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Description: The Warburg Years (1919–1933): Essays on Language, Art, Myth, and Technology
PublisherYale University Press
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Activity [energeia], xxiv, 119, 129, 222
Aeschylus, 181
Aesthetic Elements in Platonic Philosophy (Justi), 231
Aesthetics: Goethe on, 83; historical development of, 7; Humboldt on, 105; Kant on, 8, 104, 105; and natural truth, 270; and Plato, 217, 218, 231, 234, 241; speculative, 255; symbolic form in, 76, 257, 271; and theoretical space, 317–333; Vischer on, 254
African languages, 14–15, 41, 175n52
African religions, 148, 184
Akkad, 29
Alberti, Leon Battista, 248, 310
Algebra, 86
Algonquin Indians, 184, 190, 190n73
All Souls College at Oxford, xvi
American languages, 14–15, 41
Amurru, i.e., Syria and Palestine, 29
Analytic-scientific concept of causality, 93–94, 104, 288
Ancient city of Mexico, 27
Ancient Mexicans’ “Tonalamatl,” 27
Animate, 14, 15–16, 16n16, 19, 24, 184, 185–186
Antiquity, 32, 73, 86, 99, 132, 246–248
Architectonic structure of knowledge, 79, 104, 270, 317
Architecture, 327, 336
Aristotle, 3, 84
Assyria, 32, 199
Astrology and astrological thought: Babylonian, 27–28, 29; causality in, 32–33, 45; classification in, 29–31, 37; concept of form in, 37–38; determinism in, 47–48, 55; geographic signification in, 29; Greek, 29; Kepler on, 52; lawfulness of events in, 34, 42; medieval Christian, 32; sacred numbers of, 50; structure of spatial-consciousness in, 26–27, 29–30, 40; Warburg on, 48–49; worldview of, 36–37
Augustine, 55, 217, 243, 330
Auseinanderlegung, xi, xiii, xxviii–xxix, 21, 289
Australia, native tribes of, 18–20, 23, 56–59, 165, 174, 184
Babylonian astrology, 27–28, 29
Baillie, James, xxx
Bantu languages, 12, 12n7, 13–14, 165, 188–190, 191n75
Baumgarten, Alexander, 7, 8
Bedeutung. See Signification
Being and Time (Heidegger), xv
Bergson, Henri-Louis, xiii, xv, xxiii
Berkeley, George, 99, 109–110
Berlin Academy of Sciences, 108
Bernhardi, Theodor Von, 127
Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris, xv
Biological concepts of form, 8, 9, 37
Boolean logic, 256
Bopps, Franz, 127
Brahman, 17, 196, 333
Brahmanic cult, 53–54
Bringing forth, xxv, 120, 347
Brugmann, Karl, 11
Bruno, Giordano, 243
Bücher, Karl, 303
Budge, Ernest Wallis, 209n105
Calculus, 86
Calvin, John, 55
Cartesian philosophy, 107, 244
The Case of Jacques Rousseau (Cassirer), xv
Categories: in Aristotelian logic, 320; grammatical, 190; Kant’s use of, 114, 120; of lawfulness of events, 34; of mythical consciousness, 9–10, 15, 20, 93; of relation, 123; temporal determinations of, 43
Causality: analytic-scientific concept of, 93–94, 104, 288; astrological, 32–33, 45; categorization of, 46, 93; in Cusa’s theory of God, 249; Kantian, 43, 293; magical, 45, 287–288, 293; mathematical concept of, 104; in mythical thought, 42–43, 44, 47; objective, 294; scientific concept of, 93–94, 288
“Cause” [Ursache], 33–34, 287
Characteristica generalis, 107
Cherokee Indians, 182
Christianity, 89–90
Chrysippus, 84
Cicero, 246
Classes of nouns, 14
Classical physics, 320–321
Classification: astrological, 29–31, 37; in Chinese thought, 28; linguistic, 7, 12, 14, 17, 25, 41; logical, 3; methodology of, 17; temporal, 27, 29–30; totemic, xxxi, 18–23, 26, 36, 60–63, 67, 168
Class of the elect, 55
Codrington, Robert Henry, 183–184, 185, 197
Cohen, Hermann, ix, 4
Coincidentia oppositorum, 46
Combination [Zusammenfassen], xxi, 127
Combination [Zusammenfassung], xxi–xxii, 8–9, 97, 142, 151, 187, 191
Comparative mythology, 74
“The Concept of the Symbolic Form in the Construction of the Human Sciences” (Cassirer), 72–100
Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de, 110, 111
Consistence, xxvii, 21, 91, 110, 262, 294, 340, 342
Copernican Revolution, 136
Copy theory, 84–85
Cora Indians, 140, 182, 209, 211
Cosmogony, 33, 93, 171
Cratylus (Plato), xv, 132, 177
Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), xxii, xxvi, 42–43, 101, 104, 105, 107, 113, 117, 129, 335
Culture and Religion of Primitive Man (Danzel), 285
Curtius, Georg, 80
Cushing, Frank Hamilton, 24, 25, 59–67, 326
Dæmons, 49, 132, 145, 213, 296
Danzel, Theodor-Wilhelm, 285
de Groot, Johann Jakob Maria, 68–69
Demosthenes, 104
Dempwolff, Otto, 2, 22n22, 166n30
Descartes, Réné, 6, 50–51, 85, 107, 138, 244–245, 265. See also Cartesian philosophy
Dessauer, Friedrich, 309n38
Dialectical method, 3, 5, 214, 227, 233, 350
Dialectician, 215, 222–224, 227–229, 231–232, 235, 239–240, 324
Dieterich, Albrecht, 176–177
Differential quotients, 35
Dilthey, Wilhelm, xiii, xxiii
Drama, xviii, 66, 330–332, 355
Drawida language, 15
Dunlavey, Wilson, xviii
Durkheim, Émile, 18, 26
Dvipas, 28
Eiffel, Gustave, 312
Election of grace doctrine, 55
Elementary Forms of Religious Life (Durkheim), 18–19
Eloquence, 246
Empathy, 10, 261
Energeia [Activity], xxiv, 119, 129, 222
Enlightenment philosophy, xxv, 110, 111–112, 113, 157, 279
Epicurean, 112
Ereignis [Event], 49, 356
Ergon [Work], xxiv, 119, 129
Essai sur l’origine des langues (Rousseau), 112
An Essay on Man (Cassirer), xvii, xxx
“Essay on the Basque Language and Nation” (Humboldt), 115
Ethics: in Kantian philosophy, 102–104, 105, 114; and language, 168, 349–350; in Platonic philosophy, 219, 221–222, 234; and technology, 279, 311, 314
Eudoxus, 29
Event [Ereignis], 49, 356
Ewe language, 80
Eyth, Max, 277–278, 281–282
Fantasy: artistic, 358; and concept of form, 7, 34; and consciousness, 355; linguistic, 137, 186, 201–203, 356; logic of, 8; Plato on, 214, 228, 233; power of, 10–11; and symbolic form, 89, 93; and theoretical space, 324, 327–328
Fate [Geschicks], 32, 47, 50–51, 55, 145, 217, 273
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, xxiv, xxv, 5
Ficino, Marsilio, 32, 217, 243
Finite, 44, 109, 115, 197–198, 251, 256
Fison, Lorimer, 18
Forster, Lerke, xviii
Foundational figure, 35
Franklin, Benjamin, 283
Frazer, J. G., 287, 293
Freedom: in aesthetic space, 328; Bildung essential to, xxv; consciousness of, 296; and ethics, 102–103, 104; and language, 122, 152; of philosophical thought, 280; in servitude, 315; and technology, 305–306, 313
French Enlightenment philosophy, 110
Funeral rites, 23
Gabelentz, Georg van der, 173
Galileo, 34, 36, 217, 248, 307
Gamutch, 19, 23, 58
Gender, 10–13, 12n7, 15–16, 15n13, 167–168
General theory of relativity, 45, 87
Geometry, 86
German Grammar (Grimm), 10
German Society of Psychology, xii
Gesamtheit: and aesthetics, 319, 345; defined, xxx; and form of concept, 6, 9, 10, 14–15, 23, 40; and language, 140, 151, 153, 178; and symbolic form, 87, 92, 94, 99–100; and technology, 285, 289, 300
Geschicks. See Fate
Gestalt psychology, xxvi
Gewalt. See Violent power
Giesebrecht, Wilhelm von, 176
Gillen, Francis James, 18
Gnosticism, 32, 32n38
Goethe: concept of form, 38–39
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: on aesthetics, 324, 331; on human nature, 281, 296, 300, 307; and language, 153–155, 200; and Platonic philosophy, 216, 217, 235; on symbolic form, 76, 83, 84, 88, 269
Gola language in Liberia, 15
Gorgias (Plato), 314
Grammaire générale et raisonnée, 7, 107
Grammatical gender, 10–13, 12n7, 15–16, 15n13, 167–168
Grassman, Hermann, 256
Greek geographers, 28–29
Greeks: ethics of, 349; and form of concept, 28–29; and language and myth, 145, 146, 148, 175, 177, 181. See also specific Greek philosophers
Grimm, Jacob, 10–11, 81
Hamann, Johann Georg, 92, 104, 113, 161
Hamburg Psychological Laboratory, 263
Hamitic-Semitic nouns, 12, 12n7
Hardmann, Eduard von, 301
Harmony, 49, 52, 202, 233, 306, 312
The Harmony of the World (Kepler), 52
Harnack, Adolf von, 90, 255
Harris, J. Arthur, 127
Haym, Rudolf, 105–106
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, xxiii–xxv, xxix, 5, 76, 85, 100, 255, 273
Heidegger, Martin, xi, xiii, xv, xxvii, xxxii, 345
Herder, Johann Gottfried: on aesthetics, 329; and Kantian philosophy, 105, 108, 111–114; and language, 157, 201, 202, 295, 299, 348; on symbolic form, 79
Hertz, Heinrich, 87, 257
Hilbert, David, 256–257
History: and ethics, 102–103; ideographic process of, 5; of language, 80, 133, 143–144, 146, 164, 345; logic of, 6; of mathematics, 86; myth taking form of, 44, 132; philosophy of, 104, 105, 112; of religions, 18, 73, 90, 142, 143–144, 148, 150, 169, 183–184, 194; science of, 4; and symbolic form, 72–73
History of New Linguistic Scientific Literature (Olschki), 248
Hobbes, Thomas, 44, 108
Hölderlin, Friedrich, 92, 213
Howitt, Alfred William, 18, 23, 56–59
Humanism, 246–247, 248, 299
Human sciences, xii, xiv, 4–5, 72–100, 102, 105, 143, 148, 274
Humboldt, Wilhelm von, xxv, 17, 74, 76–77, 79, 96, 99, 101–129, 137, 158, 245, 281, 284, 299, 336, 337–338, 347, 351
Humboldt’s philosophy of language, xiv, 79, 101–129
Husserl, Edmund, 260, 330
Hyle, 260, 330
Hyletic, 330
“Idea: A Concept of Art Theory” (Panofsky), xii
Idealism, xxiv, xxx, 52, 73, 85, 105–107, 114, 118, 218, 270, 279
Identity-philosophy, 114
Identity thinking, 47
Ideographic process of history, 5
Idolatry, 89
Imagination: and concept of form, 8, 11, 13, 17–18, 40, 42; and language, 142, 252; and symbolic form, 76, 94, 96
Inanimate, 14, 15–16, 16n16, 19, 24, 184, 185–186
Indian languages, 14, 24, 64, 97, 165, 188
Indo-European language, 11–12, 12n7, 13
Indo-European religions, 141
Inductive reasoning, 39–40
Infinite, 44, 109, 115, 197–198, 251, 256
Inflexive languages, 125
Inner form, 123, 226
Inner form of language, 7, 122, 123, 158
Inner simulacrum, 87
Intellectual synthesis, 42
Introduction to Developmental Psychology (Werner), xii
Introduction to the Philosophy of Myth (Schelling), 90
Intuition, 22
Iroquois Indians, 184
Jansenius, Cornelius, 55
Judgment: and concept of form, 7–8; in Kantian philosophy, 113, 117, 119; and language, 128, 131, 152; and symbolic form, 94, 97; and technology, 280–281, 280n8, 293, 309, 313
Justi, Karl, 231
Justification, 2
Kabbala, 52
Kant, Immanuel: Cassirer on, x; on causality, 293; and concept of form, 3–4, 8, 43, 44; and Humboldt’s philosophy of language, xiv, 101–129; and language, xx–xxii, 153, 179, 193, 274; on objects, 342; and symbolic form, 85, 260, 308, 315; on theoretical space, 327
Kant and the Problem of Mathematics (Heidegger), xi
Kapp, Ernst, 300–301, 302
Kawi-Werk (Humboldt), 17
Kepler, Johannes, 33, 34, 52, 217
Keshvars, 28
Kestner, Johann Christian, 76
Klages, Ludwig, xix, 298
Knowledge [Wissen]: and dialectic, 3, 227; Erkenntnis differentiated from, xxii–xxiii; exactness of, 3; as fiction, 136; and form of concept, 6, 7; Kant on, 101–103, 108, 116; and language, 247, 257, 335, 338, 340; and mathematics, 103; methodology of, 214–215, 216; modes of, xxii–xxiii, 6; objectivity of, 85, 101; Plato on, 219–222, 227; and technology, 273, 282, 300
Köhler, Wolfgang, xi
Kroeber, A., 24
Krois, John Michael, ix, xviii
Krokitch, 19, 23, 57–59
Kuhn, Adalbert, 202
Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 107
Language and speech: critique of, 99; and formation of concept, 10–18; fundamental ideas of, 73; Humboldt’s philosophy of, 101–129; Indo-European, 11–12, 12n7, 13; linguistic classification, 7, 12, 14, 17, 25, 41; and modern philosophy, 244–253; and myth, 130–213; and objects, 334–362; onomatopoeic origin theory of, 79, 81; of poetry, 91; polysynthetic linguistic practice, 97; structure of, 6; symbolic forms in, 78; translation notes, xviii–xxxiii
Language of the people, 248
Langues bien faites, 111
Latin, xxi, 30, 141, 158, 246–248
Lebensphilosophie, xiii, xv, xvi, xxiv, 274
Lectures on the Origin and Development of Religion (Müller), 197
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 3, 44, 50, 85, 86, 107, 110, 256, 265, 309, 321, 326
Leonardo da Vinci, 307, 310
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 271, 329, 330
Lewin, Kurt, xi
Life-form, 112, 120
Lingua universalis, 107, 265
Linguistic-aesthetic phantasy, 11
Locke, John, 108–109, 111, 265
Logic: and aesthetics, 7; categorization of, 9–10; and form of concept, 2–4, 6–7, 43, 55; and grammar, 107–108; Hegelian, 5; of history, 6; of human sciences, 5; of inventing, 110; Kantian, 119; and language, 10, 16, 117, 143, 144, 150–151, 206–207; of myth, 8, 46; Platonic, 222, 311; and rhetoric, 247; symbolic, 256–257, 265; and theoretical space, 319–320, 321
The Logic of the Cultural Sciences (Cassirer), xvi
Luther, Martin, 55, 90
Lyric poet, 213, 331
Macrocosm and the microcosm, 37, 40, 42, 50
Magical causality, 45, 287–288, 293
Magical-mythical, 21, 91, 94, 213, 271, 285, 291, 294, 326
Magical rites, 20
Magical sympathy, 327
The Magic Art (Frazer), 287
Magic causality, 45
Malay Sapi, 21
Malebranche, Nicolas, 243
Mallera group, 20, 56–57
Manilius, Marcus, 51
Marind-Anim in Dutch South New Guinea, 20–21, 23n23, 59
Mars, the star of Amurru, 29–30
Marx, Karl, xxiv, 302
Mathematical causality, 104
Mathematical science of nature, 3–4, 6, 50, 52, 102, 252
Mathesis universalis, 51–52, 321
Matthews, R. H., 18
Maupertuis, Pierre Louis, 110
McGee, William John, 187–188
Mechanics of the heavens, 35
Medieval Christian astrology, 32
Medius terminus, 34
Meier, Georg Friedrich, 8
Meinhof, Carl, xi, 2, 12n7, 22n22, 175n52, 189, 191n75
Melanesian languages, 13, 183–184, 197
The Melanesians: Studies in their Anthropology and Folk-Lore (Codrington), 183
Metamorphosis, 39, 76, 154, 275, 291, 296, 347
Metaphorical thought, 201, 202
Methodology, 2, 5, 17, 39–40, 44, 153, 214, 362
Mindfulness, 112–113, 157, 273–274, 278, 319, 348
Mithras Liturgy (Dieterich), 176–177
Modern phenomenology, 330
Modern sociology, 26, 64
Modes of life, 26
Monotheism, 89
Morphe, 260, 330
Morphology, 74
Müller, Max, 132, 133–134, 137, 197, 202
Mysticism, 40, 48, 100, 193, 359
Myth of the State (Cassirer), xvi, xvii, xviii, xxx
Names of God in the Old Testament (Giesebrecht), 176
Names of the Gods (Usener), 142
Name taboos, 175, 175n52
Negative theology, 250
Neoplatonic, 32
Newtonian physics, 266
Ngaui, 23, 57–58
Nicholas of Cusa, 3, 248–252; theory of God, 249–250, 251; theory of language, 248–249, 251–252
Noetic, 227, 330
Nominalist theories, 19, 108
Nominative subject, 12
Objective accusative, 12
Objective causality, 294
Objectivity: and aesthetics, 318, 321–322, 328; of being, 103; Kantian, 102, 107, 122, 128, 129; of knowledge, 85, 101; and language, 213; of objects, 335, 345, 347; style as expression of, 83; and symbolic form, 269–270, 271; and theoretical space, 318, 321–322
Olschki, Leonardo, 248, 307
On Dualism (Humboldt), 74
On the Origin of Language (Herder), 201–202
On the Relationship of the Adverbs of Place to the Pronoun in Several Languages (Humboldt), 74, 125
Organization of space, 23, 24
Originary-phenomena, 136, 178, 251
The Origin of Language (Herder), 111, 348
Orphic originary words, 38
Painting, 234, 269, 327, 329, 330, 336
Panofsky, Erwin, xii, 2, 243n42
Pars pro toto, 22, 45, 207
Pascal, Blaise, 55
Paul, Hermann, 80
Paul, Jean, 199
Perseus for Amurru, 29
Persians, 28, 54
Perspective as Symbolic Form (Panofsky), xii
Petrarch, 246
Phaedo (Plato), 225
Phaedrus (Plato), 130–131
Phenomenology, 1, 5, 148, 330
Philosophie der Technik (Dessauer), 309n38
Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (Cassirer), xiii, xiv–xv, 1
Philosophy of Technology (Kapp), 300
The Philosophy of the Enlightenment (Cassirer), xv
“Philosophy of the Unconscious” (Hardmann), 301
Phonetics, 74, 77, 79
Physics, 4, 45, 86–87, 96, 266–268
Planck, Max, 96
Plato: on beauty and art, xv, 214–243; on form of concept, 2–3; idealism of, 52, 270; on idea vs. appearance, 277, 323, 342; on language and myth, 130–131, 134, 196, 338; on symbolic form, 259; theory of ideas, 2
Platonic Renaissance in England (Cassirer), xv
Plejaden for Elam, 29
Ploucquet, Gottfried, 107
Plutarch, 330
“Poetry and Technology” (Eyth), 281–282
Polyonymy, 191
Polysynthetic linguistic practice, 97
Polytheism, 34
Port Royal, 107
Port-Royal Grammar, 10, 107
Positivism, 73, 99
Posterior Analytics (Aristotle), 3
Potentiality, 191, 191n74
Powell, John Wesley, 97
Power of the imagination, 17–18, 40, 42, 142
Prägung, 10
Predestination, 55
Prefixes, xxi–xxii, 12–14, 15, 17, 41, 189, 191n75, 321n3
Preuß, Konrad Theodor, 94
Principles of Mechanics (Hertz), 87, 257
Problem of Knowledge (Cassirer), xvi
Profane, 90, 184, 186, 191, 204, 255
Prophetic thought, 89
Protestantism, 90
Psychology: and astrology, 32; and causality, 94–95; and form of concept, 46; in Kantian philosophy, 119, 128; and language, 7, 17, 108, 109, 111, 138, 143; and objects, 334, 338, 339; in Platonic dialogues, 237; and symbolic form, 258, 261
Pythagorean, 52, 208, 219
Quintilian, Marcus Fabius, 210
Radii coelestes, 32
Rathenau, Walther, 313–314
Reduplication, 82
Relation [Relation], 47–48, 94, 123, 321
Religion: and causality, 49; and ethics, 54; and form of concept, 53; history of, 18, 73, 90, 142, 143–144, 148, 150, 169, 183–184, 194; Indo-European, 141; and Kantian philosophy, 104; and language, 130–213, 253; self-consciousness in, 89; structure of, 6; and symbolic form, 72, 89, 100, 255, 257; and theoretical space, 325; and totemic representation, xxxi, 18–23, 26, 36, 60–63, 67, 168
Renaissance, xxv, 34, 51, 236, 245–248, 307, 310
Repräsentant, 17, 155, 250, 256, 262
Republic (Plato), 223–224, 225, 229, 241
Rhetoric, 131, 209, 238, 246, 247
Riemannian space, 88
Rita (Indo-Germanic concept), 325
Roehl, Karl, 189
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 279, 313
Russell, Bertrand, 265
Sacred, 50, 52, 54, 169, 182, 184–186, 190–191, 195, 204, 255, 259, 328
Sago-Boan, 21
Samaveda, 54
Sanskrit, 123, 127–128, 133, 158
Sapi-Zé, 21
Saxl, Fritz, xi, 2
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von, 5, 76, 90, 114–115, 202, 217
Schema, xii, xxxvi, 16, 23, 28, 31, 40, 42–47, 206, 217, 219, 226, 246, 266, 328, 342
Schematism, xxvi, 42, 44, 106, 114
Scherer, Wilhelm, 80
Schiller, Friedrich, xxv, 298–299, 328
Scholasticism, 3
Scientia generalis, 107
Sculpture, 327, 336
Seler, Eduard, 27
Semitic, 12, 12n7, 13
Serialization, 8
Seven against Thebes (Aeschylus), 181
Shakespeare, William, 332
Shambala language, 189
Signification [Bedeutung]: and language, 135; meaning differentiated from, xxxi; and presentation, xiii, xiv, 262; and symbolic form, 262
Signs: artistic, 271, 329, 330; and form of concept, 19, 50; linguistic, 77, 107, 109–112, 247; mathematical, 250, 265; and myth, 135, 208, 212; of numbers, 50; phonetic, 77; and symbolic form, 76–77, 86, 89, 92, 100, 256–257; theory of, 257; and worldviews, 284, 336; of zodiac, 31
Simmel, Georg, xiii, xv, xxiii, 305
Sioux Indians, 184, 187–188
Smith, Norman Kemp, xxii
Society for Comparative Mythology, 74
Society for Religious Studies, 1
Sociology, 26, 64
Socratic theory, 3, 216, 236, 350
Söderblom, Nathan, 186
South Andaman, 41
Spencer, Herbert, 132
Spencer, Walter Baldwin, 18
Spieth, Jakob, 148–149
Spinoza, Baruch de, 44, 114, 261, 280
Spranger, Eduard, 106
Steinthal, H., 106–107, 114
Stern, William, xi, xii
Stevenson, S., 24
Stoicism, 79, 84
Strife, xvii–xviii, xx, xxviii–xxix, 325
Structural concepts, 37, 40
“Structuralism in Modern Linguistics” (Cassirer), xxvi
Style, xix, 68, 83–84, 88, 135, 238, 246, 248, 259, 270–271
Subartu, 29
Subspecies, 38, 155
Substance and Function (Cassirer), x
Substantive-class, 13
Sulzer, Johann Georg, 108
Süssmilch, Johann Peter, 110
Su Wen, 28, 68
Symbolic form: in aesthetics, 76, 257, 271; and fantasy, 89, 93; and history, 72–73; in human sciences, 72–100; and language, 78; and objectivity, 269–270, 271; in philosophical system, 254–271; Plato on, 259; and psychology, 258, 261; and religion, 72, 89, 100, 255, 257; and signification, 262; and signs, 76–77, 86, 89, 92, 100, 256–257; and technology, 272–316
Symbolic logic, 256–257, 265
Synthesis: and causality, 293; and concept of form, 8, 42–43; in Kantian philosophy, 102–103, 118, 122; and language, 152; and objects, xxi, 335, 337, 359; in Platonic philosophy, 215; and symbolic form, 96–97
Tanck, Joachim, 52
Tao, 28, 68
Technology of myth, xviii
Teleology, 112
Temporal classification, 27, 29–30
Tetens, Johannes Nikolaus, 8, 108
Theogony, 33, 93
“Theoretical” space, 317–333
Thing-in-itself, 85, 124
Thinking in figures, 39
Timaeus (Plato), 225, 226–227
Ton-Boan, 21
Totality [Ganzen], 12, 36
Totem, 18, 21, 36, 57–63, 66–67, 208
Totemic, xxxi, 18–23, 26, 36, 60–63, 67, 168
Transcendental method, x, xv, 4, 8, 102, 106, 117, 119, 260, 274, 279
Tschirnhaus, Ehrenfried Walther von, 44
Tycho Brahe, 33
Uexküll, Johann Jakob von, xi, xiii
Uitoto Indians, 169, 182
Understanding, modes of, xxii–xxiii
University of Frankfurt, xv
University of Göteborg, xvi
University of Hamburg, ix, x–xi, xv–xvi, 2
Ural-Altaic group, 41
Urbunna type, 18
Ursache [“Cause”], 33–34, 287
Usener, Hermann, 142–150, 160, 162, 167, 181, 183, 205, 212
Valla, Lorenzo, 246–247
Vedic religion, 53, 132, 195
Verene, Donald Phillip, xviii
Verity names, 67
Vico, Giambattista, 4–5, 79
Vieta, François, 50, 86
Violent power [Gewalt]: and aesthetics, 326, 328; defined, xxxii; and form of concept, 22; and language, 172, 176, 180, 199, 208; of mythical consciousness, xvi; and objects, 350; and symbolic form, 90–91; and technology, 287
Vischer, Friedrich Theodor, 76, 254
Visual language, 109
Volgare, 248
von Hildebrand, Adolf, 318, 336
von Nettesheim, Agrippa, 37
Voßler, Karl, 73
Wackelbura, 20
Warburg, Aby, xi, 48–49
Warburg Library, ix–xi, xviii, 2, 72
Warburton, Bishop, 110
Werner, Heinz, xi, xii, 263
Wertheimer, M., xxvi
Wesen: and aesthetics, 318, 327; defined, xxxi; and form of concept, 14–15, 19, 21–24, 48–50; and language, 145–149, 161, 163, 169, 176–177, 195, 212, 251; and objects, 358–359; and symbolic form, 94, 263, 268; and technology, 299
Westermann, Dietrich, 15, 80
Whitehead, Alfred North, 322
Wind, Edgar, xi
Wirz, Paul, 20–21, 22, 59
Wissen. See Knowledge
Wissowa, Georg, 162
Wootaroo, 19
Work and Rhythm (Bücher), 303
Work [Ergon], xxiv, 119, 129
World-egg or world-ash, 33
Yajurveda, 54
Yungaroo, 19
Zarathustra, 54
Zellers, Eduard, 254
Zuñi Indians, 24–27, 36, 59–67, 326
Zusammenfassen [Combination], xxi, 127
Zusammenfassung [Combination], xxi–xxii, 8–9, 97, 142, 151, 187, 191