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Description: Manet and the Modern Tradition
PublisherYale University Press
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About, Edmond 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 142–3, 194
Ackerman, Gerald 84
Adhemar, M. J. 179–80, 181, 189
Ambre, Emilie 116–17
L’Ami de l’artiste Pl. 21, 66
Andersen, Wayne 53n, 93–4
Arsenne, I. C. 142n, 146–7n, 150n, 153n, 167n
‘l’art pour l’art’ 23–4
Astruc, Zacharie 68, 75, 97, 138
Avignon, Musée Calvet Pl. 30, 71
balloons 39, 88–9
Baltimore, Baltimore Museum of Art Pls. 3, 6, 61, 94, 105
Baltimore, The Maryland Institute, Lucas Collection Pls. 3, 6, 61, 94
Baltimore, The Walters Art Gallery, Pls. 26, 58
Balzac, Honore 21, 38
Banville, Theodore de 40n, 77
Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules 37–8, 118, 123, 189
Barskaya, D. G. 53n, 92
Basle, Musée des Beaux-Arts 86n
Bataille, Georges vii, 52, 101, 117, 138n, 208
Baudelaire, Charles, Exposition universelle, 1855 15, 19
Le Peintre de la vie moderne 18–20, 118, 130–1, 204, 208–9
Peintres et aquafortistes 3, 22
Quelques caricaturistes français 20–1
Salon, 1845 18–19, 97
Salon, 1846 18–20, 37, 96
Salon, 1859 16, 97, 168, 193–4
courtesans 96–7
the dandy 118
De Banville on Baudelaire 77
eternal and transitory elements in life 19, 24, 31, 71, 96, 130–1, 205, 209
ideas of other writers 24, 31
letter to Manet 47
letter to Nadar 89
letter to Thoré 27–8, 83
Mallarmé on Baudelaire 41
Manet and Baudelaire 3, 22, 67n, 106
Manet’s Absinthe Drinker 36, 54, 55, 65, 66
Manet’s Concert in the Tuileries 18, 68
modern life 18–20, 32, 71, 85, 127, 205
negresses 99
photography 193–4
Romanticism 20
universal beauty 19, 20
Zola on Baudelaire 25
Bazin, Germain 69
Bazire, Edmond 42n, 47, 51n, 83, 87, 101, 106n, 115, 116, 120, 130n, 157, 158, 160, 172, 183
Béranger, P. J. Pl. 68, 66, 95
Berlin, Nationalgalerie Col. Pl. VI
Bernard, Emile 36, 174n
Bertell (Charles Albert d’Arnoux) 46, 98n, 123
Blanc, Charles 11, 59n, 62, 65n, 69n, 70, 80, 104–5n, 159n, 168
Blanche, Jacques Emile 48, 87, 138, 160, 161n, 208n, 209
Boime, Albert 47n, 53n, 91n, 111n, 128n, 138–40, 146n, 155
Boston, Museum of Fine Arts Pls. 42, 78, 79, 75n, 76, 104n, 112, 113, 114, 169, 174, 163n
Boudin, Eugène Louis 34
Bouvier, M. P. L. 143n, 146–7n, 147n, I67n, 182
Bowness, Alan 22n, 26n, 33n, 53n, 68, 199–200, 203
Bracquemond, Félix 81, 186
Bremen, Kunsthalle Pl. 38
Brouwer, Adrien 54
Bryn Mawr, Pa., Bryn Mawr College Pl. 115
Budapest, Museum of Fine Arts 119
Buenos Aires, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes Pl. 63
bull fights Pl. 50, 82, 83, 84
Bürger, Willem, see Thoré
Burty, Philippe 16, 115, 123
Cabanal, Alexandre 44, 45n, 46, 90, 94, 156
Le Café-concert Pl. 25, 68
Cailler, Pierre 75n, 128, 137n
Callias, Hector de 34, 87
Callias, Nina de Pl. 60, 87
Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Art Museum Pls. 24, 91, 88n, 195
Carracci, Annibale 83n, 108
Le Carrillon Pl. 89, 45–6n, 126
cartoons of Manet’s work 45–6n, 46, 126
Castagnary, Jules 5, 9, 29–32, 45n, 51n, 70n, 74–5, 91n, 103, 107, 138, 149n, 168
cats 71, 88, 98, 123
Cézanne, Paul 105, 134
Chabrier, Emmanuel 77, 78n, 87
Cham, Amadée Charles, Henri (Comte de Noé), Pl. 56, 77, 189
Champfleury, Jules 7–8, 10, 32–5, 62, 64, 68, 98
Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon 67–70
Charivari Pl. 56, 46, 52, 77
Charlet, Nicolas 20–1
Charpentier, Edmond 39
Charpentier, Georges 39
Chenevières, Philippe (Marquis de Chennevières-Pointel) 104, 128
Chesneau, Ernest 93, 187–8, 191
Chevreul, Michael Eugene 151–2
Chiarenza, Carl 195n
Chicago, The Art Institute Col. Pl. VIII, Pls. 8, 27, 51, 76, 83, 107, 113, 65n, 164, 201n
Le Chiffonnier Pl. 17, 65
La Chronique universelle illustrée, 38, 39, 118n, 129
Cincinnati, Art Museum 163n
Claretie, Jules 118n, 123
Clark, Kenneth 91, 100
Classicism 32
Claus, Fanny 77
Clemenceau, Georges 126
Cleveland, Museum of Art Pls. 43, 97, 124, 153, 201n
colored grounds 147–8, 153, 162
colors, optical effects 147, 148, 152
Commedia dell’Arte 33, 40, 64, 72
Constable, John 103, 105, 128
The Cookoo’s Verse Pl. 72, 98
Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Col. Pl. II, Pl. 80, 113, 114–15, 174n
copies 141, 155–6
Corot, Camille 144, 153, 197, 208
Corradini, Giovanni 92n
Courbet, Gustave viii, 32–5, 64n, 68, 81, 95, 98, 101n, 137, 149n, 183, 206–7
courtesans 81–2, 85–7, 89n, 96–7
Courthion, Pierre 75n, 128, 137n, 183n, 196n, 297
Couture, Thomas, Couture par lui-même 36n, 104n, 145n, 147–52, 158, 167, 177–8, 181
Méthode 5, 9, 14, 36n, 47, 48, 75, 86, 99, 128, 145, 146–7, 149–52, 157, 177–8, 179n, 181
paintings by: Little Gilles Pl. 96, 152, 159–60
Study for Romans of the Decadence Pl. 98, 57n, 153
Romans of the Decadence 100
artists admired by 75, 104n, 145n, 150, 155, 177
anatomy 146
chiaroscuro 146, 158, 181–2
colored grounds 147–8, 152–3, 167
composition 177
drawing 9, 146, 178, 198
finish 167
glazes 147, 152, 153
history paintings 47
Manet’s Absinthe Drinker 54, 157–8
modern subjects 9, 14, 36n, 47, 86, 99, 128, 179n
optical effects 147, 148, 151
painting techniques 138, 144, 147, 149, 150, 151, 161, 162n
studio during Manet’s student days 54, 157–8, 168, 174
Cros, Charles Pl. 93, 87, 133
Cubists 181, 209
Curtiss, Mina 45–6n, 98n, 198
dandyism 37–8, 118
Daumier, Honoré, 13, 20–1, 36, 64, 69–70n, 79, 85, 91, 116
David, Jacques Louis 54, 91, 104, 140, 145
Davidson, Bernice 77n
Dead Soldier (Orlando Muerto) Pl. 57, 83, 85, 156, 189
The Death of Caesar Pl. 58, 84, 85, 189
Degas, Edgar 57, 81, 95, 101–2, 113, 157, 165–6n, 172, 182, 190, 191, 193, 208
Delacroix, Eugène 4, 5, 7, 20, 29, 54, 75n, 88, 99, 104, 138, 139n, 144, 145, 149n, 153, 155, 157, 168, 193
Delécluze, M. 146n, 150n, 180, 181, 188n
De Leiris, Alain 53n, 61–2, 76n, 93n, 104–5n, 106n, 108–9, 115n, 119n, 120n, 122n, 125n, 137n, 164n, 198n, 199–200, 202
Desboutins, Marcel 124
Devéria, Achille Pl. 70, 97
Diogène, 38
Doerner, Max 148n, 149, 153n, 166n, 167n
dogs, 97–8, 185
Dupont, Pierre Pls. 47, 64, 67, 14, 78, 93n, 94–5
Duret, Théodore 113, 118, 121, 138, 160n, 170–1
Dutch art, influence of 27, 29, 59, 69
Eastlake, Charles Lock 149n, 153
ébauches 141–2, 144, 150, 153, 158, 159, 162, 167, 169–70, 174
L’Eclipse Pl. 2, 46
L’Enfant vole Pl. 13, 63
Ephrussi, Charles 73
esquisses 140, 142, 169
études 140, 167
Evans, Dr Thomas 60n, 195
Faires, Mollie 79n
Faison, S. Lane, Jr. 26, 51n, 74
Fantin-Latour, Henri 6n, 68, 171
Farwell, Beatrice 53n, 80n, 88, 89n, 93n, 99n, 101n
Feller, Gloria Colton 64n, 66
Fishermen off the Coast of the Province of Nizan Pl. 119, 188
Flaubert, Gustave 11n, 13n, 39
Flemish art, influence of 8, 27, 42
practice of 153
Florisoone, Michel 62n, 104–5n, 108
Fould, Achille 5
Fournel, Victor 64, 66
Les Français peints par eux-mêmes Pls. 4, 9, 10, 15, 20, 21, 11, 14, 38, 58n, 59, 61, 63, 65, 66, 68n, 79n, 105, 193
Fried, Michael 28n, 62, 80, 82n, 94
Friedlaender, Max 4n, 58, 66
Fromentin, Eugène 4n
Gaillard, Anne-Marie, See Nina de Callias
Gambetta, Léon 124, 126, 130n
Gauguin, Paul 134, 172
Gautier, Théophile 5, 12, 31, 64n, 104
‘art for art’s sake’ 23–4
comments on Manet’s work 22, 23, 51n, 59, 167–8, 203n
depicted in Concert in the Tuileries 22, 68
ideas on progress 13–14
Gavarni 13, 20–1, 37, 64n, 79, 94
Gazette des Beaux-Arts, illustrations in Pl. 16, 80, 84n
genre painting 58–9, 103–4
Géricault, Theodore 7, 54, 83, 104, 110, 111, 146
Gérôme, Jean-Léon Pl. 58, 84, 85, 91, 168, 189
Gill, André Pl. 2, 46
Gilles Pl. 96, 62, 64
Giorgione 55, 92, 93, 94, 96, 153
Goetschy, Gustave 40, 41n, 42, 132–3
Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de 25n, 100
Gonzales, Eva 42, 167n
Goya, Francisco Pl. 50, 27, 55, 59, 65n, 74, 75, 80, 83n, 84, 89, 98, 99, 109, 110–11, 112, 117, 119, 170, 188, 192n
Greco, El (Domenikos Theotocopoulos) 83n, 108
Gros, Baron Antoine Jean 104, 146
Grosse Point Farms, Mich. Collection of Henry Ford II Col. Pl. IV
Guérard, Henri 42
Guérin, Marcel 22n, 40n, 52n, 63n, 71n, 75n, 87n, 88n, 106n, 115, 116n, 119, 125n, 195n
Guillemet, Antoine 77
Gurevitch, V. 53n, 106n
Guys, Constantin 18n, 20–3, 132
gypsies 60, 61n, 63
Hals, Franz 166
Hamburg, Kunsthalle Pls. 88, 90, 66n, 78n, 196n
Hamilton, George Heard, Baudelairean tone of Absinthe drinker 54–5
Japanese prints 80
lack of drama in the Execution of the Emperor Maximilian 53
Manet criticism, general 45, 46n, 51n
Manet’s Dead Christ with Angels and Christ Mocked 108–9
Manet’s genius 206
quotations from other sources 22n, 23n, 26n, 27n, 31n, 34n, 42n, 52n, 59n, 66n, 70n, 83n, 98n, 105n, 106n, 123n, 124n, 125n, 131n, 166n, 167n, 168n, 189n, 190n, 192n
Hanson, Anne Coffin 5n, 10n, 14n, 40n, 54n, 55n, 58n, 59n, 60n, 62, 65n, 66n, 67n, 69–70n, 71n, 72n, 73n, 78n, 79n, 82n, 92n, 98n, 123n, 133n, 156n, 163n, 185n
Hanson, Bernard 209n
Haronobu Pl. 53, 81, 188
Harris, Jean Collins 40n, 42n, 53n, 71n, 72, 76n, 87n, 88n, 98n, 100n, 106n, 116n, 130n, 160n, 189n, 190n, 195n
Haskell, Francis 33n, 64
Hauser, Henriette 87
Hiroshige Pl. 119, 188
history painting 103–27, 128–9
Hofmann, Werner 53n, 58n, 66n
Hokusai, Katsushika Pls. 116, 117, 71n, 185n, 186, 187n, 188n, 190n
Honolulu, Academy of the Arts Pl. 121
Houssaye, Arsène 85, 133–4, 186n
Houssaye, Henri 208
Howe, Jerome Willard, Jr. 47n
Huart, Paul Pl. 66, 94
Huysmans, Joris Karl 124, 190n
L’Illustration 67, 112, 122
L’Image 38, 68
‘images epinals’, 183, 186n, 191
Impressionists 34, 40, 41, 44, 81, 89, 105, 134, 139, 142, 171–3, 203
Infanta Margarita (after Velasquez) Pl. 100, 155–6
Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique 4, 7, 29, 54, 56, 88, 90, 99, 143n, 144, 145, 147, 168, 174
Jamot, Paul 53, 89n, 121n
Janin, Jules 11, 14, 105, 194
Japanese prints Pls. 52, 53, 72, 116, 117, 119, 121, 9, 41, 55, 56, 57, 74, 77, 80–3, 98, 125, 133, 183–4, 185–92, 193, 195
decorative objects 87, 130, 171
Jeanron, Philippe-Auguste Pl. 9
Jedlicka, Gotthard 111, 113
Les Joueurs de l’hôtel d’Angleterre Pl. 23, 68
Journal amusant 45n, 46, 52n
Jouy, Jules de 126, 132
‘juste milieu’ 4, 207
Kiyonaga, Torii Pl. 121, 190
Kovacs, Steven 71n
Krauss, Rosalind 53n, 92n
Labédollière, Emile de la Pls. 25, 92, 79n
Lagrange, Léon 34, 51n, 76n, 179
Lami, Eugène Pl. 20, 13, 37
Laurent, Méry Pl. 59, 86, 114, 205
Leenhoff, Léon 59, 71, 72n, 79, 113, 132
Leenhoff, Rudolph 165n
Leenhoff, Suzanne 67, 71n, 132
Leighton, Frederick 175
Le Nain, Antoine 10, 33, 62–3, 120
Le Nain, Louis Pl. 12, 62–3, 120
Leonardo 194, 195, 201
La Limosine Pl. 9, 61
Lisbon, Gulbenkian Foundation 59n
Little Gilles Pl. 96, 152, 159–60
London, Courtauld Collection Col. Pl. IX, Pl. 112
London, National Gallery Col. Pl. I, Pls. 57, 81, 62, 83n, 104n, 113, 170
London, Victoria and Albert Museum Pl. 12, 62n
Lowry, Bates 84n
MacMahon, General 116, 125
Magasin pittoresque Pls. 13, 86, 38–9, 63, 68, 81n, 121
Mallarmé, Stéphane Pls. 94, 95, 41–2, 87, 100, 130n, 160n, 171, 173, 185, 189, 190, 208
Ma nacelle Pl. 68, 95
Manet, Edouard, cartoons of his work Pls. 2, 56, 89, 46, 123, 189
exhibitions: Martinet Gallery 58, 60, 82, 162
private exhibition, 1867 35, 112, 115, 206
La Vie moderne Gallery, 1880 131–2
Ecole des Beaux-Arts, 1884 27, 193
honors 59, 126, 159
letter to Fantin-Latour 6n
letter to Prefect of the Seine 128
Salons: desire to show in 44, 172
choice of works for 47, 105, 126
record of acceptance in 45, 47, 54, 59, 82, 157
works by: drawings, general 164, 199
sketches of boats 122n
At the Café Pl. 24, 68
The Barricade 119
The Execution of the Emperor Maximilian 119
Frontispiece Pl. 32, 71–2
Letter with a Plum Pl. 35, 73
Letter with a Snail on a Leaf Pl. 34, 73
Portrait of the Artist’s Parents Pl. 41, 76
Portrait of Vigneau Pl. 105, 163
Salamander Pl. 118, 186
paintings, The Absinthe Drinker Col. Pl. II, 21, 36, 45, 54, 55, 64–6, 83n, 132, 157, 158, 163, 198
Amazon (Pearlman Coll.), Pl. 54, 66, 86
Amazon (other versions) 86n
Angelina 195
Arcachon: Beau temps 20n
The Artist 193
Asparagus, see Bunch of Asparagus, and Stalk of Asparagus
At the Café Pl. 26, 68
Autumn Pl. 59, 86, 129
Le Bain, see Déjeuner sur l’herbe
The Balcony Pl. 45, 30–1, 77, 110, 192, 199, 204
The Bar at the Folies Bergère Col. Pl. IX, 68, 130, 132, 176, 204–5
The Battle of the Kearsarge and the Alabama Pl. 85, 39n, 52, 54, 98, 105, 121–4, 125, 188–9, 203
Blonde Nude Pl. 74, 101, 174n
Blue Venice Pl. 126, 173
Boating Pl. 109, 77, 165, 190
Boats Pl. 124, 201
Le Bon Bock Pl. 110, 31, 47–6n, 47, 58, 59n, 160, 165–6, 167
The Boy with the Cherries 59, 69–70n
The Boy with the Sword Pl. 48, 71, 79
Brunette Nude 101
Bunch of Asparagus 163
Children in the Tuileries 67n, 99
Christ Mocked Pl. 76, 47, 104, 108–10
Claude Monet in his Floating Studio Pl. 108, 165, 170
Concert in the Tuileries Col. Pl. I, 18, 22, 36, 38, 67–8, 92, 95, 134, 161, 162, 198, 199, 202
The Conservatory Col. Pls. VI, VII, 77, 174
Copy after Delacroix Barque of Dante Pl. 99, 155
Copy after Rembrandt Anatomy Lesson 155
Copy after Titian Venus of Urbino Pl. 39, 75
Corner in a Café-concert Pl. 26, 68
Dead Christ with Angels Pl. 75, 22, 25, 83n, 104–8, 167
The Dead Toreador Pl. 55, 82, 85, 119, 156, 169, 170, 204
Déjeuner sur l’herbe Pl. 62, 27, 75, 78, 92–5, 96, 101, 114n, 130, 171, 198, 204
The Departure of the Folkestone Boat Col. Pl. V, 68, 77, 172
Easter eggs 40, 131
The Escape of Rochefort Pl. 87, 54, 105, 111, 121, 124–5, 129, 196
The Execution of the Emperor Maximilian Pls. 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 52, 53, 54, 105, 110–18, 119, 121, 125, 129, 169–70, 174, 196
The Exhibition of 1867 Pl. 125, 68, 201, 202
The Fifer 183, 192
Fishing Pl. 65, 56, 94, 161
The Garden 172
Grand Canal, Venice 173
The Guitar Player, see The Spanish Singer
Gypsies (destroyed), 60–1, 162–3
The Gypsy Pl. 7, 60
Gypsy Boy, see The Water Drinker
Gitane à la cigarette, 60n
Incident in the Bull Ring (destroyed) 22, 80, 82, 84, 105, 169, 189, 198n
Incident in the Bull Ring (Frick), 82
In Front of the Mirror 101n
Le journal illustré Pl. 113, 66, 174
Le Linge Pl. 1, 42, 66n, 193, 207
Lilacs and Roses Pl. 103, 163
The Little Cavaliers 161
Lola de Valence Pl. 114, 79, 161, 174
Luncheon in the Studio Pl. 31, 30–1, 70–1, 75, 199
Madame Brunet 195, 196
Mademoiselle Victorine as an Espada Pl. 49, 79–81, 82, 85, 87, 163, 170, 175, 188, 189, 191, 200
Marine (Cleveland) 201n
Marine (Philadelphia) 203
Marine: Temps calme 201n
The Milliner Pl. 18, 66
Monk in Prayer 104n
The Music Lesson 75n
Nana Pl. 90, 66, 87, 129–30
Olympia Pl. 69, 26, 42, 47, 52, 71, 74, 75, 82n, 88n, 89, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 105, 107, 129, 133, 167, 171n, 174n, 175, 186, 191, 192, 204
The Old Musician Pl. 11, 36, 55, 56, 57, 61–7, 114n, 120, 134, 169, 198, 202
On the Banks of the Seine at Argenteuil Pl. 112, 68, 77, 173
On the Beach at Boulogne Pl. 123, 199, 200, 201, 202
Opera Ball 42
The Painter Guillaudin on Horseback Col. Pl. IV, 164, 165
La Parisienne 66
The Philosopher 65
Polichinelle 40
portraits 132
‘portraits’ of dogs 98n
Portrait of the Artist’s Parents Pl. 40, 76
Portrait of Emilie Ambre as Carmen Pl. 122, 195
Portrait of Zacharie Astruc Pl. 38, 75
Portrait of Cabaner 77, 78n
Portrait of Nina de Callias Pl. 60, 87
Portrait of Chabrier 77, 78n
Portrait of Clemenceau Pl. 104, 77, 126, 163, 165, 196
Portrait of Duret Pl. 19, 66, 75, 170–1
Portrait of Faure 77–8
Portrait of Constantin Guys 77, 78n, 132
Portrait of Marie Lafébure on Horseback 86n
Portrait of Laure Pl. 73, 99
Portrait of Isabelle Lemonnier 174n
Portrait of Stéphane Mallarmé Pl. 111, 171
Portrait of Victorine Meurand Pl. 42, 76
Portrait of George Moore in a Café Pl. 106, 77–8, 132, 164, 170
Portrait of Berthe Morisot with a Muff Pl. 43, 76
Portrait of Pertuiset as a Lion Killer Pl. 46, 78, 126
Portrait of Antonin Proust 41
Portrait of Henri Rochefort Pl. 88, 124–6, 196
Portrait of Zola Pl. 37, 74, 75, 80, 81, 103n, 171n, 186, 191
The Rabbit 69
racecourse paintings 68n
The Ragpicker 65
The Railroad Pl. 120, 77, 190
The Reader Pl. 101, 59, 159, 166
Le Repos Pl. 44, 47, 76, 166
Scene in a Spanish Studio 56, 161
seascapes 123n, 201n
Skating Pl. 91, 132, 175, 204
The Smoker 59n
Soap Bubbles 69–70n
Sortie du port de Boulogne 201n
The Spanish Ballet Pl. 102, 161
The Spanish Singer (The Guitar Player) Pl. 5, 22, 36, 59, 76, 159, 161
Spring 86, 129, 195
Stalk of Asparagus Pl. 36, 73, 163
Still Life with Carp Pl. 27, 70
Still Life with Hat Pl. 30, 71–2
Still Life with Melon and Peaches Pl. 29, 70
Still Life with Salmon and Pike Pl. 28, 70
Students of Salamanca 161
Surprised Nymph Pl. 63, 92, 96
Swallows 42
Tama 185
tambourines 40, 131
View of the Universal Exhibition of 1867 Pl. 125, 201–2
The Water Drinker Pl. 8, 61, 163
Woman with the Fans, see Portrait of Nina de Callias
Woman with the Parrot 75
Young Man in the Costume of a Majo 80
Young Woman Pl. 107, 164, 170
Young Woman in Oriental Costume (La Sultane) 88
Young Woman Reclining in a Spanish Costume Col. Pl. III, 88–9, 99
Young Woman with a Round Hat 86n
prints, The Balloon Pl. 22, 68
The Barricade Pl. 83, 119
Boy with the Tray Pl. 51, 80
Cats Meeting Pl. 71, 98
Civil War Pl. 84, 119–20
The Execution of the Emperor Maximilian Pl. 82, 110, 113–15
Frontispiece Pl. 33, 71–2
Gypsies Pl. 6, 22, 60
illustrations for L’ Après midi d’un faune Pl. 94, 133, 185
illustrations for Le Fleuve Pl. 93, 133
illustrations for Le Corbeau Pl. 95, 133–4, 185
The Little Cavaliers Pl. 115, 182
Little Girl Pl. 14, 63
Odalisque Pl. 61, 88
Polichinelle 40, 116
Baudelaire 195
The Urchin Pl. 3, 59, 63
Manet, Eugène 68
Mangwa Pls. 116, 117, 186
Mannheim, Städtische Kunsthalle Pl. 77, 113, 114, 115, 170
Mantz, Paul 152, 159n, 161
Marsy, Jeanne de 86, 205
Martin, Kurt 111
Mathey, Francois 99, 108–9n
Mathey, Jacques 69–70n, 119n, 156n
Matisse, Henri 43, 160
Maurice, B. 179–80, 189
Mayer, Ralph I40n, 165n
Meier-Graefe, Jules 111
Meissonier, Ernst 84, 119, 168, 193
Mérimée, J. F. L. 142n, 143n, 146–7n, 150, 153n, 167n
Mérimée, Prosper 60
Merion Station, Pa., The Barnes Foundation Pl. 1
Meurand, Victorine Pls. 42, 49, 76, 79, 82, 85, 87, 95
Minneapolis, Institute of Art 59n
La Modiste Pl. 20, 66
Monet, Claude 134, 165, 165–6n, 171, 172, 173
Monnier, Henri Pl. 21, 12–13, 64n
Moore, George, Confessions 11–12, 15, 79, 81–2, 173, 186
Modern Painting 5, 7n, 59n, 77, 100–1, 116, 137, 153–4, 159–60, 161, 183, 194, 207
against democracy 11–12, 81–2
against material progress 15
against photography 194
on lowered quality in the arts 57n, 153–4
Manet 79
Manet’s work 52, 59n, 77, 100-I, 116, 137, 160–1, 173, 183, 207
Moreau, Gustave 46, 104, 141
Moreau-Nélaton, Etienne, 6n, 27n, 47n, 54n, 58n, 60n, 63, 76n, 83n, 88n, 119n, 121n, 124n, 131n, 144n, 157, 159, 195n
Morisot, Berthe Pls. 43, 44, 35, 48, 86, 119, 192
Morisot, Edma 86
Mras, George 139n, 144n
Munich, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen Pl. 31
Murillo, Bartolomé Estabán Pl. 4, 59, 67, 108
Musset, Paul de 37, 118
Nadar (Gaspard-Félix Tournachon) 39, 88–9, 195
Nancy, Musée des Beaux-Arts Pl. 59
Naturalism 31–2, 34–5
Needham, Gerald 53n
New Haven, Conn., Yale University Art Gallery Col. Pl. III, Pl. 119
New Year Scene Pl. 52, 81
New York, Collection of Mr and Mrs Alexander M. Lewt Pl. 34
New York, Collection of Mrs Henry Pearlman Pl. 54, 86n
New York, Collection of Edwin C. Vogel Pl. 103
New York, Frick Collection 82
New York, Metropolitan Museum Pls. 5, 48, 49, 52, 53, 65, 75, 99, 106, 109, 75n, 80n, 155, 164, 165
New York, New York Public Library Pls. 22, 32, 33, 71
New York, S. R. Guggenheim Museum 101n
Nittis, Giuseppe de 131
Nochlin, Linda 4n, 33, 64n, 91n
Le Nouveau Paris Pl. 25, 68, 129
Odalisque Pl. 97, 153
Offenbach, Jacques 68
Orienti, Sandra 40n, 60n, 67n, 88n, 156n
Orlando Muerto, see Dead Soldier
Osborne, Laughton 134n, 144n, 146–7n, 148, 149, I50n, 151n, 152n, 167n
Oslo, Nasjanalgalleriet Pl. 125
L’Ouvrier de Paris Pl. 10, 61
Pain, Olivier 124–5
Panofsky, Dora 64
Paris, Musée du Louvre Pls. 36, 37, 45, 60, 62, 69, 74, 104, 111, 114, 118, 62, 62n, 67, 69, 73, 78n, 90n, 101n, 105n, 122n, 132n, 145n, 152, 155, 156, 163n, 171, 182, 196n
Paris, Petit Palais Pl. 19
Paris et les Parisiens 37–8, 68, 129
Paris qui s’en va 38
Les Patineurs de la glacière Pl. 92, 132
Pauquet, Jean-Louis-Charles Pl. 10, 61
Péladan, Joseph 75n, 137, 158n
perspective 178–81, 187–9, 201
Le Petit Mendiant Pl. 4, 59
Le Petit Pologne Pl. 15, 63, 67
Philadelphia, Museum of Art Col. Pl. V, Pls. 14, 85, 95, 96, 110, 122, 123n, 152, 165
photography 16–17, 84, 88n, 100, 183–4, 193–6
Physiologie de la grisette Pl. 66, 10–11, 79n, 94
Picasso, Pablo 48, 56, 63–4, 69, 102
Pissarro, Camille 105, 208
Poe, Edgar Allan Pl. 95, 83, 133
Polichinelle 72, 131
portraiture 34, 74–8
Pourtalès Collection 83–4
Prix de Rome 47, 103, 140, 179
progress, ideas about 11, 13, 14, 15, 47, 131
Proust, Antonin 126
Souvenirs 44, 54n, 66n, 67n, 91, 92, 99n, 107n, 120, 121, 128n, 129, 138, 153n, 155n, 157–9, 161, 168, 174, 175n, 181–2
Studio 47–8
Manet and Couture 54n, 96, 126, 157–9, 161, 168, 174, 181–2
Providence, R.I., Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design Pl. 44, 67n, 153
railroads 13–14, 47, 128
Raimondi, Marcantonio 80n, 93
Raphael 4, 32, 55, 56, 93, 94, 145
Realism viii, 32–5, 206–7
Recouvreur, Adrien 166n, 167n
Redon, Odilon 51n, 134, 172
Reff, Theodore 53n, 55n, 59n, 62, 64, 71n, 72n, 74n, 80, 94, 96n, 108–9n, 129n, 156n
Rembrandt 9, 29, 76n, 106, 150, 155, 167n
Renan, Ernest 106–7
Renoir, Pierre Auguste 171, 172, 173
Rest of the Horsemen Pl. 12, 62–3, 120
Rewald, John 6n, 32n, 39n, 91n, 104n, 156n
Richardson, John vii, 79n, 137n, 161, 191
La Rivière Pl. 64, 93n, 94–95
Rochefort, Henri Victor (Marquis de Rochefort-Luçay) 124–5
Romanticism 4n, 20, 32, 38, 104
Rosenthal, Léon 4n, 6n, 55n, 64n, 118, 174n
Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-Van Bueningen Pl. 35, 92n
Rouart, Denis 156n
Rubens, Peter Paul 67, 80, 83n, 106, 108, 152n, 168
Les Rues de Paris, see Zaccone
Salon des refuses 75, 171
Salon exhibition, diversity of styles 7
new tendencies 44
nudes in 91, 91n, 156
range of subjects 44–5, 58
quality 4, 5–6, 9
Sandblad, Nils Gösta, Japanese prints 74n, 80, 81n, 82n, 186n, 191
Manet and Baudelaire 18n, 195n
Manet’s The Balcony 192n
The Battle of the Kearsarge and the Alabama 122
Concert in the Tuileries 38n, 161, 162, 198–9
The Execution of the Emperor Maximilian 110n, 111–14
Olympia 100, 186n
San Francisco, California Palace of the Legion of Honor Pl. 18
San Francisco, Provident Securities Company Pl. 126
Sao Paolo, Museu de Arte Pl. 46, 86n
Le Sauvage Pl. 67, 94–5
Schapiro, Meyer 33, 58n
Scharf, Aaron 16n, 193, 195n, 196n
Schlessinger, Henri-Guillaume Pl. 13, 63
Seznec, Jean 57n
Shelburne, Vt. Shelburne Museum 78, 173n
Shunkō, Katsukawa Pl. 52, 81
Shunshō, Katsukawa Pl. 72, 98
Siegl, Theodor 165n, 167n
Silvestre, Armand 40, 41, 130, 133
Silvestre, Théophile 7
sketches 139–42, 143, 164, 178, 200 see also ebauches, etudes, esquisses
Sloane, Joseph C. 4n, 6n, 8, 11n, 150, 24n, 25n, 32n, 52, 94n, 104n, 111, 120n, 121–2, 138n, 139, 183n
Spanish art, influence of 8, 22–3, 27–8, 29, 35, 42, 67, 80, 89, 104–5n, 108, 158, 163, 193
Spanish motifs 71, 79, 87, 88
St Louis, St. Louis Art Museum Pl. 101
Stop (L. P. G. B. Morel-Retz) 189
Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie Pl. 108
Sue, Eugène 66
Sujet gracieux Pl. 70, 97
The Sumada River Pl. 53, 81
Sutter, David 179
Swarthmore, Pa., Collection of Robert Walker Pl. 84
Tabarant, Adolphe 45, 60n, 67n, 83n, 86–7, 99n, 106, 108n, 112, 113, 114, 118n, 126n, 131n, 156, 161, 165n, 169, 195
Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe 12–13, 28
Taylor, Isadore-Justin-Séverin 23
Teniers, David 59, 63
Terbrugghen, Hendrick 109
Tintoretto, Jacopo 108, 153, 155
Titian 75, 92, 96, 97, 98, 108–9n, 109, 145, 147, 149, 150, 152, 153, 155
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri 102, 190
Tournachon, Gaspard-Félix, see Nadar
Les Triomphateurs du salon Pl. 2, 46
Le Tueur de lions Pl. 47, 78
types, illustrations of 10–11, 33–4, 61, 63–4, 66
Upperville, Va., Collection of Paul Mellon Pl. 123, 78n, 98n
Velasquez 27, 55, 58, 59, 62, 65, 67–8, 75, 83, 84, 109, 120, 155, 156, 159, 168, 171, 182, 191, 198
Venetian art, influence of 4, 8–9, 55, 69, 75, 96, 97, 108
practice of 145–7, 153
Venus 90, 95, 96, 97, 101, 107
Veronese 108, 145, 147, 150, 152
Vibert, Johan-George 145n, 166–7
La Vie moderne Gallery 39–40, 131
La Vie moderne, periodical, 1859 13, 39
La Vie moderne, periodical, 1879 15, 39–41, 42, 130–2
La Vie parisienne 38, 68, 98n
Vigneau, Henri 163n
Villard, Nina de, see Nina de Callias
Wandering Jew, legend of 66
Washington, D.C., Library of Congress, Rosenwald Collection Pl. 93
Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art Pls. 11, 29, 55, 82, 120, 63n, 82, 98n
Washington, D.C., Phillips Collection Pl. 102
Watteau, Jean-Antoine 62, 64, 83n, 90, 94
Weisberg, Gabriel 186n
Weise, Ellen Phoebe 74n
Whistler, James McNeill 81, 191
Wildenstein, Daniel (1975) 40n, 60n, 88n, 161n
Wildenstein, Georges (1932) 60n, 67n, 161, 165n, 169
Wolff, Albert 51n, 66n, 160
Zaccone, Pierre Pls. 17, 23, 38, 65, 68
Zervos, Christian 52
Zola, Emile, L’Evénement 3
Edouard Manet, 1867 25, 51, 55, 132, 158
Russian article 26–7
Manet catalogue introduction, 1884 27
Nana 40, 129
on art 5, 6–7, 24–5, 35, 95n, 120, 197
Japanese prints 186, 191
Manet 3, 25–6, 51, 100, 107n, 128n, 207, 208
Manet’s technique 54, 138, 182, 183, 187
Zurburan, Francisco de 104–5n
Zurich, Bührle Collection 88n, 101n
Zurich, Kunsthaus Pl. 87