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List of illustrations

  • Theatrum Sive Coliseum Romanum, from Antonio Lafréri, "Speculum Romanae magnificentiae"
  • Fifteen Male Saints
  • Cosimo I de' Medici, from Aldus Manutius, "Vita di Cosmo de' Medici," Bologna, 1586
  • Putti with Swags and a Mask
  • Petit Aethera
  • Moses
  • Putti with a Monkey
  • Putti with a Monkey
  • Venus and Mars Embracing as Vulcan Works at his Forge
  • Venus Asleep as Vulcan Works at his Forge
  • The Entombment of Christ
  • Copy of Mantegna's Entombment
  • Copy of Mantegna's Entombment
  • Entombment
  • The Entombment, after Mantegna
  • Battle of the Nudes
  • St. John the Baptist Preaching in a Harbor City
  • St. James Led to Execution
  • Christ at the column (recto)
  • Two Studies of Christ
  • The Flagellation of Christ with the Pavement
  • Colophon page from Boccaccio, "Decameron," Mantua: Pietro Adamo Micheli, 1472
  • The Risen Christ Between SS. Andrew and Longinus
  • Title page from the series "The Triumphs of Caesar
  • Trumpeters and Standard Bearers
  • The pavement of Siena cathedral from above, looking towards the crossing and altar
  • Stories of Moses on Sinai
  • Stories of Moses on Sinai
  • Stories of Moses on Sinai
  • Cartoon for "Moses Breaking the Tablets of the Law
  • Eve
  • The Sacrifice of Abraham
  • The Sacrifice of Abraham
  • A Pagan Sacrifice
  • Apostle with a book
  • Apostle (St. Philip?) by a Window
  • St. Philip
  • St. Peter
  • An Apostle
  • Study of an Old Man
  • Apostle in a Niche
  • Two Nude Men in a Landscape
  • Vulcan
  • St. Bartholomew
  • Two Nude Men in a Landscape
  • Peter and John Healing the Lame Man
  • Pavement of Siena Cathedral
  • Moses Striking water from the Rock
  • St. Paul Enthroned
  • Stigmatization of St. Catherine
  • Villa of Agostino Chigi (La Farnesina), Rome, north façade
  • Intarsia doorway
  • Sgrafitto façade of a fifteenth-century palace at Vicolo di San Simeone and Via della Maschera d'oro, Rome
  • Sgrafitto façade of a fifteenth-century palace at Vicolo di San Simeone and Via della Maschera d'oro, Rome
  • Casa Borghesi, facade
  • Caritas, fresco from the "Life of St. John the Baptist"
  • Presentation of the Head of St. John the Baptist
  • Madonna of the Harpies
  • Saint Anne altarpiece
  • The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine of Siena and Saints
  • The Death of Ananias
  • Hercules Chasing Avarice from the Temple of the Muses
  • Diogenes
  • Diogenes
  • Diogenes
  • The Triumph of Christ
  • Aaron Making the Golden Calf
  • The Murder of the Idolatrous Hebrews
  • The Submersion of Pharaoh's Army in the Red Sea
  • The Submersion of Pharaoh's Army in the Red Sea, detail
  • The Death of Patroclus
  • The Birth of the Virgin
  • The Fire in the Borgo
  • Aeneas Carrying Anchises
  • The Presentation of the Virgin, from the Life of the Virgin
  • Ecce Homo, from the Great Passion
  • The Resurrection, from the Great Passion
  • The Descent of Christ into Limbo
  • The Harrowing of Hell, from the Great Passion
  • The Harrowing of Hell, from the Small Passion
  • The Harrowing of Hell, from the Engraved Passion
  • Descent into Limbo
  • Head of the Good Thief
  • Mucius Scaevola
  • The Pact Between Elijah and Ahab
  • Massacre of the Innocents
  • Moses Striking Water from the Rock
  • Justice, detail from the ceiling of the Sala del Concistero, Palazzo Pubblico
  • Miracle of St. Michael on Mt. Gargano, predella panel for The Fall of the Rebel Angels
  • St. Michael Appearing to Pope Gregory the Great, predella panel for The Fall of the Rebel Angels
  • Drawing of a Grotesque
  • St. Philip
  • St. Anthony Abbot
  • Detail of St. Philip
  • Three Reclining Nudes
  • Three Reclining Nudes, detail
  • Volute of a Composite Capital
  • Capital of an Ionic Column
  • Title page from "Gli oscuri et dificili passi dell'opera ionica di Vitruvio
  • Ionic Volute, from "Gli oscuri et dificili passi dell'opera ionica di Vitruvio," f. verso
  • Ionic Volute, from "Gli oscuri et dificili passi dell'opera ionica di Vitruvio," fii. Recto
  • Fol. 29, from Antonio Labacco, "Libro d'Antonio Labacco appartenente al'architettura . . . MDLVIIII
  • Hercules Victorious Over the Hydra
  • Façade of the House of Giovanni Battista Bertani in Mantua
  • Plinth of an ionic column, from the façade of the house of Giovanni Battista Bertani, Mantua
  • Portrait of Diana Mantuana
  • St. Jerome
  • St. Jerome
  • The Feast of the Gods, detail
  • March of the Horsemen
  • The Feast of the Gods
  • Cupid and Psyche
  • Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
  • Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
  • Christ and the Adulteress
  • The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence
  • Entombment
  • The Visitation
  • Map of Rome, detail of Trinità dei Monti on the Pincio hill
  • Map of Rome, detail of Trajan's column and Santa Maria di Loreto
  • The Dead Christ with Angels
  • The Monogram JHS in a Flaming Circle
  • Drawing from I tre libri dell'arte del vasaio
  • Tomb of Andrea Bregno
  • Frontispiece from the "Libro d'Antonio Labacco appartenente a l'architettura nel qual si figurano alcune notabili antiquita di Roma . . . MDLVIIII
  • Title page, "La vera perfettione del disegno" (Venice: Francesco Franceschi, 1591)
  • Plate LIIII, "La vera perfettione del disegno" (Venice: Francesco Franceschi, 1591)
  • Decoration of the interior courtyard of the Palazzo Capodiferro-Spada
  • Moses Fountain at the aqueduct of the Aqua Felice
  • The Ascension
  • Engraving from "Trattato di trasportar la Guglia in su la Piazza di San Pietro" (Rome: Francesco Zanetti, 1583)
  • Chapel of the Compagnia di San Giuseppe
Description: The Invention of the Italian Renaissance Printmaker
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Invention of the Italian Renaissance Printmaker
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Invention of the Italian Renaissance Printmaker
Late in the afternoon of 6 November 1584, prints from the Roman workshop of Pietro de’ Nobili were inventoried at his house in the presence of a tired notary who gave them descriptive titles: the Second Part of Asia in 2 Pieces, Cosimo de’ Medici, The World Upside Down, Friezes by Polidoro da Caravaggio, The Colosseum in Ruins, Ninety-Three Small Pictures of Saints, and so on...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.1-15

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Description: The Invention of the Italian Renaissance Printmaker
~~Originally Giorgio Vasari attributed the invention of copperplate...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.17-43

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Description: The Invention of the Italian Renaissance Printmaker
~~In 1593 Andrea Andreani, an itinerant woodblock cutter in Siena, packed up shop and returned to his native Mantua to begin work on a print commission from Duke Vincenzo Gonzaga. The task was...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.45-110

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Description: The Invention of the Italian Renaissance Printmaker
In 1576, the year after she had married the aspiring architect Francesco da Volterra and moved to Rome, a Mantuan printmaker named Diana engraved a large, single-sheet image of an ancient Ionic volute...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.111-145

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Description: The Invention of the Italian Renaissance Printmaker
~While describing different professional responses to the new technology of printing it has been important to keep in mind that sixteenth-century printmakers came fully equipped with the social and professional protocols of older occupations, and that these were reflected in the ways that artisans of both sexes practiced woodcarving, engraving, etching,...
PublisherYale University Press
Related print edition pages: pp.147-164

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Description: The Invention of the Italian Renaissance Printmaker
~I Partnership agreement between Petrus Spranghers and Petrus de Nobilibus, 6 November 1584 (partially published in A. Bertolotti, “Giunto ad artisti belgi ed olandesi in Roma nei secoli XVI e XVII,” Buonarotti ser. 3, 2 [1884]). Archivio di Stato di Roma, Archivio del Collegio dei Notai Capitolini, Fabritius Palmerius, vol. 1207, fols....
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Invention of the Italian Renaissance Printmaker
I Printing privilege for Diana Mantuana from Pope Gregory XIII, 5 June 1575. Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Arm. XLII...
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Invention of the Italian Renaissance Printmaker
I Description of the bookprinter’s confraternity by Camillo Fanucci, in Trattato di tutte l’opere pie dell’Alma citta di Roma, Rome, 1601...
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Invention of the Italian Renaissance Printmaker
PublisherYale University Press
Description: The Invention of the Italian Renaissance Printmaker
PublisherYale University Press
The Invention of the Italian Renaissance Printmaker
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