John K. Delaney
John K. Delaney is senior imaging scientist at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Delaney, John K.
Delaney, John K.
United States of America
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Description: Facture: Conservation Science Art History Volume 3: Degas
The National Gallery of Art has the world’s third largest collection of works by Edgar Degas (1834–1917), comprising sculptures, prints, drawings, paintings, printing plates, and a bound volume...
PublisherNational Gallery of Art
Related print edition pages: pp.112-139
Description: Facture: Conservation Science Art History Volume 2: Art in Context
On February 17, 1913, New York’s 69th Regiment Armory opened its doors for the International Exhibition of Modern Art, soon to pass into history as the Armory Show...
PublisherNational Gallery of Art
Related print edition pages: pp.82-109
Description: Facture: Conservation Science Art History Volume 2: Art in Context
The great Florentine artist and architect, Giotto di Bondone (probably 1266 – 1337) had an important influence on Italian art in the late thirteenth century...
PublisherNational Gallery of Art
Related print edition pages: pp.2-17
Description: Facture: Conservation Science Art History Volume 1: Renaissance Masterworks
Jan van Eyck (c. 1390–1441) evoked an utterly convincing sense of reality in a richly symbolic world ...
PublisherNational Gallery of Art
Related print edition pages: pp.128-153
Description: Facture: Conservation Science Art History Volume 1: Renaissance Masterworks
The Triumph of Christ (fig. 1) is a premier example of a courtly commission and is considered one of the finest surviving tapestries from the late fifteenth century ...
PublisherNational Gallery of Art
Related print edition pages: pp.78-103
Description: Facture: Conservation Science Art History Volume 1: Renaissance Masterworks
Giorgio Vasari (1511–1574), architect, painter, and connoisseur, is best known for his august work, Le vite de’ più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori (Lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors and architects), chronicling the development of Italian art in the Renaissance ...
PublisherNational Gallery of Art
Related print edition pages: pp.2-31