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Description: Love and Loss: American Portrait and Mourning Miniatures
PublisherYale University Art Gallery
PublisherYale University Press
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Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
Aldridge (or Oldridge), 33 (fig. 21), 31
Allston, Washington, 184, 288
Ames, Ezra, 128 (figs. 68, 69), 129
Anthony, Joseph (Trott), 161 (fig. 84), 162-63, 323nn6,7
Armstrong, Arthur, 292
Bacon, Asa (Dickinson), 242 (fig. 121), 245
Bacon, Epaphroditus Champion (Dickinson), 243 (fig. 122), 245
Bascom, Ruth Henshaw, 108 (fig. 57), 109
Beardsley, Elizabeth Davis (Beardsley Limner), 23, 25 (fig. 15), 26-27, 29
Beardsley, Hezekiah (Beardsley Limner), 23, 24 (fig. 14), 29
Beardsley Limner, 23-27, 24, 25 (figs. 14, 15), 29, 308n9
Bell, Sarah (Aldridge, or Oldridge), 33 (fig. 21), 31
Birch, Thomas, 213-14, 215 (fig. 110)
Birch, William Russell, 106, (figs. 55, 56), 107, 109
Bohlen, Catherine (Brown), 293-300, 295 (fig. 146), 298, 336nn20, 24
Bordley, Matthias and Thomas (Charles Willson Peale), 46-57, 48 (fig. 28), 51 (fig. 29), 53, 310nn10,12
Bradlee, David (Doyle), 192-95, 193 (fig. 98), 194 (fig. 99)
Bréhan, Marquise Jean-François-René-Almaire de (Anne Flore Millet), 100-104, 317nn31,35
Custis, Eleanor (Nelly) Parke, 101-2, 103 (fig. 52)
Washington, George, 100-101, 102, 103 (fig. 51), 104, 104 (fig. 53)
Brevoort, John, 118 (fig. 62), 119-20, 318n1
Briggs, Charles (Way), 200, 203 (fig. 105)
Briggs, Eliza Bassal Meiller (Way), 200, 202 (fig. 104)
Briggs family, child of (Way), 200, 201 (fig. 103)
Britton, Eleanor (Anna Claypoole Peale), 223-24, 225 (fig. 114)
Brown, John Henry, 273, 292-302
Bohlen, Catherine, 293-300, 295 (fig. 146), 298, 336nn20,24
Bull, Caleb Jr. (Verstille), 124, 125 (fig. 66), 126-27, 319n12
Bull, Mary Otis (attrib. Verstille), 124, 125 (figs. 64, 65), 319n12
Camera, Rosalba, 2, 330n80
Champion, Epaphroditus (Dickinson), 238, 240 (fig. 119), 244, 245
Champion, Lucretia Hubbard (Dickinson), 238, 241 (fig. 120), 244, 245
Charlotte, Queen (Zoffany), 16, 17 (fig. 11), 18, 22, 308n5
Cheney, John and L. W., 288
Clap, Thomas, mourning ring for (unidentified artist), 118 (fig. 61), 119, 120, 318n1
Closterman, John, 14 (fig. 10), 15
Clouet, Jean, 1
Cole, Thomas (Cummings), 270, 271 (fig. 134), 273, 334n43
Copley, John Singleton, 18, 37, 60-75, 77
Fayerweather, Samuel, 66, 68 (fig. 35), 69-72, 70, 313nn37,38
Oliver, Andrew, 61, 62 (fig. 31), 65, 66, 312n30
Oliver, Mrs. Andrew (Mary Sanford), 61, 63 (fig. 32), 65
Oliver, Peter, 66, 67 (fig. 34)
Rogers, Mrs. Daniel Denison (Abigail Bromfield), 134-36, 135 (fig. 74)
Self-Portraits, 72-75, 74 (fig. 36), 75 (fig. 37), 313n40
Storer, Ebenezer II, 77
Storer, Mrs. Ebenezer II (Elizabeth Green), 77
Waldo, Mrs. Samuel C. (Grizzel Oliver), 61, 64 (fig. 33), 65-66, 312n33
Coram, Thomas, 245
Cosway, Richard, 184, 229
Cotes, Francis, 52
Cummings, Thomas Seir, 265, 331n2
Cole, Thomas, 270, 271 (fig. 134), 273, 334n43
Cushman, George Hewitt: Wetherill, Susan (Mrs. George Hewitt Cushman), 288-92, 289 (fig. 144), 290 (fig. 145), 336n13
Custis, Eleanor (Nelly) Parke (Bréhan), 101-2, 103 (fig. 52)
Dashiell, Benjamin Frederick Augustus (Field), 7, 8-9 (fig. 5), 81
Dickinson, Anson, 155, 238-45
Bacon, Asa, 242 (fig. 121), 245
Bacon, Epaphroditus Champion, 243 (fig. 122), 245
Champion, Epaphroditus, 238, 240 (fig. 119), 244, 245
Champion, Mrs. Epaphroditus (Lucretia Hubbard), 238, 241 (fig. 120), 244, 245
trade card found on reverse of Gentleman of the Dunlap Family, 237 (fig. 117), 238, 332n16
Doyle, William M. S.: Bradlee, David, 192-95, 193 (fig. 98), 194 (fig. 99)
Young Lady in a Sheer White Dress, 192, 195-98, 196 (fig. 100), 197 (fig. 101)
Dunkerley, Joseph: Storer, Ebenezer II, 76 (fig. 38), 77, 78-79, 81
Storer, Mrs. Ebenezer II (Elizabeth Green), 76 (fig. 39), 77, 78-79, 81
Dunlap, Elizabeth Woolsey (Dunlap), 170 (fig. 87), 172, 325n20
Dunlap, William, 169-73
Dunlap, Mrs. William (Elizabeth Woolsey), 170 (fig. 87), 172, 325n20
Self-Portrait, iji (fig. 88), 172, 133, 324n19
Eggington, Elizabeth (unidentified artist), xiv (fig. 1), 2
Eichholtz, Jacob, 273-74, 275 (fig. 136)
Elouis, Jean Pierre Henri, 155
Trist, Hore Browse, 164-69, 165 (fig. 85), 166 (fig. 86), 324nn11-13,18
Fay, Eliza Jane (Bascom), 108 (fig. 57), 109
Fayerweather, Samuel (Copley), 66, 68 (fig. 35), 69-72, 70, 313nn37,38
Field, Robert, 156, 158
Dashiell, Benjamin Frederick Augustus, 7, 8-9 (fig. 5), 81
Washington, Martha, 111-17, 112-15 (figs. 59, 60)
Folwell, Samuel, attributed to: Maternal Allegory, 136-38, 133 (fig. 75)
Mourning brooch for AP, ARP, and SP, 121, 122 (fig. 63)
Washington, George, memorial for, 110, 111 (fig. 58)
Fraser, Charles, 10, 13, 155, 184, 245-59
Gourdin, Mrs. Theodore (Elizabeth Gaillard), 252 (fig. 126), 254-55, 256, 257-58
LaBruce, Mrs. John (Martha Pawley), 247, 258-59, 260 (fig. 128)
Self-Portrait, 246 (fig. 123), 247
Weston, H. F. Plowden, 247, 248, 249 (fig. 124), 332n23
Young Lady in White, 247, 248, 25o (fig. 125), 251
Gibbes or Shoolbred family, woman of (Roberts), 3, 3 (fig. 2)
Goodridge, Sarah, 156
Beauty Revealed (Self-Portrait), 259, 262-64, 262 (fig. 130), 265, 334n37
Gourdin, Elizabeth Gaillard (Fraser), 247, 252 (fig. 126), 254-55, 256, 257-58
Gourdin, Theodore (unidentified artist), 251, 253, (fig. 127), 254-55, 256, 257-58, 333nn26,28
Gray, Alexander (Robertson), 158, 160 (fig. 83), 162, 323n3
Hancock, Nathaniel, 81-88, 314n12
Morse, Jedediah, 82, 84-88, 85 (figs. 41, 42), 87
Self-Portrait, 80 (fig. 40), 81-82, 83, 314n10
Hawes, Josiah Johnson, and Albert Southworth, 288
Young Girl, Hand on Shoulder, 286 (fig. 143), 287
Hays, Solomon and Joseph, memorial for (unidentified artist), 130-32, 131 (figs. 70, 71), 320n18
Henri, Pierre: Rose, Mrs. Alexander (Margaret Smith), 94-97, 95 (figs. 48, 49), 96, 316nn26,27
Hicks, John Brovort, mourning ring for (Brevoort), 118, (fig. 62), 119-20, 318n1
Hilliard, Nicholas, 2, 306n2
Hodges, Hannah, memorial for (attrib. Ramage), 126 (fig. 67), 127, 127, 129
Inman, Henry, 265-69, 296
Johnson, Mrs. William Samuel (Laura Woolsey), 266, 267, 269 (fig. 133), 270, 334n40
Johnson, William Samuel, 266, 267, 268 (fig. 132), 334n40
Jackson, Andrew (Anna Claypoole Peale), 216 (fig. 111), 217-18, 219
Jarvis, John Wesley, 265
Johnson, Laura Woolsey (Inman), 266, 267, 269 (fig. 133), 270, 334n40
Johnson, William Samuel (Inman), 266, 267, 268 (fig. 132), 334n40
Kennedy, Robert (Raphaelle Peale), 207, 208 (fig. 107), 210
King, Samuel, 174
LaBruce, Martha Pawley: by Fraser, 247, 258-59, 260 (fig. 128)
by Morse, 258-59, 261 (fig. 129)
Lawrence, James (attrib. Thomas Birch), 213-14, 215 (fig. 110)
Lens, Bernard III, 2-3
Littlefield and Parsons, 276 (fig. 137), 280
Lovett, William, 10, 11 (fig. 6)
Lyell, David (Watson), 4 (fig. 3), 5
Mackie, Harriet (Vallée), 140-53, 140 (fig. 77), 142, 149 (fig. 80), 321n28, 322-23nn33,35-39,42
Malbone, Edward Greene, 155, 173-92, 247, 325n27, 327n41
Russell, Thomas, 175-84, 178-79 (figs. 90-93), 182 (fig. 95), 188, 325nn27,28, 326nn31,33,37, 327nn38-40
Sullivan, Mrs. Richard (Sarah Russell), 177, 185, 187 (fig. 97), 189, 190-91, 325n28
Taylor, Archibald, 184-85, 186 (fig. 96), 327n42
Mercier, Philip, 26 (fig. 16), 27
Meyer, Jeremiah, 52, 311n17
Millet, Anne Flore. See Bréhan, Marquise Jean-François-René-Almaire de (Anne Flore Millet)
Morse, Jedediah (Hancock), 82, 84-88, 85 (figs. 41, 42), 87
Morse, Samuel F. B., 88, 277, 315n19
LaBruce, Mrs. John (Martha Pawley), 258-59, 261 (fig. 129)
Musgrave, Eleanor Britton (Anna Claypoole Peale), 223-24, 225 (fig. 114)
Neagle, John, 273, 296
Oliver, Andrew (Copley), 61, 62 (fig. 31), 65, 66, 312n30
Oliver, Grizzel. See Waldo, Grizzel Oliver
Oliver, Mary Sanford (Copley), 61, 63 (fig. 32), 65
Oliver, Peter (Copley), 66, 67 (fig. 34)
Parke, Daniel (Closterman), 14 (fig. 10), 15
Peale, Anna Claypoole, 218-20, 330n75
Britton, Eleanor, 223-24, 225 (fig. 114)
Jackson, Andrew, 216(fig. 111), 217-18, 219, 220
Lady with a Shawl, 223-24, 226 (fig. 115)
Peale, Rosalba, 222 (fig. 113), 223-24, 227, 330n80
Peale, Charles Willson, 5, 18, 37, 204, 214, 227, 311-12nn14,18,24,25
Bordley, Matthias and Thomas, 46-57, 48 (fig. 28), 51 (fig. 29), 53, 310nn10,12
James Peale By Lamplight, 220, 221 (fig. 112), 223
James Peale Painting a Miniature, 6, (fig. 4), 7, 10
Stewart, Mrs. Walter (Deborah McClenachan), 20, 21-23, 21 (fig. 13), 308nn6,8
Stewart, Walter, 18, 19, (fig. 12), 21, 22, 308nn6,8
Tilghman, Mary (Mrs. Edward Roberts), 29, 31, 32 (fig. 20), 309n15
Walton, George, 56 (fig. 30), 57-59, 312n26
Washington, George, 98, 317n29
Peale, James, 163-64, 204-7, 214
James Peale by Lamplight (Charles Willson Peale), 220, 221 (fig. 112), 223
James Peale Painting a Miniature (Charles Willson Peale), 6 (fig. 4), 7, 10
Peale, Rembrandt, 205 (fig. 106), 206-7
Washington, George, 98, 99 (fig. 50), 204, 317nn28,29
Peale, Raphaelle, 207-13, 329n63
Kennedy, Robert, 207, 208 (fig. 107), 210
Rohr, John Frederick, 209 (fig. 108), 210, 329n66
Woodhouse, Samuel, 210-13, 211 (fig. 109), 212, 214, 329nn65,67,68
Peale, Rembrandt, 205 (fig. 106), 206-7, 329n63
Peale, Rosalba Carriera (Anna Claypoole Peale), 222 (fig. 113), 223-24, 227, 330n80
Peale, Sarah Miriam, 218, 294, 336n20
Pelham, Peter, 60
Petitot, Jean, 107
Ramage, John, 88-94
Hodges, Hannah, memorial for (attrib.), 126 (fig. 67), 127, 127, 129
“Mourning, Love, and Fancy” sample cards, 91 (fig. 45), 92
New York Dandy, 89, 89 (fig. 43), 92
Romantic Allegory, 91 (fig. 46), 92
Rutgers, Anthony, 92, 93 (fig. 47), 94, 96, 316n25
Washington, George, 98, 100, 317n30
Ray, John Trumbull (Robertson), 228 (fig. 116), 229-36, 233, 238, 331n2, 332n15
Reynolds, Joshua, 52
Roberts, Mary, 3, 3 (fig. 2)
Robertson, Andrew, 156
Ray, John Trumbull, 228 (fig. 116), 229-36, 233, 238, 331n2, 332n15
Robertson, Archibald, 155, 156
Gentleman, 184 (fig. 81), 156, 323n1
Robertson, Walter, 155, 156
Gentleman, 157 (fig. 82), 158, 159
Gray, Alexander, 158, 160 (fig. 83), 162, 323n3
Rogers, Abigail Bromfield, 133-36, 133 (fig. 73), 321n25
by Copley, 135 (fig. 74)
Rohr, John Frederick (Raphaelle Peale), 209 (fig. 108), 210, 329n66
Root, M. A., 287, 296, 302
Rose, Margaret Smith (Henri), 94-97, 95 (figs. 48, 49), 96, 316nn26,27
Russell, Elizabeth Watson, 181, 181 (fig. 94), 183-84, 327n39
Russell, Mrs. Moses B. (Clarissa Peters), 276 (fig. 137), 279 (fig. 138), 280, 283, 335n5
Russell, Thomas: by Malbone, Edward Greene, 175-84, 178-79 (figs. 90-93), 182 (fig. 95), 188, 325nn27,28, 326nn31,33,37, 327nn38-40
by Trumbull, John, 181, 181 (fig. 94), 183-84, 327n39
Russell, Sarah. See Sullivan, Sarah Russell
Rutgers, Anthony (Ramage), 92, 93 (fig. 47), 94, 96, 316n25
Shelley, Samuel, 184
Sherman, Anne (unidentified artist, initials J. H.), 283, 285 (fig. 142), 287
Shoolbred or Gibbes family, woman of (Roberts), 3, 3 (fig. 2)
Smibert, John, 60, 312n28
Smith, James Passmore: by Eichholtz, 273-74, 275 (fig. 136)
Self-Portrait, 272 (fig. 135), 273-74, 334nn45,46
Smith Rose, Margaret (Henri), 94-97, 95 (figs. 48, 49), 96, 316nn26,27
Southworth, Albert Sands, and Josiah Johnson Hawes, 288
Young Girl, Hand on Shoulder, 286 (fig. 143), 287
Staats, Henry G., memorial for (poss. Ezra Ames), 128 (figs. 68, 69), 129
Stewart, Deborah McClenachan (Charles Willson Peale), 20, 21-23, 21 (fig. 13), 308nn6,8
Stewart, Walter (Charles Willson Peale), 18, 19 (fig. 12), 21, 22, 308nn6,8
Storer, Ebenezer II (Dunkerley), 76 (fig. 38), 77, 78-79, 81
Storer, Elizabeth Green (Dunkerley), 76 (fig. 39), 77, 78-79, 81
Stuart, Gilbert, 105, 106, 107-8, 156, 158, 162-63, 207, 323n7
Sullivan, Sarah Russell (Malbone), 177, 185, 187 (fig. 97), 189, 190-91, 325n28
Sully, Thomas, 273, 296
Sully, Sarah, memorial to, 132-33, 132 (fig. 72)
Sully family, lady of (unidentified artist), 281 (fig. 139), 282 (fig. 140), 283, 287
Taylor, Archibald (Malbone), 184-85, 186 (fig. 96), 327n42
Taylor, William Curtis, 300, 301
Tilghman, Mary (Charles Willson Peale), 29, 31, 32 (fig. 20), 309n15
Trist, Hore Browse (Elouis), 164-69, 165 (fig. 85), 166 (fig. 86), 324nn11-13,18
Trott, Benjamin, 155, 156, 158
Anthony, Joseph, 161 (fig. 84), 162-63, 323nn6,7
Trumbull, John, 181, 181 (fig. 94), 183-84, 327n39
unidentified artist: Clap, Thomas, mourning ring for, 118 (fig. 61), 119, 120, 318n1
Eggington, Elizabeth, xiv (fig. 1), 2
Eye, 264-65, 264 (fig. 131)
Friendship or Romance Allegory, 28 (fig. 18), 29
Gentleman, c. 1850-52, 283, 284 (fig. 141)
Gourdin, Theodore, 251, 253 (fig. 127), 254-55, 256, 257-58, 333nn26,28
Hays, Solomon and Joseph, memorial for, 130-32, 131 (figs. 70, 71), 320n18
Lady, probably with initials E. P., 34, 35 (figs. 22, 23)
Landscape on reverse of Lady, 10, 12 (fig. 7)
Maternal Allegory (poss. Folwell), 136-38, 137 (fig. 75)
Memorial on reverse of Gentleman, c. 1810, 29, 30 (fig. 19)
Memorial on reverse of Gentleman, c. 1820-25 (prob. with intials G. K.), 10, 12 (fig. 8)
Romance Allegory, 27, 28 (fig. 17), 29, 308n12
Sherman, Anne (initials J. H.), 283, 285 (fig. 142), 287
Staats, Henry G., memorial for (poss. Ezra Ames), 128 (figs. 68, 69), 129
Sully family, lady of, 281 (fig. 139), 282 (fig. 140), 283, 287
Washington, George, on breast pin, 104-5, 106 (fig. 54), 107
Washington, S. C., memorial for, 138-39, 138 (fig. 76), 139
Vallée, P. R., 155
Mackie, Harriet, 140-53, 140 (fig. 77), 142, 149 (fig. 80), 321n28, 322-23nn33,35-39,42
Verstille, William: Bull, Caleb Jr., 124, 125 (fig. 66), 126-27, 319n12
Bull, Mrs. Caleb (Mary Otis) (attrib.), 124, 125 (figs. 64, 65), 319n12
Waldo, Grizzel Oliver (Copley), 61, 64 (fig. 33), 65-66, 312n33
Walton, George (Charles Willson Peale), 56 (fig. 30), 57-59, 312n26
Washington, George, 97-117
by Birch, William Russell, 106 (figs. 55, 56), 107, 109
by Bréhan, marquise de (Anne Flore Millet), 100-101, 102, 103 (fig. 51), 104, 104 (fig. 53)
memorial to, attrib. to Folwell, 110, 111 (fig. 58)
by Peale, James, 98, 99 (fig. 50), 204, 317nn28,29
by Ramage, 98, 100, 317n30
by Stuart, 105, 106
by unidentified artist, on breast pin, 104-5, 105 (fig. 54), 107
Washington, Martha (Field), 111-17, 112-15 (figs. 59, 60)
Washington, S. C., memorial for (unidentified artist), 138-39, 138 (fig. 76), 139
Watson, John, 4 (fig. 3), 5
Way, Mary, 199-200
Briggs, Charles, 200, 203 (fig. 105)
Briggs, Eliza Bassal Meiller, 200, 202 (fig. 104)
Briggs family, child of, 200, 201 (fig. 103)
Gentleman, 199-200, 199 (fig. 102)
Webb, George W., 281 (fig. 139), 283
Wenderoth, Frederick August, 300, 301
Wenderoth, Taylor, and Brown, 300-301
West, Benjamin, 52, 56, 58, 184, 229, 311n22
The Artist’s Family, 40 (fig. 26), 41
Self-Portrait, 3, 36 (fig. 24), 37-39, 39 (fig. 25), 42, 44, 46, 309nn1,4
Self-Portrait Miniature/Miniature of a Woman, 42, 43 (fig. 27)
Weston, H. F. Plowden (Fraser), 247, 248, 249 (fig. 124), 332n23
Wetherill, Susan (Cushman), 288-92, 289 (fig. 144), 290 (fig. 145), 336n13
Wier, Lucretia Tuckerman (attrib. Lovett), 10, 11 (fig. 6)
Willard, Asaph, 288
Williams, Henry, 192, 328n53
Woffington, Peg (Mercier), 26 (fig. 16), 27
Woodhouse, Samuel (Raphaelle Peale), 210-13, 211 (fig. 109), 212, 214, 329nn65,67,68
Zoffany, Johann, 16, 17 (fig. 11), 18, 308n5