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Description: Duchamp in Context: Science and Technology in the Large Glass and Related Works
PublisherPrinceton University Press
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Following the General Index is a separate Large Glass Index, indicated by “LG” in cross-references, which catalogues all components of the Large Glass (whether executed or not) as well as major themes in Duchamp’s notes and in this book’s interpretation of the Glass. Subjects that are not limited to the Large Glass, including all fields of science and technology, are listed in the General Index, with subheadings identifying pages relevant to the Large Glass.
General Index
Abbaye de Créteil circle, 236n. 6, 240n. 57, 243n. 4, 247n. 81, 252n. 60
Abrams, Erika, 239n. 46
Abstract Expressionism, 80
Académie des Sciences, 5, 7, 40, 238nn. 26, 33, 240n. 58
Adams, Henry, xx, xxi, 154, 180, 234nn. 10, 11, 13, 288n. 44, 295n. 49, 304n. 101
Adcock, Craig, xix, xxii, 71, 235n. 21, 268n. 37, 270nn. 104, 127, 271nn. 133, 140, 285n. 28, 300n. 220, 309n. 131, 315n. 101
aerodynamics, 28, 285n. 47
experiments in, 125, 160–61, 183, 198. See also Eiffel Tower
agriculture, 131, 140, 169, 174
and Large Glass, xxi, 121, 140, 155, 160, 168, 174–75, 181, 198, 220
and sexuality/fertility, 160, 169. See also LG, as “agricultural instrument”; LG, Bride, and agriculture; LG, and wordplay and punning, buttoir/butoir
Aichele, K. Porter, 292n. 183
air currents, 56, 110–11, 122, 125, 129, 136, 144, 151, 292n. 178
and electrical currents, 111, 123
wind currents, and Duchamp/Large Glass, 56, 80, 85, 125, 110, 111, 116, 122, 123, 129, 151, 178, 192. See also LG, Air Current Pistons; LG, Bride, and meteorology
airplanes and aviation, xx, 4, 17–18, 28, 32–33, 66, 125, 177, 180, 285n. 47
and Duchamp, 18, 28, 32–33, 66, 125, 177
and Large Glass, 125, 159. See also Blériot; Duchamp, works: Airplane; Salon de la Locomotion Aerienne
Aitken, Hugh, 115
alchemy, 24–27, 41, 56, 113, 162, 181–82, 188, 231–32, 241n. 84, 248n. 84, 249n. 101, 261nn. 196, 206, 304n. 124, 318nn. 5, 6
and chemistry, 24–25, 86, 188, 198, 248n. 82
king and queen in, 26, 249n. 105
modern revival of, 24–27, 182, 198
radioactivity associations of, 18, 23–25, 27, 86, 134, 162, 182, 188, 198, 231, 248n. 94, 304n. 124
sexual associations of, 26–27, 86, 248n. 98
Société Alchimique de France, 24–25
and stripping theme, 25–26, 86, 181, 231, 232. See also LG, and alchemy; Duchamp, and alchemy question; transmutation
allegorical figures, 35, 126, 169, 179, 181, 183
of woman with torch or light, 126, 181, 183, 216, 218
allegory, 27, 179–80, 182, 231, 234n. 20, 303n. 83
and Duchamp, 184, 189, 209, 214, 303n. 84, 305–6n. 148. See also LG, as “allegorical appearance”/“allegorical Reproduction”; LG, and allegory
Allégret, Marc, 212, 283n. 233
alternating current, 44, 56, 92–93, 99, 104, 109, 154–55, 187, 259n. 121, 281n. 175
high-frequency, 21, 32, 40, 42–46, 50–51, 96, 99, 102, 104–5, 108–9, 123–24, 187, 194, 259n. 120, 281n. 175. See also Tesla
alternator, electrical. See dynamo
Amar, Jules, 156, 252n. 53
American Museum of Natural History, 218
Amiot, Anne-Marie, 57
anarchism, 62, 263n. 45
androgyny, 305n. 125
and Duchamp, 72, 266n. 17
anemometer, 115, 123–24
antennae, 98–100, 106–8, 110, 115, 124, 183, 194, 204, 206, 278n. 117
cage or cone type, 109, 112, 194, 280n. 148
umbrella type, 107, 194
anthropomorphism, 27, 34, 37, 108
and Duchamp, 19, 27
and Large Glass, 79, 84, 108, 131, 138, 140, 142, 146, 159, 164, 195–96, 253n. 64. See also human-machine analogies
Antliff, Mark, 84, 240n. 57, 263n. 45, 264n. 64, 268n. 53, 297n. 136, 303n. 71
Apollinaire, Guillaume, 4, 8, 13–14, 16–18, 20–21, 31, 47, 59, 75, 81, 92, 127, 160, 180–83, 186–87, 189, 203–4, 250n. 24, 266n. 11, 275n. 25, 286n. 72, 300n. 220, 307n. 19, 309n. 145, 310nn. 158, 159
on Duchamp’s art, 8, 16–18, 20–21, 134, 187, 189, 304n. 107
and Fabre, 127, 180
and Gourmont, 92, 127, 180, 286n. 72
and Impressions d’Afrique, 13, 33, 47, 51, 53, 242n. 102
and Jura trip, 13, 33, 37–39, 58
as model for/parallel to Duchamp, 13, 31, 204
—, in fusion of sex/technology/religion, 38–39, 180, 182
—, in use of allegory and tradition, 180–82
and occultism, 12, 24, 27, 182, 238n. 33, 249n. 110
and wireless telegraphy/electromagnetic wave communication, 100, 103–4, 193, 203, 268n. 45, 275n. 21
writings: “Lettre-Océan,” 100, 204, fig. 84
Les Peintres Cubistes, 13–14, 16–17, 20–21, 57, 81, 134, 180, 187, 244n. 11, 250n. 24
“Le Roi-lune,” 100, 203
“Le Toucher à distance,” 75, 100, 203, 268n. 45
“Zone,” 38, 180
appareils enregistreurs. See registering instruments
arbre (tree), 28, 39, 181, 192–93
and Duchamp, 249n. 118, 274n. 97, 304n. 107. See also LG, Bride as arbre type
arbre de transmission (transmission shaft), 28, 39, 90, 104, 122, 181, 188, 192, 254n. 92, 274n. 77. See also LG, Bride, as arbre type
Archimedes, 155
Arensberg circle, 77, 269n. 63, 280n. 156, 309n. 145
Arensberg, Louise, 77, 213, 311n. 3
Arensberg, Walter, 74, 77, 213, 268n. 36, 309nn. 142, 145, 311n. 3
Arp, Jean, 317n. 143
artificial parthenogenesis, 36, 129, 181
Asendorf, Christoph, 236n. 33
Ashberry, John, 260n. 153
Ashton, Dore, 178, 218
astral body (astral man), 13, 27, 49, 258n. 96
atoms, xx, 7, 18–20, 22–25, 41, 57, 72, 86, 103, 106, 132, 133, 135–37, 142–49, 161, 196, 205, 244n. 21, 245n. 36, 247n. 74, 282n. 212, 306n. 17, 311n. 177
atomic-molecular hypothesis, 135, 142, 149, 245n. 28
debate on existence of, 135, 143, 196, 200, 245n. 28
and “intra-atomic energy,” 7, 20, 25, 23, 134, 162, 246n. 46
and subatomic activity, and Duchamp, 19–20, 22, 28, 72, 106, 134, 146–48, 196, 205
subatomic particles, 87, 134, 144, 147, 187, 196
—, collisions of, 87, 147, 187, 195–96, 198. See also LG, atomic/subatomic and molecular events paralleled in; electrons; radioactivity; scattering
atom theory, xxi, 15, 18–19, 26, 28, 35, 53, 55, 86–87, 142–43, 175, 191, 196, 245n. 22, 258n. 98, 288n. 51
automatons, 34, 46, 89, 91, 93–97, 112, 174, 131, 192, 218, 250n. 29, 253n. 62, 273n. 71, 274n. 77. See also LG, Bride, and automatons
automobile, xx–xxi, 16–17, 28, 33–39, 50, 59, 60, 88, 105, 114, 126, 174, 180, 188–89, 253nn. 66, 80, 254n. 97, 273n. 59, 274n. 77, 284nn. 4, 5
chassis of, 39, fig. 50. See also LG, Bride, and automobile
automobile engine. See internal combustion engine
Avogadro’s number, 145–46, 196
Bachelard, Gaston, 317n. 168
Bachofen, J. J., 169
balance, 92, 95–96, 164–65, 194. See also LG, Juggler, and balance/equilibrium; equilibrium
Balfour, Lord, 205, 311n. 179
ballistics. See LG, ballistic theme in; Duchamp, and ballistic theme
Bandeaux d’Or, Les, 100, 111
Baraduc, Hippolyte, 7, 101, 111, 116, 204–5, 238n. 33, 239n. 34, 310n. 168
Barney, Natalie, 124
barometers, xx, 115, 121, 124, 183, 301n. 15. See also LG, Barometer
Barr, Alfred, 305nn. 125, 143, Barrett, Sarah, 317n. 144
Barthes, Roland, 182
battery, 51, 102, 252n. 59, 277n. 84
metaphor of, 36
beauty, 52, 63, 176, 186, 188, 200, 206, 264n. 65, 301n. 20. See also Duchamp, and beauty/aesthetics; Duchamp, and “beauty of indifference”
Becquerel, Henri, 7, 23, 117, 132, 142, 255n. 16
Becquerel, Jean, 142
Beer, Gillian, 310n. 164
Beier, Lucia, 271n. 149, 309n. 123
Bell, Alexander Graham, 48
Benjamin, Walter, 303n. 84
Benoit, Pierre André, 219–20
Benson, Donald, 310n. 168
Bergmann, Max, 12–13
Bergson, Henri, 4, 7, 35, 47, 63, 76–77, 83, 92, 96, 105, 128–29, 143, 167, 176, 188, 200–201, 221, 239nn. 37, 44, 263n. 45, 271n. 149, 309n. 128
and duration, 47, 167, 176, 179, 200, 221, 239n. 37, 309n. 128
and intuition vs. intellect, 63, 76–77, 128
on organic-mechanical hybrids and humor, 35, 54, 84, 96–97, 129, 200, 252n. 45
philosophy/theories of, 7, 14, 20, 35, 83–84, 179, 244n. 13, 264n. 64, 268n. 53, 270n. 107, 271n. 149, 297n. 136, 303n. 71
—, elements in others’ theories, 17, 20, 47, 199, 244n. 13, 270n. 107
and the “ready-made” (tout fait), 35, 63, 77, 96, 200, 264n. 68
writings: Le Rire, 35, 63, 92, 96, 105, 129, 200, 251n. 45
L’Evolution créatice (Creative Evolution), 35, 128, 176, 264n. 68. See also LG, and Bergson; Cubism (Puteaux circle), Bergsonist orientation of; Duchamp, and Bergsonism of Puteaux Cubists; Duchamp, and Readymades, anti-Bergsonism of
Bernard, Claude, 252n. 52
Berthelot, Daniel, 24, 106
Berthelot, Marcellin, 24–25, 248n. 84, 255n. 16
Besant, Annie, 6–8, 101, 310n. 168
writings: Thought Forms, 6–7, 101, 204, 310n. 168
Bex (Roussel character), 54–56, 132–33, 162
Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, 8, 31, 47, 57–59, 64, 81, 189, 245n. 41, 249n. 101, 250n. 4
bicycles, 33, 48, 50, 66, 88
bicycle wheel, 48, 64, 66, 155, 265n. 99. See also Duchamp, works: Bicycle Wheel
biology, 8, 35–36, 103, 107, 129, 242n. 97
and Large Glass, xxi, 109, 113, 121, 126–29, 174
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 41
Blériot, Louis, 17–18, 180, 244n. 15, 250n. 24
Blondlot, Réné, 8–9, 238n. 33, 240n. 59
Boccioni, Umberto, 4, 81, 243n. 6, 270n. 107
Bohn, Georges, 21, 27, 36, 245nn. 28, 34
Bohn, Willard, 42
Bohr, Niels, 245n. 25
Boltzmann, Ludwig, 135, 289n. 72
Bon, Jacques, 8, 265n. 115
Bono, James J., 190
Borel, Emile, 265n. 92
Boucher, Maurice, 162, 167–68, 300n. 228
Boys, C. V., 48
Bragdon, Claude, 43, 120
brain, 11, 42–43, 101–3, 106, 111, 128, 180, 204, 276n. 47. See also Crookes, brain/wave detector analogy of
Brancusi, Constantin, 18, 33, 66
Branly, Edouard, xx, 46–47, 99, 112–13, 193, 248n. 92, 281nn. 179, 199
and telemechanics, 112–13. See also coherers, Branly tripod coherer
Braque, Georges, 4, 15, 17, 31, 237n. 6, 117
Breton, André, xix–xx, 56, 66, 171, 173, 185, 192, 206, 214–16, 221, 223, 231–32, 261n. 196, 270n. 100, 283n. 251, 299n. 197, 314n. 76, 315n. 102
writings: “Phare de La Mariée” (Lighthouse of the Bride), xix, 78, 125, 171, 206, 218–19
Brillouin, Marcel, 142
Brinton, Christian, 14
Brisset, Jean-Pierre, 51, 266n. 17
Brown, Robert, 143
Brownian movement, xx–xxi, 48, 133, 136–37, 143–46, 148, 161, 174, 191, 196, 198, 234n. 19, 281n. 183, 289n. 61, 291n. 150, 292nn. 156, 178, 293n. 194. See also molecules; Perrin
Buffet (Buffet-Picabia), Gabrielle, xx, 4, 13–14, 33, 37–38, 43, 77, 210
and Duchamp, 58, 206, 210–12, 253n. 66
and Jura trip, 13, 33, 37–38, 211, 253n. 66
bullets. See LG, Nine Shots
Buridan, Jean, 64, 73, 155
Buridan’s Ass, 64–65, 73, 136, 151, 264n. 86, 299n. 194
Burnham, Jack, 231, 249n. 118, 252n. 50
Buskirk, Martha, 264n. 73
Butler, Samuel, 34
Cabala, 231, 318n. 1
Cabanne, Pierre, 10, 17, 31, 51–52, 61, 64–65, 71, 78, 80, 82, 179, 203, 207, 218, 222, 241n. 79, 243n. 6, 244n. 11, 251n. 41, 266n. 5, 307n. 18, 310n. 163, 314n. 69
Cage, John, 262n. 28
Cailletet, Paul, 132, 142
Calas, Nicolas, 231
calculus of probabilities, 135
Calder, Alexander, 151
Calvesi, Maurizio, 231
Camfield, William, 39, 211, 243n. 1, 250n. 10, 313n. 43
Canseliet, Eugène, 231, 232, 318n. 5
capillarity, xx, 48, 131
capillary tubes, 27, 108, 132, 138, 140. See also LG, Capillary Tubes
Carnot, Sadi, 134
Carroll, Lewis (pseud, of Charles Dodgson), 84
Carrouges, Michel, 52–53, 56–57, 182, 231–32, 251n. 29, 259n. 121, 260n. 155, 261n. 201
Cartesian philosophy, 34
and Duchamp, 77, 185, 269n. 59. See also Descartes
casting, molding. See LG, imprinting and molds; Duchamp, and casting
cathode rays, xx, 4–7, 15–16, 18, 21–22, 41–43, 47, 98, 108, 130, 133, 142–43, 161–62, 197, 246n. 48, 254n. 10
as bombarding projectiles, 45, 146, 154, 246n. 48
speed of, 245n. 24. See also electrons
cathode-ray tubes, 4, 41–42, 107, 119, 145, 197, 255n. 32. See also tubes, electric discharge and illuminated gas
Caumont, Jacques, 242n. 102, 262n. 13, 263n. 38, 265n. 97, 278n. 113
causality, 65
determinist, opposed by Duchamp, 65, 104, 137, 185. See also Duchamp, and irony, “ironic causality”
Celant, Germano, 237n. 10, 239n. 36, 283n. 239
Cendrars, Blaise, 99, 183, 204
Cézanne, Paul, 3, 14, 266n. 9
chance, 65, 185, 188, 196, 265n. 92
laws of chance, 136, 144
and H. Poincaré, 65, 136–37, 144, 164, 188, 196
in science, 132, 135–36, 265n. 92. See also LG, chance manifested in; Duchamp, and chance; randomness; Roussel, and chance
changing states of matter, xxi, 123, 135, 138, 196
and Duchamp/Large Glass, 123, 133, 135, 138, 141–42, 147, 196
Chaplin, Charlie, 314n. 77
Charcot, Jean Martin, 7
chemical machine, body as, 36, 128, 181
chemistry, xx, 15, 17, 24–26, 35, 41, 43, 53, 55, 86, 89, 116, 131–32, 174, 188, 236n. 2, 247n. 76, 248n. 84, 277n. 67, 279n. 121
and Duchamp/Large Glass, xix, xxi, 91, 105, 132–34, 148, 162, 174–76, 181, 191, 195–96, 236n. 2, 254n. 95, 287n. 21. See also Bex; Montalescot, Louise; physical chemistry
chess, 11, 77, 186, 202, 213, 249n. 105, 306nn. 3, 14
and Duchamp, 11, 16, 186, 202, 213, 222, 249n. 105, 259n. 132, 306n. 15, 307n. 18. See also Duchamp, works: The Chess Game, Portrait of Chess Players
Chevreul, Michel-Eugène, 14
choc (blow), 123, 145, 158, 161, 284n. 24, 292n. 180
molecular, 144–45
chocolate. See LG, chocolate
chocolate, manufacture of, 142
chocolate grinder in Gamelin shop, 59–60, 107, 173, 262n. 16
Christianity, 39, 180–81, 253n. 89
and Duchamp, 182, 304n. 121. See also LG, Bride, and Virgin Mary; LG, religion; Virgin Mary; Christ/Jesus; Duchamp, “Jura-Paris Road” project
Christ/Jesus, 180, 182, 305n. 125
and “Jura-Paris Road” project, 37–39, 88, 180, 198
and Large Glass, 182
chronophotography, 7, 10–11, 32, 35, 115, 187, 237n. 10, 239nn. 35–37, 241n. 78, 243n. 6
Cimabue, 17, 180
cinematography, 100, 239n. 37
X-ray cinematography, 12, 15, 27. See also Duchamp, filmmaking; film
Clair, Jean, 87, 119, 231, 236n. 4, 237n. 9, 238n. 33, 240n. 73, 246n. 57, 251n. 41, 262n. 20, 270n. 112, 272n. 12, 280n. 164, 283n. 248, 318nn. 5, 6
clairvoyance, 10, 13, 96, 100, 204. See also X-rays, clairvoyance
Clarke, Bruce, 303n. 83
classical mythology. See mythology
Claude, Georges, 45–46, 108–9, 126, 133–34, 140–42, 194, 196, 245n. 24, 275n. 10, 278n. 90, 279n. 140
writings: L’Electricité à la portée de tout le monde, 45–46, 105, 108–9, 126, 154, 169, 195, 245n. 24, 275n. 10
Clausius, Rudolf, 134, 288n. 48
clinamen, 161
clinamen principiorum (Lucretius), 136
“Clinamen” (Jarry), 136–37, 258n. 98
clocks, 34, 93, 94, 131, 274n. 79
and Duchamp/Large Glass, 34, 91, 94, 167, 174, 199, 200–201, 221
clockwork automatons, 89, 94, 192 (see also automaton); clockwork mechanisms, 34, 93–94, 112, 121, 158, 192. See also LG, Boxing Match; LG, Clockwork box (of Bride); LG, and Bergson; LG, and time; Duchamp, and “clock in profile”; Duchamp, and Readymades, anti-Bergsonism of
cloud chamber, 20, 119, 147, 196, 282n. 212, 293n. 207
cloudchamber photographs, 20, 87, 119, 147–48, 161
coherers, 99, 115
Lodge coherer 42, 102
Branly tripod coherer, xx, 42, 99, 102, 112, 114, 194, 278n. 112. See also wave detectors
cold and low temperatures: and Duchamp/Large Glass, 141, 177, 196, 201, 215
science of, 133, 140–42, 291n. 133
collisions. See LG, collisions theme; Duchamp, collisions
colloids, 143–44
colloidal suspensions, 144–45, 196
—, and Duchamp, 144. See also Perrin
Colomer, André, 263n. 45
comets, 253n. 77
and Duchamp, 37–38
communication, 254n. 3
at a distance, 3, 75, 98–99, 103, 111, 203, 268n. 44
vibratory, 6, 101, 204–6
wireless (not telegraphy), 35, 45, 100. See also LG, communication in; electromagnetic waves; Hertzian waves; radio control; telepathy; wireless telegraphy
Concours Lépine, Salle des Inventions, 186, 212
condensers, electrical, 44, 51, 90, 92, 99, 102, 104–6, 110, 123, 178, 183, 193, 202, 252n. 59, 263n. 55, 278n. 90. See also LG, mid-section
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, 17, 45, 57, 62, 156, 175, 224, 234nn. 14, 15, 263n. 47
Musée des Arts et Métiers (also Musée Industriel), 18, 28, 32, 34, 46, 57, 60, 62, 66, 103, 108, 119, 124, 129, 131, 153, 160–63, 169, 173–74, 180, 181, 202, 234n. 14, 250n. 24, 261n. 211, 268n. 37, 297n. 141
—, holdings of, 34, 45, 57, 60, 62, 74, 94, 124, 129, 131–32, 142, 158, 169, 174, 295n. 55, 298n. 153, 311n. 14, 312n. 36. See also LG, glass cases/containers; LG, and Musée des Arts et Métiers
continuity, 7, 73, 95, 167, 176, 200, 305n. 131. See also LG, continuity/discontinuity theme in; discontinuity
cooler/cooling system, automobile. See LG, Cooler, Ribbed or Gilled
Corkscrew Rule, 22, 110, fig. 29
Covert, John, 77, 269n. 63
Cramer, Charles A., 274n. 97, 302n. 35
Cranach, Lucas, 304n. 110
cranes, 131, 150, 160–61, 169, 174, 198, 220. See also LG, Chariot, and cranes
Craven, Arthur, 269n. 61
Crookes, Sir William, xx–xxii, 4, 8–9, 21–24, 31, 40–42, 57, 68, 95, 100–101, 103, 108–9, 114–15, 125, 133, 136, 142–43, 145, 148, 154, 167, 187, 205, 243n. 6, 246n. 48, 248n. 92, 254nn. 3, 6, 9, 272n. 15, 282n. 212, 310nn. 168, 173, 313n. 47, fig. 53
brain/wave detector analogy of, 42–43, 102–3, 106, 111, 116, 204
eye/wave detector analogy of, 102, 115, 124
and invisible phenomena, 41
lectures of: for BAAS, 42, 101–2, 140
for Society for Psychical Research, 6, 41–42, 48, 101–2
and relativity of sense perception/knowlege, 6, 9, 41, 167
and occultism, spiritualism, 9, 41, 96, 204, 255n. 17
occultists’ interest in, 24–25, 40, 255n. 16
table of vibrations of, 6, 41, 53, 76, 205, 254n. 6
and telepathy, 6, 9, 42, 48, 96, 102, 111
and Tesla, 40, 42–43, 45, 47, 99, 257n. 63
and wireless telegraphy, 40, 42–43, 47, 99, 102. See also Crookes tube; “radiant matter”; radiometer; spinthariscope; X-rays, and Crookes.
Crookes tube, 5, 9, 14, 18, 21, 26, 39, 40–44, 46, 49, 108, 125, 131, 142, 146–47, 177, 194, 254n. 10, 255n. 25, 274n. 82
“mill wheel” of, 21, 41, 146, 154, 197, 254n. 9, fig. 152. See also tubes, electric discharge and illuminated gas
Cros, Charles, 252n. 54
Crotti, Jean, 77, 111–12, 114–15, 117, 128, 155, 204, 209, 280n. 169, 281nn. 172, 175, 311n. 3, 312n. 26
and electricity/electromagnetism, 112, 155, 211, 281n. 175
works: The Clown, 112
Edison, 281n. 175
The Mechanical Forces of Love in Movement, 112, 128
Mademoiselle Triphase, 155, 281n. 175
Solution de continuité, 112
Virginity in Displacement, 281n. 172
Crotti (Chastel), Yvonne, 77, 209, 312n. 26
cryogenics. See cold and low temperatures, science of
Cubism (general), xix, xxi, 3–4, 8–9, 11, 13–14, 15, 17, 20, 25, 39, 59, 67, 177–78, 187–89, 236n. 4, 237n. 6, 239n. 40, 241n. 79, 242n. 113
and fourth dimension, 4, 6, 59, 81, 84, 264n. 66
Orphic Cubism, 100, 275n. 25
and relativity theory, 222. See also X-rays, and Cubism
Cubism (Puteaux circle of Gleizes and Metzinger), xix, xxi, 3–4, 7–9, 11, 13–14, 17, 24–25, 27, 31, 35–36, 39, 41, 58, 60, 63, 67, 71–72, 76–78, 80, 82–84, 111, 143, 166, 175–77, 178–79, 183–84, 187–89, 236n. 6, 238n. 26, 243nn. 4, 6, 247n. 81, 252n. 45, 263nn. 41, 42, 45, 265n. 90, 277n. 70
Bergsonist orientation of, 4, 14, 35, 63, 72, 76–77, 80, 83–84, 143, 176, 185, 188–89, 198–200, 202, 221, 239n. 37, 263n. 45, 264n. 64, 268n. 53, 297n. 136, 303n. 71
changing attitude toward math and geometry, 83–84, 152, 179, 188, 268n. 53
and taste, 63, 76, 176, 262n. 21, 264nn. 65, 70
Curie, Marie, xx–xxi, 7–8, 23, 25, 27, 36, 142, 247nn. 65, 75, 255n. 16, 291n. 147
Curie, Pierre, xxi, 7–8, 23, 27, 36, 140, 142, 164, 247nn. 65, 67, 75, 291n. 147
cuts: Dedekind cuts, 83, 271n. 133
in mechanical drawing, 32
topological notion of, 83, 270n. 104. See also Duchamp, and cutting
Dada, 72, 78, 155, 204, 206, 211, 267n. 23, 310n. 163, 312–13n. 41
Dali, Salvador, 246n. 46
Daniels, Dieter, 231, 318n. 9
Darget, Commandant, 238n. 33
d’Arsonval, Professor A., 255n. 16
Darwin, Charles, 127
Dastre, A., 18, 108
Dedekind cuts, 83, 271n. 133
de Duve, Thierry, 66, 244n. 14, 309n. 143, 311n. 176
Dee, John, 271n. 127
de Forest, Lee, 274n. 9, 275n. 24
de Kooning, Willem, 12
Delaunay, Robert, 4, 99–100, 103, 125, 183, 204, 275n. 25
and wireless telegraphy/electromagnetic waves, 99, 100, 103, 275n. 24
works: Simultaneous Window, 99, fig. 83
de Massot, Pierre, 317nn. 144, 147
Demeter, 126, 169, 181, 301n. 257, 304n. 115, 315n. 102
Demuth, Charles, 77
Denis, Léon, 8
density, 131, 142, 162, 303n. 71. See also LG, Playful Physics, and “oscillating density”
de Rougement, Denis, 222, 317n. 168
de Saussure, Ferdinand, 302n. 35
Desbonnet, Professor, 160
Descartes, René, 34, 77, 89, 94, 155
Desnos, Robert, 314n. 76
determinism, opposition by Duchamp, 65, 136–37, 166, 174, 185
Laplacean, 136
Calvinist, 137. See also causality, determinist
Deutsches Museum, 12, 18, 28, 32, 34, 66, 241n. 86
Dewar, Sir James, 140–41, 142
d’Harnoncourt, Anne, 203, 241n. 88, 302n. 54
diagrams, circuit. See Duchamp, and diagrams
Diderot, Denis, 302n. 35
die casting, 118. See also LG, imprinting and molds
diffraction, 115, 208, 211
direct current, 44, 123. See also electricity
discontinuity, 7, 142–43, 148, 200, 246n. 46. See also LG, continuity/discontinuity theme in; matter, discontinuous structure of
Djizmé (Roussel character), 53, 55–56, 124, 260n. 155
Donati, Enrico, 165
Donato, Eugenio, 175
Dorival, Bernard, 237n. 9
Doucet, Jacques, 211, 213
Dragoumis, E. J., 279n. 132
drawing techniques in French schools, 32, 250n. 12. See also mechanical drawing; Duchamp, and drawing
Dreier, Katherine, 77–78, 117, 205, 208, 210, 263n. 37, 265n. 105, 269n. 69, 299n. 197, 311n. 8
Duchamp, Alexina (Alexina Sattler Matisse), 12, 18, 203, 217, 219, 241n. 88, 317n. 144
Duchamp, Gaston. See Villon, Jacques
Duchamp, Magdeleine, 9, 60, 236n. 1
Duchamp, Marcel
and absolutes, rejection of, xix, 188
and alchemy question, 18, 26–28, 56, 162, 182, 188, 198, 221, 231–32, 241n. 84, 248n. 94, 266n. 16, 280n. 164. See also LG, and alchemy
and art, challenges to conceptions of, 63–64, 66, 120, 174, 204
and audience/spectator, ideas on, xxii–xxiii, 72, 186, 219–20, 222–23, 231, 317–18n. 170
and ballistic theme (pre-Large Glass), 21, 26, 86, 134, 272nn. 9, 35
and beauty/aesthetics, 59, 63, 67, 176, 179, 186, 188, 200, 202, 221, 305n. 148. See also Duchamp, and taste
“beauty of indifference,” 59, 60–68, 75–77, 80, 188, 190, 202
and Readymades, 60–68, 188, 190, 202
and Bergsonism of Puteaux Cubists, xxii, 35, 63, 76–77, 83–84, 129, 152, 176, 179, 188–89, 198–202, 221, 263n. 45, 264nn. 64, 66, 268n. 53, 303n. 71. See also LG, and Bergson; Duchamp, and Readymades
and boxes/containers: wooden croquet box (3 Standard Stoppages), 61, 105, 106
photographic plate/negative boxes, 74, 106, 116, 268n. 36. See also Duchamp, note-making activity, and boxes
and Buenos Aires, stay in, 114, 119, 202, 207, 208, 210, 213
and Cartesian philosophy, 77, 185, 269n. 59
and casting, 118, 214, 217, 221. See also LG, and imprinting and molds
and chance, 32, 72, 74, 135, 175, 196
“canned chance,” 61, 65
experiments using chance (actual and theoretical), 33, 54, 58–59, 61–62, 65, 75–76, 80, 106, 137, 145, 151, 161, 166, 185, 191, 197, 220, 221
in music, 54, 58, 61, 65, 151. See also LG, chance manifested in
and clocks: “clock in profile,” 166, 167, 299n. 218. See also LG, and time; clocks, and Duchamp/Large Glass
and coincidence: “Ministry of Coincidences,” 62
“Regime of Coincidence,” 62, 159, 162, 191
and color, 3, 20, 22, 77, 81–82, 108, 208–12, 218, 241n. 79, 262n. 24, 272n. 32, 298n. 173, 300n. 238, 313n. 51, 314n. 85
electromagnetic color, 208–9, 211 (see also spectrum, electromagnetic); flamelike color, 17, 21
virtual color, 212. See also LG, and color
and Cubism: lessons of, 3–4, 8–11, 187
rejection of Cubist practice, xxii, 67, 106, 143, 166, 176, 178–79, 182–84, 188, 271n. 157. See also Duchamp, and Bergsonism of Puteaux Cubists
and cuts, cutting, 9–10, 82, 214, 314n. 84. See also LG, and cutting
“demultiplication,” 11, 85, 241n. 79. See also LG, Nine Shots
and diagrams, 28, 32–33, 43, 65, 67, 74, 99–100, 152, 156, 191
circuit diagrams, 99, 110
“pure diagram” as model for art, 187
and dictionaries, 28, 53, 60/66, 176, 208, 260n. 145, 317n. 149
and dimensionality, 211–14, 218. See also LG, space in
and drawing, alternatives to expressive line, 31–33, 38, 58–59, 61, 75–76, 81–82, 107, 187–89, 191, 282n. 213. See also Duchamp, and touch/hand of artist; mechanical drawing, and Duchamp
education of, in mathematics and science, 3, 132, 148, 155, 186–87, 236n. 2
“elementary parallelism,” 11, 82–83, 241n. 79
and energy, 17–18, 134, 175, 196, 203, 214. See also LG, energy and power
Etant donnés: “Bride”/nude of, 107, 129, 165, 173, 216–18
and electricity, xxii, 104, 217–18
and illuminating gas, 194, 216
Manual of Instructions for, 217–18
as a museum display, 129, 218
and Surrealism, 164, 214, 216–17
and voyeurism, 173, 216
waterfall in, 216–17, 315n. 107
and woman with torch, 107, 126, 169, 216, 218. See also LG, and Etant donnés; Duchamp, and casting; Duchamp, and landscape; Duchamp, works: Etant donnés
and Fabre, Jean-Henri, 127–29, 165, 173, 180, 218
and fabrics, 116–17, 213–14, 216
and fashion/costume, 3, 33, 49, 213, 215, 250n. 17, 279n. 135
and film/filmmaking, 28, 176, 210, 212–14. See also Duchamp, and photography
and free will, 64–65, 136–37, 151, 166, 174, 196–97
and Gourmont, Remy de. 92, 113, 118, 124, 127–28, 150, 159, 180–81, 283n. 248, 286n. 85, 302n. 35
and gravity: “Ministry of Gravity,” 62, 162
“Regime of gravity,” 165. See also LG, gravity theme in
and hinges, 60, 82–83, 104, 199
and human-machine analogies. See human-machine analogies, and Duchamp
and humor, 3, 15, 60–61, 71–72, 74–75, 85, 132, 180–82, 185, 187–88, 190–91, 198, 204, 294, 213, 215, 218. See also LG, and humor; LG, and wordplay and punning; Duchamp, and wordplay and punning
and ideas, importance of, xix, 20, 31, 65, 67, 71, 78, 82, 188, 190, 192, 200–201, 266n. 5. See also Duchamp, and intellect of the artist; Duchamp, and mind of the artist
and indexical signs, 116, 124, 208, 210, 283n. 233. See also LG, indexical signs/indexical registering in
and indifference/indifferent choice, 63–65, 67
and chance, 59, 63, 65, 185. See also LG, “liberty of indifference”; Duchamp, and “beauty of indifference”
and infrathin (inframince), 203, 207–8, 212–14, 221, 240n. 65, 272n. 9, 300n. 228, 303n. 84, 313n. 66, 314nn. 70, 80, 84, 85
and intellect of the artist, 19, 31, 51, 71–72, 77–78, 85, 130, 132, 187–90, 200, 203
noted by Apollinaire, 17, 20, 187
noted by Breton, xix, 187, 206
noted by Nayral, 187. See also Duchamp, and ideas; Duchamp, and mind of the artist
and irony, 63, 71, 75, 180, 182, 210
“ironic causality,” 65, 137, 151
and Jack Frost sugar cubes, 201, 215, 315n. 95
Jura-Paris trip, 13, 33, 37–38, 42, 58, 127, 180, 198, 242n. 102, 253n. 66
“Jura-Paris Road” project, 33, 37–39, 59, 76, 88–89, 125, 198, 253nn. 67, 79
collision theme in, 38, 88
5 nudes of, 37–38, 88, 180, 198
“headlight child” of, 33, 37, 39, 42, 88, 125, 180, 198
and Jesus/Christ, 37–39, 88, 180, 198
“machine-mother” of, 33, 37–39, 59, 88–89, 180, 198
notes for, 33, 37–39, 89, 177, 180, 188–89, 198, 253n. 71, 270n. 104, 308n. 106
and road as geometrical line, 37, 76, 88, 180, 198, 270n. 104
and Virgin Mary, 37, 39, 89, 198. See also LG, “Jura-Paris Road” project as precursor
and landscape: “Jura-Paris Road” project, 38
Cols alités, 104, 217
Etant donnés (and studies), 216, 217, 315n. 107
Paysage fautif, 316n. 114
Pharmacy, 64, 177, 196, 201, 264n. 72, 302n. 54. See also LG, and landscape
and language, xxii, 53, 219, 223, 280n. 156. See also LG, and language
and lead, 154–55, 191, 221
“liberty of indifference.” See LG, “liberty of indifference”
and lighting (various types), 107–9, 117, 194, 216–18, 241n. 79, 316nn. 125, 126. See also LG, Bride, as incandescent lightbulb; LG, electricity theme in; LG, Illuminating Gas; “electric fete”; tubes, electrical discharge and illuminated gas
love affairs of, 13, 216, 303n. 81
“Luggage Physics,” 214, 314–15n. 89
and machines, as designer of, 72, 186, 207, 210, 212
Etantdonnés as a machine, 217. See also Duchamp, and optics
and materials (non-Large Glass), 37, 165
glass, 33, 60, 114, 208, 210
lenses, 114–15, 151, 207–8
and mathematics, 31, 71–72, 80, 149, 156, 179, 185–87, 188, 222, 294nn. 32, 33. See also, Duchamp, and language; four-dimensional geometry, and Duchamp
mechanics, 165. See also mechanics, and Large Glass
and metonymy, 165, 215. See also LG, and metonymy
and mind of the artist, xix, 184–85, 31, 39, 66–67, 71–72, 149, 266n. 149
and motion, interest in depicting, 10, 16, 20–21, 32, 146, 187, 243n. 6
multivalence of works, 165, 202. See also LG, Bride, multivalent of; LG, multivalence of
and Munich, stay in, 11–12, 22–28, 31, 58, 66, 89, 205, 241nn. 84, 86, 244n. 14, 304n. 110
and museum displays. See Etant donnés, as a museum display; LG, and glass cases of Musée des Arts et Metiérs
and music, 54, 60, 76, 151, 202, 211, 235n. 21, 262nn. 28, 31, 274n. 76
“gap music,” 221, 262n. 33. See also Duchamp, and chance
and New York, residence in, 67, 77–78, 118, 200, 208, 210, 215, 217
New York studio of, 64, 177, 185, 214, 217, 221, 269n. 60
later re-creation of Large Glass themes in, 203, 214–15
note-making activity (and compiling) by, xix, 31, 68, 72–73, 187–88, 191, 203, 219, 220, 222, 295n. 51
and audience for, xxii–xxiii, 71–72, 189, 206, 219, 222
and boxes, 74, 267n. 34, 268n. 36
facsimile reproduction of, 72, 79
photographic reproduction of, 74, 233n. 1, 267n. 31, 268n. 47
and selection of, 138, 267n. 35. See also LG, and language; LG, notes in relation to; LG, text to accompany; Duchamp, writings and note collections; Leonardo, as model for Duchamp
and optics, xxi, 72, 102, 114, 130, 202, 207–11, 213–15, 311n. 11
optical experiments, xxi, 211–13, 299n. 212
optical machines, 186, 207, 210–13
optical works, 114–15, 206–8, 212, 313n. 68. See also LG, and optics; Duchamp, Precision Optics; Duchamp, and the “retinal”; stereoscopy
and photography, xxi, 12, 28, 67, 74, 76–77, 80, 87, 95, 103, 106, 111, 116–17, 119, 132, 147, 176, 185–86, 189, 195, 200, 211, 242n. 114, 272n. 12, 314n. 77. See also LG, and photography; photography
and the piano, 274n. 76. See also LG, Boxing Match
“pictorial nominalism,” 176
“plastic retaliation,” 176, 213, 199
the “Possible” (note), xxii, 164, 202, 219–21, 314n. 85
and precision, 153, 185
in execution, 32–34, 72, 80, 106, 145, 186, 189–91, 196, 210, 293n. 198, 313n. 69
in language, 75, 146, 148, 189–91, 218, 221, 262n. 9. See also LG, “Precision Brushes”; Duchamp, Precision Optics; Duchamp, “precision, painting of”
Precision Optics of, 208, 210, 211–12. See also Duchamp, and optics; Duchamp, works: Rotary Demisphere (Precision Optics) and Rotary Glass Plates (Precision Optics)
“precision, painting of,” 59–60, 63, 65, 67, 75, 77, 80, 188, 210, 221
as printmaker, 3, 60
and punning. See and wordplay and punning
Readymades of, 48, 54–55, 57, 59, 63–67, 72, 76, 78, 103, 126, 173–74, 176–77, 184, 186–88, 190, 196, 198–203, 207–9, 215, 244n. 14, 264nn. 68, 73, 265nn. 100, 105, 281n. 170, 285n. 28, 290n. 88, 309nn. 131, 142, 145, 149, 310n. 163, 314n. 77
anti-Bergsonism of, 35, 63, 67, 84, 96, 120, 200–202, 263n. 45, 264n. 68
displacements in, 66, 202, 265n. 100
as “hieroglyphs,” 202, 302n. 35
and musical score, 202
and “the readymade” (Bergson), 35, 63, 77, 96, 200, 264n. 68
“unloading ideas” on, 65, 190, 200–201. See also LG, and Readymades
and religious iconography, 37, 39, 89, 126, 188, 204. See also LG, Bride, and Virgin Mary; LG, and religion; Jesus/Christ; Virgin Mary
and representation, modes of, 43, 67
the “retinal,” rejection of, 3, 9, 10, 61, 184, 207
retinal exhaustion, 207, 213
and R. Mutt, 66
and Rrose Sélavy, xxi, 53, 169, 177, 212–13, 216, 313–14n. 69, 314n. 76
science (and technology), attitude toward, xxi–xxii, 32–34, 49, 68, 71–72, 77, 89, 130–31, 138, 148, 155, 161, 173–75, 184–88, 190–91, 207, 222, 234n. 30, 266n. 9. See also LG, multivalence of; metrology, Duchamp’s critique of; science (general), French positivist science, Duchamp’s critique of
and scientific illustration style, 31–33, 39, 53
self-fashioning, xxii, 71, 186, 189, 190–92, 202–3, 208, 213
as artist-engineer-scientist, xxii, 67, 74, 103, 149, 182, 184–85, 188, 190, 202, 222
as chemist, 15, 132, 136, 138, 142, 191
as engineer, 58, 106, 120, 125, 176, 186, 210, 213, 218
as geometer, 185, 191
as inventor, 31, 58, 191, 211, 214
as linguist-scientist, 176, 191
as mechanical draftsman, 33, 59, 155
as scientist of various types, 21, 87, 138, 148–49, 214
and sexuality, xxi, 13, 21, 36–38, 72, 88–90, 118, 165, 188, 204, 206–7, 211–13, 216–17, 268n. 51, 313n. 68, 314n. 70. See also LG, and sexuality; Duchamp, and spirals, as sign of sexuality; sexual associations of science and technology (and language of)
and shadows, 116, 208–10, 312n. 20. See also LG, and shadows/cast shadows
and shop windows, 173–74, 216
and signs: rethinking verbal signs, 110, 175–76, 189, 209, 220
rethinking visual signs, 175–76, 178, 187, 202, 215, 220, 302n. 35. See also LG, and language; LG, and “hieroglyphic” signs; Duchamp, and language
and speed, 16, 20–21, 146, 187, 253n. 80. See also Duchamp, “Swift Nudes” series; electrons, and Duchamp
and spirals, 166, 209–12, 217, 299n. 212
corkscrew, 22, 208–9, 212, 312n. 23
dimensional effects of rotating, 210, 212
as sign of electricity/electromagnetism, 22, 110, 113, 211
as sign of sexuality, 211, 221. See also LG, Juggler, spiral form of; LG, Toboggan, and Corkscrew; Corkscrew Rule; Duchamp, and optics, optical machines
stencils, use of, 59
and stereoscopy, 210, 212
and stripping theme, 10–11, 15–16, 21, 25–26, 33, 43, 187, 188, 305n. 125. See also LG, stripping theme in; X-rays, and stripping theme
“Swift Nudes” series, 11, 16–21, 26–27, 34, 38, 134, 146, 187, 196, 204, 243nn. 1, 2, 6, 245n. 33, 253n. 80
and tactile perception, 82
and taste, 31–32, 59, 63–65, 67, 76, 84, 174, 184, 186, 188, 190, 199–203, 221–22, 264n. 65, 301n. 20, 309nn. 134, 145. See also Duchamp, and wordplay and punning
and thread: falling, shaped by chance, 33, 61, 75–76, 80, 136, 165, 189, 197
sewn/wound through canvas, 33, 59–60, 107, 189–90, 194
and three, preference for, 179
and three-dimensional tableaux, 164, 214, 215
and touch/hand of artist, 31–33, 52, 58–59, 61, 63–65, 71, 77, 80, 82, 95, 108, 118, 120, 176, 184, 200, 209–12, 217–18, 250n. 16, 262n. 33, 282n. 218. See also LG, laboratory equipment and procedures; LG, materials, laboratory-like nature; Duchamp, and the “retinal,” rejection of
and tradition, 27, 38, 178–84, 305n. 131. See also allegory, and Duchamp; perspective, and Duchamp/Large Glass
translation issues in writings of, 137, 158, 168–69, 266n. 10, 267n. 34, 284nn. 11, 15, 287n. 8, 290n. 94, 292nn. 180, 186, 295n. 57
and virtual images, 83, 211, 213
and wordplay and punning, 165, 175, 188, 190, 202, 210, 213, 218–19, 272n. 35, 274n. 97, 280n. 156, 285n. 28, 304n. 107, 314n. 76
goût (taste)/goutte (drop)/égouttoir (bottle rack) wordplay, 147, 175, 181, 187, 188, 196, 197, 200–201, 309nn. 134, 142, 145. See also Duchamp, and humor; Duchamp, and language; LG, and humor; LG, and wordplay and punning
and X-ray imagery. See LG, Bride, and X-rays; X-rays, and Duchamp
Duchamp, Marcel, works: Air of Paris, 64, 126, 176–77, 201, fig. 166
Air Current Pistons, 80, 116, 174, 190, 197, 302n. 64, fig. 120
Airplane, 18, 28, 32, 125, 156, 175, 188, fig. 37
Allégorie de genre, 303n. 84
The Altar of the Handler or Tender of Gravity, 164–65, 193, 203, 214–15, 219–20, 299n. 197, fig. 180
Anaglyphic Chimney, 210
Anémic Cinéma (film), 212, 240n. 65, 283n. 233, 313n. 60
Baptism, 236n. 4
Bébé marcheur, 34, 94, 240n. 72
Bicycle Wheel, 48, 63, 65–66, 201, 208, 265n. 98, fig. 70
Bottle Rack, 54, 63, 65–66, 76, 175, 188, 196, 200–201, fig. 71
Bouche-Evier, 317n. 156
Box in a Valise (Boîte-en-valise), 126, 176, 201–2, 213, 217, 258n. 101, 262n. 31, 264n. 73, 315n. 89, 316n. 114, fig. 166
Boxing Match, 33, 189, 263n. 55, 307n. 40, fig. 45
The Bride, xxi, 11–13, 27–28, 32, 36, 59, 77, 90, 96, 127–28, 181, 188, 192, 200, 237n. 9, 251n. 41, 261n. 1, 266n. 16, 272n. 32, pl. 3
The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass), pl. 1, 165 (see separate “Large Glass” Index following General Index); The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (1913 perspective layout), 59, 82, 139–40, 187, 198, 290nn. 101, 104, fig. 75
The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even: Musical Erratum, 60–61, 106 (see also Musical Erratum compositions); The Bush, 13, 236n. 4
Cemetery of Uniforms and Liveries (No. 1), 33, 258n. 105, fig. 96
The Chess Game, 11
Chocolate Grinder (No. 1), 32–33, 39, 43, 59, 66, 307n. 40, fig. 66
Chocolate Grinder (No. 2), 32–33, 43, 58, 59, 60, 66–67, 107, 110, 189, 194, 265n. 115, 307n. 40, pl. 5
Coffee Mill, 32, 59, 110, 187, 237n. 9, 240n. 70, 243n. 5, fig. 41
Cols alités, 104–5, 217, 294n. 23, fig. 87
Comb, 201–2
Draft on the Japanese Apple Tree, 236n. 4
Du Tignet, 104
Etant donnés, xxii, 75, 87, 104, 107, 118, 126, 129, 164–65, 169, 173, 203, 207, 213–14, 216–17, 301n. 7, figs. 183, 186
Etant donnés: Maria, la chute d’eau et le gaz d’éclairage, 216, 315n. 109
Female Fig Leaf, 118
First Study for: The Bride Stripped Bare by the Bachelors, 18, 21, 25–27, 32, 86, 90, 134, 181, 198, fig. 31
Fluttering Hearts, 212, 313n. 67
Fountain, 64, 66, 76, 126, 177, 190, 201–2, 265nn. 95, 105, 302n. 45
Fresh Widow, 213
Glider Containing a Water Mill (in Neighboring Metals), 33, 60, 82–83, 155, 190, 278n. 91, 298n. 167, fig. 151
The Green Ray, 214–15, 217, 315n. 100, fig. 182
Hat Rack, 64, 66, 201–2, 208, fig. 118
Homemade Stereopticon Slide, 210
In Advance of the Broken Arm, 64, 66, 202, 309n. 142, fig. 118
The King and Queen Surrounded by Swift Nudes, 16–17, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27, 32, 58, 106, 134, 146, 187, 196, 204, 243n. 1, 245n. 33, 298n. 173, 307n. 40, pl. 2
The King and Queen Traversed by Nudes at High Speed, 16, 20, 58, 134, 196, 204, 243n. 1, fig. 24
The King and Queen Traversed by Swift Nudes, 16–17, 20, 22, 110, 134, 196, 204, 209, 243n. 1, 246n. 46, fig. 23
L.H.O.O.Q., 72, 202, 266n. 17, 313n. 41
The Large Glass Completed, 78, 153
Le Gaz d’éclairage et la chute d’eau, 216
Medallic Sculpture, 221
Mediocrity, 243n. 5
Milky Way, 110–11, fig. 101
Monte Carlo Bond, 54, 213, 314n. 75
Network of Stoppages, 33, 62, 67, 110, 116, 189, fig. 73
9 Malic Molds, 33, 60
Musical Erratum compositions, 54, 59–61, 65, 76, 106, 119, 151, 262n. 28
Nude Descending a Staircase (No. 1), 10, 241n. 76, 243n. 6
Nude Descending a Staircase (No. 2), 10–11, 13–14, 16–17, 20, 27, 32–34, 58, 77, 106, 187, 241nn. 76, 78, 243n. 6, fig. 12
Objet Dard, 118
Paradise, 236n. 4, 243n. 1, 249n. 105
The Passage from Virgin to Bride, 12, 25, 27–28, 32, 237n. 9, 249n. 115, fig. 33
Paysage fautif, 258n. 101, 316n. 114
Pendu femelle, 124, fig. 127
Perspective Drawing for the Water Mill Wheel, 33, 154, fig. 153
Perspective Sketch for the Bachelor Machine, 59, 139, 140, 152, 165–66, 262n. 13, 307n. 40, fig. 140
Pharmacy, 64–65, 138, 177, 190, 196, 201, 215, 264n. 72, 290n. 88, 302n. 54, 307n. 40, fig. 167
Portrait (Dulcinea), 10, 43, 240n. 73, 243n. 6, fig. 11
Portrait of Chess Players, 11, 32, 58, 111, fig. 15
Portrait of Dr. Dumouchel, 3, 22, 111, 138, 204, 236n. 4, 237n. 9, 238n. 33, fig. 2
Pulled at 4 Pins, 285n. 28, 309n. 142, 317n. 147
Raising of Dust, 72, 111, 116–18, 148, 169, 177, 184, fig. 123
Rotary Demisphere (Precision Optics), 210–13, 313nn. 54, 60, fig. 177
Rotary Glass Plates (Precision Optics), 186, 208, 210, 312n. 37, fig. 174
Rotoreliefs (Optical Discs), 186, 210–12, 313nn. 62, 67, figs. 178AB
Sad Young Man on a Train, 32, 241nn. 76, 79, 243n. 5
Sculpture for Traveling, 166, 202
“Sixteen Miles of String,” 315n. 102
Sonata, 9
Study for Etant donnés, 214–16, fig. 181
3 Standard Stoppages, xix, 33, 49, 59, 61–62, 65, 67, 74–76, 80, 105–6, 116, 136–38, 144, 156, 162, 165, 177–78, 183–84, 188–89, 195, 197, 202, 209, 262nn. 26, 37, 263nn. 42, 46, 55, 268n. 36, 271n. 140, 302n. 44, 310n. 163, fig. 68
Tiré à 4 épingles, 285n. 28, 316n. 139, 317n. 147
To Be Looked At (from the Other Side of the Glass) with One Eye, Close to, for Almost an Hour, 83, 114–15, 119, 151, 202, 207–8, 210, 213, figs. 115, 171
To Have the Apprentice in the Sun, 49, 60, 76, 88, 220, see fig. 79
Trap (Trébuchet), 64, 66, 202, fig. 70
Traveler’s Folding Item, 126, 177, 201, fig. 166
Tu m’, fig. 173, 33, 61, 63, 116, 201, 208–11, 312nn. 17, 23
“Twelve Hundred Coal Sacks Suspended from the Ceiling over a Stove,” 315n. 102
2 Nudes: One Strong and One Swift, 16, 19–20, 134, 196, 204, 243n. 1, fig. 22
2 Personages and a Car (Study), 16, 18, 243n. 5, 253n. 80, fig. 25
Unhappy Readymade, 115, 202
Virgin (No. 1), 12, 28, 33, 39, 58–59, 89, 181, 188, 192, 272n. 33, 307n. 40, figs. 35, 51
Virgin (No. 2), 12, 28, 32–33, 39, 59, 261n. 1, fig. 36
Waistcoat, 317n. 144
vests for TEENY, PERET, SALLY, BETTY, 219, 221
Wasp, or Sex Cylinder, 95, fig. 105
Wedge of Chastity, 217
Why Not Sneeze, Rrose Sélavy?, 54, 215, 315n. 97
With Hidden Noise, 202, 280n. 156, 309n. 145, fig. 170
With My Tongue in My Cheek, 118
Young Man and Girl in Spring, 25, 27, 67
Yvonne and Magdeleine Torn in Tatters, 9, 67, 187, fig. 9
Duchamp, Marcel, writings and note collections: A l’infinitif xix, 31, 233n. 1, 71, 74, 77–82, 117, 130, 133, 138, 145, 151–52, 166–67, 173, 192, 219, 222, 267n. 34, 270n. 120
Box of 1914, xix, xxi, 31, 60–61, 65, 67–68, 72, 74–78, 84–86, 98, 104, 106, 111, 116, 119, 189, 193, 217, 219, 221, 233n. 1, 268nn. 36 37
The Green Box, xix, xxiii, 31, 37, 49, 61, 65, 73–75, 78–82, 84, 87, 91–93, 96, 103–6, 110, 113, 116, 120–23, 128, 130, 132–34, 136, 138, 142, 145, 150–53, 156–57, 159, 163–65, 168, 173, 178, 181, 183, 189, 191–94, 199, 213, 215, 218–20, 233n. 1, 262n. 28, 266n. 10, 267nn. 31, 34, 35, 270n. 104, 271n. 3, 272n. 30, 273n. 41, 278n. 91, 284nn. 5, 15, 290n. 104
Marcel Duchamp: Notes (1980), xix, 31, 37–38, 64–65, 74, 89, 110, 122, 130, 132, 150, 159, 168, 173, 178, 191, 195, 219, 223, 233n. 1, 294n. 10, 299n. 220
unpublished collection (1950s) [Appendix A, 225–30], xxii, 65, 74, 122, 130, 139–40, 150–53, 157, 160, 163–65, 167–69, 192, 195, 218–23, figs. 148, 187–89
Duchamp, Suzanne, 3, 63, 111–12, 115, 204, 211, 236n. 1, 248n. 98, 268n. 44, 280n. 169, 281nn. 170, 172
and electricity/electromagnetism, 112, 211, 281n. 175
works: Broken and Restored Increase, 281n. 175
Radiations de deux seulséloignés, 111, 112, 205, 268n. 44, fig. 106
Duchamp, Yvonne, 9, 60, 62, 86, 236n. 1
Duchamp-Villon, Raymond, 3, 7–8, 12, 32, 34, 58, 124–25, 183–84, 189, 205, 236n. 1, 265n. 115, 288n. 54, 297n. 139, 303n. 71
Ducretet, Eugène, 99
Du Cubisme. See Gleizes and Metzinger, writings
Dufau, Clémentine Hélène, 27, 179
works: Radioactivité, magnétisme, 27, fig. 34
Duhem, Pierre, 73–74, 156, 292n. 160
Dumont, Pierre, 58
Dumouchel, Raymond, 3, 12, 22, 74, 76, 138, 236n. 4, 268n. 36
Duncan, Isadora, 77
Duncan, Robert Kennedy, 25, 234n. 20
Dunne, J. W., 299n. 218
Duns Scotus, John, 64
Dupin, Charles, 32–33
Durville, Hector, 246n. 57, 254n. 6
dust, 118–19, 148, 161. See also LG, materials of
dust figures, 111, 118
electrical dust figures, 148, 174, 190
Lichtenberg figures, 118–19
dynamics, 155–57. See also LG, Chariot, and mechanics
dynamo, xx, 34, 50–51, 66, 92, 131, 152–55, 180, 197, 273n. 54
dynamo/alternator, 109, 154–55
and Large Glass, 109, 154–55, 197
self-exciting dynamo, 154, 173
273n. 54
ectoplasm, 118, 280n. 164
Edgerton, Harold, 87
Edison, Thomas, 5, 11, 14, 43–44, 96, 125, 259n. 121, 285n. 55
and “battle of the currents,” 44–45, 259n. 121
as Villiers character, 34, 36, 49–50, 94–95, 113, 117, 258n. 109, 261n. 185
Edwards, Charles, 301n. 258
Eichner, Johannes, 311n. 177
Eiffel, Gustave, 99, 124–25, 160–61, 180, 182–84, 198, 285nn. 28, 47, 50
as model for Duchamp, 125, 184
Eiffel Tower, 100, 102, 125, 129, 160, 182–83, 194, 204, 274n. 9, 275n. 24, 285n. 28
305n. 143
and aerodynamic experiments, 125, 160–61, 198
—, with falling objects, 125, 160–61, 183, 198
displacements of, 124, 183, 285n. 28
as gallows, 183, 305n. 146
and Large Glass, 125, 177, 182–84, 194, 198, 204
and meteorological instruments, 99, 124
and phare (beacon), 125, 183
and time signal, 99, 183
and weather report transmission, 124, 183
and wireless telegraphy, 98–99, 106, 109–10, 115, 124, 183, 194, 198, 204
Einstein, Albert, xx–xxi, 137, 145–46, 148, 155, 161, 198, 200, 222, 234n. 19, 244n. 19, 290n. 85, 292n. 188, 298n. 162, 317n. 166
and work on Brownian movement, 145–46, 148, 198, 234n. 19, 292n. 188. See also relativity theory
Ekstrom, Arne, 267n. 34
elasticity, xx, 48, 131, 158–59, 169, 270n. 104, 289n. 77
and Large Glass, 42, 139, 142, 165–67, 198, 202
electric current, 4, 22, 36, 42, 92, 94–96, 101, 110, 131, 153–54, 207, 211, 236n. 33, 243n. 2, 273n. 54
and air currents, 111, 123. See also alternating current; direct current
electric headlights, automobile, 38–39, 60, 125
electric light. See lightbulb; lighting
electric spark. See sparks, electric
electric wind, 111, 118, 123, 281n. 175
electrical brushes, 153–54
electrical discharges, 21, 41, 45–46, 108, 111, 281n. 175, 283n. 262. See also tubes, electric discharge and illuminated gas
electrical power lines, 277n. 76
and Duchamp, 104
electrical radiations, 98, 104, 120, 208. See also electromagnetic waves
electricity, xxi, 3, 5, 8, 16, 18–19, 21–22, 26, 34–36, 38, 42, 44–45, 49–51, 53–56, 67, 74–75, 86, 89–96, 101, 105, 108–9, 111, 113, 118, 134, 145, 168–69, 174, 179, 183, 189, 195, 203–5, 236n. 33, 250n. 15, 252n. 60, 261n. 93, 273n. 54, 274n. 82
atmospheric electricity, 118, 261n. 193
and Duchamp, xxii, 16, 21, 36, 39, 120, 207–18, 223
popularization of, 43–44, 254n. 3, 286n. 64, 315n. 89
sexual associations of terminology, 21, 36, 51, 104, 155, 179, 193, 206, 211, 252n. 61, 255n. 26. See also LG, electricity theme in; alternating current; condensers; direct current; matter, electric theory of
electrocution, 44, 50, 56, 259n. 121
electrodynamics, 137, 161–62, 197
electromagnetic frequency, 114, 119, 189
electromagnetic spectrum. See spectrum, electromagnetic
electromagnetic waves, xx–xxi, 5, 8, 12, 15, 32, 40, 42, 46, 48, 53, 55, 57, 60, 67–68, 75, 77, 95–96, 98–100, 102–4, 106, 108, 114, 116, 119–20, 148, 162, 187, 190, 194, 203–6, 208, 234n. 20, 21, 239n. 46, 275n. 10, 276n. 61, 278n. 117, 310n. 164
electromagnetic radiations/rays, 5, 8, 76
swinging pendulum, analogies to, 98–99
and telepathy, 111. See also LG, communication in; electromagnetism, and Large Glass; Hertzian waves; Kupka, and vibrations; optics; visible light; wireless telegraphy; X-rays
electromagnetism, xxi, 3, 8–9, 17, 22–23, 25, 27, 40, 49–50, 53, 55–56, 67–68, 74–75, 90, 92, 95, 101, 103–4, 112, 161, 167–68, 174, 188, 191, 203–5, 211, 234n. 20, 243n. 6, 251n. 44, 261n. 193, 267n. 23
and Duchamp, xxi, 22, 60, 111, 207–18
and Large Glass, xxi, 22, 60, 68, 75, 89, 98, 100, 103–16, 119–20, 123, 147, 168, 189, 191, 193–94, 198, 203–6, 217
and Magnetism, 25, 49, 56, 252n. 58
electromagnets, 22, 60, 92, 104, 107, 110, 112, 154, 273n. 54, 297n. 140, electromechanical vibrators, 277n. 81
electrons, xx, 5, 11, 15–20, 22, 24, 26, 35, 40–41, 43, 107, 143, 146–47, 153, 162, 198, 205, 243n. 6, 244n. 19, 282n. 212
ballistic/bulletlike nature of, 21, 26, 90, 145, 146, 154, 196, 245n. 24, 246n. 47
“bare,” nude charges of, 19, 20, 21, 25–26
as corpuscles, 16, 19, 24, 244n. 19
and Duchamp, 16, 19–21, 26, 86, 90, 106, 110, 134–35, 147, 187, 196, 204–5, 253n. 80
invisibility of, 20–21, 115, 119, 132, 154
size of, 18–19
speed of/speeding, 16, 18–20, 106, 110, 142, 145–46, 162, 187, 196, 204, 245n. 24, 253n. 80
electroscope, 282n. 212
electrotherapy, medical, 36, 46
El Greco, 222
Eliot, T.S., 182, 305n. 131
emanation(s), 22, 101, 204, 238n. 33
and Duchamp, 3, 22, 111, 204, 318n. 172
flamelike, 101, 106, 108, 204
magnetic, 22, 56, 204
and occultism, 7, 11, 22, 56, 101, 106, 117, 204, 280n. 164
of radium, 23, 27, 108–9, 117, 133, 142. See also LG, Bride, ball, emanating, of; LG, chocolate
Encausse, Gérard (pseud. Papus), 12–13, 24, 27, 46, 128, 246n. 57, 249n. 110
Energetics. See Ostwald, and Energetics
energy, xx, 3, 19–20, 23, 26, 36, 42, 44, 51, 102, 104–6, 110, 131, 134, 137, 149, 154, 161, 167, 200, 245n. 42, 247nn. 64, 74, 255n. 26, 277n. 84, 288n. 41. See also LG, energy and power; Duchamp, and energy; atoms, “intra-atomic energy”
engines, 295n. 55, 301n. 15: expansion engine (machine à détente), 134, 140, 154, 277n. 84, 296n. 116
heat engines, 130, 173. See also LG, Bride, and automobile; dynamos; internal combustion engines; steam engines
entomology, 127–28, 165, 173, 193, 284n. 15. See also LG, and entomology; LG, Wasp
Epicurus, 136, 196
équilibriste, 158, 163
equilibrium, 36, 50, 65, 73, 95, 99, 136, 146, 156, 158, 163–64, 194
distribution of (Perrin), 144–45, 148. See also LG, Juggler/Handler, and balance/equilibrium
Ernst, Max, 297n. 134
ether, xx, 7, 19–20, 24–25, 47–49, 66, 98, 101, 111, 161–62, 167, 169, 200, 237n. 13, 244n. 19, 258n. 98, 312n. 14
and four-dimensional space, 167–68, 200. See also LG, Bride, and the ether
ether physics, xx–xxii, 22, 48, 72, 148, 200, 222, 234n. 20, 244n. 19
ether vibrations, 45, 98, 101–2, 168, 238n. 18, 243n. 6, 276n. 61, 310n. 168
ether waves, 21, 101, 111, 276n. 47
Euclid, xix, 47, 61
evolution, inorganic, 24–25
evolution of consciousness, 102–3
Exposition Internationale d’Electricité (1881), 38
Exposition Universelle (1889), 124, 297n. 139
Exposition Universelle (1900), xx, 6, 45–46, 66, 86, 98, 154, 265n. 103
Palais de l’Electricité in, 6, 98
Palais de l’Optique in, 6, 45, 46
exteriorization of sensibility, 7, 22, 101, 111, 113. See also Rochas
eyewitnesses (témoins oculaires), 115, 118, 282n. 208
and Large Glass, 114–15, 148
Fabre, Jean-Henri, 127–29, 165, 173, 180, 193, 218, 286n. 69
Fagin-King, Julia, 180
fairs/carnivals. See LG, and popular entertainment
falling bodies, experiments with, 156, 158, 161, 198
by Duchamp, 137, 151, 185
by Eiffel, 125, 160–61, 183, 198
falling bodies, laws of, 158, 161
and Leonardo, 156
Faraday, Michael, 50, 267n. 23
fashion. See Duchamp, and fashion/costume
Faustroll, Dr. See Jarry, writings: Gestes et opinions du docteur Faustroll
Fauvism, 3, 184, 306n. 148
ferris wheel (Grand Roue), 86, 183
Figuière, Eugene, 7, 8, 24, 240n. 52
filaments, 39, 44, 86, 113, 121, 125–26, 128, 193, 285n. 55
filament material, 125
filament paste, 125–26, 128, 193
carbonized filaments, 125, 193. See also LG, Bride, and filaments; lighting; lightbulb, electric, incandescent bulb
Filiger, Charles, 304n. 110
Flamel, Nicolas, 182, 304n. 124
“flames,” 17, 21–22, 45, 101, 187, 246n. 54. See also Tesla
Flammarion, Camille, 6, 36, 53, 56, 111–12, 204–5, 248n. 92, 310nn. 168, 173
Flaubert, Gustave, 174–75, 301nn. 20, 22
writings: Bouvard et Pécuchet, 174–75, 301n: 20, 22,
Fleming, J. A., 108, 275n. 15, 278n. 112
fluorescence, 4–5, 12, 23, 107–8, 194
fluorescent lighting, 45, 194
—, in Etant donnés, 217
flywheels, 48, 155, 169, 295n. 65
fork, 64, 299n. 199. and Duchamp, 159, 164–65, 299n. 199. See also tuning fork
four-dimensional geometry, 6, 43, 186
and Duchamp, xix, 4, 49, 58, 71, 81–84, 152, 185–86, 191–92, 199, 207, 214, 222, 299n. 209. See also n-dimensional geometry
four-dimensional vision, 82, 238n. 30
Fournier d’Albe, E. E., 211, 313n. 47
fourth dimension (of space), xix–xx, 4, 11, 13, 15, 20, 35, 41, 43, 47, 81–85, 111, 119–20, 163, 167–68, 185, 199–201, 212, 222, 234n. 9, 239n. 36, 251n. 41, 277n. 70, 280n. 159, 303n. 97
and Cubism, 4, 6, 59, 81, 84, 264n. 66, 277n. 70
and Duchamp, xxii, 11, 13, 31, 71, 75, 80–81, 118, 166–67, 191, 201, 211–12, 214, 218–19, 269n. 63, 270–71n. 127, 314n. 84
and the ether, 167, 168, 200
and gravity, 167
—, freedom from, 81, 85, 120, 138, 199
and glass, 82
and left-right orientation, freedom from, 81, 84–85, 120, 138, 199
mystical route to, 84
and time, 47, 222
and virtuality, 83
and X-rays, 9, 43, 59, 167, 238n. 30. See also LG, Bride, four-dimensional space of; LG, space in; hinges; hyperspace; mirrors; perspective, four-dimensional; projections; shadows; Kupka, and fourth dimension
Fraunhofer lines, 14, 242n. 111
free will, 64, 136–37, 196–97. See also LG, and “swervings of molecules”; LG, Bride, and free will; Duchamp, and free will
frequency, electromagnetic, 98–100, 114, 119, 189, 193, 274n. 4, 276n. 61
and Duchamp, 98, 189, 191, 195, 197, 200, 234–35n. 21. See also LG, as “a painting of frequency”; electromagnetic waves; spectrum
Fresnel, Augustin, 311n. 14
Freytag Loringhoven, Baroness Elsa von, 269n. 61
Freud, Sigmund, 235n. 31, 248n. 98, 269n. 71, 313n. 68
friction, 66, 134–35, 137, 157–58, 161, 298n. 156. See also LG, Chariot, and friction; LG, Playful Physics, laws of
Fuller, Loie, 23
fuses, electrical, 107, 153, 194
and Duchamp/Large Glass, 107, 153, 194, 221
Futurism. See Italian Futurism
Galileo, 155, 160–61
gallows, 183, 305n. 146
and Large Glass, 96, 183. See also LG, pendu femelle Galvani, Luigi, 36
Gamier, Charles, 183–84
Garte, Edna J., 311n. 179
Gascoyne, David, 246n. 57
gases, 142, 167, 206
inert, 23, 45, 107–8, 132, 194, 279n. 121, 133
molecules of, 135–36, 144–46. See also LG, Illuminating Gas; ionization, of gases; liquefaction of gases; solidification of gases; tubes, electric discharge and illuminated gas
gas lighting. See lighting, gas
gears, 91–93, 128, 131, 139–40, 150, 157, 160, 199, 211, 273n. 53, 274n. 77, 281n. 172, 284n. 4, 290n. 116
and Large Glass, 90–91, 93, 121, 139, 156, 159–60, 199, 297n. 130. See also LG, Desire-gear
Geber, 25
Geiger, Hans, 145
Geissler, Heinrich, 108, 279n. 125
Geissler tubes, 44, 46, 108–9, 112–13, 119, 131, 142, 146, 147, 177, 194, 279nn. 125, 130. See also tubes, electric discharge and illuminated gas
geometry, xx, 62, 82–85, 179, 186, 188–91, 209, 264n. 66, 271n. 140, 276n. 30
Euclidean, xix, 47, 61, 63, 75, 188, 202
axioms of, xix, 61, 295n. 69
and Duchamp/Large Glass, xix, 72, 75, 80, 115, 119, 121, 173, 179–80, 185, 188–92, 198–99, 202–3, 214, 221, 283n. 248. See also LG, and language; four-dimensional geometry; n-dimensional geometry; non-Euclidean geometry; projective geometry
Gervais, André, 265n. 97, 285n. 28, 317n. 143
Gibbs, Willard, 135
glass, 105, 112, 115, 119–20, 128, 132, 278n. 90, 289n. 77
and Kupka, 103
and Duchamp (other than Large Glass), 33, 60, 81–83, 114, 129, 132, 144, 173, 185, 191, 208, 210. See also LG, materials of; transparency
glass bulbs. See lightbulb, electric
glass globe, 126
bell glass, 127, 165
Gleizes, Albert, 4, 6, 8, 14, 58, 60, 76–77, 83–84, 166, 175–76, 179–80, 186–88, 199, 201, 236n. 6, 240n. 52, 242n. 111, 243n. 6, 247n. 81, 252n. 60, 263n. 42, 264nn. 64–66, 271n. 157, 303n. 71. See also Gleizes and Metzinger, writings: Du Cubisme; Cubism (Puteaux)
Gleizes, Albert, and Jean Metzinger, writings: Du Cubisme, 14, 60, 63, 76, 83–84, 166, 176, 179, 185–86, 188, 199, 201, 262n. 21, 264n. 70, 266n. 20, 303n. 71, 307n. 28
Gleizes, Juliette, 77, 117
glycerine, 144, 293n. 209
and Duchamp, 144, 293n. 209
Golden Section, 58, 72, 152, 261n. 1
and Duchamp, 191, 294n. 33. See also Salon de “La Section d’Or”
Golding, John, 53, 231, 241n. 78, 246n. 47
Good, Arthur (pseud. Tom Tit), xxi, 212, 299n. 199
Gottlieb, Carla, 270n. 112
Gough-Cooper, Jennifer, 242n. 102, 262n. 13, 263n. 38, 265n. 97, 278n. 113
Gourmont, Remy de, 8–9, 23, 47, 73, 92, 100, 113, 118, 124, 127–28, 150, 159, 180–81, 245n. 28, 267n. 22, 283n. 248, 286nn. 72, 85–90, 302n. 35
writings: Physique de l’amour, 92, 113, 118, 127–28, 159, 173, 193, 211, 286n. 69. See also Revue des Idées
Gouy, Léon, 143
Grand Palais, Salon de l’Automobile, 109
Grand Pier Pavilion. See Herne Bay Pier Pavilion.
gravity, xx, 84, 103, 138, 156–58, 160, 162–63, 165, 167–68, 195, 199, 202
center of gravity, 28, 73, 86, 95, 156, 158, 160, 163, 165–66, 249n. 121, 298n. 187, 299n. 199
and Duchamp, (3 Standard Stoppages), 63, 76, 80, 156, 165
and fourth dimension, 167
freedom from, 81, 120, 199
law of gravitation, 156, 158. See also LG, antigravity theme in; LG, Bachelor Apparatus, as gravity-bound; LG, Bride, and gravity theme in, freedom from; LG, gravity; LG, Juggler/Handler
Gray, Cleve, 71, 221–22, 267n. 34, 271n. 133
Gris, Juan, 4, 82
Guarini, Emile, 106
Guggenheim, Peggy, 217
Guide bleu, 131, 244n. 15, 287n. 6, 301n. 15
Guillaume, Charles-Edouard, 62, 133, 137, 148
Hadaly (Villiers character), 49, 93–97, 113, 117, 218, 192, 258n. 109, 274n. 82
Hades, 169, 181
Halberstadt, Vitaly, 213
Hamilton, George Heard, xxi, 126, 266n. 10, 273n. 41, 284n. 15, 287n. 8, 300n. 42, 305n. 125, 297n. 134
Hamilton, Richard, 81, 182, 249n. 115, 266n. 10, 269n. 71, 273n. 41, 278n. 91, 305n. 125, 307n. 54
Hare, Denise Brown, 316n. 121
Hartl, Leon, 213
Heisenberg, Werner, 136
helium, 14, 23–24, 108–9, 132–33, 140–41, 244n. 21, 291n. 119
produced by radioactive decay, 25, 142. See also gases, inert
Helmholtz, Hermann von, 134, 212, 295n. 65
Herbert, Robert, 209, 312n. 21
Henri, Victor, 144
Henry, Charles, 8, 22, 32, 189, 240n. 55, 252n. 54
Herne Bay Pier Pavilion, 86, 109, 168, 195
Hertz, Heinrich, 5, 23, 96, 98–99, 101, 120, 204, 255n. 16, 276n. 61
Hertzian waves, xx, 5–6, 8, 15, 42, 45–46, 98–100, 102–3, 204, 277n. 64
and Large Glass, 75, 93, 98, 103–4, 108, 111–12, 115–16, 120, 146, 168, 187, 193–94, 204, 208 (see also electromagnetism, and Large Glass). See also LG, communication in; radio control; wave detectors; wireless telegraphy
hinges, 104, 271n. 131
and fourth dimension, 82–83, 271n. 131
Hinton, Charles Howard, 84, 120, 167, 300n. 225
Hopkins, David, 268n. 51, 269n. 59, 304nn. 110, 111, 305n. 125, 306n. 148
Hopps, Walter, 201
Hospitalier, E., 44
Housefield, James, 251n. 39, 253n. 73
Houston, Edwin, 101–3, 111–12, 276nn. 43, 47, 310n. 169
Hughes, Thomas P., 190, 256n. 35
Hulten, K. G. Pontus, 63, 231
human-machine analogies, 28, 32, 34–38, 42, 46–47, 49–51, 92, 94, 106, 113–14, 124, 126, 128, 135, 156, 173, 188, 193, 250n. 25, 251n. 32, 252n. 53, 253n. 72
and Duchamp, 33–34, 37–38, 42, 59, 88, 96, 113, 116, 135, 150, 160, 182, 188, 190, 211, 221, 254n. 95
human-machine/organic-mechanical hybrids, 34–36, 39, 53, 57, 94–96, 121, 190, 192, 218
in language, 36–37, 92, 126, 140, 150, 253n. 64, 284n. 5
sexual associations of, 92, 130, 140, 153, 159, 179, 188, 193, 221, 286n. 90. See also LG, Bride, organic-mechanical qualities of; Bergson, on organic/mechanical hybrids and humor; Jarry; Kupka; Picabia; sexual associations of technology and science (and language of)
humor, 35, 185–88
and wordplay/puns, 37, 77, 147, 252n. 61. See also LG, and humor; LG, and wordplay and punning; Bergson; Duchamp, and humor; Duchamp, and wordplay and punning; Jarry; Roussel
Huygens, Christiaan, 208
Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 92, 305n. 146
hydraulic analogies: for electromagnetic waves, 99, 190, 198, 275n. 10
for electrical oscillations, 198, 278n. 94
hydroelectric power, 109, 154, 280n. 146. See also Niagara Falls; waterfalls
hygiene, public, 129
and Duchamp, 129, 140
hygrometry, 115, 122–24, 148
and Large Glass, 122–23
hylozoism, 25. See also evolution, inorganic
hyperspace, 84, 167. See also fourth dimension
hypnotism, 3, 7, 22, 49–50, 53, 56, 100–101
ice, 123
immeasurability, 81, 84, 199. See also LG, Bride, as immeasurable
Impressionism, 6, 14, 71, 176, 178, 243n. 6
indexical signs, 116–19, 144, 148, 196, 203, 208, 210, 250n. 16, 282n. 218. See also LG, indexical signs/indexical registering in
induction coil, 42, 110, 250n. 15. See also Tesla coil
inertia, 161–62, 197
law of, 156, 158. See also LG, Chariot, and inertia; motion, Newton’s laws of
infinity, the infinite, 6, 37–38, 49, 81, 83–84, 88, 103, 180, 183, 199, 266n. 20, 270n. 104
and Duchamp, 37–38, 167, 180, 198. See also LG, Bride, and infinity
insects, 107, 121, 127–29
Fabre’s insects under glass, 129, 218
superiority of female over male, 127–28. See also wasps
intellect. See Duchamp, and intellect
interference, 115, 208, 211–13, 311n. 14, 313n. 58
internal combustion engine, 90, 92, 121, 130–31, 152, 169
and Large Glass, 90, 92, 130–31, 134, 140, 153, 178–79. See also LG, Bride, and automobile; LG, Desire Motor; automobile; sexual associations of technology/science
International Bureau of Weights and Measures, 62, 156
International Conference on Time, 99
International Exhibition of Modern Art (the Armory Show), 13, 77
interrupters, 32, 104, 123, 250n. 15
“intra-atomic energy.” See atoms, “intra-atomic energy”
intuition: and Bergson, 63, 76–77, 128
and Large Glass, 123, 141, 156, 158
and Poincaré, 186
invention, xx, 52, 57, 73, 175, 184–87
and Duchamp/Large Glass, 58, 78, 175, 179, 181, 184–88, 190–91, 197–98, 202, 206, 213, 218, 222
and H. Poincaré, 186, 306n. 17. See also Duchamp, and self-fashioning
invisible light, 8, 15, 48, 101, 106, 115
invisible reality/invisible phenomena, xx–xxi, 7–8, 11, 15, 18, 20, 41, 43, 48, 87, 106, 114–16, 119–20, 143, 147, 168, 187, 194, 203, 242nn. 104, 111, 281n. 197
and Cubists, 4, 203
and Duchamp, xx, 3, 10, 13, 28–29
and Kupka, 10, 100, 203
and Large Glass, 106, 119–20, 132, 143, 203, 218. See also LG, indexical signs/indexical registering in; suprasensible reality
ions, 19–20, 145, 148
ionization of gases, 20–21, 143, 145, 147, 198
iridescence, 208, 213–14
Isaacs, Julius, 317n. 144
Italian Futurism, 4, 14, 16, 34, 38, 58, 81, 99–100, 179, 204, 237n. 10, 239n. 36, 240n. 57, 243nn. 4, 6, 244n. 13, 259n. 125, 263n. 45, 283n. 239, 305n. 131
and Duchamp, 16, 243n. 6, 244n. 9
exhibition, Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, 16, 58, 243n. 6
Jacob, Max, 309n. 145
Janet, Pierre, 52, 175
Janis, Harriet and Sidney, 182, 310n. 163
Jarry, Alfred, xix, xxii, 9, 14, 34, 47–51, 52, 56, 61–62, 75–76, 95, 100, 111, 136–37, 140, 143, 155, 180, 203–4, 234n. 9, 242n. 114, 251nn. 29, 37–38, 289nn. 70, 77, 299n. 218, 304n. 110
and Crookes, 40, 47–49, 95
and electricity/electromagnetism, 40, 49–51, 95–96, 203
and human-machine analogies, 50–51, 57, 188
humor of, 40, 47–49, 57, 62, 74, 133, 182, 185, 258n. 105
and language/wordplay, 51, 75, 258n. 105
and Kelvin, 48–49, 53, 62, 134, 140, 258n. 99
and occultism, 47, 49
Pataphysics of, 47–49, 57, 62, 75, 184, 186, 259n. 119
—, Collège de ‘Pataphysique, 257n. 73, 289n. 76
and science, response to, 9, 40, 47–49, 53, 57, 95–96, 133, 138, 175, 206
sexual themes in, 34, 49–50, 186
as source for Duchamp, 9, 31, 40, 48–51, 57, 66, 68, 75, 103, 185, 186, 202, 206, 242n. 114, 257n. 73
and Tesla, 31, 40, 49–50
time machine of, 66, 155, 203, 310n. 159
writings: “Commentaire…,” 47
Gestes et opinions du docteur Faustroll, 9, 47–49, 51, 76, 118, 133, 136–37, 140, 143, 257n. 72, 260n. 146, 289n. 77
—, “Clinamen,” 136–37, 258n. 98
—, “Telepathic Letters” in, 9, 48, 134, 140
“The Passion Considered as an Uphill Bicycle Race,” 49, 182
Le Surmâle, 186, 34, 49–52, 56, 95, 186, 282n. 208
Jean, Marcel, 78, 103, 110, 208, 215, 252n. 54, 298n. 167
Jollivet Castelot, François, 24–27, 41, 47, 84, 90–91, 113, 162, 188, 245n. 36, 247n. 78, 248n. 84, 249nn. 101, 110
writings: La Synthèse d’or, 25–26, 47, 162, 245n. 36, 248n. 84. See also Nouveaux Horizons de la Science et de la Pensée
Jouffret, Esprit Pascal, 11, 83, 271n. 139, 300n. 228
Jouffroy, Alain, 73
Joule, James Prescott, 134, 140, 291n. 119
Jung, Carl, 235n. 31, 248n. 98, 269n. 71, 318n. 6
Kafka, Franz, 231, 251n. 29
Kahn, Douglas, 206
Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry, 14, 242n. 113
Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike, 10, 132, 133, 140–42, 196, 291nn. 119, 133
Kandinsky, Wassily, 204–5, 210, 310n. 168, 311nn. 175, 177, 178, 179, 312n. 30
Kant, Immanuel, 63, 83
Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson), xx, 9, 47–49, 53, 62, 134, 140, 155, 169, 258nn. 98, 99, 267n. 23, 289n. 70
kicking coil (electrical), 123
Kiesler, Frederick, 119, 185, 214–15, 217, 237n. 9, 299n. 197, 306n. 3
works: View photo-montage, 185–86, 203, 214–15, 217, 306n. 3, fig. 179
—, as analogue to Large Glass, 214
kinetic-molecular theory of gases, xx–xxi, 65, 86, 133–36, 142–44, 146, 149, 191, 195–97, 289n. 61. See also molecules; Perrin
Kircher, Athanasius, 36, 93, 253n. 62
Kitaj, Ron, 182
Klee, Paul, 292n. 183
Koltanowski, George, 306n. 15
Krauss, Rosalind, 53, 116, 207, 212, 282n. 217, 306n. 10, 313n. 68
Kreymborg, Alfred, 77, 274n. 76
Kuh, Katherine, 190, 16, 73, 175, 184
Kupka, František, xix, 3, 7, 11, 12, 17, 72, 82, 100–101, 106, 116, 120, 187–88, 205, 239nn. 46, 47, 243n. 6, 246n. 62, 276nn. 31, 47, 304n. 105
and chronophotography, 7, 10, 11
and color, 15, 101–3, 108, 205, 276n. 61, 277n. 63
and Duchamp, 3, 7–8, 10, 15, 31, 67, 100, 103, 111–12, 187, 193, 204–5, 235n. 29, 236n. 5
and electricity/electromagnetism, 15, 67, 100, 102, 203, 205, 275n. 25
and evolution of consciousness, 102–3
and fourth dimension, 103, 239n. 46, 277n. 70
and human-machine analogies, 42, 102–3, 106, 116
and occultism, 4, 8, 22, 103, 205
and optics, 98, 102, 311n. 11
and relativity of sense perception, 9–10
and science, 8, 15, 31, 103, 187, 188, 235n. 29, 239n. 47, 277n. 67
and telepathy as model for artist, 15, 101–3, 111, 204–5
and vibrations, 101–3, 203–5, 276n. 47
and wireless telegraphy/electromagnetic wave communication as model for artist, 15, 98, 100–103, 111, 120, 193, 204–5, 239n. 46
writings: Tvorení ν umení vDescription: ycarontvamém (Creation in the Plastic Arts), 8, 100
works: Amorpha, Warm Chromatics, 276n. 31
Planes by Colors, 10, fig. 10
Planes by Colors, Large Nude, 10
Vertical Planes I, 15, 101, 102, fig. 86. See also invisible reality; registering instruments; transparency
Labyrinth (of Surrealist exhibition), 215, 315n. 103. See also LG, “labyrinth of the 3 directions”
Laforgue, Jules, 243n. 5
La Fresnaye, Roger de, 4
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste de Monet de, 34, 259n. 125
La Mettrie, Julien, 34
Langevin, Paul, 234n. 19
language, 302n. 35. See individual writers. See also LG, and language; Duchamp, and language; electricity, sexual associations of terminology; human-machine analogies, in language; Roussel, and language/wordplay; sexual associations of technology and science (and language of)
Laplace, Pierre-Simon de, 136–37
Large Glass. See separate “Large Glass” Index following General Index
Larionov, Mikhail, 203
Larmor, Joseph, 19–20
Laue, Max von, 5
Laurencin, Marie, 38, 180
Lavoisier, Antoine, 153
Lavoisier’s Principle, 161–62
Leadbeater, Charles Webster, 6–8, 101, 238n. 30, 310n. 168
writings: Thought Forms, 6, 7, 101, 204, 310n. 168
Lebel, Robert, xxi, 26, 71, 78, 103, 110, 201–2, 218–20, 231–32, 251n. 29, 268n. 43, 280n. 164, 282n. 211, 313n. 68, 315n. 94
Le Bon, Gustave, xxi, 7–9, 14, 17–21, 23–25, 134, 143, 162, 188, 205, 239nn. 40, 41, 44, 240n. 60, 245nn. 22, 27, 36, 42, 248n. 92, 255n. 16, 288n. 41, 292n. 159, 307n. 26, 312n. 40
“black light” of, 7–8, 143, 255n. 16
writings: L’Evolution de la matière, 7, 21, 25, 245n. 22
L’ Evolution des forces, 7, 25, 162, 288n. 41. See also atom, “intra-atomic energy”; matter, dematerialization of
Le Dantec, Félix, 248n. 92
Le Fauconnier, Henri, 4, 14, 76–77, 83–84, 179, 264n. 66, 268nn. 52, 53
works: Abundance, 179
Léger, Fernand, 4, 18, 33, 66, 243n. 6, 275n. 25
Leiris, Michel, 53, 259n. 137, 261n. 211
Le Lionnaise, François, 222, 289n. 76, 317n. 164
Lenard, Philipp, 107
Leonardo da Vinci, 13, 68, 72–75, 103, 118, 123, 125, 155–57, 160, 168, 177, 197, 266nn. 14, 16, 20, 267n. 23, 270n. 112, 311n. 11
as artist-scientist, 72–74, 81, 123, 156, 185, 188, 191, 267nn. 21, 23, 296n. 84
intellect and powers of invention of, 72–73, 185, 188
and mechanics, 155–56, 160–61
as model for Duchamp, 72–74, 118, 156–57, 160, 188
notebooks (manuscripts) of, 13, 72–74, 81, 156, 185, 188, 191
works: Mona Lisa (La Giaconda), 12–Th, 95, 202, 266n. 11
writings: Treatise on Painting, 72, 188
Levy, Julien, 185–86, 31, 306nn. 7, 15
Leyden jar, 36, 51, 105, 118, 252n. 59. See also condensers, electrical
Lichtenberg, Georg-Christoph, 283n. 251
Lichtenberg figures, 118–19
light, xx, 12, 14, 21, 38, 43, 98, 100, 115, 168, 211–12, 254n. 8, 276n. 47, 300n. 236, 302n. 47
light waves, 5, 207–8, 211, 213, 237n. 13, 276n. 61, 284n. 267
wave theory of, 267n. 23, 276n. 61. See also lightbulb, electric; visible light
lightbulb, electric, 39, 55, 107, 112, 126, 217
frosted bulb, 125
incandescent bulb, xxi, 39, 44, 113, 119, 125–27, 192, 193
as sealed vessel, 181. See also LG, Bride, as incandescent
lightbulb; electric headlights; lighting, incandescent
lighting, 4, 43–44, 109, 129, 140
fluorescent, 45, 194
gas, 117, 126, 129, 153, 217, 279n. 120, 287n. 23
—, and gas mantles, 117, 190, 217
incandescent, xxi, 44, 125, 174 (see also lightbulb, incandescent). See also lightbulb, electric; neon lighting; tubes, electric discharge and illuminated gas
lightning, 21, 42, 45, 56, 104, 124, 183, 236n. 33
lightning rod, 56, 124
lightning-rod bed of Djizmé, 53, 56, 124
Linde, Carl von, 140
Linde, Ulf, 38, 105, 126, 162, 201, 231–32, 248n. 94, 253n. 79, 261n. 1, 263n. 55, 265nn. 95, 98, 309nn. 134, 135, 312n. 23, 315n. 94, 318n. 5
liquefaction, 123, 288n. 56, 290n. 94
liquefaction of gases, xx, 54, 107, 121, 130–34, 138–42, 150, 153, 179, 196, 220, 291n. 119, 302n. 54
liquefaction of air, 109, 133, 140
and Large Glass, xxi, 54, 121, 130, 133–34, 138–42, 150, 153, 176, 179, 196, 220, 302n. 54. See also Illuminating Gas, and liquefaction of gas
Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich, 47
Lockyer, Sir Norman, 24–25, 248n. 92
Lodge, Sir Oliver, xxi, 18–19, 22, 24–25, 42, 48, 66, 99, 101, 111, 115, 205, 208, 245n. 22, 246nn. 55, 61, 248n. 92, 254n. 3, 256n. 56, 279n. 132
Loeb, Jacques, 3, 36, 128, 181, 252n. 56
Lombroso, Cesare, 118
Londe, Albert, 7–11, 62, 239n. 35, 240n. 55, 241n. 78
Long, Rose-Carol Washton, 310n. 168
Longinus, 179
Lorentz, Hendrik A., 20, 161, 168, 244n. 19
Louis XV style, 60, 124, 202, 262n. 21
Louvre. See Musée du Louvre
love, 27, 34, 36, 50, 52, 55–56, 71, 92, 104, 128, 180, 190, 203
“Mechanism of Love” (Gourmont), 128, 150
“phenomenon of love” and Large Glass, 173. See also LG, “Reservoir of Love Gasoline”
Loy, Mina, 269n. 61
Lucretius, 136–37, 151, 161, 196, 258n. 98, 289n. 75
Luna Park, 57, 86, 109, 177, 195, 261n. 211
Luys, Dr., 22
Lyotard, Jean-François, 316n. 122
“the machine” and modern art, art-historical treatment of, 31–32, 173, 236n. 33, 250n. 25
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 34, 92, 286n. 71
magnetism, xx–xxi, 22, 27, 36, 42, 47, 92–93, 123, 131, 141, 175, 179, 185, 194, 242n. 97
and Large Glass, 151, 166, 185 (see also LG, Boxing Match, Combat Marble of; LG, Bride, as magnet; LG, Bride, “center of distraction” of); and love/sexual attraction, 27, 36, 92, 104, 113, 179, 249n. 114
Magnetism/Animal Magnetism: 3, 8, 22, 25, 36, 49–50, 53, 56, 96, 101, 103, 188, 204, 246n. 58
and electromagnetism, 3, 22, 25, 49–50, 56, 101, 188, 252n. 58. See also Duchamp, and emanation(s)
magneto, 92, 93, 131, 273nn. 54, 59. See also LG, Desire-magneto
Maison Cubiste, 58
Malevich, Kazimir, 120, 205, 284n. 265
works: Suprematist Composition Expressing the Sensation of Wireless Telegraphy, 120, 205, fig. 125
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 264n. 88
manometer, 115, 124
Man Ray, 77, 117, 177, 212–13, 283nn. 231, 233, 312n. 37
works: Catherine Barometer, 117, 312n. 27
The Rope Dancer Accompanies Herself with Her Shadows, 283n. 231
Self Portrait, 117. See also Duchamp, works: Raising of Dust
Marconi, Guglielmo, xx, 42, 45, 99, 115, 256n. 56
Mare, André, 58, 60
Marey, Etienne-Jules, 7, 10–12, 32, 35–36, 115, 241n. 77, 246n. 47, 252n. 52. See also chronophotography
Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, 16, 34, 37–38, 92, 99, 204, 240n. 57, 243nn. 4, 6, 251n. 37, 252n. 60, 259n. 125, 273n. 49
Martins, Maria, 216, 258n. 101, 315n. 109, 316n. 114
Marvin, Carol, 254n. 3
mass, 18, 130, 136, 146–47, 156, 161–62, 197, 214
mathematics, xx, 4, 61, 66, 72, 84, 92, 179, 185–87, 222, 268n. 53, 295n. 76, 306n. 17. See also Duchamp, and mathematics
Matisse, Georges, 19–20, 35, 143, 245n. 28, 292n. 160
Matisse, Henri, 3, 305–6n. 148
Matisse, Paul, 74, 158, 217–18, 223, 253n. 64, 266n. 10, 284n. 15, 290n. 94, 300n. 242, 314n. 84, 317n. 148
Matta (Roberto Matta Echaurren), 80, 164, 215, 219, 299n. 197
matter, xx, 3, 7, 14, 18, 20, 23–24, 26, 41, 162, 167–68, 196, 203, 245n. 36, 246n. 46, 289n. 70
changing states of, 123, 135, 138, 196
—, and Large Glass, 123, 133, 135, 138, 141–42, 147, 196
dematerialization of, 7–8, 14, 17, 19, 20, 23, 187
discontinuous structure of, 142–43, 200
electric theory of
matter, 18, 24, 162, 205. See also “radiant matter”
Maxwell, James Clerk, xx, 5, 98, 135, 137, 149, 267n. 23, 276n. 57, 310n. 164
“sorting demon” of, 137, 277n. 80, 289nn. 72, 77
Mayer, Julius Robert, 134
McEvilley, Thomas, 64
mechanical drawing, 32, 43, 184, 250n. 12
and Duchamp, 31–33, 58–59, 63, 76, 110, 155, 211
and Large Glass, 110, 155, 174, 184, 190
mechanics, xxi, 73, 89, 92, 94, 134, 137, 155, 157–58, 160, 161, 166, 197, 289n. 72, 295n. 76, 297n. 141, 299n. 220, 300n. 236
classical, 136, 155–56, 162, 168, 174
and Large Glass, 150, 152, 154–55, 163, 167, 169, 192, 194–95, 197, 300n. 220
—classical mechanics, 85, 121, 131, 155, 167–68
— laws of mechanics, 72, 85, 149, 150, 156, 191, 221. See also LG, Bachelor Apparatus, and mechanics; LG, Chariot; LG, Juggler/Handler; LG, “Playful Physics,” laws of; motion, Newton’s laws of
mechanism, philosophy of, 35, 252n. 52
vs. vitalism, 35, 252n. 50
medical studies: of Duchamp-Villon 3, 7–8, 12
of Dumouchel, 3, 12
of Tribout, 3, 8, 12
medicine, 5–8, 12, 49, 259n. 119. See also electrotherapy, medical
mediumistic sculpture, 118, 283n. 239
Méliès, Georges, 5
Melville, Robert, 182
Mendeleeff, Dmitrii Ivanovich, 248n. 92
Mercereau, Alexandre, 4, 7–9, 236n. 6, 240nn. 52, 57, 246n. 62, 247n. 81
Mesmer, Franz, 36, 246n. 58, 253n. 62
metaphor, 190. See also LG, and metaphor
meteorology and weather instruments, 56, 99, 115–16, 124, 174, 147, 285n. 50
and Large Glass, xxi, 115, 123, 147, 175–76, 202. See also LG, Bride, and meteorology; LG, registering instruments in
metonymy, xxi, 165, 176, 177, 182, 191, 215. See also LG, and metonymy
metrology, xxi, 62, 116, 131, 153, 156, 174
Duchamp’s critique of, 61–63, 75, 137–38, 153, 156, 162–63, 165, 188–89, 191, 263n. 52
French metric system, 62–63, 75, 162
3 Standard Stoppages as challenge to, 61–63, 116, 156, 165. See also LG, “Playful Physics,” laws of
Metzinger, Jean, 4, 6, 8, 14, 60, 63, 76, 82–84, 166, 175–76, 178–80, 186, 188, 199, 201, 236n. 6, 242n. 111, 263n. 42, 264nn. 64, 65, 66, 271n. 157, 303n. 71, 307n. 28
works: Le Goûter, 63, 178, 188, fig. 169
Nude, 4, 14–15, fig. 3. See also Gleizes, Albert; Gleizes and Metzinger, writings: Du Cubisme
mica, 105, 278n. 90
Michelson, Annette, 306n. 10
Milky Way, 136. See also LG, Milky Way
Mirbeau, Octave, 34, 37, 92
mirrors: and Onchamp/Large Glass, 75, 79, 83, 103, 152, 168, 199, 207, 314n. 84
and fourth dimension, 82, 83, 103, 201. See also LG, Bride, and mirrors; LG, Oculist Witnesses; LG, Sculpture of Drops; reflection
Mitchell, Timothy, 239n. 40
“mobile,” 151
of Calder, 151
of Eiffel, 161
of Leonardo, 157. See also LG, Mobile
Moffitt, John, 26, 231, 248n. 94, 249n. 101
moiré patterns, 208
Molderings, Herbert, xix, 234n. 8
molecules, 48, 53, 55, 86, 101, 105, 133, 135, 137, 143–44, 147–48, 161, 196, 243n. 6, 246n. 47, 288n. 56, 289nn. 77, 78, 306n. 17
molecular bombardment, 21, 143, 145
molecular collisions, 65, 135–36, 145–46, 151, 195–96, 200
molecular motion, 102, 133, 135–37, 277n. 64
molecular realm/world, 134–35, 137, 143–44, 146, 155–56, 159, 169, 196, 198, 298n. 200
—, and Large Glass, 132–38, 142–46, 148, 151, 159, 161–62, 169, 174, 179, 191, 194, 196, 200
—, and Perrin, 134–35, 137, 142–49, 155, 200
molecular vibration, 103, 276n. 47. See also LG, and “swervings of molecules”; atoms, atomic-molecular hypothesis; kineticmolecular theory; Perrin
Montalescot, Louise (Roussel character), 52–54, 132, 260n. 176
as Bride-like figure, 53, 96
painting machine of, 53, 55, 57, 103, 260n. 176, 273n. 71
Morgan, J. P., 46
Morse code, 98–99, 110, 112, 120, 183
Motherwell, Robert, 267n. 23
motion, 160, 168, 240n. 70, 243n. 6
Newton’s laws of, 155–56, 158, 162
rotational motion, Newton’s laws of, in Large Glass, 82, 83, 159. See also LG, Chariot, and mechanics; Duchamp, and motion
Musatti, C. L., 212
Musée des Arts et Métiers. See Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Musée des Arts et Métiers
Musée du Louvre, 66, 202, 266n. 11, 244n. 14
mysticism, 58, 84–85, 88, 103–4, 120, 138, 199, 205, 271n. 157
mythology, 89, 126, 169, 180–81, 188, 193
and Duchamp, 39, 89, 182, 188, 193. See also LG, and mythology
Napierkowska, Stacia, 42–43, 49, 125, 255nn. 23, 27
nationalism, 62–63
Celtic, of Puteaux Cubists, 268n. 53
Naumann, Francis, 62, 66, 117, 248n. 98, 257n. 61, 262n. 26, 263n. 46, 264n. 73, 277n. 81, 290n. 101, 314n. 77, 315n. 89
Nayral, Jacques, 187, 199, 240n. 52
n-dimensional geometry, 4, 6, 47, 191
n-dimensional continuum, 83
n-1 dimensions, 83. See also four-dimensional geometry, and Duchamp
Neo-Impressionism, divisionism, 8, 242n. 111
neon, 45, 107–9, 132–33, 141–42, 146, 194
neon lighting, xxi, 45, 108–9, 133, 140, 142, 280n. 156
Nernst lamp, 153
Nesbif, Molly, 32, 250n. 12, 287n. 21, 309nn. 142, 145
netting (tulle), 116–17
Neuilly Fair: and game of balls and bride, 163, 195
and party whistles, 86, 113, 163, 194 (See also Bride, filaments of); and weights, 86, 163. See also LG, and popular entertainment
Newton, Sir Isaac, 155, 161, 211. See also gravitation, Newton’s law of; mechanics, Newtonian; motion, Newton’s laws of
Niagara Falls, 44, 109, 280n. 146
Nicéron, Jean-François, 94
nickel, 37, 48, 79, 91, 95–96, 125, 153, 253n. 74, 285n. 55
nickel plating, 60, 54–56
Niederhausern, Sophie de, 264n. 72
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 62, 288n. 44
non-Euclidean geometry, xix–xx, 4, 6, 31, 47, 61, 71, 185, 188, 209, 238n. 26, 263nn. 41, 42, 268n. 39, 295n. 69
Duchamp, xix, 58, 61, 83, 185, 202, 270n. 127, 271n. 140
philosophical import of, 47, 61
Norton, Allen, 77
Norton, Louise, 265n. 109
Nouveaux Horizons de la Science, Les, 24–25, 41, 113, 248n. 91, 249n. 110, 279n. 121
N-rays, 8–9, 23, 238n. 33, 240n. 59
Obalk, Hector, 307n. 35
occultism, xx, 4, 6–9, 11–13, 22–24, 41, 46–49, 53, 56, 96, 101, 103, 111, 117, 204, 215, 231, 238n. 33, 240n. 60, 242n. 97, 243n. 6, 261n. 206
electrical associations of, 56, 111
and Large Glass, 115, 118, 280n. 164
“scientific” occultism, 9, 23–24, 65, 205, 277n. 64, 307n. 26. See also Magnetism/Animal Magnetism; spirit photography; spiritualism; X-rays, and occultism; emanation(s), and occultism; telepathy
Od, Odic force, 22, 101, 246n. 61
O’Keeffe, Georgia, 283n. 249
optics, xxi, 8, 14, 75, 77, 98, 102, 115, 120, 131, 168, 210, 211, 281n. 197, 311n. 14, 313n. 68, 315n. 100. See also Duchamp, and optics; Kupka, and optics; LG, and optics; Picabia, and optics
organic-mechanical hybrids. See human-machine analogies, human-machine/organic-mechanical hybrids
oscillation transformer. See Tesla coil
oscillations, 95
electrical, 44–45, 95, 98–101, 104–5, 107–8, 110, 115, 124, 146, 194, 258n. 99, 274n. 4, 276n. 61, 279n. 132
and Large Glass, 104–5, 110–11 (see also electromagnetism, and Large Glass). See also LG, communication in; LG, weight(s), and “oscillating density”; electromagnetic waves; Hertzian waves
Ostwald, Wilhelm, 135, 143, 149, 288n. 51
Energetics of, 135, 143, 149
OuLiPo, 289n. 76, 317n. 164
Ouspensky, Peter Demianovich, 120
Pach, Walter, 34, 59, 67, 74, 77, 250n. 4, 266n. 15, 268n. 36
Palais de la Découverte, 18, 148, 208
Palladino, Eusapia, 117–18, 283n. 239
Papus. See Encausse, Gérard
Paracelsus, 261n. 206
Passuth, Krisztina, 239n. 46
Pataphysics. See Jarry, Pataphysics of
Pawlowski, Gaston de, 5, 35, 37, 238n. 18, 60, 92, 96, 113–14, 188, 251nn. 41, 44, 273n. 49, 281n. 197
writings: Voyage au pays de la quatrième dimension, 35, 60, 113–14, 238n. 18, 248n. 94, 251n. 41
Paz, Octavio, 104, 277n. 74, 301n. 257
Peirce, Charles Sanders, 116, 250n. 16, 282nn. 218, 219. See also indexical signs
Péladan, Sâr, 23, 27, 46, 72–73, 112, 181, 266n. 17, 267n. 21, 304nn. 110, 115, 305–6n. 148
perpetual motion, 50, 133, 137, 143, 158, 161, 197, 288n. 45, 291n. 154
and Large Glass, 197
Perrin, Jean, xxi, 5, 19–20, 87, 133–35, 137, 142–49, 155, 161, 168, 187–91, 196, 198, 200, 234n. 19, 245nn. 28, 34, 41, 272nn. 9, 17, 281n. 183, 291nn. 150, 154, 292nn. 157, 160, 183, 188, 192, 293nn. 192, 218, 298n. 156;and concordance, 142, 145–46, 292n. 192
criticism of Le Bon by, 143, 188, 292n. 159
on “intelligence of analogies,” 149, 190
as model and source for Duchamp, 87–88, 143–49, 174, 187–91, 196, 198, 272nn. 9, 17
and precision, 148, 188–89, 196, 272n. 17
writings: Les Atomes, 133–34, 143, 145, 147–49, 196, 198, 245n. 41, 292n. 157, 293n. 192
Les Principes, 148–49, 155. See also Brownian movement; kinetic-molecular theory of gases; physical chemistry
Persephone, 169, 175, 180–81, 183, 192–93, 199, 201, 218, 301nn. 257, 258, 304nn. 114, 115
perspective, 4, 31, 58–59, 72, 80–81, 82–83, 93, 166, 250n. 12, 270n. 112, 300n. 220
and Duchamp, 31, 58–59, 72, 75, 114, 134, 177, 201, 207–9
and Large Glass, 75, 80–82, 94, 119, 134, 152, 164–66, 173, 177–78, 207–9
—, four-dimensional
perspective, 80, 82, 209, 314n. 71
—, in preparatory drawings for, 33, 59, 67, 81, 165
rejection by Cubists, 4, 59, 84, 166, 178–79, 184, 268n. 52
Petersen, Stephen, 309n. 149
Peterson, Elmer, 313n. 69
phonograph, 50, 95–96, 113, 203, 212, 259n. 121, 274n. 9, 275n. 24
phosphorescence, 7, 23, 41, 43–44, 46, 141–42, 279n. 138
and Large Glass, 108–9, 133, 136–37, 141, 196–97
photography, 4–6, 9, 12, 14, 20, 28, 40, 74, 77, 87, 95, 100, 116–17, 119, 132, 144, 210, 239n. 34, 268n. 37, 276n. 47
photographic plates, 5, 7–8, 11, 55, 74, 76, 106, 114, 116, 118–19, 205, 268n. 36, 282n. 212
“instantaneous electric-spark photography” (of Worthington), 87, 147–48, 196, 293nn. 194, 207
“instantaneous photography,” 20, 87, 119, 145–47, 200, 272n. 12
plaques sensibles/plaques ultra-sensibles, 74, 101, 106, 111, 115, 119, 168. See also LG, and photography; chronophotography; cloud chamber; Duchamp, and photography; Man Ray; spirit photography; thought photography; X-ray photography
physiology, 8, 12–13, 34–36, 103, 115, 128, 150, 207, 210, 241n. 77, 242n. 97, 312n. 30, 313n. 68, 314n. 70
of desire/sexuality, 150, 152, 178, 195, 221
nonsexual effects and Duchamp, 213
physical chemistry, 15, 133–36, 138, 141–44, 162, 168, 174, 188, 196
and Large Glass, 133–34, 138, 142–43, 162, 168, 188, 195–96. See also molecules; Perrin
physical culture, 160, 297nn. 131, 134
physics, xix, xxi, 7–8, 15, 17, 19, 21, 24, 26, 35, 41, 43, 49, 53, 74, 86, 95, 98, 102–3, 107, 123, 131–33, 137, 142, 148, 158, 161, 163, 168, 174, 197, 200, 211, 221, 236n. 2, 245n. 25, 247n. 76, 254n. 9, 274n. 82, 279n. 125
and Duchamp, 208, 212, 214. See also LG, “Playful Physics”; specific areas of physics
Picabia, Francis, xx, 188, 13–14, 37, 43, 46–47, 53, 58, 77, 175, 188, 204, 250n. 10, 253n. 66, 255n. 23, 260n. 145, 275n. 25, 277n. 81, 304n. 111, 313nn. 41, 51, 314n. 69, 315n. 111
and Crookes, 42–43, 49
and electricity/electromagnetism, 13–14, 42–43, 206, 211, 277n. 81, 312n. 40, 313n. 43
and Jura trip, 13, 33, 37, 58, 253n. 66
and sexual humanmachine analogies, 36, 39, 42–43, 112, 128, 145, 180, 206, 211–12, 250n. 25, 304n. 111
mechanomorphic style and object portraits of, 13, 36, 39, 42–43, 112, 125, 145, 254n. 97, 313nn. 43, 54
and scientific/technological sources, 39, 42–43, 108, 112, 128, 146, 155, 211, 235n. 29, 250n. 10, 273n. 53, 292n. 184, 312n. 40
works: Américaine, 39, 125, fig. 131
De Zayas! De Zayas!, 39, 92, 254n. 97, fig. 52
Girl Born without a Mother, 36, 286n. 90
Machine Turn Quickly, 92, 128
Magnéto, 92, 273n. 58
Magnéto anglaise, 92, 273n. 58
Mechanical Expression Seen through Our Own Mechanical Expression, 13–14, 39, 42–43, 49, 108, 125, fig. 57
Molecular Construction, 155
Music Is Like Painting, 146, 211
Optophone I, 211, 313n. 43, fig. 175
Physical Culture, 160
Paroxysm of Sadness, 277n. 81
Portrait of a Young American Girl in the State of Nudity, 92, 254n. 97
Universal Prostitution, 42, 312n. 40
La Ville de New York aperçue à travers le corps, 13, 42–43, 242n. 104, fig. 20
Voilà elle, 112, 145, 211, fig. 109
Wheel Which Regularizes the Movement of the Machine, 155
Picasso, Pablo, 4, 10, 14–15, 17, 31, 47, 83, 86, 117, 126, 178, 222, 237n. 6, 242n. 114, 265n. 90, 309n. 145, 317nn. 166, 167
and X-rays, 14–15
works: Bottle and Glass, 126, fig. 132
Pier Pavilion, Herne Bay, 86, 109, 168, 195
Pierre, Arnaud, 312n. 40
Pinson, Stephen, 312n. 39
Piobb, Pierre, xx
Planck, Max, xx–xxi, 234n. 19, 143, 145, 148, 200, 245n. 25
Plateau, Joseph, 210
platinum, 37–39, 51, 56, 79, 91, 95–96, 108, 125, 152–53, 162, 253n. 74, 285n. 55
“platinum sponge,” 152–53. See also LG, Desire Dynamo
Plato, 180
plow, 150, 168–69. See also LG, Chariot, as plow; LG, and wordplay and punning, buttoir I butoir
poets and science/technology, 34, 36, 99–100, 103, 106, 182–83, 186–87, 193, 203–4, 206, 243n. 6, 284n. 265. See also Apollinaire
Poincaré, Henri, xix–xxi, 6–8, 19, 41, 61, 65, 82–83, 98, 136–37, 143–44, 155, 161–62, 164, 186–88, 196, 198, 222, 238n. 26, 239n. 41, 240n. 58, 248n. 92, 263n. 42, 270n. 104, 271n. 140, 306nn. 14, 17
and philosophy of conventionalism, xix, 61, 155, 187–88, 295n. 69
Poincaré, Lucien, 19, 21, 106, 133, 135–36, 140–41, 148, 162, 164, 168, 197–98, 221, 245n. 42, 289n. 61
writings: La Physique moderne, 19, 133, 135, 140, 147, 148, 162, 164, 168, 174
Poisson, Albert, 26, 162, 231, 248n. 94
polarization, 5, 115, 208
popular entertainment, 16, 94, 108. See also LG, and popular entertainment
positivism, scientific. See science (general)
poststructuralist theory, xxii, 235n. 27
Pound, Ezra, 100, 182, 204, 276n. 30, 284n. 265, 304n. 114, 305n. 131
power generation, xxi, 109, 131, 153–54. See also dynamo; hydroelectric power; LG, and energy and power; Tesla, and polyphase system
precision. See Duchamp, and precision; Perrin, and precision
Preston, Thomas, 208
Princet, Maurice, 4, 71, 82, 83, 265n. 90
projection: geometric, 43, 67, 250n. 12
from fourth dimension, 81–82, 119, 199
of images, 55, 100, 103, 209, 261n. 185
projection, thought. See telepathy
projective geometry, 209, 271n. 140
psychic phenomena, 7, 41, 240n. 59, 255n. 17. See also emanations; mediumistic sculpture; psychicones; spirit photography; spiritualism; telepathy
psychical research, xx, 6, 9, 47. See also Society for Psychical Research
psychicones (Baraduc), 101, 111, 116
psychology, xx, 7, 36, 49, 78, 127, 150, 192, 211, 212
perceptual psychology, 210
Puel, Gaston, 231
Pyrrho, 64–65
quantum physics, xx, xxii, 72, 136, 155, 198, 222, 245n. 25, 246n. 46
Rabelais, François, 169, 204
“radiant matter,” xx, 24, 26, 41, 45–47, 49, 95, 108–9, 136, 274n. 82
fourth state of matter, 24, 26, 41, 43, 47, 246n. 47
radiator, automobile, 90, 105
radio, 45, 72, 98, 198, 204, 206, 274n. 9, 284n. 265
metaphor of, 204, 284n. 265
radio receiver and waves, xx, xxi, 5, 15, 42
radioactivity, xx–xxi, 3, 187, 6–8, 14–15, 18, 20, 22–23, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40, 46, 53, 57, 98, 109, 117, 132–34, 137, 142–43, 145, 162, 179, 191, 195–98, 205, 234n. 9, 238n. 33, 239n. 37, 246–47n. 64, 247nn. 65, 68, 255n. 16, 279nn. 121, 138, 282n. 212
alchemy associations of, 18, 23–25, 27, 86, 134, 162, 182, 188, 198, 231, 248n. 94, 304n. 124
and Duchamp/Large Glass, xxi, 25–27, 109, 117–18, 130, 132–35, 137, 142, 148, 191, 197
radioactive particles/emissions, 8, 18, 20, 41, 115, 119, 142, 145–47, 162
—, alpha particles, 7, 23–24, 26, 86–87, 145–46, 244n. 21, 282n. 212
—, ballistic associations of, 26, 86, 90, 145, 181
—, beta particles, 7, 18, 146
—, gamma rays, 7, 146
universal radioactivity, 23, 27
radio control, 46–47, 99, 112–14, 193, 205. See also Branly, and telemechanics; LG, communication in; Tesla, and radio-controlled telautomaton
radiometer, xx, 41–42, 133, 254n. 8, 255nn. 25, 27, 282n. 212
radium, xx, 7, 23, 25–27, 54, 108, 137, 140, 161, 246n. 64, 247n. 65, 255n. 16
emanation of, See emanation(s), of radium
Rainford, Percy, 214, 306n. 3
Ramsay, Sir William, 23, 25–26, 107–9, 132–33, 141–43, 247n. 75, 248n. 92, 255n. 16, 279n. 121
randomness, 53, 65, 289n. 72
and Duchamp, 73–74, 133, 135–36, 144, 146, 151, 164, 175, 192, 196, 200. See also LG, and “swervings of molecules”; determinism, Duchamp, and chance; Duchamp, and free will
Ravaisson-Mollien, Charles, 72, 156
Raynal, Maurice, 237n. 7
rays, “ray fever,” 9, 238n. 33. See also N-rays; X-rays
“ready-made” (tout fait): in Bergson, 35, 63, 77, 96, 200, 264n. 68
in H. Poincaré, 306n. 17. See also Duchamp, and Readymades
Réaumur, René-Antoine Ferchault de, 127, 128
receivers: electrical/electromagnetic, 42, 102, 105, 113, 200, 284nn. 16, 265
chemical vessels, 140
—, and Duchamp, 105, 129, 180. See also LG, Large Receiver
Redon, Odilon, 3, 9
Reff Theodore, 266n. 16
reflection, 5, 14, 83, 115, 118, 208, 211, 212, 237n. 13
and Duchamp/Large Glass, 114, 152, 168, 197, 308n. 102, 314n. 84
reflectors, automobile, 38, 60
refraction, 5, 12, 115, 120, 208, 210, 215, 237n. 13, 238n. 18
registering instruments, 20, 61, 74, 76, 102, 111, 113–16, 118, 124, 147, 204, 206, 241n. 77
artist/poet as, 100, 204–6
and Duchamp, 106, 115, 117, 119
and Kupka, 102, 106, 116
and the occult, 106, 115. See also LG, Bride, and meteorology; LG, registering instruments in; Crookes and meteorology and weather instruments; wave detectors
Reichenbach, Baron Karl von, 22, 101, 204, 246n. 58, 252n. 58
relativity of knowledge, 6, 9, 41, 48, 167, 238n. 26
and Crookes, 9, 41, 167
and Kupka, 9
and H. Poincaré, 6, 137. See also sense perception, inadequacy of; X-rays
relativity theory: of Einstein, xx, xxii, 72, 148, 155, 161–62, 197–98, 222, 234n. 19, 244n. 19, 299n. 215
“principle of relativity,” 137, 290n. 85
religion. See LG, and religion; Christianity
Renaud, Captain D., 36
Revel, P. Camille, 22, 65, 246n. 57, 280n. 166
Revue des Idées, La, 8–9, 23, 27, 36, 62, 73, 98–99, 109–10, 137, 143, 240n. 58, 245nn. 28, 33, 252n. 56, 263n. 47, 279n. 121, Richardson, John, 242n. 114
Richer, Paul, 11, 241n. 78
Richter, Jean Paul, 73–74
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard, 47, 61, 263n. 41
Righi, Augusto, 115
Ringbom, Sixten, 310n. 168, 311nn. 177, 179
Robbins, Daniel, 245n. 42
Roberts, Francis, 31, 270n. 114
Robida, Albert, 35, 96, 179, 183, 251n. 38
Rochas, Albert de, 7, 22, 46, 56, 101–3, 111, 188, 204–5, 238n. 33, 246nn. 57–59, 61–62, 252n. 58, 276n. 47, 282n. 208, 310n. 168. See also exteriorization
Roché, Henri-Pierre, 66, 77, 116
Romains, Jules, 36, 84, 106
Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad, xx, 3–7, 12, 14, 41, 46, 107–8, 237nn. 13, 17, 238n. 26, 241n. 81, 248n. 92, 255nn. 16, 25, 276n. 57
Röntgen rays. See X-rays
Rood, Ogden, 14, 242n. 111, 276n. 61, 313n. 58
Rosenberg, Martin E., 306n. 17
Rosenthal, Léon, 4, 14, 237n. 11
Roussel, Raymond, xxii, 13, 51–57, 58, 76, 96, 103, 111, 123, 124, 133, 162, 174, 175, 204, 251n. 29, 259nn. 132, 135, 260nn. 145, 151, 153, 261nn. 185, 196, 211, 273n. 71
anti-virtuosity theme in, 53–58, 60–61, 63, 66–67, 132
and chance, 53–55, 57, 58, 60, 63, 67, 132
and electricity/electromagnetism, 53–57, 203, 297n. 140
and human-machine analogies, 57, 188
and invention, 52, 57, 175, 185
“machines” invented by, 52–57, 67, 103, 123, 186, 297n. 140
and organic-mechanical hybrids, 53–54, 56–57, 96
on Handel, chance compositions of, 54, 58, 60, 63, 262n. 28
humor of, 40, 52, 57, 133, 204, 206
and language/wordplay, 51–53, 181, 187, 190, 196, 260nn. 145, 153, 265n. 97
—, Rousselian homophones, 52, 169, 175, 190, 198
and occultism, 53, 56
science, response to, 40, 47, 52–53, 56–57, 89, 132–33, 175, 206
sexual themes in, 52, 186
as source for Duchamp, 31, 33, 40, 47, 51–58, 61, 103, 132, 160, 162, 175, 185–89, 201–2, 206, 242n. 102, 261n. 199, 265n. 97, 297n. 140
writings: Impressions d’Afrique, 13, 33, 40, 47, 51–58, 96, 100, 103, 127, 132, 133, 162, 175, 222, 242n. 102, 260n. 153, 261n. 185 (see also Bex; Montalescot, Louise); Locus Solus, 52–53, 56–57, 123, 261n. 206
Rowell, Margit, 239n. 46
Rubin, William, 237n. 9
Russell, John, 11
Rutherford, Ernest, xxi, 7, 18–20, 23, 25–26, 72, 86–87, 108, 134, 143–47, 195–96, 205, 244n. 21, 245n. 25, 247nn. 68, 75–76, 248n. 91, 282n. 212, 289n. 75
Salmon, André, 300n. 220
Salon d’Automne, 3, 58, 163, 189, 243n. 6, 298n. 184, 304n. 107, 306n. 148
Salon de la Locomotion Aerienne, 18, 28, 33, 58, 66, 125, 244n. 16. See also airplanes and aviation
Salon de “La Section d’Or,” 58, 72
Salon des Indépendants, 3–4, 9–10, 14, 58, 187, 189, 237n. 11, 243n. 6, 265n. 105
Salpêtrière Hospital, 7–8, 239n. 34
Sandow, Eugen, 159–60, 198, 297nn. 132, 134
Sanouillet, Michel, 168, 218, 220, 231, 265n. 99, 266n. 10, 267n. 34, 273n. 41, 294n. 6, 317n. 158
Sawelson-Gorse, Naomi, 309nn. 142, 145
scales and balances, 41, 48, 153, 156, 158, 258n. 98
scattering (of subatomic particles, molecules), 87–88, 144, 146, 147, 196, 289n. 75. See also LG, Illuminating Gas, and “liquid elemental scattering”; LG, Illuminating Gas, and “scattered suspension”
Schafter, Debra, 301n. 258
Schamberg, Morton, 77
Schuster, Jean, 310n. 163, 317n. 170
Schwarz, Arturo, 17, 64, 74, 78–79, 109, 113, 117, 179, 192, 231, 248n. 98, 249n. 105, 262n. 13, 265n. 100, 268n. 36, 277n. 73, 278n. 113, 280n. 164, 294n. 6, 302n. 44, 312n. 17, 318n. 6
science (general), xxii, 4–5, 11–12, 32, 34–35, 37, 51, 53–56, 74, 76, 78, 86, 104, 130, 173, 179, 185–86, 190, 234n. 20, 276n. 30 (see also specific areas of science)
French positivist science (bourgeois science; tradition-bound science), xxi, 6, 23, 41, 47, 137, 259n. 119
—, Duchamp’s critique of, xxi, 137 (see also metrology, Duchamp’s critique of); occultism connections of, xxi, 6–7, 9, 13, 22–24, 49, 65, 111, 188, 205, 236n. 33, 277n. 64, 307n. 26
popularization of, xxi, xxii, 40, 47, 57, 77, 234n. 20, 127
—, physique amusante, xxi, 125, 212, 279n. 125, 299n. 199. See also Duchamp, science (and technology), attitude toward; technology
Science et la Vie, La, 98, 159, 312n. 40
science fiction, 3, 5, 34–35, 47, 57, 93, 234n. 9, 237n. 18, 246n. 47
sense perception, inadequacy of, xx, 6, 9, 21, 41, 116, 146, 167, 168, 193. See also relativity of knowledge; X-rays
Serre, Jeanne, 13, 216, 303n. 81
Seurat, Georges, 8, 71–72, 86, 189, 266n. 9, 314n. 85
Severini, Gino, 263n. 45
sexual associations of science and technology (and language of), xxi, 13, 21, 27, 38, 50, 74, 125, 127, 128, 173, 179. 180, 193. 312n. 40
heat engines as metaphors for sexual excitement, 92, 130, 134, 153
machine sexuality (including gears), 32, 36, 42, 50, 92, 127, 140, 150, 159, 173, 186, 193, 211. See also electricity, sexual associations of terminology; humanmachine analogies, sexual associations of; radioactivity, sexual associations of
shadows, 5, 9, 59, 116–17, 271n. 139, 283n. 231
and fourth dimension, 80–83, 271n. 139. See also LG, Bride, as shadow; LG, and shadows; Duchamp, and shadows
Shattuck, Roger, 40, 267n. 23, 289n. 70
Shaw, William Napier, 110–11, 123, 129
Sheeler, Charles, 77
Shiff, Richard, 184, 250n. 16, 282n. 218
Siegel, Jeanne, 207, 213
signs, linguistic, 176, 302n. 35. See also LG, and “hieroglyphic” signs; Duchamp, and signs
simultaneity, 47, 100, 275n. 21
skeleton, 10, 14, 242n. 113. See also LG, Bride, as skeleton
Smithson, Robert, 231
Société Anonyme, “Brooklyn Exhibition,” 78
Société Française de Physique, 19, 21, 44, 140, 143, 234n. 19, 292n. 192
Société Normande de Peinture Moderne, 4, 245n. 42
Society for Psychical Research, 6, 41–42, 48
Society of Independent Artists exhibition, 66
Soddy, Frederick, 23–24, 27, 109, 133, 135, 144, 247nn. 74, 75, 248n. 84
solidification of gases, 107, 138, 141, 145, 148, 196, 290n. 88
Solidonius, 231, 232, 318n. 5
Solvay, Ernest, 36
Sorbonne, 8, 272, 142, 179
sound frequencies, 54, 60, 205, 260n. 168
spark gap, 99, 102, 104, 109, 115, 123, 174, 193
sparks, electric, 18, 21, 34, 36, 45–46, 87, 95, 98–99, 102, 104, 106, 109, 123–24, 147, 168, 173, 183, 187, 189, 191, 204, 206, 223, 252n. 61, 275n. 13
sparks of love, 36. See also LG, Bride, and sparks; Tesla, and sparks, flaming
spark telegraphy, 99, 183, 193. See also wireless telegraphy
Spector, Jack, 266n. 17
spectroscopy, 14, 40–41, 108, 282n. 212
spectrum, 6, 40, 48–49, 100, 108, 211, 242n. 111, 244n. 19, 277n. 63, 289n. 77
electromagnetic spectrum, 5–6, 15, 99, 102, 114. 168, 208–9
infrared radiation, 6
solar spectrum, 14, 98–99
ultraviolet radiation, 6, 237n. 13
spinal column, 95. See also LG, Bride, as skeleton/spinal column
spinthariscope, 8, 23, 41, 145, 272n. 15, 282n. 212
spirit photography, 7–8, 106, 116–19, 237n. 10, 239n. 36, 255n. 17
spiritualism, xx, 3, 6–9, 24, 41, 47, 49, 96, 102, 115, 118, 204, 238n. 33, 240n. 60, 248n. 91, 265n. 115, 280n. 164, 307n. 26. See also Crookes, and occultism, spiritualism; ectoplasm; psychic phenomena; mediumistic sculpture
statics, 155, 156, 160, 194. See also LG, Juggler/Handler, and mechanics
statistical mechanics, 135, 295n. 76
Statue of Liberty, 180, 286n. 64, 315n. 102
Stauffer, Serge, 219, 231
steam, 90, 92, 130, 135, 154, 169
steam engine, 34, 89, 92, 130–31, 134, 154, 169, 199, 277n. 84, 278n. 113. See also LG, “steam engine”
Steefel, Lawrence, 173, 234n. 11, 237n. 9, 249n. 110
Stein, Gertrude, 82, 309n. 145
Steiner, Rudolf, 205, 311n. 179
Stella, Joseph, 77, 290n. 101
Stéphane, Marc, 24
Stevens, Wallace, 77
Stieglitz, Alfred 13, 43, 46
Stillman, Linda Klieger, 51, 251n. 38
Stirner, Max (pseud, of Johann Kaspar Schmidt), 61–62, 64, 202, 263nn. 45, 46
Stoney, G. Johnstone, 244n. 19
Strindberg, August, 24, 36, 51, 105, 247n. 78
subatomic. See atoms
suprasensible reality, xx, 4, 6, 15, 114, 119
as higher reality or
dimensions, 8, 11, 15, 41, 43, 81–82, 84, 101, 138, 205, 239n. 36, 270n. 101, 281n. 197, 299n. 212
Suquet, Jean, 73, 91, 104–5, 112, 151–52, 157–59, 163, 219–20, 222, 235n. 30, 237n. 9, 242n. 102, 261n. 1, 268n. 36, 273n. 54, 277n. 80, 280n. 164, 294n. 10
diagram of Large Glass components by, 91, 151, 158–59, 277n. 80, 294n. 10, fig. 111
Surrealism, 27, 52, 56, 78, 127, 164, 182, 206, 214–15, 231–32, 251n. 29, 259n. 137, 315n. 103, 318n. 6
and Duchamp, 78, 164, 182, 206, 214–17, 221, 231–32, 310n. 163, 314n. 76, 315n. 102, 318n. 170
exhibitions of, 66, 164, 214–17, 231, 299n. 197, 315nn. 102, 103. See also Breton
Sweeney, James Johnson, 10, 20, 33, 51, 71, 187, 203, 243n. 6, 305n. 148
Sylvester, David, 182
Symbolism, 34, 47
“symmetrical knowledge,” 264n. 86, 299n. 194. See also Buridan’s Ass
symmetry, 83, 136, 164, 179, 199
dissymmetry, 164. See also LG, symmetry in
Szeemann, Harald, 251n. 29
Tait, P. G., 140
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 117
target shooting, theme of: in Large Glass, 145, 179, 211, 281n. 175
in Picabia, 211, 292n. 184
tarot, 231
Tashjian, Dickran, 234n. 11, 265n. 103, 295n. 49
taste, 63, 67, 176, 183, 262n. 21, 264nn. 65, 70, 301n. 20, 309n. 145. See also Duchamp, and taste
technology (general), xx, xxii, 4, 11–12, 16–17, 22, 28, 32, 34–35, 37–38, 40, 43, 47, 51, 53, 56, 72, 74, 77–78, 86, 94, 104, 130, 160, 169, 179, 181, 185–86, 190, 295n. 49. See specific area of technology, science
telautomaton (Tesla), 43, 46–47, 112–13, 193, 256n. 58
télégraphie sans fil. See wireless telegraphy
telegraphy with wires, 55, 104. See also wireless telegraphy
telemechanics (Branly), 112–13
telepathy and thought transmission, 6, 9, 47–50, 52–53, 96, 101–2, 103, 106, 111–13, 115–16, 204–5, 280n. 166, 314n. 76
and “cerebral radiation,” 112
wireless telegraphy associations, 35, 42, 47, 100–101, 111, 114, 188, 205, 246n. 62. See also Crookes, and telepathy; Jarry, and “Telepathic Letters”; Kupka, and telepathy as model; LG, communication in, as telepathy; LG, and telepathy
telephone, 55, 113, 128, 284n. 16. See also wireless telephony
television and early image transmission, 18, 55, 72, 100, 261n. 184
Tesla, Nikola, xxi–xxii, 21–23, 31, 40, 42–47, 56–57, 68, 96, 99, 101, 108–9, 112–13, 125, 148, 187, 248n. 92, 254n. 3, 257nn. 62, 63, 66, 67, 274n. 9, figs. 59, 63, 99
and alternating current, “battle of the currents,” 43–45, 50, 56, 281n. 175
career of, 21, 43–47
and Crookes, 40, 42–43, 45, 47, 257n. 63
and Edison, 43–44
and electrical vibrations, 40, 43–46, 112
and high-frequency alternating current, 21, 44, 50, 105, 108–9, 124, 187, 194
and Jarry, 49, 50, 88
lectures and demonstrations by, 21, 40, 43–46, 50, 108–9, 187, 194–95, 203, 246n. 54, 281n. 175
and illuminated gas tubes, 40, 43–45, 108–9, 187, 194, 256n. 49
occultists’ interest in, 21, 40, 46
oscillation transformer of (see Tesla coil); polyphase system of, 44, 281n. 175
radio-controlled telautomaton of, 43, 46–47, 112–13, 193, 256n. 58
and radio communication, 47, 256n. 56, 274n. 9
reputation of, in France and U.S., xxi, 21, 43–44, 46, 50, 112
and sparks, flaming, 21, 23, 43–44, 46, 105, 108, 124, 187, 246n. 54, 256nn. 47, 57
and wireless telegraphy, 40, 46–47, 99. See also Niagara Falls
Tesla coil (oscillation transformer), 21, 40, 42, 44–46, 99, 108, 110, 194
Theosophy, 3, 8, 41, 311n. 177
thermodynamics, 36, 131, 134–36, 142–43, 149, 175, 196, 234n. 13, 247n. 75, 277n. 84, 288nn. 41, 54, 292n. 160
and Duchamp/Large Glass, xxi, 129, 131, 133–35, 141–42, 148, 158, 175, 195, 214, 234n. 13
first law of (Mayer’s principle), 134, 137, 161, 196
second law of (Carnot’s principle), 134, 137, 143, 161, 196, 234n. 13, 288n. 44
and transformation of energy, 134–35, 288n. 54
thermometer, 54, 114–15, 124
and Duchamp, 54, 215
Thompson, Silvanus P., 111, 246n. 55, 254n. 3
Thomson, J. J., xxi, 5, 16, 18–21, 24, 41, 142, 145, 147, 244n. 19, 246nn. 48, 55
Thomson, William. See Kelvin, Lord
Thought Forms (Besant and Leadbeater), 6–7, 101, 204, 310n. 168
thought photography, 11, 15. See also psychicones thought transference. See telepathy
time, 99, 156. See also LG, and time; Bergson, and duration; Eiffel tower, and time signal
tinfoil, 105, 111, 115, 174, 278n. 91
Tomkins, Calvin, 71, 78, 103, 110, 223, 241n. 88, 242n. 102
Tom Tit. See Good, Arthur
topology, 38, 83, 270n. 104, 283n. 248
and Large Glass, 199
Trans/formation, 222
transformers, 105, 109–10, 134, 154, 277n. 84, 314n. 89
and Duchamp, 105, 214, 314n. 89. See also LG, Transformateur àdétente; Tesla coil (oscillation transformer); thermodynamics
transmutation, 23, 25–27, 108, 162, 247n. 75, 304n. 124, 317n. 158, 318n. 170
transparency, 12, 14, 48, 54, 56, 81–82, 86, 98, 105, 167, 203
and Duchamp, 9–10, 15, 83, 90, 93, 214, 240n. 65, 270n. 119, 312n. 20, 314n. 84
and Kupka, 10, 103
and Large Glass, 81–82, 218. See also glass; LG, materials, and glass
Treadwell, Sophie, 309n. 145
trees, 28
Tree of Jesse, 39. See also arbre; LG, Bride as arbre type
Tribout, Ferdinand, 3, 8, 12, 112, 236n. 4
Triptolemos, 169
trituration, 54–55, 132, 141. See also LG, trituration; LG, “Triturators”
Troost, Louis-Joseph, 132, 148
tubes, electric discharge and illuminated gas, xxi, 4, 40–41, 43–45, 86, 107–9, 174, 194, 206
pl. 4; figs. 97, 98. See also LG, Malic Molds; cathode-ray tubes; Crookes tubes; Geissler tubes; neon lighting; Tesla
tuning fork, 48–49, 98, 124, 205
Twain, Mark (pseud, of Samuel Langhorne Clemens), 44, 46
tympanum, 128, 284n. 15. See also LG, Tympanum
Tzara, Tristan, 310n. 163
ultraviolet light, 6, 237n. 13
Unanisme, 84
Valensi, Henri, 58
Valentin, Basile (Basilius Valentius), 26, 231–32
Valéry, Paul, 73, 267n. 23
Van de Velde, Ronny, 315n. 89
Van Eyck, Jan, 177
works: Lucca Madonna, 177, fig. 168
van Lennep, Jacques, 231
Van Vechten, Carl, 77
Varèse, Edgar, 77, 269n. 63
Varèse, Louise, 285n. 28
Varlet, Théo, 8
Vaucanson, Jacques, 94, 274n. 78
veils, 117. See also Duchamp, and fabric
Verne, Jules, 47, 53, 55, 315n. 100
vibrations, xx, 6, 9, 15, 41, 42, 45, 47, 48, 53, 54, 56, 76, 90, 96, 100, 101, 103, 111, 114, 133, 173, 189, 204, 205, 206, 210, 212, 236n. 33, 237nn. 13, 18, 244n. 19
electrical vibrations, 42, 46, 98, 99, 112
and Large Glass, 104, 113, 119, 191, 222 (see also electromagnetism, and Large Glass)
wave vibrations, 48, 238n. 18, 100, 107, 114, 203, 204. See also LG, Bride, vibrations/“splendid vibrations” of; communication, vibratory; Crookes, table of vibrations of; electromagnetic waves; telepathy; wireless telegraphy
Victor (Picabia’s chauffeur), 37, 253n. 66
Vie Mystérieuse, La, 7–8, 12, 25, 27, 35, 41, 111, 238n. 33, 240n. 52, 246nn. 57, 62, 254n. 6, 304n. 124
View, Duchamp issue, 182, 203, 215, 218. See also Kiesler, and photo-montage
Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, 34, 49–50, 89, 93, 95–97, 111, 117, 192, 203, 218, 251n. 38, 253n. 62
writings: L’Eve future, 34, 36, 49–51, 53, 89, 93, 95–96, 111, 113, 117, 121, 192, 261n. 185. See also Edison, as Villiers character; Hadaly
Villon, Jacques (Gaston Duchamp), 3, 28, 58, 72, 67, 118, 163, 188–89, 236n. 1, 250n. 27, 265n. 115, 268n. 36, 298n. 184, 314n. 76
works: Aviation Exposition, 28, fig. 40
L’Equilibriste, 163
Portrait of Mr. J.B., Painter, 67, 265n. 115, fig. 74
Virgin Mary, xx, 38–39, 126, 180–83, 192, 304nn. 101, 115, 305n. 125
and Apollinaire, 38–39, 180, 182
and Bride of Large Glass, 38, 88–89, 128, 169, 175, 177, 180–83, 192–93, 199, 201, 220
and “Jura-Paris Road” project, 37–39, 89, 198
visible light, 6–10, 14–15, 48, 53, 59, 100–103, 106, 115–16, 120, 168, 197, 205, 208–9, 211, 237n. 14
and Duchamp, xxii, 9, 67, 75, 77, 102, 106, 114, 119–20, 168, 197, 207–9, 211, 215, 217, 311n. 11
vitalism, philosophy of, 35. See also mechanism
Vuibert, H., 210, 312n. 33
Warlick, M. E., 318n. 5
wasps, 127–29, 193, 286n. 69. See also LG, Wasp
waterfalls, 109, 154, 195
and Duchamp, 216–17, 315n. 107
and hydroelectric power, 109, 154
and mechanical power, 154. See also LG, “Given: 1. the waterfall…; LG, Waterfall; Niagara Falls
wave detectors, 43, 99, 102–3, 106–8, 113, 115, 124, 174, 194, 278n. 112
artist/poet as wave detector, 100, 204–6, 284n. 265
and Large Glass, 107–8, 113–16, 193. See also LG, registering instruments in; LG, Chocolate Grinder; Crookes, brain/wave detector analogy of; Crookes, eye/wave detector analogy of; Kupka, and human-machine analogies
wavelength, 5–6, 14, 42, 49, 62, 237n. 14, 263n. 47, 277n. 63
Weart, Spencer, 246n. 64
weather. See meteorology
weights and measures. See metrology
Weiss, Jeffrey, 235n. 22, 264n. 65,
Wells, H. G., 5, 47, 49, 234n. 9, 237–38n. 18, 247n. 74
Westinghouse, George, 44, 109
White, Stanford, 257n. 62
Whitman, Walt, 36, 252n. 60
Williams, William Carlos, 77
Wilson, C. T. R., 20, 87, 119, 134, 145–48, 195–96, 198, 245n. 41, 289n. 75, 292n. 157, 293nn. 194, 207. See also cloud chamber, cloud-chamber photographs
wireless telegraphy, xx–xxi, 3–5, 17, 32, 40, 42–43, 46–47, 59, 67, 72, 90, 96, 98–113, 115, 120, 124, 131, 168, 174, 183, 193–94, 198, 204–6, 246n. 62, 273n. 43, 275n. 24, 283n. 262, 298n. 165, 301n. 15, 311n. 182
do-it-yourself instructions for, 98, 102, 106, 115, 125, 183
in literature, xx, 99–100, 103, 193, 203–4, 275n. 21, 310n. 166
popularization of, 43, 98, 104, 183
telepathy associations of, 35, 42, 47, 100–102, 111, 114, 188, 205, 246n. 62. See also LG, communication in; LG, and wireless telegraphy; electromagnetic waves; Hertzian waves
wireless telephony, 100, 113, 128, 203, 274n. 9, 284n. 16
Wohl, Hellmut, 104
Wood, Beatrice, 66, 77
World’s Columbian Exposition (1893), 44
Worthington, A. M., 87, 119, 146–48, 195, 272n. 12, 293nn. 194, 207, 209. See also photography, “instantaneous electric-spark photography”
X-ray cinematography. See cinematography, X-ray cinematography
X-ray photography, 5–7, 9–10, 13–14, 62, 98, 106, 116–19, 147, 190, 203, 237n. 9, 240n. 67, 255n. 25
X-ray tube, 9, 42–43, 119
X-rays, xx, 8, 10–12, 14–15, 20–22, 32, 39–40, 42, 46, 48, 53, 62, 75, 96, 98, 108, 115, 118, 120, 132, 133, 142, 147, 174, 180, 185, 193, 198, 200, 203, 208, 234n. 9, 236n. 33, 237nn. 9, 13, 238nn. 26, 33, 239nn. 36, 39, 241n. 76, 247n. 65, 255n. 16, 276n. 57
clairvoyance associations of, 6–8, 43, 100, 238n. 30, 277n. 64
and Crookes, 41, 100, 102, 254n. 10, 255n. 25
and Cubism, xix, 4, 8, 10, 14, 59, 203, 277n. 70
discovery of, 3–6, 102, 107–8, 255n. 25
and Duchamp, xix, xxi, 4, 8–13, 18, 39, 42, 98, 103, 112, 128, 130, 187, 192, 198, 203, 214, 237n. 9, 240nn. 65, 72
and Futurists, 4, 203, 243n. 6
and humor, 5, 10, 187, 237n. 18
and Kupka, xix, 4, 8–10, 15, 31, 98, 100–103, 106, 193, 203, 239n. 46, 240n. 67, 277n. 70
and literature, 8–9, 11, 99
and occultism, 7–8, 11, 23, 53, 277n. 64
and Picabia, 13–14, 42–43
popularization of, 5–8, 10–11, 14, 23, 143, 237nn. 9, 16–17, 246n. 61
and stripping theme, 10, 15, 21, 43, 187–88, 198, 240n. 72
See also LG, Bride, and X-rays; fourth dimension; invisible reality; sense perception, inadequacy of
Young, Thomas, 208, 276n. 61, 311n. 14
Zayas, Marius de, 46, 77
works: Nikola Tesla, 46, fig. 63
Zeeman, Pieter, 244n. 19
zone-plate, 115, 174, 208
and To Be Looked at, 115, 208
Large Glass Index
as “agricultural instrument”/“agricultural machine,” 86, 168, 181, 198, 272n. 7
“extramural agricultural apparatus,” 168–69, 220
Air Current Pistons or Nets, 78, 80, 110, 103–4, 114, 116–17, 122–23, 126, 132, 144, 154, 190, 194, 269n. 58, 282n. 217, 295n. 55, 302n. 64, 316n. 125
and alchemy, 25, 134, 181–82, 198, 231, 248n. 94, 305n. 125. See also Duchamp, and alchemy question
as “allegorical appearance”/“allegorical Reproduction,” 87, 146, 179–80, 184, 189, 195
and allegory, xxii, 13, 169, 179, 181, 183, 189, 192, 195, 199, 214, 303n. 83
in language of science and technology, 13, 89, 179–84, 214
and analogy, Duchamp’s use of, xxi, 39, 80, 82–83, 87, 149, 166–67, 173, 190, 199, 201
antigravity theme in: “anti?gravity” and Bride, 163, 165–66, 195
“principle of ani/?gravity,” 85, 141, 163, 165–66. See also LG, Bride, and gravity, freedom from; LG, and gravity theme
and “apparition”/“appearance” in, 95, 117–18, 133, 218, 220
atomic/subatomic and molecular events paralleled in. See LG, collisions (molecular and subatomic); LG, scales, range of, reflected in
automobile-oriented note(s) in Green Box, 89–93, 96, 104, 130, 165, 181, 183, 189, 193, 199, 272n. 30, 273n. 41, 284n. 5
Bachelor Apparatus/Bachelors’ realm, xix, 21, 32–33, 46, 49, 52, 56, 59, 65, 68, 77–79, 81, 84, 86, 88–90, 93–95, 103, 105–9, 112–13, 119, 121, 125–26, 129, 130, 132–33, 136, 138, 142, 149, 150, 151–52, 154, 157, 159, 163, 165–66, 168, 174–75, 178–80, 182, 189, 193, 195–96, 198, 200, 207, 214, 216, 220, 222, 246n. 47, 251n. 29, 262n. 13, 269n. 71, 273n. 37, 278n. 113, 297n. 130
anti-Bergsonian qualities of, 128, 156, 167, 199, 200
and atomic/subatomic events, as a reflection of, 86–87, 130, 136, 138, 146–47, 195, 198
falls/falling in, 125, 131, 144, 147–48, 156, 160–61, 195, 214
as finite, 84, 88, 167, 198
as gravity-bound, 81, 84–85, 89, 121, 123, 131, 150, 163, 165, 179, 195, 197, 199, 200, 202, 220
as imperfect, 81, 180, 199
and jerky motion of components, 91, 94–96, 121, 151, 158, 167, 195, 197, 199–200
as lacking a “life center,” 180, 195, 199
as measurable/mensurable, 81, 84, 121, 129, 173, 180, 199
mechanical nature of, 97, 109, 121–23, 128, 130, 137, 150, 156, 180, 192–95, 199–200, 209
and mechanics, 150, 153, 156, 158–59, 161–63, 165, 167, 169, 174, 179, 195, 200
and molecular activity, 130, 132–38, 142–46, 148, 151, 159, 161–62, 169, 174, 179, 191, 196, 200
perspective in, 80, 119, 195, 199, 207
three-dimensional nature of, 80, 85, 88–89, 97, 109, 114, 119, 121, 129, 146, 165, 166, 168, 173, 179, 194–95, 199–200, 207, 209
and time, segmented and spatialized, 156, 167, 200
and wireless telegraphy/radio reception of Bride’s commands, 107–9, 112–15, 193, 194. See also LG, communication in; gears
ball, black (of Juggler). See LG, Juggler/Handler of Gravity, ball of
ball, emanating (of Bride), 109, 113–14, 117, 147, 168, 180, 183, 193, 220, 273n. 36
ballistic theme in, 86–87, 94, 123, 131, 144–46, 157, 159, 179, 195–96, 211, 272nn. 9, 35, 284n. 24, 292n. 180. See also LG, Boxing Match, Combat Marble of, blows of; LG, Bride, chocs in; LG, collisions (molecular and subatomic); LG, Nine Shots, ballistic nature of; Duchamp, and ballistic theme
Barometer (Bride as), 116, 121–22, 129, 177, 180, 192
bath heater, 129, 152, 164, 181, 287n. 100. See also LG, Desire Dynamo
bathtub (of Bride), 105, 129, 181
bathtub of pride, 164
Bayonet, 79, 107, 124–25, 194
“beauty of indifference.” See Duchamp, and “beauty of indifference”
and Bergson, 76–77, 83–84, 128–29, 176, 179, 198–200, 202, 251n. 45, 309n. 123. See also Duchamp, and Bergsonism of Puteaux Cubists; Duchamp, and Readymades
Bottle(s) of Benedictine, 65, 79, 86, 105, 125, 131, 133, 136, 151, 158–62, 170, 177, 197, 215
fall of, 159, 191, 197, 215. See also LG, Weight(s)
and Box in a Valise, 126, 176–77, 201–2, 213
Boxing Match, 33, 79, 87, 91, 93, 94, 112, 114, 131, 140, 141, 145–46, 150–53, 156–58, 162–63, 167, 193–98, 200, 220–21, 273n. 63, 297n. 130
and “ascensional magnetization,” 113, 141, 153, 162, 165–66
as clockwork box/apparatus/system, 91–94, 112, 114, 158, 163, 167, 192, 199, 200, 202, 273n. 63
Combat Marble of, 33, 87, 94, 131, 141, 145, 153, 156–57, 162, 165, 195, 202
—, blows of, 86, 94, 131, 144–46, 195–96
and piano, 94, 131, 274n. 76
Rams of, 33, 94, 131, 162, 141, 153, 157, 162, 165, 221
“Breakdown” (note): “First breakdown,” 91, 93, 105, 121, 130–31, 195
“Breakdown: Bachelor machine,” 93, 130–31, 150, 154, 161, 290n. 95, 295n. 51
Breast Cylinders (of Bride), 93, 272n. 35, 273n. 63
Bride/Bride’s realm, xix, xxi, 13, 16, 27, 35, 39, 49, 53, 56, 59, 62, 68, 79, 80–81, 83, 86, 88–97, 103–10, 112, 119, 125–26, 130, 132, 137, 140, 151, 154, 162–65, 169, 174, 176, 178, 181, 191–97, 199, 200–201, 209, 214–18, 220, 237n. 9, 246n. 47, 253n. 74, 266n. 10, 267n. 32, 269n. 71, 295nn. 55, 59, 297n. 130, 301n. 15, 302n. 64. See also LG, Pendu femelle; LG, Sex Cylinder; LG, Wasp; Duchamp, works: The Bride; Duchamp, and Virgin/Bride, theme
and agriculture, 181
as arbre type (arbor type), 28, 39, 90–91, 93, 95–96, 104, 122, 125, 152–53, 169, 175, 180–81, 192, 216, 274n. 97
—, boughs/branches of, 28, 91, 93, 113, 125, 128, 152–53, 175, 181
—, “boughs frosted in nickel and platinum,” 91, 96, 125, 153, 253n. 74
—, as hampe/hampe-modèle (shaft/stem model), 93, 96, 122, 124, 164, 284n. 15
—, and transmission shaft, 28, 39, 90, 104, 122, 128, 175, 180, 192 (see also arbre de transmission)
as automaton, 93–97, 109, 129, 180, 192
and automobile, 16, 28, 39, 59, 78, 84, 88–93, 95–96, 104–5, 109, 113, 121, 123, 125, 128–29, 130, 176, 178, 180–83, 192–93, 199–200
—, as motor, 78, 90. See also LG, Bride, as arbre type; LG, Bride, and motor; LG, Bride, orgasm of, as motor; LG, Desire-magneto (of Bride); LG, “Motor with quite feeble cylinders”; LG, “Reservoir of love gasoline”
and balance, 86, 96, 122, 199
blossoming/“cinematic blossoming” of, 77–79, 90–93, 104, 110–11, 136, 157, 164–65, 167, 179, 181, 193–94, 199, 200, 205, 273n. 41, 299n. 220
horizontal and vertical blossomings, 90–91, 93, 114, 163, 193–94
self blossoming, 114, 122, 152, 193–94, 205, 308n. 76
“center of distraction” of, 85, 113, 141, 166, 167
as chemistry apparatus, 27–28, 39, 59, 109, 129, 142, 180, 192
chocs (blows) in, 123, 284n. 24
communication with Bachelors and Juggler. See LG, communication in
and “elevator of gravity,” 165, 168, 181–83, 220
and enclosed/glass vessel, 27–28, 126, 177, 181, 193
and entomology. See LG, Wasp
and the ether, 114, 163, 168, 179, 194–95, 199, 200–201, 209
eyes of, 124, 178
filaments of, 96, 113–14, 121–23, 125, 127, 128, 163–65, 192–94, 220
—, and party whistles (soufflets), 86, 113, 123, 163
Flair of, 113, 121, 194
four-dimensional space of, xix, 80–81, 83–84, 88–89, 96–97, 109, 114, 117, 119, 121, 127, 129, 142, 145–46, 156, 163, 165–68, 173, 179–83, 192, 194–95, 199–201, 209, 213, 216, 218, 270n. 100, and free will, 166, 197
and gravity, freedom from, 81, 85–86, 88, 96, 123, 131, 156, 163, 165, 168, 181–83, 195, 199
halo of, 90, 181, 199
hygiene of, 129
as immeasurable/immensurable, 33, 81, 84, 88, 129, 199
as incandescent lightbulb, 29, 109, 121, 125–26, 129, 169, 176–77, 183, 180, 192, 193
and infinity, 88, 121, 129, 167, 180, 183, 198–99
as isolated cage, 109, 122, 194
“life center” of, 180, 183, 195, 199, 220
as magnet, 113
mossy metal of, 28, 89, 96, 272n. 33
and meteorology/weather instruments, 56, 109, 111, 113, 121–25, 135, 160, 177, 192, 220
—, and ventilation, 56, 110–11, 113, 121–23, 125, 129, 154, 178, 192, 201. See also LG, Barometer; LG, Weather Vane; hygrometry
and mirrors, 83, 117, 199, 201
mortice of, 122, 124, 156, 164, 284n. 11
and motor, 89, 91, 96, 134, 181, 193. See also LG, “Motor with quite feeble cylinders”
multivalence of, 35, 96, 129, 136, 175, 177, 192, 218, 220
organic/biological nature of, 109, 127, 121, 156, 174, 179–80, 192–93, 199–200
organic-mechanical qualities of, xix–xx, 12, 28, 80, 84, 95–96, 129, 176, 178, 180, 192, 195, 199–200, 216, 272n. 32
orgasm of, 77, 79, 88, 91, 167, 130, 180, 193, 199
—, as an automobile/motor, 88, 91, 130, 193, 199. See also LG, Bride, blossoming/“cinematic blossoming” of
and Persephone, 169, 175, 180–81, 183, 192–93, 199, 201, 301n. 257
and perspective, freedom from, 80, 166, 173, 199
as shadows, 80–83, 129, 199, 201, 271n. 139
as skeleton (squelette)/ spinal column, 12, 78, 81, 90–91, 144, 152, 178, 192
sparks of, 90–93, 104–5, 109–10, 114, 123–24, 147, 152, 178–79, 189, 191, 193, 199, 202, 273nn. 36 and 41
stripping of. See LG, stripping theme in
and time deviations/duration, 166–67, 200
and ventilation. See LG, Bride, and meteorology
vibrations/“splendid vibrations” of, 90, 104–5, 108, 110–11, 113, 115, 121–23, 178–79, 193, 205
and Virgin Mary, 38, 88–89, 128, 169, 175, 177, 180–83, 192–93, 199, 201, 220
and wireless telegraphy equipment: as wave detector, 113, 194
as emitting antenna, 109, 129, 194. See also LG, communication in
and X-rays, 28, 39, 109, 119, 129, 178, 180, 192, 200, 237n. 9
Bride’s dominance of events in, 84, 97, 127, 178, 200. See also LG, communication in
Butterfly Pump, 79, 139, 271n. 3
Capillary Tubes, 62, 67, 79, 80, 84, 93, 108, 116, 131, 136, 138–39, 141, 142, 144, 150, 165, 196, 197
and 3 Standard Stoppages, 62–63, 67, 80, 197
cast shadows. See LG, and shadows/cast shadows
Cemetery of Uniforms and Liveries, 63, 78, 107, 142, 169, 181, 201, 220
underground associations of, 169, 181
and uniforms, 3, 49, 215
chance manifested in, 80, 136, 144–46, 150–52, 159, 164, 166, 174, 178, 191, 195, 197
cracking as effect of chance, 80, 178. See also chance; Duchamp, and chance
Chariot/Glider, 53, 66, 79, 85, 93–94, 105, 125, 131, 134, 149, 151, 153–63, 165, 168–70, 175, 177, 179, 191–92, 195, 197–98, 214–15, 220, 293n. 207, 297n. 140
buffer of, 158, 168–69, 198
bumper (tampon), 93, 131, 161, 297n. 150
and cranes, 150, 160, 169, 198, 220
“emancipated metal” of, 85, 158, 162, 165, 192
and friction/“friction reintegrated,” 79, 134, 156–58, 160–61, 165, 185, 192, 197
gouttière (groove) of, 149, 154, 160, 165, 175, 197, 201, 297n. 141, 309n. 134
and gravity, 158, 160, 165, 200
and inertia, 156, 158
litanies of, 56, 79, 159, 169, 200
and mechanics, 150, 153–54, 156, 158–59, 161–62, 192, 197, 302n. 54
motive force of, 93, 131, 150, 154–56, 295n. 51
onanism of, 79, 150, 158–59
as plow, 165, 179, 181
cable-drawn plow, 160, 169, 198
“plow of life” (buttoir de vie), 168–69. See also LG, wordplay and punning, buttoir/butoir
as slider (traineau), 158, 177, 302n. 54. See also Sandow
and chocolate, 59, 79, 107, 133, 141–42, 148, 278n. 113
molded chocolate, 108–9, 117, 133, 142, 279n. 138
emanating “object in chocolate,” 109, 117, 133, 142. See also LG, Chocolate Grinder
Chocolate Grinder, xix, 32, 59–61, 65, 79, 93, 105, 107–8, 124–25, 131, 137, 139–40, 142, 144, 150–51, 176, 178, 181, 191, 194–95, 197, 214, 278n. 113, 295n. 59
as telegraphy wave detector, 107, 142, 194
and contemporary grinders/manufacture, 59–60, 107, 142
“the bach, grinds his chocolate himself,” 59, 79, 137, 140, 262n. 24. See also LG, chocolate; Duchamp, works by: Chocolate Grinder (No. 1) and Chocolate Grinder (No. 2)
Chum, 139
“cinematic blossoming” of Bride. See LG, Bride, blossoming/“cinematic blossoming” of; LG, Milky Way; LG, Top Inscription
“circle of cardinal points” (of Bride), 122–23, 162, 164, 192
Clockwork Box (Boîte d’horlogerie) of Bride, 84, 91, 93–94, 96, 121, 273nn. 52, 63
clockwork box/apparatus/system. See LG, Boxing Match, as clockwork box
Clothing (of Bride), 33, 63, 76, 79, 91, 94, 105, 114, 150, 157, 163, 165, 177–78, 183, 193–94, 197, 201, 263n. 55, 302n. 44
and 3 Standard Stoppages, 63, 178, 302n. 44 (see also LG, mid-section);and typewriter cover of Traveler’s Folding Item, 126, 177, 201, 302n. 44
“coefficient of displacement.” See LG, and displacement
cold temperatures theme in, 123, 141, 177, 196, 201, 215
and Pharmacy, Readymades, 141, 177, 196, 201, 215
collision theme in, 86–91, 134, 146–47, 157, 163, 174, 179, 180–82, 189, 192–93, 195–96, 198, 200, 202, 209, 214
and collisions (molecular and subatomic), compared to Large Glass, 86, 88, 134–36, 145–47, 151, 159, 161, 174, 179–81, 195–98, 200
and color, 63, 77, 81, 117, 125, 144, 168, 174, 177, 184, 263n. 55, 270n. 119, 272n. 32, 298n. 173, 300n. 238, 302nn. 39, 47, 314n. 78
“a certain inopticity,” 177, 184, 302n. 47
“interior lighting,” 108–9, 136–37
molecular color, 109, 132–33, 137, 142, 191, 287n. 25
“phosphorescence,” 133, 136–37, 141. See also LG, as “a world in yellow”; Duchamp, and color
Combat Marble. See LG, Boxing Match, Combat Marble of
combustion chamber, 93, 131, 150, 152–53, 195. See also LG, Desire Dynamo
communication in
Bride’s communication with Bachelors, 206
—, via “alphabetic units” of Top Inscription, 77–78, 110, 126, 194
—, as radio control, 112–14, 193, 205
—, as telepathy, 111–13, 115, 148, 205
—, as wireless telegraphy via electromagnetic/Hertzian waves, 90, 93, 95–96, 98, 103–4, 107, 109–14, 121, 128–29, 148, 160, 168, 178, 180, 183, 192–95, 197, 199–200, 205–6, 220, 277n. 73, 312n. 40
Bride’s communication/interchange with Juggler, 178
—, via “alphabetic units” of Top Inscription, 110, 194
—, as physical interaction, 113, 121, 123, 163–65, 178, 194
—, as telepathy, 114, 163, 205
—, as wireless telegraphy via electromagnetic/Hertzian waves, 94, 104, 110, 112–14, 121, 123, 150, 163–65, 194, 200, 216. See also LG, and wireless telegraphy; LG, and telepathy
operational schemes rejected: parallel automobile motors, 90, 93, 96, 130
parallel clockwork systems, 93, 96, 121
continuity/discontinuity theme in, 90, 95, 106, 112, 121, 167, 200, 303n. 96
and contrast, between Bride and Bachelors in, 81, 84–85, 88, 121, 129–30, 146, 165–68, 173, 179–80, 182, 192, 195, 198–99, 209, 213, 216, 220. See also LG, collision theme in
Cooler, Ribbed or Gilled, 79, 90, 105, 106, 112, 130, 178
cracking of, 78, 80, 119, 178, 213, 269n. 69
crane. See LG, Chariot
Crash-splash/splasher, 151–52. See also LG, Mobile, crashes of; LG, Toboggan
and cutting, 79, 142, 167, 179, 199–200, 214, 314n. 84. See also Duchamp, and cuts
as “Delay in Glass,” 120, 200, 208
Desire Dynamo, xxii, 93, 114, 130, 131, 134, 139, 140, 145, 149–50, 152–54, 164, 173, 179, 191, 195, 197–98, 219–21, 268n. 40, 273n. 37
desire centers/rods of, 93, 131, 150, 152–53, 164, 191, 195, 197–98
platinum sponge of, 152–53
Desire-gear (of Bride), 13, 89, 91–92, 96, 104, 272n. 32
Desire-magneto (of Bride), 90–93, 104, 109, 114, 123, 152, 181, 193–94, 273n. 36, 285n. 25
desire motor (of Bachelors), 90, 130, 153
dew of Eros, 122, 128, 139, 284n. 17, 290nn. 98, 100. See also LG, “erotic liquid”
Die of Eros (Matrice d’éros), 118, 142, 220
and displacement: of Juggler, from equilibrium, 136, 156, 158, 163, 192, 194
—, “coefficient of displacement,” 77, 79, 123, 164, 269n. 56, 292n. 186
—, “displacement of a stabilizer,” 112, 164, 194
of Nine Shots, 79, 145–46, 196, 198, 269n. 56, 292n. 186
—, termed “cote de distance,” 79, 269n. 56, 292n. 186
of Scissors: “double displacement,” 153, 197
in space, 82. See also Duchamp, Readymades, displacement in; Eiffel Tower, displacements of
Draft Pistons. See Air Current Pistons
and écarts de molecules. See swervings of molecules
Eiffel Tower, parallels to in. See Eiffel Tower, and Large Glass
electricity theme in, 89, 104–5, 109–13, 123, 147, 153–54, 181–82, 189, 193–95, 197–98, 204–5, 217, 295n. 59
“the connections, will be. electrical” 90, 93, 104, 112, 154, 193
“electric fete” (Large Glass as), 86, 109, 168, 177, 203
“electrical control” of the stripping, 91, 104, 154, 193, 198
“electricity at large,” 75, 104, 109, 120, 193, 217, 218, 268n. 43
“electrical stripping” of Bride, 90–93, 104, 114, 152–53, 163, 182, 220
“short circuit,” 90, 93, 104. See also LG, Bride, sparks of; LG, Desire-magneto; LG, mid-section; LG, stripping theme in,
electromagnetism theme in. See LG, communication in; LG, electricity theme in; LG, as “a painting of frequency”; LG, and optics; LG, and wireless telegraphy; electromagnetism; electromagnetic waves; X-rays
and energy and power, 131, 133–35, 154, 159, 195–97, 199, 203, 277n. 84, 295n. 55. See also energy; Duchamp, and energy
“erotic liquid” (of Bachelors), 93, 131, 139–42, 147, 150, 179, 196, 284n. 17
and “Etant donnés, 75, 104, 129, 164–65, 203, 214–18, 221
execution of, 67, 78, 80, 83, 86, 106, 115, 117–18, 174, 203, 269n. 65
abandonment of project, 78, 198
Expansion transformer. See Transformateur à détente
falls/falling theme in, 125, 131, 144, 147–48, 156, 160–61, 195, 214. See also falling bodies; LG, Bottle(s) of Benedictine, falls of; LG, Boxing Match, Rams of; LG, Mobile, falls of; LG, Weight(s), falls of
and the fourth dimension. See LG, Bride, four-dimensional nature of; LG, space in
“Given: 1. the waterfall, and 2. the illuminating gas” (note): “Notice” (note), 87–89, 272n. 10, 119, 146, 152, 177, 179, 195–96, 221
“Preface” (note), 87–89, 272n. 10, 119, 146, 177, 179, 195–96, 221
and glass cases/containers as models for: cases of Musée des Arts et Métiers, 119, 173, 174, 218
glass cases, 66, 82, 118–19, 173, 270n. 120
“Flat container, in glass…,” 82, 132, 144, 191
and glass containers and Bride: under glass cover, 82, 126, 127, 129, 165, 173, 181, 193, 216
in a “transparent cage,” 82, 126, 127, 173. See also LG, Bride, and enclosed/glass vessel; LG, Bride, as incandescent lightbulb; LG, materials of: glass
gravity theme in, 85, 131, 162–68, 195, 199
Large Glass as “a series of variations on ‘the law of gravity,’” 85, 131, 156, 165–66, 195, 220
“principle of gravity,” 85, 163, 165, 167, 202. See also LG, antigravity theme; LG, Bachelor Apparatus, as gravity-bound; LG, Juggler/Handler of Gravity
Handler of Gravity. See Juggler/Handler of Gravity
and “hieroglyphic” signs, 176–77, 180–82, 189, 202, 220, 302n. 35, 305n. 143. See also Duchamp, and signs
as a “hilarious picture,” xxi, 35, 119, 175, 190, 218, 220, 235n. 22
“General notes. for a hilarious picture,” 35, 157, 126, 129, 179, 220, 298n. 188
Hook, 65, 79, 105, 133, 136, 151, 158–62, 165
Horizontal Column. See Horizontal Scissors
Horizontal Scissors, 65, 79, 93, 107, 114, 130–31, 140, 144–45, 150–54, 157, 160–61, 167, 195, 197, 200, 220, 294n. 18, 297n. 143, 311n. 12
hot chamber, 139, 140, 152. See also Desire Dynamo
and humor, xxi, 13, 84, 97, 121, 142, 149, 159–60, 167, 173, 181–83, 190–92, 195–96, 198–200, 202, 206–7, 218, 220–22, 295n. 55, 305n. 143
Illuminating Gas, 79, 87–89, 93, 107–9, 113, 123, 131, 133–34, 138–42, 144, 145, 146, 148, 150–51, 153, 158, 166, 168–69, 177, 179, 189, 192, 195–97, 202, 213, 215–17, 220, 271n. 3, 284n. 17. See also LG, Spangles
“ascensional force” of, 141, 153, 162, 166
and gas castings, 79, 84, 88, 108
gaz d’éclairage, 107, 138, 287n. 23
as inert gas, 107–8, 133, 140–42, 144, 146, 194–95, 316n. 125
journey of, 123, 138–42, 196, 207
liquefaction of, 105, 107, 134–35, 138–41, 150, 158, 177, 179, 191, 192, 195–96, 220
“liquid elemental scattering” of, 79, 87, 138, 144, 196
as neonlike, 107, 108, 133, 146, 179, 194, 316n. 125
“scattered suspension” of, 144–46, 196
solidification of, 79, 107, 135, 141, 145, 196.
and imprinting and molds, 95, 117–19, 142
mold as n-1 dimensional image, 83, 117, 215
mold as photographic negative, 215;—, photographic imprinting, 80, 95, 116–19, 190
molds and casts, xxi, 95, 108–9, 117–18
—, impersonal casting (dies), 118, 142. See also LG, Malic Molds; LG, chocolate, molded chocolate; LG, indexical signs in; Duchamp, and casting
indexical signs/indexical registering in, 116–20, 154, 174, 177, 190, 194, 205–6, 216, 282n. 217
“instantaneous state of Rest,” 87, 119, 146, 200, 221. See also LG, “Given” (note); LG, and photography and irony, 84, 158, 161, 170, 173, 177–78, 180, 183, 204
Juggler/Handler of Gravity, 55, 62, 77–79, 85, 86, 91, 94–95, 104, 110, 112, 119, 122–23, 131–32, 136, 149, 153, 156–58, 163–65, 178, 192–95, 197, 199–200, 205, 209, 215–16, 219–20, 221, 249n. 121, 273n. 43, 277n. 80, 280n. 164
figs. 110, 112. See also LG, communication in
and The Altar of the Tender of Gravity, 164–65, 193, 215–16, 219
as automaton, 94. 163
and balance/equilibrium, 86, 95, 113–14, 157, 163–65, 193, 194, 199
black ball of, 113, 128, 163–64, 194
and center of gravity, 28, 62, 73, 86, 95, 113, 131, 156–58, 163–66
dancing on Bride’s Clothing, 79, 94, 114, 157–58, 163–64, 194
as intermediary, 85, 88, 114, 150, 163, 180, 193, 209, 215–16
as jongleur or popular entertainer, 86, 158, 163
and mechanics, 86, 153, 156, 162–63, 167, 194, 197, 199
spiral form of, 110, 113, 156–57, 163, 209, 280n. 159, 312n. 23
and statics, 158, 163, 194
as Tender of Gravity, 157, 163–64, 221
three feet of, 55, 114, 157, 163, 194, 298n. 188
and wireless telegraphy: as emitting apparatus, 113, 163, 194
as wave detector, 114, 194, 200
“Jura-Paris Road” project as precursor, 38–39, 88, 127, 180, 188, 198–99
and laboratory equipment and procedures, 21, 32, 59, 105–7, 115–17, 125, 142, 151, 174, 185, 188, 190–91, 196, 210, 214
“labyrinth of the 3 directions,” 84, 138, 151
and landscape, 154, 170, 177, 196, 216, 302n. 54
and dust, 72, 177
as a metonymical landscape, 177, 183, 204, 215
transcendence of traditional landscape, 38, 110, 154, 170, 177–78
“landscapism,” 177–78, 183, 215. See also Duchamp, and landscape
and language (of notes for): geometric/algebraic equivalents for feelings, 75, 77, 146, 152, 164, 178, 189, 191, 268n. 40, 272n. 10
geometrical proofs, emulation of style of, 33, 75, 87, 146, 148–49, 152, 174, 187, 189–91, 220, 271n. 135, 289n. 81
scientific writing, emulation of style of, 87, 106, 134, 146, 174, 190, 196, 272n. 17
“transparent language,” 75, 146, 189, 191, 293n. 198
verbal and visual language, new in, 175, 187, 220. See also Duchamp, and precision in language; Duchamp, and signs; LG, “hieroglyphic signs” in; LG, wordplay and punning in; LG, text to accompany; sexual associations of science and technology
Large Insulator/insulator, 93, 105, 183. See also LG, mid-section
Large Receiver/Receiver, 105, 138–39, 142, 154, 159, 295n. 51
and “liberty of indifference,” 63–65, 131, 135–37, 151, 159, 164, 195, 197. See also Duchamp, and chance
“the machine” and modern art, interpretation in terms of, 31–32, 173
Malic Molds (Nine Malic Molds), 63, 67, 78–79, 107–9, 118, 126, 131, 133, 138, 141, 142, 146, 150, 152, 154, 168–69, 177–79, 182, 194–95, 199, 200–201, 214–15, 220, 303n. 69. See also LG, Cemetery of Uniforms and Liveries; LG, Die of Eros; LG, molds and imprinting
and Geissler/Crookes tubes, 108–9, 142, 146, 177, 194–95
underground associations of, 169, 181
materials of: aluminum foil, 105–6, 174, 278n. 91, —, papier d’aluminium, 107, 191
dust, xix, 72, 79, 118–19, 148, 174, 177, 190 (see also dust; Duchamp, works: Raising of Dust)
glass, xix, 33, 60, 79, 81–82, 86, 90, 105, 118, 120, 125, 173–74, 190, 193, 208, 210, 248n. 97, 266n. 5, 269n. 87, 270nn. 114, 119, 272n. 7
lead foil, xix, 60, 79, 81, 190, 221, 269n. 87, 278n. 91
lead wire, xix, 33, 60, 79, 107, 111, 155, 174, 184, 190, 194, 221
mirror silver, xix, 80, 115, 117, 152, 174, 190, 210, 270n. 90
oil paint, xix, 79, 80
varnish, xix, 79, 118
materials, laboratory-like nature, 79, 105–7, 115, 118, 125, 132, 174. 190–91
paint formulas, 77, 79, 132, 191, 268n. 54, 298n. 173. See also LG, and laboratory equipment and procedures
materials, unorthodox, speculation on, 79, 105, 132, 152, 190, 191, 208, 210
and metaphor, xxi, 78, 90, 92, 96, 126, 161, 167, 179–80, 182–83, 190, 193, 195
Duchamp’s rejection of literary metaphor, 190, 293n. 198. See also human-machine analogies, in language; sexual associations of science and technology (and language of)
and metonymy, xxi, 159, 165, 176–78, 182–83, 191, 198, 204, 215. See also LG landscape, as a metonymical landscape
mid-section (glass strips), 63, 76, 90, 104–6, 110, 114, 177–78, 193, 201–2, 210, 263n. 55, 269n. 69
and electrical condenser, 90, 105, 110, 178, 183, 193, 202
Milky Way, 60, 78, 104, 110–11, 116, 190, 194, 215, 280n. 164, 124
fig. 101. See also LG, Top Inscription
Mobile, 65, 114, 130–31, 140, 145, 147–53, 157, 159, 161, 195, 197, 220, 262n. 33, 294n. 10
and chance, 150–52, 191
crash of, 146, 150–51, 157, 197
3 crashes of, 65, 131, 150–51, 197
falls of, 131, 136, 145, 150, 152, 156, 160, 164, 174, 191, 197, 293n. 207
3 falls of, 131, 150
models for conception of: displays in science and technology museum, xxi, 174, 218
textbook table of contents, xxi, 174. See also LG, and Musée des Arts et Metiers
molds. See LG, and imprinting and molds
“Motor with quite feeble cylinders” (of Bride) 89–92, 96, 105, 272n. 35, 273n. 41
multivalence of, xxi–xxii, 27–28, 39, 51, 87, 89, 113–14, 121, 123, 130–31, 147, 149, 154, 173, 175–76, 181, 192, 195, 197–98, 218, 277n. 84. See also LG, and science and technology, range of subjects in
and Musée des Arts et Métiers, 17, 57, 119, 124, 131, 142, 157–58, 173–74, 190, 218
and mythology, 39, 89, 169, 181–82, 193, 198–99, 249n. 118, 251n. 29, 296n. 117. See also LG, Bride, and Persephone
Nine Shots, 79–80, 85, 87, 110, 116, 145–46, 152, 157, 191, 196–97, 211, 214, 269nn. 56 69, 271n. 159, 272n. 9, 308n. 102
ballistic nature of, 146, 152, 195–97
“demultiplication” of, 85, 145
formed by cannon shots, 80, 110, 145, 153, 157, 272n. 9
notes in relation to, xix, xxii–xxiii, 33, 40, 55, 59, 60, 64, 67, 73–74, 78, 80–82, 85, 96, 109, 112, 121, 129–30, 132, 184, 189, 191–92, 195, 198, 200, 203, 207, 217, 219–23, 307n. 35. See also Duchamp, and note making activity; Duchamp, writings and note collections of; LG, text to accompany
Oculist Witnesses, 79, 84, 114–15, 117, 130, 139–40, 148, 151–52, 174, 176, 178, 197, 207–8, 210, 280n. 164, 282n. 217
and “dazzling of the Splash,” 79, 84, 114, 147, 152, 213
and electromagnetic wave detectors, 115
as “precision optics,” 210
and “Zone-plate of Tinfoil on Glass,” 115
and optics, xxi, 114, 151–52, 168, 208, 210, 213
as “a painting of frequency” xxi, 48, 60, 75, 90, 96, 98, 100, 104, 106, 109, 120, 182, 193–94, 199, 206
as “painting of precision,” 59–60, 63, 65, 80, 188, 210, 221
Pendu femelle (female hanging person) 78, 80, 82, 86, 96, 109–10, 121–22, 124–25, 151, 157, 178, 183, 191, 270n. 100, 284n. 15
and perspective. See LG, Bachelor Apparatus, perspective in; perspective, and Large Glass
and photography, 174
and Bride, 83, 117, 176
“extra-rapid” photography/instantanés, 87, 119, 146, 195, 245n. 41
as photographic plate/apparatus, 119, 282n. 217
role of in Large Glass (actual and speculative), 80, 115–17, 174, 190–91, 195, 197, 272n. 12, 289n. 64. See also LG, imprinting and molds,; LG, “instantaneous state of rest”; Duchamp, and photography; photography
as “a plastically imaged mixture of events,” 138, 149, 175–77, 179, 199, 220
and “Playful Physics,” xix, xxi, 15, 21, 27, 65, 68, 72, 75, 85, 89, 120–21, 123, 130–31, 137–38, 156–57, 165, 185, 188, 190–92, 207, 214–15
and chemistry, 21, 25, 27–28, 32, 254n. 95, 120, 130–31, 141, 144
playful mechanics, 72, 85, 123, 150, 154–63, 165, 178, 191, 290n. 85
a “reality whichwould be possible by slightly distending the laws of physics and chemistry,” xix, 28, 31, 49, 119, 132, 137, 155, 174, 176, 196, 221
“Playful Physics,” laws of: “Laws, principles, phenomena” (note), 137, 156, 163, 165, 191, 192, 197
“adage of spontaneity = the Bach. grinds his chocolate himself.” (see LG, Chocolate Grinder); “emancipated metal of the rods of the sleigh [Chariot].” (see LG, Chariot); “friction reintegrated in reverse (emancipated metal).” (see LG, Chariot); “phen[omenon] or principle of oscillating density.” (see LG, Weight[s]); “phenomenon] of stretching in the unit of length,” 62, 84, 137–38, 141, 156, 192, 196 (see also LG, Capillary Tubes; metrology, Duchamp’s critique of); “principle of gravity/principle of anti?gravity.” (see LG, antigravity theme in; LG, gravity theme in); “principle of subsidized symmetries,” 123, 157, 164, 178, 192, 298–99n. 193, 303n. 70 (see also LG, symmetry in)
and popular entertainment, 86, 138, 163, 168, 174, 195, 198
barrel game, 65, 74, 76, 86, 106, 268n. 48
fairs, carnivals, 76, 86, 163, 195. See also LG, electricity theme, “electric fete”; Hearne Bay Pier Pavilion; Luna Park; Neuilly Fair
precision. See Duchamp, and precision
Precision Brushes, 130, 153–54, 198
Precision Friction Plates, xxii, 294n. 43. See also LG, Precision Brushes
preparatory drawings for, 33, 58–59, 67, 78, 81, 111, 139–40, 152, 165, 191
pulse needle (of Bride), 95, 113, 122–23
and punning. See wordplay and punning in
and radio control. See LG, communication in
Rams. See LG, Boxing Match, and Rams
Readymades as counterparts to, components, 65, 126, 176–77, 203, 207, 209, 214, 265n. 95, 302n. 44, 317n. 147
registering instruments in, 74, 76, 106–7, 111, 115–20, 174, 216
as registering apparatus, 119, 206
religion, 13, 39, 88, 180–82, 193, 195, 199, 204
repair of, 61, 78, 105, 211, 213, 269n. 69, 278n. 91
condition of, 269n. 87
“Reservoir of love gasoline,” 89, 91, 93
and love gasoline, 91, 96, 113, 121, 193, 284n. 5
Sandow (of Chariot), 159–60, 169, 198
scales, range of (atomic/subatomic, molecular, laboratory), reflected in, 86, 130, 136, 138, 146, 149, 161, 169, 174, 179, 195–96, 198
and science and technology (general), xxi–xxii, 15, 18, 32, 89, 173–74, 179, 182–84, 192–99, 203, 207, 218, 222–23
range of subjects in, xxi, 121, 124, 130–32, 158, 174, 190, 219. See also specific areas of science and technology
Scissors. See LG, Horizontal Scissors
Sculpture of Drops, 79, 82–83, 147, 152, 197, 199
“mirrorical drops,” 147
“mirrorical return of,” 79, 83, 152, 168, 199
as a self-portrait, 186, 202
Sex Cylinder (of Bride), 13, 78, 90, 92–93, 96, 113, 121–22, 128, 284n. 15
and sexuality, xxi, 13, 21, 27, 32, 49, 59, 76–79, 88, 92, 107, 122, 125, 130–31, 134, 142, 150, 152–54, 159, 163, 169, 173–74, 178–79, 182–83, 189, 192–95, 199–200, 204–7, 217, 221, 312n. 40. See also sexual associations of science and technology (and language of)
and shadows/cast shadows, 79–83, 116, 209–10, 219, 312nn. 20, 28
“Cast shadows” note, 80, 209–10, 219, 312n. 20
Sieves/Parasols, 79, 84, 87–88, 105, 107, 116, 118, 138–39, 141, 144, 148, 151, 153, 178, 194, 197, 199, 271n. 3, 282n. 217, 290n. 88
and wireless telegraphy, 105, 107, 194
Slopes of Flow. See LG, Toboggan, and Slopes of Flow
space in, 80–85, 121, 146, 166–67, 179–81, 200, 202
dimensionality and, 78, 80, 85, 121, 146, 166–67, 179, 180–81, 195, 200, 207. See also LG, Bachelor Apparatus, three-dimensional nature of; LG, Bride, four-dimensional space of; LG, contrasts in
Spangles (of Illuminating Gas), 79, 84, 87–88, 123, 131, 134, 138–39, 141–42, 144–46, 148, 196, 199, 201, 205, 207, 287n. 8
changed states of: as fog, 123, 135
as “frosty gas,” 123, 141, 177, 196, 201
as frosty “spangles,” 290n. 88
as snow, 123, 135, 141, 158, 177, 196
as “Vapor of inertia,” 123, 141, 158
loss of orientation by, 84, 88
as lighter than air, 79, 84, 141
and solidification of gas, 123, 141, 148, 158, 196, 290n. 88
and “Torture of Tantalus,” 142, 181
Splash, 79, 83–85, 156, 126, 131, 138, 141, 145–48, 150–53, 157, 168, 178, 192, 195, 197, 201, 209, 289n. 64, 308n. 102. See also LG, Oculist Witnesses, and “dazzling of the Splash” by
“steam engine on a masonry substructure,” 89, 130, 154, 199
stripping theme in, 33, 86, 90–92, 181–82, 198, 221
of Bride, 131, 140, 150, 157, 193, 273n. 41
“electrical stripping “of Bride, 90–93, 104, 114, 147, 154, 198
stripping-bare of Bride, 91, 93–94, 114, 131, 152–53, 163, 182, 220
stripping/blossoming of Bride, 90, 91, 93
symmetry in, 81, 85, 182, 184, 199, 201
of cracks, 80, 178
“subsidized symmetry,” 137, 178–79, 299n. 193, 303n. 70, 71. See also LG, Playful Physics, laws of, principle of “subsidized symmetries”
and “swervings of molecules” (écarts de molécules), 136–37, 151, 166, 174, 191, 196–97, 200, 289nn. 70, 75
and telepathy, 111–15, 148, 163, 205
Tender of Gravity. See Juggler/Handler of Gravity
text to accompany, plan for, 73–74, 148–49, 176, 178, 189–91, 198, 220, 267n. 32, 289n. 81
Sears Roebuck/St. Etienne catalogue model, xix, 73, 267n. 29
“Text (general notes for the),” 74, 148–49, 220, 289n. 81. See also LG, and language; LG, notes in relation to; Duchamp, writings and note collections
and time, 166–67, 179, 200. See also clocks, and Duchamp/Large Glass
Toboggan, 78–79, 86, 139, 209, 271n. 3
Corkscrew of, 78, 139, 209
and Slopes of Flow/Planes of Flow, 79, 88, 138–39, 142, 147, 151, 209, 268n. 47, 289n. 64
Top Inscription, 77, 80–81, 103, 110–11, 114, 116, 122, 157, 164, 190, 194, 280n. 164
Transformateur à détente (“Expansion transformer”), 134, 140, 154, 277n. 84, 296n. 116. See also engines, expansion engine
“Triturators,” 132, 138, 141
and trituration, 132, 141, 191
and Tu m’, 116, 201, 208–10
Tympanum (of Bride), 113, 122, 125, 128–29, 285n. 25
Wasp (Bride as), 78, 96, 113, 121–23, 126–29, 165, 174, 178, 180, 192–93
Waterfall/waterfall, 87–89, 109, 131, 142, 150Π54, 157, 159, 177, 196
Water Mill Wheel, 21, 66, 79, 109, 131, 134, 146, 154–55, 162, 170, 176–77, 196–97, 201, 209, 214, 297n. 140
and Crookes’s “mill wheel,” 21, 146, 154, 197
Weather Vane (Bride as), 116, 121–23, 125, 129, 151, 154, 164, 177–78, 180, 192, 201, 285n. 28, 317n. 147
Weight(s), 65, 79, 151, 154–55, 157, 161–62, 165, 197, 295n. 51
falling Weight/weights, 131, 136, 151, 154, 156, 158–60, 192, 198, 215, 293n. 207, 295n. 51, 296n. 117
and “oscillating density,” 65, 79, 105, 133, 136–37, 151, 156, 158–59, 161–62, 165, 192, 197
Weight with Holes, 79, 145, 152, 178, 197
“Wilson-Lincoln system,” 79, 82, 152, 210, 213, 215
and wireless telegraphy, xxi, 67, 72, 90, 95, 103–15, 121, 123, 128, 130, 160, 163, 180, 192–94, 198. See also LG, communication in
and wordplay and punning, xxi, 27, 37–39, 52, 63, 65, 72, 76, 89, 104, 118, 155, 160, 169, 175, 181, 187, 196–97, 201, 221, 262n. 31, 265nn. 95, 97
punning, verbal, 51–52, 149, 186, 218
punning, visual, 11, 28, 51–52, 89, 154, 218
word plays: buttoir (plow)/butoir (buffer), 52, 160, 168, 169, 175, 181, 198
goût (taste)/goutte (drop), 63, 65, 131, 139, 147–48, 175, 196, 201
gouttière (groove), 149, 154, 160, 165, 175, 197, 201, 297n. 141, 309n. 134. See also LG, Bride, as arbre type
Duchamp, and wordplay and punning as “a world in yellow,” 76–77, 144, 146, 168, 268n. 54, 300n. 238