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Description: Byzantine Women and Their World
PublisherHarvard Art Museums
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Aaron, Old Testament priest, 108 (cat. 48)
abortion, 165, 276–78
Abyzou. See Gylou
Adam and Eve, 18–19, 140, 148 (cat. 71), 215
adultery, 143, 218–19
Aelia, 89, 92
Aetios of Amida, 277–78
agriculture, 18–19, 31, 140
Akathistos hymn, 113
Akropolites, Constantine, 210
Alexander the Great, 289
Alexios, Saint, 217, 226
Alexios I Komnenos, emperor, 29, 30, 63, 68, 107, 310
almsgiving, 72, 90–91 (cat. 32)
Amazon, 48, 181–82 (cat. 97)
Ammianus, Marcellinus, chronicler, 49
amphoriskos, 191–92 (cat. 103)
amulets, 283–84 (cat. 165), 286–89 (cats. 167–70), 291–92 (cats. 172–73)
Anargyroi, convent of the, 73
Anastasia, 73
Anastasia, Saint, 40
Andrew the Fool, Saint, 115
Andronikos I Komnenos, emperor, 130 (cat. 61)
Andronikos II Palaiologos, emperor, 131 (cat. 63)
Anicia Juliana, 14, 71
animal motifs, 136–37 (cat. 68), 163, 164, 176 (cat. 93), 181–82 (cat. 97), 185 (cats. 99), 188–90 (cat. 102), 204 (cat. 115), 237, 253 (cat. 145), 265–68 (cat. 159). See also bird motifs; peacocks
Anna, empress, 40
Anna, mother of Virgin, 15, 16 (fig. 1), 304–5 (cat. 186)
Anna, Saint, 113
Anna Komnene. See Komnene, Anna
Anna of Epiros, 25
Anna of Savoy, empress, 73
coin with, 105–6 (cat. 45)
Annunciation, 22 (fig. 5), 30, 108 (cat. 48), 141, 147, 158–59 (cat. 83), 202 (cat. 113), 210–11 (cat. 120), 227 (cat. 130)
Anthousa and Ardabarios, chalice dedicated by, 111 (cat. 50)
Antioch, 56, 70, 71, 91, 185
Aphrodite, 37, 164, 176, 216, 237, 252
earring with, 248 (cat. 140)
hairpin with Pudica, 235, 258 (cat. 150)
lampstand with, 163, 198–99 (cat. 111), 234
Projecta casket with, 81, 142, 231, 233, 234 (fig. 20), 235, 237
pyxis with, 215, 256–57 (cat. 148)
Apollo, 163, 178–79 (cat. 95)
Apostles, 205–6 (cats. 116–17), 211, 213 (cat. 120), 299 (cat. 182)
Aquileia, 44
architectural frieze, 163, 165, 167 (cat. 84)
Ariadne, empress, 39, 93, 307
Arkadios, emperor, 37, 89, 90
Artemis, 17, 37, 163, 181–82 (cat. 97)
Artemisia of Philadelphia, 142
Asklepios, 282
Athanasios, writer, 275
Athanasios I, patriarch, seal of, 64–65 (cat. 22)
Athena, 37–38, 45, 113
bracelet with, 251–52 (cat. 144)
bust weight, 54 (cat. 14)
colossal statue of, 38, 45
as palladion, 38
pyxis with, 215, 256–57 (cat. 148)
Athena Promachos (Foremost Fighter), 38
augusta, 58–59, 86, 88–89
Augustaion, Constantinople, 44, 49, 69, 70
autokrator, 101, 104
Balsamon, Theodore, 164
Baptism of Christ, 202 (cat. 113), 211 (cat. 120), 227 (cat. 130)
Bardas Phokas, general, 124
Basil I, emperor, 62, 68, 69, 97, 99
coin with, 98–99 (cat. 38)
Basil II, emperor, 124
Menologion of, 143
baths: health and, 280
public conduct and, 146 (cat. 69)
in Sidi Ghrib, Tunisia, 235, 236 (fig. 21), 237
beauty, 233–34
spiritual, 238
Bellerophon, 216, 231 (cat. 132)
belt: aid in childbirth, 93, 230
marriage, 225, 229–30 (cat. 131)
belt buckle, 216, 231 (cat. 132)
betrothal, 28
bird motifs, 185–86 (cat. 100), 260 (cat. 152), 265–68 (cat. 159). See also animal motifs peacocks
birth scenes, 280
of Esau and Jacob, 15, 276, 277 (fig. 23)
of John the Baptist, 15, 139, 142, 147 (cat. 70)
of Virgin Mary, 15, 139, 304–5 (cat. 186). See also childbirth
Blachernai church, 39, 40, 73, 90, 93, 114–17
bone: hairpins, 235, 258 (cats. 149–51)
needles, 152 (cat. 75–78)
plaques, 163, 168–69 (cats. 85–88)
spindle, 152 (cat. 74)
statuette, 70, 86–87 (cat. 28)
toilet articles, 234–35, 261–63 (cats. 153–55)
Book of the Eparch, 141
bowls: with bird, 185, 186 (cat. 100)
with leopard attacking rabbit, 185 (cat. 99)
silver, 183 (cat. 98). See also plates
boxes: ivory, with Adam and Eve, 18–19, 140, 148 (cat. 71), 215
plaques to decorate, 168–70 (cats. 85–88)
bracelets, 215, 236–37
animals in relief, 253 (cat. 145)
bust of Athena, 251–52 (cat. 144)
personification of Charis, 251–52 (cat. 143). See also jewelry
braid motif, 171, 172 (cat. 90)
brass: polycandelon, 194 (cat. 107)
breast-feeding, 140
bride show, 67, 91, 99, 215
bronze: amulets, 286–87 (cat. 167), 288 (cat. 169)
coins, 45–46 (cats. 2–3), 58–59 (cats. 16–17), 60–61 (cat. 19), 76, 86, 94 (cat. 34), 105–6 (cat. 45)
crosses, 108 (cat. 48), 132–35 (cats. 65–67)
icon pendant, 204 (cat. 115)
incense burners, 166, 200–202 (cats. 112–13)
lamps and lampstands, 165, 196–99 (cats. 108–11)
polycandelon, 194 (cat. 106)
rings, 50 (cat. 8), 223–24 (cat. 124), 225 (cats. 126–27), 296 (cat. 178)
Tyche statue, 43–44 (cat. 1)
use of, and social status, 237
weights, 51–57 (cats. 9–15), 85, 86
business, women in, 31
bust weights, 38–39, 81
Athena, 54–55 (cat. 14)
empress, 52–56 (cats. 10–13), 85, 86
busts: marble heads, 14, 76–85 (cats. 24–27)
rings with, 223–24 (cats. 123–25)
tapestry, 163, 165, 174–75 (cat. 92), 177 (cat. 94)
candles, 194
censers, 108 (cat. 48), 200, 205–6 (cats. 116–17)
censing the home, 165–66, 200–202 (cats. 112–13). See also incense; incense burners
ceramic: plate, 18, 165 (fig. 16)
pottery fragment, 132 (cat. 64)
vessels, 164, 188–92 (cats. 102–4)
Ceres, 59
chalices, 73, 110–11 (cats. 49–50)
Chalke Gate, Constantinople, 72
Charis, personification, 251–52 (cat. 143)
chastity, 70, 86–87 (cat. 28), 161
childbirth: aids for, 39–40, 73, 225, 302, 304
amulets to aid pregnancy and, 286–89 (cats. 167–71), 291–92 (cats. 172–73)
appeals to saints and Virgin during, 113, 276, 279
belts worn during, 93, 230, 279
care of mother following, 280, 304
midwife and, 139–40, 147 (cat. 70), 276, 304–5 (cat. 186). See also birth scenes; pregnancy
Chi-Rho (monogram of Christ), 37, 89 (cat. 29), 231 (cat. 132)
Chnoubis, 218, 284–85 (cat. 166)
Chora monastery, 118
Christ: Anastasis (Resurrection) of, 211 (cat. 120)
Ascension of, 211 (cat. 120)
Baptism of, 202 (cat. 113), 211 (cat. 120), 227 (cat. 130)
Chi-Rho, monogram of, 37, 89 (cat. 29), 231 (cat. 132)
coins with, 62 (cat. 20), 96 (cat. 37), 104 (cats. 43–44)
cross with, 132 (cat. 65)
Crucifixion of, 89, 209, 202 (cat. 113), 211 (cat. 120), 227 (cat. 130)
Dormition (Koimesis) of Virgin with, 205–6 (cats. 116–17), 210–11 (cat. 120), 237, 299 (cat. 182)
Entry into Jerusalem, 211 (cat. 120)
icons of Virgin with Christ child, 120–23 (cats. 51–52), 207–8 (cat. 118)
marriage belt with, 229–30 (cat. 131)
marriage rings with, 226–28 (cats. 128–30)
medallion with, 296–97 (cat. 180)
Nativity of, 202 (cat. 113), 210 (cat. 120), 227 (cat. 130)
Presentation at Temple, 211 (cat. 120), 227 (cat. 130)
Raising of Lazarus, 211 (cat. 120)
rings with Virgin and, 237, 296–97 (cats. 177–79)
scenes from life of, 202 (cat. 113), 210–13 (cat. 120), 227 (cat. 130)
seals, 64–65 (cat. 22), 107 (cat. 46), 124–27 (cats. 53–56)
Transfiguration of, 64, 211 (cat. 120)
Christograms, 90–91, 110
Church, women and, 24–25
churches: of the Ascension, 71, 91
Blachernai, 39, 40, 73, 90, 93, 114–17
Chalkoprateia, 39, 93, 117, 279
Eudoxiane, 89
Hagia Sophia, 40, 69, 71, 72, 100, 104
Hodegon, 90, 117
of the Holy Apostles, 99
of the Nativity, 71
private, 73
Saint Lawrence, 91
Saint Nicholas Orphanos, 216
Saint Polyeuktos, 71
Saint Stephen, 71, 90
San Giovanni Evangelista, 90
San Vitale, 72
Clement of Alexandria, 162, 223, 234, 235, 249, 261
Clio, 178–79 (cat. 95)
clothing, 15–16, 18, 70, 140
of augustae, 88
burial, 270
fragments of, 265–73 (cats. 158–63), 260
head coverings, 81, 146
scarves, 15–16
social status and, 235–36
veils, 81, 86
wedding attire, 216
woman’s tunic, 242–43 (cat. 134)
coins, 14, 37, 68, 69
aspron, 130–31 (cats. 61–62)
assarion, 105–6 (cat. 45)
with Christ’s image, 96
with city personifications, 45–49 (cats 2–7)
with crosses, 49, 89–90
of Doukas dynasty, 102–6 (cats. 41–45)
follis, 45–46 (cats. 2–3), 58–61 (cats. 16–17, 19), 94 (cat. 34)
with Hand of God, 49, 89
of Helena and Fausta, 76; 58–58 (cats. 16–17), 76, 86
histamenon, 62 (cat. 20), 102–5 (cats. 41–42), 128–29 (cat. 58)
hyperpyron, 131 (cat. 63)
of Irene and Constantine VI, 60–61 (cats. 18–19)
of Macedonian dynasty, 98–101 (cats. 38–40)
of Maria, 63 (cat. 21)
miliaresion, 63 (cat. 21), 129–30 (cats. 59–60)
with monogram of Christ, 37, 89 (cat. 29)
with Nike, 45–46 (cat. 3), 89
solidus, 47–49 (cats. 4–7), 60–61 (cat. 18), 88–91 (cats. 29–31), 92–93 (cat. 33), 95–101 (cats. 35–39), 128 (cat. 57)
tetarteron, 100 (cat. 40), 102–5 (cats. 43–44)
of Theodora, 62 (cat. 20)
of Theodora and family, 95–97 (cats. 35–37)
of Theodosian dynasty, 68, 88–95 (cats. 29–34)
tremissis, 88–91 (cat. 32)
with Virgin, 40, 128–31 (cats. 57–63)
coin weight, 51 (cat. 9)
common-law marriage, 27–28
concubines, 27–28, 143
Constantine, co-emperor (son of Basil I and Eudokia Ingerina), 99
Constantine I, emperor, 30, 36, 37, 58, 63 (cat. 21), 131 (cat. 62)
Constantine II, emperor, 59
Constantine VI, emperor, 68
coins with, 60–61 (cats. 18–19)
Constantine VII, emperor, coin with, 98–100 (cat. 39)
Constantine IX Monomachos, emperor, 62, 68, 100, 117, 143
coins with, 116, 129–30 (cat. 60)
Constantine X, emperor, 102–3
Constantine of Mytilene, metropolitan, seal of, 65 (cat. 23)
Constantinople: Baths of Zeuxippos, 146
Great Palace, 68, 69, 71, 89, 100
jewelry crafted in, 246
monuments and statues in, 14, 37–38, 94, 141–42
as New Rome, 36, 46, 47
residences and buildings in, 68–70, 72, 73
Tyche of, 36–37, 43–44 (cat. 1)
Constantinopolis, personification, 45–46 (cats. 3–7), 50 (cat. 8)
Constantius Chlorus, Roman emperor, 67
Constantius II, emperor, 59
coin with, 47 (cat. 4)
convents and monasteries, 25, 72, 73, 100, 104, 139, 220
copper: amulet, 289 (cat. 170)
belt buckle, 216, 231 (cat. 132)
toiletry box, 234, 263 (cat. 155)
Coptic text, 145–46 (cat. 69), 203 (cat. 114), 292–93 (cat. 174)
Corippus, poet, 37
coronation of empresses, 67–68
cosmetics, 234, 261, 263
containers for oil or perfume, 234, 264 (cats. 156–57)
toilet articles, 234–35, 261–63 (cat. 153–55)
Council in Trullo, 142, 235
Council of Ephesus, 113, 431
Cretan School of painting, 212
crosses, 36–37, 73, 165
coins with, 49, 63, (cat. 21), 89–90 (cats. 30–31), 96, (cat. 36), 131 (cat. 62)
inscribed with prayer, 135 (cat. 67)
jewelry with, 225–27 (cats. 126–28), 237, 246 (cat. 138), 254 (cat. 146), 295 (cat. 176)
polycandelon with, 194–95 (cat. 107)
reliquary, 134 (cat. 66)
True Cross, 49, 71, 212–13 (cat. 120), 292 (cat. 173), 302 (cat. 185)
votive, 108 (cat. 48), 132 (cat. 65)
Crucifixion, 89, 202, (cat. 113), 209, 211 (cat. 120), 227 (cat. 130)
Crusader icons, 302
Cybele, 36
Cyril of Jerusalem, 158
Dalassene, Anna, 64, 68, 299
dancers, 18, 129, 141–42
on clothing, 265–68 (cat. 159)
maenad on plaques, 163, 168–69 (cats. 86–87)
plate with girl, 18, 165 (fig. 16)
statuette of seated, 142, 149 (cat. 72)
Danielis, 69
David, Old Testament king, 217, 218 (fig. 19)
death, 205–6 (cat. 117), 208
De materia medica, 14
Demetrios of Antioch, 158
Demetrios, Saint, 106 (cat. 41), 127 (cat. 56), 213 (cat. 120)
dextrarum junctio, on rings, 217, 222 (cats. 121–22)
diadem, 85, 86
Digenes Akritas, 164, 182, 188
Dikaspoloi, Protoproedros of the, seal of, 126 (cat. 55)
Diocletian, Roman emperor, 40, 213
Dionysos, 163, 168, 171, 237
Dioskoros of Aphrodito, 229, 231
dishes. See plates
divorce, 28, 218, 219
Dodekaorton, 205, 210
Dormition (Koimesis) of the Virgin, 64, 205–6 (cats. 116–17), 210–11 (cat. 120), 299 (cat. 182)
dotal contracts, 27–28
Doukai family, 29, 104
Doukaina, Irene, 25
Doukas, Andronikos, 104
Doukas, John, 103–4
dowager empresses, 68–69, 106
dowries, 29, 139, 215, 219
earrings, 215
basket, 245 (cats. 136–37)
drop sapphire, 244 (cat. 135)
peacock and cross, 237, 246 (cat. 138), 260
portrait of woman with, 237, 240–41 (cat. 133); See also jewelry
Ecloga, 27–28, 215, 218, 219, 231
education, 26–27, 70, 73, 91, 139, 140, 143, 162
Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist), 139, 147, 202
empresses: coronation of, 67–68
dowager, 68–69
naming practices, 80, 89
power and wealth of, 68–69, 71–72
regents, 68. See also specific names
entertainers. See dancers; performers
Eris, 256–57 (cat. 148)
Eros, 176 (cat. 93)
erotes, 164, 176
Esquiline Treasure, 178n7, 200
Eudokia, empress, 39, 67, 70, 71, 307
coin with, 90–91 (cat. 32)
Eudokia Ingerina, empress, 68
coin with, 98–99 (cat. 38)
Eudokia Makrembolitissa, empress, 63, 68, 310
coins with, 103–4 (cats. 41–43)
Eudoxia, empress, 37, 70
coin with, 88, 89 (cat. 29)
Eunapios of Sardis, 140
Euphemia, empress, 71, 92, 307
Euphemia, Saint, 40, 113
Eusebia, empress, 54, 86, 306
Eusebios of Caesarea, 69
Eve. See Adam and Eve
Evil Eye, protection against, 286–87 (cat. 167), 289 (cat. 170), 295 (cat. 176)
evil spirits, repelling, 237
knot motif, 268 (cat. 160)
family. See home and family life
Fausta, empress, 306
coin with, 58–59 (cat. 17), 80, 86
marble heads, 76–80 (cat. 24–25)
statuette, 86
Faustina the Elder, Roman empress, 59, 78–79, 86
Faustina the Younger, Roman empress, 59, 80
Fayum portraits, 243
Feasts: Feast of the Akathistos, 117
Feast of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, 97
Marian Great Feasts, 298
scenes of, 210–13 (cat. 120)
fertility, 39–40, 139, 168, 176, 218, 230, 249, 273
festivals, 36, 142
of Agathe, 141
Flacilla, empress, 54–55, 59, 70, 73, 86, 306
coins with, 88–93 (cats. 29–33)
portrait head, 81 (cat. 26), 83, 89
food and cooking. See home and family life funerary items: portraits, 240 (cat. 133), 242 (cat. 134)
possessions, 250, 260
stele, 141, 150–51 (cat. 73), 235, 244
furniture, 163
Gabriel, archangel, 147, 158–59 (cat. 83)
Gaia, personification, 163, 272 (cat. 162)
Galla, empress, 86, 90, 307
Galla Placidia, empress, 71, 88, 307
coin with, 89–91 (cat. 31)
Ge. See Gaia
gemstones; earrings with, 244 (cat. 135), 247 (cat. 139)
necklaces with, 254–55 (cats. 146–47)
rings with, 222 (cat. 122), 250 (cat. 142)
George of Nikomedeia, 208
George of Pisidia, 246
George, Saint, 204 (cat. 115), 213 (cat. 120)
gifts, bridal, 215, 247 (cat. 139)
glass: containers for oil or perfume, 234, 237, 264 (cats. 156–57)
flask, 193 (cat. 105)
medallion, 296–97 (cat. 180)
necklace with cabochon, 237, 295 (cat. 176)
goddesses, statues of, 37–39. See also specific names
gold, 236–37
belt buckle, 216, 231 (cat. 132)
bracelets, 251–52 (cats. 143–44)
coins, 47–49 (cats. 4–7), 60–61 (cat. 18), 62 (cat. 20), 88–93 (cats. 29–33), 95–105 (cats. 35–44)
earrings, 244–48 (cats. 135–40)
marriage belt, 225, 229–30 (cat. 131)
necklaces, 237, 254–55 (cats. 146–47), 295 (cat. 176)
pendant, 300–301 (cat. 183)
protective tablet, 294 (cat. 175)
rings, 162, 222–24 (cats. 121–23, 125), 226–28 (cats. 128–30), 249–50 (cats. 141–42), 296–97 (cats. 177–79)’ 299 (cat. l82)
Golden Hand, The, 68, 89
golden team, 215. See also marriage
Graces, 251
grapevine motif, 237, 249 (cat. 141), 260
Great Palace, Constantinople, 68, 69, 71, 89, 100
Gregory of Nazianzos, 142, 200
Gregory of Nyssa, 135
guilds, 141
Gylou, 278–79, 287, 288 (cat. 169), 290 (cat. 171)
gynaikonites (women’s quarters) of home, 140
of palace, 73
Hagia Sophia, Constantinople, 40, 69, 71, 72, 100, 104
Hagia Sophia, Kiev, 112 (fig. 11), 116
hairpins, 235, 258 (cats. 149–51)
hairstyles, 59, 70, 235
of portrait heads, 76–85 (cats. 24–27), 235
of statuette, 78, 86 (cat. 28)
Hand of God, on coins, 49, 89 (cat. 29)
harvest and field work, 18–19, 31, 140
health: amulets protecting, 276, 284–85 (cat. 166), 291–92 (cats. 172–73)
flask for medicines, 193 (cat. 105)
hospitals, 280
marriage jewelry with inscription for, 218, 225, 229–30 (cats. 127–27, 131)
menstruation, 275, 283–84 (cat. 165), 297 (cat. 180)
physicians, 280
prayers for, 276
stomach, 301. See also medicine
Helena, empress, 37, 67, 69, 71, 143, 306
amulet with, 291–92 (cat. 173)
coin with, 58–59 (cat. 16), 76, 86
portrait head of, 76–77 (cat. 24), 81
triptych with, 210–13 (cat. 120)
Helena the Younger, 78
hematite: amulet, 283–84 (cat. 165)
Hera, 246, 256–57 (cat. 148)
Herakleios, emperor, 114
Hermes, 256–57 (cat. 148)
Hestia, personification, 163, 164 (fig. 15), 177
Hippodrome, Constantinople, 14, 36, 37, 38, 68, 141, 149n4
Hodegetria icon, 39, 91, 114 (fig. 12), 117–18, 296
Hodegon monastery, 90, 117
"holy housewives,” 161–62
Holy Rider, 276, 278–79
amulets, 218, 286–89 (cats. 167–70)
token, 290 (cat. 171)
home and family life: business transacted by wife, 162–63
censing the home, 165–66, 200–202 (cats. 112–13)
Christian symbols in homes, 165
domestic items, 141, 150 (cat. 73), 162–66, 235, 244
domestic scenes, 19, 138 (fig. 13), 141
economics of, 163, 220
food supplies and cooking, 140, 162, 191–92
“holy housewives,” 161–62
husband’s role in, 162–63
kinship and extended family, 26
praying at home, 165
sealing containers, 162, 192, 223–24 (cat. 123)
women’s role in, 140–41, 162
working outside home, 29
homilies; advising women on public conduct, 70, 139, 145–46 (cat. 69)
Homilies of James Kokkinobaphos, 15, 16 (fig. 1)
Homily on the Incarnation, 158
Homily on the Virgin Mary, 158
of John Chrysostom, 227–28
hospitals, 280
Hygieia, personification, 282 (cat. 164)
hystera amulets, 291–92 (cats. 172–73). See also Holy Rider
Iconoclasm, 14, 25, 40, 72–73, 96, 124, 205
icons, 72–73
birth of John the Baptist, 15, 139, 142, 147 (cat. 70)
birth of Virgin, 304–5 (cat. 186)
Crusader, 302
Dormition (Koimesis), 64, 205–6 (cats. 116–17), 210–11 (cat. 120)
Hodegetria, 39, 91, 114 (fig. 11), 117–18, 296
Marian, 116, 118
Saint Marina, 302–3 (cat. 185)
Saint Paraskeve, 209–10 (cat. 119)
triptych with feast scenes, 210–13 (cat. 120)
Virgin Blachernitissa, 112 (fig. 11), 116
Virgin with Christ child, 120–23 (cats. 51–52), 207–8 (cat. 118)
Vladimirskaya icons of Virgin, 118, 120–23 (cats. 51–52), 208
incantation bowls, 279
incense, 165–66
incense burners, 166, 200–202 (cats. 112–13). See also censers
infants: mortality, 280, 304
protection for, against Evil Eye, 280, 286–87 (cat. 167), 289 (cat. 170)
infertility, 139, 218, 278
inheritance and property, 29
Irene Asanina, empress, 25, 312
Irene Choumnaina, 25
Irene Doukaina, empress, 25, 29, 30, 107, 310
Irene, empress (wife of Leo IV), 67, 68, 72
coins with, 60–61 (cats. 18–19)
Irene, Saint, 40
Isaakios II Angelos, emperor, 117
Islamic themes, 190
ivory: boxes, 18–19, 140, 148 (cat. 71), 215, 282 (cat. 164)
icons, 205–6 (cats. 116–17)
pyxis with dancing figure, 142 (fig. 14)
pyxis with Judgment of Paris, 67, 215, 252, 256–57 (cat. 148)
Jerome, 289
Jerusalem, 71, 72, 89, 91
Jesus Christ. See Christ
jewelry: bracelets, 251–53 (cats. 143–45)
bridal gifts, 215
diadem, 85, 86
earrings, 240–41 (cat. 133), 244–48 (cats. 135–40)
necklaces, 17, 254–55 (cats. 146–47), 295 (cat. 176)
pendants, 17, 18 (fig. 3), 254–55 (cats. 146–47), 300–301 (cats. 183–84), 283–84 (cat. 165)
rings, 222–28 (cats. 121–30), 250 (cat. 142), 284–85 (cat. 166)
social status and, 236–37, 253
Joachim (father of the Virgin Mary), 15, 16 (fig. 1), 304–5 (cat. 186)
Joachim the Deacon, 210
John Chrysostom, 31, 70, 146, 161, 162, 163, 215–16, 227–28
John I Tzimiskes, emperor, 129 (cat. 58)
John II Komnenos, emperor, 29
John III Doukas, emperor of Nicaea, 130–31 (cat. 62)
John of Euboea, 209
John of Novgorod, Saint, 304 (cat. 186)
John the Baptist (Prodromos or Forerunner), 15, 108 (cat. 48), 139, 142, 147 (cat. 70), 202, 211 (cat. 120)
John V Palaiologos, emperor, 73, 105–6 (cat. 45), 142
John VI Kantakouzenos, emperor, 25, 105–6, 312
John, Saint (Apostle), 136, 205–6 (cat. 116–17), 299 (cat. 182)
Judgment of Paris, 67, 252, 256–57 (cat. 148)
Julian the Apostate, emperor, 44, 51, 54, 86
Julitta, Saint, 210, 213 (cat. 120)
Juno, 51, 59
Justa Grata Honoria, augusta, 91
Justicia, personification, 51
Justin II, emperor, 37, 94, 296, 308
weight with, 57 (cat. 15)
Justinian I, emperor, 57, 72, 296
Kalila wa Dimna, 190
Kassia, nun and poet, 233, 238
Kecharitomene convent, 25
Keroularios, Constantine, seal of, 127 (cat. 56)
Keroularios, Michael, 101, 103
knot motif, 237, 268 (cat. 160)
Koimesis. See Dormition of the Virgin
Komnene, Anna, 29, 30, 63, 68, 70, 105, 139, 140, 310
Ktisis, personification, mosaic with, 34 (fig. 6), 35, 86
Kyrikos, Saint, 213 (cat. 120)
lamps, 165, 196 (cats. 108–9), 202 (cat. 113)
lampstands, 17, 196–99 (cats. 110–11), 234
laws: Book of the Eparch, 141
canon 96, 235
Ecloga, 27–28, 215, 218, 219, 231
regarding burial with rings, 250
regarding perfume, 261
regarding weights and scales, 51, 57
women and, 24, 142
lead: amulets, 286–87 (cat. 68), 290–92 (cats. 171–73)
roundel, 298 (cat. 181)
seals, 64–65 (cats. 22–23), 125–27 (cats. 54–56)
Leo I, emperor, 39, 93
Leo II, emperor, 39, 93
Leo III, emperor, 40
Leo IV, emperor, 68
Leo VI, emperor, 27, 28, 40, 72, 99
coins with, 40, 100, 129 (cat. 57)
Novella 89, 226
Leontia, donor of votive cross, 108
Licinia Eudoxia, empress, 68
Licinius, Roman emperor, 46, 58
Lilith, 278
Livia, Roman empress, 59, 86
Logos, 296–97
looms, 141
Luke, Saint, 39, 120 (cat. 51)
maenads, 163, 175, 237
on plaques, 168 (cats. 86–87)
magic: Chnoubis ring and magical symbols, 218, 284–85 (cat. 166)
for protection of marriage, 219
spell on protective tablet, 294 (cat. 175)
Testament of Solomon, 290. See also amulets
Makarios, bishop, 212 (cat. 120)
Malalas, John, historian, 37, 38
marble: funerary stele, 141, 150–51 (cat. 73), 235, 244
heads, 14, 76–85 (cats. 24–27)
Maria of Alania, empress, 67, 310
coins with, 63 (cat. 21), 104–5 (cat. 44)
Marina, Saint, 113
icon of, 302–3 (cat. 185)
pendant with, 300–1 (cat. 184)
marriage: abuse and discord in, 219, 238
age for, 28, 218, 275
alliances, 29
belt, 217, 225, 229–30 (cat. 131)
belt buckle, 216, 231 (cat. 132)
bridal gift, 215, 247
bride show, 67, 91, 99, 215
ceremony, 215–17, 226
coin, Eudokia and Romanos IV, 104 (cat. 42)
cooperation of husband and wife, 148 (cat. 71), 215
crowns and, 217, 225 (cat. 127), 226 (cat. 129)
dowries, 29, 139, 215, 219
Ecloga and, 27–28, 215, 218, 219, 231
harmony inscription, 215, 222 (cat. 121), 226–28 (cats. 128–30)
importance of procreation in, 218, 276, 278
kinship relations and, 26
physical love and, 143, 218–19
poems (epithalamia), 229, 231
rings, 215, 217, 223–28 (cats. 121–30)
slaves and, 142
virginity and, 140, 247, 275
Marriage at Cana, 216 (fig. 17)
Martha, Saint, 216–17
Mary Magdalene, 143
Mary the Younger, Saint, 26, 161–62, 165, 218–19, 233, 236–37, 238
Mary. See Virgin Mary
Maxentius, Roman emperor, 49, 63
Maximo, Amazon queen, 164, 182
medicine: box with Hygieia, 282 (cat. 164)
medical texts, 140, 275, 276, 277
Medusa, 37, 54
Melania the Younger, Saint, 70, 71, 91, 113, 230
Menas Kallikelados, Saint, 127 (cat. 56)
menstruation (or bleeding) amulets and, 275, 283–84 (cat. 165), 297 (cat. 180)
Metrodora, medical writer, 276
Michael III, emperor, 68, 96, 99
Michael VI, emperor, 116
Michael VII Doukas, emperor, 68, 102–4
coin with, 63 (cat. 21), 104–5 (cat. 44)
Michael VIII Palaiologos, emperor, 25, 117, 131 (cat. 63)
Michael, Saint, 134 (cat. 66)
midwife, 139–40, 147 (cat. 70), 276, 304–5 (cat. 186)
Milion, Constantinople, 37, 94
Minerva, 45
miracles, 120 (cat. 51), 125, 136, 166, 291
miscarriage, 276, 285 (cat. 166)
mistresses, 68, 100, 143
modesty, 81, 145–46, 161
monasteries. See convents and monasteries
Moneta, personification, 51
mosaics: bath, in Sidi Ghrib, Tunisia, 235, 236 (fig. 21), 237
in the Blachernai church, 114, 116
of Ktisis, 34 (fig. 6), 35, 86
of the Virgin Blachernitissa in Hagia Sophia, Kiev, 112 (fig. 11), 116
motherhood, 140, 208
Mount Athos, 106
Mount of Olives, 71, 91
mourning, 205–6 (cat. 116–17)
muses, 54, 175, 178–79 (cat. 95), 237
mythological beasts, 188–90 (cat. 102)
Nativity of Christ, 202 (cat. 113), 210 (cat. 120), 227 (cat. 130)
Nea Moni, monastery of, 116
necklaces, 17, 18 (fig. 3), 215, 237, 254–55 (cats. 146–47), 295 (cat. 176). See also jewelry
Nereids, 163
earring with, 248 (cat. 140)
lampstand with, 198–99 (cat. 111)
plaque with, 168–69 (cat. 88)
Nereus, 163, 170
Nicaea, 130–31
Nicholas, Saint, 126–27 (cats. 55–56)
Nicholas I Mystikos, patriarch, 100
niello, in bracelet, 253 (cat. 145)
Nike, personification, 36 (fig. 7), 37
coin with, 45–46 (cat. 3), 89
Nikephoros II Botaneiates, 63, 105
Nikita, Saint, 304 (cat. 186)
Nilotic scenes, 167
Novgorod School, 147 (cat. 70), 210
nursemaid, 139, 147 (cat. 70), 304–5 (cat. 186)
nymph, 272 (cat. 162)
Octateuchs, 15, 19, 21n13, 276, 277 (fig. 2)
oil containers: for body oil, 234, 264 (cats. 156–57)
for household oil, 191
oil lamps, 196–97 (cats. 108–9)
Ottomans, 23, 24, 117–18
pagan themes, 163, 237
on marriage belt, 229–30 (cat. 131). See also goddesses, personifications
Panteleemon, Saint, 127 (cat. 56)
Pantokrator monastery hospital, Constantinople, 280
Paraskeve, Saint, 209–10 (cat. 119)
patronage, 70–71, 73, 90
Paul, Saint (Apostle), 136, 205–6 (cat. 116–17), 213 (cat. 120), 299 (cat. 182)
Paul Silentiarios, 72, 95n8
Paulinus of Nola, bishop, 70, 81
peacocks, 246 (cat. 138), 256–57 (cat. 148), 260 (cat. 152)
Pege, church of, Constantinople, 40, 114
Pelagia, Saint, 142, 143, 149, 235, 237–38
pendants: amulets, 283–84 (cat. 165), 286–89 (cats. 167–70)
icon as, 204 (cat. 115)
necklaces with, 17, 18 (fig. 3), 254–55 (cats. 146–47)
saints on, 300–301 (cat. 183–84)
Pentecost, 212 (cat. 120)
performers, 139, 142, 149, 220. See also dancers
perfume, 200, 237, 261
perfume containers, 234, 237, 264 (cats. 156–57)
personifications: of Charis, 251–52 (cat. 143)
of chastity, 70, 86–87 (cat. 28)
of Church, 227 (cat. 130)
of cities on coins, 45–50 (cats. 2–7)
of Constantinople on ring, 50 (cat. 8)
of earth, 270
of earth and wealth-bringing figures, 163
of endowing goddess, 272
of health and plenitude, 200–201 (cat. 112)
Tyche of Constantinople statue, 43–44 (cat. 1)
Peter, Saint (Apostle), 134 (cat. 66), 205–6 (cats. 116–17), 213 (cat. 120)
philanthropy, 87n15, 91. See also patronage
Phokas, emperor, 129
Photios, patriarch, 40, 115
Phrygian cap, 200–201 (cat. 112)
phylacteries, necklace with, 237, 295 (cat. 176)
piety, 87n15, 200, 254
plates: with dancing girl, 18, 165 (fig. 16)
with female rider, 17, 181–82 (cat. 97)
with geometric design, 185, 187 (cat. 101). See also bowls
plenty, 168, 200
Ploutos (Wealth), personification, 19
polycandela, 165, 194 (cats. 106–7)
porphyra, imperial birthing room, 73
Porphyrios, 37, 142
Porphyrogennetos, 101
portraits: in medallions on frieze, 167 (cat. 84)
of women on wood, 237, 240–43 (cats. 133–34)
portrait heads. See marble; sculpture
prayers, 165
cross with, 135 (cat. 67)
for health, 276
icons and, 204–13 (cats. 115–20)
lamp/incense burner and, 202 (cat. 113)
seals with, 126–27 (cats. 55–56)
prayer corner, 165
pregnancy, 285, 290, 301
prayer for, 139, 292–93 (cat. 174). See also abortion; miscarriage
Presentation at the Temple, 15–16, 17 (fig. 2), 298 (cat. 181), 227 (cat. 130)
processions, 117, 118, 141, 304
crosses used in, 108 (cat. 48), 132 (cat. 65)
icons used in, 120–23 (cats. 51–52)
Projecta casket, 81, 142, 231, 233, 234 (fig. 20), 235, 237
Prokopios of Caesarea, historian, 72
prosperity, 92, 177, 200, 273. See also Tyche
prostitutes, 67, 72, 139, 142, 143, 149, 220, 234, 235
Psalters, 15, 18
Psellos, Michael, 26–27, 30, 62, 63, 100, 103, 104, 105, 140, 236, 237, 263, 278
Ptochoprodromos, poet, 31, 219
public conduct of women, 29–30, 70, 139, 145–46 (cat. 69), 161, 235
public sphere, role of women in, 24–26
Pulcheria, empress, 37, 39, 68, 69, 71, 226
coins with, 48–49 (cat. 7); 88–91 (cat. 30)
pyxides: for cosmetics, 261–62 (cat. 154), 263
with Judgment of Paris, 67, 252, 256–57 (cat. 148)
Rebecca, Old Testament, in childbirth, 15, 276, 277 (fig. 23)
religious education, 73, 140, 162
reliquary cross, 134 (cat. 66)
Resurrection of Christ, 211 (cat. 120)
Rhea, 36
rings: with Chnoubis, 284–85 (cat. 166)
marriage, 222 (cats. 121–22), 223–24 (cat. 125), 227–28 (cat. 130)
openwork 249 (cat. 141)
with seals, 162, 223–24 (cats. 123–24), 296 (cat. 177), 299 (cat. 182)
with Virgin and Christ, 296–97 (cats. 177–79). See also jewelry
Roma, personification, on coins, 45–46 (cat. 2), 47–49 (cat. 4)
Romanos I Lekapenos, emperor, 100
Romanos III Argyros, emperor, 101, 129–30 (cat. 59), 278
Romanos IV Diogenes, emperor, 68
Rome, 78
Tyche of, 36–37, 43–44 (cat. 1)
Saba (Sheba), Queen of, 200–201 (cat. 112)
Sabina, Roman empress, 86
Sabine shawl in Louvre, 154
Sahidic text. See Coptic text
saints, 26, 141
amulet with, 291 (cat. 172)
coins with, 106 (cat. 41)
crosses with, 108 (cat. 48), 134 (cat. 66), 135 (cat. 67)
icons with, 120 (cat. 51), 204 (cat. 115), 209–10 (cat. 119), 303–4 (cat. 185)
medallion with, 136–37 (cat. 68)
pendants with, 237, 300–301 (cats. 183–84)
prayer to, 135 (cat. 67), 279
seals with, 65 (cat. 23), 126–27 (cats. 55–56)
triptych with feast scenes, 210–13 (cat. 120). See also specific names
Salus. See Hygieia
Sarah, Old Testament, 139, 293
sculpture: marble portrait heads, 14, 69, 76–85 (cats. 24–27)
in public places, 35–41, 69–70, 94
seated dancer, 149 (cat. 72)
statues of goddesses, 37–39
statues of imperial women, 78, 86–87 (cat. 28)
Tyche of Constantinople, 43–44 (cat. 1)
seals, 14, 40, 162–63
of Doukas family, 107 (cats. 46–47)
of household, 169, 192, 223–24 (cat. 123)
with Saint Theodora, 65 (cat. 23)
with Virgin, 40, 64–65 (cat. 22), 107 (cats. 46–47), 124–27 (cats. 53–56)
seal rings, 162, 223–24 (cats. 123–24), 296 (cat. 177), 299 (cat. 182)
sealing containers, 162, 192, 223–24 (cat. 123)
Senate House, Constantinople, 38, 45
servants, 140, 235
sexual relationships: adultery, 143, 218–19
illicit, 29–30, 99
marriage and, 28, 143, 218–19, 276–77. See also concubines; mistresses; prostitutes
silk, 141, 237
silver, 183, 236–37
amulet, 283–84 (cat. 165)
bowl, 183 (cat. 98)
bracelet, 253 (cat. 145)
chalices, 73, 110–11 (cats. 49–50)
coins, 63 (cat. 21), 129–30 (cats. 59–60)
dish with female rider, 17, 181–82 (cat. 97)
perfume container, 237
Projecta casket, 81, 142, 231, 233, 234 (fig. 20), 235, 237
ring, 284–85 (cat. 166)
seal, 124 (cat. 53)
statuette of dancer, 149 (cat. 72)
Simocatta, Theophylact, 226
Sisinnios, Saint, 278–79, 288, 289. See also Holy Rider
Skleraina, mistress of Constantine IX Monomachos, 68, 143
Skleros, Leon, seal of, 125 (cat. 54)
Skylitzes, John, 72, 217
slaves, 140, 142
social status and adornment, 235–37, 253
Sokrates, historian, 36, 44
solidus. See coins
Solomon (Old Testament king), 200, 289, 290
Solomonic knot, 268 (cat. 160)
Sophia, empress, 68, 69, 71, 308
coin with, 94 (cat. 34)
weight with, 57 (cat. 15)
Soranos, physician, 275, 277
Soros chapel, Blachernai church, 108, 115
Sozomenos, historian, 70
spindles, 152 (cat. 74), 162
spinning, 19, 140–41, 162
Virgin, at Annunciation, 22 (fig. 5), 30, 108 (cat. 48), 141, 147, 158–59 (cat. 83). See also weaving
statues. See sculpture
Stephen, Saint, 110
Stephen the Protomartyr, Saint, no, 213 (cat. 120)
stone: architectural frieze, 163, 165, 167 (cat. 84)
medallion, 136–37 (cat. 68)
pendant, 300–301 (cat. 184)
Symeon the Elder, Saint, 108 (cat. 48)
Symeon the Logothete, 215
Symeon the Stylite, Saint, 304 (cat. 186)
Symeon the Younger, Saint, 166
Synodikon of Orthodoxy, 106
Tamerlane, 122
tapestries, 141
band with female bust, 177 (cat. 94)
with eight-pointed star, 157 (cat. 82)
with female busts, 163, 165, 174–75 (cat. 92), 177
with Hestia, 163, 164 (fig. 15), 177
roundel with Eros, 176 (cat. 93). See also textiles
Tertullian, 261
Testament of Solomon, 219
textiles: with Apollo and Muse, 178–79 (cat. 95)
with braid motif, 171, 172 (cat. 90)
colors and natural dyes, 156
with duck, 163, 180 (cat. 96)
with eight-pointed star, 157 (cat. 82)
with Eros, 176 (cat. 93)
fragments, 265–73 (cats. 158–63)
with female busts, 163, 165, 174–75 (cat. 92), 177
with flourishing vine, 154–55 (cat. 80)
with jeweled border, 171, 172 (cat. 89)
with leaf motif, 163, 171, 172 (cat. 91)
with leaves, 156 (cat. 81). See also clothing; tapestries
theater, 139, 141
Thebes, 31
Thekla (daughter of Theophilos), 73, 97
coins with, 95–96 (cats. 35–36)
Thekla, Saint, 40, 113, 234
cross with prayer to, 135 (cat. 67)
medallion with, bound to
beasts, 136–37 (cat. 68)
pendant with, 300–301 (cat. 183)
Theodora, empress (sixth century), 25, 67, 69, 72, 215, 307
Theodora, empress (ninth century), 25, 67, 68, 72, 99, 309
coins with, 95–97 (cats. 35–37), 99
Theodora, empress (eleventh century), 67, 68, 73, 263, 310
coins with, 62 (cat. 20), 98–100 (cat. 40), 116
Theodora of Thessaloniki, Saint, 141
Theodora, Saint, 40, 65 (cat. 23), 113, 213 (cat. 120)
Theodore of Sykeon, Saint, 220
Theodore Tyron, Saint, 213 (cat. 120)
Theodosian Code, 30 (Codex Theodosianus), 51n3
Theodosios I, emperor, 44, 81, 141, 149n4
Theodosios II, emperor, 36, 37, 71, 90, 91
coin with, 48–49 (cat. 6)
Theophano, empress and saint, 40, 67, 69, 99, 230, 279
amulet, 42n49, 291 (cat. 172)
Theophilos, emperor, 25, 67, 72, 95–96, 215, 217
Theophobos, marriage of, 217
Thessaloniki, 20, 73, 106
Thomaïs of Lesbos, Saint, 26, 141, 161, 215, 218, 219, 238
toilet articles, 17, 234–35
box for, 263 (cat. 155)
pyxides for, 256–57 (cat. 148), 261–62 (cat. 154)
token, 290 (cat. 171)
trade, women in, 31
Transfiguration of Christ, 64
True Cross, 49, 71, 212–13 (cat. 120), 292 (cat. 173), 302 (cat. 185)
tunic. See clothing
Tyche, 36–37, 43–44 (cat. 1) 45, 153
Valentinian II, emperor, 90
coin with, 47–48 (cat. 5)
Venus, 49, 59, 70, 233. See also Aphrodite
Verina, empress, 39, 71
coin with, 92–93 (cat. 33)
vessels; ceramic, 164, 188–92 (cats. 102–4)
glass, 193 (cat. 105), 234, 237, 264 (cats. 156–57)
Virgin Mary: amulets with, 283–84 (cat. 165), 288 (cat. 169)
at Annunciation, 22 (fig. 5), 30, 108 (cat. 48), 141, 147, 158–59 (cat. 83), 202 (cat. 113), 210–11 (cat. 120), 227 (cat. 130)
appeals to, and childbirth, 276, 279
Birth of, 15, 139, 304–5 (cat. 186)
care of, by parents, 15, 16 (fig. 1)
coins with, 62 (cat. 20), 104 (cats. 43–44), 128–31 (cats. 57–63)
crosses with, 108 (cat. 48), 132 (cat. 65)
cult of, 93, 113, 117, 296
Dormition (Koimesis) of, 64, 205–6 (cats. 116–17), 210–11 (cat. 120), 237, 299 (cat. 182)
icons with, 39, 91, 112 (fig. 11), 114 (fig. 12), 116–18, 120–23 (cats. 51–52), 205–8 (cats. 116–18)
medallion with, 296–97 (cat. 180)
as Mother of God, 128 (cat. 57)
ostrakon with hymn to, 132 (cat. 64)
Presentation in the Temple, 15–16, 17 (fig. 2), 298 (cat. 181), 227 (cat. 130)
relics of, 39–40, 93
rings with, 227 (cat. 130), 237, 296–97 (cats. 177–79), 299 (cat. l82)
seals with, 40, 64–65 (cat. 22), 107 (cats. 45–47), 124–27 (cats. 54–56)
shrines and churches dedicated to, 39, 40, 73, 90
as Theotokos, 40, 113, 124 (cat. 53), 134 (cat. 66), 279
triptych with scenes from life of, 210–13 (cat. 120)
veil (maphorion) of, 108, 115
Virgin Blachernitissa, 107–8 (cat. 46), 112 (fig. 11), 114–17, 126 (cat. 55), 129–30 (cat. 60), 131 (cat. 63)
Virgin Galaktrophousa, 140
Virgin Hagiosoritissa, on seal, 107–8 (cat. 47)
Virgin Hodegetria icon, 39, 91, 114 (fig. 12), 117–18, 296
Virgin Nikopoios, 104, 124 (cat. 53)
Virgin of Vladimir, icons, 120–23 (cats. 51–52), 208
virginity: Church and, 28, 69, 71
marriage and, 140, 247, 275
votive crosses, 108 (cat. 48), 132 (cat. 65)
wall hangings, 171–74 (cats. 89–91)
wall paintings, 15–16, 17 (fig. 2), 114 (fig. 12), 216, 302
"wealth-bringing” figures, 163
weaving, 19, 27, 140–41, 157, 158, 163
implements for, 141, 150–51 (cat. 73), 152–53 (cats. 74–79), 235. See also spinning
weddings. See marriage
weights, 38–39, 81
bust, 52–56 (cats. 10–14), 85, 86
coin, 51 (cat. 9)
wet nurses, 140
widows, 163, 220
Woman with the Issue of Blood, 283–84 (cat. 165), 275
womb, 275–76
key depicted with, 276, 285 (cat. 166)
wandering, 291–92 (cats. 172–73)
Women at the Tomb, 202 (cat. 113), 227 (cat. 130)
wood: hair comb, 260 (cat. 152)
icon of birth of John the Baptist, 147 (cat. 70)
icon of Saint Marina, 302–3 (cat. 185)
icon of Saint Paraskeve, 209–10 (cat. 119)
icons of Virgin of Vladimir, 120–23 (cats. 51–52)
portraits of women on, 240–43 (cats. 133–34)
triptych with feast scenes, 210–13 (cat. 120)
weaver’s comb, 152–53 (cat. 79)
work, outside home, 29
Zacharias, father of John the Baptist, 147, 202
Zacharias, Temple priest, 298 (cat. 181)
Zeno, emperor, 93
Zoe, empress, 25, 62, 68, 73, 101, 143, 236, 263, 278, 310
Zoe Karbounopsina, empress, 40, 98–100 (cat. 39)