural style 155, 158, 167, 183
fragmented style 265, 266
and return to naturalism 296, 303
Les Chanteurs (The Street Singers) 264, 265
Femme se coiffant (Woman arranging her Hair) 296, 296
Les Hercules (The Strong Men) 264, 265
van Gogh, Theo 234
van Gogh, Vincent 3, 101, 179, 275, 276, 297
Bernard’s friendship with 155–7
Bernard’s portrait for Les Hommes d’aujourd’hui 155, 156
copies of other artists’ work 284–5, 289
and organicism 209–211, 231, 233–4, 235, 237
portraits and populaire 196, 198–201, 206
Joseph Roulin portraits 198–200, 1989
Les Oliviers (Olive Grove) 233–4, 234
The Starry Night 209–210, 210, 231, 233–4, 235
La Veillée, d’après Millet 284
Vauthier, Pierre 201
Veber, Jean 152
Velde, Henry van de 171
Vendée Wars (1793–6) in art 64–6
Verlaine, Paul 7
Vibert, Jehan-Georges 57
Vicaire, Gabriel 191
Vie contemporaine, La (journal) 188
Vie moderne, La (journal) 188
Vie parisienne, La 150–51
Vielé-Griffin, Francis 297
viewpoint: perception and modernity 126, 129, 163, 216
XX, Les (Les Vingt) 268
violence and avant-garde art 164, 304
virility 98–9, 249–50
Vitry, Paul 299
Vlaminck, Maurice 135
Le Bar 304, 304
Vogüé, Comte Melchior de 104
Vollon, Antoine 85
Vollard, Ambroise and gallery 267–8, 273
Vuillard, Edouard 256, 260, 276, 293, 311
and caricatural style 158, 167, 168, 179, 180–82, 258
and photography 121
and return to naturalism 293, 295, 303
Coquelin cadet 181, 182
Femme balayant (Woman Sweeping) 293, 293
Femme de profil au chapeau vert (Woman with Green Bonnet in Profile) 181–2, 183
Mère et fille à table (Mother and Daughter at the Table) 293, 293
Waldeck-Rousseau, René 63
Watteeuw, Jules 203, 206
Weerts, Jean-Joseph
and Capitole in Toulouse 25
Marat assassiné! 13 juillet 1793, 8h du soir (Marat assassinated! 13 July 1793, 8 o’clock in the evening) 91–2, 92, 93
Mort de Joseph Bara (Death of Joseph Bara) 34, 35, 65
Weiss, Augusta 72
Wiener, René 9
Willette, Adolphe 148, 151, 152, 154, 173, 183
Parce Domine (Spare Us, O Lord) 146, 147
Te Deum Laudamus (We Praise Thee, O Lord) 146, 147
and domestic sphere 98–9, 250
social reform and motherhood in art 67–73
as teachers 55, 99
working and lower classes
and caricatural style 157
depiction in art 46–7, 51–2, 57, 72–3, 108, 135, 136–7, 157, 191–206, 214, 230, 261, 299
and populaire in culture 185–6, 188–9, 190–91, 203–6, 230, 299
and understanding of van Gogh 200–01, 206
see also populaire style
Wyzewa, Téodor de 96
Xanrof, Léon 188
and reception of caricatural 154, 164, 183
young artists and naturalist style 251–4, 260
Zandomeneghi, Federigo 108
Zévaco, Michel 265, 267
Zidler, Charles 188
Zola, Emile 9, 152, 175, 186, 239, 297, 310, 311
accuracy and research 56, 308
and avant-garde art 278
definition of naturalism 10–11
and evolution of naturalism 134–5, 140, 141
and working-class life 190
Au Bonheur des dames 11, 13
La Bête humaine 56
Le Roman experimental 10, 11
Les Romanciers naturalistes 11
Les Soirées de Medan 94