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List of illustrations

  • Plan of Villa Orsetti (later Reale, today Pecci-Blunt) at Marlia, Lucca
  • View of Villa Orsetti
  • Plan of the garden of a castle with an open-air theatre, and designs for a fireplace and a door
  • Plan of the Belvedere in the Portici park, from Pianta generale . . . di alcuni siti delle Reali Delizie di Portici
  • Plan of the park of the château of Bellêtre in Normandy, designed by P.-A. Pâris
  • Buildings for the ornamentation of the garden, from G. Thouin, Plans raisonnés de toutes les espèces de jardins, Paris 1820, plate 53
  • View of the Parc Montsouris, Paris
  • Aerial view of Central Park, New York City
  • Garden of the Villa d'Este, Tivoli, from a survey published in C. Lamb, "Die Villa d'Este in Rivoli," Munich 1966
  • The Sacro Bosco of the Villa Orsini, Bomarzo, from a survey published in H. Bredkamp, "Vicino Orsini und der Heilige Wald von Bomarzo," Worms, 1985
  • The Garden of Pratolino, Florence, from "Pianta dei due Barachi, Viali, Flontante, e Fabbriche della Real Villa di Pratolino" by B. S. Sgrilli (1742) and from a survey carried out in 1962
  • Garden of the Villa Lante, Bagnaia, from a survey published in F. Fariello, Architettura dei giardini, Rome 1985 (reprint)
  • The gardens of the Villa Farnese and of the Casino, Caprarola​, from an engraving by G. Vasi, 1746
  • Garden of the Villa Medici, Rome, from G. B. Falda, "Li giardini di Roma," 1683, and from a recent survey pubished in I. Belli Barsali, "Ville di Roma," Milan 1983
  • Garden of the Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati, from an engraving pubished in C. Percier and P. F. L. Fontaine, "Choix . . . ," Paris 1809, and from a topographical plan (1828) now in the State Archives of Rome
  • Garden and park of the Villa Doria-Pamphili, Rome, from an engraving by G. B. Falda, "Li giardini di Roma," 1683; an engraving by Percier and Fontaine (1809); and a topographical plan of 1852
  • Villa Medici di Castello, Florence, lunette
  • Poggio a Caiano, lunette of country scene
  • Villa Colocci, Rome, sleeping nymph, from J. J. Boissard, "Romanae urbis topographiae," Vol. 6, Frankfurt 1602
  • Villa Carpi, Rome, sleeping shepherd, from J. J. Boissard, "Romanae urbis topographiae," Vol. 4, Frankfurt 1598
  • Belvedere, Vatican City, Court of the Statues
  • Hercules and Antaeus
  • Villa d'Este, Tivoli, Avenue of a Hundred Jets
  • Villa Carpi, Rome, Diana of Ephesus, from J. J. Boissard, "Romanae urbis topographiae," Vol. 4, Frankfurt 1598
  • Boboli Gardens, Pitti Palace, Florence, interior of the grotto
  • Dolphin cascade near the Casino, Villa Farnese
  • Belvedere Court, under construction
  • Villa Medici, Rome, from G. Lauro, "Antiquae urbis spendor," Rome 1612–14
  • Villa Medici, Rome, from G. B. Falda, "Li giardini di Roma," Rome 1683
  • Boboli Gardens, Pitti Palace, Florence, lunette
  • Pergola and fountain, from F. Colonna, "Hypnerotomachia Poliphili," Venice 1499
  • Pergola, from F. Colonna, "Hypnerotomachia Poliphili," Venice 1499
  • Belvedere Court, Vatican City, in A. Lafreri, "Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae," III
  • View of Frascati and surrounding villas
  • Villa d'Este, Tivoli
  • Rometta fountain, Villa d'Este, Tivoli
  • Villa Barbaro, Maser, nymphaeum in the giardino segreto
  • Villa Giulia, Rome, sunken nymphaeum
  • Villa Madama, Rome
  • Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati: the great water theater, from G. B. Fulda, "Li giardini di Roma," Rome 1683
  • Jagdschloss Stern, view, ground plan and ceiling detail
  • Hercules challenging the dragon that guards the golden apples: design for a mechanical theatre
  • Galatea carried through the water by two dolphins while a Cyclops plays the flute, from S. de Caus, "Les raisons des forces mouvantes," Paris 1624 (1st edition 1615)
  • St Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines)
  • St Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines): grotto of Orpheus
  • St Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines): grotto of the woman playing the organ
  • Fountainebleau (Seine-et-Marne)
  • Fountainebleau (Seine-et-Marne): the Tiber fountain
  • Design for a mural decoration with fountain
  • Villa Medici di Castello, Florence
  • Villa Medici di Castello, Florence: grotto of animals
  • Rustic figure representing a river, from S. de Caus, "Les raisons des forces mouvantes," Paris 1624 (1st edition 1615)
  • Hortus Palatinus, Heidelberg: statue of the Rhine
  • Proportion of the human head, from L. Pacioli, "De divina proportione," Venice 1509
  • The prudent architect avoids the traps along the way, from Philibert de l'Orme, "Le premier tome de l'architecture," Paris 1567
  • Plan I
  • Plan II
  • Mnemotechnical figure, from Giordano Bruno, "De umbris idearum," Paris 1582
  • Plan for a garden with an astrological design, from D. Loris, "Le thrésor des parterres de l'univers," Genea 1629
  • Plan III
  • Plan IV
  • Plan V
  • Plan VI
  • Tree-column, from Philibert de l'Orme, "Le premier tome de l'architecture," Paris 1567
  • The construction of a primitive hut, from C. Cesariano, "Di Lucio Vitruvio Pollione de architectura libri dece," Como 1521
  • A primitive habitation, from Viollet-le-Duc, "Histoire de l'habitation humaine," Paris 1875
  • Arbour of greenery, from "Hypnerotomachia Poliphili," French translation, Paris 1546
  • The origins of Gothic architecture, from Sir J. Hall, "Essays on the Origins, History and Principles of Gothic Architecture," London 1813
  • Snake, small crab and crustacean from the grotto of the Tuileries, Paris
  • Lizard from the grotto of the Tuileries, Paris
  • Plan of the botanical garden of Padua, from P. Tomasini, "Gymnasium Patavinum," 1654
  • Plan of the botanical garden of Leiden, from C. de Passe, "Academia sive speculum vitae scolasticae," 1612
  • Plan of the botanical garden of Florence, from P. A. Micheli, "Catalogus plantarum," 1748
  • Garden implements
  • Designs for flowerbeds
  • Irrgarten in the courtyard of the Palazzo del Te, Mantua
  • The Château de Montargis and its gardens, from J. Androuet du Cerceau, “Les plus excellents bastiments de France," Paris 1576
  • Hortus Palatinus, Heidelberg
  • Labyrinth, from S. de Caus, "Hortus Palatinus," Frankfurt 1620
  • Labyrinth of Love
  • Giardino segreto, from F. Colonna, "Hypnerotomachia Poliphili," Venice 1499
  • Palazzo del Te, Mantua: giardino segreto
  • Fountain of Youth, from De Sphaera
  • Triumph of Venus (month of April)
  • Villa Lante, Bagnaia: plan of the garden
  • Villa Lante, Bagnaia, from G. Lauro, "Antiquae urbis splendor," Rome 1612–14
  • Fresco in loggia of the Palazzina Gambara, Villa Lante
  • Villa di Pratolino, Florence: plan of the hydraulic system
  • Villa di Pratolino, Florence: "the theatre from which to view the harmonious scene and the wonders of Mount Parnassus"
  • Villa di Pratolino, Florence, from S. Vitale, "Annales Sardiniae," Florence 1639
  • Design for the château of Chenonceaux (Indre-et-Loire): proposal for enlargement
  • Design for the château of Chenonceaux (Indre-et-Loire): the garden on the right bank as it is today
  • Design for the château of Chenonceaux (Indre-et-Loire): proposal for enlargement of the two gardens
  • Plans for the château of Verneuil (Oise): bird's-eye view
  • Plans for the château of Verneuil (Oise): ground-plan
  • The site of Verneuil, as seen in a map
  • Imaginary architecture
  • Gardens, from J. Vredeman de Vries, "Hortorum viridariorumque elegantes et multiplicis formae
  • Plan for the garden of Gaillon (Eure), from J. A. du Cerceau, "Les plus excellents bastiments de France," 1576 and 1579
  • The Buitenhof of Prince Maurits, from H. Hondius, "Institutio artis perspectivae," 1622
  • Concert in a Garden
  • Villa Brenzone, Punta San Vigilio: from a relief plan
  • Villa Brenzone, Punta San Vigilio
  • Villa Brenzone, Punta San Vigilio: the Rotunda of the Ancients
  • Villa Brenzone, Punta San Vigilio: antique statue of Venus
  • Park of the château of Rueil (Hauts-de-Seine), from a reconstruction by Launay and a cadastral map of 1818, re-drawn by K. Woodbridge
  • Island garden, Aranjuez, Madrid, from a survey carried out by the Servicio de Jardines, Parques y Montes, Madrid 1985
  • Garden of the Villa Orsetti (later Reale, today Pecci-Blunt), Marlia, Lucca, Tuscany, from a survey housed in the State Archives of Lucca
  • Garden of the Villa Garzoni (now Gardi), Collodi, Pistoia, Tuscany, from a plan of 1692 (State Archives of Lucca) and a recent survey
  • Garden of Vaux-le-Vicomte (Seine-et-Marne), from a plan by I. Silvestre
  • The Petit Parc at Versailles (Yvelines), from a plan engraved by Le Pautre (1710) and a modern survey
  • Garden of the Villa Villani-Novati (later Belgioioso, now Brivio-Sforza), Merate, Come, from M. dal Re, "Ville di delizia," eigteenth century
  • Royal Gardens of La Granja, San Ildefonso, Segovia, from a survey carried out by the Servicio de Jardines, Parques y Montes, Madrid 1985
  • Garden of the Royal Palace of Het Loo, Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Holland, from an aerial photograph and plans for the restoration of the garden drawn up by Baron Jan van Asbeck
  • Garden of Villa Barbarigo, Valsanzibio, Padua, from F. Fariello, "Architettura dei giardini," Rome 1985 (reprint)
  • The Great Garden of Herrenhausen, Hanover, Lower Saxony, from the plan by Charbonnier, early eighteenth century
  • Court Garden, Veitshöchheim, Bavaria, from the plan drawn up by J. A. Oth (c. 1780) and from a modern survey carried out by the Bayerische Verwaltung der Staatlichen Schlösser, Gärten und Seen, Munich, 1986
  • The garden of Lorrez-le-Bocage (Seine-et-Marne) depicted on seigneurial maps: the garden before 1610, engraving from Claude Chastillon, "La Topographie française"
  • The garden of Lorrez-le-Bocage, drawing on land register
  • Developments in the creation of the garden: Bonnelles (Yvelines), garden and the old château on its medieval platform, detail of the seigneurial plan
  • The garden after the reconstruction of the château and the filling in of the moat: detail of map of royal hunting reserves
  • Les Bergeries, Draveil (Essonne)
  • Les Bergeries, Draveil (Essonne), plan of the forest of Sénart
  • La Norville (Essonne)
  • La Norville (Essonne), from atlas of the royal roads
  • Chantemerle, Corbeil (Essonne)
  • Chantemerle, Corbeil (Essonne), the site as shown on the demesne map
  • Map of the park of Brunoy (Val-de-Marne) in late seventeenth/early eighteenth century
  • Map of the park of Brunoy (Val-de-Marne), mid-eighteenth century
  • Map of the park of Brunoy (Val-de-Marne), late eighteenth century
  • Map of the park of Brunoy (Val-de-Marne), beginning of nineteenth century
  • Map of the park of Brunoy (Val-de-Marne), condition in 1983
  • Arithmetic
  • Perspective view of the castle of Meudon (Hauts-de-Seine)
  • View of the canal and the great cascades at Vaux-le-Vicomte
  • Le Petit Parc, Versailles, bosquet of the Three Fountains
  • Frontispiece, with a portrait of Claude Mollet, author of "Théâtre des plans et jardinages," Paris 1652
  • Parc de Sceaux (Hauts-de-Seine): present-day view of the Great Canal
  • Garden at Marly (Yvelines): central section of the Great Cascade; upper part of the Allée de la Rivière
  • System of water distribution in the park, from A.-J. Dezallier d'Argenville, "La Théorie et la pratique du jardinage," Paris 1713
  • Method of laying out the design of a parterre, from A.-J. Dezallier d'Argenville, "La Théorie et la pratique du jardinage," Paris 1713
  • Method of levelling land for the laying out of terraces, from A.-J. Dezallier d'Argenville, "La Théorie et la pratique du jardinage," Paris 1713
  • Levels and methods of levelling, from N. Bion, "Traité de la construction . . . des instrumens mathématiques," Paris 1709
  • Instrument for calculating levels, from Jean Picard, "Traité du nivellement," Paris 1684
  • Palace of Colorno: the Orangery, from "Delizie farnesiane," collection of anonymous engravings
  • Plan of the palace of Racconigi, whose design is attributed to Guarino Guarini
  • Villa Valguarnera at Bagheria, Palermo, designed by Tommaso Maria Napoli, from A. Leanti, "Lo stato presente di Sicilia," vol. II, Palermo 1761
  • Park of the Villa Pisani (now Nazionale) at Stra, Venice: the orangery
  • Park of the Villa Pisani (now Nazionale) at Stra, Venice: the casino
  • View of Isola Bella on Lake Maggiore
  • View of one of the towers in the garden of Brignano (now Castello Visconti) at Brignano d'Adda, from M. dal Re, Ville di delizia
  • Villa Arconati-Visconti (now Crivelli Sormani Verri) at Castellazzo, Lombardy: the berceau, from "Delizie della villa di Castellazzo
  • Villa Belgioioso at Belgioioso, Pavia
  • Villa Belgioioso at Merate, from M. dal Re, Ville di delizia
  • Plan for the redesigning of the gardens and courtyards of the Villa Trissino da Porto (now Marzotto) at Trissino, Vicenza
  • Aerial view of the Villa Trissino
  • Idea for a Fountain at the Villa Garzoni at Lucca
  • Villa Pertusati at Comazzo, Milan: view of the cascade
  • Simplified version of the "Scenographia" by M. Merian of the Hortus Palatinus at Heidelberg
  • Hortus Palatinus, Heidelberg, detail: the south-eastern section and detail
  • Hortus Palatinus, Heidelberg: the large grotto
  • Hortus Palatinus, Heidelberg: portal of the large grotto
  • Schul-Paradeiss-Gärtlin, from J. Furttenbach, "Mannhafter Kunst-Spiegel," Augsburg 1663
  • Designs for grotto pavilions, from J. Furttenbach, "Architectura privata," Augsburg, 1641
  • Designs for Furttenbach's garden in Ulm, from J. Furttenbach, "Architectura privata," Augsburg, 1641
  • Grotto in Furttenbach's private garden in Ulm, from J. Furttenbach, "Architectura privata," Augsburg 1641
  • The First Pleasure-Garden, from J. Furttenbach, "Architectura recreationis," Augsburg 1640
  • Medieval garden with irrigation channels, from "Pflantzbüchlein, von mancherley artiger Lustgärten," Leipzig 1598
  • House and surronding garden, Boede, Zeeland, from M. Smallegange, "Nieuwe cronyk van Zeeland," Middelburg 1696
  • Classical Dutch-style garden at Kruidberg, from J. van der Groen, "Den Nederlandtsen Hovenier," Amsterdam 1669
  • Huis ten Bosch
  • Classical French-style garden at Zeist
  • View and Ground-plan of the papal gardens of the Quirinale, Rome (today the garden of the official residence of the President of the Republic), from G. B. Falda, "Li giardini di Roma," Rome 1683
  • Two views of the gardens of Pope Sixtus V (later of Cardinal P. Savelli; later known as the Villa Peretti-Montaldo; today almost entirely destroyed), from G. B. Falda, "Li giardini di Roma," Rome 1683
  • Villa Mattei, Rome
  • Château de Rueil, near Paris: view of the Vieille Grotte and part of the canal
  • Château de Rueil, near Paris: view of the Orangery and the trompe-l'oeil arch
  • Château de Rueil, near Paris: view of the Grande Cascade
  • Château de Rueil, near Paris: view of the pool above the Grotto
  • Château de Rueil, near Paris: view of the Grotte de Rocaille
  • General plan of the Menagerie at Versailles
  • Versailles: general view of the entrance front of the Menagerie
  • Versailles: general view of the coutyards and pavilions of the Menagerie
  • Versailles: view of the north side of the octagonal pavilion and the gallery
  • Plan of Karlsruhe, from G.-L. Le Rouge, "Jardins anglo-chinois," pl. XVI
  • Flower Study
  • Fan
  • Vases of various shapes for floral arrangmenets, from G.-B. Ferrari, "Flora, seu de florum cultura," Rome 1633
  • A chemical experiment in the king's garden, in D. Dodart, "Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire des plantes," Paris 1676
  • Grammar
  • Palace and garden of Het Loo
  • Het Loo: the Queen's Garden
  • Het Loo: plan of the garden, with ground-plan of the cellars of the palaces
  • Het Loo: plan for landscaping the upper part of the garden
  • Het Loo in Gelderland: map
  • Villa Garzoni (now Gardi), Collodi, Pistoia
  • Villa Barbarigo, Valsanzibio, Padua, Plan of the garden drawn
  • Villa Barbarigo, Valsanzibio, Padua
  • Villa Barbarigo, Valsanzibio, Padua: fishppol with pavilion dedicated to Diana
  • Villa Barbarigo, Valsanzibio, Padua: aviary
  • Villa Barbarigo, Valsanzibio: 'Rabbitry with an aviary for small birds,' from D. Rossetti, "Le fabbriche e i giardini dell'Ecc. Casa Barbariga a Valsanzibio," Verona 1702
  • Garden of the prince-bishop at Veitshöchheim, near Würzburg: plan
  • Garden of the prince-bishop at Veitshöchheim: Chinese pavilion
  • Garden of the prince-bishop at Veitshöchheim, near Würzburg: Summer
  • Garden of the prince-bishop at Veitshöchheim: the Parnassus Rock
  • Garden of the prince-bishop at Veitshöchheim: view from the pavilion
  • Design for the gardens of Herrenhausen, near Hanover
  • View of the palace and gardens of Herrenhausen
  • View of the gardens of Herrenhausen
  • Gardens of Herrenhausen: the Garden Theatre with trees and clipped hedges
  • Gardens of Herrenhausen: the Haute Cascade
  • The Palace of Schönbrunn, Vienna, Seen from the Gardens
  • Design for the hill at Schönbrunn
  • Design for the fountain of Neptune in the gardens of Schönbrunn
  • Avenue in the gardens of Schönbrunn
  • Plan of the gardens of Schönbrunn, with a proposal for a schme laid out on a central axis with the hill
  • La Granja, San Ildefonso, Segovia: view down La Cascada to the façade of the palace
  • La Granja, San Ildefonso, Segovia: the Carrera de Caballos
  • La Granja, San Ildefonso, Segovia: the nymph and huntress Clio
  • La Granja, San Ildefonso, Segovia: the Parterre de la Fama
  • La Granja, San Ildefonso, Segovia:the bridge over the canal
  • Park of Nymphenburg, Bavaria, from the plan attributed to D. Girard (c. 1715–20) and from the engraving of F. Cuvilliés (1772)
  • Garden of Schleissheim, Bavaria, from the plan drawn by D. Girard (1715–17) and from a modern survey by B. Ringholz and E. Götz
  • Park of the Villa Pisani, today the Villa Nazionale, Stra, Venice, from a plan of reorganization of the Napoeonic era, Sovrintendeza Beni Ambientiali e Archivio del Veneto, Venice
  • Schwetzingen Park, Baden-Württemberg, from the plan by Johann Ludwig Petri (1773) and, for the landscape extension, from a plan engraved in 1834
  • Stowe, Buckinghamshire, following the alterations by William Kent, from a planpublished by Sarah Bridgeman in 1739; from an engraving by Kickham and Chatelain (Views from Stowe, 1753); and from a map of the park of 1978
  • The garden of Lord Burlington's villa at Chiswick, Twickenham, London, from J. Rocque's plan, 1736
  • Garden of Rousham, Oxfordshire, in the version drawn up by Charles Bridgeman (c. 1715–20), from a survey carried out by the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England
  • Garden of Rousham, Oxfordshire, in the version drawn up by William Kent, from a survey carried out by th eHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commission for England
  • The park of the villa of Claremont, Surrey, shown after the involvement of William Kent, frim J. Rocque's plan (1738) and from a modern survey
  • Painshill Park, Surrey, from a survey made by the Painshill Park Trust
  • Estate of Prior Park, Bath, Somerset, from the survey by Thorp and Overton (c. 1758–63) and from a plan by Daniel Smith (1856)
  • Stourhead, Wiltshire, from the plan drawn by Piper (1779) and from a plan made for "The Conservation of the Garden at Stourhead," National Trust (1978)
  • Blenheim Park, Oxfordshire, plan of the park after the alterations made by Lancelot 'Capability' Brown, from a adesign by Brown (1764) and a modern survey
  • Court Garden of the Eremitage, Bayreuth, Bavaria, from a plan engraved by Johann Gottleib Riedel (c. 1765–70) and from a modern survey by the Bayerische Verwaltung der Staatlichen Schlösser, Gärten und Seen, Munich 1984
  • Rock Garden of Sanspareil, Bayreuth, Bavaria, from the plan drawn up by the Bayerische Verwalutng der Staatlichen Schlösser, Gärten und Seen, Munich 1985
  • The gardens of Ermenonville, Oise, from Le Rouge, "Nouveaux jardins" III, 1775
  • Garden of the Folie d'Artois, known as Bagatelle, Bois de Boulogne, Paris, from the survey by Boucher and Nicolas, 1814, Musée Carnavalet, Paris
  • Plan of the Folie de Chartres, known as the garden of Monceau, Paris, in the version drawn up by Carmontelle, from the plan by Le Rouge (1783)
  • Plan of the Folie de Chartres, known as the garden of Monceau, Paris, in the version by Thomas Blaikie, from "Plan d'un Jardin à Mouceau [sic]," c. 1788, and from a survey by Lauly of 1803
  • The Désert de Retz, Chambourcy, Yvelines, from the plan by Collet Duclos (1 April 1811, Versailles, Arch. Dép. des Yvelines) and from a recent survey carried out under the direction of Olivier Choppin de Janvry
  • Park of Würlitz, from the plan by Rohde and from a modern survey published in R. R. M. Borchard, "Elysische Felder," Berlin 1987
  • Park of Schönbusch, Hessen, from a drawing by E. J. d'Herigoyen (1788) and a modern survey
  • Park of Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel, from an engraving by G. W. Weise from C. C. Chaeffer (1800)
  • The Prince's Garden, Aranjuez, Madrid, from a survey carried out by the Servicio de Jardines, Parques y Montes, Madrid 1985
  • The Falls of Clyde
  • Pope's obelisk to his mother's memory in his gardens at Twickenham
  • Landscape with a Man Killed by a Snake
  • Proposal for the hillside at Chatsworth
  • Capriccio landscape with Hampton Court Palace and Esher Place
  • Garden at Stowe, Buckinghamshire: the Temple of Virtue seen from the Temple of British Worthies
  • The Obelisk in the Gardens at Chiswick House
  • The Gardens of Stowe
  • Two artists painting a ruin
  • Design for the parkland, Esher Place
  • Rousham, Oxfordshire: the terrace of Praeneste
  • Rousham, Oxfordshire: lion attacking a horse
  • View of the park at Castle Howard, Yorkshire
  • Stourhead, Wiltshire: the Temple of Apollo
  • Garden of Chiswick House, London: view of the Pantheon in winter
  • La Grotte
  • La Perspective
  • The Garden of Arcueil
  • Le Parnasse français
  • The Double Staircase
  • Sultan in a Garden
  • Fête à Rambouillet
  • Cupid with Grapes, panel in salon of the engraver Demarteau
  • Cupids in an Arbour of Greenery: stage set
  • The Gardens of Cythera: stage set for a ballet
  • Frontispiece for R. Graves's "Columella or the Spiritual Anchorite," vol. 1, London 1779
  • Portrait of William Shenstone, from R. and J. Dodsley, "The Works of William Shenstone," vol. 1, London 1764
  • The Leasowes, Warwickshire
  • The Leasowes, Warwickshire: Virgil's Grove
  • Virgil's Grove
  • Frontispiece
  • Plan of The Leasowes, Warwickshire, from R. and J. Dodsley, "The Works in Verse and Prose of William Shenstone," vol. 2, London 1764
  • Prior Park, Bath
  • Bowood, Wiltshire: park designed by Capability Brown with water fall by Charles Hamilton of Painshill
  • Carmontelle Presenting the Keys of the Garden of Monceau to the Duc de Chartres
  • The Parc Monceau, Paris: the naumachie
  • The "Rock" of the Folie Saint-James at Neuilly
  • Garden of the Petit Trianon, Versailles: the Temple of Love
  • Façade of the Laiterie of Méréville, now transferred to Jeurre (Essone)
  • Detail of a Turkish tent in copper at Haga in Sweden
  • Plan of the garden inside the Mniejszy Palace in Warsaw
  • Garden inside the Mniejszy Palace in Warsaw: scenes depicting Horrors
  • Garden inside the Mniejszy Palace in Warsaw: scenes depicting Pleasures
  • Garden inside the Mniejszy Palace in Warsaw: scenes depicting Hope
  • Plan for the four levels of a fabrique
  • Front elevation of a doorway for the park of Tsaritsyno, near Moscow
  • Triumphal Arch for the New Herculaneum, Enghien, Belgium
  • Column in the Désert de Retz (Yvelines)
  • The pagoda at Chanteloup, near Amboise (Indre-et-Loire) on the estate of the Duc de Choiseul
  • A kennel in the shape of a grotto surmounted by an obelisk
  • Design for a cake in the shape of a Chinese pavilion on a rock, from M. A. Carême, "Le pâtissier pittoresque," Paris 1815
  • Plan of the botanical garden in Madrid
  • Design for the botanical garden in Madrid
  • Plan of the island garden at Aranjuez
  • Plan of the gardens for the Palacio Real in Madrid
  • The 'Fresneda,' an artificial lake with an island in Philip II's garden in the Escorial
  • The garden of the Alcázar, Seville
  • Gardens of the Pazo de Oca, Galicia
  • Plan of the gardens for the Palacio Real
  • The labyrinth in the gardens of Enghien, Belgium, from G.-L. Le Rouge, "Details de nouveaux jardins à la mode," 1776
  • Parterre at Aranjuez: a detail of the pattern in box between the palace and the central fountain
  • Fountain of the Harpies at Aranjuez, from Délices de l'Espagne
  • Garden of Mi Capricho, Alameda de Osuna, Madrid: lake and landing stage
  • Garden of Mi Capricho, Aameda de Osuna: the canal and fort
  • Fountain in the House of Pilate, Seville
  • Bird's-eye view of Charlottenburg and its gardens, Berlin, from "Theatrum Europaeum," 1717
  • Bird's-eye view of the gardens of the Favorite, Mainz, from S. Kleiner, "Wahrhafte und eigentliche Abbildung Der Favorita . . . ," Augsburg 1726
  • Palace and gardens of Nymphenburg, Munich
  • The Indian House in the gardens of Augustusburg, Brühl
  • Plan of the gardens of Sanssouci, Potsdam
  • Garden of Sanssouci, Potsdam: the pavilion
  • Garden of the Eremitage, Bayreuth: the fountain
  • Garden of Sanspareil, Bayreuth: Diana's Grotto and the Rock of Love
  • Garden of Sanspareil, Bayreuth: grotto
  • Plan of the garden of Schwetzingen
  • Garden of Schwetzingen: the mosque
  • Plan of the garden of Solitude, Stuttgart
  • Garden of Schönbusch: pavilion
  • Seifensdorfer Tal: grotto designed by Young, from W. Gottlieb Becker, "Das Seifersdorfer Thal," Dresden 1792
  • Luisenkloster, Weimar
  • Plan for a system of public walks at Toulouse, designed by Louis de Mondran
  • View of the Hôtel de Brunoy in the Champs-Elysées, Paris
  • View of Place Louis XV in Paris (now Place de la Concorde)
  • View of the Port of Bordeaux from Château-Trompette
  • Elevation of river front buildings along the Loire, showing the Bourse and public walks, Nantes
  • Plan of the "Cours" in Nantes
  • View of the Place de la Carrière, Nancy
  • View of the Promenade du Peyrou, Montpellier
  • Elevation of the façade of the Fountain of Nimes
  • Plan of the Parc de Blossac and promenade, Poiters
  • Entrance to the Parc de Blossac, Poiters
  • Perspective drawing and plan of the "Greek promenade" in Besançon
  • View of the Tuileries Gardens, Paris, showing the exedra designed by Hubert and Bernard during the Revolution
  • View of the Palais-Royal, Paris
  • Plan of the garden of Weissenstein (later Wilhelmshöhe), near Kassel
  • View of the castle and garden of Weissenstein (later Wilhelmshöhe), near Kassel, from "Delinetio montis," Rome 1705
  • Garden of Wilhelmshöhe, near Kassel: view of the Löwenburg from the west
  • View of Wilhelmshöhe
  • Idealized View of the Octagon
  • Plates 111 and 117 of G. Troili, "Paradossi per praticare la prospettiva senza saperla," Bologna 1683
  • Fols. 27r and 26r from William Kent, "Italian Diary," 1714–15
  • Plan of part of the Hafod estate, Dyfed, Wales, from G. Cumberland, "An Attempt to Describe Hafod," London 1796
  • Hafod House, Dyfed, from J. E. Smith, "Fifteen Views Illustrative of a Tour to Hafod," London 1810, plate 1
  • The Cavern Cascade at Hafod, Dyfed, from J. E. Smith, "Fifteen Views Illustrative of a Tour to Hafod," London 1810, plate V
  • The garden of Hawkstone, Shropshire
  • Red Castle and the Alpine bridge, from "A Description of Hawkstone, the Seat of Sir John Hill," Shrewsbury 1822
  • Views of the Palazzo Reale and gardens of Caserta, from L. Vanvitelli, "Dichiarazione dei Disegni del Real Palazzo di Caserta," Naples 1756, plate XIV
  • Views of the Palazzo Reale and gardens of Caserta, from L. Vanvitelli, "Dichiarazione dei Disegni del Real Palazzo di Caserta," Naples 1756, plate XIII
  • Plan of the Palazzo Reale and gardens of Caserta, from L. Vanvitelli, "Dichiarazione dei Disegni del Real Palazzo di Caserta," Naples 1756, plate i
  • Aerial view of the park of the Palazzo Reale at Caserta
  • The Palazzo Reale at Casera: the giardino inglese
  • Casa de Fresco at the Quinta da Bacalhoa, near Setúbal: detail of the Hispano-Arab azulejo
  • Quinta da Bacalhoa, near Setúbal: The Nile, western loggia
  • Fronteira Palace at Benfica, Lisbon
  • The Gardens of Benfica
  • Quinta dos Azulejos, Lumiar, Lisbon
  • Summer Garden, Leningrad: statue of Night
  • Samson Fountain and part of the Great Cascade at Peterhof
  • The lake at Tsarkoe Selo, with the grotto by Rastrelli ornamented with masks of Neptune, tritons, nereids, dolphins and sea-horses
  • View of a pavilion in the park of Kuskovo
  • General plan of the park of Kuskovo, the property of Prince Ceremetiov, near Moscow
  • The park of Ermenonville (Oise): the Ile des Peupliers
  • The park of Ermenonville (Oise): the sphinx on the island
  • The park of Ermenonville (Oise): view showing the Ile des Peupliers and the Temple of Modern Philosophy
  • The park of Ermenonville (Oise): the stream and the Tour Gabrielle
  • The park of Ermenonville (Oise): the Prarie Arcadienne and the fountain of the nymph Egeria
  • The Landing
  • Rocky Landscape with Figures near a Waterfall
  • Draughtsman Drawing the Wooden Bridge in the Park of Méréville
  • The Rustic Pavilion
  • Hornbeam Arbour in a Park
  • The Alpine Bridge
  • Beech Trees in the Wood at Foxley, with Yazor Church in the Distance
  • View of La Crescenza
  • Downton Castle today
  • The Principles of Beauty: Noses and Mouths
  • The Various Species of Composition of Landscape in Nature: four examples from a series of sixteen
  • Topographical map of the Villa Guilia at Palermo, designed by Nicolò Palma
  • Garden of the Duke of Serradifalco, Olivuzza, Palermo
  • Belvedere with nymphaeum and exedra
  • Villa Giulia at Palermo: tomb of the illustrious Sicilians of antiquity
  • Park of Real Favorita at Palermo
  • Plan of Queen's Park, Manchester, from "A Few Pages About Manchester," c. 1849
  • Plan of Peel Park, Manchester, from "A Few Pages About Manchester" (c. 1849)
  • Plan of Philips Park, Manchester, from "A Few Pages About Manchester" (c. 1849)
  • Park Güell, Barcelona, from a survey carried out b E. Torres and E. Martinez la Peña (1988)
  • Central Park, Manhattan, from a plan by F. L. Olmstead and C. Vaux for the Department of Public Parks, and from a survey of the park today
  • A Residence Designed in the Style of the Author, inspired by the work of Capability Brown and Humphry Repton, from J. C. Loudon, "Treatise on Country Residences," London 1806
  • Second Proposal for the Modern Gardens of the Villa Poggio Imperiale, Florence
  • Design for "A holiday retreat for Napoleon" at the Villa Albergati di Zola Predosa, Bologna
  • Garden of Les Fontaines, Chantilly (Oise), designed by Louis-Martin Berthault, from P.-G. Berthault, "Suite de vingt-quartre vues de jardins anglais," Paris 1812
  • View of the "English River" in the park of La Malmaison (Hauts-e-Seine), from P.-G. Berthault, "Suite de vingt-quartre vues de jardins anglais," Paris 1812
  • Plan of the park at Courson (Essonne)
  • Plan of the château and park of St-Leu-Taverny (Val d'Oise), from Nicolas Vergnaud, "L'art de créer les jardins," Paris 1835
  • The statue of Baffometto in the Grotto of the Knights Templar, in the garden designed by G. Jappelli for Cavaliere Vigodarzere (now the Villa Valmarana), Saonara (Padua)
  • View of the island and the Temple of Pythagoras in the Puccini gardens, Scornio (Pistoia)
  • Feast given by King Carlo Alberto in the park at Tacconigi, Piedmont, in 1842 to celebrate the marriage of Victor Emmanuel
  • View of the garden and the Jacquard theatre at the Rossi wool mill, Schio, Vicenza
  • Plan of the Perrache peninsula in the city of Lyons, at the confluence of the Rhône and the Saône rivers, from "Essai sur les jardins," 1807
  • View of a valley in the park of Brunehaut (Essone), from A. de Viart, "Le jardiniste moderne," 1819
  • Example of a garden ornamented with yew trees clipped into a variety of shapes, Levens Hall, Cumbria, from P. Boitard, "Traité de la compositio et de l'ornement des jardins," 4th ed., Paris 1834: frontispiece
  • The rock garden, the lawn and the camellia glass house, in the garden of Hoole House, Cheshire, from J. Loudon, "The Gardener's Magazine," 14, 1838
  • Present-day view of the topiary in the garden of Levens Hall, Cumbria
  • View of the garden of Alton Towers, Staffordshire
  • View of Mon Plaisir in the garden of Elvaston Castle, Debyshire, from E. Adveno Brooke, "The Gardens of England," London 1857
  • Hampstead Heath Looking Towards Harrow
  • Proposals for "Breathing Places for the Metropolis," by J. C. Loudon, from "The Gardener's Magazine," 5, 1829
  • Plan for forming subscription gardens by Joseph Paxton, from "Paxton's Magazine of Botany," 1, 1834
  • The archery butts at Peel Park, Manchester
  • Queen's Park, Manchester
  • Plan of the Derby Arboretum
  • Plan of Peel Park, Bradford
  • Plan of Abbey Park, Leicester, from "The Gardener's Chronicle," 2, 1880
  • Plan of Sefton Park, Liverpool, designed by Edouard André, from "The Builder," 25, 1867
  • Plan of Stamford Park, Altrincham
  • Plan of Albert Park, Middlesborough
  • Plan of Birkenhead Park
  • Bird's–eye view of the Champs–Elysées in Paris, from "Le Magasin Pittoresque," 1849–50
  • Design for the Embellishment of the Champs-Elysées, the Great Hippodrome
  • Avenue de l'Impératrice (now Foch), from J. C. A. Alphand, "Les Promenades de Paris," Paris 1867–73
  • Plan for the Redesigning of the Champs-Elysées and the Place Louis XVI
  • Café des Ambassadeurs in the Champs-Elysées
  • The great lake with the Emperor's Kiosk in the Bois de Boulogne
  • The artificial rock and the temple of Buttes-Chaumont
  • Plan of the park of Buttes-Chaumont
  • Restaurant in the park of Butte-Chaumont, from J. C. A. Alphand, "Les promenades de Paris," Paris 1867–73
  • Plan of the Square of des Batignolles, from J. C. A. Alphand, "Les promenades de Paris," Paris 1867–73
  • Elements of urban design, Square des Batignolles, from J. C. A. Alphand, "Les promenades de Paris," Paris 1867–73
  • Square des Batignolles
  • Plans of the Square St Jacques and the Square Louis SVI, from J. C. A. Alphand, "Les promenades de Paris," Paris 1867–73
  • Plan of the Paris Exhibition of 1867, Champ de Mars, from J. C. A. Alphand, "Les promenades de Paris," Paris 1867–73
  • The Temple of Fortune at Praeneste
  • Elevation of thermal baths and casino
  • In the Tiergarten
  • Plan of the Tiergarten in Berlin
  • Proposal for a park along the edge of Lake Michigan (from Chicago Avenue in the north, to Jackson Park in the south), from "Plan of Chicago," 1909
  • The Washington Monument, garden and Mall, looking towards the Capitol, designed by the Senate Park Commission, from "Plan of Chicago," by architects D. H. Burham and E. H. Bennett, ed. by C. Moore, Chicago 1909
  • District of Columbia: plan showing the system of parks and the additions (darker shading) from "Plan of Chicago," 1909
  • Proposal for a park on the main east-west axis of the city at Congress Street and Fifty-Second Avenue, from "Plan of Chicago," 1909
  • Gardens of the Bagatelle in the Bois de Boulogne, Paris: the plant collections and the Allée des Arceaux, with the head gardener's house in the background
  • Gardens of the Hôtel del Léon, Pedralves: the long pergola, from J. C. N. Forestier, "Jardins. Carnet de plans et de dessins," July 1918
  • The Black Yew in the Garden of Love, from André Vera, "Les jardins," 1919
  • The Chalices in the Garden of Love, from André Vera, "Les jardins," 1919
  • The Park of Montjuich, from J. C. N. Forestier, "Jardins. Carnet de plans et de dessins," October 1918
  • Stadtpark in Hamburg
  • Stadium in the Stadtwald, Frankfurt-am-Main, View of the Festival Square
  • The City of the Happy Man
  • Plan of the Volkspark Rehberge, Berlin-Wedding
  • View of the Volkspark Rehberge, Berlin
  • View of the German naval cemetery at Wilhelmshaven
  • Design for a youth park in Berlin
  • Plan of the "city of working gardens" in the Südgelände, Berlin-Schöneberg
  • Natural architecture in the city of working gardens at Berlin-Schöneberg
  • The inside of the horseshoe of the Siedlung Britz
  • The "green horseshoe" of the Siedlung Britz
  • Plan of the gardens of the Siedlung Römerstadt at Frankfurt-am-Main
  • Colony of working gardens in the Siedlung Römerstadt at Frankfurt-am-Main
  • Model of a plan for a "professional community"
  • View of the schloss and the Kleine Neugierde (tea pavilion) in the park of Glienicke on the Havel
  • Casino at Klein-Glienicke bridge, from H. Günther, "Peter Joseph Lenné, Gärten Parke, Landschaften," Stuttgart 1985
  • View from the Stibadium looking towards the Havel and Potsdam
  • Plan of the park of Klein-Glienicke
  • The Old Place, cottage garden
  • Laverstoke, Hampshire: gardener's cottage designed by P. C. Hardwick for Mr Portal
  • Cottage garden with beehives in the foreground
  • Cottage garden in North Devon
  • Palm house in the Botanical Gardens, Berlin
  • Design for a glass house at Romainville (Seine-St-Denis): section and elevation
  • Interior of the glass houses of La Malmaison
  • Plan and section of a proposed Exotic House in Kew Gardens, London
  • Portrait of A. J. Downing
  • The Beautiful and the Picturesque in the landscape garden, from 1844 edition of "Landscape Gardening," by A. J. Downing
  • Frontispiece of W. Burton, "The District School As It Was. Scenery-Showing and Other Writings," Boston 1852
  • Blithewood, the home of R. Donaldson at Barrytown on the Hudson River: frontispiece for "Landscape Gardening" by A. J. Downing
  • Plan of an estate in the "natural" style
  • Plan of Victoriapark, Berlin
  • Plan of Victoriapark, Berlin
  • Panorama of Berlin with the Kreuzbergdenkmal by K .F. Schinkel on the left
  • View of the waterfall and the monument
  • View of the cascade and the Kreusbergdenkmal in the formal version, designed by H. Mächtig
  • Park Güell in Barcelona: interior of the pillared hall
  • Park Güell, Barcelona: detail of a section of the viaduct redesigned
  • Park Güell in Barcelona: detail of viaduct
  • Park Güell in Barcelona: view of the viaduct with the city in the background
  • Park Güell in Barcelona: aerial view
  • Plan of the estate of Dubois de Bianco, destined to become in 1851 the Parc Léopold
  • Museum of Natural History, Department of Comparative Sciences and Colonial Exploration
  • The Scientific City: the Great Auditorium of the Institute of Physiology
  • View of the Zoological Garden: the bear pit, designed by A. Canelle
  • Mounting of the Natural History Museum's first iguanodon in the Nassau chapel
  • The Duc d'Arenberg's open-air ballroom in the park of Nordkirchen, Westphalia
  • Bird's-eye view of the château and gardens of Voisins, from "La Gazette des Amateurs de Jardins," 1929
  • Perspective view of a garden design for Monsieur Weiller at Versailles
  • Terrace with rows of water jets, designed for a park in California, from "La Gazette des Amateurs de Jardins," 1923
  • Scheme for permanent colony of allotments at Königsheide, Berlin-Treptow
  • Design for allotment hut
  • Hut-shelter, garden shed and garden house for Magdeburg
  • Colony of allotments at Marienthal, Neukölln, Berlin
  • Allotment at Siedlung Neue Zeit at Reinickendorf/Wittenau, Berlin
  • Design for the garden of Olbrich's house at Darmstadt
  • Garden near Düsseldorf, from "Skizzen und Entwürfe aus dem Wettbewerb der Woche," 1908
  • Garden for a villa in Stuttgart,
  • Plan of Viktoria-Luise-Platz
  • Viktoria-Luise-Platz, Berlin-Schöneberg
  • Plan of Charles Garnier's villa and garden at Bordighera, from a survey by the garden designer Edouard André
  • Perspective view of the Villa Sylvia at Villefranche, Alpes-Maritimes, built by the architect Harold Peto, 1902, from "L'Illustration," Christimas 1922
  • The loggia of the Villa Fiorentina at Cap Ferrat, Alpes-Maritimes, from "L'Illustration," Christmas 1922
  • Trompe-l'oeil painting in the garden of Les Colombières, Menton, Alpes-Maritimes
  • Plan of the Cubish Garden of the Villa Noailles at Hyères, Var
  • Modern Garden, from J. C. N. Forestier, "Carnet de plans et de dessins," Paris
  • The "garden of love," from A. Vera, "Les jardins," Paris 1919
  • The "garden of water and light," from J. Marrast, "Jardins," Paris 1925
  • Art Deco Parterre, from J. Marrast, "Jardins," Paris 1925
  • Design for an abstract garden on the outskirts of Paris, from J. Marrast, "Jardins," Paris 1925
  • The landscape as "Kulturarbeit"
  • The Scheufelen paper works at Oberlenningen, Würrttemburg, designed by architects Eisenlohr and Weigle of Stuttgart and built in 1906, from "Heimatschutz," IV, 1908
  • Plates published in the magazine of the Bund Heimatschutz to illustrate how a modern electricity transformer station should be redesigned, from "Heimatschutz," VI, 1910
  • Comparative studies of methods to achieve the best use of the land and the greatest savings in ubanization projects, from G. Langen, "Die halbländliche und städtische Kleinsiedlung," Munich 1925
  • Design for ideal urban project with tower blocks
  • Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
  • Stanford Park, Chicago
  • Plan for the Sherman games park in Chicago, designed by Olmsted Bros. and Burnham and Co., from "Plan of Chicago…," edited by C. Moore, Chicago 1909
  • Mark White Square, Chicago: in the background is the field house, from "Plan of Chicago…," edited by C. Moore, Chicago 1909
  • Cabrillo playground, San Francisco
  • Villa Melzi, drawn using the camera obscura
  • Harewood House
  • The Temple of Philosophy at Ermenonville, from M. Mosser, "Morbid Symptoms. Arcadia and the French Revolution," Princeton 1987
  • Villa Farnese at Caprarola, the perimeter wall
  • View of the cascades at Vaux-le-Vicomte
  • Petit Trianon, The Temple of Love
  • Villa d'Este at Tivoli, from E. Wharton, "Italian Villas and Their Gardens," New York 1904
  • Monet and his Garden
  • Garden of Isola Bella
  • View of the Gothic Tower at Painshill Park
  • Aerial view of the remains of the embankment in the gardens of Harrington Hall, demolished in 1740
  • Villa Gamberaia
  • The park of Fontainebleau
  • Cemetery of the Innocents, Paris
  • Alfresco banquet in the forest of Isle-Adam, given by the Prince de Conti in 1766
  • Design for a game with rings, with a figure of Neptune
  • The promenade in the gallery of the Palais-Royal in Paris during the Directoire
  • The Tower of Aeolus, Flights through the air in the Tivoli gardens, Paris
  • View of the switchback in the Tivoli gardens
  • The game of Chinese rings in the Tivoli gardens
  • The "Niagara Falls" in the Ruggieri gardens, Rue Saint-Lazare, Paris
  • The Deer Coco and the Deer Azor in the Cirque Olympique in the Tivoli gardens
  • Coney Island, New York
  • The Trône Fair in Paris
  • The "Dijn" labyrinth in the Walibi Park in Belgium
  • The "Kinemax" in the Futuroscope park in Poitiers, France
  • Switchbacks at Valencia, Spain
  • A Line Made by Walking
  • A Hundred Tors in a Hundred Hours--A Walk on Dartmoor
  • A Dew Pond on the South Downs Way, from Skyline Ridge
  • From Skyline Ridge
  • Scene photographed during the shooting of Steam Line
  • Running Table in Grizedale Forest
  • Hackfall, from G. Jones and P. Eyres, A Secret Garden
  • The Temple of Fame at Studley Royal
  • Fisher's Lodge at Hackfall
  • Ring in the Turf in the park at Celle, Pistoia, Tuscany
  • Virgilian olive grove in the park at Celle, Pistoia, Tuscany
  • Installation of stone monoliths
  • Commemoration of the death of a titan in the park at Celle, Pistoia, Tuscany
  • Official plan for the expansion of Amsterdam, showing the extent of the Amsterdam Bos Park
  • Amsterdam Boschplan, overall scheme
  • Poster of the exhibition organized for the presentation of the Amsterdam Boschplan
  • Maquette of the Boschplan made for the presentation exhibition
  • Aerial view of the Bos Park
  • Map indicating the recreational areas of Linville Falls along the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia
  • City of Brooklyn, Plan of part of the parkway planned for the eastern section of the city
  • Aerial View of Jones Beach State Park, Long Island, New York
  • Merritt Parkway towards New Haven, CT
  • Timberline Lodge, Mt Hood National Forest
  • Greenbelt, Maryland: design model
  • Greenbelt, Maryland: view from the roof of the shopping centre
  • Greenbelt, Maryland
  • Greenbelt, Maryland: present-day view of a pathway in a residential area
  • Greenbelt, Maryland: Insure Domestic Tranquility
  • Gardens of Sutton Place, Surrey: the south façade and the yew avenue
  • Gardens at Sutton Place: the garden of Miró
  • Gardens at Sutton Place: the approach to the Paradise Garden
  • Gardens at Sutton Place: the wall
  • Gardens at Sutton Place: the Surrealist Garden
  • General plan of the Parque del Este in Caracas, Venezuela
  • View of the Parque del Este, Caracas
  • View of the Parque del Este, Caracas
  • View of the Parque del Este, Caracas
  • View of the Parque del Este, Caracas
  • Nuclear Sail monolith
  • Little Sparta, Scotland: the Grotto, seen across the pond
  • Little Sparta, Scotland: Aircraft-Carrier Birdbath
  • Little Sparta, Scotland: the Temple of Baucis and Philemon
  • The Sacred Grove: detail
  • Sceaux: headless statue in the park
  • The Désert de Retz: the Temple of Pan in the park
  • View of the Bosquet d'Apollon During the Felling of the Trees
  • Chantilly: the water parterre
  • Sceaux: the cascade, restored
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The idea of the garden as a natural space adapted by man to meet his own aesthetic demands grew from the concept that private land could be used to satisfy many human needs, and from the conviction that the beauty of nature could be improved by the work of man (Giulio Carlo Argan). In other words, the garden always has two roles, and it is as inseparable from its utilitarian function as it is from...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.11-21

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Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Part One
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.26-35

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
From Petrarch on, humanists were frequently avid gardeners, inspired equally by a new responsiveness to the seductions of landscape and by the authorizing tradition of classical otium. But for the history of gardens, humanists were important less for their own gardens (of which few traces have survived) than for their contribution to Renaissance thought about the nature and importance of...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.37-44

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
In the most alarming and disturbing of his Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, Edgar Allan Poe, speculating about the ‘land of Arnheim’, expresses surprise that ‘no-one had ever described the landscape gardener as a poet although the creation of a landscape garden offers to the Muses the perfect opportunity for inspiration’. These words are spoken by Ellison, the...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.47-57

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
In the cultural environment of the sixteenth century, the fashion for collecting works of art and the influence of patronage were to result in the steady erosion of Aristotelian concepts. The Great Cosmic Machine, which had already been the subject of intensive study, particularly in terms of the true relationship between man and nature, the principles of ‘symmetry’ and the affinity...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.59-64

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The world in which, in 1563, Bernard Palissy completed the publication of the Recepte véritable . . . Recepte véritable, par...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.69-79

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The garden of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, correctly defined as a ‘complex conception’ ...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.81-82

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
In the complex gardens of the Renaissance the labyrinth acquired the identity of a topos as much in a practical as in a conceptual and theoretical sense...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.84-86

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The giardino segreto, or ‘secret garden’, has played an important role in the history of gardening, but its origins are hard to trace and its significance hard to quantify. Neither is it easy to specify precisely what is meant by the term giardino segreto, or even to find written references to it in Renaissance works. In order to form any clear idea of its identity, it is...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.88-90

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
In 1202 the small town of Bagnaia in Lazio became part of the feudal property of the nearby city of Viterbo, and in the course of the fifteenth century it was used as a summer residence by the Bishop of Viterbo. In the early years of the sixteenth century Cardinal Raffaele Riario (Bishop of Viterbo from 1498 to 1505), assisted by his nephew Ottaviano – who succeeded him as Bishop in...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.91-95

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Bernardo Buontalenti interpreted more faithfully than any of his contemporaries the aims and principles of the Florentine culture of the second half of the sixteenth century, and was so highly regarded in his own time as to be described in 1586 as ‘a most excellent architect; in his work as engineer and...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.96-99

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
In the 1560s, the master of a large copper engraving workshop, Jacques Androuet du Cerceau, On Jacques Androuet du Cerceau (1520?–1585 or 86), consult H. de Geymuller, Les du Cerceau (Paris 1887) and the unpublished thesis of D....
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.100-102

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
One constant element in the wayward career of Johan [Hans] Vredeman de Vries (1526–1606?) was the publication of pattern books. From 1555 until 1605 there appear with great regularity, sometimes several times a year, books containing designs for grotesques, cartouches, tombstones, furniture, mantlepieces, architectural...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.103-105

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Among the most fascinating, best-maintained and least studied of the Renaissance gardens of the Veneto is that of the Villa Brenzone at Punta San Vigilio; it occupies the western portion of a promontory formed by a spur of the foothills of Monte Baldo, which stretches out into the waters of Lake Garda and encloses the bay of Bardolino to the north. Its climate is exceptionally mild. At the centre...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.106-108

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Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Part Two
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.110-123

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
If a new history of gardens is to be written, the basis of the study must be defined. Is it to be based on the remaining open spaces, the authenticity of which requires careful examination, or on spaces now disappeared which will have to be rediscovered? For each of these delicate tasks, what instruments should be...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.125-131

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
If the charm of a garden lies in the arrangement of its parts, it is by inviting the gaze to wander, the step to linger. It must use all its skill to lure the visitor...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.135-143

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The Delizie farnesiane of 1726, the celebrated series of engravings of Colorno, show the park at a more advanced stage, however...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.147-151

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The history of the Hortus Palatinus begins on 14 July 1614 when the engineer, architect and scholar Salomon de Caus (1576–1626) was commissioned by Elector Palatine Friedrich V (1596–1632, acceded 1614) to work on the new gardens at Heidelberg Castle. De Caus had entered the service of the Elector as an architect and engineer on 1 April 1613 in London, where Friedrich had just married...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.157-159

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Joseph Furttenbach (1591 Leutkirch – 1667 Ulm) was born into a respectable Protestant family from the Allgäu. After a thorough schooling and a time working in commerce, he spent some years in Italy from 1607 onwards.On 11 September 1714, the day of the marriage of Isabella Farnese to Philip V of Spain, an anonymous...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.160-162

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The young Dutch Republic soon gained considerably in power and wealth, thanks partly to the setting up of the East and West India Companies. Influential Netherlander visited France and Italy and their discovery of the Italian Renaissance was an undeniable influence on the development of garden design in the Low Countries. Constantijn Huygens, for example, is known to have been a member of a Dutch...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.163-165

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
An issue that provoked much heated debate and inspired a mass of printed dissertations in Rome in the second half of the sixteenth century was the question of whether or not the waters of the Tiber were drinkable, and whether they should be celebrated for their therapeutic qualities or regarded with distrust and suspicion. This was a recurrent theme in the work of Alessandro Petroni, Andrea Bacci,...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.166-168

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Cardinal Richelieu’s garden at Rueil was celebrated in its time, not only for its architectural features but on account of their picturesque setting. It also embodied Italian influences in more than one respect and it was in complete contrast to his other great garden in Touraine.
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.169-171

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
As it was created in the 1660s, in its broad outlines in virtually definitive form, Versailles, considered with reference to the Petit Parc, revealed a logical, classical and almost timeless design, whose symbolic framework is enhanced by the spatial and functional links between the three main independent areas with their own clear hierarchy. The principal château, though originally...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.172-174

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
In gardening, making a collection tends to be a paradoxical idea, since flowers and fruits, though they are capable of reappearing the following year, are transient. There is a difference between the scientific sort of collection, herbaria (hortus siccus) or botanic gardens, where the purpose is to gather together the greatest possible number of vegetable species, and gardens which aim to...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.175-177

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
No other historical garden has gained such international celebrity immediately after its construction (c. 1693), vanished from the face of the earth after 115 years and finally, 175 years later, been restored in all its former glory as though time had stood still for the intervening three centuries. This sunken Baroque garden was constructed in two stages simultaneously with the hunting...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.178-180

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The garden of Villa Garzoni (now known as Villa Gardi), at Collodi in Tuscany, is perhaps the most spectacular and certainly the best conserved example of any of the seventeenth-century gardens of the province of Lucca.
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.181-184

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Reduced to the abstract lines of its geometric plan, the garden of the Villa Barbarigo seems surprisingly simple in concept. It consists of two great intersecting axes, the longitudinal axis – the more dominant of the two – running north-south and rising almost imperceptibly from the main entrance gate to a wide flight of steps. It is then carried up to a terrace running the length of...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.185-187

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Situated a few miles north of Würzburg, the former summer residence of the Prince-Bishops of Würzburg at Veitshöchheim has a garden unique in the German-speaking world – it is regarded as the Rococo garden par excellence.
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.188-190

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The development of garden design in the Baroque period did not really begin in Germany until about 1680, because of the aftermath of the Thirty Years’ War.
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.192-194

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
In 1569 a farm belonging to the monastery of Klosterneuberg stood at Katterburg, about ten kilometres (six miles) from the centre of Vienna. There the waters of the Wein-Fluss operated a mill and irrigated the vineyards and orchards of the surrounding plain, which extended to the Katterhölzel woods covering the slopes of the woods beyond. Maximilian II bought the farm, the mill and the land...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.195-197

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Early La Granja sources refer to a rustic refuge built by the King of Castile, Henry III (1390–1406). It was also visited often by Henry IV (1454–74) who founded a hermitage dedicated to San Ildefonso, and next to it built a house of refuge which the Catholic Monarchs gave to the Hieronymite monks. Philip II (1556–98) built nearby the palace of Valsain, frequently used by later...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.198-201

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Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Part Three
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.204-229

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The picturesque vogue of the eighteenth century has come to be seen as a phenomenon of garden and landscape taste. While this may be true of its later phase, such an emphasis distorts its earlier history, with the consequence that much discussion of the beginnings of landscape gardening in the first fifty...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.231-239

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Among the arabesques engraved by Huquier in the style of Watteau some years after the latter’s death are two matching plates. Both depict figures in ornamental gardens: a bacchante in a wild landscape where trees and reeds border a deep ravine, and ‘gallants’ in a French-style garden of symmetrical design with clipped yews and statues linked by a colonnade rising...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.243-249

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Like sex, dexterously managed, can be taken as natural. Like love, the natural is fortunate when decidedly artificial...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.253-259

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
It was the Frenchman Jean-Marie Morel who, in his Théories desjardins (1776), provided one of the best studies of garden fabriques...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.263-278

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
At the start of the eighteenth century the Bourbons came to the throne in Spain, supplanting the Habsburg dynasty. This was a time when the whole of Europe followed French sources in the field of garden design. Versailles and its glories were still a source for inspiration and imitation, though the latter was achieved with limited success despite an endless series of gardening tracts on the...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.281-288

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The limited space available here for a discussion of the development of gardens in Germany over a period of about 15 o years means that it is possible to give only a representative selection of those gardens which are artistically most important and outstanding. In this complex subject such incompleteness will necessarily result in some abbreviation and simplification. Gardens are mentioned here...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.293-304

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Walking: ‘Moderate exercise, consisting of alternate movement of legs and feet, by means of which one progresses gently and pleasurably from one place to another . . . If travelling on foot is convenient, travelling by...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.305-316

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The landscape garden of Wilhelmshôhe has a prominent place in the history of European garden design. The natural features of the site were in themselves exceptionally suited for the creation of an extensive park: the broad hillside of the Karlsberg which rises above Kassel, the seat of the Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel seven kilometres away, has a plentiful supply of water and a volcanic soil,...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.317-319

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Half-way through the ten years (1709–19) that William Kent spent visiting the major artistic centres of Italy, he kept a sort of diary (1714–15). William Kent, Italian Diary (1714–1715), in the possession of the Bodleian Library, Oxford (MS Rawl. D.L. 1162). This precious manuscript, whose true value has...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.320-321

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The garden is an arena in which the tensions between artifice and nature, order and wilderness are exercised. Each age establishes what it feels to be the most satisfying compromise between these two extremes, and each age gives a different stress to one or the other. England in the eighteenth century offers a remarkable example of a full pendulum swing from gardens of highly formal design –...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.323-326

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The predominant characteristic of the Palazzo Reale and its park at Caserta is unity, with the natural and the artificial working together and inseparably in a scheme that is as ambitious as it is vast. Its Neapolitan architect, Luigi Vanvitelli, who began his great masterpiece in 1752, was an educated man but far from erudite. His great strength lay in his practicality and his wide range...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.327-329

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The northern gardens of Portugal, with their giant camellias naturalized at the time of the great discoveries, or their granite statues, are highly unusual, but less intriguing than the gardens of the south which, with their azulejos (ceramic tiles) are unique in Europe. Portugal is a subtle mixture of east and west, where European influences are always tempered by a fascination for Asia...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.330-332

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
While there had been imperial gardens in Moscow since the fifteenth century, there was nothing in Russia to rival the best gardens of western Europe until the reign of Peter the Great. Peter visited gardens in Berlin, Holland and England in 1697–98 and, although he did not visit France until 1717, he learned much about French gardens from books and engravings. In and near his new city, St...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.333-336

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
When the Marquis de Girardin (1735–1808) took possession of the Ermenonville estate in 1766, he found at the bottom of a small, marshy valley a château – which cut the terrain in two – consisting of a quadrangle flanked by towers, surrounded by running water. Making the most of the available natural resources, he decided to create a park after the manner of those he had...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.337-338

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
In an important but as yet unpublished text the architect Pierre-Adrien Paris (1745–1819), who was responsible for Louis XVI’s Menus Plaisirs...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.340-342

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
At Downton and Foxley, the parks created at the end of the eighteenth century by the two great leaders of the Picturesque Movement, Richard Payne Knight...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.344-346

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Between 1700 and 1800 the gardens of the Conca d’Oro around Palermo – the ‘gardens of the Hesperides’ par excellence – were testaments to an ideal and a culture linked to the continuance of traditional scientific attitudes and beliefs but also consistent with the trends of modern science. A number of gardens of the time combined contrasting tendencies in a similar...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.348-350

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Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Part Four
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.352-357

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The architectural theorist Antoine Chrysostome Quatremère de Quincy, commissioned by the publisher Panckoucke to draw up the architectural volumes of the Encyclopédie Méthodique (first volume 1788), is still famous today for having formulated the theory of the ‘character’ of architecture. It is less well known that he added an article on the...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.359-369

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
It is possible, in a very simplified way, to summarize the majority of the arguments concerned with the creation of public parks in Great Britain in the early part of the nineteenth century by means of an analysis of the plans of two particular parks. The first,...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.373-386

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
‘If only over the last hundred years our municipalities had had greater foresight, how many magnificent gardens we should enjoy today. For Paris formerly had all the necessary resources. . . .’ Eugène Hénard,...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.387-397

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The term ‘Beaux-Arts’ is rarely used to describe a specific school of gardening or a single style of garden design. The Beaux-Arts method or tradition is, as numerous studies in recent years have shown, a methodological attitude with reference to an architectural project which, being formal, is characterized by the hierarchical organization of its components and the pragmatic use of...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.399-408

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The debate on the reform of the urban park which took place in Germany in the early years of the twentieth century was fuelled by arguments not dissimilar from those that, in the same period, helped to change the landscape of German cultural reform: the spread of new standards of hygiene and eugenetics, of better nourishment and medical facilities; criticism levelled at city housing...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.409-420

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The Glienicke gardens, situated near the Havel on the south-western edge of Berlin, and traditionally part of the Potsdam area, form an architectural, artistic and cultural ensemble of landscape gardens, parks and historic townscape of European significance. Created in several stages during the first half of the nineteenth century, the unity between the architecture and garden makes Glienicke an...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.421-422

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The English cottage garden seen from a late twentieth-century perspective appears to be a nineteenth-century creation. It was not, of course, but it was in the Victorian era that it assumed such enormous importance.
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.424-426

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The origins of the great glasshouses of the nineteenth century lie in the expeditions of Bougainville, Cook, Bonpland and von Humboldt, and in the eagerness of western scientists both to discover more about the natural world, which was still largely unexplored, and to make collections of exotic new plants. Glasshouses already existed, as places in which tender specimens could be protected in...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.427-428

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Eight months before his death in a steamboat accident, Andrew Jackson Downing offered ‘A Few Hints on Landscape Gardening’ to readers of The Horticulturist...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.430-432

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Napoleon’s progress through Europe became a march of conquest. It did not bring the equality and fraternity that had been hoped for...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.435-437

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Eusebio Güell y Bacigalupi (1846–1914), founder of the Park Güell, was a well-known member of Barcelonan society in the last century, a sort of Maecenas-cum-industrialist. He was an important businessman, with interests in shipping, textiles, cement, tobacco, and the wine trade, but also a patron of composers, poets, painters and architects. One of the many artists who benefited...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.438-440

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The reason for including in this book the public park created in Brussels in 1851 – the Parc Léopold The history of the Parc Léopold and particularly the stages summarized in this article are the subject of a book detailing the various aspects linking the park with the development of a specifically...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.442-444

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
It is a topos to try to establish to what extent garden aesthetics are a reliable indication of fashion, and further, whether they are a concrete reflection of a particular period’s view of the world: whence the facile but...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.446-449

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The development of allotments in Germany took place against the background of the technological, economic and social transformations of the nineteenth century, and by now they have undergone many changes both in their significance to society and to the individual, and in their outward appearance.
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.451-452

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The reform movement at the turn of the century reached garden design by way of the middle-class artistic and architectural circles which were seeking to develop a new unified philosophy of life and a formal language that was in tune with the times. Changing social and economic conditions led to a growing self-awareness in the middle classes. The new standards associated with this extended to all...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.454-456

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The pays des orangers (land of the orange trees), The coast between Hyères and Nice. a landscape of discovery for lovers of the picturesque...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.457-459

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
For four centuries the art of gardens in France was dominated by the classical tradition, then for a further century by the landscape school and mixed gardening. What new aesthetic of gardening would emerge at the dawn of the twentieth century? A synthesis evolving from several different currents in contemporary art was to become the Art Deco movement.
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.460-462

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The word ‘fatherland’ translates in two different ways in German: Vaterland and Heimat. This duality indicates that the fatherland is the place where a German feels at home (Heim) and that his home is the land of his fathers.
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.463-465

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Park history does not end with the nineteenth-century pleasure-ground. Many urbanists, planners, garden and environmental historians have written on the significance of the nineteenth-century park movement in American cities, but few have followed the line of continuity that runs through the turn of the century into the twentieth. To be sure, the differences between the nineteenth-century...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.466-468

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Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Part Five
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Our experience of a garden often begins with seeing a photograph. The photograph may encourage us to go and see this garden for ourselves, although we are unsure if the carefully chosen view is representative of the entire garden. Before the invention of photography, travellers expected to find the images that they had seen...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.471-479

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Elsewhere is always paradise. To escape from our everyday surroundings is to experience the feeling of entering ‘another world’. The desire to encounter the duality of existence, ever-present in the history of humanity, sends us in search of a world different from our own, rich with possibilities. In this sense, the association between gardens and paradise is not only the perpetuation...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.483-494

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
This brief survey starts from a simple proposition. It is well recognized that the connection between garden design and the visual arts in the period from the Renaissance to the end of the eighteenth century was a particularly close one. See, for example, John Dixon Hunt on the tradition of ‘Ut pictura poesis’,...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.495-506

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Controversy over plans for the Amsterdam Park began around the turn of the nineteenth century when two particular historical events in the Low Countries coincided: one was the instrumentation of controls on urban growth, which emerged from discussions at Woningwet in 1901, and was to lead to fundamental changes in the laws on house-building and land usage. The other was a debate on...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.507-509

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The tumultuous years of the Great Depression – from the stock market crash late in 1929 until America’s entry into World War II – created circumstances that actually contributed to a period of remarkable achievement in the development of recreational resources. The collapse of the nation’s economy and attendant social upheaval precipitated an unprecedented scale of...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.510-510

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The town of Greenbelt, Maryland, was one of the manifestations of Franklin Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’ programme for fighting the Great Depression. Produced through the efforts of the Resettlement Administration, Greenbelt was built ‘to employ the unemployed, to demonstrate the soundness of town planning...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.513-515

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Sutton Place is an outstanding early-Tudor house built during the 1520s by Sir Richard Weston, an important courtier in the reign of Henry VIII. As well as being an early example of an unfortified manor-house with Renaissance influence, Sutton Place has remained remarkably unaltered since it was originally built.
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.516-518

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
The clearly stated aim of the Brazilian avant-garde to incorporate local flora and fauna into modern planning is widely documented in the early Modernist houses of Gregori Warchavchik and in the revolutionary project by Flávio de Carvalho for the Government Palace in Sao Paulo. The garden of the house in Rua Itapolis (1930) and the tropical terraces along the main façade of the...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.519-520

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Ian Hamilton Finlay’s development as a poet, artist and gardener over the past twenty years has an exemplary significance. In 1966, he and his wife Sue made their home at the small farm of Stonypath, on the edge of the Pentland Hills in the Lowlands of Scotland. Finlay already had a wide reputation as a concrete poet and as the enterprising editor of the Wild Hawthorn Press. He had therefore...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.522-523

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Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Shortly after the last war, Ernest de Ganay, reflecting on the terrible fate of one of the finest classical gardens in France...
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Related print edition pages: pp.525-529

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Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
ICOMOS: Florence Charter
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
Description: The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the...
Index of people and places
Monique Mosser (Editor), Georges Teyssot (Editor)
PublisherMIT Press
The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the Present Day
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