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Description: The Shape of the Holy: Early Islamic Jerusalem
PublisherPrinceton University Press
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Aachen Carolingian Palace church, 108
Abbasid period: Aqsa Mosque during, 120, 122
Cairo during, 136
leadership of, 173
sources concerning, 8, 10
Abdallah b. al-Tahir, 120, 162
Abdallah ibn Hasan al-Misri, 151
Abd al-Malik: coinage reform by, 12, 63, 69
construction of Aqsa Mosque by, 120, 122
construction of Dome of the Chain by, 130
and Dome of the Rock, 53, 54–55, 113, 115
impact on Christian Jerusalem, 162
milestones erected by, 12, 62, 128
reconstruction of Double Gate by, 123
replacement of name in Dome of the Rock inscription, 60, 68, 162
and the Umayyad dynasty, 111
Abel, F. M., 17, 25
Abraham: association with Christian Jerusalem, 38
association with Dome of the Rock, 112, 156, 172
association with Haram al-Sharif, 159
association with Qubbat Ya’qûb, 148
and Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 29, 32, 143
gates named after, 165
Abu al-Qasim Ali, 151
Abu Ishaq, 61
Adam: association with Christian Jerusalem, 38
and Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 32
Adomanus, 49
Aelia Capitolina. See Jerusalem
Ahmad ibn Abi Bakr, 158
Ali Abd al-Rahman, 151
Ali Abu al-Hasan, 151
Ali al-Harawi, 151
Amr in Fustat, mosque of (Cairo), 70
Anastasia, 40
Anastasis dome of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 32, 40, 142
Anastasius of Sinai, 54
Anna, association with the Golden Gate, 28
Antiochus Strategios, 41
Aphrodito, Greek papyri from, 12
Apocalypse (Pseudo-Methodius of Patara), 133
Aqsa Mosque: ceiling of, 79
construction of, 44, 118–19, 120, 122
during the Fatimid period, 120, 122, 148–52, 161–62
history of, 120–22, 172
inscriptions in, 151, 162
mosaics in, 152–55
religious significance of, 133, 157
sources concerning, 13, 119–20
during the Umayyad period, 117–18, 120–22, 177
Arculf (Gallic bishop): description of Aqsa Mosque by 118, 120, 121
description of Christian sanctuaries by, 32, 37
description of Islamic Jerusalem by, 10, 45, 49, 51, 138
Ark of the Covenant, 153
Ascension of God, commemorated in Dome of the Rock, 113
Athanasius, the Persian, 42–43
Avigad, Nahman, 13
Ayyubid period, Jerusalem during, 3–5
Azraqi, al; 138
Bab al-Amud (Gate of the Column). See Damascus Gate (Gate of the Column)
Barclay’s Gate, 27, 126
Basil (saint, “the Great”), 67
Bayt al-Maqdis. See Jerusalem Ben-Dov, Meyer, 13, 130
Bernard the Monk, 10
Bible citations: II Chronicles 24:20–21, 28
Matthew 4:5, 28
Mark 13:2, 28
Luke 4:9, 28
Acts 24–12, 170
Revelation 22:10ft, 40
Blair, Sheila, 58, 115
Breydenbach, Bernhard von, 104
Brockett, Adrian, 63
Buraq (Muhammad’s steed), association with Dome of the Prophet, 157
Busse, Heribert, 47, 49, 58
CAD (computer-aided design) programs, 175–83
Caetani, Leone, 45
Caiphas, house of, 36
Cairo: during the Abbasid period, 136
during the Mamluk period, 6
sources concerning, 8, 12
Charlemagne (king of the Franks), 167
Chen, Doron, 108
Christianity, 6, 21–44, 32–38, 39–40
coexisting with Islam and Judaism, 166–69, 171–72, 173
in Dome of the Rock inscription, 68
during the Fatimid period, 143–44
significance of Church of the Ascension (Mount of Olives) for, 37
significance of Church of the Holy Sepulchre for, 32
significance of Herod’s Temple for, 28
during the Umayyad period, 132
Christian population in Jerusalem: during the Fatimid period, 166–67
during the Mamluk period, 3
Chrysostom, John (saint), 67
Church of Golgotha, 32
Church of St. Catherine (Mt. Sinai), 101
Church of St. George (Saloniki), 101
Church of St. John (Ephesus), 101
Church of St. Polyeuktes (Constantinople), 71
Church of Sts. Sergius and Bacchus (Constantinople), 71
Church of the Ascension, Mount of Olives, 37, 50, 107, 108, 109
Church of the Eleona, 37
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 33
Anastasis dome of, 32, 40, 142
caliph visits to, 46–47, 50
compared to Dome of the Rock, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109
destruction of, 138, 142, 143
during the Fatimid period, 138, 142–43, 160, 168
inscriptions in, 142
during the Mamluk period, 17
mosaics in, 101
reconstruction of, 167
religious significance of, 29, 32, 131
sources concerning, 13, 18
during the Umayyad period, 64–65, 126, 132
in writings by Piacenza Pilgrim, 29
Church of the Virgin (Mount Gerizim, Palestine), 108
Commemoratio de Casis Dei, 167
Constantine I (Roman emperor, “the Great”), 6, 114, 115, 162
Constantinople: attempts at conquest of, 129
craftsmen for mosaics from, 72, 100
sources concerning, 7
Corbo, Virgilio, 13
Cordova: mosque of, 69
sources concerning, 8
Couäsnon, Charles, 13, 33
Creswell, Keppel Archibald Cameron, 71, 72, 106, 115
Crusaders, 3, 4, 148
Cyril (bishop of Jerusalem), 21, 38
Damascus: inscriptions in mosque of, 69–70
sources concerning, 8
Damascus Gate (Gate of the Column), 14, 25, 31, 139
David (king of Judah and Israel): artifacts in Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 32
association with Christian Jerusalem, 38, 48–49, 114, 165
association with Dome of the Chain, 158
association with Haram al-Sharif, 148, 159
gates named for, 139,
mihrab of, 163
de Vogüé, Melchior, 57, 64, 71, 72
Dome of the Chain: construction of, 130
dating of, 51
religious significance of, 157–58, 172
during the Umayyad period, 130–32
in writings by Ibn al-Faqih, 163
Dome of the Prophet, 157
Dome of the Rock: construction of, 44, 53, 54–55
dating of, 64
during the Fatimid period, 149, 156–57, 161, 162
history of, 172
inscriptions in, 11, 56–71, 136, 156, 162
location of, 28–29, 110–14
mosaics in, 58, 59, 71–104, 149
religious significance of, 7, 52–55, 110–11, 112, 114–16, 133, 163, 172
shape of, 104–10
sources concerning, 14, 18
during the Umayyad period, 52–55
Double Gate, 27, 123–24, 126, 172
Dung Gate, 31
Ecochard, Michel, 108
Egypt, during the Abbasid period, 136
Entry into Jerusalem (Church of the Holy Sepulchre), 143
Ettinghausen, Richard, 71–72
Eucherius (bishop of Lyon), 25
Eudocia (Eastern Roman empress), 25
Eusebius of Caesarea (bishop), 21
Fada’il al-Bayt al-Muqaddas (al-Wasiti), 11, 115
Fada’il Bayt al-Muqaddis wa al-Khalil wa Fada’il al-Sham (“The Merits of Jerusalem and Hebron and the merits of Syria”) (al-Musharraf), 11
Fatimid period: Aqsa Mosque during, 120, 122, 148–52, 161–62
Christian population during, 166–67
Church of the Holy Sepulchre during, 138, 142–43, 160, 168
Dome of the Rock during, 149, 156–57, 161, 162
Haram al-Sharif during, 153–56, 158–59, 160–61, 162, 163, 164
Islam during, 160
Jerusalem during, 135–69
leadership of, 173,
sources concerning, 11
Franciscan monks, during the Mamluk period, 3
Fustat, during the Abbasid period, 136
Gabriel, mihrabs for in Haram al-Sharif, 164
Gabriel’s Dome, 157
Gate of Darkness, 27
Gate of Forgiveness, 153
Gate of Gates, 148
Gate of Hell, 148
Gate of Mercy, 146–48
Gate of Repentance, 146–48
Gate of St. Stephen (Jericho Gate), 25, 139
Gate of Siloam, 139
Gate of the Chain, 146–47
Gate of the Nea, 139
Gate of the Palace (Gate of the Court), 139
Gate of the Prophet (bab al-Nabi), 48, 66, 123, 152–53
Gate of the Prophet David (Zion Gate), 139
Gate of the Spring, 153
Gate of the Tribes, 148
Gaza, during the Mamluk period, 6
Gethsemane, in writings by Piacenza Pilgrim, 29
Ghazali, al; 160
Gil, Moshe, 45, 136
Goitein, Shelomoh Dov, 45, 50, 115
Golden Gate, 43
depicted in Madaba mosaic map, 31
description of, 148
location of, 27
reconstruction of, 42
religious significance of, 28, 172
during the Umayyad period, 124–26
Golgotha, 22, 38
Great Palace (Constantinople), 108
hadith. See Traditions about the life of the Prophet (hadith)
Hadrian (Roman emperor), 28, 124
Hagia Sophia (Constantinople), 35
Hakim, al-: destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre by, 138, 142, 143
Halbwachs, Maurice, 20
Hamilton, Robert W., 13, 120
Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib, 153
Haram al-Sharif: caliph visits to, 47, 48
and the Crusaders, 3, 148
during the Fatimid period, 145–61, 163, 164
gates of, 123–28, 146–48, 152–53, 165
history of, 172
inscriptions in, 162, 163
maintenance of, 135
Muslim development of, 44
name of, 112
religious significance of, 4, 48, 111, 112, 113–14, 146, 148, 158, 159–61, 164, 168
site of, 29
sources concerning, 13
stairways in, 158–59
during the Umayyad period, 17, 44, 49–50, 122–28
walls of, 13–14
Western architecture in, 4
Harun al-Rashid, 70, 167
Hashimiyah, al; 165
Hebron Gate. See Jaffa Gate (Gate of the Mihrab of David)
Helena (mother of Constantine 1), 24
Heraclius (Eastern Roman emperor), 41, 42, 43
Herat, 7
Herod 1 (king of Judea, “the Great”), 6, 24, 26, 50, 124
Herod’s Gate (Gate of Jeremiah’s Grotto), 139
Herod’s Temple, 24, 26–28, 29, 47
Hinnom valley, 22
Hisham B. Umar, 113
Hittah gate, 165
Holy Cross, 6
miracles associated with, 29
removal and return of, 41–43
Holy of Holies, 29
Holy Sepulchre. See Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Ibn Abd al-Rabbih, 9
Ibn al-Athir, 8
Ibn al-Faqih, 9, 123, 163–64, 165
Ibn al-Zubayr, 111, 115
Ibn Ishaq, 114
Ibn Karram, 162
Ibn Tulun, mosque of (Cairo), 69
Iftikar al-Dawlah, 3
Iliya (mint name), 12
Iliya Filastin (mint name), 12
Al-’Iqd al-Farid (“The Unique Necklace of Precious Stones”) (Ibn Abd Rabbih and Ahmad Ibn Mohammad), 9, 163
Isaac: association with Christian Jerusalem, 38
association with Dome of the Rock, 156
association with Haram al-Sharif, 159
association with Qubbat Ya’qûb, 148
and Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 29, 143
Isfahan: growth of, 7
sources concerning, 8
Islam: and Aqsa Mosque, 133
and Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 131
coexisting with Christianity and Judaism, 166–69, 171–72, 173
and Dome of the Chain, 157–58
and Dome of the Rock, 7, 110–11, 114–16, 133, 163
in Dome of the Rock inscription, 71
and Haram al-Sharif, 111, 112, 159–61, 168
in Jerusalem, 6, 40–51
Isma’il: association with Qubbat Ya’qûb, 148
images of in Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 143
Jacob: association with Christian Jerusalem, 38
association with Qubbat Ya’qûb, 148
and Haram al-Sharif, 159, 164
images of in Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 143
Jaffa Gate (Gate of the Mihrab of David), 25, 31, 139
James (saint), martyrdom of, 28, 38
Jeremiah, gates named for, 139
Jerome (saint), 28, 39, 40
Jerusalem, 182
during the Abbasid period, 136
as an Islamic city, 6, 7, 10, 40–51, 138
during the Ayyubid period, 3–5
cemeteries of, 162
as a Christian city, 6, 21–40, 48–49, 114, 115, 165
during the Fatimid period, 135–69
landscape of, 22–26
maintenance work force in, 135, 172
major streets of, 31–32
during the Mamluk period, 5–7, 173
Muslim conquest of, 46, 166
during the Ottoman period, 173
paganism in, 38
plan of, 30
religious significance of, 17, 18–19, 171, 172
sources concerning, 7–19
during the Umayyad period, 52–116, 105, 109, 117–34, 124–25, 135
walls and gates of, 139–42, 162
Jesus Christ, 17
artifacts of, 36, 37
association with Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 32
association with Golden Gate, 28
association with Haram al-Sharif, 148, 159
association with Herod’s Temple, 28
association with Jerusalem, 17
association with the Mount of Olives, 164
in Dome of the Rock inscription, 60, 63, 67, 68
mihrab of the Cradle of, 148
pious stories about, 163
as prophet, 66, 67, 115
Jewish population in Jerusalem: attack by Crusaders on, 3
during the Fatimid period, 144–45, 166, 168
during the Umayyad period, 112, 132–33, 166
Jewish quarter, 13, 192n49
Jewish Temple. See Herod’s Temple
Joachim, association with Golden Gate, 28
John (archdeacon from church of St. Theodore), 50
John of Damascus, 167
John the Baptist, 32, 163
Joseph: association with Christian Jerusalem, 38
association with Haram al-Sharif, 4
Judaism: during the Christian period, 26–30, 38
coexisting with Christianity and Islam, 166–69, 171–72, 173
Judas, 29
Julian (Roman emperor), 28
Jupiter, statue of, 28
Justinian I (Eastern Roman emperor), 10, 34, 35, 114, 162
Ka’b al-Ahbar, 47–48, 112
Kenyon, Kathleen M., 12
Kessler, Christel, 58
Khalid al-Qasri, 111
Khalid ibn al-Walid: construction of Aqsa Mosque by, 118–19, 120, 122,
construction of Dome of the Rock by, 53, 54
gates named after, 165
reconstruction of Double Gate by, 123
role in Muslim conquest of Jerusalem, 46
in writings of Ibn al-Faqih, 164
Khidr, al- (prophet), 164
Khirbat al-Mafjar, 122
Khumarawayh (son of Egyptian ruler Ahmad ibn Tulun), 136
Kidron valley, 22, 36
Kitab al-Aghani (Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani), 111
Kokhba, Bar, 28
Koran: appearance in Dome of the Rock inscription, 58–67
interpretations of, 9
Koran citations: surah 1:5, 164
surah 2:58, 153
surah 2:112, 61
surah 2:139, 61
surah 2:248, 153
surah 2:255, 61
surah 2:258, 69
surah 3:1, 61
surah 3:18–19, 60, 63
surah 3:26, 61
surah 3:49, 67
surah 3:78, 61
surah 3:84, 65
surah 4:157, 67,
surah 4:171–172, 60, 63
surah 4:172, 67
surah 6:12, 61
surah 6:101, 61
surah 7:156, 61, 65
surah 7:205, 70
surah 9:18, 156
surah 9:33, 61, 66, 70
surah 17:1, 110, 113–14, 149–51
surah 17:111, 59
surah 19:33–36, 60, 63
surah 27:18–19, 164
surah 33:54, 60,
surah 33:56, 59
surah 38:21, 158
surah 57:2, 59, 60
surah 61:9, 61
surah 64:1, 59, 60
surah 1:12, 59, 61, 63, 65, 70
surah 6:12, 65
Last Judgment (Church of the Holy Sepulchre), 143
Last Supper, commemorated at church on Mt. Zion, 36
Le Strange, Guy, 16–17, 163
Life of the Prophet (Ibn Ishaq), 114
Madaba mosaic map, 10, 25, 26, 27, 30–32
Madinah: compared to Jerusalem, 160
inscriptions in, 69, 70
restorations in, 5, 64
Mahdi, al; 69, 119, 120, 136, 161
Mahmud, Sayyid Fayyaz, 45
Mamluk period: Cairo during, 6
Church of the Holy Sepulchre during, 17
Jerusalem during, 5–7, 173
Ma’mun, al-: addition of doors to Aqsa Mosque by, 152
in Dome of the Rock inscription, 60, 61, 64, 65, 68, 136
political patronage of Jerusalem by, 162
Mansur, al; 136, 161
Mansur al-Balbayi, 163
Marmarji, A.S., 163
Mary (mother of Jesus): commemorated in the Kidron valley basilica, 36
in Dome of the Rock inscription, 60
gates named for, 165
icons of, 32
mihrabs for, 148, 164
pious stories about, 163
writings by Sophronius about, 34
Mas’udi, al; 69
Matériaux pour un Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum (Van Berchem), 16
Mazar, Benjamin, 13
Mednikoff, Nikolai Α., 17, 45, 163
Mekkah (Mecca): compared to Jerusalem, 160
inscriptions in sanctuary of, 69
Muslim pilgrimages to, 111, 115
restorations of, 5, 64,
sources concerning, 7
Mekkah, Ka’bah of: compared to Dome of the Rock, 106, 115
offerings kept in, 70, 73, 101
Melchizedech, association with Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 29, 32
Miquel, André, 10
Modestus (appointed patriarch by Heraclius), 41, 42
Montjoie, 22
Monza, sacred relics preserved in, 30
Moses: association with Dome of the Rock, 172
association with Haram al-Sharif, 146, 159
Mount Moriah, 28. See also Haram al-Sharif
Mount of Olives: act acts of piety, 39, 167
church on, 38
during the Fatimid period, 138, 145, 168
and landscape of Jerusalem, 22
religious significance of, 164, 172
Mount Sinai, monastery of Saint Catherine, 36
Mount Zion: and landscape of Jerusalem, 22, 24, 25
religious significance of church on, 32, 36, 38
during the Umayyad period, 132
Mu’awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan (caliph), 50, 111, 112, 115, 128
Muhallabi, al; 11
Muhammad. See Also Night-Journey of Muhammad; Traditions about the life of the Prophet (hadith)
association with Asqa Mosque, 151
association with Dome of the Rock, 156–57, 172
association with Gate of the Prophet, 153,
association with Haram al-Sharif, 4, 48, 158, 159, 164
association with Jerusalem, 166, 171
in Dome of the Rock inscription, 59–60, 61, 65–68, 69, 70
in Dome of the Rock mosaics, 88
pious stories about, 163
Muhammad b. al-Rabi,’ 128
Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyah, 113
Mujir al-Din, 8
Muqaddasi, al-: compared to Abd al-Malik, 165
description of Aqsa Mosque by, 119–20, 148–49
description of Dome of the Rock by, 52–55
description of Haram al-Sharif by, 164–65
description of Jerusalem by, 8, 10–11, 139, 145, 162
as Fatimid source, 123
Musharraf, al; 11
Muslim population in Jerusalem: attacked by Crusaders, 3
during the Fatimid period, 166
during the Umayyad period, 128–30, 166
Muslim sanctuary of Jerusalem. See Haram al-Sharif
Mustansir, al; 144, 152
Nasir-i Khosraw: description of Aqsa Mosque by, 120
description of Church of the Holy Sepulchre by, 142–43
description of Haram al-Sharif by, 145–61, 160
description of Jerusalem by, 137–61
pilgrimage by, 137–38
writings by, 11
New Church of the Virgin Mary (Nea Church): compared to Dome of the Rock, 104
construction of, 34
description of, 34–36
religious significance of, 32
during the Umayyad period, 132
Night-Journey of Muhammad: association with Aqsa Mosque, 157
association with Gate of the Prophet, 123
association with Haram al-Sharif, 48, 113–14, 159, 163
association with Jerusalem, 165–66, 171
religious significance of, 160
Nishapur, sources concerning, 8
Noble Sanctuary. See Haram al-Sharif
Nocturnal Voyage of the Prophet. See Night-Journey of Muhammad
Nuseibeh, Said, 72
Ottoman period, Jerusalem during, 173
Palestine Archaeological Museum (Rockefeller Museum), 13
Palestine Oriental Society, 16
Palestine under the Moslems (Le Strange), 16–17
Paltiel, Muslim attack on funeral cortege of, 145
Pantheon, 107
Paradise, images of, 73
Passion of Jesus Christ, 17
Paula (Roman noblewoman), 39, 40
Pentecost, 36, 170
Photius (son of Belisarius), 40
Piacenza Pilgrim, 29, 34, 36, 37
Pilate, Pontius, 24
Procopius (Byzantine historian), 34–36
Qasr al-Hayr West, 122
Qubbat Ya’qûb, 48
Qurra ibn Shank, 12, 118
Raja’ ibn Hayweh, 115
Ramlah: as capital of Palestine, 112
founding of, 128–29
mosaics in, 70
official visits to, 136
Rashid, al; 61
Ravenna: baptistries in, 107
mosaics compared to Dome of the Rock, 91
Répertoire Chronoligique d’Epigraphie Arabe (Kevran, Ory, and Schneider). See Index Géographique du Répertoire Chronologique d’Epigraphie Arabe (Kevran, Ory, and Schneider)
Robinson’s Arch, 27, 126, 127
Rome, sources concerning, 7
Rosen-Ayalon, Myriam, 116, 131
Sadid al-Dawlah Ali ibn Ahmad, 156
Sa’id ibn Bitriq, 54
Sakînah (Ark) Gate, 165
Saladin, 3, 162
Salah al-Din al-Munajjad, 11
Salih ibn Yahya, 61
Saloniki, craftsmen for mosaics from, 100
Samarqand, growth of, 7
Samuel (prophet), tomb of, 22
Santa Constanza, mosaics of, 101
Santa Maria Maggiore, mosaics of, 40
San Vitale (Ravenna), 108, 109
Saqar (Hell) Gate, 165
Sefernameh (Nasir-i Khosraw), 137
Simon, Jan, 17
Single Gate, 148, 153
Solomon (king of Israel): artifacts of in Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 32
association with Christian Jerusalem, 38, 48–49, 114, 115
association with Haram al-Sharif, 159
association with Herod’s Temple, 28
construction of sanctuary by, 146
doors of Golden Gate made for, 148
in writings by Muqaddasi, 164, 165
Solomon, Stables of, 148
Solomon’s Palace, 73
Solomon’s Temple, 17, 73, 206n.102
Sophronius (patriarch of Jerusalem), life of, 45
opposition to Muslim construction, 50
poetry of, 34, 40, 64–65, 71,
surrender to Muslims by, 6, 46–47
Stephen (saint): artifacts at the church on Mt. Zion, 36
association with Herod’s Temple, 28
commemorated at church on Mount Zion, 38
Stern, Henri, 151
Sulayman b. Abd al-Malik (caliph), 111, 128–29
Sulayman b. Issam, 132
Suleyman I (Ottoman sultan, “the Magnificent”), 5, 25, 64, 162
Survey of Western Palestine III (Conder and Kitchner), 16
Tabari, at; 8, 111
Temple. See Herod’s Temple
Theodore Abu Qurra, 167
Theodotus (Count of the East), 40
Theophanes, 132, 167
Tiberios (alleged son of Justinian II), 132
Tomb of Christ, 29
Tomb of the Virgin (Kedron valley), 108
Tower of Babel, episode of, 170
Tower of David, 40
Traditions about the life of the Prophet (hadith), 9, 47, 113
Triple Gate, 27, 123, 148
Tübingen, manuscript in, 11
Tübinger Atlas des Voderen Orients (TAVO), 15
Tyropoeon valley, and landscape of Jerusalem, 22, 25
Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz (Umar II, caliph), 129
Umar ibn al-Khattab (Umar I, caliph): role in Muslim conquest of Jerusalem, 6, 46–47, 166
visit to Jerusalem by, 47–48, 131
in writings of Ibn al-Faqih, 164
Umayyad dynasty, 8, 9, 19, 111, 173
Umayyad period: Aqsa Mosque during, 117–18, 120–22
Christianity during, 132, 166–67
Church of the Holy Sepulchre during, 64–65, 126, 132
Dome of the Chain during, 130–32
Dome of the Rock during, 52–55
Golden Gate during, 124–26
Haram al-Sharif during, 17, 44, 49–50, 122–28, 123–24, 129
Jerusalem during, 105, 109, 124–25, 135
Jewish population during, 112, 132–33, 166
Mount Zion during, 132
Muslim population during, 128–30, 166
New Church of the Virgin Mary during, 132
sources concerning, 165
Uthman ibn ‘Affan (caliph), 63
Van Rerrhem Marguerite, 72, 76
Van Berchem, Max: on Church of the Holy Sepulchre inscriptions, 142
on Dome of the Rock inscriptions, 11, 16, 56, 57–58, 60, 61, 64, 65, 156
on Muslim tomb inscriptions, 169
on stairways of Haram al-Sharif, 158
Van Ess, Joseph, 113
Vaux, Roland de, 12
Venus, temple of, 38
Vincent, Louis Hugues, 17, 25
Warren, Charles, 16
Wasiti, al; 11, 115
Wilkinson, John, 10
Wilson, Charles, 16
Yahya ibn Sa’id al-Antaki, 139
Ya’qubi, 8
Yazid ibn Mu’awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan, 50
Yazid ibn Salam, 115
Zahir, al- (al-Zahir li-A’zaz din Allah), 139, 151, 156, 162
Zakariyah: association with Haram al-Sharif, 159
mihrabs for in Haram al-Sharif, 148, 164
pious stories about, 163
Zechariah (father of John the Baptist), 28, 32
Zechariah (visionary), 28, 32
Zerubbabel, Book of (messianic), 41
Zion Gate, 25, 31, 139