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Description: The Arts in Latin America, 1492–1820
~This exhibition has enjoyed a long period of gestation during which it has been immeasurably enriched by the scholarly advice, practical assistance, and enthusiasm of many people, including Barbara B. Aronson, as well as Dawn Ades, Monseñor Lorenzo Albacede, Barbara Anderson, Jaime and Pamela Aparicio, Yona Backer, Elizabeth C. Baez, Estrellita Brodsky,...
PublisherPhiladelphia Museum of Art
PublisherYale University Press
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This exhibition has enjoyed a long period of gestation during which it has been immeasurably enriched by the scholarly advice, practical assistance, and enthusiasm of many people, including Barbara B. Aronson, as well as Dawn Ades, Monseñor Lorenzo Albacede, Barbara Anderson, Jaime and Pamela Aparicio, Yona Backer, Elizabeth C. Baez, Estrellita Brodsky, Jonathan Brown, Beatriz Cáceres-Péfour, Father Joseph Chorpenning O.S.F.A., Arturo Cuéllar, Carol Damian, Arthur Dunkelman, Samuel Edgerton, Juan Carlos Estenssoro, Diana Fane, Nancy Farriss, Maria Judith Feliciano, Matthew Feliz, Rosa María Fort Brescia, Jill Furst, John Gray, Johanna Hecht, Renata Holod, Richard Kagan, Edward L. Keenan, Ana María and John Keene, Michael Komanecky, Johnny Lee, Mark Leithauser, Jay Levenson, Manuel Lombera, Annabelle and Alberto Mariaca, Deborah Marrow, Adele Nelson, Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, Elena Phipps, Silvia Pontual, Rodrigo Rivero Lake, Conchita Romero, Natasha Ruiz-Gómez, Scott Schaefer, Jon Seydl, Hector Tajonar, Anita Tapia, Valery Taylor Brown, Dodge Thompson, Peter Tjabbes, Susana Torruela Levai, Carmen and Joseph Unanue, Ximena Varela, Regina Weinberg, Julian Zugazagoitia, and the late Robert Glynn and Gaillard F. Ravenel. We sincerely thank them all for their contributions to the success of this exhibition.
We have been very fortunate in the generosity of lenders and in the friends who often interceded on our behalf during the process of securing loans. In Argentina, in Buenos Aires, we thank Mauro Herlitzka, Héctor Schenone, and Ricardo González for their hospitality and good advice; Jorge Luis Cornetti, Director, and Patricio López Méndez, Curator, Museo de Arte Hispano-americano Isaac Fernández Blanco, for generous access to their collection; Rafael Ayerza Achaval, Archicofradía del Santísimo Sacramento de la Catedral Metropolitana; Prebendary Jorge Junor of the Iglesia Catedral Metropolitana de la Santísima Trinidad; José Pérez Gollán, Director, Museo Histórico Regional; and Fray Julio César Bunader, Ministro Provincial, Provincia Franciscana de la Asunción de la Ssma. Virgen del Río de la Plata. In Córdoba, we are grateful to Sergio Barbieri and to Father Manuel Andrada, Superior del Convento de San Francisco.
In Bolivia, in La Paz, we thank Edgar Arandia, Vice Minister of Culture; Dr. Alberto K. Bailey Gutiérrez, Executive Secretary, Fundación Cultural del Banco Central de Bolivia; Teresa Villegas de Aneiva, Director, Museo Nacional de Arte; José Bozo Jivaja, Jefe Unidad de Museos Municipales; Inés Aramayo Suárez, Advisor, Oficialía Mayor de Culturas, Gobierno Municipal de La Paz; Monseñor Edmundo Abastoflor Montero, Museo de Arte Sacra de la Catedral de La Paz; President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada; and Beatriz Bedoya. We are grateful for the efforts on our behalf of Monseñor Toribio Porco Ticona, Bishop Prelate of Corocoro. In Potosí, we again thank Dr. Alberto Bailey Gutierrez for loans from the Museo de la Casa Nacional de Moneda, and Sor Carmen Alvarez Segura, Directora del Convento y Museo de Santa Teresa. In Sucre, we thank Fray Antonio Bussone, Superior del Convento La Recoleta; Ana María Chumacero de Tames, Director, Museo de Charcas; and Blanca Thorrez Martínez. In Santa Cruz de la Sierra, we thank Monseñor Sergio Gualberti, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Santa Cruz and Moderator of the Basílica Menor de San Lorenzo Mártir; Father Raúl Arrázola, Rector of the Basilica Menor de San Lorenzo Mártir; Anita Suárez de Terceros, Director of the Museo de Arte Sacro; and Anahí Antelo.
In Brazil, in the state of Bahia, we thank Abbot Dom Emanuel d’Able do Amaral and Dom Ivan da Silva Andrade, Mosteiro de São Bento da Bahia; Neomar de Almeida Filho, Rector of the Federal University of Bahia; Francisco de Assis Portugal Guimarães, Director of the Museu de Arte Sacra of the Federal University of Bahia; Gilberto Pedreira de Freitas Sá; María Mercedes de Oliveira Rosa, Director, and Bárbara Carvalho dos Santos, Assistant Director, Museu Carlos Costa Pinto; and Monsenhor Ademar Dantas dos Santos, Archdiocese of São Salvador da Bahia. In the state of Minas Gerais, we are grateful to Antonio Fernando, IPHAN, Belo Horizante; Leonardo Barreto de Oliveira, Regional Director—13a Superintendência Regional do IPHAN; Deacon Agostinho Barroso de Oliveira, Museu Arquidiocesano de Arte Sacra de Mariana and Museu do Aleijadinho; Alexandre Sales Pimenta, Director, Museu do Ouro de Sabará; and Ademar Dantas dos Santos, Museu Arquidiocesano de Arte Sacra. In the state of Pernambuco, we thank Frederico Faria Neves Almeida, Regional Director, Superintendente Regional—5a Superintendência Regional do IPHAN; and Abbot Bernardo Alves de Silva, Mosteiro de São Bento de Olinda. Special thanks go to Pérside Omena, GRIFO, Diagnostics and Preservation of Cultural Goods. In Rio de Janeiro, thanks are owed to Vera de Alencar, Director, Museus Castro Maya. In São Paulo, we are grateful to Marcelo Mattos Araujo, Director, Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo; Ladi Biezus; Beatriz Pimenta Camargo; Domingos and Adriana Giobbi; Luiz S. Hossaka, Chief Curator, MASP (Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand); Professor Cláudio Lembo, Governor of São Paulo; D. Renéa de Castilho Lembo, Presidente do Grupo de Orientação, and Angelo Ponzoni Neto, Arquiteto Responsável pelo Acervo Artístico e Cultural do Palácio do Governo; James Kung Wei Li; Mari Marino, Director, Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo; and Ricardo Von Brusy. We also wish to thank Edemar Cid Ferreira, Angela Gutierrez, and Silva Souza Aranha.
In Chile, in Santiago, we are grateful to Carlos Alberto Cruz; Rosa Puga Domínguez, Director of the Museo Colonial de San Fancisco; Prior Rogelio Wouters, Convento de San Francisco; and Ricardo Claro Valdez.
In Colombia, in Bogotá, thanks go to Elvira Cuervo de Jaramillo, Minister of Culture; Darío Jaramillo Agudelo, Cultural Affairs Director, Banco de la República; Monseñor Pedro Rubiano Saenz, Catedral Primada de Colombia; Constanza Toquica Clavijo, Director, Museo de Arte Colonial; Pedro Miguel Navas and Pablo Navas; Olga Pizano and Clemencia Pizano; Father Alejandro Díaz García, Rector, Seminario Mayor de San José; Father Edison Sahamuel, Palacio Arzobispal, Bogotá; and Beatriz Eugenia Del Castillo Restrepo, Dirección de Patrimonio, Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia. In Tunja, we thank Archbishop Luis Augusto Castro Quiroga and Monseñor José Ramón Páez.
In the Dominican Republic, in Santo Domingo, we extend our gratitude to Cardinal Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez, Archbishop of Santo Domingo; and Esteban Prieto Vicioso, Director, Oficina de la Obra y Museos de la Catedral de Santo Domingo.
In Ecuador, in Cuenca, we thank Alexandra Kennedy Troya for her hospitality. In Quito, we are grateful to Iván Armendariz, Director Nacional, Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural del Ecuador; Friar José Tapia Chamorro O. de M., Superior Provincial, Curia Provincial de la Orden de la B.V. María de la Merced; Dr. Marco Antonio Rodríguez, President, and Carlos Yánez, Director, Colonial Museum, Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Benjamin Carrión; J. Fernando Moncayo, Director Cultural, Museo Nacional del Banco Central de Ecuador; Oswaldo Viteri; Manuel Corrales, S.J., Rector, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador; José María Jaramillo Breilh, Director, Museo Jacinto Jijón y Caamaño, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador; Rvdo. Padre Fray Walter Heras, Presidente del Consejo Gubernativo de Bienes de la Orden Franciscan en el Ecuador; Father John Castro, Director, Museo Franciscano “Fray Pedro Gocial" (Convento Máximo de San Francisco); Diego Santander, Director Ejecutivo-Técnico, Fundación Iglesia de la Compañía; Alfonso Ortiz Crespo; and Judy de Bustamante.
In England, in Cambridge, we owe thanks to Duncan Robinson, Director, The Fitzwilliam Museum. In London, we thank Mark Jones, Director, Victoria and Albert Museum; and Mary Anne Stevens, Acting Secretary, Norman Rosenthal, Exhibitions Secretary, and Adrian Locke, Exhibitions Curator, Royal Academy of Art.
In Guatemala, in Guatemala City, we are grateful to Manuel Salazar Tezaguic, Minister of Culture and Sports; Enrique Matheu, First Vice Minister of Culture and Sports; Monseñor Rodolfo Cardinal Quezada Toruño, Archbishop of Santiago de Guatemala; Ana María Urruela de Quezada, Archbishopric of Santiago de Guatemala; Coralia Inchisi de Rodríguez, Museo Popol Vuh, Universidad Francisco Marroquín; Susana Campins, Director, Museo Vigua; Edgar and Jorge Castillo; Guillermo Fortín Gualarte and Javier Fortín; Father Bernardino Rodríguez, Church of Santo Domingo; Father Pedro Medina, Museo Fray Francisco Vázquez, Templo de San Francisco; and Sofía Paredes-Maury. In Amatitlán, we thank Father Hipólito Chow.
In Italy, in Florence, our gratitude goes to Ornella Casazza, Curator, Museo degli Argenti, Palazzo Pitti; and Moreno Bucci.
In Mexico, in Guanajuato, we thank Father Miguel Antonio Juárez Pérez, Prefect of the Oratorio de San Felipe Neri, Templo de la Compañía. In Mexico City, many thanks are owed to Salvador Rueda Smithers, Director, Museo Nacional de Historia, Castillo de Chapultepec; Canon Luis Avila Blancas, Director, Pinacoteca de la Casa de La Profesa, dependency of the Templo de San Felipe Neri; José Ortiz Izquierdo, Director, Communications and Public Affairs, Banco Nacional de México; Alberto Sarmiento, Deputy Director of Contents, Banco Nacional de México; Cándida Fernández de Calderón, Fomento Cultural Banamex; María del Refugio Cárdenas, Manager of the Banamex Art Collection; Emilio Azcárraga Jean, Chairman, Fundación Televisa; Claudio X. González Guajardo, President, Fundación Televisa; Mauricio Maillé, Coordinator of Visual Arts, Fundación Televisa; Diana Mogollón González, Manager of Visual Arts, Fundación Televisa; Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, Canon Rubén Avila Enríquez, and Jorge Armando Ruiz Castellanos, Catedral Metropolitana; Mercedes Iturbe; Daniel Liebsohn; Mercedes Martínez Lámbarri, Coordinadora de Fomento Cultural, Colegio de San Ignacio de Loyola Vizcaínas; Miguel Sánchez Navarro Redo, Presidente del Patronato del Fideicomiso Cultural Franz Mayer; Héctor Rivero Borrell M., Director General, Museo Franz Mayer; Roxana Velázquez Martínez del Campo, Director, Museo Nacional de Arte; Felipe Solís Olguín, Director, Museo Nacional de Antropología; Soumaya Slim de Romero, Director, and Mónica López Velarde Estrada, Curator, Museo Soumaya; Monseñor Rogelio Esquivel, Episcopal Bishop, and Prebendary Alejandro Rodríguez Cadillo, San Bernardino de Siena (Xochimilco); and Father Raúl Vázquez and Baldomero Villicaña Avila, Parish Church of Santiago Apóstol. In Puebla, our thanks go to Archbishop Rosendo Huesca Pacheco and Canon Antonino López Sánchez, Sacristán Mayor of the Cathedral of Puebla; Delia Domínguez Cuanalo, Director, Museo de Arte José Luis Bello y González; Moisés Rosas, Director, Museo Amparo; and Victor Hugo Valencia Valera, Centro INAH, Puebla. In Querétaro, we thank Araceli Ardón Martínez, Director, Museo de Arte de Querétaro; and Rosa María Estela Reyes García, Director, Museo Regional de Querétaro. In Tepotzotlán, thanks are owed to Miguel E. Fernández Félix, Director, and Victor Hugo González, Vice-Director, Museo Nacional del Virreinato. In Monterrey, we are grateful to Doña Lydia Sada de González, Tomás González Sada, and Pablo González Sada.
This exhibition would not have been possible without the full support in Mexico of Sari Bermúdez, President of the Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (CONACULTA); Saúl Juárez Vega, Director General of the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (INBA); and Luciano Cedillo Álvarez, Director General of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH). At CONACULTA, we have benefited from the interest and assistance of Alberto Fierro Garza, Director General de Asuntos Internacionales; and Carlos Enríquez Verdura, Director de Promoción y Difusión Cultural Internacional. The works of art from churches and religious houses were loaned through the auspices of Xavier Cortés Rocha, Director General of Sítios y Monumentos del Patrimonio Cultural (CONACULTA). We also thank Gabriela Eugenia López, Coordinadora Nacional de Artes Plásticas, and Denise Muñoz, Directora de Asuntos Internacionales, both of INBA. We owe special thanks to Miguel Angel Fernández and José Enrique Ortiz Lanz, Coordinador Nacional de Museos y Exposiciones of INAH, and to Ivonne Morales for her adept coordination of the loans.
In Peru, in Arequipa, we are grateful to Monsignor José Rivera Martínez, Vicar General, and Luis Sardón Cánepa, Director of Cultural Property, Archbishopric of Arequipa. In Cuzco, we thank Father César Quiroga Luna, Comendador del Convento de La Merced, Templo y Convento de La Merced; Father Jorge Chacón Meñdoza, Templo de San Sebastián; Father Jorge Beneito Mora, Tempio de la Compañía de Jesús; Father Alejandro Repulles Benito, S.J., Superior de la Orden Jesuita, Templo de la Compañía de Jesús; Elías Carreno, Director, Museo Histórico Regional (Instituto Nacional de Cultura); David Ugarte Vega Centeno, Regional Director of Instituto Nacional Cultura; Edwin González, General Manager, Hotel Libertador; and Luis Castañeda Tirado and Luis Castañeda Luna, Vice President and Executive Director of Salvemos Iglesias. In Lima, we extend our thanks to Alvaro Carulla, Gerente del Area de Imagen y Relaciones Institucionales, and Luis Nieri G., Asesor Institucional, Banco de Crédito del Perú; Mr. and Mrs. Juan Fernando Belmont; Vivian and Jaime Liébana; Mother Superior Emilia Díaz Monge, Concepcionistas Franciscanas de Copacabana; José Luis Fernández-Castañeda, S.J., Church of San Pedro; Mrs. Mónica Taurel de Menacho; Pedro Gjurinovic Canevaro, Director, and Carmen de Osma de Santa Cruz and Oscar de Osma, Museo Pedro de Osma; Reverend Father Miguel Diéz Medina, Provincial of the Order of the Augustinians; Carlos R. del Aguila Chávez, Director, Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú; Juan Carlos Verme, President, and Natalia Majluf Brahim, Director, Museo de Arte de Lima; Isabel Larco de Alvarez-Calderón; Andrés Alvarez Calderón; Mrs. Dionisio Romero; Leonel and Silvia d’Erteano; and Ana María and Gonzalo Aliaga, the late Isabel de Aguirre, and Eli de Romero. Arrangements for the loans were adroitly handled by the Instituto Nacional de Cultura. We are grateful to Luis Guillermo Lumbreras Salcedo, Director, Bertha Vargas, Head of the Office of Regional Coordination, and Jaime Mariazza Foy, Director, National Register of Patrimony.
In Puerto Rico, in Ponce, we thank Luis E. Martínez Margarida, Director, and Cheryl Hartup, Chief Curator, Museo de Arte de Ponce. In San Juan, we owe thanks to Archbishop Roberto González Nieves, Palacio Arzobispal; José Luis Vega, Executive Director, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña; Laura Vélez, Museo de San Juan; and Elisa de Jesús.
In Spain, in Barcelona, thanks go to Mr. Manuel Alorda and Núria Poch, Curator of the Alorda-Derksen Collection. In Madrid, we are grateful to Miguel Zugaza, Director, Museo Nacional del Prado; Yago Pico de Coaña de Valicourt, President, and José Antonio Bordallo Huidobro, Director, Patrimonio Nacional; Miguel Osorio Nicolás-Correa, Adrián Zunzunegui, and Paloma Botín; Leticia Arbeteta, Director, and Carmen Espinosa, Chief Conservator, Fundación Lázaro Galdiano; Mr. and Mrs. Wagner de García; Mrs. Eunice Regioii; José Luis Várez-Fisa; and Paz Cabello Carro, Director, Museo de América. In Seville, we thank Don Francisco Ortiz Gómes, President of the Cabildo, Francisco Navarro Ruiz, Delegado Ejecutivo de Administración, and Teresa Laguna, Cathedral of Seville. In Telde, Gran Canaria, thanks go to Francisco Cases Andreu, Bishop of the Canaries, and Don José Lavandera, Dean of the Cathedral, Gran Canaria.
In the United States, we thank the following: in Paradise Valley, Arizona, Stephen and Ardie Evans; in Northridge, California, Mrs. Elisabeth Waldo-Dentzel; in Denver, Colorado, Lewis Sharp, Director, Timothy Standring, Deputy Director of Collections and Programs, and Donna Pierce, Frederick and Jan Mayer Curator of Spanish Colonial Art, Denver Art Museum; and Jan and Frederick Mayer and Ann Daley, Curator, Collection of Jan and Frederick Mayer; in Hartford, Connecticut, Willard Holmes, Director, and Eric Zafran, Curator of European Painting and Sculpture, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art; in Kenilworth, Illinois, Carl and Marilynn Thoma; in New York City, Ellen Futter, President, American Museum of Natural History; Mitchell Codding, Director, Marcus B. Burke, Curator of Paintings and Drawings, and Margaret E. Connors McQuade, Curator of Ceramics, Furniture, and Glass, The Hispanic Society of America; Roberta and Richard Huber; and Philippe de Montebello, Director, The Metropolitan Museum of Art; in Brooklyn, New York, Arnold Lehman, Director, and Charles Desmarais, Deputy Director for Art, The Brooklyn Museum of Art; in Philadelphia, Miguel Angel Corzo, President, The University of the Arts; Richard M. Leventhal, The Williams Director of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology; His Eminence Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia; and Enrique Ruíz-Sánchez, Consul of Mexico; in Dallas, Texas, Marc Roglan, Director, The Meadows Museum, Southern Methodist University; in San Antonio, Texas, Marion Oettinger, Jr., Director, San Antonio Museum of Art; and Esther and Marc Siegfried; and in Washington, D.C., Edward L. Keenan, Director, and Gudrun Buehl, Curator and Museum Director, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.
In Venezuela, in Caracas, we are grateful to José Manuel Rodríguez, President, Juan Carlos León, and Lilia Vierma, Anthropologist and Manager of Control, Instituto de Patrimonio Cultural; Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, Rafael Romero, Director, and Jorge Rivas, Curator of Colonial Art, Colección Cisneros; Marisa Rodríguez de Legorburu; María Teresa Boulton, Director, Fundación John Boulton; Tahía Rivero, Curator, Banco Mercantíl; Father Epifanio Labrador, S.J., Church of San Francisco; Gustavo Merino F. and Alberto Hernández, Fundapatrimonio; and Carlos F. Duarte, Museo de Arte Colonial de Caracas/Quinot de Anauco.
We want to thank our colleagues at our respective institutions. In Philadelphia we are grateful to Ruth Abrahams, Larry Berger, Richard Bonk, Elie-Anne Chevrier, Sahar Coston, Charles Croce, Peter Dunn, Tara Eckert, Corinne Filipek, Zoe Kahr, Ann Kessler, Norman Keyes, Carolyn Macuga, Betty J. Marmon, Bethany Morris, Kelly M. O’Brien, Bill Risiine, Cynthia Rodríguez, Jack Schlechter, Suzette Sherman, Andrew Slavinskas, Jeffrey Snyder, Erin Soper, Shari Stoltz, William Valerio, Jennifer Vanim, Mary Grace Wahl, Jason Wierzbicki, and Maia Wind. We appreciate the work of the Latino Outreach Committee: Carmen A. Adames, Yolanda Alcorta, Cynthia Alvarez, Emilio Buitrago, Nancie Burkett, Ted Burkett, Aurora Camacho de Schmidt, Luz Cárdenas Virilli, Andreina Castillo, Anamaria Cobo de Paci, Héctor Contreras, Rev. Luis Cortés, Jr., Miguel Angel Corzo, Carlos De los Ramos, Isabel DeBeary, María Del Pico Taylor, Nelson Díaz, Roberto Díaz, Joseph Dominguez, Monica Dominguez Torres, Carmen Febo-San Miguel, Josue Figueroa, Joan Friedman, Joseph Gonzales, Wilmarie Gonzalez, Juan Gutierrez, Joseph Hare, Elba Hevia y Vaca, Yolanda Jimenez Colón, Cheryl McClenney-Brooker, Mia Mendoza, Damalier J. Molina, Ana Cecilia Montalbán, Giovanni Morante, Mike Muñoz, Doris Nogueira-Rogers, Monica Orozco, Benjamin Ramirez, Teresa Rauscher, Pedro J. Rivera, Jesse Rodriguez, Nilda I. Ruiz, Guillermo Salas, Natalia Salgado, Marta Sánchez, Roberto Santiago, Marla K. Shoemaker, Suzana Silva, Ricardo Stoeckicht, Kenneth I. Trujillo, and Thomas A. Warnock.
In Mexico City, we thank María Claudia Barragán Arellano, Félix Barranco Hernández, Ernesto Bejarano Villegas, Rubí Blasi Toledo, Alejandro Camalich Guerrero, Ery Cámara Thiam, José de Jesús Castillo Bravo, José Antonio Castro Maldonado, Magaly Cruces Arteaga, Sergio David Espinosa Navarro, Ilya Elka Franco Espinosa de los Monteros, Erasmo Isaac Hernández Hernández, Gerardo Hernández Hernández, Luis Miguel León Cornejo, Lilia Milián López, Rosa María López Montaño, Marcela Madrid Orozco, Ana Luz Mejia Guerra, Enrique Melgarejo Oropeza, Eduardo Morales Torres, Guillermo Pérez Martínez, Anabel Rendón Treviño, Hugo Torres Víctor, and Monika Iwona Zukowska Kielska. Our gratitude is also extended to the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso’s Board of Trustees.
In Los Angeles we are grateful to the organizing curator at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Ilona Katzew. Also assisting with the project were Janelle Aieta, Victoria Behner, Noia Butler, Jan Cromartie, Tom Frick, Joe Fronek, Mark Gilberg, Laura Hardy, Jeff Haskin, John Hirx, Bernard Kester, Megan Knox, Irene Martín, Amy McFarland, Catherine McLean, Don Menvig, Sarah Miller, Renée Montgomery, Bruce Robertson, Michael Ruff, Sofía Sanabrais, William Stahl, Toby Tannenbaum, and Glenn Thompson.
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