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Description: The Art and Architecture of Ancient America: The Mexican, Maya and Andean Peoples
PublisherYale University Press
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References to the notes are given to the page on which the note occurs, followed by the number of the note. Thus 47431 indicates page 474, note 31. Place names preceded by a definite article are indexed under the main element; thus La Centinela will be found under Centinela.
Abaj Takalik, sculpture, 327
Acanceh, 287
monumental masks, 267
pyramid, 208, 209 (ill. 164)
Actun Balam, 281
Aesthetic activity, 34
Aesthetic contemplation, 43
Aesthetic function, 41
Africa, 38
Ahuitzol, 89, 99 (ill. 49)
Ai Apaec, Mochica deity, 396
Aija, Recuay sculpture, 377 (ill. 326)
Aké, 47731, 50226
Alban, Monte, see Monte Alban
Altar de Sacrificios, 215, 326; pottery, 281, 282 (ill. 230)
‘Altars’, 248
Alter ego figures, 338, 50638
Altiplano, 441–3
Alto, Monte, see Monte Alto
Altun Ha, 206, 243, 245 (ill. 197), 299
tumbaga, 185
Alvarado, Huaca de, see Huaca de Alvarado
Amapa-Peñitas, pottery, 49025
Amatitlan, Lake, figural censers, 543
Ameca Valley, pottery, 193 (ill. 150), 195
Ameca-Zacualco 192
Añay, 415
Ancash, 362–77
pottery, 375–7
Ancón, 363, 411
Playa Grande, 411
Andean archaeology, 341–2
Andean civilizations, 341 ff., 545
Animas, Las, ceramic styles, 141, 148–9 (ill. 102)
Anja, pottery, 454 (ill. 399)
Anthropology, 32 ff.
Antioquia, goldwork, 347, 351
Aparicio, stelae, 309, 48455
‘Apotheosis’ statues, 153 (ills. 108, 109)
Arbolillo, El, 21, 48–9, 48853
Archaeology, general, 32
Architectural characteristics, adobe construction, 365–6 (ill. 314)
‘amphitheatre’ courts, 238
barrier-mounds, 238
block masonry, 49457
cairn mode, 54
cantilevered panels, 49
cantilevered tablero, 57
carved block masonry, 234
cellular slabs, 52145
ceremonial platforms, 53
chambered pyramids, 234
chamfers, 212
circular form, 47
circular platforms (yácatas), 198
colonnaded portico, Tula, 79, 81–3
columnar supports, 212
concrete bonding, 201
corbel-roofed houses, 413–15 (ill. 361)
corbel-vault, 201, 221 ff.
corbel-vaulted galleries, 36
cut stone facings, 232
dwelling platforms, 56
fired bricks, 223, 48279
flying façades, 233
free-standing pyramid, 207–9
geomantic groups, 210
‘harmonic façades’, 230–1
interior buttresses, 225
lavatories, 221
‘mansard’ roof profile, 214
mask façades, 232
Maya vault, 201, 202 (ill. 160)
monumental archways, 241
negative batter, 173, 50228
open courtyard enclosures, 83
open volumes, 54, 55, 171
patio buildings, Tula, 83
perspective diminution, 293
pirca masonry, 460, 466
‘polygonal’ walls, 460
profile enrichment, 212
proportional groupings, 243
Puuc innovations, 233
pyramidal platform, 95
pyramid-palace, 229 ff.
re-entrant corners, 212–14
ritual centre, 54, 205
roof-comb, 201, 212, 214–15
serpent columns, 83, 86
stone tie-rods, 223
stone-working techniques, 60
tablero profile, 57–8
talus, definition, 57
talus-and-tablero, 53
temple corporation, 44
temple platforms, 55
tepetate (tufa), 51
tezontle (pumice), 89
trefoil arch, Maya, 36
true arch construction, 387
twin pyramid complexes, 49222
wooden tie-rods, 201
Arensberg head, 152
Ascope aqueduct, 386
Asia, influences of South-east, 36
settlers from North-east, 36
Atahualpa, 408
Atarco style, 436
Atetelco (La Presa), 56 (ill. 11)
murals, 54, 81
Atlatl (throwing sticks), 83
Atlihuayán, pottery, 48, 49 (ill. 4), 129
Atzcapotzalco, 64, 89, 91, 93
Augural year (260-day calendar), 113, 183
Axayacatl, 149
palace of, 96
Ayacucho basin, 546
Ayaviri, 442
Aymara, 441
Aztatlán polychrome pottery, 21, 198
Aztec Confederacy, 21, 89, 91–116
Aztec expansion, 29
Aztec mythology, 91–2, 102–5
Balakbal, 209, 228
Ball-court, Chichén Itza, 288
Cobá, 212
Copán, 217
Edzná, 295
Monte Alban, 160
Ranas, 198
Tajín, 146
Tikal, 212
Tula, 79
Uxmal, 241
Xochicalco, 70
Yagul, 171
Ball-courts, Aztec, 96, 543
Maya development, 212; see also Chichén Itza
Ball-game, 144–7, 186
Baltimore Museum of Art, pottery (Quimbaya), 352 (ill. 300)
sculpture (Diquis delta), 334 (ill. 284)
Bandelier, A. F., 34
Barbacoa, 380
Barriles, sculpture, 339
Basel, Museum für Völkerkunde, statuette (Valley of Mexico), 104 (ill. 55)
wooden relief (Tikal), 251 (ill. 200)
Batán Grande, 545
Batán ’Urqo, 455
Baul, El, 331
Becán, 22, 228–31 (ill. 181), 50226
pyramid palace, 228–31 (ills. 181, 182), 234
rectangular mask panels, 268
Bennett, W. C., 343, 400, 441, 443, 446, 454
Bennett Monolith, La Paz, 448, 449
Bering Strait, 36, 543
Berlin, Baessler Collection of Chanchan metalwork, 407
Berlin, Macedo Collection of Recuay pottery, 376
Berlin, Museum für Völkerkunde, painting (Mochica), 393 ff. (ills. 342, 344–6)
pottery (Mochica), 388 (ill. 336), 393 (ill. 342)
sculpture (Santa Lucia), 329 (ill. 277), 330 (ill. 278)
Bernal, I., 118, 163
Bilbao, sculpture from, see Santa Lucía Cotzumalhuapa
Bird, Junius, 379, 428
Blanco, Cerro, see Cerro Blanco
Bogotá, Museo del Oro, Chibcha goldwork, 353 (ill. 302)
Bohr, Niels, 32
Bolivia, 23, 441 ff.
Bollaert, W., 34
Bonampak, 4963
Stela 1, 250
Structure 1
atadura moulding, 269, 49569
murals, 74, 247, 254, 272–8 (ills 220–6), 50074
Brainerd, G. W., 299
Brooklyn Museum, pottery (Esmeraldas), 357 (ill. 305)
sculpture (Huastec), 153 (ills. 108, 109)
Builders, 43–4
Burckhardt, Jakob, 34
Burial towers, see Chullpas
Burnt-lime plaster, 49, 53
Bushnell, G. H. S., 356
Byzantine art, 36
Cabello Balboa, Miguel, 399
Cacaxtla, 21, 73–5 (ills. 29–31), 49613, 543–4
Cacha, 466
circular dwellings, 466–7
Temple of Viracocha, 466 (ill. 409)
Cachot, R. Carrión, 399
Cahuachi, 419, 421, 425, 429
Cahyup, 326, 327 (ills. 272, 273)
Cajamarca, 408, 413
pottery, 408
Cajamarquilla, 412
pottery, 412–13 (ill. 359)
tapia walling, 412
Calakmul, 228 (ill. 180)
Calancha, 417
Calendar, ritual, 89, 92, 163, 181, 183, 205, 320, 543
solar, 205; see also Augural year
Calendar stone, Tenochtitlan, Museo Nacional, Mexico City, 99–100 (ill. 50)
Calendrical inscription, 203
Calima goldwork, 23, 343, 347–9 (ills. 295, 296)
Calixtlahuaca, 89
‘Calmecac’, 97
round pyramid, 89, 91 (ill. 42)
Callejón, 375–7
sculpture, developmental stages, 377
‘Calmecac’, 97
Caluyu, 442
Cambodian architecture, 36
Cambridge, Mass., Peabody Museum, Jonuta figurines, 266
pendant (Sitio Conte), 339 (ill. 290)
pottery (Copán), 284 (ill. 234), (Sitio Conte), 340 (ill. 291)
sculpture (Plantain river), 333 (ill. 281)
Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, pottery (Guangala), 356 (ill. 304)
Campeche, 228, 545
pottery, 331 (ill. 279)
Cannibalism, 47435
Canta, houses, 415
Cantamarca province, 413 (ill. 361)
Capacha pottery, 4896, 544
Carbon 14
correlation, 206
Puuc, 233–4
Spinden, 206
Thompson, 206, 50466
dating, 31
Ancash pottery, 375
Caluyu pottery, 442
Chavín pottery, 363
Guetar sculpture, 334
Maya, 206, 296, 300–1
Nazca period, 420
Peruvian textiles, 428
Pucará ceramics, 422
Tiahuanaco, 383, 445
Uxmal, 241, 49849
half-life, 4738
Caribbean islands, 342
Carnegie Institution of Washington, 34, 36
Maya historical research, 205
Casma valley, 363, 383
Caso, Alfonso, 155, 163
decipherment of Mixtec manuscripts, 178
Cauac, 281, 49966
Cauca valley, 342
Cavernas burials, 419, 420 (ill. 364)
pottery, 423 (ill. 366), 424
textiles, 428 ff. (ill. 372)
Cempoala, see Zempoala
Centinela, La, 439
Cerro Blanco, 363, 373, 374 (ill. 323)
Cerro Colorado, textiles, 430
Cerro Culebra, 411–12
murals, 411–12
Cerro Curutrán, 196
Cerro de la Malinche, 88 (ill. 40)
Cerro de las Mesas, sculpture, 21, 141 (ill. 94), 329
Cerro Montoso, 141
Cerro Nestepe, colossal head, 122
Cerro Sechín, 23, 362–3, 363–6
architecture, 363–6 (ill. 311), 545
fence-post construction, 365
sculpture, 363, 364 (ill. 312), 365 (ill. 313)
Cerro Sorcape, 391, 392 (ill. 341)
Cerro del Tesoro, 79
Chac, 134
Chacmool figure, 36, 86, 87 (ill. 39), 198, 288, 300, 303, 307 (ill. 251), 545
Chacmultún, 234, 236
mural, 279
Chakanputun, 50351
Chakipampa pottery, 436, 454
Chalcacingo, cliff relief, 127 (ill. 79), 129, 49966, 543
Chalchihuites, 198, 200
Chamá pottery, 280, 281 (ill. 229), 331
Chan Bahlum, 223, 49338
Chanapata, 23, 455
Chancay pottery, 23, 413 (ill. 360)
Chanchan, 27, 401–5 (ills. 351, 352), 456, 546
clay decoration, 405–7 (ills. 355, 356)
climate, 405
factory compounds, 405
Huaca la Esmeralda, 406 (ill. 355)
Inca adaptation, architectural, 461
metalwork (Baessler Collection), 407
open-corner quadrangles, 402
palace compounds, 402–5 (ill. 353)
population, 403
pozos (wells), 405
Rivero compound, 402, 404 (ill. 353), 405
stages of construction, 402
Tschudi compound, 402, 404 (ill. 353), 405
Uhle compound, 402, 404 (ill. 354), 405
Chaneques (jungle spirits), 134
Chapala, Lake, 193
Chapultepee, 91
aqueduct, 92
Charcas, Las, 22
Charnay, Désiré, 37, 288
Chavín, 23, 48, 545
architecture, conical adobes, 362
terraced platforms, 363
chronology, 362–3
connected traditions with Tlatilco, 360
goldwork, 363
pottery, 379 ff.
Carbon 14 dating, 363
carved, 363
monochrome, 380
sculpture, composition, 368–9
double-profiled, 369
ideographic ciphers, 363
metaphorical allusions, 366
Chavín art, comparison with Inca art, 455
comparison with Olmec art, 134
interchangeable motifs, 379–80
natural subject matter, 373
Chavín de Huántar, 359, 369–78
Castillo, 369, 370–1 (ills. 318, 319), 373
condor reliefs, 369, 371 (ill. 319)
lanzón, 369, 370, 371 (ill. 320)
pottery, 375, 380, 389 (ill. 337), 390 (ill. 338)
Raimondi Monolith, 369–70, 371–3 (ill. 322), 433
tapestry, 411 (ill. 358)
Tello Obelisk, 369–70, 371–2 (ill. 321), 373, 47630
Chenes, 206, 232–3
Chiapas, 22, 29, 141, 331
Chibcha goldwork, 23, 343, 347, 353 (ill. 302)
Chicago Art Institute, pottery (Mochica), 388 (ill. 336), 391 (ill. 340)
(Nazca), 424 (ills. 368, 369)
Chicama Valley, 379–80, 383, 386, 387, 391
Brujo pyramid, 385
houses, 360, 362 (ill. 310), 363
Chicanel, 22
Chichén Itza, 22, 207, 286 (ill. 235), 287–99
Akab Dzib, 287
architecture, 287–99
archaism, 296
chronological sequence, 298
eclectic style, 293
ball-court, 287, 288, 295–6 (ill. 240), 298, 308 ff. (ills. 253, 254, 256)
dating, 295
order of erection by sculpture, 308
stone benches, 308–9
Caracol, 287, 288, 289 (ill. 236), 290, 293, 305–7 (ill. 249)
atadura moulding, 290
circular stone relief, 305–7 (ill. 249)
double annular vault, 290
as temple of Quetzalcoatl-Kukulcan, 290
Carbon 14 dating, 296
Castillo, 202 (ill. 160), 208, 287, 288, 290–3 (ill. 237), 296, 298, 301 (ill. 245), 305
outer temple, 290
perspective diminution, 293
serpent-columns, 303–4
substructures, 290
Castillo court, vaulted colonnades, 287, 288, 293–5, 298, 307
Chacmool temple, 288, 290, 292 (ill. 238), 293, 298, 303, 303–4, 305, 306 (ill. 250), 307, 316, 545
caryatid columns, 307
turquoise mosaic plaque, 185
chronology, Toltec buildings, 288
Court of the Thousand Columns, 295, 296, 298
High Priest’s Grave, 288, 303, 304–5
House of the Deer, 287
Iglesia, 232, 287
Mercado, 200, 288, 294 (ill. 239), 295, 296, 298
comparison with Tula, 87
dais, 308 (ill. 252)
metalwork, 313–15 (ills. 259–61), 319–20 (ill. 266)
mosaic, 185
North Colonnade, 306 (ill. 250), 307 (ill. 251)
North Temple sculpture, 310–12 (ill. 256)
Nunnery, 287
paintings, 315 (ill. 262), 316–19 (ills. 263, 264)
Platform of the Eagles, 288, 296, 296–8 (ill. 241)
primary platform, 287
Red House, 202 (ill. 160), 287
sculpture, 300–15 (ills. 245–58)
Atlantean columns, 300, 302 (ill. 246), 303 (ill. 247)
Chacmool figures, 300, 303, 307 (ill. 251), 545
on masonry veneer, 301
narrative reliefs, 288, 301
serpent-columns, 288, 300, 544, 545
stone benches, 307
Tula, comparison with, 87
skull-rack platform, see tzompantli
Spinden correlations, 296
Temple of the Jaguars, lower, 288, 296, 308, 310 (ill. 255), 311
Temple of the Jaguars, upper, 288, 295, 296, 297 (ill. 242), 305, 308
murals, 316, 317 (ill. 263), 318 (ill. 264)
pilaster reliefs, 303 (ill. 247), 312–13 (ill. 257)
Temple of the Tables, 287, 288, 303, 305
Temple of the Warriors, 86, 287, 288, 292 (ill. 238), 293, 293–5, 296, 298, 303, 304 (ill. 248), 305, 306 (ill. 250)
comparison with Tula, North Pyramid, 87
murals, 315 (ill. 262), 316, 317
sculptural decoration, 129, 302 (ill. 246), 303, 304 (ill. 248), 305, 306 (ill. 250), 307
tablero panels, 293
Tula, influence on, 77, 288
tzompantli (skull-rack), 288, 296, 313 (il. 258)
Well of Sacrifice, 287, 298
metalwork from, 313–15 (ills. 259–61), 319–20 (ill. 266), 349, 545
West Colonnade, 288, 298
Chichimec, 21, 77, 88–9
histories, 89, 115 (ill. 65)
Chiconauhtla, dwellings, 96–7 (ill. 47)
Chile, 457
Chimbote, 387
Chimor, 383, 400
Chimú, Early, 51213
Chimú, Proto, 51213
Chimú, 23, 379, 400–8, 546
architecture, 401–5
art, stereotyped figures, 407
dynasty, 400–1, 407–8
pottery, 407
rectangular town plans, 405
sculpture, 405–8
settlers, 385
textiles, 407
Chinampas, 56, 91
Chincha Islands, guano deposits, 383, 392
Chincha Valley, 420, 437–9 (ill. 383)
Chinesca figures, 21, 194 (ill. 152)
Chinese bronze, 36–7
Chiprak, 415
Chira, 5151
Chiripa pottery, 23, 441, 442, 452 (ill. 396)
Chiriquí, 339
Chixoy pottery, 280, 331
Chocolá, sculpture, 327
Cholula, 29, 47, 49, 57–9 (ills. 13–15)
comparison with square pyramid, Tajín, 139
murals, 64–5 (ill. 20)
pottery, 168, 181, 184–5
Chontales statues, 191, 338–9
Chorotega tribe, 332, 337
Chorrera pottery, 23, 356
Chotuna, Huaca, see Huaca Chotuna
Chou Dynasty, 36–7
Chronology, 31–2
Chuitinamit, stairways, 326
Chullpas (burial towers), 413, 466–7
Chupícuaro pottery, 21, 196 (ill. 155)
Chuquitanta, 23, 360, 369, 411
Ciénaga, circular marriage relief, 176
Cieza de León, Pedro, 33
Cihuacóatl, 48171
Cinnabar, 47
Class struggle, 41
‘Classic’, use of term, 32
Classic Veracruz, 65, 137, 141 ff., 198
Clavigero, Francesco, 33
Cleveland Museum of Art, goldwork (Quimbaya), 352 (ill. 301)
pottery (Oaxaca), 184 (ill. 139)
sculpture (Veracruz), 143 (ill. 97)
textiles (Necropolis), 432 (ill. 375)
tools (Gulf Coast), 121 (ill. 69)
(Ica Valley), 437 (ill. 384)
Climatic change, 47921, 546
Coatepantli (serpent wall), Tula, 82 (ill. 34), 83
Coati Island, see Titicaca
Coatlicue, 105, 106 (ill. 56)
Cobá, 205, 206, 207, 299
ball-court, 212
causeways, 207
pyramids, 214
sculpture, Stela I, 253
Cobata, colossal head from, 122 (ill. 73)
Cobo, Bernabé, 416
Coclé, 22
goldwork, 185, 339 (ill. 290), 340
possibility of Amazonian origin, 340
pottery, 339, 340 (ill. 291)
Codex, codices, definition, 113, 48731
misnomer for Mixtec manuscripts, 177; see also Manuscripts for individual listings
Coixtlahuaca, 48733, 34
Colha, 545
Colhuacan, 91
Colima pottery, 191–5 (ill. 149), 544
Collier, Donald, 358
Colombia, 23, 341, 342, 343–7, 545
goldwork, 347–53
Colorado, Cerro, see Cerro Colorado
Colossal heads, Olmec, 122–6
’El Fraile’, La Paz, 448–9
Comalcalco, 97, 215, 223, 49842
Commerce, early 43
Conchopata, 454
Concourse centre, 32
Configurations, 41–2
Conto style, 50821
Copador pottery, 22, 284 (ill. 234)
Copán, 205, 215, 216 (ill. 170), 217–19
acropolis, 216 (ill. 170), 217
Altar 2 compared to Xochicalco reliefs, 72
Altar T, 47630
ball-court, 217–19 (ill. 171)
cruciform vaults, 173
goldwork, tumbaga specimen, 347
Hieroglyphic Stairway, 219
open-volume plan, 217
pottery, 284 (ill. 234)
comparison with Nicoya ware, 337
primary platform (acropolis), 217
sculpture, 248, 249 (ill. 198), 251, 252
Temple 22
mask-panel doorway, 232, 268 (ill. 217)
Corozal architecture, use of bricks, 97
Correlation, Maya and Christian time, 300
Cosmogony, 29
Costa Rica, sculpture, 334–5 (ill. 284), 545
Costume, butterfly pectoral, 83
feather garments, 114–16
Covarrubias, Miguel, 37, 133, 134, 190, 191
Coyolxauhqui, diorite head, 110
jadeite head, 110
relief, 107, 108 (ill. 59)
stone image, 47919
Coyotlatelco, 77
Crocodile representations, 47630
Cuauhxicalli, 101, 102
Cuernavaca valley, 47
Cuicuilco, circular pyramid, 21, 46 (ill. 2), 47–8, 51, 56, 198
compared with El Ébano and Tancanhuitz, 149
figurines compared with those of Teotihuacán, 63
Cuilapan, stone slab from, 175 (ill. 129)
Culebra, Cerro, see Cerro Culebra
Culebras, 362
Culiacán, 21, 198
Culucbalom, 232
Cumbre Canal, 396
Cupisnique pottery, 379–80, 382, 389–90 (ill. 337)
stirrup spouts, 389–90
stylistic groups, 23, 380
Curutrán, Cerro, see Cerro Curutrán
Cuzco, 23, 455 ff. (ill. 401), 546
architecture, building history, 457
three masonry types, 460
trapezoidal doorways, 460
use of abrasion in masonry, 460
Casa de los Pumas, 460
Coricancha, 461 (ill. 403)
goldwork drinking vessel, 468 (ill. 412)
Inca palaces, 457
Kenko shrine, 467–8 (ill. 411)
pottery, 469
Sacsahuamán, 457–9 (ill. 402)
polygonal walls, 460
sculpture, large stone head, 468
Temple of the Sun, 457, 460
Cuzco, Museo Arqueológico, metalwork (Cuzco), 468 (ill. 412)
Dainzú sculpture, 21, 160–1 (ill. 115), 544
Darién style, 23, 347, 349 (ill. 297)
David, Jacques-Louis, 38
Dawson, L. E., 420
Diachronous method, 28
Diego Rivera Collection, 191
Diffusion, 35
Diffusionists, 47422
Dragón, Huaca, see Huaca Dragón
Draught animals, 60
Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek (Dresden Codex), 203, 204 (ill. 162), 320–2 (ill. 268)
Dzibilchaltun, 22, 205, 287, 545
Dzibilnocac, sculpture, mask-façades, 232, 269
Early Christian art, 36
Earth goddess, 105
Ébano, El, circular temple, 21, 149
Ecuador, 23, 341, 342, 354–8, 545, 546
Edzná, 22, 234, 234–6 (ill. 185)
ball-court, 295
Egypt, 36
Egyptian archaeology, 38
Eight Deer, 179 (ill. 133), 180 (ill. 134), 181
Ekholm, G., 36, 198
‘Empires’, simultaneous emergence of, 45
Escuintla Department, sculpture, 22, 329 (ill. 276), 331, 543
Esmeraldas pottery, 23, 354, 356, 357 (ill. 305), 545
Esperanza, Finca La, see Finca La Esperanza
Estaquería, La, 421
Ethnology, 33, 40
Etla, funerary vessels, 160, 163
Etzatlán tomb, 191
Evans, C., 363
Feathered serpent forms, history, 288–90
Fempellec, 399
Festivals of the Calendar, 92
Fifty-two-year cycle, 89, 113
Finca la Esperanza, 22
Mounds A, B, 325
tablero panels, 325
Finca Miraflores, mound group E III, 22, 325
Finlandia, goldwork, 352
Florence, Officina Pietre Dure, sculpture (Teotihuacán), 62 (ill. 18)
Florescent era of Andean studies, 32
Förstemann, E., 40
Fortress cities, 81
‘Fraile. El’, colossal head, La Paz, 448 9
honeycomb dwellings, ball, rectangular, and puddled adobe, 382
pottery, resist-negative painting, 382
stirrup spouts, 390
sites, 382
wall construction, cane-mould bricks, 382
Gayton, A. H., 420
Gestalt psychology, 42
Gifford, E. W., 194
Gnomon groups, 49224
Goldwork, see Antioquia, Bogotá, Calima, Chibcha, Cleveland Museum of Art, Colombia, Darién, Finlandia, Mixtec, Quimbaya, Sinú Valley, Tairona, Tolima
Grid-plans, 48043, 52034
Ollantaytambo, 462
Pikillaqta, 455–7
Viracochapampa, 455–7
Guaman Poma de Ayala, Felipe, 469, 543
Guañape, 360
Guangala pottery, 23, 356 (ill. 304)
Guanin (gold alloy), 347
Guano, 383, 392, 5112
Guápiles jades, 338
Guasave pottery, 21, 198 (ill. 158)
Guatemala, Museo Nacional, pottery (Altar de Sacrificios), 282 (ill. 230)
(Uaxactún) 279 (ill. 227), 284 (ill. 233)
sculpture (Kaminaljuyú), 328 (ill. 275)
(Nebaj), 264 (ill. 213)
(Piedras Negras), 254–5 (ills. 203–5)
Guatemalan Highlands, 325–32, 543
ceramic history, 331
Mexican stimuli to monumental sculpture, 326
pottery, 331–2
Teotihuacán influence, 325
Toltec ascendancy, 332
Guayaquil, 354
Guerrero, 29
sculpture, 189–91 (ill. 148)
Guetar, 332, 334
Gulf Coast, 117 ff., 544
Haldas, Las, 362
Hallucinogens, 47439
Hellenistic architecture, 36
Hentze, C., 37
Hochob, 208, 232, 232–3 (ill. 184), 269, 290, 49454
Holactún, 234
Holmes, W. H., 34
Holmul, Group II, Building A, serpent-façade, 232, 267 (ill. 216)
Group V, vase paintings, 281–4
Honduras, 215, 281, 284, 332
‘Horizon’, use of term, 32
Hormiguero, El, ‘harmonic façades’, 230–1
pyramid palace, 228
towers with ornamental masks, 268
Horses, absence of, 36
Huaca Chotuna, moulded adobe friezes, 397, 400
Huaca de Alvarado, 439
Huaca de los Reyes, 23, 360, 361 (ill. 309)
Huaca Dragón, 397, 399 (ill. 348), 400
Huaca Pintada, mural, 399
Huaca Prieta, 23, 360, 362 (ill. 310)
incised gourds, 379 (ill. 327)
Huacas (sacred places), 467
Huajuapan, pottery urn from, 183–4 (ill. 138)
Huamachuco, 408, 408–9
pottery, 409
Huancaco, Castillo, 384
Huaraz Museum, 461
Huari, 23, 35, 434, 454–5 (ill. 398); see also Tiahuanaco, pottery
Huastec, 29
carved shell ornaments, 151 (ill. 106)
sculpture, 151–3 (ills. 107–9), 544
Huasteca, 117, 149–53
Huilocintla Stela, 152
Huitzilopochtli, 89, 100, 105
feather garments, 114
Humboldt, Alexander von, 34, 37
Hut mode, 54
Hutchinson, T. J., 34
Ibarra Grosso, D., 445
Ica, 23
pottery, 437 (ill. 383)
tools, 437 (ill. 384)
Ica River, 419
Iconography, natural, conventional, and intrinsic representations, 39–40
Mochica, 394–6
Iguala, 189
Illimo, goldwork, 400 (ill. 349)
Ilopango, volcanic eruption, 545
Inca, architecture, 23, 457–67
architectural traditions, 465
art, comparison with Chavín art, 455
art, intrinsic meaning, 469
Empire, 31
boundaries, 457
road, 457
sculpture and painting, 467–9
siting, 462, 464
towns, 462
Inca Pachacuti, burial place at Kenko, 468
Inca Roca, 457
India, 36
Infiernillo, 196
Ingenio River, 421
Instrumental forms, 39
Intrinsic meaning, general, 39–40
Inty Pata, 463
Irazú, Mount, 334
Islamic architecture, 36
Israel, lost tribes of, 35
Isthmus of Panama, 28
Isthmus of Tehuantepec, 28, 30
Itzam Cab Ain, 47630
Itzcoatl, 91
Iximche, pottery, 331
Ixkun, roadway, 207
sculpture, Stela I, 253
Ixtlán, 21, 48916
pottery figures, 192, 193, 194–5 (ills. 153, 154)
Izapa, 22
pottery, 280, 331
sculpture, 126, 161, 325, 326–9 (ill. 274), 544
Jade, see Lapidary crafts
Jaina Island, pottery, 266 (ill. 215), 281
Jalapa (San Lorenzo sculpture), 122 (ill. 72), 125 (ill. 76)
Jalisco, 191–5
Japan, influence on pottery, 343, 355
Jefferson, Thomas, and stratigraphie methods, 31
Jequetepeque, 379
Jiquilpan pottery, 21, 196–7 (ill. 156)
Jonuta pottery, 266
Juan, Josef, 416
Juan Pablo, 424
Jucutacato, Lienzo de, 198
Junin, Lake, 457
Justlahuaca, cave paintings, 134
Kabah, 234, 241
Kaminaljuyú, 22, 545
architecture, 49, 51 (ill. 6), 325–6 (ill. 271)
jade carvings, 264
pottery, 184, 279–80 (ill. 227), 331
sculpture, 141, 143, 325, 327–8 (ill. 275), 48211
Kant, Immanuel, 41
Katak, Macedo Collection of Recuay pottery, 376
Kelemen, Pál, 38
Kelly, I., 191
Kenko, 467–8 (ill. 411)
Keros, 469
Khmer temples, 36
Kidder, A. V., 36
Killke pottery, 469
Kingsborough, E., 37
‘Kochamama’ figure, La Paz, 450–2 (ill. 395)
Kohunlich, platform, 49447
Kotosh, 23, 360 (ill. 308)
Kroeber, A. L., 400, 420
Kugler, Franz, 35, 37, 38
Kukulcan, 88, 290; see also Quetzalcoatl
Kullpi houses, 413–15 (ill. 361)
Labná, 234, 241
Lacquer, 49021
Laguna Caldera, volcanic eruption, 545
Laguna de los Cerros, 117
Lamanai, 545
Lambayeque, 23, 379, 397–400 (ill. 349), 401 (ill. 350), 51340, 44
Lambayeque River, 397
Lambityeco, 21, 160, 163
Landa, Fray Diego de, 33
La Paz, Museo al Aire Libre, sculpture (Tiahuanaco), 449 (ill. 393)
La Paz sculpture, ‘anticephalic’ reliefs, 448–9
Bennett Monolith, 448, 449
double figures, 449
‘El Fraile’, 448–9
Kochamama’ figure, 451
stela, 448
Sun Gate, 449–50
Lapidary crafts
Aztec, 110
Jade, Guápiles, 338
Leyden Plate, 126, 247, 264
Maya, 264, 545
Nicoya axe blades, 337–8
Olmec figurines, 132
carvings, 130–2, 545
Jadeite, 110
Tarascan, 197
Turquoise, 110, 48853
mosaic plaque from Chichén Itza, 185
mosaic shields, 185
mosaics from a Mixteca cave, 185
Larco Hoyle, R., 359, 363, 380
‘Laughing figurines’, 148–9
La Venta, 21, 117 ff. (ill. 66), 360
Altar 1, 120
Altar 4, 126
Altar 5, 126–7 (ill. 78)
altar stones, 126
ball-court, 119
jaguar mask mosaic in north court, 119 (ill. 67)
Monument 6, 120, 120–1 (ill. 71)
reliefs, 121
sculpture, 119 ff.
clay figurines, 130–2 (ills. 82, 83)
colossal heads, 119, 121, 122–6 (ill. 75)
jade figurines, 120, 130–2 (ill. 84)
Stelas 2 and 3, 127–9 (ill. 80)
stone sarcophagus, see Monument 6
Leche River, 397, 545
Lempa River, 215, 332
Leyden Plate, 126, 247, 264
Lima, 23
Linguistic ‘drift’, 42
Literary sources, 40
Liverpool, Free Public Museum (Codex Féjerváry-Mayer), 182 (ill. 136)
London, British Museum, Mixtec shield, 185
plan of sun temple at Pachacamac, 416
Codex Zouche-Nuttall, 178 (ill. 131), 180 (ill. 134)
sculpture (Teotihuacán), 60, 62 (ill. 17)
(Yaxchilán), 259 (ill. 208)
wooden drum (Mixtec), 185 (ill. 140).
Lucre, 455
Machalilla pottery, 23, 356, 51231
Machu Picchu, 463–4 (ill. 406)
Madrid, Museo de América, Codex Madrid, 323 (ill. 270)
Quimbaya goldwork, 351
Magdalena Valley, 343
Mahamaes, 405
Maler, T., 34
Malinalco, 47
murals, 111–12 (ill. 62)
temples, 95–6 (ill. 45)
wooden drum, 102 (ill. 53), 103
Malinche, Cerro de la, see Cerro de la Malinche
Mamom, 22, 265, 545
Manabí, sculpture, 23, 354, 355, 357–8 (ills. 306, 307)
Manizales, goldwork, 352
Mantaro Valley, 35, 453–5
pottery, 453–5 (ill. 399)
bar numerals, 181
Books of Chilam Balam, 206
calendar symbol, 181, 183
chronological table, 181
Codex Bodley, 179, 180 (ill. 134), 181
Codex Borbonicus, 113, 113–14 (ill. 64), 149, 181, 543
Codex Borgia, 113, 151, 181, 182 (ill. 137), 183, 47630, 544
Codex Colombino-Becker, 176, 180 (ill. 135), 181
Codex Cospi-Bologna, 181, 544
Codex Dresdensis, 203–5 (ill. 162), 320, 322 (ill. 268)
Codex en Croix, 113
Codex Féjerváry-Mayer, 70–2, 181, 182 (ill. 136), 544
Codex Grolier, 203, 50466
Codex Laud, 70–2, 171, 181
Codex Madrid, see Codex Troano-Cortesianus
Codex Mendoza, 113
Codex Peresianus, 203, 320, 322, 323 (ill. 269)
Codex Selden, 179, 181
Codex Telleriano-Remensis, 113, 181
Codex Troano-Cortesianus (Codex Madrid), 181, 203–5, 320, 322, 323 (ill. 270)
Codex Vaticanus A, 181
Codex Vaticanus B, 181, 544
Codex Vienna, 178–9 (ills. 132, 133), 179–81
Codex Xolotl, 89, 113, 115 (ill. 65), 178
Codex Zouche-Nuttall, 176, 178 (ill. 131), 179, 180 (ill. 134), 181
comparison with Cholula polychrome pottery, 181
cursive style, 113
lienzos, definition, 177
mapas, definition, 177
maps, Lienzo de Zacatepeque, 179
Mapa Quinatzin, 89
Mapa Tlotzin, 89
Rickards, 179
Mixtec, compared with Aztec murals, 110, 112
Mixtec genealogical, 77, 83, 89, 113, 155, 168, 169, 177–83; see also individual listings
comparison with Marriage Reliefs, 176
Mixtec screenfolds, 177
Paris Codex, see Codex Peresianus
Maranga, 412
Marca Huamachuco, 408
Marriage reliefs, 175–6 (ill. 129)
Martínez de Compañón, 51459
Marxist stereotype, Classic Maya denial of, 201
Matlazinca, 89
Matzanel, 22
Maudslay, A. P., 34
Maxcanú, 233
compared with Chavín, 369
archaeology, pre-Classic, Classic, post-Classic, 22, 31
archaic form of language, 117
history, 205–7
manuscripts, Codex Dresdensis, 203–4, 320, 322
Codex Peresianus, 203, 320, 322
extant, 320
screenfold, 203
writing, ‘hieroglyphs’, 203
initial-series statements, 203, 205, 215, 225
zero glyphs, 183
Maya architecture, 201 ff., 544–5
ball-court development, 212
carved block masonry, 234
chamfers, 212
Chenes style, serpent-framed doorways, 232, 267–70
chultunes (cisterns), 233
colonnette façades, 269
columnar supports, 212
concrete bonding, 201
dating, 201
decoration, 267–70
dwellings, 201–3
East Coast, beam-and-mortar roofs, 300
negative batter, 299
recessed lintels, 299
trapezoidal doorways, 299
eclecticism, 300
flying façades, 201, 233
‘mansard’ roof profile, 214
mask-façades, 232, 267–70
monumental archways, 241
perspective correction, 241
perspective diminution, 293
Petén, functional types, 207–12
profile enrichment, 212
proportional composition, 215
Puuc innovations, 233
pyramid-palace, 229–31
re-entrant corners, 212–14
roof-comb, 201, 212, 214–15
techniques, 201, 212 ff.
three-part atadura mouldings, 269
vault, 201–3 (ill. 160), 214–15
wooden tie-rods, 201
Maya Civilization, 201 ff.
Classic priest-ruler, 278
comparison with Greeks, 30
decline, 298
Mexican highland influence, 287
milpa system, 205
modesty of Maya natives, 312
obsession with recorded permanence, 205
religion, 321–2
‘Renaissance’, 233, 308
written signs of, 27
Maya, Classic, archaeology, 31–2
definition, 201
extant manuscripts, 203–5
ritual centres, 205
stela cult, 203, 215
stela defined, 203
three basic city types, 205; see also individual sites
Maya painting, 271–9, 544, 545
figural style, 271
murals, Chichén Itza, 316
landscapes, 316
pictorial space, 316
pigments, 272
preparatory drawings, 272
technique, 272
Maya pottery, 265–7
‘gouged-and-incised’, 265
Jaina Island figurines, 266
plano-relief carving, 265
Tepeu figurines, 266
Tzakol figurines, 266
Maya pottery painting, 279–85
Alta Verapaz, 284
caricatures, 281
Chamá style, 281
Copador pottery of Copán, 284
pigments, 284
firing temperatures, 279
intricate narrative scenes, 281
painted stucco incrustation, 279
Ratinlixul litter vase, 281
re-entrant composition, 280
Maya sculpture, 247 ff., 543, 545
architectural, 267 ff.
curvilinear masks, 268–9
mosaic masks, 268
serpent-façade, 267
figural compositions, 248
figural reliefs, 248 ff.
hierarchic scale, 250
narrative, 253 ff.
pictorial effects, 253–4
symbolic system, 248
violence, 253
visual scale, 250
zoomorphs, 253
geometric architectural decorations, 247
gilded copper disks, 319–20
gold disks, 313–15
heraldic styles, 315
pictorial space, 315
jade, 264
Leyden Plate, 126, 247, 264
materials, 247
stela figure, 248
as ‘classic motif’, 248–50
frontal, 250
phases, 248–50
profile, 248–50
stelae, 248
effigy sceptre, 248
serpent bar, 248
Mayahuel, 107
Mayapán, 22, 207, 287, 298–9, 50226, 544, 545
Castillo, 208, 298–9 (ill. 243)
Mazapan pottery, 77
Means, P. A., 461
Mercedes sculpture, 22, 334 (ill. 283), 335 (ill. 285)
Mesas, Cerro de las, see Cerro de la Mesas
Metallurgy, 30, 185–6
Metaphorical system, 66
Metates, orthogonal character, 335
Metepec, 47750, 4781
Mexica (Tenochca), 91
Mexico, 21, 47 ff., 543, 544
Mezcala, 21, 190
axes, 190 (ill. 147)
masks, 191 (ill. 148)
temple model, 189–90 (ill. 146)
Mezcala River, 189–90, 191
Michoacán, 29, 189, 196–8
Mictlantecuhtli, 112 (ill. 63)
Middendorf, E. W., 34
Migrations, Ice Age, 36
Scandinavian, 36
Minchançaman, 401, 405
Minoan archaeology, 38
Mirador, El, 544
Miraflores, Finca, see Finca Miraflores
Misantla, 141, 143–4
Mistequilla, 117
Mitla, 21, 155, 168–9, 169–77 (ill. 125), 236
architecture, 169–75 (ill. 125)
closed-corner quadrangles, 171
linked courtyards, 169
open-corner quadrangles, 171
panelled friezes, 173
trachyte slabs, 169
Arroyo Group, 171
murals, 176–7 (ill. 130)
Church Group, 171, 175
murals, 176–7 (ill. 130)
comparison with Tajín Chico, 139
cruciform tombs, 160, 169, 171–3 (ill. 126)
Group of the Columns, 171, 171 ff. (ill. 127)
mosaics, 174 (ill. 128), 175, 48725
northernmost group, 171
southernmost group, 169
Tomb 7, 169
westernmost group, 169
Mitla, Museo Frissell (Huajuapan urn), 184 (ill. 138)
Mixtec, 29, 155, 168–86
codices, see Manuscripts; dynasties, 21, 169, 178
goldwork, 185–6 (ills. 142, 143)
mosaic, 185 (ill. 141)
pottery, 183–5 (ill. 139)
sculpture, 185 (ill. 140)
Mixteca Alta, 155
Mixteca Baja, 155
Mocachi, 443
Moche, 359
houses, 386 (ills. 334, 335)
Pyramid of the Moon, 384, 385
murals, 393
Pyramid of the Sun, 384 (ills. 331, 332), 385 (ill. 333)
pottery, 396
unbonded columns and walls, 385
Tiahuanaco pottery, 396
tombs, pottery, 387
Mochica, 23, 359, 379 ff., 546
civilization, 383
metallurgy, ‘disappearing’ techniques hypothesis, 392
religion, 396
Mochica architecture, 383–7
Ascope aqueduct, 386
box-tomb, 387
Castillo of Huancaco, 384
La Cumbre Canal, 386
rectangular adobe bricks, 383
tomb model, 387
true arch construction, 387
Mochica painting, 392–6 (ills. 342–6)
landscape, 395
murals, 393
Mochica pottery, 387 ff. (ills. 330, 334–6, 339–46)
anatomical modelling, 390
bichrome, 380
chronology, 392–3
Early, 390–1
erotic subject matter, 387, 395
heads, 390–1
humour expressed, 396
identical replicas on portrait vessel, 387
indoor scenes, 394
metaphoric clusters, 394
monsters, 395
mountain sacrifice theme, 391
painting of movement, 392
portraiture, 394
relation to irrigation works, 387
residential hillock model in Lima Museum, 386
stirrup-mouth vessels, 387–9
tactile sensitivity, 387
Mochica sculpture, 387–92
Moctezuma, palace of, 96
Moctezuma II, 100
Models, architectural, 189–90 (ill. 146), 52145
Monte Alban, 21, 29, 56–7, 137, 154 (ill. 110), 155 ff., 543, 544
architecture, 154 (ill. 110), 155–60
‘amphitheatre’ designs, 160
balustrades, 160
façade elevation, 159
panelled friezes, 159, 160, 169
quartzite blocks, 169
ball-court, 160
comparison with Teotihuacán, 156, 158, 159, 160
Danzantes Temple, 156, 158; see also sculpture, below
dwellings, 158–9 (ill. 113)
Group M buildings, 157 (ill. 112), 160
main plaza, 156, 157
metalwork, 176, 185–6 (ill. 142), 187 (ill. 144)
Mound H, 157
Mound J, 155–6, 159–60, 162–3 (ill. 117), 163
Mound L, 161–2 (ill. 116)
Mound S, 158–9
Mound X, 156 (ill. 111), 157
mural paintings, tombs 104 and 105, 166 (ill. 122), 167 (ill. 123), 175
pottery, 163–5 (ills. 120, 121)
sculpture, 159 (ill. 114), 160–5 (ills. 116–19)
Bazán stela, 163, 164 (ill. 119), 48612
Danzantes slabs, 159, 161–2 (ills. 116, 117), 544
face urn from Tomb 77, 165 (ill. 120)
glyphs, 163
stelae, 94, no. 2, 163, 164 (ill. 118)
no. 13, 48211, see also Bazán stela; ‘triumphal’
stelae, 160
System IV, 157, 160
temple model, 159 (ill. 114)
Tomb 7, 160, 176
carved jaguar bones, 185
Mixtec metal treasure, 168, 176, 185–6 (ill. 142), 187 (ill. 144)
Tomb 104, 160; see also mural paintings
Tomb 105, 158 (ill. 113), 159, 160; see also mural paintings
tombs, 160
Monte Alto, sculpture, 327
Monte Negro, 4866
Montezuma the Elder, 114
Montoso, Cerro, see Cerro Montoso
Monumental form, 54
Morning Star cult, 88
Mosaics, turquoise chip, 185
Motagua Valley, 205, 206, 215, 251
Mould-made figurines, 356
Moxeke, 23, 363, 366–8
architecture, conical adobes, 366
platform-temple, 366–8 (ills. 315, 316)
sculpture, carved clay reliefs, 368 (ill. 316)
Muisca, 353, 5076
Muna, 50226
Mycenaean architecture, 36
Naachtún, 228
Náhuatl, 29, 33
Nakum, roadway, 207
Structure D, 210
Nançen-pinco, 401
Nayarit-Colima zone, 191
Nayarit pottery, 191, 193–5 (ills. 151, 152)
Naymlap, 399, 400 (ill. 349)
Nazca, 23, 66, 363, 419–39
art sequence, 419–20
Carbon 14 dating, 420
colossal ground drawings, 421, 422 (ill. 365), 427 (ill. 370), 546
graves, Carbon 14 dating, 420
pottery, 419, 423 ff. (ills. 368, 369, 380, 381)
Cahuachi, 425
Cavernas, firing, 424
shapes, 423, 424
composition, 426
conceptual abstractions, 423
cosmetic line, 425
‘crusting’, 424
effigy vessels, 425
falcon motifs, 426–8
feline motifs, 426, 427
forms, intrinsic meaning, 427
heterogeneous order, 426
iconography, 426–8
‘jagged-staff demon’ form, 427
killer-whale motifs, 426–8
metaphorical composition, 427–8
Necropolis shapes, 423–4
resist painting, 425
repetitious order, 427
rounded bases, 423
processional paths, 421, 429 (ill. 370), 546
textiles, 428–34 (ills. 371, 375)
Nebaj, 326
jade carvings, 264 (ill. 213), 265
pottery, 331
Necropolis, burial structures, 419, 420 (ill. 364)
pottery, 419, 423–4 (ill. 367)
textiles, 419, 428 ff. (ills. 373–9).
Negro, Monte, see Monte Negro
Neolithic forms, Classic Maya art, 201
Nepeña valley, 363, 379
Nestepe, Cerro, see Cerro Nestepe
New Fire Ceremony, Xochicalco, 73
New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery, pottery (Campeche Coast), 331 (ill. 279)
(Colima), 192 (ill. 149)
(Ixtlán), 194 (ill. 153)
(Nayarit), 193 (ill. 151)
(Tlatilco), 48 (ill. 3)
(Veracruz), 148 (ill. 102)
sculpture (Guerrero), 191 (ill. 148)
tools (Mezcala), 190 (ill. 147)
New Orleans, Middle American Research Institute, Huastec gorget, 151 (ill. 106)
New York, American Museum of Natural History, pottery (Cavernas), 423 (ill. 366)
(Chiripa), 452 (ill. 396)
(Guasave), 198 (ill. 158)
(Teotihuacán), 63 (ill. 19)
(Tiahuanaco), 452 (ill. 397)
(Tohil), 332 (ill. 280)
(Veracruz), 148 (ill. 103)
sculpture (Chavín), 372 (ill. 321)
(Mercedes), 335 (ill. 285)
(Oaxaca), 121 (ill. 70)
(Valley of Mexico), 110 (ill. 61)
(Veracruz), 143 (ill. 98)
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, goldwork (Calima), 348–9 (ills. 295, 296)
(Darién), 349 (ill. 297)
New York, Museum of the American Indian, Mixtec shield, 185
mosaic (Mixtec), 185 (ill. 141)
pottery (San Agustín Acasaguastlán), 265 (ill. 214)
sculpture (Manabí), 357–8 (ills. 306, 307)
New York, former von Schoeler Collection, pottery (Mochica), 388 (ill. 336)
Nezahualcoyotl, palace of, 96
Nicaragua, 22, 332, 336, 338, 339
Nicoya, 22, 336
jades, 332, 337–8 (ill. 288)
pottery, 332, 336–7 (ill. 287)
Nine Lords of the Night, 183
Nopaltzin, 89
Nopiloa pottery, 148–9 (ill. 103)
Noriega, 48728
Nuclear America, 28
Ñuiñe style, 21, 155, 183–4 (ill. 138)
Oaxaca, Museo Regional, metalwork (Monte Alban), 186 (ill. 142), 187 (ill. 144)
Oceania, 38
Ocós, 22
pottery, 356
pyramidal platform, 325
Ocucaje, mound, 421
pottery, 424, 425
textiles, 429
Okolhuitz, rectangular mask panels, 268
Ollantaytambo, 462–3 (ill. 405)
Olman, 117
Olmec, 21, 29, 48, 117 ff., 543, 544, 545
architecture, 118–19
art compared with Chavín art, 134
civilization, 117
ethnic type, 117
instrumental forms, 120
dating, 189
Olmec-Guerrero, 189–91
Opeño, El, 21, 196, 49020
Open-volume compositions, 55
Orbigny, Alcide d’, 34, 37
Oropesa, 457
Ortices phase, tomb building, 21, 191
Ostiones River, 356
Otlamaxac, 171
Oxford, Codex Bodley, 180 (ill. 134)
Oxkintok, 22, 241, 300
Oxtotitlán, cave paintings, 134–5 (ill. 89)
Pacal, 223, 279, 49338, 49727, 32, 545
Pacasmayo, 383, 401
Pacatnamú, 385, 405
Pacayas, Las, 334
Pacchas, 51957
Pachacamac, 23, 411, 414 (ill. 362), 415–17 (ill. 363)
Nunnery, 416, 416–17, 465–6
pottery, 416, 417, 437
Sun Temple, 415, 416, 465–6
British Museum plan, 416
Temple of Pachacamac, 415–16 (ill. 363), 416
murals, 416
textiles, 400, 417
Pachacuti, 457, 459, 468
Pacheco, pottery, 434–6 (ills. 380, 381), 454
site near Nazca, 434
Pacific highlands, 30
Aztec, 110–16
conceptual perspective, 65
Maya, 271–9
Mixtec murals, 176–7
motifs, coyote figures, 65
jaguar figures, 65
Quetzalcoatl, 149
rain-god figures, 65
year-sign, 176
mural, 53, 167
preparatory drawings, 272
paint applied after firing, 65
pigments, 51728
mural, 272
Tiahuanaco, 452
red and white on yellow, 49
red on white, 49
Tamuín murals, 149
techniques, mural, 167, 176
white on red, 49
Pakistan, 36
Palenque, 209, 215, 219–23 (ill. 173), 545
corbel-vaults, 221 ff.
double-range parallel chambers, 219–21
Early, Middle, and Late Classic periods, 219
House C, reliefs, 261–2, 263 (ill. 212)
Palace, 210, 221
lavatories, 221
tower, 221–3 (ill. 174)
Ruz tomb, 261 (ill. 210)
sculpture, 215, 248, 260 (ill. 209), 261–2 (ill. 210), 263 (ill. 212), 279, 280 (ill. 228), 303
Temple of the Cross, 202 (ill. 160), 223, 49338
Temple of Inscriptions, 222 (ill. 175), 223, 49338, 545
monolithic sarcophagus, 223, 279, 280 (ill. 228), 50336
stone tie-rods, 223
Pallasca sculpture, 461 (ill. 404)
Palmar, 334, 335
Palpa River, markings on pampa, 421, 422 (ill. 365)
Pampa de los Fósiles, 380
Panamá, isthmus of, metallurgy, 185, 339–40, 545
Pañamarca, murals, 393
Pánuco River, 117
Papagayo pottery, 337
Paracas Peninsula, 23, 363, 419–34
burial structures, 420 (ill. 364)
pottery, 419, 423–8 (ills. 366, 367)
textiles, 428–34 (ills. 372–9)
Paraiso, El, 4902
Paramonga, ‘fortress’, 401
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Codex Peresianus, 323 (ill. 269)
Codex Xolotl, 115 (ill. 65)
Paris, Musée de l’Homme, sculpture (Pallasca), 461 (ill. 404)
Paris, Palais Bourbon, Bibliothèque, Codex Borbonicus, 114 (ill. 64)
Pashash, 51132, 52145
Patecatl, 113
Path mode, 54
Patzcuaro, Lake, yácatas, 197, 544
Paya tribes, 333
Payán, towers with ornamental masks, 268
Paz, La, see La Paz
Perceptual quality, 39
Pérez de Barradas, 343
Perspective, 39, 241
Peru, 23, 359 ff., 545
Peruvian textiles, ambiguity of form, 433
brocades, 429
Carbon 14 dating, 428
Cavernas colours, 429
curvilinear group, 430
double cloths, 429
embroidery, 428 ff.
fibres (alpaca, llama, vicuña), 429
floating warp patterns, 429
gauzes, 429
ideographic style, 431
loom techniques, 429
Nazca embroideries, 433–4
Norweb Cloth, Cleveland, 432 (ill. 375)
painted cloths, 432
Paracas embroideries, 430 ff.
pictorial style, 432
plectogenic style, 430, 431
rectilinear group, 430–2
spinning, 429
stem stitch, 429
table of stylistic groups, 430
tapestry technique, 429
twills, 429
Péten, 205, 205–6, 207 ff., 251, 278, 49220
geomantic groups (architecture), 210
Phallic statues, 36
Philadelphia Museum of Art, pottery (Ameca Valley), 193 (ill. 150)
(Nayarit), 194 (ill. 152)
Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Museum, 34
goldwork (Quimbaya), 351 (ill. 299)
(Tolima), 350 (ill. 298)
pottery (Ratinlixul), 281 (ill. 229)
sculpture (Ulúa Valley), 333 (ill. 282)
Philology, 33
Piedras Negras, 214, 215, 223, 226 (ill. 178), 227–8
acropolis, 225, 227 (ill. 179)
baths, 228
sculpture, Palace J6 throne, 254
range of means, 258
reliefs, 247, 250, 253–4
stelae, 215, 248, 254–8 (ills. 204, 205)
wall panel 3, 250, 253–4 (ill. 203)
Structure O13, 227, 228
temple pyramid K5, 227
Xochicalco, relation to, 68, 73
Pijoan, José, 38
Pikillaqta, 410, 455–7 (ill. 400)
Pilco Kayma, see Titicaca Island
Pintada, Huaca, see Huaca Pintada
Pipil tribes, 92, 329
Pisac, 463
Pisco Valley, 420, 438 (ill. 385), 439
Piura, Domingo Seminario Urrutia, pottery (Vicús), 382 (ill. 330)
Plano en Papel de Maguey, 93 (ill. 43)
Play impulses, 41
Playa Grande, 411
Pleistocene, 42–3
Pokotia, sculpture, 443, 444 (ill. 388)
Pollen deposits, 47623
Polygenesis, 35–7
Populations, 60, 543
Posnansky, A., 443, 450
Potrero Nuevo, atlantean table, 126, 129 (ill. 81)
‘Aztatlán’ polychrome, 198
carved, 265
Cholula, firme (hard-fixed), 184
laca (lacquered), 184
mate (matt), 184
Conchopata, 454
Coyotlatelco, 77
figurines: Colima style, 191–5
Ameca Valley group, 192, 193, 195
‘coffee bean’ eyes, 192
red-ware, 193
Manabí, ‘coffee-bean’ eyes, 356
Maya, 265–7
Nayarit, 191–5
Quimbaya, 352
Zacatenco, 48, 196
firing temperatures, 279
Huancayo, 454
Inca, 469
Maya, 279–85
Mazapan, 77
Mixtec, 183–5
Mochica, see Mochica pottery
Nazca and Paracas, 423–8
open-kiln firing, 375
Pacheco, 454
plumbate (lead glaze), 22, 331–2
polychrome tripod vessels, 184
reduction-firing, 375
sequences, 35
styles, 31
techniques, ‘gouged-and-incised’, 265
lacquer inlay, 196–7
Tiahuanaco, see Tiahuanaco pottery
Ticoman, see Ticoman pottery
white-on-red, 375
Precinct mode, 54
Presa, La, see Atetelco
Prescott, W. H., 35
Prieta, Huaca, see Huaca Prieta
Princeton University Art Museum, pottery (Xochipala), 188 (ill. 145)
Proportion, 39
Proskouriakoff, T., 248, 248–50
Providence Museum of Art, textiles (Necropolis), 434 (ill. 379)
Pucará, 23
architecture, 441
pottery, 413, 441–3 (ill. 387)
sculpture, 441–3 (ill. 386)
Puebla Valley, 47
Puerto Hormiga, pottery, 23, 355
Punkurí, sculpture, 363, 368 (ill. 317)
Purgatorio, El, 397, 398 (ill. 347)
Pusilhá, 4902
Putun Maya, 5001
Puuc, 22, 206, 233–43, 545
stelae, 233–4
Qeya phase, 23, 452 (ill. 397)
Quemada, La, buildings, 198, 200
Quetzalcoatl, 47, 88, 290
dynasty of, 91
mural representation, 149
round temples of, 288–90; see also Kukulcan
Quimbaya, 23
goldwork, 343, 347, 351–3 (ills. 299, 301)
pottery, 352 (ill. 300), 375–6
Quinatzin, 89
Quinoa, 413
Quiriguá, 215, 218 (ill. 172), 219, 545
Altar O, 252 (ill. 201), 253
bath-houses, 219
prismatic envelope, 252–3
sculpture, 204 (ill. 161), 248, 250 (ill. 199), 252–3 (ills. 201, 202), 258, 261
Structures 1–5, 219
Zoomorphs O and P, 252 (ill. 201), 253 (ill. 202)
Quito, 457
Ranas, Las, 21, 198–200 (ill. 159)
Ratinlixul pottery, 280–1 (ill. 229)
Recuay, 23
crested jaguar ciphers, 375
Macedo Collection (Katak pottery), 376
pottery, 375–6 (ills. 324, 325), 412
sculpture, warriors (Aija), 377 (ill. 326)
Styles A and B, 376
Reichlen, H., 408
Remojadas, 21, 141, 148, 48562
Reventazón valley, 22, 335
Río Bec, 22, 228–31
architectural sculpture, 268–9
comparison with Tajín Chico, 139
’harmonic façades’, 230–1
pyramid-palace, 228 ff.
sculpture, rectilinear ornament, 269
Río Chiquito, 117
Río Grande de Nazca, 419
Río Seco, 5151
Romanesque architecture, 36
Rome, Vatican Library, Codex Borgia, 182 (ill. 137)
Rosario, 21
Rowe, J. H., 455
Ruben, W., 445
Runcu Raccay, circular house, 463
Ruz tomb, sculpture, stucco head, 261 (ill. 210)
Sacrifice, human, 86–8, 146, 50352
motivation, 91–2
Sahagún, Bernardino de, 33, 35, 113
description of Tenochtitlan, 95
Salinar pottery, 23, 380–1 (ill. 328), 424–5
house representations, 381
stirrup spouts, 390
Salvador, 332, 545
San Agustín, sculpture, 23, 243, 343–7 (ills. 293, 294), 545
San Agustín Acasaguastlán, pottery, 265 (ill. 214)
San Andrés Tomb 8, 344 (ill. 292)
San Andrés Tuxtla, colossal head, 122 (ill. 73)
San Isidro Guadalupe, table, 336 (ill. 286)
San Isidro Piedra Parada, monumental sculpture, 326
San José, 21
figurine, 266–7
San José, Museo Nacional, table from San Isidro Guadalupe, 336 (ill. 286)
San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, 21, 117, 118, 119, 544
sculpture, altar stone, 126
colossal heads (5), 122–6 (ills. 72, 76)
Monument 10, 120
San Miguel Amantla, 64
Santa Lucía Cotzumalhuapa, sculpture, 22, 329–30 (ills. 277, 278)
indications of heart sacrifice, 329–30
Mexican glyphs, 331
Santa María Uxpanapan, sculpture from, 133 (ill. 87)
Santa Rita, murals, 317–19 (ill. 265)
plumbate pottery, 319
Santa Rosa Xtampak, relief panels, 301
Santa Valley pottery, negative painting, 375
Santiago de Guata, 443
Sayil, palace, 234, 236 (ill. 186)
Schaedel, M., 397, 412
Schellhas, P., 320
Screenfolds, 113; see also Manuscripts
Atlantean figures, 36, 83
Aztec, comparison with ‘Olmec’, 97–9
division by function, 97
‘baby-face’ image, 120
caryatid figures, 83
Classic Central Veracruz, 141
Colombian, 343–7
crenellations, 83
figurines, hand-made, 63
jointed, 63–4
Las Animas, 148–9
‘laughing figurines’, 148–9
moulded heads, 63
hachas, 142 ff.
ideographic conventions, 62
ideographic style, 120–1, 127
materials, 247
Maya, see Maya Sculpture
Maya cartouche, 73
meander forms, 83
Mixtec, see Mixtec Sculpture
Mochica, see Mochica Sculpture
motifs, buzzard, 81
crested heads, 142, 144
eagle, 81
feathered serpent, 87
flayed humans, 103
human sacrifice, 142, 145
jaguar, 81
mask, 81
rattlesnake, 83
scrollwork, 143
sky serpents (Xiuhcoatl), 100
‘Olmec’ compared with Aztec, 97–9
ideographic style, 127
palmas, 142 ff.
processional figures, 87
reclining male figures, 86
scroll-work, 68
serpent columns, 83, 86, 544, 545
speech-scrolls, 65, 102–3
standard-bearers, 83
yokes, 142–4, see also Lapidary Crafts
Sechín, Cerro, see Cerro Sechín
Sechín-Chavín, mixture of styles in Dumbarton Oaks Collection cup, 236
Seibal, 22, 215, 5001, 50351, 545
sculpture, 248, 253
Seler, Eduard, 34, 426
Seriation, 40–1
Serpent forms, 36, 544, 545
Shamanism, 195
Shang Dynasty, 36–7
Shepard, A. O., 279
Shields, Mixtec, 185
Shillacoto, 5093
Si, Mochica moon god, 396
Sicuani, 442
Sillustani, burial tower, 466–7 (ill. 410)
Sinaloa, 189, 198
Sinú Valley, 343, 347, 351
Sitio Conte, goldwork, 339 (ill. 290)
pottery, 340 (ill. 291)
Soconusco province, classes of plumbate pottery, 332
Sorcape, Cerro see Cerro Sorcape
Spinden, H. J., correlations, 38, 296
Squier, E. G., 34
‘Stage’ groupings, 41–2
Stelae, wooden, 203
Stephens, J. L., 34, 35, 37, 40
Stone Age, 42
Stonehenge, 132
Stratigraphy, 31, 33
Strebel, H., 149
Strong, W. D., 363, 416, 425
Stumer, L. M., 411
Supe, textiles, 411 (ill. 358)
Synchronous method, 28
Tabasco, 117
Tabasqueño, El, mask-façades, 232, 269
Tacuba, 91
Tairona, goldwork, 343, 347, 352
Tajín, 21, 136 (ill. 90), 137 ff.
ball-court reliefs, 146–7 (ills. 100, 101)
human sacrifice rites, 146
square pyramid, 137–9 (ill. 91)
compared with Cholula, 139
sculpture, 142 ff. (ills. 100, 101)
Structures, 2 and 5, 139, 143
Tajín Chico, 137, 139–40
Building A, 138 (ill. 92), 139
Buildings D and K, 139
columnar building, 139–40 (ill. 93)
comparison with Mitla, 139
comparison with pyramid at Xochicalco, 139
comparison with Río Bec, 139
Tambo Colorado, 438 (ill. 385), 439, 465–6
Tamuín, 21
conical platform, 149
painting, 149–51 (ill. 105)
sculpture, 151–2 (ill. 107)
Tancah, murals, 322
Tancanhuitz, circular temple, 149
Tancuayalab, sculpture, 153 (ills. 108, 109)
Tank, 5151
Tarasca civilization, 21, 197–8, 544
Tasco, 189
Taycanamo, 400–1
Taypicala, 443–5; see also Tiahuanaco
Teapa urn, 49619
Techotlala, 89
Tehuacan, 543
Tehuantepec, 29, 30
Tello, J. C., 430, 434
Temperamental differences, 43
Tenayuca, pyramid, 88–9, 90 (ill. 41), 95, 97
compared with Tula, eastern pyramid, 81
Tenoch, 91
Tenochca, 89, 91, 92
Tenochtitlan, 56, 91, 92–5 (ills. 43, 44), 544
ball-court, 96
chinampa lands, 93
comparison with Teotihuacán, 95
comparison with Tula, 95
grid plan, 93–5 (ills. 43, 44)
painting, no, 113
palace of Axayacatl, 96
palace of Moctezuma, 96
sculpture, 97 ff. (ills. 48–52, 58–60)
calendar stone, 99–100 (ill. 50)
Pyramid of Sacred Warfare, 100–2 (ill. 51)
Tizoc Stone, 98 (ill. 48), 99
Teopancaxco, mural paintings, 54, 65
Teopanzolco, 95, 48045
Teotihuacán, 21, 49 ff. (ill. 5), 543
architecture, 54–8
cantilevered panels, 49, 81
latticed structure, 81
talus-and-panel terraces, 64
as ceremonial centre, 54
chronology, 51–4
Ciudadela, 52 (ills. 7, 8), 53 (ill. 9)
comparison with art of Classic Maya, Classic Veracruz, Clasic Zapotec, 68
comparison with Tenochtitlan, 95
comparison with Tula, 77, 95
deforestation, 54
cast pyramid, 54, 55
erotic symbolism, lack of, 68
figurines, 60, 63 (ill. 19)
compared with those of Cuicuilco and Ticoman, 63
funerary masks, 60
pottery, 62 (ill. 18)
stone, 62–3
glyphs, 66–8
influence in Guatemalan highlands, 325–6
lack of defensive arrangements, 55
Miccaotli (‘Road of the Dead’), 51–3
Moon (north) Pyramid, 51 (ill. 6), 54–5 (ill. 10)
painting, 64–8 (ill. 22); see also Tepantitla
pottery, 62–4 (ill. 19), 65 (ill. 21), 184
Quetzalpapálotl building, 56, 57 (ill. 12)
roadway, 51–3
sculpture, 56, 57 (ill. 12), 60–4 (ills. 17, 18)
feathered serpent motifs, 64
rattlesnake motif, 64
scroll-work, 68
shell motifs, 64
stone veneer, 64
south pyramid (‘Temple of Quetzalcoatl’), 51, 55
sculpture, 64; see also Ciudadela
Sun Pyramid, 50 (ill. 5), 51, 54, 55
‘Temple of Agriculture’, 65–6 (ill. 22)
‘Temple of Quetzalcoatl’, see south pyramid
Water deity (Chalchiuhtlicue), 60–2 (ill. 16), 64
‘writing’, 62, 68
year-sign, 68, see also Atetelco, Tepantitla
Teotihuacán-Guerrero, 191
Teozacualco, Mixtec map of, 178
rulers, 178, 179
Tepanec, 47928, 48157
lineage, 89
Tepantitla, painting, 54, 66, 67 (ills. 23, 24)
Tepatlaxco, ball-player stela, 144–5 (ill. 99)
Tepeu period, 22, 266, 279, 281–4 (ill. 233), 331
Tepexpan, 42
Tepoztecatl, 95
Tepoztlán, 95
Tequixquiac, 42, 43 (ill. 1)
Tesoro, Cerro del, see Cerro del Tesoro
Tetitla, 54, 60, 65
Texcoco, 88, 89, 91
manuscripts, 110, 113
palace of Nezahualcoyotl, 96 (ill. 46)
Textile invention, 43–4
Textiles, 114–16, 428–34; see also Costumes
Tezcatlipoca, 92, 100, 112 (ill. 63), 113, 171
Theocracies, 44
Throwing-sticks, gilded wood (Mixtec, Florence Museum), 185
Tiahuanaco, 23, 35, 434, 441, 443 ff. (ill. 389)
Akapana, 445
architecture, 445–8
Calasasaya, 445–6, 447
iconography, 453
metal cramps, 447
painting, 452–3 (ills. 396, 397)
pottery, 434–6 (ills. 380, 381), 452–3 (ill. 397)
Carbon 14 dating, 383
Classic painted ware, 453
‘Decadent’ painted ware, 452, 453
discovery at Moche, 396–7
‘Epigonal’, 396–7
Mantaro phase, 455
Puma Puncu, 445, 447–8 (ill. 390)
Sun Door, 448, 450 (ill. 394), 451
sculpture, 448–52 (ills. 392–5)
Kantataita stone, 445
stone chambers, 447–8 (ill. 391)
textiles, 436 (ill. 382)
Ticoman pottery, 21, 48, 63, 196
Tierradentro, tombs, 23, 343, 344 (ill. 292), 345
Tierra Nueva, 49642
Tierras Largas, 21
Tiger Claw, life of, 181
Tikal, 34, 206, 207, 208–9 (ill. 163), 210, 212, 545
ball-court, 212
carved wooden ceilings, see sculpture
causeways, 207
closed-corner quadrangle, 210
Group A and B, 207
Group F, 210
Group G, Structure 1, 210
pottery, 247
pyramids, 208–9 (ill. 165), 209, 210 (ill. 166), 212, 290
sculpture, 247, 248, 250, 251 (ill. 200), 253, 303
Temple I, 213 (ill. 168)
Temple IV, 251 (ill. 200)
Temple V, 202 (ill. 160)
Tilantongo, 83, 169, 175
‘Five Death’ slab, 160
list of Mixtec rulers, 178, 179
Tinajones (tubs), 434–6
Coati Island, ‘Palace of the Virgins of the Sun’ (‘Nunnery’), 417, 464–5 (ill. 408)
Island, Pilco Kayma, 464–5 (ill. 407)
Lake, 441, 464–7
Tizatlán, murals, 111–13 (ill. 63)
use of fired bricks, 97
Tizoc, 98 (ill. 48), 299 (ill. 49)
Tizoc Stone, 98 (ill. 48), 99, 50341
Tlachtli, see Ball-courts
Tlaçolteotl, 149
Tlacolula sculpture, 160
Tlaelquani, 149
Tlahuizcalpantecutli, 87, 198
Tlailotlac, 89, 115 (ill. 65), 178
Tlaloc, 64, 89, 134, 288
Tlalocan, 66
Tlaltecutli, 111
Tlateles, 56
Tlatelolco, 92, 113
Tlatilco, 21, 120
hematite mirrors, 49
mosaic plaques, 49
pottery, 48 (ill. 3)
Tlotzin, 89
Tohil pottery, 22, 332 (ill. 280)
Tolima goldwork, 23, 347, 349–51 (ill. 298)
Tollan, 81
Toltec, 21, 29, 77–88, 91, 544
architecture, 77, 79–83
capital at Tula, 77
civilization, 77
sculpture, 83–8
Toltec Maya, 287 ff.
Toluca, 189
Museo, wooden drum, 103 (ill. 54)
Toluca Valley, 29, 47, 89
Toluquilla, 21, 29, 198–200 (ill. 159)
Tonalamatl, 113
Tonina ‘stelae’ 49625
Tools, metal, 60, 447
Topa Inca, 465
Topará ware, 419, 423–4, 425
Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, 47920
Toscano, Salvador, 194
Totonac, 29, 117, 137, 141
Towered avant-corps, 228
Toxcatl, 92
Tres Cruces, 51713
Tres Zapotes, 21, 117
sculpture, 120 ff. (ills. 68, 74, 77)
Stela A, 126
Stela C, 120 (ill. 68)
Stela D, 126 (ill. 77), 127
Tribute lists, Aztec, 113
Trujillo, University Museum, pottery (Chavín), 389 (ill. 337)
Trujillo Valley, 383
Tschopik, M. H., 467
Tschudi, J. J. von, 34
Tucume, 51562
Tula, 21, 29, 47, 77 ff. (ill. 32), 88, 89, 91, 200, 544
architecture, Atlantean columns, 81, 83 ff. (ills. 35–7)
caryatid figures, 83
drains, 81
influence on Yucatán, 300
panel reliefs, 83
piers, 83
serpent-columns, 83
use of bricks, 97
as colonial outpost of Chichén Itza, 77, 288
ball-court, 79
Cerrro de la Malinche rock carvings, 88 (ill. 40)
Coatepantli (serpent wall), 82 (ill. 34), 83
colonnaded portico, 79, 81–3
columnar figures compared with Aztec murals, 112
comparison with Tenochtitlan, 95
comparison with Teotihuacán, 77
dwelling groups, 79
eastern pyramid, 79, 81
aprons, 81
compared with Tenayuca pyramid, 81
fall of, 4781
metallurgy, 77
north pyramid, 80 (ill. 33), 81
compared with Chichén Itza, Mercado, 86
compared with Chichén Itza, Temple of the Warriors, 86
patio buildings, 83
pottery compared with Teotihuacán types, 77
sculpture, 83–8 (ills. 35–9), 545
buzzard motifs, 81
Chacmool figures, 83, 86, 87 (ill. 39)
colossal statues, 83
compared with that of Chichén Itza, 86
compared with Atetelco murals, 81
crenellations, 82
professional figures, 86–8
rattlesnake motif, 82
reclining male figures, 83
relief, 81
standard bearers, 83
Venus masks, 81
Tula Chico, 4781
Tulum, 544
Castillo, 202 (ill. 160), 300
serpent-columns, 299, 545
dating of buildings, 299
Temple of the Frescoes, 299–300 (ill. 244), 320, 321 (ill. 267)
building sequence, 299
Tumaco, 356
Tumbaga (gold alloy), 185, 347 ff.
Tupac Yupanqui, 401, 52140
Typology, 33
Tzakol period, 22, 266, 271, 279 (ill. 227), 331
Tzintzuntzan, yácatas, 21, 197–8 (ill. 157), 544
Uaxactún, 22, 207
Burial A 31, 279 (ill. 227), 280
causeways, 207
Cycle 8 reliefs, 126
Group E, 210
painting, 271–2 (ill. 219)
pottery, 279 (ill. 227), 280, 284 (ill. 233)
Pyramid E VII sub, 206–7, 209 (ill. 164), 212, 214 (ill. 169), 227, 267
Stela No. 9, 248
Structure A V, 210–12 (ill. 167)
Structure B XIII, 271–2 (ill. 219)
Uhle, Max, 34, 387, 396, 402, 416
Ulúa Valley, 22
pottery painting, 284
sculpture, 37, 332, 333 (ill. 282)
‘Urban Elite Centers’, 412, 416
Urban societies, emergence, 43
Usumacinta, 205, 206, 214 ff., 247, 248, 253, 262 (ill. 211)
Uxmal, 22, 234, 236–43 (ill. 187)
‘amphitheatre’ courts, 238
ball-court, 241
barrier-mounds, 238
Cemetery Group, 238
columns, 241, 49569
Great South Pyramid, 236, 269
House of the Governor, 202 (ill. 160), 238, 241, 241–3, 244 (ills. 195, 196)
rhythm of masks, 270
North Group, 236–8
Nunnery, 234, 238, 239 (ill. 189), 240 (ill. 191), 241, 241–3 (ills. 192–4), 270
Pigeon Group, 238 (ill. 188), 239, 241
proportional groupings, 241
Pyramid of the Magician, 232, 239–41 (ills. 190, 191), 269–70 (ill. 218), 287
sculptured jaguar seat, 303
serpent-mask façades, 232, 241, 269–70 (ill. 218)
temples, 241
Valcárcel, Luis, 399
Valdivia pottery, 23, 355 (ill. 303)
Vasari, Giorgio, 37
Venezuela, 342
Venta, La, see La Venta
Venus cycle calendar (584-day), 87, 182 (ill. 137), 183, 322
Veracruz, 117, 137
pottery, 148–9 (ills. 102, 103)
sculpture, 127 (ill. 78), 132 ff. (ills. 85, 86, 88), 141 ff. (ills. 95–8)
shellwork, 151 (ill. 106)
Veraguas, 339–40
goldwork, cire perdue casting, 339–40
metates, 339
Vicús pottery, 382–3 (ill. 330), 546
Vienna, Hofbibliotek, Codex, 179 (ills. 132, 133)
Vienna, Museum für Völkerkunde, featherwork, 116
sculpture (Tenochtitlan), 102 (ill. 52)
Vienna, Naturhistorisches Museum, Mixtec shield, 185
Vignola, 39
Villahermosa, Parque Olmeca, La Venta sculpture, 124 (ill. 75), 126 (ill. 78), 128 (ill. 80), 129 (ill. 81)
Viñaque pottery, 377, 410, 436, 454 (ill. 399), 455
Viollet-le-Duc, 37
Viracochapampa, 409–10 (ill. 357), 455–7
Virú Valley, 360, 383
pottery, 381 (ill. 328), 386 (ill. 334)
pre-ceramic middens, 360
reticulated compounds, 397
wall decoration, 382 (ill. 329)
Warrior-Priest’s grave, 391, 392
Vitruvius, 39
Wairajirca phase, 5093
Waldeck, Baron, 34, 37, 38
Wancani, 443
Wari, see Huari
Warrior aristocracies, 45
Warrior societies, 96
Wheeled vehicles, absence of, 36, 60
Wiener, Charles, 34
Wilkawaín, 415
pottery sherds in Tiahuanaco style, 377
Willey, G., 397
Woermann, Karl, 38
Xaxbil, rectangular mask panels, 268
Xcalumkin, 234
sculptured door jambs, 301
Xe, 22
Xipe Totec, 103–5 (ill. 55)
Xitle, 4753
Xiuhcoatl, 100
Xochicalco, 21, 29, 47, 49, 56–7, 68–73 (ill. 25), 74, 77, 543
architecture, talus-and-panel, 70
ball-court, 70 (ill. 25)
causeways, 70
platform temple, 70–3 (ills. 26, 27)
pyramid compared with platform at Tajín Chico, 139
relation to Piedras Negras, 68
sculpture compared with screenfold manuscripts, 70–2
stelae, 73 (ill. 28), 290
sweat-bath, 70
Toltec, contributions to, 68
Xochimilco, 56
as Aztec lapidary crafts centre, 110
Xochicalco, 21, 29, 47, 49, 56–7, 68–73 (ill. 125), 74, 77, 543
Xolotl, 89, 91
Xpuhil, pyramid-palace, 228, 229, 231 (ill. 183), 268, 290
Xultun, carved jaguar, 303
Yacovleff, E., 432
Yagul, 168–9, 171
ball-court, 171
cruciform tombs, 160
tomb pottery, 184
Yalloch, pottery, 281
Yaxchilán, 215, 223–5 (ill. 176)
sculpture, hieratic scale, 258
lintels, 258, 259 (ill. 208)
narrative, 253
penitential scenes, 253
stelae, 215, 248, 256 (ill. 206), 257 (ill. 207), 258
Structure 21
atadura moulding, 269
Structure 33, 202 (ill. 160), 225 (ill. 177)
Yaxhá, 209, 290
Year-sign, Solar (365-day), 177
Teotihuacán, 68
Yojoa, Lake, pottery, 284
Yoke, ball-game, 142–4
Yucatán, 206, 287 ff., 544, 545
cenotes (open cisterns), 206
chenes (well country), 206
chultunes (natural cisterns), 206
east coast, 206
Puuc (hill country), 206
Zaachila, 21
funerary vessels, 163
goldwork, 185–6 (ill. 143)
stucco reliefs, 168 (ill. 124), 48728
tombs, 160, 168, 185–6
Zacatenco, 21, 48, 196
Zacatepeque, Lienzo de, 179
Zacuala, 63
murals, 54
Zacualco, Ameca-, 192
Zacualpa, use of bricks, 97
Zaculeu, 326
pottery, 331
Zapatera Island, Lake Nicaragua, Chontales statues, 338–9 (ill. 289)
Zapotal sculpture, 149, 150 (ill. 104)
Zapotec, 29, 155, 155–67, 544
Zayil, see Sayil
Zempoala, 21, 47, 117, 141
Zumpango del Rio, 190